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World here, but the real world includes how are you going to get this througe hw wongress, you know, is new campaign strategy, is it working . Well, nrko, no. And as i was saying, i love it for other reasons. Ing . Isnt it a beautiful thing . DonalD Trump back in butler fight, fight, fight. Lgb people already are struggling. You added disaster. On top of that. Were not paying attention to this. Se fema goes full d i for hurricane helene. Yes. Yes. Its misinformatiolen. Ne plus three. Here il no blues around here. Tha i tell you that. T its getting spooky. Democrats haunted by the echoes of hillary clinton. Thats from politicof hill. Kamala went from being the next obama to being hillary. Theyre worried shes running the same Play It Safe Campaignur up to this point. Shes had about the hil same number of events as Hillaryand Cr and crooked had pneumonia since the dnc. Kamalas spent half of her timer in dc,d ev a third of it without any public appearances. Trump is everywhere. Anxious dems wonder why Harris Isnt carmel has been a ghost and even vegas is spooked. Trumps up by seven points in the betting markets. Look at that. And Cn N is gearing up Forh Smok a horror show. What happens if the Polle Rror s are slightly off . Remember back in 2020 . The polls underestimate a Donald Trump. So what happens if we have a similar error across across Thos Keye key Battleground Stath well, if that happens again, look at this, Donaldappens Trump carries all of these great like battleground states. He carries greatund Stat Nevadas of course, he carries arizona, georgia and North Carolina Nort and he gets to get this 312 electoral votes. So the Bottom Line is, if we have an error like we did four years ago, Donald Trump is going to win this election. Kamala harris is going to lose. Joy Turninala Harr G into dread even Saturday Night feels it. Watch. Okay. Okay. s out there hes doing his thing, whatever that may be. Come on, just relax. You know, you havent had ain Tr Night off in three months. Do you want to watch something less stressful . Like the Menendeeeyou Wantz bros show . I dont know, david. I kind of wish i had picked josh right now. Oh, josh shapiro. No n, josh happening, but itll be fine. Its not like hes going to say something crazy. Ive become friends with schoold shooterss. Ama world doesnt find it funn jy. Remember kamala was his idea. David d says harris needs to step it up. Its only the most difficult Oral Exanly the m on the planet for the most difficult job. So obamas orderingd the harris to do more interviews. And the last time a democratimee didnt listen to obama, they got cut. A mediarris began blitz this week. This is howisnd how 60 Minute Seemsnt that prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening. Well, bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by israel that were very muchre prompted by or a resultiu of many things, including our advocacy for what needr at s to happen in the region. I dont know what you justnn said thereow. Even 60 minutes told her shes not living in the real world. My plan is about saying that when you invest in Small Businesses, you invest in the middle class and you strengthen americas economy. Small businesses are part of the backbone of americas economf amery. Pardon me, Madam Vicece Pre president. The question wassident, th, howe you going to pay for it . Well, one of the somong us im going to make sure that the richest among us who can afford it pay their fair share in taxes. Real but were dealing with the real world here. But the Real World Include W Th . How are you going to get this through congress . You know, when you talk t i quietly with a lot of folks in congress, they know exactly what im talkingm about. No one knows what shes talking about. Does kamala even knoshw what shes talking about . She was on the call her Daddy Podcast and she doesnt even understand her own plans. Another thing that im really focused on is Small Businesses and startupsups. And giving startups a 50,000 Tax 5n because right nownd can its 5,000 and you cant startup anything, any Small Business with 5,000. Theres kamala not know what a Tax Deduction is. Ing sm she thinks shes giving Small Business startups 50 grandal. Deductio she doesnt know the difference between a Tax Deduction and a handout. F kamala has also never heard of the draft. His i want to pose this question y gang. You and the dadd but one of the biggest conversations in this Years Election lves revolves around a womans body. Mmhmm. Yep. I want to take a moment. Mmhmm. T and can we tryry t to think of law that gives the government the power to make a decision . I know its Kin D of ask about a mans body. No, no. Is there any law . No. No, its. J no. Es besides the draft that maybe vaccine mandates. S even Andrea Mitchell admits people are realizing shes a lightweighzing shet. Think theyve got to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews. Shes got such a Big Problem with men. Mid theres an undercoun i thint of the trump vote. I think that is misogyny, misogynysc and all of this Black And White men. Big problem, but also the business world. They dont think she is serious. They dont thinkdont thes shn heavyweight. Kamala is doing colbert tomorrow. A Guy Who Heldg A Fundraiser for the bidenHarris Campaign. Biw, shes doing the vie another love fest. And then Howard Stern, the Lastr Democrat Nominee who went on stern, dropped out. R look these are all safe Spaces L that make her look like shes getting out there, but shes just hiding in plain sight. Were in two proxy wars. S are borders wide open prices and crime are highe. E and shes doing Frivolous Sitwi downs with friends. The nbc says most of these Sit Downs are just for the vibes vi. But the vibes are scary. The Democrat Party is beingte haunted by hillarys ghost, and kamala keeps seeing bidensw Joe Wont stop Bigfoot Ing her and bragging about how close they were. President biden just keeps tying her to his administration. Yesministration. , i can tellt that was a surprise to thethe Harris Campaign. They found out just a few minutes before that the president would be doingwould b. A lot of harris aides did not find that to be helpful. They do no t want Joe Biden dont to be popping up in that way. They also dont loveidea of thea of him reminding people of their strong connection. N. J how dare the Biden Tie harris to the bidenharrist He O Administration . Doesnt he know how unpopular they areunpopula . Nd now its lik Oe Kamala inherited all of his money and now wants nothing to dg to do with them. Wn but biden keeps haunting her from his grave. G e,hes insisting on campaignig for in Pennsylvania And Wisconsi for hern. And then harris came in is like, you know, joe, you dont really have to Dnd Mego that. Its okay. And biden says, no, no, no,de its my pleasure. D remi and after i campaigned forndgn you and remind everybody how you cosigned my agenda,o im going to africa. Joe bide. N in africa is going to attract a lot of attention. Bidens stumbling across the serengeti maybe Isn T the kind of thing the Harris Campaign is looking forward to. Biden biden on an African Safari while the southeast is under water, drowning in hurricanes. No good. Tryin a month before the election, harris is trying to erase Eraself Fromf from the Bidenha Administration and completely change her mediacomple strategy now, ask any political professional ifs pulling a one party in the final stretch is a good tactic. Do when youre ahead thats not wn youre ahead. Thats what you do when youre down and youre scrambling for Something Secr sticks. Former white House Press Secretary and outnumbered Cohoos T Caitlin mcenany joins me now. So she is completely changin cog her relationship to Joe Biden and her relationship to the media. What does that tell you . Well, shes desperate. When you look at the polls and Joe Biden was running ahead four years ago and shes only ahead by two nationally, thats a problem. Pro but theres a Big Problem with this strategy, jesse. She thinks shes runningtegy, Ji Jester in chief instead of commander in chief. Thats the only Explanatiof Insa N for going on Howard Stern for going on all the places you mentioned. Colbert, The View. What a bunch of winners over there at The View. Shell be Withbuinners O actually tomorrow. Shes making the strategy to be likable, to be funny. Sh e,e has no plans, no footnotes. Shes trying to be likable. Cae Problee Probm is we have a category five torricane approaching the gulf v coast. So whose brilliant idea was itd to send kamala on a comedykamal as the southeast is about to get totally and completely slammetod . While Joe Bidens about to go overseas, is he going to cancel that trip . Overseis he go well see. Ship and whats funny about the relationship with Joe Biden, if you read through w You Reaat thn piece, they say that they are glad he is going overseashoa and they wish he would stay longer. That is how bad it is for Kamala Harris. And dont come home, joe. You stay in africa. Well handle america. You know, usually you balance your interviews. You knowin, you do hard hitting ones to show you have Policy Chops And Thenchop you lighten t up with some softer stuff so people can get to know your personalityget to k. She shes all fluff and shes back to back to back to back fluff while a cat five is barreling downa ca. , how ar i dont know. Kelly, the second one to hit. Hows that going to look . O this week . Yeah. Go i have an idea. How about the Weather Channel . Go on. Othe Weather Channel and telle us what youre doing. Show up at fema. Aited she waited four days after the second deadliest hurricane to hit. And who knows . God forbid whats going to Th One goes, Go S Show your face at fema. Go thereho fema. Every Day And N you can go out on the campaign trail, show up on the weathel, r channel, do an interview there somewhere, for crying out loud. Thats serious. T not call her Daddy Whileca people are literally Drownin G in their homes. I am not sure who came upo with this brilliant Ideacame U a but that person should be fired. This is political Malpractice Ase are literally dying. Yeah. Not a good look. Were trying to calllg. Fema, not daddy. Carly, thank you. [lauhere. Now out Kickoff Founder Clay travis. Wevm foundee said this is not l now, the mainstream media saysat its not working. Listen to Andrea Mitchell. Clay so, look, there is Earlyi Voting happening right nowngwan and people basically she wants to be everywhere. Was people to hear her. And No One is watching and theyre not moving the needle. I exactly. I mean, this is not me saying this. This is Harriss Meeti is the y saying we need to move the needle. It is a stubbor neen race. That was dana bash, not Andrea Mitchell. I don jesset know who i insult. Worse by making that comparison. I so im sorry to the both of them. Clay travis, take it away. Awa. Look, jesse, this election, Kamala Harris has to sweep pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. What i call the Big Ten states. Shes doing call her daddy, Howard Stern, stephen colbert. And The View is theyre t a single undecided voter in those three states. That is a regular Viewer Or Listener of any of those the outlets. Shes preaching to the Choir Whenw while she needs to be outg evangelizing to Peopleel Y who havent come to her church yet. And this to meet, is a profoundo just miscalculation in general. You know, i intervieweD Trump at the georgia, alabama game, jesse, and wbamae also invited, because i would be fair, Kamala Harris, to come on and do Anto Com Interview Aty Football Game of her choice, nfl college, hbcu, wherever she would want to do it, i would go i D Interv woulD Interview D Talk about the race and about sports. Shes not willing to do it. Shes not willing to reach out sheche who she who she needs ti to persuade. Heres the other thing, jesse. I dont knowng, if you grew up listening to Howard Stern. I did the Howard Stern that weo grew up listening to, wildlyst entertaining, incredibly politically incorrect. You know what . Y incohis first Question Fortion R Kamala Harris would be if he were still being honestharriw and the version of Howard Stern we grew up with. When did you find out that youer the guy you were dating had gotten his nanny pregnant . D and what was your reaction when you found that out, that It Ende Od his first marriage . That would be the Opening Question that he would ask. Anothewoulr question he Would Ak is. You say you believe all women. Well, your Husbandsyour Hus accused of smacking an exgirlfriend at a fancy Cannesi Party he went to in 2012. Do. You think that shes lying or do you not believe women when they say bad things about your Husband Hus . Again, this is real questions that should be asked. And are you going to be asked o on The View or Howard Stern or call her daddy where they dont even Kno W that the draft ever existed, or certainly even on 60 . We want but is what we want howard to asminutesk her aboutd drugs and rock and roll. The old howard. L the old well see what happen. But youre right. The people that are really elecg to decide this election, they want to see harris under pressure. They want to see how she handles it. And so far, shes avoided it. And thats suspicious. And why people arent coming over to her side. Clay travis, looking sharp, as always, thanks for joining prime time. Thank you, jesse. Have a good monday. Trump goes back to butler. Eric trump on deck. Deck. Plus, Elon Musk and johnny were there is having a Big Problemme. With men. A Big Problem with men . Men dont want to go far. Be the women want to vote Forh Vicks . Vapor stick provides soothing Vapor Stick provides soothing nonmedicateolfamily. D vicks va. Easy to apply for the whole family. Vicks Depot Stake and try new Vapor Shower Maxmmediate foy vicks vapors. Teeth sensitivity is so se it immediately feels like Somebody Poking directly on the nerve. Anmy patied sensodyne. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth in Calm Center of down. 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Tom brady, the broadcaster thats got everything in the world. Why do it, tommy . Why yak tommy, why dont you lay on a beach getting fat on Pina Coladas when i buy a Soccer Team . Got one, dude, why would they ask why . What are they even talking about . What . What theyre really asking is, why dont you quit football . They dont understand that you live and breathe for football because youre tom freakin brady. And one day, maybe the greatest ever was dr. The stage is set. Here we go. Here we go. You can say that the masked singer only Wednesdays On Fox or watch anytime on hulu. Im alec mercer. Im a behavioral psychologist. The fbi calls me because i know why. And people do the inexplicable. You mean dangerous and stupid is not a scientific term. It shouldnt be the irrational. Check your local listings. Procrastination has been my biggest enemy. I felt completely helpless to it. Now with theses, its this perfect mix of an increase to energy, a deep tunnel focus. 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I love that chart. I love that graph. Isnt it a beautiful thing . The trump addressed the Assassination Attempt Head on and Toln D the country what it needs to do. 12 weeks ago, we all took a bullet for america and we all are all asking is that everyone goes out and votes. We got to win. We Cant Letall youking eve this happen to our country. We cant we Cant Takewe can tan four years like this. We wont have a country left. Were not going to have a Countrtrwere Nuntry Ley left. E and all of this will be forgy nothing if you dontou get out and vote. Special guest Elon Muskag jumping on to the staged and laying out the stakes in novembelayingr. F listen. The true test of Someonessois H Characteow tr is how they behave under fire. And we had one president whoo couldnt climatene pre a flight of stairs and another who was Fist Pumping after getting shot. This is this is no ordinaryyl electionec. The other side wants to takem of away your freedom of speech. Tae they want to take away your right to bear arms. This Election Coul D be decidednd vot by A Thousand votes,es 500 vote. A tiny margin. So get everyone you know to register to vote. Fight, fight, fight, vote. But vote. Survivinesse sug an assassinato attempt. Returning to the Scene Of The Crime and being endorsedf by the greatest innovator on earth is the most remarkable political story of the election. Y the Media Despddia despise it. He very quickly reverted back to his typical self, playing the victim Card And Casting himself as a martyr. Leveling up these two ideas. The so the Laughable Donald For Trump took a bullet for Democracy Versus A president who wants to put the country first and increasing Count Despe Family whos preparing for Civil War. It just makes things and just throw it out there. And i bet you shocked ifupid. The audience was really that stupid to believe the crazy lies. Whos really preparing for a Civil War here . DonalD Trump has revered the. He has revered hitler. He shreds books, used to sayhad had it on his nightstand. Donald Trump Hasa ve had a Veryp Sinister Philosophy wanting to bhye a dictator. I think that the danger of a Donald Trump is that He Woulgud absolutely try to exterminate an entire group of people because he thinks that their genes are somehow differentdiffc in his and body while they allow the most reckless commentary Thatss Al already incited assassins. Anything that youreadcited as factually accurate about covid or hunter, they want to censor c you. Faceso the platforms, whether its Facebook Or Twitter X Or Instagram or tiktok, whatever they are, irf they dont moderate and monitor the content of we lose total control. What drives them crazy is that they Cant Control you, and thats why theyre trying to silence donal D Trump by any means necessary, because his success is an indictment of them. Theyre in confidence. Theyre sedition, ion is theyre authoritarianism. This election is a battle for survival atl. He futur its not just about trump. Its about the future of the country and whether it will remain free and fair as it was founded. Eric trump, the executive Vice President at the trumpce pre organization. So you were there on saturdasidy at. What was the emotion like . Eric gesture is incredible. Ive never been more so. Ive never Bee Jessen more prd of my father in my entire life. I would say thats the corys wifetmobile, his two beautiful daughters. You had his blurry his Firefighting Uniformhis P the corner. Its actually up there at the corner of the screen. It was a beautiful, beautifulbei moment. People as far as the eye could see. I went out there on Stage Right Beforefu i co he spoke the with laura. I couldnt see The End of the crowd. Ther End Oe was there was at let A Hundred Thousand people there. They were going crazy, Unlikg Cx The Guests that you just played. These are not stupid people. And in fact, theyre the extremely smartrtt people. T theyre amazing people. Theyre people that love this country, love our nation. Lois countationo see and to see t first again and were not cant put first. We a are we are falling behind d in absolutely everything we do. And its Iand Itsf youre goinl of them. And thats why its not a political movement. Jesse,s Whynot Litical this i of total love. These people love my father. Hes notthese pe a politician. Ct hes not a politician. To them. Hes literally a savior of this countro. Is litery. Take the one person who will takeev every literal and figurative bullet for this nation time and time again. You know, its funny, you just watcheain, Youd Hillary clintong about, you know, being the arbiter of of truth. O i mean, this is a person who literally wrote a dirty dossier about my father. And yet, you know, shes the arbiter of truth. And every single one of those people in the crowes the r of e that they recognize the games that the democrats play. They recognize how they put this country last. They recognize when Kamala Harris, you Kno W, wantsw, to give residents of North Lina 75 carolina 750 as their home floats down a river. They recognizeme float that donD Trump kept them out of wars. They recognize that my father Cut Taxest taxes in ways that No One has ever done a large Tax Cuts in the history of the nation. They recognize that under my father, they had two and a Half Percent Interest rates as opposed to 10 interest rates. Now they recognize under my father, you know, Inflation Wasnt out of control. You could afford to buy a two by four at home depot. You could afford eggs, you could afford bacon. Right. And they also realized that this man does not need this job and goes out tirelessly every single day to fight for each every single one of them. And thats why hes not a politician why he in their et and thats why they adore him. And thats why they came out in record numberins s. And thats why you had the emotion in that crowdhere a that you had on on that night. I mean, their hero almost lostlm his life. You know, some gunmen almost ll ofhim from from all of them and all of us. How potent was it when musk leaps up there and says what he said, well, you want to talkabou about another person . Not nee that is courage, jesse. Its its elon, right . I mean, he does not need to be on that stag stage, e, you knowe himself. It probably doesnt help his businesses. And yet he does and yets It Bece he realizes i mean, he saw i mean, literally he sawtwitte the back data to twitter and what they were doing and Hoand How W they were workiu with the government, how they were suppressing peoples free speech. In i,t ey were doing it to you jesse. They were doing it to me. They were doing it to fox news. They were they were doing it to everybodyere who Shoopinion Who shared a difference of opinion of them. And, you know, this is a man who believes in the Constitutionthis Is N who be, in who believes in free speech. And this is a man whos willing to literallywhout his j his Jo Companies on the line, even if its detrimental to them, to come out and speacok the truth. And i give that guy an incredible credit, not not only is he agive thatable super, i mean, he lands a rocket, you know, i mean, every single day now, the rockets just shohing Rocket T the air. Hu hes remarkable in terms of what hes accomplished. But you want to talkt about a guy with backbone. Thats thats elon. You dont see that many billionaires going out there Nybody Ng Out Th and putting their chain out the way he does and jumping like that. I, i give him tremendous credit. Hes an amazing person. Youre seeing him up thereperso. Ng him ure with with your Dad And Kennedy up there with your daresd. Theres something stirring and everybody can feel it. Thats forng, ever sure. Ow i looks like you guys have a lot of momentum. Its a tight race. Well see how it shaket shs out eric trump, thanks as always for joining us. , jesse. S, jes fema goes full D I. Fema goes full D I. Where do you see this . Right back. Copd isnt pretty. With o im out of breath and often out of the picturencbeautifu, but ty story. And wiTh One staley trilogy, it and with three medicines and one Inhaler Trilogy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare ups. Trilogy also improves Lungsuddeb Function so i can breathe more freely all Day And Night. Trilogy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathin do than prg problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high blood a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking do not take trilogy more than prescribed trilogy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia and osteoporosis. 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Best toothpast find Luminal Toothpaste at a walmart and target. Sufferinhe Save Thousands of Holocaust Survivors who are suffering in the former soviet Union Today because of support. The needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. Da . Yeah. I ate the carrot, so i ate halcf of it yesterday and i had it today for breakfast. And this is what she ate in two days. One carrot prepares to be pleased to meet the international fellowship of christians. And jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. We urgently need your Giftr I of 25 now to helpr provide one Survival Food Box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month, even beforeternatio. L i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. This trusted ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elderly Jewishs L people who live in extreme poverty around the world m. But i believe in god. But i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. Perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a match so people would understand you do a radica ne nowl. I face hunger again. Please dont delay, call, scan is or go online. New to help rush one Survival Food Box to a Holocaust Survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. This is what god wants from us. Just feed the hungry. Just feed the hungry. If im asking you to act now. Do it when its on your heart. I pray that theyll know their final months, that theyre not alone. Another Hurricane Barreling down on america. Hurricane milton has officiallyt been upgraded to a cat five,cat. Headce in a lifetime storm heading straight towards tampa. Instead of americans coming togethermpa. , the media and kama are making up stories about republicans. Nbcs reportingin Governor Desantis is ignoring your callsgntal Cen On Hurricand Resources and help. Hohow does that hurt the situation here . M you know, moments of crisis, Ife Nothing else, should reallyanyo be the moment that anyone who callnes themselves a leader says theyre going to put politics aside for the people first. People are in desperate need of support right now and playing political games at this moment in these crisis situations, these are emergencies. This is utterly irresponsible and it is selfish and it is about political gamesmanship that is doing the job that is setting out to put people first. Well, that doesnt sound like ron desantis. Is he really lettine rog camillas calls go to voicemail ahead of a cat five . I didnt know that she had called, so im not sure who they called. They didnt call me. And their characterization of it was something that they did wasnt anything that anybody in my my Office Di did Inaying Thd In Terms Of T was political, given the severity of this morning. Since i did want to ask you about about politics right now in terms of should or should not, i dont really want to answer questions about this. Is not a time for politics. No. Excuse me, gary, you and your public nation will twist anything thats done to trythats to make a political agenda. Thats what you do. Thats how you get your clicks w. I understand that. I understand thats the business model. Well, but but but i i dont want to talk about politics. Is Kamala Harris dialincsg the Wrong Number . Is your staff lying to her or is she just going along with another hoax . Not a good look for no her. Look. Speaking of not a good look, Homeland Security Secretary who oversees the border patrol, the Secret Serviceas and Fema Ws spotted shopping over the weekend at a luxurd Shoppiys Store in georgetown, shopping for designer suits d. While the southeast is still crippled from a lean wall,e mayk mayorkas is buying 800ke cardigans famous broke. At mo are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another are exp hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. Fema does not have the funds it to make it through the season. H the ho but where the money were than 1,000,000,000 went to welcoming bidens migrants. Oe now the White House says thats not true. T we have the tape and the binder. Biden did not take female Relief Money to use to use on migrants. Fending is alsmigrano available through Femas Emergency Food and Shelter Program to eligibled local governments and not from nonforprofit organizations. P upon request to support humanitarian relief for migrantsief or. Okay, so she lied. Res Femas Response hasntpons been great, but fema says youre not allowed to criticize the sm because it hurts their feelings. On it has a tremendous impact on the Comfort Level of our own employees lev. And when you have this dangerous rhetoric like youre Hearing Ilit creates feal in our own employees for what it does. People lost their homes and their husbands. And fema is worried about hurt feelings. Well, this makes sense because fema has gone full diia even admitting their Rescue Agenda is Focusegenda Isd on se. Lgbtq people and people who have been disadvantaged already are struggling. They already have their own things to deal with. So you add a disaster on top of that. Its its just compoundingon on itself. Genc the shift that were seeing right now is a shift in Emergency Management from utilitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatestgned for good, for the greatest amount of people to disaster equity. E hmm. Disaster equity. I dont care whos more underwater straight. Youre on your own. And. You get saved first. They just admitted they dont want to help as many people as possible, as as efficientlicialy as possible. They want to help the Rightib Kind of peoplele, th first. Heres how things stand intoi North Carolinank. North fema abandons devastated north Carolina Town residents becausen it Cant Drive around roads. Closed sign. Nobodys been bringing in supplies except civilians bem so fema Wont Helphelp ame americans because they cante Sn Drive around a road closed sign. But they have no Problems Buthey Havhelpin who broke into this country. They got thousands of dollarsnaa on gift cards. They live in luxury hotels. Ge. Even get free cellsnd but americans cant depend on the government that they pa y for. They have to depend on each other. Knthem around. I dont know exactly whos doing what. It seems like mostwhat, it liked is coming from from civilians that are volunteering. I hav e friends up that way,t that w have family up that way, and there is no Responseeyre J its more of the community itself coming togethernity as ao whole. I think its very disappointing, you know, that that theres been such yedelay in in getting the help that this community needs. We dont know the scale yet. So, you knowe want t, we want td to know that theres still a lot left unknown here. On top of Tha Ht only 9 of femas personnel are around to help with hurricane milton. Gh a cat five heading this way. It lworse . Fema or the Secret Service . Its like a Coin Toss now. And how is it that Biden And Harris can send money overseas faster than they can send it to our own citizens . President biden is Fondand I of saying, show me your budget. And i will tell you what you value. If hes got money for people in lebanon right now without congress having to come back, what does it say about his values . S values there is not enough money right now for his family. North carolina, his. Thats not information. Wait. No. That is your whole yes your whole of th premise of the question is misinformation, sir. You may not wane wathat, but thats okay. Thats what this president wants and thats what the Vice President wants. Thy. everybodd Thatsce Pres. Im taking my binder and im going home. Americans are furious, but Kamala Thinkicans ars shesg a heck of a job. Got it. Vice president , what did you about the Administrations Response Today that were going to take it on the ground before this and continually through today and were in for the long haul. And i think that what were not here is the best of what we all can do here. Responsible. Okay. No one can even hear her,back s but she just called the response extrahelled the ordina i think thats what they said about the evacuation from afghanistan, too. Former Obama Adviser David axelrod says liberal North Carolina kamala voters, theyll be fine. Ha its the rural trump voters that might not have a place to Vottlace Toe when November R. Those voters in Asheville E are there. Theyre, you know, the kind a wy of voters who will figure out a way to vote. You know, there are upscale of kind of liberal voterseyr and theyre probably going to figuree where to vote. E im not sure a bunch of thesehah folks who haeid their homese and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina,th in the mountains, There Moune as easy to to trumo wrangle the trump campaign. As trump said last Weekp Cam votes dont matter nearly as much as peoples lives, lie that theyve bungled this Hurricane Response so badly proves one thing. Elections do have consequenc e. Beret former Green Beret and save our allies cofoundeofounderrked who helped Hurricane Relief Tim Kennedy is here. All right,y when tim, when you t that, harris says the response has been extraordinaryhebeen. Ug do you agree . I think the response by private citizens respons, americans and the resilience community, the resilient communities of North Carolina,amenitien have absolutely been extraordinary. I saaordinary. W rednecks in four by Foursou And Chainsaw clear roads where, you know, federal employees got stuck out. I saw Men And Women In Uniform coming fromecomingm the 82nd an, and they arrived. And their responseived and has n extraordinary. Im so inspired by the american spirit, especially with the volunteers from so many incredibly Unteers E organizations. But it shouldnt fall on private organizations and nonprofits like save our allies, samaritans purse airlift. It shouldnt be on us. Its that we have those organizations for a reason. And that that parts broken my heart. And we spend a lot of money on taxes. We give the government more than half in some cases, and the money goes to lebanon. It goes to migrants. But people havent even seen fema in some of these precincts. What are you hearing from those people . I hear desperation. I hear people that are inmote a remote areas. Its always the poor that are the Mostrelways Th in dire need. And, you know, theyre theyrele holding on to life by a tiny little thread. And that thread currently being held by a lot of different ngos and nonprofits and Jus Nont good americans, good citizens and good samaritans that are getting up there. You know, we are now 11 Days N into this. We shoul 11 daysd got it. Way we should have this under control. Miltons on its way. So save our alliesr allies is lg at pivoting people to florida because Evidentlbecause Y Theret going to be enough money from the federal organizations to deal with the disasters that are on the table right now. So were just going to keep onog working because work has to be done to save lives. Well, youre doing a great job. Tastic and save our allies is a fantastic organization. You guys do reallyrganizat if extraordinary work. And if anybody out there watching wants to Helpanybody Ta great place to go check them out and donate if you can. Than k you so much. Y ride we really appreciate it. Keep it up. Thanksrste ap. Johnny goes to thejohnny trump rally. Is Donald Trump going to win . 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Together, weve raised nearly 8 Million dollars to supportettr results. Look for clinical Grade Berberine and other doctors preferred products in stores near you. When Donald Trump returned to butler this saturday, the people who were there the first time returned to. What it like being back and what do they think of trumps new opponent . Johnny was in Butler And President trump is back in Butler And Everyone is so excited by the fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. Donad what does it mean that Donald Trump is back in butler . Its resilience. He was we all knew he was a fighter. We never a knew he was get shot in the head, Stand Up and tell people people to fight fighter. Hes so cool. Who comes back . The linebacker miles long. Oh, my god. Its a story. What was it like here in butlerw on July 13 . Didnt seem real like Ithawas Il is sounded like fireworks. Nobody left here. Bullets were. And ev we waited until he got up, and then everybody screamed. Usery a. DonalD Trump was almost impoa killed right over there. Why was it important that you be here today . Some knucklehead trying to do bad things is not going to detengr me in my life. I he took a bullet for us and i would take a bullet for hilemu to close the chapter on what happened in butler, but notlt ever Forgetting Corey and the other individuals who were injured. For me personally, its likeg closing one chapter, but simultaneously openingrward another one as we move forward towards the election. Is Donald Trump going to win pensilvato . Young derry no. Blue is around here. I tell you that when youre out there casting your ballot, what issue is at s the top of your mind . For me, its 100 border out. The people that are struggling here beforuse we help anybodytoe outside. We need a strong military to keep this country safe. I have expensive taste. DonalD Trump will let me buy the stuff i want to buy. I literally cry when im at no the grocery store. We got no food. We got nfoode o jobs. Ou our Pets Head that far. What is Kamala Harrises stancet on fracking . I mean, it depends on the day, doesnt it . Yeah. Obably so i dont know. I should. We should probably find out what it is, too. F what Ishthat Shee do doesnt wa in her heart. We all know shes against it noagainsw. I guess youre right. There was an illegal immigration that saved Donald Trumps life. He says he sleeps with it. He said what . You sleep with my gun . The hope that Donald Trump wins the election. I had my lunch and i was a man. I dont. Ce o i would sleep with a piece of paper, right . Thats the man he isf pa. How does that guy tim Walz Act . Oh, my god. Like a. Like a camel is having a Big Problem with men. A Big Problem with men. Men dont want to vote fort her. Do the women want to Votlikee Fy i would not like a Guy Ifvotg he was voting for Kamala Harri S. Just a certain Type E of person. Shes not convincing enough for them. Hillary didnt have. We do notm with. No, she didnt. It just Bill Tomlin doesnt like answering any questions. Ue but if you come Face To face with kamala, what would you askt kamala . Why havent you done anything the last y and three and a half years . Did you fall out of a Coconut Tree . When are you going ttreeo Drop T of this . Because youre not going to win. What are your actual policies . Whacies . Y you always lie. Hy Alw And Whyay you always lie. Jes what do you want to tell jesse . Hes a here . O. Jesse says it like it is. Im also jesse and this is my world,. Ive got it for a baby. S letgos go. Fox news alert. Kamala Harris Media blitz is already bombing. O 60 minutes just grilled her on immigration. Sh gration,e had nothing. Here w watch. As there was. And History Flood of undocumented immigrants across the border. The first three years of your administrationstration, was it a mistake to loosen the immigration as much as youm did . Pr its a longyou did . Stand prm and solutions are at hand. And fromat day one, literally. Y on we have beene, offering solutions. What i was asking was, was ita a mistake to kind of allow a that flood to happenll in the first place . I think the policies that we have been proposing are about fixing a problem, not promotin g a problem. Okay. But the numbers did Quadrupl Ut the ne. She had nothing. No thing. Then this happened. You are a gun. What kind of gun do you own . And when and why did you get it . E i have a glock, and ive had t for quite some time. K, m and i mean, look, my background is in Law Enforcement and so v there you go. Have you ever fired it . Yeever firs, of course i have. At a shooting range. Ju yes, of course i have. St ofnot sure whats so funny about that, but well have more from the 60 minutes tomorrow. But ahead on prime timto. E, ale, a major programming alert. A major programming alert. Stay tuned s. Ill be honest, by the End Ita of the day, my flaws. To g. But who has the time to clean . Thats why i love my swiffer wetjet. 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