And welcome to hannitY. AnD Tonight, categorY five, Hurricane Milton is onlY hours awaY from slamming intoaY the battered communities on floridas gulf coast, Fr Bat in the free state of florida. ManY are now rightlY worrieD That thi. S verY powerful storm could, in fact, be the most destructive hurricane in historY. Florida officials are now telling Resident S who refuse to evacuate, write Your name on Your bodY. So can be identified if whe and when You die. Now, coming upYo, well haverept a live report from fox weather. But first,for fo we are just 28s until an Inflection Point for our countrY that Y'>Il SY as called Y'>Election DaY. A political storm is brewing as Y-a-hurricane'>Theshe CountrY A Hurricane is now bearing down on florida. Kamala harris, she decided a to pick a fight with governor Ron Desantis , who is busYe live trYing to save the lives of floridians and also pre staging 30,000 utilitY trucks anD Trucks with Water30 And Food and medicine and supplies. And shes trashing him ant in public for not taking the time to speak with her on the phone, a call that he never received. Last night on this programlast governor Ron Desantis responded. Take a look. Fosantosr kamala to trY to saY that mY sole Focus F on the people florida is somehow selfish, is delusional, she has no role in this. In fact, shes beee Inn Vicef President for three and a half Years. Ive dealt with a number of storm iveits. S admi under this administration, she has never contributed anYthinger to anY of these efforts. Cod so what i think is selfish is hernt to blunder into this. No, ive had storms underd both President Trump and President Biden, and ive il with of them. Shes the first one whos trYing to politicize the storm and shes doing that just because of her campaign. She never one time. Never before ever call Governor Desantis before, during or after anY of the hurricane and is trYing to pretenD That she cares about hurricanes for the verY first time ever. And desantis, as per usualtime, is working arounD The clock, trYing to save lives and Ylock-s.'>PropertYlock S. And meanwhile, campbell, his boss, Joe Biden, He Doesn t seem interested in his Vice President s dishonest brand of politics. And for the seconD Time this week, Joe Biden has overshadowed carmelos public appearances with his own counterprogramming. AnD TodaY, at the verY moment that kamala was meetingrris with Hard Hitting news show, the ladies of The View, while smearing desantis again, biden talkeD To Reporters Th the White House and heaped praise on the florida governor. Governor. Takee but Po O a look. Govern the governor of Florida Hasor been cooperative. He said hes gotten all that he needs. Need andYto him again Yesterda and i said, however, i said, no, Youre doing a great job being all being done. Well, we thank You for it. And Youi gave mY personal Phoni Number to call. And meanwhilerst , Kamala S has literallY offered no help to North Carolina, Noh Caro to georgia, South Carolina, tennessee, virginia, nonliore. E shes been out on the Campaign Trail out in hollYwood, raising moneY. And You maY notice about joee and Jill Biden have been largelY absent from the Campaigne Biden N ab trail. ManY now speculating that the Harris Campaign was trYing to put Specu Harri Distance between b the failed policies of the Bidenharris Administratioetwee but todaY, that Hard Hitting interview that she had on the View D on, if You know it, askede wo if she would do anYthing differentlY overul the four Years. Kamala said not a thing. Thi. She wouldnt change a thing. Take a look. The influence of a Personalrson Experience will have its impact on the presidencYal es. Well, if anYthing, would You have done something differentlY than President Biden during the past four Years . There is, donna, the thing that comes to mind in terms of and ive been a part of of of most of the decisions that have had impact. But on daY one, shes going e to change inflation. Fix on daY one, shes going to fix The Border. DaY one was januarY 20th, 2021. Not a thing. ReallY . Not. Not the disastrous afghanistan withdrawal. She was the last in the room. 13 american troops dead. Lettroopss see. Reds O Hundreds of americans left behind enemY lines. Nof ericant the overseas funded bYIranian Mullahs with the billions that she and joe made available to them. TheY helped make iran rich again. What about the record setting Inflation Causedh a historic level of new spending from biden anved harris. . What about the Border Crisis . A recordbout 12 plus unvetted illegals from over 180 180 countries, manY with terror ties, manY countries that aretre our top geopolitical foes pouring into the countrY a as hr time as border czar. AnD Tonight, our verY ownas i bill illusion is reporting that the fbi just arrested an afghan national allowed in under Harris And Bideationan who is plotting an isis inspired Terror Attack on Y'>Election DaYotting. Oh, and we do have iranian Assassination Squads in Y'>Ourr CountrY trYing to kill donaldco Y'>Trump OnY to kil 60 minutes of t became a train wreck. Interview is Supposeesm Upd to e a laYup interview. Kamala harris was asked not once that twice, but three times if it was a mistake i to allow millions of unvetted illegal immigrants into the countrY. She refuseo ths to answer the question. What a shock. Take a look. Arrivals quadrupled from the last Year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosench the Immigration Policies as much as You did . S its long Standing Problem and solutions are at hand. And from daY one, literallY, we been offering solutions. What i was asking was, Wasg Sol a mistake to kind of allow that flooD To happen in the first place . Proppolicies that We Have been proposing are about Fixing A Proble am, not promotingg a problem. OkaY. But the numbers did quadruple. AnD The Y'>Numbers TodaY, because of what We Have done , Weve Have Cut The Flow Of Illegal Immigratiothe Fln bY half. Should We Have done that . FentanYl bY half. Ut but we need congress to be able to act. Was a mistake. The number is quadrupled. Youre The Border czar. No answer. Now, coming up tonight, Texas Governor Greg abbott. Hell join us. He will responD To kamalas lies and deflections. Now, of course, that 60 Minute M Interview that that should have Beeiniew Shn Walk in the pr Kamala Harris. It was designed Fo R for her to have a walk in the park. ManY of the Vice President sn worst words salads wereere actuallY edited from the interview. Shocking out from abusivelY biam cbs, but it was still cbs a disaster for kamala. AnD Thats onlY the beginning as panic over Poll Numbers start to set in the Harris Campaign. Thats the onlY reason theYre Sendin Ig Kamala on frin this Media Blitz with friendlY outlets. You know, cbdls or colbert or The View. Call her daddY podcast. Lets see. Podcas oh, howard stern. We cant forget about Howard Sterns Interview because she sat down earlier with the former once great shock jock. I knowrlier wi hes a Shadow Ofs former self. What the hell happeneD To howard . Wellshadowof his, the real howa. Ever one daY come back,YYou know, sadlY now himselfk as an, You know, woke poloving loving, cat Loving Shadow of its former self. Holier than thou liberal who calls anYTrump Supportean NHe Doesnt want them, i guess, to listen to his program anYmore. tlisteninparalYzed bY the feard 19, asking nothing but pathetic, meaningless questions and discussing Kamalas Favoritninglesse of se. Howard. Will the real Howard Knowback Howard come up with Come Back To Life . Take tak a look. Where whY are You Y eating Forreas Breakfast . Raisin bran. Oni read. T i feel thats not it forfo wo someone whos healthY. And Yo-u'>Yo U have a good figure. D fi whY . Raisin bran. Theres a lot of sugar. Ras, no. Orning so i dont eat Raisin Bran bs everY morning. But if You asked Mked E what mY favorite cereal, i would put it right up there with. OkaY, Nol W this is going to be obnoxious and special. K Special K is. T post well, its reallY great. Plus, mY mother useD To make these special K Cookiemother S in honor of me. Well, the real howard stern, please return to life. And who Care S What cereal the Kamala Harris likes . Is this going to move the Politicas Whl Needle . AnY of these interviews . Not a chance. And bY the Y-politice'>WaY Politice , what cereal that kamala loves costs about 28 more since she becamE Vice. In fact, most things in america are up over 20 . And while it doesnt seem to matter to the Multimillionaires Softballlionai interviews to Kamala Harris, these Price Hikeres like Tamassive Hidden Tax for most american familiex s, manY of which are putting bare necessities on credit cards. But againes onn, as she said on The View, theres not a thing she would have done Y.'>Differentl Y. Which brings us back to her administrations terrible hurricane response, the worst in american historY. Did You know the Kamala Harris regularlY skippeD The Hurricane Preparedness Briefing s . Too busY hanging out with her hollYwood friends and it of seems prettY important now, doesnt it . Well, thats onlY the tiimp of the iceberg. PaY attention closelY. Under biden and harris, fema. TheY had a preoccupation. That preoccupationd was with woke politics. The information is right there e on fema. Com. TheYre calling it fakree news, but its in their own words. There are three stated goals on femas website. Quote, Y'>Instill EquitY as Ainstil Foundation of emergencY management. According to the wordY description, this goal is Aboutr Prioritizing anD Tailoring Y-managementit'>EmergencY Managementit fors an certain races and gender identities. Genderthe second goal, quote, Ld Whole of communitY climate resilience. Th now, of course, this is all about the left anD Their religious obsession about Global Warming and climate change. The verY last goal is abOut Emergencchange. Y preparedness. So You can see what the administration is prioritizing. How about this . W abouhow about if theres a Natul Disaster like theres been in North Carolina, South Carolina, tennessee, georgia and florida. About how about You help Out EverYY-american'>EvY American in Need And Howea about You not steal the moneY from fema and give it to Youl-rl'>Youl Rl unvetted illegal immigrants from 180 countries . Becausimmigre their illegal immigrants seem to be prioritized in a waY more important than The American People, the people that areant than now currentlY suffering and not getting the help theY need Proc Spite of proclamations to the contrarY. You have Y-secre'>Dhs SecretarY Secre Yorkas'>Alejandro MaYorkas saYing fema is running out of moneY and going bankrupt, bankrupt. This has not been a busY hurricane season. This after the fema. Fema directed more 1 billionusn to paY for Housing And Food for Harris Biden illegal immigrants because their stories, it looks reallY bad for democrats in charge. TheY are trYing to juste outright lie to You and pretenD This misinformation. This is a Deep Fake Statement bY conservs misi. O on well, its also on the fema website. Its completelY truthful. Its completelY real. Jupt like Hunter Biden Lapto was not misinformation, but verY real. Democrats. The State Run media mob, theY simplY lie. TheY pushed propaganda before elections. Here we go again. But an April PressRelease G fre femas own website. Let me read it to You. It states the following todaY, the department of Y'>Homeland SecuritY, through fema anD The us customs and border protection, announced 300 Million in grants through the shelter and services progrannouncedgrantsm, Which Wau bY congress to support communities that are providing B Services to migrants. Let me interpret that Meansice O illegal alien, a worD That i want You to be courageous enough to never use bY radical islamic terrorists. Shmething e You to be courageous and never use that word either. It Goe Immigs on. AdditionallY, dhs is announcing 340. 9 million through the shelter and Services Program anD Their competitive Grant Program to be allocated before the end of the fiscal Year. The last two Years, overbillio 1,000,000,000 from fema to Heln P Harris and biden illegal immigrants. It is not a deep fake. Dega its not misinformation. It is the truth. This is the biden administration caught red handed dedicating a massive amount of moneY that was supposeD To be there for Y-relief'>EmergencY Relief for americans in North Carolin Thera Georgia and elsewhere to dispense to illegal immigrants while Georgl Hurricane ravaged victims all over the countrY are left oue Ravage T to drY. Again, its about their priorities. And unde Ioritiesr Biden and harris,D The american people also seem comi. E lastha now, earlier todaY, sara carter, she was asking north carolinians about femas lackluster response. Off is what theY haD To saY. Er tak rese a look. Poth a lot of residentseY had felt wi i speak to them, theY saY, You know what . De sai its been 12 daYs. I feel i feel abandoned. I havent seen anY response. Now, some response is comingd. Through. Some Fema Representative s are down on the ground. Its been 12 daYs later. N th should have been sooner. It should have been immediate instead of an immediate. And i tell You what, thank than Yok-god'>Il Yok God for the peopled of North Carolina, the residents, the theth Fire Chiefs. We have the two best Fire Chief in this area in the World. I meanhieft, theYre response te from our our citizens, our residents. TheYre supporting us. I mean, thats whos going to rebuilD This communitY. Evebiden basicallY made a statement saYing thabatat people are getting what theYre need, what theY need, that theYre happY. Are You getting what You need . Are You happY . AbsolutelY not. The onlY waY were gettingre ha. What we need, but is from people in general, like not frome neeD The government and le the basic necessities from Your friends. Right. But the bigger picture now is. Yeah, we were not happY. Its no. A the message right now is just help. I mean, theres reallY not much more i can saY. We need help. Now, where american citizens, we are hardworking. We do our jobs, You know, we volunteer. Were part of the communitY, part of the team. And we just need support. Ed s i mean, ive ive never reallYuo asked for anYthing in mY life. And now im asking. All right. Here with reaction, Fox News contributors katie pablo, joe concha. Katie, We Have now spoken and Sara Carte Conr has now spon to more people in the hardest Hit Areas in North Carolin Hardt theY have been abandoned. He kamala and joe and Femae Comp completelY missing in action. Been forent on the groundle a full week. TheY onlY spent 4 Million last week helping these people out. And she is picking a fightshesi with Ron Desantis and Donaldd Tm Trump when its her fema that gave the moneY to hurrY illegait goneYl. Well, shes picking a fight with Ron Desantis because she needs a distraction from her disastrous, friendlYMedia Tour this weekdesantiss. Shes desperatelY trYing to be taken seriouslY. She wants people to think that shes capable of being the commander in chief, which is whY shes trYing to insert herself into the Hurricane Relief efforts, despite in the past, as Ron Desantis desantis pointed out, sHe Doesnt she hasnts despite past called bef. She wasnt interested in previous hurricanes when it came to that responsibilitY as Vice President. But all of a sudden, she has a campaignvicea to run. She wants to be the president and shes somehow is going to picanD Therk a fight with one governors whos been doing a verY good job, not just this hurricane, but in the past. And if You look at the tYpes of interviews that shes doing. E tY this week, friendlY, The View, 60 minutes, its reallY thear that she still is not locking up the democratic base, that she needs to wineY t the coalitiohemocraticn tYpicals up. And on the other side of this, otheg that she reallYg when is panicking when it comes to the Poll Number is tos and Te Fact that she was supposeD To be waY ahead of Donald Trump at this point. And if You look at the polling,a hes looking like hes going to take this thing in a coupleko of weeks. Insider advantage. New poll just came out. Out th joe concha, it has Donald Trump up bY two polY market. Ttin all the betting markets now have moved in. DonalD Trumpsmarkets ve moved n and have done so dramaticallY. But shes going on call her daddY, on colbert or on The View on howard stern, who thinks that trump voters are stupid. I donT Know what happeneD To howard. And is that going to Hel P her . This on it sounds to me like this onlY hurts her. Yeah, i mean, look, sean,the the internal polling is what iit is. And if Donald Trump is tied orpi slightlY up, that means Landslidghtl E. Lets be verY clear. 2016, Y-clinton'>HillarY Clinton up eight,u up nine. Joe biden Up Eightp , up nine. H and he won in 2016. It was a razor thin election in 2020. If Donald Trump is even close at this point, hes alwaYs undervalued, underweighted in polling. AnD Thats under that. But boY, wouldnt it be quite the ironY, sean, katie, if weimt look back on this campaign, if Kamala Harris loses that the moment the campaig then tankedps happened on all places, The View. Lets underscore this. U no democratic Candidate Or Politician has ever screwed uptt an interview on that program because the confines are that friendlY to anY member of that partY. And somehow the Vice President stil E Vice pl screwed it up in the most tastic Fashion One could imagine that teeribl l question. If You had anYthing to do differentlY during Your time in offichinge, Vice President ,uh what woulD That be . Theres a dozen waYs to answer that questioatn waYsn. But the cpu, that is her brain was not programeD To take this questios non. I so the onlY thing she could spit out is that she wouldnt change a Thing Wouldge over thet four Years. I mean, mY sarcasm. Its gotten to a Point Wherei i dont even know where im kidding anYmore. About one fourth of voters in this countrY saY the countrY is on the right track. Almosant No One is happY with the current State Of Affairs under the Bidenharris Administratio N ,and especiallY when it comes to inflation, wages, crime, border, foreign policY. And her argument is that everYthing has gone accordingif to plan. And if i haD The same thing all over again, i would dohaD T. Kamala harris is all bubbles and no baths. AnD Then 30 minutes later,d after so manY of us have gotten in her ear and said, You better revisi egghevisit answer. E she saYs the difference between her and Joe Biden is that she would add a republican to her candidate, which her, i should saY, which i guess means saY hello to Y-or-defense'>SecretarY Or Defense cheneY or white Y'>House Press SecretarY joe scarborough. Hite houssbut i do want to throt and ill leave it here, sean. Some kudos to Joe Roberts 60 minutes. Yeah, sure. YouD Think hed be Y'>Press SecretarY because hes acting like an alreadY liberal. Joe, Don TYou think . Ight . Yeah, liberal Joe Biden. But. But ill leave ivet. Id shawna. Bill whitaker did a great Job Overr in minutes because for the first time as a democratic nominee, des actuallY took something resembling a tough question. And when she delivereD That usual nonanswer, he would follow up Again And again when it came to economic policY, Y'>Immigration PolicY even saiD Ton her, to her face. ManY voters donT Know who You the becausvoterse You changed positions so manY times. AnD The onlY answer she could muster up was, well, ive traveleD The countrY a lot. So, look, this Media Blitz has s been a hot mess in a dumpster fire. The question is, i guessth, do p the does the campaign continue to put her out there after afte herr seeing this . Or do theY go back to the Y'>Basement StrategY . Neither of Theseth Optionsfrom are good either waY, sean, 28 daYs from Y'>Election DaY. D does YbodY-care'>AnYbodY Care that i prefer Frosted Flakes over Raisin Bran . . Thank You both, bYY'>The WaY. Thanks. Lejoining us now, Fox News contributor, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. I dont think shed be doing these interviews if internallYgs her numbers were not waY down. Whats Your analYsis . Well, look, she has three reallY big problems. First, she just not verY competent. I mean, You know not, watching somebodY who ought to be like in a high Y'>School PlaY and shese want on a natior sh a candidate, shes just she cant she Cant Move at the speed. And with knowledge You expect. Second, were in a worlD Thats dangerous. Its dangerous with hurricanes. Its dangerous for the war. And in the middle east, its dangerous in ukraine, its dangerous with venezuelan criminal gangs coming to the u. S. A an anD That kind of a dangerous environment. People want someone strong. I thought desantis, for example, if You compare his Press Conference with her normal experienc e. Desantis looks like hes competent. He looks like he knows what he petents doing. So her and so her verY being her turn in third. She has a huge crisis. EverYthing her base believes in the countrY hates. And so she has to be for men,enm for example, competing with women. The countrpeY is totallY oppose. To that. She cant be for school choice. The Teachers Union choics wontt her. And You go to a whole series of issues. So she doe letter. S this dance s if shes reallY clear,he one of two things will happen. The countrY will wipe her ouswit or her base will rebel. And so she can never be honest about who she is. Those three things are all coming together. And what i think is maYbe the most disastrous Tv Series done bY a president ial candidate. If Donald Trump would just saY in everY appearance that maYbe some of You dont like me, but i will secure The Border, i will fix the economY, and i will make the World safer. Wou i think that would resonate. Am i wronglde am . No, Youre right. But enough saY the first part. I mean, just relax. CountrY the countrY is going to make a decision. And, You know, theYre not asking him to go out on a date. TheYre asking him to be commande the r in chief. TheYre asking the president. TheYre asking him to solve problems. The fact that he might not be the guY now personallY, not i think be fun that im over for an evening, but he might not be the guY that somee Gu S. To have over for the evening, but theY sure as Heck Will Prefe wr him keeping them prefe safe to her being a just a total shes a. This is the first dufus nominated for president , at least in mY lifetime. AnD Thats the bes. T waY to understand it. All right. Newt gingrich, thank You. Sean as alwaYs. We appreciate it. All right. Coming up, florida bracing for Hurricane Milton, which is now a categorY five storm. We have the verY latest. Brian kemp as we continu of men careful review of medical Guidance And Research on pain relief. Relief. MY recommendatioonn simple. EverY home should have Salon E ,targeted and long lasting. I recommend salon pass its good medicine to me too. Its an absolute problem that happens all of the time. If You own propertY, Youve got equitY. Youre going to be a victim. Im here with Art Fitz and buYer, a retired Special Agent with the fbi and senior adviser to Home Title lock. ExactlY what is House Stealing . Thats a phrase i think that the Fbi Kind of coined when theY first began seeing situations where people were documents, titles and deeds and using those documents to gain access to the equitY in the homes. How can a scammer actuallY steal mY home . The digital age is so for them to get the original document. All the information is out there. Its out there. TheY can download it and forge it. And if You take it down to the countY clerks office, wont theY know if Theres Something wrong . When a title is presenteD To a Y-recorder'>CountY Recorder and its completelY filled out and its notarized, then theYre required bY law to accept the Document And File it. So it looks good. TheY cant it theY cant. Question. Whats the title of Your home is stolen and You donT Know. What do theY do with it . TheY begin to find places to take out loans. So theY dont want Your home. TheY dont want it. TheY dont neeD To go see it. TheY can do it all at Arms Length and Youre left holding the bag because the Y'>Loan CompanY is going to come after You. 9020 daYs later, Your life is going to take a terrible turn as a homeowner. What can i do to protect mY title . The thing You can do is stop it before that first loan transpire, anD Thats what we do for You at home. Title. We monitor Your title with our software as anYthing disturbs Your title. We alert You that something has happeneD To Your title. If the alert takes place and You call in, we go to work immediatelY on Your behalf to get Your title back in Your name. So how do You sign up with Home Title, go to a Home Title account title icom. Thats peace of mind, doesnt it . Youll sleep better that night protect Your home. And its what we do. And we do it better than anYone else. Want a gentle waY to relieve constipation . DrY, great tasting all these gummies. TheY work bY increasing water in the stool, making it softer so its easier to go with no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining gentle Constipation Relief with great tasting callies gummies, tracking Hurricane Milton as the powerful Storm Barrels towards florida insideaYs ee. Go to dealdash. Com right now and see how much You can save. AnD This is, a Fox News alert. Hurricane milton has once again intensifie againD To a massive categorY five storm as the free state florida, mY state is bracing for devastating impact. Now, M Fox Hurricane specialist brian norcross, he has the verY latest tonight. Brian, whats going on . Sean, it is an incredible storm. There is the just spectacular, a categorY five hurricane, 165 mile an hour winds. And look at that pressure number, 902 millibars. The lower the pressure, the more energY the is anD There isnt a storm. This is of the strongest storms that We Have ever seen as a of fact in this part of thedr World, in the Gulf Of Mexicougg in the top five storms. So this is a reallgulf of Y-unul'>Y Unul event. Heres what the forecast is from the national hurricane wi. Errs the idea is we get to about 165 mile an Hour Storm Tomorrow morning and a slow Weakening Process starts. But the energY spreads out into a bigger hurricane as it approaches i the state of florida. Then overnight tomorrow night, when it saYs tuesdaY, come here, it nominallY means 2 00 in the morning somewhere from just north of tampa to Aboutf Fort mYers. The center comes ashore. The Worstampa S Ast Effects of E Surge are south of the center. So sur that line makes a Tremens Amount of difference. And it has shifted South Littlee bit todaY. So the odds are a little less for tampa, no oddt zero a at all, but a little higher for Yers'>Fort MYers. Let me. Res w show You what happeneD TodaY. Well, the storm is going to Goha Of A Offf Into The Atlantic Andt affect the northern part of the state. And well talkof the sta that it a second. But this is what happeneD TodaY. Heres where we were nd. At 2 00 this afternoon anD This is this afternoon. So now the storm, as we went forward in time, look at that. It kind of staYeD To thehe right side of the cone and its kind of still doing are s that tonight. E so were going to see in the new adjustments to see ifcaa theY move that forecast a little farther south going into Tomorro W wobble. Right. Ri it could wobble left. So were not saYing thghe Y'>Tampas BaY is bY anY means out of the s woods. Heres the Danger Zone. The big Danger Zone in the purple includes up to north florida, Tampa Orlando down to Yers'>Fort MYers. PossibilitY in naples of Hurricane Force winds anD Then tropical Storm Force winds south and north in the state, of course, the big news is the Storm Surge up to 15 feet above. H the normal high Tide Line from Y'>Tampa BaY on down to just north of the Yers'>Fort MYers area, up to 12 feet in the Yers'>Fort MYers area, depending exactlY where that center comes ashore there and on the East Coast of the state, when winds come back arounD This waY, driving water back toward jacksonvillele down the saint johns river danger, there were Hurricane Nicole head. E ian on so Hurricane Ian on the southwest coast, Hurricane Nicole, the same areas have potential significant effects from this storm. Here is the corridor with there are the worst weatheres ther is forecast, kind of the I4 Corridor Plus or minus little ta farther to the north, tampa to daYtona, orlando up to ocala, gainesville, extremelY heavY rain flooding, Y-winds'>GustY Winds and dangerousns a conditions through that corridor starting tomorrow night. Ts tomorro sean. All right, brian, thank You. Hope the people in Florida Takee this verY seriouslY anYwaY. Georgia governor Brian Kemp has issued a Y'>State Of EmergencY ahead of Hurricane Milton. So expected landfall again. TheY got hit hard with Hurricane Helene last tru week. Former President Trump joineD The governor to surveY the Damagemphe Gov from Hurricane Helene in georgia. The seconD Time he diD That, Governor Kemp is with us now. Governor, first, our sYmpathies for mY friends in georgir fra. As You know, i liveD There for Years. I have a lot of friends there. You ran into a little bit of problem. I know it got straightened Out E ,but initiallYYou wanted 90 counties declared a disaster area. TheY onlY declared 11. Then You went back anD Then theY onlY declared 30 more instead of the full 90. And now i understand Youre getting the help that You need. WhY . WhY did it take them so long neo to do that . T KnoYeah, i donT Know, sean. Thanks for having me back on. Werue still working harD To recover and still got people without power now Dealinr Enpeopleg with this new. And certainlY our thoughts and praYers go out to allflorid our friends in florida. I know thats going to be a hard hit down there and were worriea Coul Ad about some of t too. You know, we were reallYll. S a little Shot And Disappointedpi when we werented onlY had 11 counties on the original federal declaration. When We Had asked for 90, we knew it was going to be a storm. The whole state was going to be affectew itd and it reallY st the message to a lot of counties next door to theirjt neighbors that were just as hard hit, that didnt get the declaratios hard N Causeda Lo a lot of confusion. But i spoke to the same administrator later in the White House and ended up talking to President Bidens chie Dens Chf of staff. AnD TheY theY verY quicklY added other counties where, aren You know, reallY in good shape right now and just still working to recover. And weve got another storm on Y'>The WaY. UnbelievablYand wee anothe. Let me let me ask You this. Governor desantis s and governor mcmaster, You were prepared for Y'>Hurricane HollY and You had prestageD T utilits trucks and Food And Water and medicine and supplies. You were readY in georgia. You everYbodY knew this was going to be a bagia. Would Bed HdYou had prepareD The federalu wo government did nothing. Then we hear a week after hurricane that fema is bankrupt. Thena we after we learnedbillio that 1,000,000,000 had been raided from femallar and given to illegal immigrants. TheY trieD To denYl im it, but s on femas own website. And i gues s its frustrating, especiallY like, for example, look how bad our friendsds in North Carolina have been hit in remote areas. Been ie i mean, i talk to people on the ground. We had a Town Hall Kind of minni Town Hall with Sarah Carter last night. TheY still are not getting everYthing theY neeD T. How is that possible . Well, i cant reallY speak to whats going on in North Carolina on the ground other than just news reports im seeing. I know its devastateD There, just like it is in georgia. I can tell You that one of our congressmen i was talking to assures me that theres there for fema, for these tYpese things. And i know that theYll be looking into that. But, sean, ill tell You, Yor'>Whethel Yor its, You know, Governor Desantis, mYself, governor mcmaster, i mean,n You have got to be readY when, You know, these big storms are coming. Know storms You can never predi this weather. These storms will Movepredic Onu just like theY did just like helene did. You know it was supposeD Take a left Hand Turn and go up, You know, to nashvillen go tennessee. And it ended up staYing reallY straight after hit land. I went to augusta, georgia, Down IntoSouth Carolina int. La and we We Had hardlY ever have Hurricane Winds in jordan on a storm. AnD This one was a cat two, most of Y'>The WaY across the state and a cat one when ite got up there around augusta. And it was just a devastating storm. But i can tell You this, Wg Stoe had our people as soon as that storm went through in valdostame ,georgia, and it was safe to do so. We haD The national guare tod, d had Y'>Power CompanY folks. We had our Y-commission'>ForestrY Commission ,We Had Department Of Transportation folks and everYbodY in their brother going in right behinD That storm to stareiing int. Itk and it takes You about 72 hours to just get a handle on whats going on, to get roads cleared e ,to be able to get the people to start service some. But You cannot wait a daY or two. You got to go in as soon as its safe to do so. AnD Thats what we did. And i know thats what Governo R Desantis is preparing for. Now. I talkeD To him just brieflYinrYYesterdaY. Worst in the best, told him to let us know if he needed resources after the storm passed. And i know, You know, We Had a burY stohe short conversation be he is all business right now getting readY. AnD Thats what Yosiettingu hav. Thats what we did. We have an Inflection Point,a il election, reallY important election, a Choice Electioecn fr the countrY and our future. Or Ant Care about democrat or republican or anY accommodations going to be made ind states for peo people to vote that maYbe displace d. Well, we feel reallY good about where we are right now and getting Power Back ond f having precincts being able to function. We got a few that theYre not suret bein about, but were worg with the elections officials in the state, georgia, to makeoi sure that we can make accommodations, which we can D T that, sean, through the Y'>State Of EmergencY. So ill sYria will have abilitY for georgians to vote when earlY votingtY starts here few in just a few daYs. Yeah. All right. Our praYer daYs. S are with You d Your recoverY in georgia. Our friends down here in florida and North Carolina obviouslY hit so hard and others. G back governor, great to have You. Us. Thank You for being back with us. We appreciate it. Reciatwhen we come back Tonightn Afghan Citizen Living In Oklahoma just charged a with plotting a Terrorist Attack on u. S. Soil on Y'>Election DaY on behalf of the islamic state. Also, a whistleblowec Statr Hasn forward with disturbing allegations about the secret servic e. We check in with senator Y'>Josh HawleY and much more straight ahea nt helpsd. This i dupixent helps people with asthma breathes better in as tt little as two weeks. And when You can breathe and when You can breathe better, what is it bette this is better. This is better. Du dupixent is an add on treatment for specific Ypes-ba'>TYpes Ba of moderate to severe asthma. It works with Your Asthma Medicine to help improve lung ce function. Dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. Breathing problems. Its proven to hel aergic vere. Asthma attacks. And doesnt that make things and doesnt that make things bettere pain, dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. Reactions that can be severe. Limbs. 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Shes asked us to give awaY another 1000 bottles. Visit. TrY relaxium nme. Com or call 802 nine 42410 when You can watch. Listen. Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm. AnYtime, anYwhere. Fox news audio. Sirius Xm America is listening. AnD Tonight, another whistleblower has come forwarD To senator Y'>Josh HawleY revealing disturbing about theau Secret Service. In a letter to acting director, hawleY wrote that a secret Service Whistleblower Haswhistl allegeD The agencY blocked multiple dhs auditors from accessing certain Trump Campaign events anD That theY diD This because former President Trump was not receiving the full level of protection at all of his events. Also breakinat Tru Wasng an afn national living in oklahoma arrested, charged with plotting Terror Attack on Y'>Election DaY in the us on behalf of icis. He r he entereD The countrY under the Harris And Biden just weeksn after their disastrous with Afghanistan Withdrawas aft here now with more, senate Y'>Homeland SecuritYCommittee MemberY'>Josh HawleY. Senator, what are we learning here . Because i from people around President Trump that theY have repeatedlY requestede peop more securitY anD TheY have been deniedle i Again AndAgain AndAgain And again. WhY woulD TheY dno that . Ts own You know, sean, it sounds st like hes still not getting the securitY that hes been promisedg the se. Whi and heres what this new whistleblower saYs. He saYs that investigatorsstsaim not alloweD To come to allhe the trump rallies because if trum that Trump Iuld is not getting the full president ial protective detail get. Hes onlY getting it selectivelY. So the allegation is secret servictielectivelY. Et Servie Lew saYing to its own internal investigators saYings no, actuat wait, dont dont come to that event. Come to this one over here. AnD TheYre trYing to conceal the Fact Trump is stiltrYingl nt getting the full levels of protection. ThisnT Know whY theYre doinglc this, sean, other thanY that theY dont want the public to know the truth. And i telltwant t You, ive hadh of this from Secret Service leadership. I reallY have. TheY neef this D To level with The American People about whats going on here. TheY neeD To Tel L us if trump is reallY getting all the securitY he needs. These rallies need getting to be safe for everYbodY who goes to him. And ive had enough of the evn of Theio Concealment anD The stonewalling. Its got to stoconcealment a well, You were chased off the side of butler when You went daYs after the shooting that took place there. The Assassination Attempt ther e ,which is unconscionable to me. We know hes being Denietrump Ht but we also know one other thing, and its been widelY reportedr thing that there Aree Assassination squads in the targeting Donald Trump with thaT Knowledge. Wihow is it possible that trump international, a known area where people, Paparazzi Hide that that area was never swept bY the Secret Service . How is that possiblet bY . How is it possible a guY gets gY within 130 Yards of trump and butler, pennsYlvania,rifle with with a rifle in what wouldn be a Tap And Putt for somebodY . How is all this going on . Yeah, it doesnt make anY sense at all. And just . To take the trump international incident, i mean, think about this on another whistleblower, Differentent One one tells me that it is standard protocol at that golf cours e, which trump plaYs all the time, bYY'>The WaY, is, You know, its standard protocol to sweep it Beforeet Trump gets onto the course. Its also standard Protoco Thels to post up agents at Thosets Places along the course where theY know that theres a clean line of sight anD TheY didnt do anYne sight. Of those thingss i mean, sean, what is going on here . I mean, weve Gos Goint to get the facts. We need answers. And all were getting from the leadership of the secretcts, service is more stonewalling. TheYre not answering questions. TheYre not cooperating with investigators. Now, looks like theYre trYing to misleaD Their own internal investigators. MY gosh, this has got to stop. AnD This director, director row, hes got a lot to answer for. Sean, i mean, i have to tell You, im losing confidence in him right . He said after the trump anD Trump international, verYth of course, incident, that everYthing worked perfectlinY. If thats perfect. How do You define imperfect . Th all right, senator hawleY, exactlY. For that update. E updateall right. E texa when we come back, while texasgt is dealing with the fallout from Harris And Biden in theirr open border agenda, kamala continues to dodge questiondas her role in the crisis. Believe it or not, Cbst He called her out on it. Texas governor greg abbott, hes Nex T to. Respond straight ahead. 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I think the policies that We Have been proposing are about beging a problem, not promotin problem. OkaY. But the numbers did quadruple be Y'>Numbers TodaY because of what We Have done. We have cut the flow of Illegalw Immigration bY half. H should We Have done that . Al You have Y-flol'>FentanY Flol bY half. But we need congress to be able to act. Was it a mistake . Here with more, Texas Governor Greg abbott. For three Years, she tolD The countrY that The Border was safe, The Border is secure. The border is secure. The border is secure. I didnt go to The Border, but i havent been to europe. AnD Then suing You and going after Ted Cruz, who theYre trYing to defeat teD Texas, because You both You and senator, have been fighting to keep texans anD The countrY. Safe. Your reaction to thawhats Yt . This, in short, i think that interview is disqualifYing. She has no answer to whats going on in The Border. She has three and a half Years, almost four Years now in office as Vice President and cannot articulate what needs to be done to secure The Border. But on and of that, she was flat out lYing to the american public because she talked Yingo-th'>LYingo Th from daY one. TheY had solutions to be clear,d from daY one. What theY did was to gut all of the policies President Trump put in place that secureD The border far moro place than n been in about 40 Years. And ever since the 4n, What Harris has done is refuse to do anYthing to implement anY tYpe of Y'>Border SecuritY. Shes had more than three Years. AnY american who thinks that once shes elected president , suddenlY she will have some great solution to secure The Border. TotheY are grosslY mistaken. Th on top of that, sean, sheat didnt Y-anYthing'>SaY AnYthing about the thousands of criminals who been released across our countrY under their watch. KnowinglY allowing in Makingss America far more dangerous. The last thing i would saY is this she falselY took credit for the decrease in. Border crossings know this anD The action that theY supposedlY took this June Border crossings began going down last Year as because of the Y'>Border SecuritY measures that texas put into Placr Secue from Brownsville Tol paso, illegal Border Crossings now have now gone down in texas bY 85 because theYve gone down so much in texas. Thats whY theYve gone down a lot across the united states of america. Governor, We Have dozens of americans that have been murderedn We Ha bY harris bide, illegals, victims of other O Violenthert crime. We have cartels. We have gang leaders. We have drug dealers. We have known terrorists that theY have allowed into the countrY. We see the human toll. Weo see the financial toll. And she wants to give themY an all free housing, food, health care, education, legal drivers licenses, free college education, and sex changE SurgerY, and also amnestY, or a path to citizenship, as she calls it. That, to me, would be rewardingt lawbreakin woug. And people that dont respect our laws, borders and sovereigntY. Ndorders andnow, shes never anD That question. Sean. It is harD To imagine a Border Crisis getting worse than it currentlY is under the biden woeinistration, but wors will get if harris is elected because in addition to all of those enticements that Youre talking about, theY would attract millions more people to come here illegallY. The dangers that currentlY exist anD The dangers that will exist under a president. Harris are beYonD The scale of what we can tolerate, including among the victims. And ocelYn not Y'>None GarY . None. GarY houston, texas. None. GarY from houston, Texase Perso who was killed bY allegedlY killed now bY members of trendY arugula. TrendY arugula is in the united Memb HarecauseJoe Biden and Kamala Harris have openeD The border and alloweD Them in. Thats A Lifed Bide that be l alive todaY. And something that Kamala Harris does not care about. Sa Yeah, and bYY'>The WaY, ave be You and Senator Cruz have been on the forefront of this. ForetheYre spending, what, up1 to 100, 200 Million to take out Senator Cruz tak. TheY be successful. Te We Have 10 seconds. Rac so, listen, Ted Cruz is in a tough race, has been grosslY outspent. Ted cruz can use all all the assets he can get to make sure he canall asse Defeat Colin all. Yeah. All right. We appreciate You, governor. Or. HannitY straight ahead, if someone is in trouble, You do whatever You got to do to help. Its a hard job for anYone. Chicago, med, Fire And P. D. Check Your local listings. Hello. Im former Arkansas Governor mike huckabee. A lot of times You Cant Control the Amount Sleep that Youre getting. I know its scarY unless. You use Relaxium Sleep relaxium. 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