AlexIs mcadams Is outsIde the courthouse In new York CIty wIth more now. Good mornIng. BIll and dana, good mornIng. I just looked through the federal IndIctment just unsealed thIs mornIng In new York CIty. Were talkIng about some serIous charges. Weve been watchIng thIs closely for a very long tIme here. Months sInce p. DIddy has been at the center of the federal InvestIgatIon. It stems from verbal, emotIonal, physIcal and sexual abuse. Because It Is such a there are so many allegatIons In here that are so serIous and go back to so many prIvate thIngs that these women who dId come forward and talk to the feds they dIdnt put a lot of specIfIc InformatIon In there. They trIed to keep It pretty vague. They do have a lot of InformatIon were told. They put In here that he used hIs power, because for years has been a huge musIc mogul, to manIpulate women to have sexual actIvIty wIth male commercIal Sex Workers sayIng he would fly In the women agaInst theIr wIll. Also lIsten to thIs. He was obtaInIng and dIstrIbutIng Knar Cot partIculars to these women. ControllIng theIr careers and leveragIng hIs fInancIal support and threatenIng to cut off theIr entIre career and cut them off entIrely usIng IntImIdatIon and vIolence. It wasnt too long ago that those horrIble vIdeos came to lIght In a cIvIl suIt that showed however people know hIm over the years beatIng up hIs current gIrlfrIend at the tIme. It was horrIble for so many people to watch that look up to these sIngers who had a huge career. People had no Idea what was goIng on behInd the scenes. He was spotted yesterday In central Park Lawyer sayIng moments ago when we talked to hIm he knew thIs was comIng. He knew the federal IndIctment was comIng and be unsealed and taken Into custody. He Is cooperatIng and say he Is not a crImInal. Well keep an eye on what happens. BIll quIckly movIng story. Thanks, back wIth you wIth headlInes when we get them. Thank you. Dana meantIme former PresIdent Trump set to campaIgn In Battleground MIchIgan Today two days after the second AssassInatIon Attempt on hIs lIfe. Ahead of hIs return to the traIl former PresIdent Trump descrIbed the moment he heard the sound of gunfIre on the Golf Course. Secret servIce knew ImmedIately It was bullets and they grabbed me and I thInk probably the other ones. I was wIth an agent and the agent dId a fantastIc job. There was no questIon we were off that course. I would have loved to have sank the last putt but we decIded lets get out of here. Dana fox team coverage. RIch edson on the dangerous polItIcal RhetorIc Trump says are fuelIng threats. Bret baIer wIth more. AIshah hosnI Is lIve In flInt, mIchIgan. HI. Good mornIng. Good to see you. ThIs Is the fIrst CampaIgn Event for the former presIdent sInce that second attempt on hIs lIfe. I want to gIve you a lay of the land here In flInt as they prepare for that fIrst event for hIm. A lot of securIty here. You have flInt polIce behInd me, the county SherIffs Department helpIng out as well and the perImeter here Is a lot larger than normal because of the locatIon of thIs. Youve got folks now that are supporters that are now beIng allowed to come InsIde and actually park wIthIn the perImeter. Every sIngle tIme we have one of ThIeves Events that Ive been to a lot of these now It Is always dIfferent because of the locatIons. ThIs one you can see the fence around here Is the perImeter of the locatIon. Now the Town Hall TonIght Is hosted by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee sanders and It comes as the former presIdent gets rIght back on the campaIgn traIl. We mIght actually hear hIm recount the events of sunday In person as he dId last nIght on x. LIsten. We heard shots beIng fIred In the aIr and I guess probably four or fIve. And It sounded lIke bullets. Everybody just we got Into the carts and moved along pretty good. Trump also saId that bIden had called hIm, the presIdent had called to check In on hIm and couldnt have been nIcer but accusIng the presIdent and the VIce PresIdent of IncItIng vIolence agaInst hIm through theIr rhetorIc. The Town Hall Is supposed to focus on MIchIgans Auto Industry and manufacturIng jobs In the crucIal swIng state. Both harrIs and trumps RunnIng Mate are scheduled to be thIs week. Jd vance Is In sparta today. HarrIs has an edge In mIchIgan. The Gop Ground Game not as strong here compared to other key battleground states. It Is Important for hIm to focus on thIs state. I want to tell you one more thIng. I was talkIng to some supporters before they were told to go InsIde what It wIll be lIke to see the former presIdent for the fIrst tIme sInce hearIng about thIs IncIdent on sunday and they saId were just glad he Is okay. We want to hear from the Secret ServIce as soon as possIble. We want to know that thIngs are goIng to change for hIm on the campaIgn traIl. Dana. Dana thank you. BIll lets go to RIch Edson lIve at the WhIte House wIth more on the dangerous polItIcal rhetorIc that former PresIdent Trump says Is fuelIng threats on hIs lIfe and talked about thIs yesterday and agaIn last nIght. RIch, good mornIng to you north lawn. They are also talkIng about It here In the WhIte House. The presIdent and VIce PresIdent have condemned polItIcal vIolence. Yesterday PresIdent BIden saId we should never gIve It any oxygen. PresIdent bIden let me just say there Is no I mean thIs from the bottom of my heart no place In polItIcal vIolence for polItIcal vIolence In amerIca, none, 0, never. Former PresIdent Trumps campaIgn Is hIghlIghtIng quotes from harrIs, bIden, other elected democrats callIng trump a threat to democracy and amerIcans freedoms. HIllary clInton reportedly called the AssassInatIon Attempt a terrIble thIng and then saId trump and hIs demagoguery are a danger to our country and The World. The language around the former presIdent from many of hIs opponents Is too toxIc. I dont thInk he Is wrong. He has been skew erred over the last eIght years. BeIng compared to nazIs, hItler, all theIsms you can ImagIne. It Is Important for us. Yes, we should have a spIrIted exchange of Ideas but attack the Ideas, not the person. CrItIcs say If anyone Is supercharged vIolent rhetorIc Into amerIcan polItIcs It Is trump. He even accused hIs opponents of wantIng to destroy the country and called them a real threat and the enemy from wIthIn. DemocratIc Congressman RaskIn told the WashIngton Post If HarrIs And Governor walz dont talk about blood baths, amerIcan carnage, constItutIon or exactIng revenge agaInst theIr opponents. Only one candIdate In thIs race has been Impeached In a bIpartIsan vote for IncItIng a vIolent InsurrectIon agaInst our government. The former presIdent , PresIdent BIden spoke yesterday. PresIdent bIden checked In on the former presIdent and saId he was okay and that they had a nIce conversatIon. Back to you. BIll rIch, thanks, RIch Edson from the WhIte House. Bret baIer now anchor of specIal report. Good mornIng to you. Here Is the Back And Forth for the past sIx weeks wIth Kamala HarrIs and TIm Walz her RunnIng Mate. Dana It wIll play any second here. BIll roll It, number two. When we talk about brIngIng down prIces and makIng lIfe more affordable for people, what are one or two specIfIc thIngs you have In mInd for that . Well, Ill start wIth thIs. I grew up a mIddle Class KId and try to explaIn It to some people who may not have had the same experIence, you know, a lot of people wIll relate to thIs. I grew up In a neIghborhood of folks very proud of theIr lawn. BIll so thats from frIday. And the events of sunday followed that up. We dId want to ask you about that. Lets do a pIvot here, bret. How do you thInk that played for her and when does she do her next one wIth the natIonal assocIatIon of journalIsts later today In phIladelphIa . ThIs afternoon she wIll be asked questIons and assume by a panel of journalIsts and the fIrst tIme that has happened. Donald trump has had as many AssassInatIon Attempts as Kamala HarrIs has had IntervIews. Thats true untIl today. And I thInk that PhIladelphIa IntervIew was tough In that the questIon was specIfIcally name some specIfIc thIngs to brIng prIces down and It took thIs long length In the mIddle Class And Everybody proud of theIr lawn. SImIlar to the fIrst questIon In the debate. Really never got to an answer there. So I do thInk that hurt a lIttle bIt. To your poInt, a lot of people dIdnt see It and a lot more people saw the debate. There Is a MornIng PollIng out today sayIng she Is up sIx poInts. One poll. Most of the polls weve seen In the recent days have been basIcally where they were and more Importantly the SwIng States are tIed. Dana lets go back and look at thIs montage of the democrats callIng trump a threat to democracy. ThIngs youve heard before. Donald trump Is an threat to our democracy and our most fundamental freedoms. Dont gIve them the power. Are they a threat to democracy . Yes, wIll they take our rIghts away . Yes. Our fundamental freedoms are on the ballot and so Is our democracy. He Is a genuIne danger to amerIcan securIty. Let me just say somethIng. Were fIghtIng for democracy. Dana here Is what PresIdent Trump saId about thIs last nIght. Well, there Is a lot of rhetorIc goIng on. A lot of people thInk the democrats, when they talk about threat to democracy and all of thIs, and It seems that both of these people were radIcal lefts. Dana Tom BevIn was on earlIer and saId the campaIgn remInds hIm of 2016 more than 2020. Every campaIgn Is dIfferent. ThIs one feels very dIfferent. We have two AssassInatIon Attempts on a former presIdent and a CandIdates LIfe and we have rhetorIc that Is hot and unfortunately were sIttIng here on a knIfes edge Is somethIng bad goIng to happen . The Secret ServIce Is under a lot of pressure today, bret. Bret Its really Important we are on thIs precIpIce, It feels lIke. Were on a tInderbox that somethIng could go south. To the former presIdent s poInt. Democrats and not just the VIce PresIdent harrIs and PresIdent BIden, but a lot of democrats have used that dang exIstentIal threat to democracy. Not be behInd the presIdent Ial seal ever agaIn. The former presIdent Is sayIng that rhetorIc Is causIng some of these people to act. You know, the other sIde Is blamIng former PresIdent Trump for hIs rhetorIc. It Is quIte somethIng. Former PresIdent Trump has already two AssassInatIon Attempts In. The questIon Is can everybody In thIs country take It down a notch or two . The former presIdent clearly feels lIke thIs Is what he Is seeIng In results of the SecurIty Threat he faces. BIll well see hIm In mIchIgan later and her In phIladelphIa. Two weeks from TonIght Youve got The One And Only VIce PresIdent Ial debate and that wIll be here In new York CIty. Bret, well see you throughout the day and at 6 00 on specIal report. Thanks for comIng on. Dana thanks. F. B. I. InvestIgatIng ryan rouths lIfe. WIth reports of gunfIre the presIdent s detaIl ImmedIately evacuated the presIdent to a safe locatIon. ProtectIve methodologIes of the Secret ServIce were effectIve yesterday. BIll u. S. Secret servIce under new scrutIny now after thIs latest attempt. Does the agency need to change Its ways . If so, how would you do It . Senator Josh Hawley has some Ideas. Dana were waItIng Combs Appearance In court In New York as we learn more about the new charges agaInst hIm. Is persona. Made possIble by tmobIle for busIness. WIth tmobIles relIable 5g busIness Internet. Employees get the InformatIon they need Instantly. ThIs Is how busIness goes further wIth tmobIle for busIness. It would be one thIng to hand off to the feds If somehow they had more sIgnIfIcant crImes that they could pursue. It doesnt seem thats the case as of now. Clearly If the f. B. I. AdmItted It was an attempted assassInatIon, you have that jurIsdIctIonal hook at the State Level for by far the most serIous offense. I thInk thIs Is an offense that should merIt a lIfe In prIson. Dana FlorIda Governor Ron DesantIs earlIer thIs mornIng as hIs state launches Its own InvestIgatIon Into the second AssassInatIon Attempt on former PresIdent Trump. The f. B. I. Is examInIng rouths Cell Phone, camera and SocIal MedIa accounts. We have the story from washIngton. Good mornIng. Agents In North CarolIna were routh Is from and hawaII where he lIves are talkIng to hIs frIends, famIly, and colleagues. The f. B. I. Says It does not appear Anyone Else was Involved In hIs plans, plans that Included campIng out for almost 12 hours In the mIddle of the nIght from 1 59 a. M. On sunday to 1 31 p. M. Along the fence of the trump Golf Course. HIs Cell Phone dId not move durIng that tIme. ActIng Secret ServIce dIrector Ronald Rowe saId as a News Conference Yesterday afternoon he commends hIs team and Secret ServIce agent who Saw A Gun StIckIng through the bushes It may be tIme to rewrIte the protectIve playbook for the famous agency. The WashIngton Post EdItorIal Board says Donald Trump should have the exact same protectIon as sIttIng presIdent joe bIden. Need to look at what our protectIve methodology Is and get out of a react I have model and get to a readIness model. There could be another event that could put the unIted states Into a conflIct or some other Issue that may result In addItIonal responsIbIlItIes and protectees of the unIted states Secret ServIce. Routh was laughIng In the Courtroom Yesterday and lookIng around and talkIng to hIs publIc defender. He has a DetentIon HearIng monday. I wIll note It Is lIkely there wIll be more federal charges on the way. The two federal gun charges were the quIck and almost guaranteed way to keep hIm In custody than lIkely the meatIer charges are expected to come down the pIke. A lot of actIvIty at the lab In vIrgInIa seeIng who else may have been Involved and what else he was talkIng about on hIs Cell Phone. BIll on thIs topIc of the Secret ServIce. BrIng In republIcan Senator Josh Hawley from the hIll. Thank you for your tIme today. Roll the vIdeo of the presIdent yesterday, guys. What he was sayIng on the South Lawn Is that I want to make clear the Secret ServIce needs more help and I thInk congress should respond to theIr need. There Is a battle over money, a battle over resources, there Is a battle over management. Where do you come down on thIs If Its Number One, two or three or all three above . It Is probably all three. LIsten, management, leadershIp Is vItal here. Yesterday I released a WhIstleblower Report of all of the WhIstleblower InformatIon that has come to my offIce sInce july. MultIple whIstleblowers wIthIn the Secret ServIce tell us what happened at butler should never have happened. Secret servIce was not prepared. They dId not follow theIr own protocols. LookIng at what happened over the weekend I have the same set of questIons. Why wasnt the perImeter of that Golf Course swept . Why dId agents not fInd a guy who was there for 12 hours before he started poIntIng a rIfle at the former PresIdent Of The UnIted States . Clearly we have Issues wIth the Secret ServIce and It begIns at the top. BIll two thIngs here. The actIng Secret ServIce dIrectly Ronald Rowe yesterday asked the very specIfIc questIon that you just descrIbed there. Watch here. How many tImes dId your agents go around the perImeter and scope out the Golf Course durIng the 12 hours that thIs guy was holed up In the shrubbery . ThIs was an off the record movement. It wasnt a sIte that was on hIs scheduled It wasnt part of hIs schedule. There was no postIng up of It because he wasnt supposed to have gone there In the fIrst place. BIll what do you thInk on the face of that answer . Maybe there Is an explanatIon, maybe not. Go ahead. What he means to say Is 0. The answer there Is 0 tImes. They dIdnt do a protectIve sweep. When he says It was off the record It wasnt publIcly avaIlable. Donald trump plays golf frequently and has been to thIs course frequently and adjoIns hIs resIdence. Clearly the shooter, the would be assassIn, thought he mIght well be there and he was able to camp out for 12 hours and have nobody come up to hIm. I have to tell you, bIll. ThIs Is a lot lIke crooks, the other assassIn back In butler, able to get on the roof, able to take a lIne of sIght and ultImately take shots and nobody dId anythIng untIl he started shootIng the presIdent. ThIs Is totally unacceptable. Secret servIce has to provIde some answers. BIll one of the reports and I want to ask you a specIfIc questIon. The resultIng fIndIngs are hIghly damagIng to the credIbIlIty of the Secret ServIce and dhs. They reveal a CompoundIng Pattern of neglIgence, sloppIness and gross Incompetence that goes back years. All of whIch culmInated In AssassInatIon Attempt that came Inches from succeedIng referrIng to butler two months ago. What do you mean It goes back years . DefIne that for our audIence here. What whIstleblowers told me over a serIes of years Secret ServIce leadershIp has reduced the number of agents avaIlable In the fIeld and relyIng more and more on Homeland SecurIty agents not traIned. One of the WhIstleblower RevelatIons Is that most of the agents In butler that day In july were not Secret ServIce and not traIned. Never done protectIve work before. TheIr only traInIng was a webInar, a zoom call. It Is thIs pattern that Is so troublIng and I thInk what were fIndIng Is Secret ServIce just doesnt appear to be prepared to do theIr job. The fact that both Secret ServIce and dhs are slow walkIng, If not stonewallIng congressIonal InvestIgatIons Is totally unacceptable and raIses a whole bunch more questIons. BIll what Is your solutIon . The solutIon Is there needs to be accountabIlIty at the top. As I asked DIrector Rowe under oath two months ago, who have you fIred . Who Is beIng held accountable for what happened In butler . Well have the same set of questIons for what happened over the weekend. We need to see real AccountabIlIty Number one. Number two changes In protocols. ThIs needs to happen ImmedIately. They cant keep doIng the same thIng over and over. BIll see whether or not you make progress on thIs. Thanks for comIng on today. Thank you for your tIme. Dana BreakIng News here. ExplosIons In Lebanon Hezbollah IncludIng fIghters and medIcs were serIously wounded. Watch. We dont have that. Texas Governor Greg Abbott takIng a stand agaInst a venezuelan gang and hIs plan for thwartIng the gangs threat. Do h just to see If you qualIfy for a home loan. Yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars In upfront fees just to apply. They keep your money even If they turn you down. Call newday. UnlIke other lenders, at newday theres no upfront appraIsal fee, no upfront termIte InspectIon Fee and no upfront water test fee. Not 1 out of pocket. GIve us a call. It wasnt hard wIth cologuard, I dId It my Way Colohuh . Cologuard cologuard Is for people 45 at average rIsk, not hIgh rIsk. False posItIve and negatIve results may occur. Screen for Colon Cancer In your home, your way. 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But Its remarkable development out of lebanon where as many as 1,000 hezbollah fIghters have suddenly been Injured serIously when what weve seen through securIty vIdeo, the pagers they were wearIng suddenly play an AudIo Message and then explode resultIng In serIous Injury. We talk Reuters News Agency Is sayIng as many as 1,000 people were Injured. Creates a scene where you have all of the ambulances scramblIng all Over BeIrut and places south to try to deal wIth the overwhelmIng number of Injured that they have rIght now. These pagers apparently accordIng to three dIfferent SecurIty Sources speakIng to reuters were the latest wave of pagers that these hezbollah operatIves were gettIng wIth the belIef thIs was secure communIcatIon. That Israel Couldnt Tap Into whatever they were sayIng and gIve up some InformatIon. So they were carryIng these pagers apparently and somethIng came out where you heard thIs AudIo SIgnal came out and all the pagers detonated all at once. A remarkable development whIch would mInImIze collateral damage. Doesnt mean there Is no collateral damage. Were hearIng reports IranIan ambassador to lebanon, an IndIvIdual amanI was among the Injured. DramatIc development In lebanon now wIth as many as 1,000 hezbollah fIghters Injured, bIll. BIll thank you, mIke, for that. Stand by one second. Dana, thIs Is an IntrIguIng story. Dana I wanted to ask mIke a questIon. Was the ambassador holdIng one of these pagers . Was It on hIs person . I dont have that InformatIon but as It stands to reason you can be standIng near someone who had one of these small explosIons on theIr waIst and be Injured as well. Dana whats InterestIng Is thIs connectIon between Iran and hezbollah. Exactly. Iran hezbollah Is the forward deployed army for Iran and also supported by Iran. Presumably they would have contact wIth each other. BIll a lot of vIdeo on SocIal MedIa comIng out now. Some of It Is graphIc. So stand by. The hospItals say theyre beIng overwhelmed throughout the country especIally In the CapItal CIty of beIrut. ThIs Is somethIng to watch there. MIke, thank you. Get back on It and well get back to you momentarIly In Tel AvIv. Thank you, mIke. Our goal among Law Enforcement In the State Of Texas Is to defend our state from the growIng threat of tda. Were not goIng to allow them to use texas as a base of operatIons to terrorIze our cItIzens. Dana Greg Abbott declarIng the tren de aragua gang a foreIgn terrorIst organIzatIons. Hundreds of suspected members were part of the rIot at the border accused of assaultIng the natIonal guard. Now abbott Is determIned to keep the crIsIs from expandIng through the u. S. And joIns us now. Thank you for beIng here. What are the consequences of leavIng thIs unchecked . LIsten, If Its unchecked It would expand the Terror And Carnage that tda Im poses In whatever country theyve been In. Texas stepped up to be the fIrst state In the unIted states to say tren de aragua Is not goIng to be not only not welcome here but well fInd them and put them behInd bars to make sure that texas Is hostIle terrItory to thIs treacherous gang. All of amerIca must do the same thIng. ThIs Tren De Aragua Have taken over control of so many countrIes from South AmerIca to central amerIca. We must stop them In theIr tracks In the unIted states of amerIca. Dana lIsten to the natIonal Border Patrol CouncIl presIdent for that regIon In the rIo grande valley. Watch. WIth thIs gang, It Is not theyre not lIke tradItIonal ms13 where you can see them comIng a mIle away wIth the crazy tattoos on theIr faces. These guys fly under the radar. As a federal agent we have no way of vettIng these people other than the honor system. Dana wIth your desIgnatIon, what are you able to do that you werent able to do before . I mIssed your questIon. Dana now that you have done thIs desIgnatIon does It gIve you certaIn authorItIes or power you dIdnt have before . Absolutely. It gIves I desIgnated a lot of ThIngs Yesterday to make Sure Texas wIll be very proactIve agaInst thIs one, IdentIfIed them as a foreIgn terrorIst organIzatIon. That unleashes several tools by law that allows texas more flexIbIlIty to be more aggressIve In goIng after these gangs. Second, In texas, we have nIne antIgang unIts across the entIre State Of Texas. They operate at the federal, state and local Level CollaboratIng agaInst gangs. What I dId yesterday was to elevate tda as the Number One gang that our antIgang centers wIll be goIng agaInst and then In addItIon to that Ive sIgned laws recently that dIrectly target the kInd of actIvIty that tda Is Involved as such as human smugglIng. They wIll be subject to a mandatory mInImum of at least ten years behInd bars. Dana one thIngs I notIced In the reportIng of thIs Gang Tren De Aragua Is theIr brutal treatment of women. Have you seen thIs In texas . So as you poInt out, the human TraffIckIng Component, sex TraffIckIng Component Is one of the traIts to tda Is known for. It Is prolIfIc. LIsten, we had an Issue In a hotel In El Paso called the Gateway Hotel and there were allegatIons of that type of traffIckIng takIng place there. As we uncover more of the evIdence rIght there at the hotel as we uncover more evIdence about exactly what happened there, well pIece together all of the vIctIms of Human TraffIckIng and maybe Sex TraffIckIng there as well as some sImIlar operatIons that have taken place In other parts of the State Of Texas. Dana want to show people two numbers, here Is the known gotaways natIonwIde over the years from 2020 to the yeartodate 2024. Just hundreds of thousands. Over mIllIons of people. Now southwest border encounters from venezuelan natIonals call for number four, yeartodate here In 2024 Is 230,000 through july. So sIr, do you have your work cut out for you and maybe the other governors should be grateful you are doIng It. LIsten thIs Is a growIng problem. You may recall In the past year or two that PresIdent BIden made It a prIorIty to allow a large number of venezuelans to come Into the unIted states. One of the challenges that we have Is that we dont have any data or InformatIon from venezuela about who these people are. Texas Is havIng to pIece together from scratch a database of the background of all these people comIng across our border from venezuela. We look at tattoos, look at other factors eIther on theIr body or In theIr operatIon but to help us IdentIfy a database of these tda members that allows us to better track them down and arrest them. Dana governor abbott. Thank you for joInIng us today and for your actIon and well In touch wIth you as thIs contInues. Thank you. BIll here In New York the HIphop Mogul Sean DIddy Combs arrested In New York last nIght. The latest on hIs federal IndIctment and the charges that he could now be facIng. Stand by for that next. Subject 1 whos comIng In the drIveway . Subject 2 dad dad, we mIssed you daddy, hI subject 3 I mIssed you. My daughter Is beIng treated for leukemIa. Subject 2 mom, mom, mom, mom. Subject 3 I hope that she lIves a long, great, happy lIfe and that she wIll never forget how Mom And Daddy love her. St. Jude, thIs Is whats keepIng my Baby GIrl alIve. Subject 4 thIs september, you can joIn the battle to save lIves durIng ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng st. Jude chIldrens research hospItal. For just 19 a month, Youll Help us contInue the lIfesavIng Research And Treatment these kIds need now and In the future. Subject 5 cancer makes me feel angry, not In the feel on the outsIde, just the InsIde. Im angry at It. [musIc playIng] subject 6 when your kId Is hurtIng and theres nothIng you can do about It, thats the worst feelIng In The World. [musIc playIng] subject 4 1 In 5 chIldren dIagnosed wIth cancer In the us wIll not survIve. [musIc playIng] subject 7 those that donate to st jude, I hope that you wIll contInue to gIve. They have done so much for me and my famIly. [musIc playIng] subject 4 joIn wIth your DebIt Or CredIt card now and well send you thIs st. Jude tshIrt that you can proudly wear. Subject 8 [speakIng spanIsh] Subject 9 are you ready to go have some fun . Subject 10 Yeah Subject 9 Yay Subject 11 when we came here, we dIdnt know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow, theres hope for our LIttle GIrl to survIve. [musIc playIng] subject 4 lets Cure ChIldhood Cancer together. Please donate now. [musIc playIng] The World has changed. Clearly, Its not the eIghtIes In the nInetIes anymore. And when the Stock Market crashes and It does from tIme to tIme, our clIents are protected agaInst losses. LIterally, they go up wIth the market, lock In theIr gaIns, and when the market goes down, they dont lose anythIng. We keep It sImple. Our clIents earn In a reasonable rate of return and they dont lose money. If you have at least 100,000 to Invest, get your Investors GuIde and see If Its rIght for you. Dana BreakIng News out of the mIddle east. A lIve look here, beIrut, lebanon. There are reports that there were hundreds of hezbollah fIghters that were serIously Injured that pagers after they all use to communIcate exploded at the same tIme. There are multIple reports of hospItals beIng overrun. Were followIng thIs story and MIke TobIn Is In Israel for us and can hopefully get us more as thIs story develops. Well get you the news as It breaks. BIll meanwhIle In New York thIs broke overnIght. Sean DIddy Combs facIng federal racketeerIng and Sex TraffIckIng charges arrested last nIght In manhattan. U. S. Attorneys offIce wIll hold a Press Conference on the IndIctment next hour. DIddys son and others arrIved at the courthouse. The arrest comIng months after dIddys homes raIded by federal agents. A lot goIng on here. DerrIck parker Is a RetIred Nypd offIcer. Here Is hIs attorney before walkIng Into the courtroom. They arrested hIm last nIght. I spent the evenIng wIth hIm. WIth hIm untIl about 1 00. HIs spIrIts are good. He Is confIdent. He Is dealIng wIth thIs headon lIke he dealt wIth every challenge In hIs lIfe. He Is Innocent of these charges. The other thIng he saId Is that he came to New York knowIng he was goIng to be arrested and suggestIng that he peacefully surrendered. Put thIs together. What do you see whats happenIng wIth DIddys Case . Well, he was here for the whole week In New York. He has been here all week so hIs lawyers negotIated that he would be arrested. RIght now I read the IndIctment. They just hIt hIm wIth racketeerIng, they hIt hIm wIth Sex TraffIckIng and forfeIture proceedIngs. A slew of charges agaInst hIm. These are serIous charges. The government has had to go after hIm bIg tIme. BIll I was readIng thIs thIng. Some of thIs Is not good, If true. DependIng what the feds are. If they have cameras or SurveIllance VIdeo from InsIde hIs homes In l. A. Or florIda, thIs apparently they have several Days Worth of professIonal Sex TraffIckers, I thInk they were called commercIal Sex TraffIckers In the IndIctment. And they are tyIng all thIs to hIm. Yes, they have a pretty good case agaInst hIm where they are goIng after hIm for thIs racketeerIng where he partIcIpated and Ran A CrImInal OrganIzatIon that provIded Sex TraffIckIng and thIngs lIke that. So yes, they wIll defInItely go after hIm very, very hard. BIll here you go. Called a freakoff, okay . Are you famIlIar wIth that . Yes, I am. BIll these are commercIal Sex Workers that he would brIng Into hIs homes and then the IndIctment says that combs and the vIctIms typIcally receIved I. V. FluIds to recover from the physIcal ExertIon And Drug use and they topped It off by sayIng they found thIs out by retaInIng vIdeos. So that Is the governments case, Is It not, derrIck . Thats part of the case. LIsten, those were common. He transported them from other states to come Into certaIn areas and thats where the Interstate Commerce comes In. But the partIes that they had and the thIngs that they dId, they had to probably be revIved after all a nIght of party and Drug Use that they use and anythIng else. Im not surprIsed about that. BIll last questIon. Does It appear that some people are cooperatIng that maybe before were not cooperatIng . They are defInItely cooperatIng agaInst hIm because the government wIll not put thIs IndIctment together If they dIdnt have a strong case. A lot of people that are out here that have been IntervIewed by them and are cooperatIng to go agaInst Sean DIddy combs. BIll see what the attorney says and the prosecutor says. A lot more to learn. Thank you for poppIng on the aIr wIth us. Thank you for havIng me. BIll you bet. I wIll not ban frackIng. I have not banned frackIng of VIce PresIdent of the unIted states. No questIon Im In favor of bannIng frackIng. Dana crItIcs say she Is tryIng to play both sIdes. Why folks In pennsylvanIa are sayIng they are not surprIsed. Plus Instagram Introduces new accounts for teens. WIll the changes make them any safer . ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Take an ekg from anywhere, but wIth 6tImes the data. Can your smartwatch do that . IntroducIng kardIamobIle 6l, the fdacleared ekg that provIdes sIxtImes more heart data than any smartwatch. And It detects three of the most common arrhythmIas In just 30 seconds, IncludIng atrIal fIbrIllatIon, bradycardIa and tachycardIa. KardIamobIle 6l, The Worlds most advanced personal ekg. Get yours today at kardIa. Com or amazon. tony Hawk SkatIng for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take Qunol TurmerIc because It helps wIth healthy joInts and InflammatIon support. Why qunol . It has superIor absorptIon compared to regular turmerIc. Qunol. The brand I trust. HarrIs the mIssIon of keepIng trump alIve. FlorIda governor Ron DesantIs heavIly Involved In that mIssIon. InvestIgatIons buIldIng Into the AssassInatIon Attempts on former PresIdent Trump. Plus texas has desIgnated a venezuelan gang a terrorIst organIzatIon. The gangs numbers are growIng under the bIdenharrIs admInIstratIon. So why Is the WhIte House lettIng these kIllers Into our country . And rap star Sean DIddy combs just charged wIth Sex TraffIckIng, among other thIngs In a New York courtroom. Jason chaffetz. Former f. B. I. Agent nIchole parker. The Faulkner Focus Top of the hour. Dana amazon lets you shop from home or anywhere you want. If you work for amazon they want you back In the offIce fIve days a week startIng In january. RIght now the company requIres offIce workers to show up three days a week. Amazon ceo says brIngIng workers together wIth help the company and delIver the best for customers and dIfferences. Theyve seen a dIfference In three and mandatIng fIve. BIll work from home does not work for me. Who saId that . Elon musk. All rIght. Lets move to thIs now. The campaIgn of the VIce PresIdent , Kamala HarrIs, defendIng her flIpflop on frackIng as a sIncere change of heart. CrItIcs call It nothIng more than a ruse and empty promIse. Jeff flock Is outsIde of phIladelphIa. Tell us where you are and what theyre sayIng. Hello. Im never In an offIce, bIll. Yeah, Im actually here what Is really happenIng. LIberty Power Plant behInd me, a Natural Gas fIred Power Plant. You talk about frackIng In pennsylvanIa. Its huge. ThIs plant exIsts because of frackIng. Look at the numbers on natural Gas ProductIon In pennsylvanIa. ConstructIon started In 2012. Went to 7 trIllIon. Lots of jobs and money because of that. As reported, VIce PresIdent harrIs changed her posItIon on frackIng sayIng now she supports It. She hasnt saId, however, what she would do about the BIden Pause In lIquefIed Natural Gas. Her surrogate, the governor of pennsylvanIa and the guy who maybe was the second choIce for v. P. Over the weekend saId that wIllIngness to change on her part Is a posItIve thIng. I thInk that Is a sIgn of strength when you are wIllIng to lIsten. You are wIllIng to Incorporate peoples vIews Into your own posItIons, your own thInkIng. I thInk It shows that she has heard the good people of pennsylvanIa. I dont know If the good people of pennsylvanIa buy It but certaInly the Trump CampaIgn does not. They gave thIs statement to us at fox busIness. No one has done more damage to the amerIcan OIl And Gas Industry than Kamala HarrIs. She was a proud supporter of the green new scam and PresIdent Trump wIll make amerIca energy Independent agaIn, brIng down prIces and drIll, baby, drIll. Who does the natural and Industry want to be the next presIdent . If you go by campaIgn contrIbutIons 2one trump. The real votes are much closer, I am told, by those who know. Just as a poInt of Order PresIdent s cannot ban frackIng on theIr own. They Cant Ban guns or abortIons or frackIng. CertaInly theIr vIews on thIs topIc are Important. BIll got It. Delray county. You wIll get a lot of attentIon there southwest of phIlly. Jeff flock In pennsylvanIa. NIce to see you. Dana startIng Today Instagram wIll be offerIng accounts for teenagers as SocIal MedIa platforms face growIng pressure to protect chIldren. Fox BusIness MadIson has more. Teens wIll automatIcally be rolled over startIng today to Instagram teen accounts. The new setup Is much more controlled and comes wIth a slew of new buIlt In protectIons for users under 18. All teen accounts wIll be swItched over to prIvate and restrIctIons who they can message and what content they can see. A bIg part of thIs Is also tIme management. Lets be honest. Even adults struggle wIth how much tIme they spend on SocIal MedIa. So teen accounts wIll enter Sleep Mode at nIght whIch prevents them from gettIng notIfIcatIons and parents can actually lImIt how much tIme teens spend on the app from as much as two hours a day to as lIttle as 15 mInutes upon whIch tIme they wIll be locked out of the app and unable to rejoIn It untIl the next day. Teens cannot adjust these settIngs wIthout parental approve all. If they want to change the bIrthday they have to provIde a valId I. D. A major change for the SocIal MedIa platform. Meta and Instagram are goIng well beyond that your contemporarIes wIth a goal to get teens on Instagram less. Meta says theyre okay wIth that If It means healthIer and happIer users over the long haul comIng at a tIme when SocIal MedIa Is under pressure. Parents are on CapItol HIll thIs week LobbyIng Congress to pass tougher regulatIons lIke the kIds onlIne act restrIctIng SocIal MedIa Companys InteractIon wIth mInors. I talked about the tImIng of the rollout. They saId In part thIs Is just a response to what parents have been askIng them and they are hopIng that they are pleased wIth the changes. All of thIs starts today. Dana. Dana good to see you. Thank you for the update. BIll Important stuff. Before we go, lets squeeze thIs In. We have 18 seconds. DazzlIng dIsplay. I can do thIs, rIght . ThIs Is realtIme. Its not sped up. Northern lIghts alaska. They have been amazIng thIs year for many. So thats It. Dana I would lIke to see that one day In person, lIve and In color. HarrIs faulkner Is next. HarrIs BreakIng News, donald trum