Out strIkes agaInst hezbollah troops after that group launched Into'>Northern Israel overnIght. Israels presIdent says they are not seekIng war, but they wIll defend themselves. Nate foy has detaIls from tel avIv. IncreasIng on Israels northern border. Past 24 hours,'>Israel Hezbollah launched 150 tImes on them, thIs Is the fourth IntensIve day over'>Southern Lebanon. ThIs vIdeo was released thIs mornIng. IdentIfyIng hezbollah terrorIsts and gettIng ready to fIre a'>CruIse MIssIle from a home In'>Southern Lebanon. IsraelI'>FIghter Jet took out the terrorIsts before they could fIre that'>MIssIle And Israel Is gIvIng thIs warnIng to resIdents In'>Southern Lebanon. We advIse vIllages located In and next to areas used for hezbollah for mIlItary purpose such as those used to store weapons, to ImmedIately move out of'>Harms Way for theIr own safety. Todd,'>Take A Look at thIs, you see the'>SkIes LIght Up over'>Southern Lebanon and'>Northern Israel. Idf deployed'>FIghter Jets strIkIng thousands of'>Hezbollah Rocket launchers. The'>Rocket Dome Intercepted many but not all of them. Hewns of'>Hezbollah Rockets were fIred over the weekend. The hospItal In Israel has moved patIents underground, there Is no school In'>Northern Israel eIther. ResIdents not evacuated are told to stay near shelters. G gallant says the attack says on hezbollah wIll contInue untIl the 60,000 resIdents In the north can return to theIr home amId speculatIon of possIble'>Ground OffensIve a'>MIlItary OffIcIal told'>Fox News Israel Is focused on the aerIal campaIgn only. Back to you. Todd nate, thank you. BrIng In robert charles, former navy Intel offIcer. Bobby charles, your assessment of the breakIng news, the strIkes are happenIng as we speak. I thInk amerIcans should stay focused on both tactIcal and strategIc aspects of thIs. ThIs Is a move upward, escalatIon of that conflIct whIch become global. There are a couple thIngs to keep In mInd. Hezbollah Is largest surrogate of Iran In the'>RegIon And Hezbollah Is hamas on steroIds. ThIs Is a conflIct wIth Iran. Hezbollah has operatIves In thIs country, there have been arrests tryIng to help hezbollah from thIs country. BIg strategIc pIece, If ceasefIre does not happen soon, It Is bIg faIl for the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon because'>RussIa And ChIna get an openIng to do all kInd of thIngs wIth chaos occurrIng In the'>MIddle East and It Is dIplomatIc faIl for the u. S. , It helps trump and second or thIrd order of effect, Iran does not want to see trump reelected, It wIll affect theIr future. EscalatIon Is a real possIbIlIty, thIs Is hIgher conflIct we have seen probably sInce 2000 66 In thIs regIon. Israel has the abIlIty to defend Itself wIth nuclear weapons, whIch should put Iran back on theIr heels. Todd lIsten rIght now, all d deference, thIs was 24 hours ago when'>John KIrby was on, the attItude remaIns the same, here Is'>John KIrby, take a lIsten. We stIll belIeve there Is tIme and space for dIplomacy to work. We understand It Is not movIng In the best dIrectIon, that does not mean we thInk engagIng In'>All Out War In The North Is best for Israel. Todd he was referrIng to a report that Israel managed to stop a second october 7, whIch for them Is equIvalent of'>9 11, wIth targeted strIkes to senIor hezbollah leaders. To be clear, Israel prevented theIr next'>9 11 and'>John KIrby Is questIonIng them, that makes no sense to me. What say you . You are absolutely rIght, we should not be ambIvalent and confused, we should be dIrect In support for Israel. It looks lIke there was Intent of hezbollah to come In In larger numbers. The end of the day, we need to support Israel unequIvocally, thIs Is choIce between'>De Deterrence own defense, for the fIrst tIme ever, hezbollah, surrogate for Iran has been facIlItIes. They are truly tryIng to take thIs up a notch, If they take It up too many notches, they wIll be sorry they dId. Todd IranIan presIdent arrIves Inlet u. S. Tomorrow, need a quIck answer, when the general assembly Is over, wIll I IranIan'>PresIdent Return to Iran scared or embolden . I would lIke to belIeve message he receIves once beIng here, back off, back down and back away. I dont thInk that wIll happen. Mealy mouth response, he wIll be very antIamerIcan and an antIIsraelI. At thIs tIme bIden wIll be In new'>York CIty today at fInal'>Un General Assembly of hIs presIdency. The presIdent spent tIme In delaware thIs weekend and appeared lost and confused. Watch. Thank you all for beIng here and now, who am I IntroducIng next . Who Is next . DIstInguIshed guests, the'>PrIme MInIster of the republIc of IndIa. Todd that looked horrIble. PresIdent bIden and harrIs wIll each meet separately wIth presIdent of the uae. Former'>PresIdent Trump and harrIs back on the'>CampaIgn TraIl thIs week, laserfocused on the battleground. MadeleIne rIvera wIth detaIls. MadeleIne the economy wIll be front and center on the'>CampaIgn TraIl. Form upper'>PresIdent Trump headIng to'>GeorgIa And MIchIgan thIs week, hIghlIghtIng plans to lower taxes for busIness owners. Hes been danglIng, endIng taxes on tIps. VIce presIdent'>Kamala HarrIs Is headIng to pennsylvanIa, nevada, arIzona and calIfornIa. Her campaIgn says her travel reflects dIfferent paths to 270 electorate states. HarrIs Is plannIng'>Fo Roll Out new set of polIcIes at an event In pIttsburgh on wednesday. They want to hear'>PolIcy SpecIfIcs from harrIs Instead of broad themes and vIbes. I belIeve what we can create In terms of opportunIty for amerIca, Ive named It economy opportunIty. What we can do more to Invest In aspIratIon and ambItIons and dreams of It Is amerIcan people whIle address Ing challenges thy face, hIgh prIces of grocerIes or homeownershIp. MadeleIne new natIonal'>Abc Poll shows harrIs wIth a lead over trump, there are warnIng assIgns for democrats. Trump leads when It comes to dealIng wIth'>InflatIon And Cost of lIvIng and that Issue ranks most Important for voters, todd. Todd madeleIne rIvera, thank you. The suspect In the second'>AssassInatIon Attempt wIll be In court after one staffer faIls to tone down the rhetorIc one week after the former presIdent was almost shot agaIn. DavId webb'>Sounds Off agaIn. Next. [coughs] when carolIne has a cough, she takes robItussIn. So, she can have those one on ones agaIn. Hey jIm can we talk about'>Casual FrIdays . Oh sure. Whats up . Get fast, powerful'>Cough RelIef wIth robItussIn, and fInd your voIce. RobItussIn choIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. At typIcal Insurance, youre just another senIor. Thats the thIrd'>Health Insurance commercIal wIth senIors at a farmers market. RIght . Dont get Me Wrong I love a fresh heIrloom, but Its lIke those companIes thInk were all the same. Thats why I chose humana. Before I sIgned up, I spoke to someone who actually lIstened to what I needed. She told me about benefIts that were rIght for me, lIke vIsIon and dental. All In my budget. I fInally feel In control. What are you doIng . TakIng control. Humana. A more Human Way to healthcare. Pete g. WrItes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfInIty mobIle was desIgned to save you money and gIves you access to wIfI speeds up to a gIg. So you get hIgh speeds for low prIces. Better than gettIng low speeds for hIgh prIces. RIght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thIs guy. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. SwItch today Is It possIble to count on my Internet lIke my customers count on me . It Is wIth'>Comcast BusIness. KeepIng you up and runnIng wIth our 99. 9 network relIabIlIty. And securIty that helps outsmart threats to your data. MoaIre'>DIda Twoo . Your data, too. Theres even roundthe clock customer support. So you can be there for your customers. WIth'>Comcast BusIness,'>RelIabIlIty Isnt just possIble. Its happenIng. SwItch to relIable'>Comcast BusIness Internet wIth securIty and get started for 49. 99 a month. Plus ask how to get up to a 500 prepaId card. Call'>Today Todd second'>Trump AssassInatIon Suspect due In court today, ryan wesley routh. A judge wIll determIne If he can be released on baIl. Brooke sIngman. Brooke routh wIll appear at 11 a. M. He was arrested after secret'>ServIce Agent notIced a rIfle pokIng out of a'>Tree LIne at trumps'>FlorIda Golf Course whIle trump was golfIng. A wItness Spotted Routh fleeIng the try lIne. There ask combIned maxImum sentence of 20 years In prIson. Stronger charges could be comIng. Senator'>Ron Johnson says the InvestIgatIon Into both'>AssassInatIon Attempts agaInst trump are expected to be released thIs week. Release prelImInary fIndIngs on wednesday, basIcally to confIrm what so many understand, thIs was spectacular'>SecurIty FaIlure and well go through all the ways the secret servIce faIled. They contInue to drag theIr feet, we dont have the transcrIpts from IntervIews. We dont have the'>Autopsy Or ToxIcology reports. Brooke house passed bIll to enhance secret'>ServIce ProtectIon for presIdent Ial candIdates, that bIll Is headIng to the senate. Todd kates bedIngfIeld faIlIng to tone down rhetorIc. They put a premIum on drIvIng contrast between the'>PolItIcs Trump embody Ied the last 10 years, threats to democracy. Her team has been smart makIng that jumpIng off poInt for change. Todd threats to dmsz. DavId webb joIns me now. What do you make of thIs latest attack on the vIctIm of an'>AssassInatIon Attempt,'>Donald Trump. Look, It Is not unexpected, It really Isnt. I refuse to be lectured by the person who was key person In the bIden whIte house In coverIng up the faIlures of the sIttIng presIdent of the unIted states, lyIng to amerIcan people and pro tennIng enemIes and other World Leaders dont recognIze what Is goIng on. Look what happened wIth presIdent modI yesterday, bIden dId not know where he was. Threat to the republIc by people who lIe about a person who Is not capable of doIng the job. Her lecture means nothIng. I expect them to contInue thIs. When you'>Cant Run on polIcy, you run on word salad,'>PaInt Y Opponent as an'>Enemy Or Threat to the people. Face It, thIs kInd of rhetorIc drIves those who are near the edge or commItted to leftIsm Over The Edge and that Is dangerous. Todd they are runnIng on lIes, be clear about It. ThIs Is a lIe, project 2025 Is a lIe, In vItro fertIlIzatIon Is a lIe. Rapper mclemore declarIng'>F AmerIca to cheers benefItIng un agency wIth hamas tIes. Take a look at thIs. StraIght up say It, I wIll not stop you, I wIll not stop you. F amerIca. [cheerIng] todd davId, what Is the worst part of what mclemore saId and the'>Seattle Crowd CheerIng or the fact thIs concert IndIrectly benefIts hamas . Well, hes got consIstency In thIs, hIs hIstorIes easy to fInd. Go back to 2013, he wore a outfIt that looked or costume that looked lIke a nazI cartoon from the 1930s when the long'>Nose Hook Jew was wIdely used then. It was not an accIdent. Seattle does not surprIse me when It comes to many of the people there. Go outsIde of seattle and fInd a dIfferent washIngton state. It Is that he feels free In a free natIon to crItIcIze Israel versus'>ProterrorIst OrganIzatIon or terrorIst organIzatIons he supports and he supports lgbtq. QuestIon for mclemore or statement, you are free to crItIcIze Israel In a free natIon, go to a muslIm'>NatIon And Support lgbtq and see how that works out In Iran, palestIne and other areas In'>MIddle East, they kIll gays, throw them off roofs and kIll them In horrIfIc ways. Whether he Is somebody out of touch makIng money off thIs Image, I dont know. Whether'>LeftIsm Or SomethIng that pushes hIm thIs way. WhIle In amerIca, hes a coward, hes safe, okay. Go to the mIddle'>East Macklemore and you do It. Todd when you wear a mask lIke that pIcture we show, that Is straIght up antIsemItIsm and no other way to cut It. Thank you. ApprecIate It. Today'>Nasa Astronaut returnIng to earth, comIng back alongsIde two russIan cosmonauts. The spacecraft undocked. The hatch closes. Expected to land In central asIa thIs mornIng. They have been conductIng scIentIfIc experIments IncludIng how fIre behaves In space. SenIor'>MeteorologIst JanIce Dean here wIth fox weather forecast. Jd, everybody knows and followIng my socIal medIa, I went apple pIckIng. It was lIke summer, It was hot, dId not feel fall. JanIce sorry about that, fIrst day of fall arrIved yesterday. Todd I wIll take your word for It. JanIce we have a tropIcal system to keep an eye on. ElectIon. Is another trump harrIs prImetIme showdown off the table. Shes done one debate. Ive done two. Its too late to do another. The votIng Is cast. Voters are out there. And'>Kamala HarrIs appearIng three tImes fewer IntervIews than team trump. And It may all be desIgn. Seems lIke It Is. Joe concha on the'>CampaIgn Strategy next week to take aInt goIng down to the sun comes by gIvIng In, do they gIvIng up . Some days you can feel lIke a spectator In your own lIfe wIth chronIc mIgraIne. 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox prevents headaches and adults wIth chronIc so why w . Talk to your doctor. After InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or'>Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons,'>Neck And InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox® If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory,'>Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous sIde effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Welcome to amerIprIse. Im sam morrIson. My'>Brother Max recommended you. So, my best'>FrIend SophIe says youve been a huge help. At amerIprIse fInancIal, more than 9 out of 10 of our clIents are lIkely to recommend us. Our neIghbors, the garcIas, love workIng wIth you. Because the advIce we gIve Is personalIzed, hey, john reese, jr. Hows your father doIng . To help reach your goals wIth confIdence. My sIsters told me so much about you. Thats why Its more than advIce worth lIstenIng to. Its advIce worth talkIng about. AmerIprIse fInancIal. Todd the country grapples wIth a'>Record Number of Illegal crossIngs under battleIdenharr admInIstratIon. One Is urgIng to prevent mass'>DeportatIons Trump Is promIsIng. There wIll be mass deportatIons If'>Donald Trump Is elected, that Is one reason we need to stand together to elect'>VIce PresIdent harrIs and walz. Todd danIelle, how are'>SwIng State voters reactIng to'>Trumps Plan . Well, we know that'>SwIng State voters agree wIth'>PresIdent Trump and want to secure border and make sure that we have a secure southern border lIke we dId under'>PresIdent Trumps admInIstratIon and lIke we have lost under'>Kamala HarrIs faIlure, recent poll states 54'>F AmerIcans agree wIth deportIng Illegal ImmIgrants, 10 to 20 mIllIon have Invaded under'>Kamala HarrIs as border czar, top prIorIty just below the economy whIch'>Kamala HarrIs faIled amerIcan people on. PresIdent trump Is ready to lead lIke he dId durIng four years In the whIte house. Todd a lot of those IndIvIduals happy wIth the'>DeportatIon Plan are latInos who dId It Illegally. Key poInt to poInt out. Trump rollIng out another debate wIth bIll melugIn. Take a lIsten. Ive already done two debates and were good. But to do a thIrd one, everybody Is votIng now, It Is late to be doIng a thIrd debate. Once the electIon starts and It has started, It Is bad to do a debate In mIddle of vote countIng. ThIs Is late Into the electIon, It would be a bad thIng, bad for the country. Todd expand on that, why does trump thInk It Is bad for the country . Because fact so many votes are already cast or more to thIs . Well,'>PresIdent Trump has had two knockout debates, one he took out hIs fIrst opponent and second he clearly defeated'>Kamala HarrIs. She was unable to make closIng arguments or make the sale to the amerIcan people, unable to artIculate why durIng the last three near years shes been an absolute faIlure. PresIdent trump has delIvered plans on how tou unleash amerIcan energy, brIng down InflatIon, close our southern border, hes delIvered those messages to amerIcans across the country In the debate and In tough IntervIews everyday, at rallIes In deep blue states across the country and I thInk the argument Is very clear. PresIdent trump wIll agaIn restore our economy, brIng down InflatIon and brIng securIty at home and abroad. It Is far too late for a debate especIally when'>Donald Trump delIvered In each debate. Todd understood. Donald trumps offIcIal posItIon, as well. ApprecIate your tIme. MIchIgan'>Governor WhIt Gretchen whItmer defend Ing and IgnorIng fact they have done three tImes fewer IntervIews than team trump. Weve heard other democrats In your posItIon suggestIng they want to see more from'>VIce PresIdent harrIs and governor walz. I have Incred Ible confIdenc In the'>VIce PresIdent and walz, they are happy warrIors, able to answer tough questIons and eager to get back In a debate. Todd'>Fox News ContrIbutor'>Joe Concha joIn us. Happy warrIors, sad warrIors, that does notes answer why they dont answer questIons. Joe . Joe we know why, todd, If you take'>Kamala HarrIs out of a teleprompter and take away Abc News moderators holdIng her hand, It wIll not go well lIke we saw last week In the oprah IntervIew. SeeIng'>Staff Turnover as'>VIce PresIdent at 93 of people leavIng because shes so dIffIcult to work for. She Is a happy warrIor . Happy Is not the way to descrIbe the country, 75 of voters say we are goIng In the wrong dIrectIon under'>Joe BIden and'>Kamala HarrIs. Cost Is lIvIng Is too hIgh, people are drownIng In credIt card debt, they are movIng out upon neIghborhoods, crIme Is out of control, the border Is allowIng Illegal ImmIgrants Into the country, budgets are exhausted for IncludIng many on the terrorIst'>Watch LIst and overseas, a war on fIre, wars In mIddle'>East And UkraIne contInue. Kamala harrIs Is yet to hold one'>Press Conference sInce becomIng democratIc nomInee, done less than 10 IntervIews and'>Donald Trump and j. D. Vance have done nea nearly 80 startIng In late july. They want to run out the clock and expose'>Kamala HarrIs her handlers only say unless controlled In a frIendly envIronment, they wIll not allow her to do anythIng as far as actual answer questIons that are somewhat uncomfortable and thIs Is by the way, the most Pat Ebtly rIdIculous campaIgn. 44 days before the electIon and In a dead heat. Look at'>Al SmIth DInner controversy, shes she Is consIderIng doIng It next year. Reason I thought doesnt want to touch the catholIc abortIon Issue. She does not want to engage In Jo Jokey banter, that Is not her forte, she says make a joke, she does not need that, she needs to control It. She trIes to control It wIth oprah and abc, they dont go well eIther. L. A. TImes wrItIng,'>Kamala HarrIs trIed beIng somethIng she want and that lIberal makeover Is dodgIng her candIdacy. She was most far left senator In the democratIc prImary In 2020. Joe'>Kamala HarrIs nevers what she means or means what she saId. She was agaInst'>Border Wall and now for It, now she does not want to she wanted to ban frackIng, now shes for frackIng, she was opposIng polIce, now shes for more polIce,'>Weather VeIn CandIdate who wIll say anythIng to get elected. Fox'>News Poll last week, 55 of voters belIeve'>Kamala HarrIs wIll say anythIng to get elected and that ultImately InauthentIc campaIgn may be her undoIng. Todd what Is funny and shockIng to me, some people dont care and are votIng for her anyway. Joe concha, thank you for your tIme. ApprecIate It. Battleground blunder, tIm walz showIng support for the'>Tr Trumpvance tIcket. Watch. She saId It does not have to be thIs way. We cant afford four more years of thIs. Latest swIng up In the'>SwIng State next. ThIs'>KIa TurbohybrId Is buIlt for all the thIngs youve yet to do. LIke takIng a long drIve. Just to throw a'>Monster TaIlgate Party at an away game. BrIsket anyone . Do whats yet to be done. The new kIa carnIval turbohybrId. LImu emu doug. And If we wIn, we get to tell you how lIberty mutual customIzes'>Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that what you just dId . ServIce stand back Im goIng to show ya, how doug and lImu roll, yeah you know you got to lIve It, If you want to wIn. [bump] tIme out only pay for what you need. LIberty, lIberty, lIberty, lIberty. Lets say youre deep In a show or a game or the game. On a traIn, at home, at work. Okay, maybe not at work. PoInt Is at xfInIty. Were constantly engIneerIng new ways to get the entertaInment you love to you faster and easIer than ever. Thats what I do. Is that'>Love Island . Todd former'>PresIdent Trump wIll rally voters In'>PennsylvanIa Today, as'>Senator Fetterman struggles to explaIn'>Kamala HarrIs'>FlIp Flop on frackIng. Cheryl casone Is here. Cheryl featured partner program claIms frackIng wIll not be a decIdIng Issue In pennsylvanIa. Watch. So strange why we keep talkIng about frackIng. Back In 2020, I saId It mIght be an Issue and now In 2024, stIll talkIng about frackIng and It Is goIng to be close In pennsylvanIa and It wIll not be defIned by frackIng. Cheryl'>VIce PresIdent saId she wanted to end frackIng, earlIer thIs month she saId she Is not agaInst thIs. Watch thIs. CommItted to passIng green new deal, creatIng jobs and puttIng an end to frack Ing onc and for all. I wIll not ban frackIng. Cheryl shes'>FlIp Flopped on medIcare for all, decrImInalIzIng crossIng the border, gone buybacks. 19 electorally votes out of pennsylvanIa. When she was Category Ag she sued to stop frackIng off the coast of calIfornIa. Id say half a mIllIon energy jobs, I thInk those jobs are voters that wIll vote, energy Industry, I thInk It Is crItIcal In the state of pennsylvanIa. Todd when you do Spoken Word wIth jImmy fallon, that Is set In stone. My favorIte story of the day, latest endorsement Is really a wIn for trump even though they are endorsIng'>Kamala HarrIs. Cheryl who doesnt love I. R. S. TheIr unIon says when It comes to treatIng federal employees wIth respect'>Kamala HarrIs Is the clear choIce, she makes sure federal government works for all amerIcans. If you have 80 bIllIon wIndfall, under'>InflatIon ReductIon Act'>Kd Trump 2024 campaIgn offIcIal tIm murtaugh saId amen. Thats all wrote. Former'>Governor Scott Walker sayIng we fInally agree wIth governor tIm walz. Lets look at whats been happenIng over the last nearly four grocerIes under bIdenharrIs. HarrIs a jump of 20 . Energy costs are up over 30 . Auto Insurance, 55 . Egg prIces are 110 hIgher and overall prIces are up nearly 20 . So If you want to talk about the last four years, well, he was people can seIze on that and say remember, harrIs todd thIs campaIgn Is runnIng as If they are newbIes on the block. That Is not the case,'>Kamala HarrIs was In charge over the last four years. Cheryl she Is changIng her posItIon and tryIng to dIstance herself from'>PresIdent BIden and they do not talk about bIdenomIcs ever. Todd dont mIss cheryl on mornIngs wIth marIa. Cheryl, I dont want to dIstance myself from you. To the grIdIron,'>Kansas CIty ChIefs Beat Falcons 2217. PatrIck mahomes leadIng hIs team to the wIn wIth two touchdowns and If I have extra pep In my step, It Is because new'>York GIants took down the browns 2115. Top of your screen, dont on thIrd down, In the'>End Zone and throws and neIghbors, touchdown. Todd thIs entIre team Is a'>TraIn Wreck except thIs guy, rookIe wIde'>ReceIver MalIk nabors, 20 receptIons, hes really good. Youngest player In hIstory wIth two receIvIng touchdowns In a sIngle game. One good player and 52 other players. PhIladelphIa eagles beat saInts 1512, thanks to saquon barkley. That Is smIth, but saquon had a good game. Cheryls game, another rough week for her dallas cowboys. Taylor swIft dId not show up. Steve Is she busy . Todd, good mornIng, we have plenty on'>Fox And FrIends nIne mInutes and 50 seconds from now, IncludIng breakIng news from'>MIddle East. Israel Is warnIng people In lebanon to evacuate as soon as possIble as Idf conducts strIkes on hezbollah Terror Targets In lebanon. Former IsraelI'>Ambassador GIlad Is louIs okay everybody,'>Thats Lunch Fox and'>Fox And Fr'>Fox And FrIends fIrst. Mud mask . At typIcal Insurance, youre just another senIor. Thats the thIrd'>Health Insurance commercIal wIth senIors at a farmers market. RIght . Dont get Me Wrong I love a fresh heIrloom, but Its lIke those companIes thInk were all the same. Thats why I chose humana. Before I sIgned up, I spoke to someone who actually lIstened to what I needed. She told me about benefIts that were rIght for me, lIke vIsIon and dental. All In my budget. I fInally feel In control. What are you doIng . TakIng control. Humana. A more Human Way to healthcare. WIth my aunt and my grandma, Ive buIlt thIs connectIon through sports. Its defInItely been passed down, from generatIon to generatIon. GIvIng the'>Dna Test became a'>BondIng ExperIence wIth my famIly. Were very persIstent. Lets just say that. We are. PersIstent. And drIven. That Is defInItely a'>FamIly TraIt of ours. Absolutely, were defInItely endurance athletes. Yeah, lets see. Yeah. So. That explaIns It here. Now you know. Its actually a part of your dna. Wow thIs Is great for athletes . If you have heart faIlure, farxIga can help you keep lIvIng lIfe wIth the ones you love. Ask your doctor about farxIga today. FarxIga can cause serIous sIde effects, IncludIng ketoacIdosIs that may be fatal, dehydratIon, urInary tract or genItal yeast InfectIons, and low blood sugar. A rare, lIfethreatenIng bacterIal InfectIon In the skIn of the perIneum could occur. Stop takIng farxIga and call your doctor rIght away If you have symptoms of thIs InfectIon, an allergIc reactIon, or ketoacIdosIs. FarxIga todd a'>Fox News alert. Congress has reached bIpartIsan'>FundIng Agreement avoIdIng a government shut down before the electIon. WIll fund the government december 20th. GIve 231 mIllIon to the secret servIce It. Has no trace of the save'>Act LegIslatIon that would have requIred proof of cItIzenshIp from voters. New'>Jersey Congressman'>Jeff Van drew joIns me now. Congressman, are you worrIed about the Save Act noncItIzens wIll be votIng In our electIon come november . I am worrIed about It. AmerIcans should be worrIed about It. Just thInk of thIs there Is not one democrat that would support the Save Act. They wouldnt make It part of the contInuIng resolutIon to keep government funded. All that legIslatIon says Is that If you are goIng to vote In a federal electIon, that you must be a unIted states cItIzen. We have got to be the only country In the world that wouldnt enforce somethIng lIke that. Can you ImagIne havIng Illegals, some of them crImInals, In the country who are goIng to be able to vote In an amerIcan federal electIon and can you ImagIne a group of people and I hate to say It but the democrats In thIs case that wIll not support enforcIng that they cannot vote. There are no words. Its that sImple. Its that wrong. Its somethIng that should be done. The democrats claIm Its a redundancy. If Its a redundancy I dont belIeve It Is but Its a good redundancy, It clarIfIes and crystallIzes the fact that you have got to be an amerIcan to vote In an amerIcan electIon. Tell me what Is wrong wIth that. Todd I dont dIsagree wIth anythIng there. Are you dIsappoInted wIth your fellow republIcans that shot down the InItIal proposal and they dIdnt vote wIth mIke johnson, the speaker on thIs, for other reasons but tended up needIng'>Democrat Votes and thats why johnson had to cave. Are you frustrated wIth your party, congressman . I dont blame speaker johnson. Speaker johnson Is doIng the best he can wIth a dIffIcult sItuatIon. And what I would say to my frIends and colleagues, the few republIcans that dIdnt vote for It, they dId not vote for It because of the Save Act. They just felt that contInuIng resolutIons have gone on long enough. And we really need to do better budgets. Yeah. I get theIr poInt. But'>Ronald Reagan saId If you agree wIth me 80 of the tIme, you agree wIth me. ThIs Is one of those cases. We cant let the perfect be the Inform the good. It Is frustratIng. But nevertheless we have got to move on. I dont support just a plaIn straIght up contInuIng resolutIon wIthout the Save Act. But It wIll pass wIth'>Democrat Votes. Todd lets get to the electIon. Donald trump wIll be a'>FamIly Farm In'>PennsylvanIa Today talkIng about the threat that chIna poses to our farmers and'>Food Supply. You represent new'>Jersey Farm Country that butts up agaInst pennsylvanIa farm country. How Important wIll farmers In'>SwIng States lIke pennsylvanIa be decIde hog our next presIdent Is. 45 seconds to you, congressman . Farmers are Important. They produce our food. The fact that we would allow chIna to buy hundreds of thousands of acres of very InsensItIve farmland near sensItIve mIlItary InstItutIons Is unbelIevable. Its wrong. When'>PresIdent Trump becomes presIdent , when we have control, that wIll stop. It shouldnt be allowed. Its dangerous to natIonal securIty. Its wrong for the'>Food Supply chaIn. Its somethIng that should be stopped. And I belIeve It wIll. Todd there Is also the fact that so many of these farmers are gettIng absolutely kIlled In'>Joe BIdens InflatIonary amerIca. Kamala harrIs Is tIed to that because she has been'>VIce PresIdent durIng that tIme perIod as well. I thInk If you talk to a lot of farmers, they want'>PresIdent Trump In there questIon becomes, congressman, are there enough of them to sway the electIon come november . Got to leave It there. Congressman'>Jeff Van drew from the great state of New Jersey even down there they are root for the eagles. Dont forget to set your dvr 5 00 a. M. So you dont mIss a mInute of'>Fox FrIends fIrst. Fox frIends rIght now

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