May 17 meeting
KEY ACTION After an executive session, the board took action on several pay increases with public school employees.
DISCUSSION: The board approved a two- year contract with the Ohio Association of Public-School employees, effective July 31, 2021 to June, 30, 2023. Also, approved were pay increases for the Central Office staff and longevity pay for 15-19 years of service $835 in 2022 and $852 in 2023; longevity pay for 20 plus years of service $1,306 in 2022 and $1,332 in 2023.
Pay increases were approved for non-certified administration staff in accordance with classified negotiated contracts, buildings and grounds coordinator, and transportation coordinator for 2022-23.
The board also approved Superintendent Dr. James Miller and Treasurer Sheryl Hardesty to proceed with obtaining mechanical/engineering specification architectural drawing/rendering (if needed), and cost estimates for improvements to air quality, heating ventilation, and air conditioning and air purification in the district buildings using ESSER funds, an all-weather track, using Student Wellness and Success funds; and a multi- purpose building using ESSER funds.