GatewayRail Flags off Dedicated Round-trip Export Train for Amul from Ahmedabad
Posted On:
2021-03-01 04:43:45
(Time Zone: Arizona, USA)
Gateway Rail Freight Ltd. (GatewayRail), a subsidiary of Gateway Distriparks Limited, flagged off its first dedicated round-trip export Service between ICD Viramgam and Nhava Sheva Port for India's dairy giant, Amul - Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF).
The exporters in the Ahmedabad region have been facing a lot of difficulty due to the ongoing crisis of shortage of shipping line containers. To address this issue, Gateway Rail Freight Limited decided to provide dedicated round trip services between ICD Viramgam and various ports which brings in empty containers in to the Ahmedabad region in the inward direction, and carries export laden containers to various ports in the outward direction.