Captured by polIce. And former'>PresIdent Trump Is speakIng for fIrst tIme praIsIng the secret'>ServIce Agents who protected hIm. What the gunfIre was InterestIngly secret'>ServIce Agent had seen a barrel of an ak47. He started shootIng and those are shots we heard. Carley dIsturbIng sketch shows the suspect laughIng and smIlIng In court. We have new detaIls on how he exmrploIted a hole In'>SecurIty Carry out the plan. Todd we are awaItIng IndIctment agaInst'>Sean DIddy combs, we are breakIng down allegatIons from hIm and response from hIs legal team thIs'>MornIng Twochl major storIes on tuesday. You are watch Ing fox and frIends fIrsts, Im todd pIro. Carley Im carley shImkus. We start wIth'>MadeleIne RIvera wIth the latest on the trump second'>AssassInatIon Attempt. MadeleIne former'>PresIdent Trump joIned x to talk about crypto currency, he talked about hIs'>AssassInatIon Attempt. We heard four or fIve, sounded lIke bullets. Secret'>ServIce Combul It was bullets and grabbed me. I would have loved to have sank that last putt. Lets get out of here. MadeleIne new'>Body Cam Vo shows moment the suspect was arrested. Cell phone records show ryan'>Wesley Routh may have been waItIng for nearly 12 hours. The'>Secret ServIce dId not search the grounds before trump began hIs round. The'>Golf OutIng was not InItIal ly part of hIs day. The'>Secret ServIce had known about'>SecurIty RIsks at'>Trumps Club for years and trIed to warn hIm about It, he InsIsted he was safe and wanted to keep golfIng. Because prevIous IndIvIduals have taken pIctures of the former presIdent golfIng, gotten through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencIng, you would thInk that perhaps they would consIder someone scopIng the perImeter. It Is a huge area to of coer, It Is not easy to keep walkIng around. Someone could slIP And and slIp out. MadeleIne routh may face more charges later. Some have voIced concerns about hIs behavIor. Per wwall street journal, a nurse who had several encounters wIth routh In kyIv saId hIs threats of vIolence worrIed her so much, she flagged concerns to customs. Here Is a neIghbor, too. Jumpy, reserved, dId not speak out loud too much and dId not come off as a polItIcal person at all. Seemed kInd of dangerous, behavIor was strange, he would walk by quIckly. Kept pace wIth me for no reason, no reason to be out at mIdnIght. MadeleIne hearIng Is set for monday and probable'>Cause HearIng on the 30th. Carley remarkable comments by the nurs and the neIghbor. MadeleIne rIvera, thank you. BusInessman on the'>Golf Course wIth'>Donald Trump joIned sean hannIty, here Is hIs reactIon. I got to see a man who was st stoIc, courageous, cared about hIs'>FrIends Safety fIrst before hIs own lIfe. He was an InspIratIon to everybody around hIm yesterday. I wIsh the whole country could have wItnessed what happened yesterday, they would have seen a real leader. Carley former presIdent s son erIc. It Is lIke deja vu, we were havIng the same conversatIon were havIng today. They are tryIng to kIll the man, they are tryIng to kIll my father, they are tryIng to kIll the 45th presIdent of the unIted states. Two attempts In the last fIve weeks. Secret servIce men and women, I knew people on the stage In butler and many people on the ground two days ago, these people would take a bullet for my father, they love theIr job, they are go good at theIr job. Carley ashley moody wIll tell us about'>FlorIdas InvestIgatIon Into thIs. Todd fox news alert, IndIctment agaInst'>Sean DIddy combs wIll be unsealed thIs mornIng. The rapper was arrested yesterday on federal charges after he was IndIcted by a grand jury. The charges have not been revealed. HIs lawyer says we are dIs dIsappoInted wIth just prosecutIon of mr. Combs. He Is an Imperfect person, he Is not a crImInal. Hes been nothIng but cooperatIve wIth thIs InvestIgatIon and looks forward to clearIng hIs name In court. DIddys homes were raIded In march In connectIon to human'>TraffIckIng InvestIgatIon and he has several mIsconduct allegatIons agaInst hIm. Carley massIve'>PIpelIne ExplosIon Is subsIded after a vehIcle drove through a fence and stuck an aboveground valve. EvacuatIon of 1000 homes. The crash appears to be Isolated and not coordInated. PolIce have not provIded any InformatIon about the drIvers condItIon. U. S. Coast guard releasIng photos of'>The TItan durIng a hearIng InvestIgatIng the tragedy. ThIs photo was taken after a search for the sub. Coast guard revealIng fInal'>Text Exchange between the crew on'>TItan And Support shIp polar prInce. Crew on tItan sayIng all good here and the polar prInce lost trackIng. The submersIble was carryIng fIve people. Everyone onboard was kIlled. Todd all that Is chIllIng. And battle over'>TIktok Ban Is ongoIng after case was brought to'>Federal Appeals Court yesterday. TIktok says It would vIolate rIght to'>Free Speech and they argue'>PolItIco And BusIness InsIder are owned by foreIgn entItIes and they are not facIng a ban. Those companIes are not owned by foreIgn adversarIes. U. S. Government says the app exposes users to chIna. The'>Parentcompany BIte Dance has been gIven untIl january to sell or be banned In the unIted states. A'>Cornell Professor back In the classroom after be Ing for sayIng thIs. For the fIrst tIme In years, It was exhIlaratIng. Todd'>October 7 unreal. Carley dont go anywhere, cheryl casone, ashley moody and'>Joe Concha wIll joIn us lIve. Keep It rIght here on fox and frIends fIrst. I hear that musIc and my feet just start tappIng. My grandchIldren, theyre sIxth generatIon of dancers. Its what my famIly Is all about. I thought I knew a lot about our IrIsh roots. I was surprIsed to learn so many more thIngs from ancestry. 1892. Oh and heres the boat they came over on. There was a julIe healy, a mary healy, thIs Is all theIr names . Yes, yes. Wow. For more than a'>Decade FarxIga has been trusted agaIn and agaIn, and agaIn. FarxIga farxIga farxIga farxIga ask your doctor about farxIga. Lets say youre deep In a show or a game or the game. On a traIn, at home, at work. Okay, maybe not at work. PoInt Is at xfInIty. Were constantly engIneerIng new ways to get the entertaInment you love to you faster and easIer than ever. Thats what I do. Is that'>Love Island . Pete g. WrItes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfInIty mobIle was desIgned to save you money and gIves you access to wIfI speeds up to a gIg. So you get hIgh speeds for low prIces. Better than gettIng low speeds for hIgh prIces. RIght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thIs guy. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. SwItch'>Today Todd to a fox weather alert, lIfethreatenIng floods batterIng'>North CarolIna yesterday, some places pIckIng up 10 Inches of'>RaIn Flood waters trappIng resIdents In theIr cars and homes and now movIng Inland. Carley'>JanIce Dean has'>The Fox weather forecast. JanIce It does not take a named storm to cause problems, we had four to fIve Inches per hour. Here Is sunny poInt, 77 mIle per hour wInds, hurrIcaneforce gusts along the coast. CarolIna beach, 18 Inches, a record for them. Sunny poInt, foot of raInfall agaIn, thIs Is not a tropIcal named system, It Is producIng IncredIble amounts of raIn. We have'>Flood Alerts and potentIal for more raIn In the forecast dependIng where you are. We wIll see coastal wInds brIngIng flood alert. Flash'>Flood RIsk from hattI d. C. RegIon. Over the mIdatlantIc, we have showers and thunderstorms along the'>Gulf Coast and a strong'>Cold Front that wIll brIng potentIal for strong storms IncludIng tornados and behInd'>It Cold enough for mountaIn snow. Fall'>Cold Fronts across west, you go watchIng tropIcal moIsture from mIdatlantIc. But beautIful In new york cIty. Weve had a beautIful stretch of weather. Todd It smelled lIke fall, felt lIke summer, perfect all around. Carley very poety. JanIce what does fall smell lIke . Carley crunchIng of leaves. Todd'>Cornell UnIversIty professor who praIsed'>October 7 Last fall Is'>Back TeachIng after goIng on voluntary leave. They were able to breathe for the fIrst tIme In years. It was exhIlaratIng. Todd new report sheds lIght on'>College AntIsemItIsm FIndIng In last year antIIsrael Ins dependentses have grown by 50 s 0 . Schools lIke cornell say jewIsh students should feel safe at theIr school. Then they do thIngs lIke let thIs guy back Into a classroom, what message does that send to you and your fellow jewIsh students . Thank you for havIng me. It sends a clear'>Message Hate Speech and IntImIdatIon and vIolence wIll be tolerated as long as jews are the target. Free speech Is paramount, there Is a thIn lIne between IntImIdatIon and'>Harassment And Hate supreme'>Court And LeadershIp on behalf of the unIversIty demands they are able to dIscern between such speech that Is legItImate'>DIscourse And Speech that perpetuates'>BIgotry And VIolence and targets a mInorIty In the classroom. Todd columbIa, 52, what Is goIng on down'>The Block from us, harvard 36, berkeley 36, your school, 37. How can you survIve In an'>EnvIronment WherureIoclassmates threaten you and a professor who controls your grades act lIke thIs to you. It Is ImpossIble to get a darn educatIon. It Is. It Is staggerIng how jewIsh students can feel safe and thrIve In the classroom when thIs Is tolerated by the unIversIty and sanctIoned as It Is'>Perpet Autoworkersed by professors who are determInIng your educatIonal trajectory. It Is crItIcal the unIversIty does not allow anyone, let alone a professor, who Is supposed to be nurturIng young and developIng mInds to perpetuate antIsemItIc rhetorIc. Todd you and your famIly payIng a lot of money to cornell, here Is a statement. Last'>October Professor rIckford made an comment made as prIvate cItIzen In hIs free tIme, the unIversItys academIc'>LeadershIp C concluded rIckford dId not meet that hIgh bar to get rId of hIm. Your reactIon to the hIgh'>Bar Comment . Looks lIke how much worse dId thIs'>Guys Comment have to get before they kIcked hIm off. Scary questIon. Yeah. ThIs represents clear weaponIzatIon of'>Free Speech at a unIversIty that has long ranked among worst offenders of'>Freedom Of Speech and been opposIte of an InclusIve envIronment, were seeIng thIs Is contInuIng and the unIversIty Is allowIng such rhetorIc to persIst under the guIse of'>Free Speech. Todd we apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng. The IndIctment agaInst'>Sean DIddy combs wIll be unsealed after he was taken Into custody. We wIll break down the'>Charges DIddy could face. Carley and nasa Is beIng sued over the'>BoeIng IncIdent leavIng the astronauts In space. We have detaIls next. I love the Idea of explorIng the unknown, to thInk about so much we stIll have to other than well, I love that. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn uP A free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Its hard to explaIn what thIs feels lIke. 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SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons,'>Neck And InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox® If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory,'>Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous sIde effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Todd a fox news alert. Sean'>DIddy Combs In federal custody expected to be arraIgned today after beIng arrested last nIght. Charges have not been released yet, the IndIctment Is expected thIs mornIng. Former federal prosecutor joIns me now. DIddys attorney belIeves he Is beIng charged wIth'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng, what other charges do you expect . I agree. I thInk those are most a antIcIpated charges. We dont know xen of the InvestIgatIon or what other they have collected. More wIll be revealed. It seems lIke'>RacketeerIng Charge are sIg know cant and'>Sex TraffIckIng wIll be prImary. Todd If he Is convIcted, a lot of steps between then, wIll he spend lIfe behInd bars . There Is possIbIlIty of that. RIo charges carry 20 years per count dependIng on the'>RacketeerIng Charge Itself. He would face sIgnIfIcant jaIl tIme If convIcted. Todd raIds took place In march, sIx months later, I would argue the IndIctments have to be pretty buttoned up to go through wIth thIs arrest. What say you . The federal prosecutor, doj has 95 convIctIon rate. Everyone Is presumed Innocent, they have put a lot of resources Into thIs, department of'>Homeland SecurIty has been Involved In thIs, whIch suggest there Is an overseas element to the charges. I thInk they have theIr ducks In a row, they need probably cause to move through wIth the IndIctment. That Is not proof, It suggests they have gone through and ensured they have evIdence to proceed wIth the IndIctment. Todd glad you mentIon the overseas element, crIme of'>Sex TraffIckIng presumably Involve some other bad actor at the other end of the trans actIon. Are you expectIng the dIddy IndIctment to be tIp of the Iceberg In a broader'>Sex TraffIckIng'>Racket EarrIng Scheme . There Is possIbIlIty of that. DIddy could have had people come In forex Isual purposes and same wIth rIco, you dont have other IndIvIduals to be charged wIth a rIco crIme. There Is possIbIlIty other IndIctments could come out of thIs, It Is not requIred. Todd after all these years, wItnesses and vIctIms comIng forward agaInst dIddy Tell Me they have confIdence there wIll not be retalIatIon agaInst them. They have confIdence the system wIll put dIddy behInd bars. A lot of steps before then, well be watchIng. Carley hIt the'>CampaIgn TraIl. Former'>PresIdent Trufmp wIll campaIgn In mIchIgan. VIce presIdent harrIs wIll address the natIonal assocIatIon of black journalIsts In phIladelphIa. Vp harrIs Is up fIve percentage poInts In'>MIchIgan And PennsylvanIa tIed 47 each. KelvIn kIng Is chaIrman of lets wIn for'>AmerIca ActIon and former'>GeorgIa CandIdate and joIns me now. Where do you thInk thIs race stands rIght now . Good mornIng. Thanks for havIng me. Most of us agree thIs race Is tIght, It Is neck and neck. NatIonal polls have Kamala Up by a couple poInts and In mIchIgan one poInt away. What It does, It forces the campaIgn to focus on mIddle of the'>Road Voter who Is not commItted eIther way and forces swIng states are now put on a natIonal scene. The swIng states that wIll determIne thIs years electIon, there Issues are promInent by each campaIgn. That Is a good thIng. Carley do you thInk from a polItIcal standpoInt, what happened On Sunday wIth the'>AssassInatIon Attempt wIll Impact the electIon at all . I thInk It wIll certaInly fIre uP Anyone leanIng toward'>PresIdent Trump. I thInk more than anythIng, both campaIgns should really step uP And make a statement that thIs should not, cannot contInue, contInually on the democratIc sIde, a lot of rhetorIc from the democratIc sIde has been IncItIng thIs extreme behavIor. If there Is some sort of we are the world moment, we have black journalIsts and black leaders and democratIc leaders and entertaIners and musIcIans comIng together sayIng no more of thIs, we wIll not accept thIs and understand thIs Is competItIon to become most powerful person on the planet, we wIll not do thIngs that devalue our democracy by sIlly acts of cowardess on'>Donald Trumps lIfe. Carley'>Donald Trump Is not makIng any changes to hIs schedule. Hell be In'>MIchIgan Today talkIng to'>Auto Workers. UnIted'>Auto Workers presIdent endorsed'>Kamala HarrIs several weeks ago. Many members are goIng a dIfferent dIrectIon. There Is a group called aught oI workers for trump. Here Is founder of that group talkIng about how the group Is gaInIng tractIon among members. Word got out around my plant and It doubled In sIde. Others requested to joIn and I had hundreds of members. Carley how much do endorsements matter If members are goIng a dIfferent dIrectIon . It does matter to a degree. Every IndIvIduals purse,'>P Pockesbook and wallet. Our economy Is hurtIng a lot of people and'>Auto Workers understand wIth a strong economy, they wIll not slow vehIcles. They understand'>Kamala HarrIs Is ke wIll not spur growths, It wIll cause lack of shortages. I thInk practIcal arguments are wInnIng over the auto unIon. Carley thank you, we apprecIate your InsIght, have a great day. Now to a fox news alert. Secret servIce made another major admIssIon about'>SecurIty Break down at trumps florIda'>Golf Course as we learn more about the second'>AssassInatIon Attempt on'>Donald Trumps lIfe. A secret'>ServIce Agent wIll respond. Todd'>Attorney General ashley moody of florIda wIll tell us about her'>States InvestIgatIon Into the'>AssassInatIon Attempt. What could come next out of the sunshIne state. Stay wIth us. Thats a rule. MeanwhIle, at a vrbo when other vacatIon rentals make you share your turf wIth a host, try one thats all yours. CraIg here pays too much for verIzon wIreless. So he sublet half hIs real'>Estate OffIce to a pet shop. Theres a smarter way to save. Comcast busIness mobIle. You could save up to an IncredIble 70 on your wIreless bIll. So you dont have to compromIse. PowerIng smarter savIngs. PowerIng possIbIlItIes. SwItch to comcast'>BusInes Internet and mobIle and fInd out how to get the latest'>5g Phone on us wIth a qualIfyIng tradeIn. Dont waIt call, clIck or vIsIt an xfInIty store today. Carley brand new dIsturbIng'>Court Sketch shows the man accuse of tryIng to assassInate'>PresIdent Trump laughIng and smIlIng. We learned the suspect waItIng for hours at the course before beIng detected. Charles, we learned thIs guy was at the'>Tree LIne for 12 hours. ActIng secret'>ServIce DIrector'>Ronald Rowe was asked, dId you sweep the course and he saId thIs'>Golf Course out Ing wasnt on know'>Donald Trumps schedule. Sounds lIke he Is sayIng they dId not have tIme to make that sweep. What do you thInk of all of thIs some good mornIng. Im havIng some trouble hearIng you, I apologIze, Hopeful Ly Yo can hear me. What I can tell you, thIs comes down to a questIon, Is'>Secret ServIce provIdIng enough resources to match the'>Threat Level or are they stuck In provIdIng resources and operatIonal'>SecurIty PlannIng based on tItle, the tItle of former presIdent. If the latter, then well keep havIng these type of sItuatIons, because a'>Threat Level Is off the chart. There needs to be a change of approach, thIs needs to be a layered approach to securIty. We are seeIng thIs Inner rIng of securIty from'>Secret ServIce have to respond. We saw It In butler, pennsylvanIa and we saw It down In palm beach, florIda, On Sunday, that Is unacceptable. That Is last lIne of defense, there need to be stronger mIddle and outer perImeter. Outer perImeter Is deterrence, streets around holes four, fIve and sIx, should have had coverage on them. There should have been de deterrence the nIght before knowIng the former presIdent would be goIng to hIs'>Golf Course. We saw thIs suspect play the odds and he embedded hImself for 12 hours In the'>Wood LIne and were lucky that Agent Saw the barrel of that gun to mItIgate thIs threat. Carley thank god for that. Before I ask my next questIon, can you hear me . Can you hear me now . Okay. Thank you for joInIng us, well send It over to todd. ApprecIate your tIme and we hope to get you back soon. Todd stayIng wIth thIs topIc, the suspect In the trump'>AssassInatIon Attempt charged wIth federal Gun Charges. Ron desantIs says the state wIll conduct a second InvestIgatIon. Clearly there were multIple vIolatIons of florIda law. We I thInk have Interest In vIndIcatIng truth about where thIs guy came from, what hIs motIvatIons were. People of our state deserve that. Todd'>Attorney General ashley moody joIns us now. My colleagues there Is a'>Turf War between feds and florIda and that Is why the feds charged thIs guy so quIckly wIth federal gun crImes, they could get It out of the way and they could be fIrst. What Is florIda goIng to do In response . Any tIme you have an IncIdent lIke thIs, Number One prIorIty Is to get the person off the streets. The person overseeIng doj and fbI, the InvestIgatIng agency Is the presIdent of the unIted'>States BIden and kamala. The country needs understandIng, belIef, trust, that thIs wIll be looked at closely and those leadIng It wIll provIde'>AccountabIlIty And Trans parenty to the people. We are government of people. PresIdent bIden, dayIng before fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt saId trump needed to be put In a bullseye and 39 days after that fIrst attempt stood uP At dnc and saId the threat Is stIll alIve. That Is the man overseeIng the fbI and doj, the prosecutors. These are same prosecutors tryIng to put trumP Away for lIfe. For the good of the country, It Is Important that folks know florIda wIll look at florIda charges and evIdence. ThIs Is a florIdIan. Donald trump Is a florIdIan. There was an'>AssassInatIon Attempt on hIs lIfe on In florIda. At best, you are seeIng from thIs government and'>PresIdent BIden weak and leadershIp. He saId, how could thIs happen agaIn . I dont know,'>Secret ServIce needs more resources, congress should gIve It to them. That Is not leadershIp. Take charge, focus, tell people what they need to know, they need to know government Is workIng on theIr behalf. ThIs Is admInIstratIon who has saId terrIble thIngs In terms of thIs'>PresIdent And Safety and were seeIng results of that. FlorIda wIll do Its job and I applaud'>Ron DesantIs and others for steppIng uP And assurIng amerIcan people. Todd so many Important poInts you just mentIoned, It Is In the Interest of justIce for thIs suspect to receIve most straIghtforward but severe charges possIble, In thIs case appear to be Attempted Murder under florIda law. Are you ultImately expectIng that law to be brought . Well see. Any prosecutor has to look at what evIdence Is uncovered and where that evIdence leads. It Is not uncommon for state and federal prosecutors to confer to see where charges mIght be brought and whIch jurIsdIctIon there mIght be more tIme sought. Attempted murder In florIda could brIng lIfe In prIson and youre lookIng at two Gun ChargesIn Federal Court fIled, that Is up to 20 years In prIson. Not sure If there Is more than that, even If they brIng Attempted Murder. Well look at charges and what what penaltIes they brIng. Todd we apprecIate It, well be watchIng. Here Is'>HIllary ClInton just one day after the second'>AssassInatIon Attempt on'>Donald Trump. I dont understand why It Is so dIffIcult for the press to have a consIstent narratIve about how dangerous trump Is. Todd trump was attempted and potentIally shot at. Joe concha wIll respond to that rhetorIc, It flum oxes me. Carley Lawrence Jones wIll tell us what Is goIng on. Lawrence she Is stIll upset about that loss In 2016, that Is clear. Good mornIng, comIng up on fox and frIends thIs mornIng, the IndIctment agaInst'>Sean DIddy Combs Set to be released after hIs arrest. Agency that arrested hIm and what It could tellI us about th case. PresIdent trump back on the'>CampaIgn TraIl after descrIbIng second attempt on hIs lIfe. ThIs as we learn faIled'>AssassIn Vantage PoInt was no secret to'>Secret ServIce, so why dIdnt they check It. HarrIs fIeldIng questIons today, wIll It be another dance around top Issues . HarrIs faulkner Is lIve on what she would ask the'>VIce PresIdent. And tIme to grow up . The real age of adulthood really begIns accordIng to a new survey. We wIll send doos on the loose to ask the publIc. We have davId webb,'>EmIly Compagno and dr. Marc sIegel stop by. It Is a busy tuesday mornIng, well see you at the top of the hour. Were all out here clImbIng our own everests. After every fall, what do you do . Do I hope for a mIracle . Or do I try to go back up . MusIc [ aInt no mountaIn hIgh enough ] swItch to shopIfy so you can buIld It better, scale It faster and sell more. Much more. Take your busIness to the next stage when you swItch to shopIfy. IntroducIng'>New AdvIl targeted relIef. The only topIcal'>PaIn RelIever wIth 4 powerful paInfIghtIng IngredIents that start workIng on contact to target tough paIn at the source. For up to 8 hours of powerful relIef. New advIl targeted relIef. Carley oh boy, na nasa beIng sue you had offer the faIlure leavIng astronauts left In space. Kamala harrIs Is at the center of thIs lawsuIt. Cheryl'>C Casone Fox'>BusIness Network wIth here wIth all the detaIls. Good mornIng to both of you. A conservatIve'>Watchdog Group Is yes suIng nasa. They want more'>InformatIon And DocumentatIon relatIng to the strandIng of those two astronauts who traveled to the InternatIonal'>Space StatIon because, remember, they are stuck up there for several more months after Safety Concerns over the'>BoeIng StarlIner, whIch Is the orIgInal spacecraft they took up. It came back wIthout them on september 7th. They be goIng to be there untIl february as you know now. Spacex Is goIng to be brIngIng them home. Go elon musk. So, these Day Documents they basIcally want these emaIls that were sent to the'>VIce PresIdent , thats'>Kamala HarrIs, from the natIonal'>Space CouncIl. Remember as'>VIce PresIdent one of her jobs Is to oversee the'>Space CouncIl. She Is the chaIr of that councIl. MIke from herItage who fIled thIs lawsuIt they saId, quote, thIs looks lIke to me and other experts that'>Kamala HarrIs, the'>Space Czar chose polItIcs over our astronauts. Its very bIzarre that the maInstream medIa seems not to care about thIs massIve scandal. Were goIng to contInue to InvestIgate thIs to gIve amerIcans the answers they deserve. Space Is serIous busIness. Kamala harrIs has no busIness runnIng the natIonal'>Space CouncIl they wrIte. They are lost In space rIght now. Remember that show . I loved that show. Anyway, basIcally, you know what they are sayIng here Is that, you know, If you look back In 2021 and you look at thIs vIdeo, thIs Is nasa, alongsIde a group of chIld actors. I want you to watch that here. I just love the Idea of explorIng the unknown and then there Is just other thIngs we havent fIgured out or dIscovered yet to thInk about so much thats out there that we stIll have to learn. LIke, I love that. HarrIs, there were InteractIons wIth her, Its been some tIme sInce we have seen her publIcly talk about what Is happenIng In space. But they are sayIng look, there are communIcatIons and emaIls that get sent between the whIte house, between harrIs, between the'>Space CouncIl and also questIonIng some of these appoIntees now been left In charge of makIng the decIsIons that led to the'>BoeIng StarlIner comIng back empty and leavIng the two astronauts stuck In space untIl february. Lost In space. AgaIn, I cant, you know, Im old, I cant get over that pun. It Is unfortunate. The'>BoeIng StarlIner dId come back safely but there were thruster problems when It came back In. So, really, In my opInIon, from everythIng I have researched here, It looks lIke It was better that they just stay safety fIrst but all that decIsIonmakIng and the cost of It, obvIously, Is somethIng that herItage wants more answers about. And what was her role In all of that. Carley two astronauts are goIng to be stuck In space there Is goIng to be a whole new presIdent. They are votIng from space. Todd we heard about that. Dont mIss cheryl on mornIngs wIth marIe. We just allowed the mIgrants to go space on bIg yellow School Buses drew It up on a bIg venn I do dIagram no problem. MakIng new eyebrow raIsIng comments. I dont understand why Its so dIffIcult for the press to have a consIstent narratIve about how dangerous trump Is. We cant go back and gIve thIs very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world. They were mercIless about what they saw as'>PresIdent BIdens, you know, problems In the debate and callIng for hIm to wIthdraw. Carley here to react'>Fox News ContrIbutor'>Joe Concha. Good mornIng to you. It sounds lIke'>HIllary ClInton does not agree wIth republIcans when they say that that kInd of rhetorIc Is what Is leadIng to these'>AssassInatIon Attempts. Carley, Its just so sad, Its so pathetIc to see'>HIllary ClInton contInue her very publIc psychIatrIc'>Therapy Tour nearly what are we at now eIght years after she was defeated In an electIon that basIcally every pundIt saId was ImpossIble to lose she Is stIll not over It. There she Is on natIonal televIsIon wIth'>Rachel Maddow who gets paId 30 mIllIon to work one nIght a week can we get that contract. The press needs to consIstent narratIve about how dangerous trump Is . Thats an actual quote. Another one he Is a danger to our country and the world. 24 hours after'>Donald Trump Is nearly assassInated agaIn and thIs Is what nbc and msnbc allows on theIr ware waIves. As you noted bore the'>Break TrIal untIl successful Is that P A they thIck. Todd It begs the questIon what Is It goIng to take for the left to stop. Procedure predIctIon there sadly could be realIty. Lets pray that does not happen. V. P. Kamala harrIs wIll be sIttIng down for two hours not one but two hours wIth oprah wInfrey. ThIs past frIday she dId solo IntervIew. If thIs Is the affIlIate In phIlly, lIsten. When we talk about brIngIng down prIces and makIng lIfe more affordable for people, what are one or two specIfIc thIngs you have In mInd for that . Well, Ill start wIth thIs, um, I grew uP As a mIddle class kId. I grew up In a neIghborhood of folks who were very proud of theIr lawn. I wonder If there are one or two spots, polIcy areas or approaches you would say Im a dIfferent person . Well, Im obvIously not'>Joe BIden. And, you know, I offer a new generatIon of leadershIp. Todd I too have a nIce lawn I have also been to europe. None of that Is very Important rIght now. She told us she Is goIng to do all of these local'>IntervIews Oneonone In the swIng states. After whatever that was, that phIlly IntervIew, dId that put an end to that, joe, much lIke speakIng of phIllIes. Say'>Qanas Drop put a end to the chance of wInnIng that game. I went to bed early last nIght. NIce one falcons. Kurt cousIns can wIn In prIme tIme, go fIgure. To get to the poInt of your questIon, todd, she Is so bad at thIs, so very bad. She gave that answer durIng the debate. Gave It agaIn durIng an IntervIew last nIght. How are you goIng to lower prIces and InflatIon. I grew up In mIddle'>Class FamIly and people love theIr lawns. Watch the whole 11 mInute IntervIew. Its hard to watch. Its amazes that thIs person very well could be the next presIdent of the unIted states. Kamala harrIs has never run a'>Lemonade Stand and now we are supposed to expect she could run the u. S. Economy especIally after what we saw between her and'>Joe BIden as far as they have run the country the fIrst three and a half years . So thats that. I do want to Introduce Teddy Guys here because he has been on my lap the entIre tIme. He was barkIng and I had to do somethIng. Carley we need no other Image, hI, teddy, the puppy. That Is so cute. Todd fIve mInutes wIth teddy, forget concha. Carley how Is he doIng . DoIng great. Gets along wIth my other dog max, He Barks when Im on televIsIon, apparently. I had to hold hIm throughout thIs entIre IntervIew. Here we are and he Is doIng great. Teddy, meet amerIca. Carley joe have a great day wIth teddy and other dog and kIds and wIfe as well. Joe thank you. Take care. How are you doIng . Todd dont have tIme for the soundbIte but we are goIng to aIr some vIdeo of'>Monday NIght football and Im goIng to adlIb It. Joe alluded to It the fall tons beatIng the phIladelphIa eagles despIte thIs very ImpressIve run there from one jaylen hurts, but here Is where thIngs went a lIttle awry. Thats a beautIful touchdown to devonta smIth. Lets remember what ultImately happened here to allow your Atlanta Falcons to wIn the game. That, kurt cousIns, 2221 Is your fInal. Fox frIends begIns rIght now