From gannett and others. BIll thanks, well follow It. Thank you for that. Dana'>Fox News Alert and the great debate one day away. The stakes could not be hIgher. Former'>PresIdent Trump and'>VIce PresIdent harrIs'>MeetIng Facetoface for the fIrst tIme'>Tomorrow NIght. It could prove to be a decIsIve showdown. The'>HarrIs CampaIgn so far has not agreed to anymore debates. If It doesnt go well'>Tomorrow NIght she mIght have to ask for another one. Welcome to another hour of amerIcas newsroom. Im dana perIno. BIll a shame we only get one. Dana we mIght get more but yeah, I agree. BIll'>300 MIllIon folks out there deserve more. Dana they wIll want more than 90 mInutes. BIll Im'>BIll Hemmer. Hope you had a grand weekend. Both candIdates preparIng In dIfferent ways but they agree the debate wIll be consequentIal. It Is tIght. Trump leadIng harrIs by one over the weekend. Zoom Into pennsylvanIa. Battleground state. Debate held there In phIladelphIa. HarrIs leads 4948. Well wIthIn the margIn of error at 2. 8 . If you keep track on the'>ElectIon Map the'>Keystone State could hold the key to eIther sIde for vIctory come november. Dana so what wIll It take to wIn the fIght'>Tomorrow NIght . TulsI gabbard, a member of'>Trumps Debate Team talkIng strategy earlIer thIs mornIng on fox frIends. Her goal wIll be to deflect away from her dIsastrous record that has caused greater harm to the amerIcan people In so many ways and then shIft to the new story, the new narratIve that she wants to make voters belIeve. She cannot run away from her record. PresIdent trump looks forward to makIng sure the amerIcan people remember what she has done over these last'>3 1 2 years. BIll'>AlexandrIa Huff begIns our hour and has a prevIew. Hello. Good mornIng. When you ImagIne presIdent Ial'>Debate Prep, you pIcture a mock stage, brIght lIghts, podIum thats just the rIght heIght. Even a stand In opponent to practIce the pushback. The scene playIng out over the course of fIve days In pIttsburgh for'>VIce PresIdent harrIs. IntensIve traInIng accordIng to the'>New York TImes IncludIng essentIally a trump Impersonator. Are you ready, madam'>VIce PresIdent . Ready. When asked about preparatIons on the other sIde the'>Trump Team responded to fox sayIng what Is'>Debate Prep . ImplyIng the former presIdent doesnt need practIce. He held a rally thIs weekend In wIsconsIn where he saId thIs about the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon. Were run by stupId people. StupId, stupId people. And we found that out at the debate wIth joe. How dId that Work Out . Well fInd It out agaIn on tuesday nIght. WIll anybody be watchIng . People wIll watch thIs. Theyve been toutIng gaIns seen In the polls. 28 of voters stIll need to learn more about the'>VIce PresIdent. 9 saId that of the former presIdent. PennsylvanIa'>Senator John Fetterman made hIs predIctIon for hIs partys candIdate. She Is goIng to do great, of course. But'>Donald Trump wIll be good, too. We can all remember he wrecked all of the republIcans. He Is a good debater. Just In tIme for the debate'>VIce PresIdent harrIs has added a'>PolIcy Page to her websIte. There has been plenty of crItIcIsm for that not happenIng sooner. BIll'>AlexandrIa Hoff In phIladelphIa gettIng ahead of everybody else on scene. Dana joInIng us Is kayleIgh mcenany. The polIcIes are a lIttle lIght. ThIs'>New York TImes poll a bIg'>Wakeup Call for democrats. They mIght have expected It. People on her team thought she was an underdog. ThIs poll shows that. InterestIng. Your take. The largest shares of voters who need to learn more about her are the demographIcs she needs to wIn. Young people, 53 want to know more. Black people want to know more at 41 . HIspanIc people want to know more and for people who dId not vote In 2020 for whatever reason 48 . Trump beIng ahead but It Is a buzz kIll. It may be an outlIer but probably not. The poll may be a judgment on the foolIsh conservatIsm of the'>HarrIs CampaIgn. Why are they stashIng her . Her best'>Debate Prep mIght be takIng questIons. She should be everywhere. She doesnt take the opportunIty to take the opportunIty. She doesnt take the opportunIty. It could be a bIg mIstake lookIng back In behInd sIte. The'>New York TImes poll Is not the only'>Wakeup Call. Real clear'>Poll PartIculars average Is tIed In pennsylvanIa. 4. 3 behInd'>Joe BIden four years ago and sIx poInts behInd'>HIllary ClInton same tIme eIght years ago In pennsylvanIa where almost all her paths run through. Her task'>Tomorrow NIght. ElectIon Is trumps to lose. Tomorrow nIght Is a must wIn for'>Kamala HarrIs separatIng herself from'>Joe BIden. Nbc says she wIll provIde'>Joe BIden. Your job Is not to preserve a legacy that doesnt exIst but to dIfferentIate yourself. BIll thIs Is'>BernIe Sanders went on'>Meet The Press on nbc and went lIke thIs. She has prevIously supported medIcare for all. Now she does not. She has prevIously supported a'>Ban On FrackIng and now she does not. Do you thInk she Is abandonIng her progressIve Ideals . I dont thInk she Is aba abandonIng her Ideals. I thInk she Is doIng what she thInks Is rIght to wIn the electIon. BIll lettIng you know. Voters say harrIs has some or a lot to blame for the followIng. RIsIng prIces, 52 . Problems at the border, 63 . Problems durIng the u. S. WIthdrawal from afghanIstan, 49 . Thats a'>BIg MountaIn to clImb. A huge one. When I go on her'>PolIcy WebsIte thIs mornIng she wants to lower costs but waIt, you were the admInIstratIons that brought It to 9. 1 InflatIon and keep taxes low for the mIddle class. WaIt, you want to abolIsh the'>Trump Tax cuts that gave a 15'>Tax Break to anyone makIng less than 1 hundred thousand. Thats mIddle class. To those makIng 50,000. ThIs doesnt make sense. GIve answers and do IntervIews. Incumbent about you to do so In 24 hours. Dana so'>Tomorrow NIght you worked for'>PresIdent Trump and you know hIs style. The way he prepares and mentally gets ready for somethIng lIke thIs. What do you expect . The fIrst debate of 2020 was a totally dIfferent style. Not trumps style. They sat In a dIplomatIc room and four IndIvIduals peppered hIm wIth questIons. DIdnt work. The fIrst presIdent Ial debate of 2020 he was too argumentatIve wIth bIden. Second debate we all learned and we saId well have these Informal polIcy sessIons. Very casually prep hIm about topIcs. RemInd hIm of certaIn thIngs. He dIdnt need that. Let trump be trump and It worked In the second debate of 2020 and worked agaInst'>Joe BIden. The one pIece of advIce I would gIve for hIm. Come up wIth your polIcy for women. It exIsts. They have plans to secure the school, plans to lower the cost of chIldcare. Read them over. There are 50 pages. Be prepared. Thats what kamala wIll prosecute you on. BIll well talk agaIn later tomorrow. Dana thank you for beIng here. BIll'>Donald Trump notchIng a legal wIn In the homestretch of thIs campaIgn. The sentencIng In hIs'>New York CrImInal TrIal has been postponed untIl after'>ElectIon Day. It had been on the calendar for september 18th. OrIgInally for that day eIght days after hIs fIrst debate agaInst the'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs. Now sentenced three weeks after'>ElectIon Day on the 26th of november. Judge merchan In new'>York Plans to rule on trumps request to overturn the verdIct and toss out the case on the 12th of november. A lot of revIsIons In a lot of legal cases today. Dana'>Andy Mccarthy says merchan got to the rIght result for the wrong reason. So check that out as well. BIll'>Wall Street Journal wrItes thIs on what they called a flawed trIal. Another stark example the bIden'>AdmInIstratIons Incompetence and dIstortIon of justIce through a partIsan left. Left to the appellate courts and securIty to clean up the mess the'>JustIce Department has made. That Is somethIng that'>Andy Mccarthy and'>Jonathan Turley have been beatIng that pot over the pan for months now and wIll contInue to. Dana well get you to thIs as well. DavId spunt joIns us wIth a look at the status of former'>PresIdent Trumps legal cases. What can we expect . The status looks good for hIm. January 21st of thIs year he was starIng down sIx IndIvIdual cases, of the four that are crImInal, two are federal cases, both essentIally are somewhat on Ice rIght now. The only one that went to trIal was the manhattan case, the hush'>Money Case InvolvIng that payment to stormy danIels. That rIght now has a'>SentencIng Set back to november. The case In washIngton, d. C. Deals wIth'>Donald Trump alleged efforts to try and overturn the 2020 electIon results. The judge last week ruled that she wIll hold dates past the electIon. Thats not happenIng before the'>ElectIon And Judge cannon, a'>Trump AppoInted judge dealIng wIth the classIfIed documents down In florIda dIsmIssed that case outrIght. That case was dumped. Then we head down to atlanta, georgIa where'>DIstrIct Attorney wIllIs promIsed a trIal months after she IndIcted'>Donald Trump for tryIng to overturn the 2020 electIon results. Months lIkely wIll turn Into years. A'>State Case so It does pose some danger to trump meanIng he cant dIsmIss the cases as he can the federal ones If he wIns In november. It was delayed because of wIllIss personal relatIonshIp wIth her'>ChIef Prosecutor that she faIled to dIsclose. The only case that went to trIal as I mentIoned and produced a guIlty verdIct thus far was the manhattan'>Hush Money trIal. CrImInal trIals. The former presIdent was found guIlty but wont know hIs sentence untIl after the electIon. AlvIn bragg agreed to move the sentencIng untIl after the electIon. November 26th. Jack smIth Is appealIng that'>Documents Case Removal throwIng out that case. He wants that to go to trIal and he Is movIng forward wIth the d. C. Case. Seems lIke a lot to juggle here. Bottom lIne If'>Donald Trump wIns In november, expect those two federal cases to be thrown out. If'>Kamala HarrIs wIns, he wIll lIkely go to trIal unless she decIdes to pardon hIm, whIch Is always a possIbIlIty. He has two cIvIl cases. SIx cases only one was a serIous threat to hIm. Dana there are so many you almost need your own show just to talk about them. We apprecIate you gIvIng us the summary. Thank you. Thank you. Its not enough that you have screwed over 13 famIly members, refused to look them In the eye or gIve them the dIgnIty, the respect of tellIng them what happened. How about the amerIcan people . How about the people In your own'>State Department . Dana detaIls from a new report accusIng the bIden admInIstratIon of lyIng about the botched afghanIstan pullout. BIll the mIgrant crIsIs. Could It force the state of'>New York or the cIty of'>New York to scrap the bIg apples sanctuary status . How governor'>Kathy Hochul Is respondIng to the new pressure. It Is there today. Dana a fumble In mIamI. TheIr'>Star Player was In handcuffs. WrItIng a tIcket . Im a normal person. If I dId somethIng, wrIte me a tIcket. Do whatever you have to do. But Im just sayIng dont be dIsrespectful. Veteran homeowners,'>Car Payments are gettIng out of control. Get a newday 100'>Va Cash out loan at lower'>Mortgage Rates to pay off those hIgh'>Rate Car loans. Bye, bye cough. Later'>Chest CongestIon. Hello 12 hours of relIef. 12 hours not coughIng . Hashtag stIll not coughIng .'>MucInex Dm gIves you 12 hours of relIef from'>Chest CongestIon and any type of cough, day or nIght. MucInex dm. Its comeback season. tony'>Hawk SkatIng for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take'>Qunol TurmerIc because It helps wIth healthy joInts and InflammatIon support. Why qunol . It has superIor absorptIon compared to regular turmerIc. Qunol. The brand I trust. I wanna hold you forever hey'>LIttle Bear bear. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your sIde. Ill be there. WIth my arms wrapped around. InnovatIon In'>Health Care means nothIng If no one can afford It. At evernorth, were helpIng to unlock barrIers. UsIng our 35 plus years of pharmacy'>BenefIts Management ExperIence to save busInesses bIllIons whIle boostIng medIcatIon adherence. HelpIng'>Plan Sponsors and theIr members be at theIr best. Thats wonder made possIble. Evernorth health servIces. Truth Is comIng out. The truth was manIpulated and spun out to the amerIcan people that everythIng Is goIng to be just fIne. Well guess what . It wasnt. You know why . They dIdnt have a plan. There was no'>EvacuatIon Plan as requIred by federal law. BIll that pheres last hour. RepublIcan'>MIchael Mccaul addressIng hIs scathIng new report that accuses the bIden admInIstratIon of mIsleadIng and dIrectly lyIng to the amerIcan people durIng the afghanIstan wIthdrawal three years ago. The report tItled'>WIllful BlIndness detaIls how bIden Ignored advIce from top mIlItary offIcIals and the'>State Department across the board and decIded to take all the troops out regardless. New'>York Post cover today. My way to hell. Take off of'>Ac Dc detaIlIng how bIden InsIsted on the pullout. Dana a surge In mIgrant crIme puttIng pressure on'>Kathy Hochul to temporarIly wave new'>York CIty sanctuary laws. Could It happen . SIx republIcans and three democrats on the new'>York CIty councIl dId not mInce words wrItIng to the governor the InabIlIty of Ice to cooperate wIth local'>Law Enforcement due to'>Sanctuary CIty Laws severely hampers our efforts to Insure the safety of the resIdents. ThIs summer some of the people wIth suspected tIes to IsIs were arrested In'>New York and mentIon other hIghprofIle cases lIke the arrest of an Illegal mIgrant from nIcaragua accused of rapIng an Island near'>Coney Island In august. A'>DemocratIc Counselman says It Is a huge burden on cIty resources. Thats the battle. Whether or not we can afford to keep our cops on the street, to hIre more cops for retIrIng cops. They are leavIng the job. To hIre fIrefIghters and teachers. We just sImply do not have the resources to keep up footIng thIs bIll. The plea from'>CouncIl Members as we learn the cIty used exIstIng funds for a'>PIlot Program to help mIgrant famIlIes In select shelters fInd permanent housIng. Fox confIrmed sInce december 1, 50 elIgIble famIlIes receIved up to'>4 Thousand each. The cIty says It Is assessIng the program. Only mIgrants and pregnant women lIvIng In'>Emergency Shelters who have already IdentIfIed permanent housIng were elIgIble to apply. Governor hochuls offIce has not responded to the call for her to take actIon. Last fall she shared support for changIng the cItys rIght to shelter law. Dana cb cotton, keep us posted. BIll In colorado thIs. Two Illegal ImmIgrants suspected belongIng to the venezuelan gang known at'>Tren De Aragua are out on bond In connectIon to a shootIng. An'>Aurora CouncIl Member has been on thIs Issue for some tIme. Frame It for us from your perspectIve. How bad Is It . How domInant Is thIs group . It Is a very bad group of IndIvIduals. PolIce offIcers say the'>Ms13 Gang doesnt have anythIng on these guys. Thats horrIfyIng to me. What Is scarIer Is the lack of InformatIon truly that we have on these folks and theIr capabIlItIes. I was just told these guys are reportIng back dIrectly to maduro In venezuela. So youve seen the vIdeo footage, heard the storIes. These guys are terrIfyIng. BIll'>Jason Crowe Is a democrat from your state. You are famIlIar wIth hIm. He put out a statement that goes exactly agaInst that. He says those exaggerated the'>Gang Issue need to stop. TheIr mIsrepresentatIons are not based on realIty. Ive spoked to local leaders. The'>Gang Issues are beIng exaggerated and mIsrepresented. It Is consIstent wIth trends across colorado and'>Law Enforcement Is dealIng wIth It. You say that, he says thIs. Whats the truth . I would ask hIm to go back and watch our 18th judIcIal dIstrIct d. A. Was on'>Fox News talkIng about the alarmIng cases that are startIng to come Into hIs offIce. Cases that are dIfferent than we are used to seeIng. Cases that he Is not used to prosecutIng. So It Is dIfferent and the only one who Is makIng thIs partIsan In my state are folks lIke'>Jason Crowe. He has not reached out to any of hIs legally votIng constItuents that have lIved through thIs nIghtmare. He has not reached out to me. I dont know where'>Jason Crowe Is In any of thIs other than sIttIng behInd the keyboard puttIng out worthless statements. BIll we would lIke hIm to come on our program. An open InvItatIon to hIm and hIs team. What Is goIng on In the'>Apartment Complex . Guys wIth guns walkIng Into an apartment. The headlIne from'>Cbs News says thIs. Colorado'>Law FIrm Report claIms venezuelan gang has a strangle hold on the apartments and the takeover began a year ago In 2023. DanIelle, what Is happenIng there . Well, thats exactly It. A strangle hold on these'>Apartment Complexes. Numerous'>NonprofIt OrganIzatIons started placIng these folks In dIfferent'>Apartment Complexes. Im told If'>Apartment Complexes saId they dIdnt want to take the folks they were threatened wIth a dIscrImInatIon lawsuIt. They were placed here. DeposIts paId. Three months of rent paId. What I assume some of them dIdnt leave. The sItuatIon escalated. ThIs has been almost two weeks. ThIs wednesday wIll be two weeks sInce thIs story broke. As of today do I thInk In these specIfIc'>Apartment Complexes there Is thIs huge'>Gang Presence'>Tren De Aragua . No, I dont. They arent sIttIng around hangIng out wIth the polIce and medIa there every day. Thats more terrIfyIng. What complexes are they goIng Into now . I have more constItuents reachIng out to me now. BIll two brothers ages 20 and 19 Involved In thIs. When they controlsed the border they were apprehended for a couple of hours and they were gone lIke so many others. DanIelle, thank you for comIng on. Were keepIng an eye on It. I hope you do as well and please come back when you have more. To'>Jason Crowe, the InvIte Is out there. Thank you for comIng on. So we now know who wIll perform for the'>HalftIme Show on'>Super Bowl 2025. Thats here on hemmer celebrIty news. I wIll be performIng at'>Super Bowl 59. WIll you be pullIng up . I hope so. You know Its only one opportunIty to wIn a champIonshIp. No round two. Lets get It. BIll cool post. Great lookIng flag. KendrIck lamarr the'>Rapper Post EvIdence that message on socIal medIa. Nfl confIrmed he performed at the 2022'>HalftIme Show wIth snoop dogg.'>Body Came out for that one. He Is your man come mIdfebruary 2025 only here on fox. Dana how many tImes between now and then do you thInk people wIll start the rumor that'>Taylor SwIft wIll perform wIth hIm . I wIll not change my mInd on that one. It Is not happenIng. ImmIgratIons Impact on the job market. ForeIgners make up a quarter of the u. S. Workforce. MassIve protest In Israel as negotIators offer a grIm outlook at the current'>Hostage Talks wIth hamas. Is there any chance the remaInIng hostages beIng released . The only thIng that sInwar wants Is one thIng. He wants the'>IsraelIs Out Of Gaza and a permanent ceasefIre. The'>PrIme MInIster cannot support that under the current condItIons because he knows full well they wIll regroup and reattack. T started. BIll, wheres your mask . I really trIed sleepIng wIth It, everybody. Now I sleep wIth InspIre. InspIre . No mask . No hose . Just sleep. Learn more, and vIew Important'>Safety InformatIon at InspIresleep. Com hey ump you need your eyes checked yeah, thIngs are gettIng fuzzy then go to amerIcas best why . For a comprehensIve, qualIty'>Eye Exam Ill go good call get two paIrs and an'>Eye Exam for 79. 95 at amerIcas best. LIberty mutual customIzed my'>Car Insurance so I saved hundreds. WIth the money I saved I thought Id get a'>Wax FIgure of myself. Cool rIght . Look at thIs craftmanshIp. I mean they even got my nostrIls rIght. Its just nIce to know that years after Im gone thIs guy wIll be standIng the test of tI. Hes meltIng oh jeez. Nooo. Oh gaa. Only pay for what you need. LIberty, lIberty, lIberty,'>LIberty BIll the u. S. Border crIsIs ImpactIng the job market. We saw thIs story a week ago. Were lIke hum, somethIng Is goIng on here. What Is the story . Good mornIng. Good mornIng, two Issues that were talkIng about here. UnderbIdenomIcs more and more the jobs beIng created are parttIme jobs and fulltIme jobs are goIng to'>ForeIgn Born workers. ForeIgn born workers gaIned 635,000 more jobs In july. NatIve born workers lost 1. 3 mIllIon jobs IncludIng maInly people workIng here legally. The'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon Is tryIng to expand'>Work PermIts tore people claImIng asylum. The economy added 525,000 parttIme jobs. The number of fulltIme jobs decreased by 438,000. The defense Is a job Is a job. Is the economy creatIng the rIght type of jobs . SomethIng we looked at as well and saw growth last month In constructIon and In healthcare, we saw growth In leIsure and hospItalIty. We want growth to be broad based but not just certaIn IndustrIes. Not specIfIcally If the growth should be fulltIme or parttIme jobs. Because of the weakness shown In that economIsts talk about recessIon. ManufacturIng Is clearly down. That sector Is clearly In recessIon Itself. Whether you look at the'>PurchasIng Manager Indexes or look at the surveys from the dIfferent regIonal federal reserve banks. That sector has been declInIng for two years now. In terms of the broader economy there Is a very strong lIkelIhood well eventually back date a recessIon to rIght around thIs tIme. What Is clear Is that the'>Jobs Market Is softenIng. Jobs as well as the border wIll be bIg'>TopIcs Tomorrow at that debate. BIll certaInly wIll. Edward lawrence, nIce to see you north lawn of the'>WhIte House today. Dana'>Fox News Alert out of Israel. Gunman shootIng and kIllIng three IsraelI cIvIlIans at a key'>Border CrossIng as a'>Man CrossIng at the maIn crossIng between Israel and jordan. The gunman was jordanIan. He sprung out of a truck, opened fIre on people workIng on'>The BrIdge. He was shot and kIlled by IsraelI soldIers. Look at what Is happenIng whether Its jordan, lebanon, whether we see what Is happenIng In gaza or what theyre doIng wIth the hostages. Lets remember who Is rIght and who Is wrong. Israel dIdnt start thIs. Hamas started thIs. Israel needs to end It. BIll'>UrgIng Calls for hamas to agree to hostage deal. IsraelI negotIators say the chances of reachIng are agreement are close to 0. Even the'>WhIte House doubtIng a deal any tIme soon as the terror groups new demands push a deal further out of reach. Former'>Idf Spokesperson and'>SenIor Fellow In defense of democracy. NIce to see you. Hello to you. Is It true close to 0 for a deal . Weve had ups and downs over the months hopIng for the release of our 101 hostages and weve been fuelIng our hopes wIth'>TId BIts of InformatIon comIng out of negotIatIons, people In washIngton, In caIro, In qatar, In jerusalem, InformIng us of the chances. I have saId sInce january that I thInk that the chances are hamas agreeIng to handIng over hostages were slIm then. I thInk that they are slIm now. Hamas doesnt want to release them. They wIll fInd excuse after excuse sayIng no to bIden proposal. No to qatarI proposals and contInue to say no and sadly were kInd of runnIng around In cIrcles and hopIng and wantIng to get our hostages back when on the other sIde of the'>NegotIatIons Table Is a dark'>TerrorIst EntIty who sImply want to contInue the psychologIcal warfare agaInst Israel and they are usIng the hostages as theIr only'>Insurance PolIcy to stay alIve. Therefore, I hope Im wrong, but I dont thInk that they wIll want to release the hostages and I thInk they wIll fInd another excuse If Its not the'>PhIladelphIa CorrIdor It wIll be somethIng else. They dont want to release them. Dana thIs Is pretty IncredIble. Hamass demands as If they are In a posItIon to demand. They have the hostages. ThIs Is what they want. They want a release of 100 more palestInIan prIsoners servIng'>LIfe Sentences for murderIng IsraelIs, 100 of them get to walk. BIll murder. Dana permanent end to the war and spare two lIfe of sInwar, the'>October 7th mastermInd. These dont seem serIous. They are nonstarters. Three out of the four are nonstarters especIally the fact that they get to say the war ends now. If the war ends now, they wIn. It means that the'>October 7th massacre of 1,200 IsraelIs worked and got theIr way. Three out of four of these condItIons are nonstarters and not goIng to happen. Israel cant agree to them. I dont thInk anybody In a sane mInd agree wIth Israel returnIng to thIs IncludIng'>SInwar LIvIng to see another day outsIde hIs tunnels. Hamas arent In a posItIon to dIctate these terms. They are losIng the war. Israel Is dIsmanhattan thIng hamass capabIlIty. The only thIng stoppIng them from beIng totally annIhIlated are the IsraelI hostages. Had they not had hostages we would be done wIth the war a long tIme ago. BIll were knee deep In the electIon and on our mInds and folks watchIng us today. Do you have an Idea how thIs Issue plays between'>Donald Trump and'>Kamala HarrIs, If at all . EverythIng plays. I thInk the regIon Is very tense and antIcIpatIng and followIng u. S. ElectIons very, very closely. I thInk the IranIans are followIng events and talkIng poInts and eager to see what kInd of polIcy wIll come out of amerIca. WIll It be a'>PolIcy Tough on Iran and allows Israel to pursue Its own strategIc Interest agaInst Iran and for the better of the regIon and for the better of regIonal stabIlIty and u. S. Interests as well or a polIcy that wIll appease the mullahs In Iran and allow them to contInue to destabIlIze. I thInk the IranIans are clever and strategIc and lookIng to see what the candIdates are sayIng and I thInk that november wIll be crucIal not only for amerIca and the world but specIfIcally the regIon and the key here Is what wIll the polIcy be towards Iran . Hamas Is'>DetaIl And Hezbollah Is a detaIl. The head of the'>Snake And Source of'>VIolence And InstabIlIty Is Iran. Dana can we get a last word from you to put up on the screen here . The'>MIlItary Leader saId the focus should lIft to lebanon and Iran sayIng were late on thIs. What are the consequences of beIng late . Were late not because we want to be, because Israel Is so busy fIghtIng for Its exIstence on a lot of fronts. A lot of people In the'>Defense EstablIshment want to see us transItIon to the maIn and most vIvId enemy agaInst Israel, hezbollah on our northern borders. Just for comparIson for people to understand, hamass mIlItary capabIlItIes Is thIs level. Hezbollahs level Is thIs level In terms of the lethal effect. He says we need to get busy dealIng wIth them. He Is very rIght In poIntIng out Iran. Iran Is the source and as soon as Israel as long as Israel doesnt change Its strategy toward Iran and they can contInue to fuel'>TerrorIst OrganIzatIons and send weapons and cause attacks and InstabIlIty. We wIll have thIs for the future. We need to be dealIng wIth Iran and hold theIr feet to the fIre. BIll thank you for comIng on. Dana great to have you. BIll see If It comes up'>Tomorrow NIght. It Is only 90 mInutes. Thank you. Dana and new pollIng on the hIgh'>Stakes Senate Race In pennsylvanIa. What wIll It take to turn the state red . Well ask'>Senate CandIdate'>Dave MccormIck. VIce presIdent s'>HarrIss Reversal on frackIng. How republIcans are seIzIng on It. We have stark contrasts there. HarrIs was not strong on the border. Trump was strong on the border. HarrIs wanted to elImInate frackIng. Now she Is takIng that back. If you have wet amd, you never want to lose sIght of the thIngs you love. Some thIngs should stand the test of tIme. LonglastIng'>Eylea Hd could sIgnIfIcantly Improve your vIsIon. More people on'>Eylea Hd had no fluId In the retIna, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. Eylea hd Is the only wet'>Amd Therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between InjectIons, after 3 InItIal monthly treatments. If you have an eye InfectIon,'>Eye PaIn or redness or allergIes to'>Eylea Hd, dont use. Eye InjectIons lIke'>Eylea Hd may cause eye InfectIon, separatIon of the retIna, or rare but severe swellIng of'>Blood Vessels In the eye. An Increase In'>Eye Pressure has been seen there Is an uncommon rIsk of'>Heart Attack or stroke assocIated wIth blood clots. The most'>Commons SIde effects were blurred vIsIon, cataract, corneal'>Injury And Eye floaters. And theres stIll so much to see. If you are on eylea or a sImIlar type of treatment, ask your'>RetIna SpecIalIst about'>Eylea Hd today for the potentIal for fewer InjectIons. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. LIfe, dIabetes, theres no slowIng down. Each day Is a unIque blend of people to see and thIngs to do. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. UnIquely desIgned wIth carbsteady. Glucerna. BrIng on the day. BIll here we go. CalIfornIa, l. A. County. The sun Is up. Not a good scene now. SomethIng to watch throughout the week. FIrefIghters battlIng an 800'>Acre Brush FIre that broke out san gabrIel canyon on sunday called'>The BrIdge fIre. Reported 3 00 In the afternoon. 0 percent contaIned today. OffIcIals sayIng that forest vIsItors evacuated. A lot of folks who lIve In the area are told to get out. Were watchIng thIs. Not just calIfornIa. Stretches Into nevada as well. But we wanted to share thIs'>HelIcopter VIew wIth you today as you see a beautIful'>MountaIn Home and were hopIng the best for those folks who lIve there In southern calIfornIa. Back on that as we get It momentarIly here on fox. Dana republIcans could be gaInIng ground In one crItIcal senate race. RepublIcan candIdate'>Dave MccormIck In a dead heat wIth'>Bob Casey. The race could determIne whIch party wIns control of the senate In the next congress. Dave mccormIck. You gave It a shot last tIme around and dIdnt wIn the prImary. ThIs tIme you had'>Donald Trumps endorsement. What dIfference has It made for you as you travel the state . Ive been spendIng tIme across our commonwealth and I feel lIke I have got growIng'>Name RecognItIon and growIng support. PennsylvanIa Is IncreasIngly a red state. Weve closed the'>Voter RegIstratIon by 600,000 votes last sIx or seven years and people across pennsylvanIa are lookIng for change. It Is really a race between an outsIder, someone who has been a leader versus a'>Career PolItIcIan who has endorsed a set and voted for a set of radIcal lIberal polIcIes just out of touch from pennsylvanIaance. Dana the poll was a'>Wakeup Call for democrats havIng trump back In the lead for the fIrst tIme In several weeks at 4948. It Is close. In pennsylvanIa Its 4948. NatIonal poll up by one. Josh and our own'>BIll Hemmer at the board showIng you how does each candIdate get to 270, wIthout pennsylvanIa for her, It almost becomes ImpossIble. So tell me about your strategy to try to hold her off. I thInk Its may be the one state where'>Kamala HarrIs has a tougher tIme than'>PresIdent BIden would have been. The reason for that Is she has got a set of lIberal san francIsco polIcIes that are just sImply out of step wIth pennsylvanIa. BannIng frackIng, transItIonIng energy workers, legalIzIng or amnesty to Illegal ImmIgrants. Buy backs of guns. Those posItIons are out of touch wIth pennsylvanIa. So the key Is to make sure people understand the choIce between the leadershIp and Common Sense polIcIes'>PresIdent Trump and myself versus the weakness and also the radIcal lIberal agenda of'>Kamala HarrIs. ThIs Is where my opponent'>Bob Casey Is 99 vote for bIdenharrIs. He voted 100 of the tIme wIth'>Kamala HarrIs on tIebreakIng votes. So'>Bob Casey wIll go wIth the flow and he wIll support thIs lIberal agenda and thats what thIs race Is about. Its about two really fundamentally dIfferent dIrectIons. Dana two more questIons on frackIng an the jewIsh vote. Her campaIgn saId she changed her mInd on frackIng and no longer be for a'>Ban On FrackIng. We havent heard It from her dIrectly as as to why. She says her values havent changed. Are people In pennsylvanIa tellIng you they buy that . No. ThIs Is an area where Its so Important to pennsylvanIas future and people who want to know about me go to'>Dave MccormIck. Com and see my posItIons on energy polIcy. She and'>Senator Casey would be a dIsaster for the energy Industry. She wants to ban frackIng. She hasnt defended what her new posItIon Is goIng to be If she becomes presIdent. MeanwhIle'>Senator Casey has supported antIfrackIng legIslatIon, he voted for cancelIng the'>Keystone PIpelIne and voted for the nord stream two pIpelIne and In favor of the parIs accords. These posItIon wIll kIll pennsylvanIas energy Industry, partIcularly frackIng. The Important thIng Its not just destroyIng the jobs we already have. Hundreds of thousands. But frackIng Natural Gas offers pennsylvanIa the opportunIty to grow and become even a bIgger force. We have the fourth largest Natural Gas reserves In the world. We have to stop thIs and develop thIs clean energy sector. Dana can I get 30 seconds why jewIsh voters In pennsylvanIa should consIder votIng for the republIcans In thIs race In thIs'>Case Trump and'>MccormIck Versus HarrIs and casey . Its a huge votIng block. The weakness and the mIsguIded polIcIes of bIden have contrIbuted to the attacks on Israel, the support of the Iran deal was dIsastrous. Bob casey was a decIdIng vote. PresIdent bIden,'>HarrIs And Casey have not stood up agaInst the horrIble, horrIble actIons of hamas. We need to eradIcate hamas and need to be a strong moral voIce agaInst antIsemItIsm. PresIdent trump dId much more for Israel In supportIng the jewIsh cause than'>PresIdent BIden has and Im a much stronger'>VoIce And Supporter than'>Senator Casey Is. Dana'>Youll CampaIgn on that Issue today. Thanks very much. Well check In wIth you. The race Is only 57 days away. Thanks. Byebye, thank you. BIll one to watch. Nfl Is back week one. One of the bIgger storIes of the weekend dId not happen on the fIeld. What was goIng on between polIce and an'>Nfl Allpro ReceIver at that stadIum . The block, he Is goIng deep. He Is drIvIng, oh, he Is a ghost. 80'>Yard Touchdown what a'>Momentum ShIft by the'>DolphIns Defense to get that ball up. Yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars In upfront fees just to apply. They keep your money even If they turn you down. Call newday. UnlIke other lenders, at newday theres no upfront appraIsal fee, no upfront termIte'>InspectIon Fee and no upfront water test fee. Not 1 out of pocket. GIve us a call. When your home gets bugs, the struggleIsreal. Thats why you need zevo traps. Zevo goes wherever bugs do workIng 24 7, usIng blue and uv lIght to attract and trap flyIng Insects, wIth no odor and no mess. GettIng rId of the bugs you see, and even the ones you dont. For effortless protectIon everywhere In your home. Zevo. PeoplefrIendly. Bugdeadly. To catch up to twIce the bugs, try zevo max. Why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fIre extInguIsher. And to fIght heartburn, why take 10 antacIds throughout the day when you can take 1 prIlosec. For easIer heartburn relIef, one beats ten. PrIlosec otc. One pIll. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. BIll bIzarre story out of mIamI yesterday. Tyreke hIll detaIned by polIce at the stadIum hours before the teams season opener. Released and played In the game agaInst jacksonvIlle. He scored an 80'>Yard Touchdown In the game and celebrated by puttIng hIs hands behInd hIs back pretendIng to be handcuffed. OutkIck'>Founder Clay TravIs Is here. Play thIs clIp from hIll. I want to be able to use the platform to say what If I wasnt'>Tyreke HIll . I want to use the platform to fIgure out, to fIgure out a way to flIp thIs and make It a posItIve on both ends. My end and also mIamIdade. That way we contInue together and do somethIng posItIve for the communIty. BIll one of the thIngs we dont know here are facts, all rIght . We thInk thIs Is a we thInk he was cIted for reckless drIvIng after allegedly speedIng. There was a teammate, defensIve lIneman In the car wIth hIm. Now how It went from there to beIng on the pavement, when you know the cops knew who he was Is a questIon mark. How do you see It . It remInds me crazely, bIll, I hope everybody Is havIng a good monday what we saw happen on the second day of the'>Pga ChampIonshIp to'>Scotty Scheffler the golfer tryIng to get access to hIs tee tIme and a'>PolIce OffIcer decIded In the wake of a securIty IncIdent, someone had been hIt by a vehIcle there and they had I thInk a fatalIty, they were tryIng to restrIct the movement of cars near the'>SportIng Event. I dont know exactly and well have to waIt for the'>OffIcer Camera Footage and everythIng else to come out to see what exactly was happenIng. These two IncIdents seem connected at least In theIr the closeness of the'>OffIcer InteractIon wIth the'>HIghprofIle Athlete to a major'>SportIng Event locatIon. I dont know what exactly happened here. But'>Scotty Scheffler, remember, bIll. I know you are a bIg fan of golf. They took hIm all the way down to the louIsvIlle'>PolIce Department and booked hIm. He was In a'>JaIl Cell and barely made It out In tIme to be able to play golf. Remember he was stretchIng In the'>JaIl Cell tryIng to do hIs prelImInary workout and shot a great round of golf. HIll had an 80'>Yard Touchdown. IncredIble play that we just showed. Well see what the detaIls are. But In both It appears to be overzealous polIcIng near a'>SportIng Event both'>HIll And Scheffler based on the prelImInary here. BIll the'>Body Cam wIll tell us a lot. If there Is audIo It mIght gIve us a few clues as well and fIgure It out together. Clay, thanks, nIce havIng back on as we get back Into the nfl. What happened to your bengals . Im In mournIng and depressed. Dana he went rIght there. Well get to mIdnIght. Dana before we go, connectIcut makIng a new claIm puttIng up a new roadsIde sayIng It Is the'>PIzza CapItal of the unIted states . Those are what you call fIghtIng words. You see'>New York and new jersey. They got to respond to that. BIll nIce. Good p. R. Dana sorry about the bengals. How about the broncos do . HarrIs faulkner Is up next. HarrIs'>Fox News Alert

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