The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, manifested by the great swings of large-scale sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the equatorial central to eastern Pacific oceans, is a major source of interannual global shifts of climate patterns and weather activities. ENSO's SST anomalies exhibit remarkable spatiotemporal pattern diversity (STPD), with their spatial pattern diversity dominated by Central Pacific (CP) and Eastern Pacific (EP) El Niño events and their temporal diversity marked by different timescales and intermittency in these types of events. By affecting various Earth system components, ENSO and its STPD yield significant environmental, ecological, economic, and societal impacts over the globe. The basic dynamics of ENSO as a canonical oscillator generated by coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions in the tropical Pacific have been largely understood. A minimal simple conceptual model such as the recharge oscillator paradigm provides means for quantifying the linear and nonlinear seasonally modulated growth rate and frequency together with ENSO’s state-dependent noise forcing for understanding ENSO’s amplitude and periodicity, boreal winter-time phase-locking, and warm/cold phase asymmetry. However, the dynamical mechanisms explaining the key features of ENSO STPD associated with CP and EP events remain to be better understood. This article provides a summary on the recent active research of the dynamics of ENSO STPD together with discussions on challenges and outlooks for theoretical, diagnostic, and numerical modeling approaches to advance our understanding and modeling of ENSO, its STPD, and their broad impacts.

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Ecuador ,University Of Hawaii At Manoa ,Hawaii ,United States ,Honolulu ,Guayaquil ,Guayas ,American ,Andrew Wittenberg ,Pacific Zhao ,Pacific Wang ,Jerome Vialard ,El Nino ,W Cai Hoboken ,Sen Zhao ,Pacific Ocean ,Licheng Geng ,Pacific Panel ,Iv International Conference On El Ni ,R Hagedorn Cambridge University ,Preprint Research Square ,Us Department Of Energy ,American Geophysical Union Monograph Series ,Climate American Geophysical Union ,Us National Science Foundation ,Madden Julian Oscillation ,Westerly Wind Bursts ,Tropical Instability Waves ,Pacific Meridional Modes ,Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation ,Pacific Decadal Oscillation ,Potential Unifying Paradigm ,Bjerknes Instability ,Intermediate Coupled Models ,Annual Cycle Interactions ,Science Foundation ,Malte Stuecker ,Convectively Coupled Moisture Wave ,Preprint Research ,Pacific Meridional Mode ,Interdecadal Changes ,Interannual Variability ,Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Model ,Basic State ,Ocean Geometry ,Equatorial Coupled Modes ,Pan Pacific Coastal Wave ,Simple Theory ,World Primary Commodity Prices ,Warm Water ,Pantropical Climate ,Med Abstract ,Crossref Full Text ,Low Frequency Equatorial Basin ,Self Excited Oscillations ,Tropical Ocean Atmosphere ,Pacific Winds ,Southern Oscillation ,Changing Climate ,American Geophysical Union ,Fair Weather ,Macroeconomic Effects ,Seasonal Cycle ,Coupled Ocean Atmosphere ,Strong Influence ,Fundamental Behavior ,Simple Stochastic Dynamical Models Capturing ,Statistical Diversity ,Analogous Pacific ,Atlantic Meridional Modes ,Tropical Atmosphere Ocean ,Residual Effects ,Low Frequency Variability ,Amplitude Asymmetries ,Nonlinear Wind Stress Coupling ,Three Region Conceptual Model ,Including Zonal Advective ,Ocean Initial State ,Stability Analysis ,Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Interactions ,Bridging Measurements ,Southern Oscillation Diversity ,Intermediate Coupled Model ,Revised Cane Zebiak ,Sea Surface Temperature ,North Tropical Atlantic ,Possible Cause ,Stripped Down Coupled ,Low Frequency Modes ,Tropical Ocean ,Annual Subharmonic Steps ,Contrasting Eastern Pacific ,Central Pacific Types ,Annual Cycle ,Equatorial Zonal Currents ,Two Types ,Global Seasonal Temperature ,Precipitation Anomalies ,Noise Induced Instability ,Simple Approach ,Windstress Forcing Using Monthly Mean ,Warm Pool ,Equatorial Zonal Wind ,Linear Stratified Ocean Model ,Continuously Stratified Models ,Steady State Equatorial ,John Wiley ,Integrating Concept ,Analytical Results ,Oscillatory Nature ,Evaluating Climate Models ,Global Analyses ,Sea Ice ,Night Marine Air Temperature ,Late Nineteenth ,Pacific Meridional ,Delayed Action Oscillator ,Theoretical Model ,Cambridge University Press ,Pacific Ocean Atmosphere ,Recharge Oscillator ,Optimal Growth ,East Pacific ,Ocean Atmosphere Interaction ,Geophysical Monograph ,Tropical Ocean Recharge Mechanism ,Equatorial Heat Content Changes Induced ,Unified Theory ,Pacific Rim ,What Controls ,Amplitude Diversity ,Climate Models ,Warmer Climate ,Assessed February ,Two Leading ,Seasonally Modulated Nonlinear Feedback ,Tropical Instability ,Central Equatorial ,Extratropical Sea Level Pressure Variations ,Central Pacific ,Eastern Pacific Types ,Diversity Resulting ,Recharge Oscillator Interacting ,South Pacific Meridional Mode ,Thermocline Depth ,Understanding Lead Times ,Warm Water Volumes ,Surface Temperature ,El Ni 241o Southern Oscillation Phenomenon ,Patiotemporal Pattern Diversity ,Phase Locking ,Nso Asymmetry ,Echarge Oscillator Paradigm ,

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