Updated: 6:18 PM PDT Jul 11, 2021
In an effort to increase access to the COVID-19 vaccine, the Front Street Animal Shelter has partnered with the Sacramento County Public Health Department to make doses available during events.The first event under the new partnership was a free vaccine and microchipping clinic for residents."We are continuing to want to get the vaccine out to the community. We're still trying to cross the finish line to get to herd immunity," said Rachel Allen, senior health program coordinator for public health department's Immunization Assistance Program. "Our goal is really to make clinics as convenient as possible, to bring them out into communities that might not have access."Allen said each monthly event Front Street hosts draws anywhere between 200 to 300 people. That's a couple extra hundred people a month who will now have access to the vaccine if they choose. "It's really nice and it helps a lot especially like with, you know, families who are low income or have kids who are struggling after COVID," said Angelina Vazquez, holding her family's brand new nine-week-old German Shepard named Bear. Haley Waugh is an animal services coordinator with Front Street. She said this joint effort between shelter and county will help connect with communities in need. "We just love that people are here to get their pets vaccinated and if we can encourage them to also get vaccinated for COVID, we are able to protect both animals and people in our community," Waugh said.At Sunday's event, Adrieana Teresa-Underwood received her vaccine. She said only waited to get her vaccine because she did not have the time to get it all ready. But with the vaccine event, she was able to squeeze an appointment into her schedule. "It scares me a little bit but I still know that you should get vaccinated," Underwood said. Public health officials told KCRA they are actively looking to bring similar events to communities in the area to provide as much convenience as possible. Any businesses also interested in a partnership for a similar event can email covid19vaccine@saccounty.net.Front Street Animal Shelter offers services such free microchipping and rabies, distemper, hepatitis, and parvo vaccines. They also offer free crates, collars and food.