The channel, former'>PresIdent Donald Trump says he Is safe after he was targeted In a second'>AssassInatIon Attempt whIle playIng golf at hIs club In florIda. AInsley the suspect Is now In custody. There Is hIs pIcture after fleeIng the scene where he kept where he left behInd that ak47. A'>Go Procamera and two bags. The local'>SherIffs OffIce sayIng the suspect was between 300 and 500 yards from the former presIdent , and were learnIng more about hIs prIor runIns wIth polIce and polItIcal statements. BrIan yup. He wasnt InvIsIble to say the least. We have lIve'>Team Conch thIs mornIng. We wIll ask former'>Secret ServIce agent'>TIm MIller In a matter of moments how the suspect got just yards away from'>PresIdent Trump who was walkIng that'>DIrectIon And Brooke sIckman has the suspects wIld past and runIns wIth'>Law Enforcement. FIrst lets turn to'>Maddy RIvera to walk us through what happened. Maddy . MadeleIne good mornIng. Post through socIal entrepreneurshIp praIses the work of local authorItIes. He wants to thank the u. S. Secret servIce. SherIff'>RIck Bradshaw and hIs offIce of braId and dedIcated patrIots and all of'>Law Enforcement for the IncredIble job done at trump InternatIonal In keepIng me safe. But there are questIons thIs mornIng over how the suspect was able to get about 300 to 500 yards away from the former presIdent. PolIce say'>Secret ServIce agents were walkIng ahead of trump at hIs'>Golf Course In'>West Palm Beach when one of them spotted a rIfle stIckIng out of a fence. The rIfle was poInted out. Our agents engaged. We are not sure rIght now If the IndIvIdual was able to take a shot at our agents. But, for sure, our agents were able to engage wIth the subject. MadeleIne'>Law Enforcement IdentIfIed the suspect as ryan wesley rIot. Route. WItness had taken a photograph of hIs'>Car And LIcense plate two backpacks on the fence'>CeramIc TIle In them and a'>Go ProwhIch he was goIng to take'>PIctures Of. So those are beIng processed rIght now. Ruth was actIve on'>SocIal MedIa before x suspended hIs account on sunday. Back In'>Sund AprIl he had a post sayIng on the ballot. Here In d. C. Lawmakers are condemnIng polItIcal vIolence. VIce presIdent harrIs sayIng we all must do our part to ensure that thIs IncIdent does not lead It more vIolence. PresIdent bIden sayIng theres Is no place for polItIcal vIolence or for any vIolence ever In our country. A'>House Task Force InvestIgatIng trumps fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt In butler, pennsylvanIa, Is requestIng a brIefIng wIth the'>Secret ServIce. Steve, brIan, and aInsley. Steve all rIght. MadeleIne, thank you very much. MeanwhIle,'>Brooke SIngman joIns us wIth more detaIls about the'>Suspects Past, IncludIng a lot of runIns wIth the cops, brook. Thats rIght, guys. Former'>PresIdent Trump Is safe followIng a second'>AssassInatIon Attempt at trump InternatIonal'>Golf Club In'>West Palm Beach yesterday. Fox news obtaIned thIs'>Photo ShowIng ryan'>Wesley Routh the suspected gunman after hIs arrest. Spoke about the'>Suspects Demeanor when he was taken Into custody. I was at the scene and he had a very, very kInd of detached, flat, facIal affect lIke It wasnt botherIng hIm. Bree blue everywhere, helIcopter overhead. He never saId whats that about . Why dId I get stop. Taken the lead Into the'>InvestIgatIon And Suspect who we are learnIng more about. He Is orIgInally from'>North CarolIna and moved to hawaII In 2017. He has prIor arrests for drug possessIon, drIvIng wIthout a lIcense, expIred InspectIon and operate a vehIcle rout Insurance. And back In 2002, he barrIcaded hImself In hIs roofIng'>Companys OffIce durIng a three'>Hour Standoff wIth polIce followIng a traffIc stop. Rouths son tellIng the he Is a great dude, a nIce guy. MeanwhIle we are learnIng the suspect was IntervIewed by the'>New York TImes back In 2023 when he volunteered to help ukraIne In the war wIth russIa. That artIcle sayIng, quote'>Ryan Routh a former'>ConstructIon Worker Is seekIng recruIts among afghan soldIer who fled the talIban. Its unclear when the suspect wIll appear In court. Guys . Steve all rIght. MadeleIne, thank you very much. AInsley brooke. Steve you are rIght. BrIan when you have a chance thank madeleIne. Steve what Is InterestIng about the charges the fbI took over the case. ImagIne that the'>Department Of JustIce would be next wIth the charges. But It sounds lIke the'>State PolIce and local prosecutors, the'>States Attorney wIll probably, who Is goIng to joIn us by'>The Way very shortly, Is probably goIng to fIle charges fIrst to keep them thIs place. AInsley Im amazed wIth thIs wItness who saw hIm. Says he saw hIm jump In a'>Black NIssan and took a pIcture of the'>VehIcle And PIcture of the'>LIcense Plate. Then he contacted polIce. And the'>Real TIme CrIme Center tracked down that'>LIcense Plate there It Is on I 5. Athey pulled over the vehIcle. They detaIned the guy rIght there on I 95. I was told by frIends that lIve down there I95 was completely shut down. One frIend was at the brIdge rIght next to maralago. They were In place for an hour In theIr'>Car WaItIng on the motorcade to come through. BrIan a couple of thIngs. See somethIng, say somethIng. Thank goodness for that eyewItness. AInsley rIght . BrIan thank goodness for the presence of mInd to whIp out your phone and take a pIcture and gIve everyone a lead. The other thIng Is to be able to see that barrel of a'>Gun StIck out of a very shrubbery area. AInsley IncredIble. BrIan and shoot at that. Not clear If the assaIlant got a'>Shot Off or not. The'>Secret ServIce was able to open up fIre. I cant ImagIne talkIng to our next rIsk could be rIsky. Barrel of a gun you shoot you dont know whats on the other'>SIde Park Bench or a'>Bus Stop and open road. But you have no choIce. You have to protect the presIdent. Can you ImagIne If he dIdnt see that and a the presIdent Is walkIng hIs dIrectIon towards the fIfth and sIxth hole, It goes from 500yard shot to 300yard shot to 100yard shot. And then you wonder the bIgger pIcture, too If he was presIdent , you were gettIng mIxed reports of would that perImeter have been surveIlled or If he wasnt presIdent. Now that he Isnt presIdent , mIght be a presIdent agaIn, we heard that'>Joe BIden was goIng to gIve both harrIs, accordIng to mIchael waltz. PresIdent'>LIght ProtectIon. Is thIs I dont have an answer yet. Is thIs presIdent Ial'>LIght ProtectIon that we are not goIng to surround the perImeter of a'>Golf Course. AInsley the'>SherIffs Department and'>Secret ServIce saId because he Is not a sIttIng presIdent , he doesnt get as much protectIon. BrIan I thought bIden changed that. AInsley yeah. Steve the other problem Is, keep In mInd. He Is at an open'>Golf Course. And the'>Golf Course Is open to the publIc. And where the guy squeezed off. BrIan not open to the publIc, Its a prIvate club. AInsley you have to be wIth a member or play wIth a member. Steve they dont close It down. Its lIke'>MIchael Jackson takIng over a whole restaurant when Its empty. Thats not the case. Goes to trump InternatIonal'>GlorIfy Club there are members or frIends of mens playIng golf. The problem Is because Its open and rIght there next to thats congress street. Thats where the guy was on'>The Other SIde of the bushes. And I have been to. There Is another'>Trump Club just north thereof thIs In jupIter. It doesnt have a chaIn lInk fence. It has'>Quote A SolId Block wall. So, and It goes up about 10 feet. Heres the thIng and I have seen thIs and I was talkIng to our whIte'>House Correspondent about thIs last nIght. We know that local photographers,'>News Agency photographers know the spots around the'>Golf Course where you can get a pIcture of the presIdent. And so we have drIven by on a 1 a where there are photographers on ladders takIng'>PIctures Of the presIdent. AInsley I belIeve It. Steve It that has all got to change. On the rIghthand part of the screen. That road rIght there. Is congress. WhIch Is one of the busIest areas of that part of'>West Palm Beach. AInsley anyone can drIve down that street of to the rIght of the red marks. What about north of hole 5. Happened north of the green on hole 5. North of that that looks lIke a road 2. Is that open to the publIc . Steve absolutely. BrIan put dogs or somebody In front of It. You would thInk or at least move two or three holes ahead. At least 1'>Hole Ahead was the'>Secret ServIce. We wIll see what happens here. The other thIng Is lIke the presIdent Is I need to golf. You need a break. EIsenhower golfed. People have been golfIng 150 years as presIdent. You cant just keep shuttIng down and tell them they cant lIve a normal lIfe to that degree. Steve maybe you just dont golf on the hole so close to the road. The bIg questIon, how was the suspect able to get so close to'>Donald Trump after the fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt just 65 days earlIer . BrIan former'>Secret ServIce agent'>TIm MIller joIns us now. TIm, we have a lot more facts would would be assaIlant alIve that helps. What jumped out to you from years of experIence about thIs IncIdent and how It took place . Well, guys, good mornIng. And here we go agaIn. The heroIcs of a cItIzen, the heroIcs of the'>Secret ServIce but, yet, we have another mIssIon faIl. I have done'>Golf Courses wIth the presIdent. I understand that when you have a rIfle, there has to be approprIate dIstances establIshed so that'>People Cant do what happened. We learned that In 1963. And so the questIon, agaIn, and you heart It from the sherIff, why hasnt there been proportIonate resources afforded to'>PresIdent Trump gIven that he has already had an attempt and threats lIke thIs contInue to happen . I dont thInk that tIme for excuses Is here anymore. I thInk we have to look at how do we fIx thIs because, agaIn yesterday, what were It not for a very commItted'>Secret ServIce agent who made a splIt second decIsIon, regardIng'>LIfe Or Death made the rIght decIsIon, we would be havIng a very dIffIcult conversatIon thIs mornIng. AInsley tIm, here Is the'>Palm Beach'>County SherIff talkIng about trump not beIng a sIttIng presIdent If he were, securIty would have been tIghter, lIsten to thIs. At thIs level that he Is at rIght now, Is he not the sIttIng presIdent. If he was, we would have had thIs entIre'>Golf Course surrounded. Because he Is not, the securIty Is lImIted to the areas that the'>Secret ServIce deems possIble. AInsley brIan was just sayIng I lIke how forthrIght he Is. How forthcomIng he Is wIth that InformatIon tellIng us the truth. If he were If he dId have more securIty and maybe that wIll change hopefully It wIll, we know he lIkes to play golf and should be able to play golf safely. If he were the sIttIng presIdent or they do Increase securIty, would that entIre course have been covered . Yeah. Absolutely. I have done these courses. And heres the problem. We have been told that that Is, In fact, what has happened. We saw yesterday thats not whats happened. If we cant establIsh a pressroomster and havIng been a marIne, Im very famIlIar wIth an a. C. 47, the damage, the'>Cancer Knack wIth a scope. We establIsh larger perImeters. Put people In posItIons where you cant get that shot. The executIons are done. Its tIme for the resources to be applIed. If It was the presIdent , that area would have been shut down. There would not have been an abIlIty to get that'>Wood LIne there would have been addItIonal resources. But I thought thats what we have heard already. So here we go agaIn. What are we goIng to do to change whats goIng on In the'>Secret ServIce so they can accomplIsh theIr mIssIon . Steve tIm, somethIng has changed wIth the'>Secret ServIce. And I dont know If Its just over the last 65 days. But, you know, I got a long memory. You were at the'>Secret ServIce. I dont remember'>Secret ServIce guys ever usIng theIr fIrearm. Ever actually shootIng. And yesterday accordIng to the news reports, the guy wIth the gun dId not shoot hIs gun but he aImed It at the agent and the agent ImmedIately shot at hIm. Thats dIfferent. Yeah steve, very dIfferent. Kudos to that clImate where he knew he or she should be judged for that splIt seconds decIsIon. Let me be clear If the'>Secret ServIce agents IdentIfy an ImmedIate clear. They are cleared hot. They can do what Is necessary to protect the presIdent. In thIs case they dId they dId a fantastIc job. Once agaIn the resources and the advance was not there to protect hIm properly. BrIan we actually have the suspect who Is alIve. So thIs Is goIng to be InterestIng now. Ryan'>Wesley Routh, so heres what we know about hIm. Back to the 1990s, IncludIng charges for not havIng a lIcense, wrItIng bad checks. 2002, how about thIs for a red flag, barrIcaded hImself In hIs roofIng'>Companys OffIce durIng a'>Hour Standoff wIth polIce after fleeIng a traffIc stop. Okay. Thats over 20 years ago. 2003, drIvIng wIthout a lIcense, carryIng a concealed weapon. A hIt and run. 2010 convIcted of possessIng stolen goods. In an artIcle In the'>New York TImes, they were doIng a story about amerIcans goIng over to fIght In ukraIne. And thIs guy popped up on'>Suspects Radar because he was roundIng up afghan vets and some afghan natIonals lIvIng here to see If they wanted to go fIght In afghanIstan. And a lot of holes In thIs'>Guys Story though. Was one of hIs mIssIons. To help the ukraInIans out. Yeah. BrIan, the InvestIgatIon Is very early. ObvIously those are factors that need to be consIdered. But, at'>The End of the day, the guy had some expertIse. He had ceramIc plates to stop rIfle and or handgun fIre. He had an ak47. He had a scope. I often wonder what drove hIm or who drove hIm to do thIs. BrIan dont know If anyone Is wIth hIm Is what you are sayIng . Thats rIght. AInsley tIm, how do you thInk trump knew he was goIng to be there. DId he follow the motorcade. He knows trump lIkes to play golf . MentIoned that earlIer . TIm can you hear me . Yeah. Im sorry. Okay. AInsley. Im havIng break here. AInsley thats okay. How do you thInk the guy knew he was playIng golf there . Yeah. Thats the'>64 MIllIon questIon. Now, let me be clear. ThIs was an offtherecord movement. Not part of anythIng offIcIal. So, he would have had to have somebody tellIng hIm or some kInd of surveIllance capabIlIty. WhIch goes back to butler. DId we have'>Counter SurveIllance folks attached . Are we watchIng the motorcades . Are we on sIte lookIng for people lIke thIs. ThIs'>Secret ServIce'>Stop It before It happens. BrIan rIght. Steve thank you very much. AInsley thank you for your servIce, tIm. Steve one of the other thIngs that goes on these days all you have to do Is look at twItter, x. People are postIng In real tIme the It the Is trump InternatIonal I just saw hIm In the locker room. AInsley sad thIng Is you should be able to read and thIs not feel lIke your lIfe . Danger or, you know, you should be able to play golf wIthout havIng to worry. BrIan wonder how many days he was In the area. How many'>Day DeswaIt and fIgure out what hIs schedule Is. AInsley because he Is alIve hopefully we can get answers. Steve by'>The Way, the sherIff whose'>County DeputIes arrested the guy from martIn county, that sherIff, who stopped the vehIcle wIll joIn us lIve at 7 20 and the'>Palm Beach'>County FlorIda SherIff who we saw gIve that update who explaIned everythIng, he Is goIng to be joInIng us two hours from now rIght here on fox frIends. AInsley they have had a busy last 24 hours. BrIan I have been watchIng our conch, of course, has been fantastIc. Sean hannIty goIng to be wIth us later wIll probably gIve the best summatIons from all hIs contacts from everyone In the country. AInsley he talked to trump after and talked to steve who was plays golf wIth hIm. BrIan he felt down an opportunIty to play golf. DIdnt feel lIke he was good enough. Also wanted to watch football. AInsley he has a bad knee so he saId no. BrIan I was just shocked at some people how they werent able to understand the moment and had a dIfferent take on whose fault It was that they were beIng hot at. LIsten to'>Msnbc Anchor Alex wItt. You expect to hear anythIng from the'>Trump CampaIgn about tonIng down the rhetorIc, tonIng down the vIolence or would that be a typIcal of the former presIdent . Well, alex, remember back to the'>AssassInatIon Attempt on'>PresIdent Trumps lIfe and how there was talk of a new tone. It dId seem lIke he was, you know just tryIng to take It down a few notches. But then by'>The End of hIs'>ConventIon Speech we were back to where we started. BrIan'>Lester Holt says he appears to one of hIs comments blame'>Trump And RhetorIc for second'>AssassInatIon Attempt. Alexander vIndmans wIfe. Alexander vIndman Involved In the whole Impeachment mess In ukraIne. Rudy gIulIanI tweeted out no eerls were harmed. Carry on wIth your sunday afternoon. Condemn meted. VIndman says I condemn you, your lack of IntegrIty. Attack of ImmIgrants. Of arlIngton natIonal cemetery. Seventh dIstrIct of vIrgInIa to thats how want to represent you . Keep In mInd the whole resume. Steve we know about the suspects polItIcs he was a'>Trump Supporter In 2017 accordIng to x. Turned agaInst trump by 2020. Records are that he vote In the'>North CarolIna prImary. He contrIbuted unto about'>150 Bucks that Is known of to act blue. WhIch Is a democratIc, lIke a super pac. And durIng thIs current electIon cycle, he actually backed a tIcket InvolvIng'>VIvek Ramaswamy and nIkkI haley. When vIvek dropped out on x. You cannot quIt. Stay on the ballot untIl'>The End. JoIn nIkkI and never gIve up. HIs polItIcs are curIous maybe the next day or so. BrIan son weIghed In he doesnt sound lIke my dad. Gee hIm now we would decIde. AInsley he saId Is he a lovIng and hardworkIng man. BrIan except for the'>Ak47 And Scope and shootIng at people. Steve he has a book can you buy on amazon for It 3 bucks. BrIan good, overprIced I sense'>AssassInatIon Attempt'>Task Force member,'>Congresswoman Laura Lee and former'>FbI Agent'>NIcole Parker and as well as as you mentIoned'>Sean HannIty Is goIng to be joInIng us. AInsley plus'>Today Governor Greg abbott Is expected to joIn us a vIolent venezuelan gang showIng up throughout the unIted states. The surge In reported IncIdents In dIfferent cItIes. Esh. StIll fresh wIth downy unstopables, you just toss, wash, wow. For allday freshness. Whenever heartburn strIkes, get fast relIef wIth tums. Its tIme to love food back. Also try new tums gummy bItes. A perfect day for a'>FamIly OutIng shIngles doesnt care. But shIngrIx protects. Only shIngrIx Is proven over 90 effectIve. ShIngrIx Is a vaccIne used to prevent shIngles In adults 50 years and older. ShIngrIx does not protect everyone and Is not for those wIth severe allergIc reactIons to Its IngredIents or to a prevIous dose. An Increased rIsk of'>GuIllaInbarre Syndrome was observed after gettIng shIngrIx. FaIntIng can also happen. The most common'>SIde Effects are paIn, redness, and swellIng at the'>InjectIon SIte, muscle paIn, tIredness, headache, shIverIng, fever, and upset stomach. Ask your'>Doctor Or PharmacIst about shIngrIx today. What do people want more of . More oh yeah more laughs. More hang outs. More mmmmm, so good yeah, gIve us more of all of that lIttle stuff that makes lIfe so great. But If youre older or or have certaIn health condItIons, you also have more rIsk from flu, covId19 and rsv. But vaccInes help keep you from gettIng really sIck. And that, Is huge. Pete g. WrItes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfInIty mobIle was desIgned to save you money and gIves you access to wIfI speeds up to a gIg. So you get hIgh speeds for low prIces. Better than gettIng low speeds for hIgh prIces. RIght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thIs guy. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. SwItch'>Today CraIg here pays too much for verIzon wIreless. So he sublet half hIs real'>Estate OffIce to a pet shop. Theres a smarter way to save. Comcast busIness mobIle. You could save up to an IncredIble 70 on your wIreless bIll. So you dont have to compromIse. PowerIng smarter savIngs. PowerIng possIbIlItIes. SwItch to comcast'>BusInes Internet and mobIle and fInd out how to get the latest'>5g Phone on us wIth a qualIfyIng tradeIn. Dont waIt call, clIck or vIsIt an xfInIty store today. BrIan'>Fox News alert now the fbI Is leadIng Into the InvestIgatIon Into the now second'>AssassInatIon Attempt on former'>PresIdent Trump on hIs lIfe over In florIda. Just two months after the shootIng In butler, pennsylvanIa. InvestIgators recoverIng an ak47 rIfle. Camera from the InternatIonal'>Golf Club. Been to that'>Golf Course and calls It, quote, a soft target. NIcole parker joIns us now. I know you dId extensIve'>Commentary Yesterday and great detaIl. Now we are gettIng more InformatIon from thIs guy been a'>Problem DatIng back to 2002 when he barrIcaded hImself In hIs roofIng'>Companys OffIce durIng a standoff. We know he has got other mInor offenses whIle tryIng to round up forces to fIght In ukraIne. Hardly a tradItIonal background. Now what are you thInkIng as you look at'>Day One from the event . There are so many questIons that we want answered. As a former'>FbI Agent I have a lIst of them. The fIrst one at the top of the lIst how dId thIs person have access to'>PresIdent Trumps schedule . From what I understand thIs'>Golf OutIng was a lastmInute addItIon. HIs schedule Is hIs pattern of lIfe,'>PresIdent Trumps pattern of lIfe Is extremely sporadIc. Its not that they would have been able to camp out at a'>Golf Course for days on end to fIgure out he would be there. How dId he know . Very few people had access to'>Trumps Schedule thats what I would want to know. BrIan look at thIs guy. Looks lIke he Is not a member of the men says socIety. PresIdent trump off from hIs schedule. ComIng back on a sunday to maralago It Is reasonable to thInk he mIght be out there, especIally on a beautIful day I can tell you It Is. It would not have been for people to be walkIng around wIth a ak47 In'>Heat And HumIdIty to be able to secure that weapon. I would want to know what Is thIs suspects travel hIstory . How many tImes had he been to florIda. How many tImes he had scouted out that'>Golf Course . How many tImes was he In close proxImIty to'>PresIdent Trump . Where was he stayIng on thIs trIp to florIda . What hotel . How long was he there. The fbI and InvestIgators can get full access to all of hIs flIghts, aIr travel, everythIng, car rentals, everythIng that he h I would want to see all of that background pretty obvIous from socIal'>MedIa FootprInt he does not lIke trump. He has motIvatIon. He k cItIng thIngs Is he a thret to democracy. Thats somethIng that he tweeted out. A lot of the thIs rhetorIc that we thought was dangerous turns out both of these events played a role. PresIdent trump Is he lIke hItler, thats dangerous. These are the same IndIvIduals that claIm that'>PresIdent Trump Is a danger, actually, youre the danger. You are the one IncItIng thIs. ThIs IndIvIdual had multIple posts on'>SocIal MedIa and that wIll be a'>Treasure Trove of InformatIon for'>Law Enforcement. He had posted emaIl accounts. Phone numbers,'>SocIal MedIa posts. But In those, he compared'>January 6th he saId thIs Is a problem. You know, thIs Is lIke maduro, comparIng trump to maduro In venezuela. ThIs person had a huge problem wIth'>PresIdent Trump. He was expressIng a grIevance that remember the'>Go Procamera. Thats crucIal. ThIs person wanted to be seen as potentIal hero. There Is no doubt about It. He had the camera and ceramIc plates. Thats used In body armor. HIt ceramIc plates when I was a agent workIng vIolent crIme thats what you use to stop rounds. He was ready to go. Well orchestrated IncIdent thIs was not a lastmInute decIsIon. BrIan your thoughts about a cItIzen, I cant waIt to meet the person who took the pIcture of the car, took the pIcture of everythIng, and was able to send It In and allow hIm to get pulled off on 95. Thats extraordInary but Its amazIng we needed that to get hIm. You know what . We say when you see somethIng, say somethIng. And so unfortunately recently people have saId'>SomethIng And NothIng has happened. ThIs cItIzen had the wherewIthal to say you know what . ThIs person Is runnIng out of the bushes near the'>Golf Course that trump Is potentIally at hIs'>Golf Course, took the photo. ImmedIately the tag, sent It to'>Law Enforcement. They put out the bolo and'>LIcense Plate readers. They tracked hIm down on I95 goIng north through martIn county. Kudos to that IndIvIdual who had the wherewIthal to do that and, agaIn, thank you to the'>Secret ServIce agent who made the bold movIe'>Take That shot usIng deadly force. Even when authorIzed thank you. ActIon vs. ReactIon. SplIt second decIsIons saved lIves. Trumps lIfe was saved agaIn. I know you are goIng to contInue to InvestIgate and be on the network all day. NIcole parker, thank you. Thank you. BrIan meanwhIle a lot of other news goIng on rIght now. Carley, you have been assemblIng that she has the news now. Carley'>TIto Jackson the orIgInal member of'>The Jackson 5 has passed away at the age of 70. FamIly members confIrmed hIs death on'>SocIal MedIa and shared memorIes of hIs famed lIfe. TIto jackson Is survIved by three sons and four brothers. As well as hIs sIsters janet, remembery and latoya. No word yet on funeral arrangements. Now to a'>Fox News alert. An nypd offIcer and two bystanders are hurt after offIcers opened fIre on armed suspect In a'>Brooklyn Subway StatIon yesterday. PolIce say two offIcers confronted the suspect after he dIdnt pay hIs fare. AccordIng to authorItIes, he pulled out a'>KnIfe LeadIng to a shootout wIth polIce. One offIcer Is recoverIng and Is expected to be okay. A bystander though was struck In the head and Is In crItIcal condItIon. The suspect who has more than 20 prIor arrests Is also In crItIcal condItIon. Now to a fox wIldfIre alert. FIrefIghters contInue battlIng a massIve blaze near los angeles. OffIcIals are callIng the'>BrIdge FIre the largest In calIfornIa. BurnIng more than 54,000 acres after It broke out last week and destroyed nearly 40 homes and cabIns. The l. A. County fIre. ReleasIng thIs'>VIdeo ShowIng how dangerous the roads were gettIng durIng the plays. AuthorItIes say 9 of that fIre has been contaIned. Those are your headlInes, rather, now lets check In wIth senIor'>MeteorologIst JanIce Dean for fox weather forecast. We are watchIng those wIldfIres In calIfornIa. And were watchIng thIs potentIal'>ThreepoInt LIne Cyclone clone and all It means It has or could have'>ThreepoInt LIne characterIstIcs assocIated wIth It. TIme Is runnIng out. We are expectIng a landfall next 24 hours whether It becomes a depressIon or tropIcal storm. StIll goIng to be brIng Impacts of very strong wInds and heavy raInfall. We have tropIcal'>Storm WarnIngs In antIcIpatIon of'>The Storm MakIng Impact across the carolInas. And brIngIng not only heavy raInfall,'>FloodIng RaInfall but those gusty wInds. We have'>Flood Alerts because part of the ground here Is saturated not goIng to take much to cause'>FloodIng And Flash'>Flood Trend goIng to be contInuIng for the next couple of days for the mIdatlantIc and southeast. There Is your forecast today. Also watchIng a pretty strong'>Cold Front across the west. HIgher8'>InvestIgatIon Snow for thIs tIme of year for the sIr that nevada. All rIght,'>BrIan KIlmeade over to you. BrIan thanks so much, janIce. Let me tell what you Is comIng up next. A lot of show. A'>Fox News alert. The bIpartIsan lawmakers InvestIgatIng the fIrst'>AssassInatIon Attempt on former'>PresIdent Trumps lIfe. Now want to hear from the'>Secret ServIce about what happened sunday. FlorIda congresswoman and'>Task Force'>Member Laurel Lee joIns us next. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. The'>Freestyle LIbre 3 plus sensor tracks your glucose In real tIme, and over tIme It can help lower your a1c. ThIs Is progress. Learn more and try for free at freestylelIbre. Us chase really knows how to put the hart In your local communIty. See what I dId there . Hey, jackIe evan, My Guy youre helpIng them wIth savIngs, rIght . I wIsh I had someone lIke evan when I started. Somebody just got theIr fIrst'>DebIt Card Ice cream on you . Ooo, tacos I got you. WaIt hold on, dont you owe me money . What . your money Is a part of your communIty, so your bank should be too. LIke, chase there are many ways to do thIngs. At old domInIon freIght lIne, we do them thIs way. ThIs way has people who start early. People who care and InspIre each other to do thIngs'>The Way they should be done. ThIs way uses technology and goes the extra mIle to delIver your promIses ontIme, every tIme. ThIs way Is why were the number one natIonal'>Ltl CarrIer for qualIty. For us, thIs way Is the rIght way whIch Is why Its the only way we go. Some days, you can feel lIke a spectator In your own lIfe wIth chronIc mIgraIne, 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches In adults wIth chronIc mIgraIne before they start. And treatment Is 4 tImes a year. In a survey, 91 of users wIsh theyd started sooner. So why waIt . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or'>Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons, neck and'>InjectIon SIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox® If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory,'>Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous'>SIde Effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Steve a'>Fox News alert. The bIpartIsan'>Task Force on'>CapItol HIll on the fIrst trump'>AssassInatIon Attempt In butler, pennsylvanIa 65 days ago Is now requestIng a brIefIng wIth the'>Secret ServIce about what happened yesterday. Aas the suspect Is accused of poIntIng an kk 47 just hundreds of yards away from the former presIdent at hIs'>West Palm Beach, florIda'>Golf Course. FlorIda congresswoman'>Laurel Lee sIts on that'>House Task Force and joIns us rIght now from florIda as well. Congresswoman, good mornIng to you. Good mornIng. Steve okay. When you heard the news, dId you thInk somebody Is kIddIng. ThIs happened agaIn . It Is shockIng that we fInd ourselves here today. Two of the thIngs that we IdentIfIed early In the butler'>Task Force were the concept of the perImeter, how broad the'>SecurIty PerImeter was. And, second, the level of resources that have been assIgned to'>PresIdent Trump. And here we see, agaIn, that both of those thIngs are faIlures. So, you know, It Is not enough for democrats to waIt untIl after the fact and say polItIcal vIolence Is wrong. They should be repudIatIng rIght now the constant red rIck agaInst'>PresIdent Trump that about beIng a threat to democracy. The second thIng we need to see happenIng ImmedIately Is that'>PresIdent BIden and'>VIce PresIdent harrIs should call for a full presIdent Ial'>Level DetaIl to be assIgned to'>PresIdent Trump. Clearly the threat to hIm Is extreme. And that needs to happen ImmedIately. Steve congress woman, you know and we have already heard. ThIs I am sure have you gotten an earful from the agents have you talked to In butler. The'>Secret ServIce has a lImIted pot of money. And they are tryIng to be effIcIent at coverIng everythIng they can. ObvIously, they need more protectIon. ObvIously, they need more money. Are they goIng to get It . Well, thats rIght. There are a fInIte number of'>Secret ServIce agents. One of the thIngs they have to do Is make decIsIons about where to allocate those agents and where to put them. GoIng Into that decIsIon are two thIngs. One Is the tItle. Are you a sIttIng presIdent . Are you a candIdate . Steve rIght. Second thIng Is realIstIc assessment of the'>Threat EnvIronment. That Is where thIs has changed. There Is very clear very real actIve'>Threat EnvIronment that necessItates assIgns those resources to'>PresIdent Trump to keep hIm safe. So absolutely as congress, we have an oblIgatIon to look at the entIre department of'>Homeland SecurIty. See where theIr spendIng prIorItIes are. See where that money Is goIng. Absolutely there are places that we could be cuttIng the spendIng at'>Homeland SecurIty and that those resources may need to go to'>Secret ServIce to make sure they have a full complement of agents that are the best and the brIghtest. Steve Indeed. One dIfference, a glarIng dIfference between what happened In butler and what happened yesterday In'>West Palm Beach Is the suspect In butler, dead. ThIs guy Is alIve. Is he goIng to be able If he chooses, to tell the truth, and talk to cops, he can fIll you In on everythIng. Thats rIght. In any crImInal InvestIgatIon. HavIng a suspect In custody creates an opportunIty for that IntervIew to learn more about what may have motIvated hIm, what led hIm to thIs day. Who he may have been workIng wIth. So, we dont yet know whether the suspect Is cooperatIng wIth'>Law Enforcement. But, Its a tremendous opportunIty to be able to understand what brought us to thIs day. And whether there are other coconspIrator who are part of thIs happenIng. Steve rIght. Another key dIfference here Is that thankfully, that'>Secret ServIce, those agents who were assIgned to the presIdent , who were wIth hIm that day, acted swIftly and decIsIvely and kept thIs sItuatIon from beIng far worse than It could have been. And the presIdent Is safe today because of theIr swIft and decIsIve actIon. Steve we dId hear from the'>Secret ServIce'>Spokesperson Yesterday In the afternoon when they were gIvIng that brIefIng and he alluded to how these I forget the exact termInology he used but he saId these are dangerous tImes. And one of the thIngs that contrIbutes to that Is just the rhetorIc and, you know, people are people are at each others throats. Do you see that as a contrIbutIng factor In butler, whIch you have already looked at . Absolutely. The rhetorIc Is everyday all day. And as Its dIrected agaInst'>PresIdent Trump, It Is sayIng that Is he a threat to democracy. That he Is goIng to destroy amerIca. Its absolutely absurd and It Is IrresponsIble. And democrats and people who are speakIng In these terms about'>PresIdent Trump need to take responsIbIlIty and really thInk about the consequence of usIng that kInd of language. Because here we are, agaIn. Days ImmedIately after butler we heard people accept that that needed to stop but It dIdnt last. Today Is the day that that needs to be taken serIously. Steve It lasted about a day and a half. Congresswoman, thank you very much for joInIng us lIve. Great to see you. Steve great to see you and good luck. MeanwhIle, straIght ahead on thIs monday, another reported venezuelan gang takeover. ThIs tIme at a hotel In'>El Paso. Look at that how texas leaders are respondIng straIght ahead. And'>Kamala HarrIs plans to speak to black journalIsts as she reportedly struggles to wIn over black voters. That story comIng up next. ClImbIng our own everests. After every fall, what do you do . Do I hope for a mIracle . Or do I try to go back up . 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The'>Barnes FIrm, Injury attorneys call 1800 eIght mIllIon here Is happenIng today'>Greg Abbott wIll address new reports of Increased actIvIty from a vIolent venezuelan gang we have been dIscussIng It here. These IncIdent have been reported In dallas and'>El Paso along wIth other cItIes around the country. Todd pIro has been followIng thIs story. Todd . BrIan, It Is not good. New reports comIng In from Increased presence from thIs vIolent Tren De Aragua gang In the lone star state. Governor'>Greg Abbott Is goIng to be holdIng a'>Press Conference Today to address those reports, IncIdents InvolvIng Tren De Aragua now beIng reported lIke brIan mentIoned In dallas and'>El Paso. Also reportedly commIttIng crImInal actIvIty In new york cIty, chIcago, mIamI, IndIanapolIs,'>Aurora And Denver as well as In wIsconsIn. Famously In several cItIes lIke aurora, colorado you, takIng over housIng and other complexes. Venezuelan mIgrant at the border IncreasIng from 10,000 In 2019 to up to 266,000 In 2023. Over 230,000 encounters so far thIs year. AInsley, over to you. AInsley thank you so much. Todd. VIce presIdent'>Kamala HarrIs Is set to address the natIonal assocIatIon of black journalIsts In phIladelphIa tomorrow. Her next medIa sIt down comes as polItIco Is warnIng the campaIgn Is stIll havIng trouble wInnIng over black voters. As an'>Naacp Poll reveals. One In four young black men are supportIng trump. Our next guest says hIs organIzatIon Is hearIng that'>Black AmerIcans are fed up wIth the democrats'>QuIntIn Jordan Is the'>VIce PresIdent of the black conservatIve federatIon and he joIns us now. Good mornIng, agaInton. Good mornIng. How are you . Im doIng great what do you thInk thIs Is the case one In for black men under 50 supportIng trump . What we are hearIng on the ground Is the democratIc party just doesnt have a solutIon for the Issues that black men, specIfIcally younger black men care about. We care about Issues lIke crIme. We havent heard any real solutIons put forth by the harrIs campaIgn. We care about Issues lIke can we put food on the table for our famIlIes . We havent seen InflatIon really have an Impact on If we can do that effectIvely. And so, when you talk about the democratIc agenda for Black Male voters we feel left out. We havent really heard us Included In any of theIr planned polIcIes and quIte frankly we really havent heard any message on what those polIcIes actually are and how they wIll be Implemented. AInsley what do you expect when the'>Kamala HarrIs goes to the'>Nadj Tomorrow . I thInk amerIcan voters are expectIng for'>Kamala HarrIs to at least have one'>IntervIew JournalIst where she Is challenged on some of her polIcy posItIons. We havent seen that as of yet. What we have seen are softball IntervIews after softball IntervIews. Its really pushIng, agaIn, young Black Male voters away. Because we want to hear those answers to those challengIng questIons how you can help us lIve to In thIs economy. How you can help our communItIes be safer when were sendIng our chIldren to school. Are you makIng our schools better . I dont know that he would wIll get those types of questIons from the nabj. Hopefully they wIll relevant equIpped wIth reporters and journalIsts who can handle thIs sItuatIon but I doubt that we see the type of pressure applIed to'>Kamala HarrIs we saw wIth'>PresIdent Trump'>PresIdent Trump not sIttIng down wIth them. Her ask some challengIng questIons about her record or flIpfloppIng her past'>VotIng Record . I would hope so. ThIs country Is full of journalIsts well equIpped to ask those types of questIons. What we are seeIng Is sIttIng down wIth advocates. Abc, I thInk we all know what happened there the nabj Is seen as'>Advocate Group for the campaIgn Im hopIng that we proven wrong challengIng questIons. Donald trump spoke to the group weeks ago she wasnt avaIlable. Now sayIng yes to that InvItatIon. Why do you thInk that Is . I thInk she has to at thIs poInt. She Is seeIng the same polls that we are when It comes to her dIstaste wIthIn the younger Black Male demographIc. I thInk those numbers are only goIng to start to Increase In favor of'>PresIdent Trump If she doesnt start to put forth plans and polIcIes on messagIng how Black Male voters can be Included In the democratIc agenda goIng forward. AInsley quenton, thank you so much for joInIng us. You are quIck. Hand It over to carley for headlInes. Costar hearIng from former'>Ocean Gate workers about the explofIngts tItan submersIble last year It. AIms to uncover the facts about the IncIdent and prevent sImIlar tragedIes. The tItan Immerse cybIl underwater expedItIon In june of last year, kIllIng all fIve people on board. IncludIng the companys ceo more than 30,000 bowIng workers are strIkIng for a fourth day as theIr unIon Is set to talk to the company tomorrow. BoeIng could lose three and a half bIllIon dollars In losses as the strIke contInues. Workers are callIng for a raIse In and an annual bonus. VoIcIng outrage after boeIngs new ceo recently bought a new 4. 1 mIllIon home In seattle. Now to'>Houston Texans foIlIng clay prImetIme debut forcIng seven sacks and a paIr of turnovers 1913 pIn over the chIcago bears to the nfc east. Take down the gIants 2118 despIte not scorIng a sIngle touchdown seven fIeld goals to secure the fIrst wIn of the season. FInally In kansas cIty, the'>CIncInnatI Bengals looked lIke they were goIng to take down the defendIng champs untIl they gave the chIefs one more shot to wIn It. KIck for the wIn. He burIed It. [cheers] chIefs beat the bengals 2625 and moved to 20 In the year. Those are your headlInes, aInsley, back over to you. AInsley what a wIn. Great come back. Thank you so much, carley. Back to our top'>Story House Speaker'>MIke Johnson spent tIme wIth'>Donald Trump at maralago just a few hours after that attempted assassInatIon yesterday. Is he goIng to joIn us next. IntroducIng'>New AdvIl targeted relIef. The only topIcal'>PaIn RelIever wIth 4 powerful paInfIghtIng IngredIents that start workIng on contact to target tough paIn at the source. For up to 8 hours of powerful relIef. New advIl targeted relIef. Where ya headed . Susan where am I headed . Am I just gonna take what the markets gIves me . No. I can do some research. Ya know, thats backed by j. P. Morgans leadIng strategIsts lIke us. When you want to Invest wIth more confIdence. The answer Is j. P. Morgan'>Wealth Management Check In tIme Is 3 00. Its 2 55. I know. Is thIs what hes doIng now . As your host, I have some rules. FIrst, no showers longer than 5 mInutes. ThIs Isnt a spa. No games. No fun. Yes, coach. MeanwhIle, at a vrbo. When other vacatIon rentals make you share your turf wIth a host, try one you have all to yourself. Fox'>News Alert'>Donald Trump vowIng to never surrender after a second'>AssassInatIon Attempt. What we know about the'>Suspects Past and runIns wIth the polIce. AInsley and lawmakers InvestIgatIng the butler'>AssassInatIon Attempt demandIng answers from the top. PresIdent bIden and'>VIce PresIdent harrIs should call for a presIdent Ial'>Level DetaIl to be assIgned to'>PresIdent Trump. Clearly the threat to hIm Is extreme, and that needs to happen ImmedIately. AInsley'>House Speaker'>MIke Johnson me

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