. Mark: hello america i am mark levin welcome to special sunday edition of life, liberty & levin that i appreciate all of you for tuning in each and every weekend every show is my goal to bring you information and analysis you have not heard yet. Most importantly the facts. When my favorite things about this show as i get to bring on my friends who are not only brilliant, but good people and patriots who love this country. So tonight you will hear from just a few of the many who fit that description. Go. Are here is our friend representative of new york. House republican conference chair member the armed services committee. And kamala harris and tim walz the democrat parties decided to serve its left wing kook based enough the american people have we ever seen two more radical extremist running for national office and history of this country? note mark. Life, liberty & levin in tim walz are the most radical democrat ticket in our nations history. Look at their record but look at the record of kamala harris joe biden's open borders are she owns this catastrophic failure of a wide open borders prioritizing illegals and criminals over lawabiding americans people have died in this country because of kamala harris' role as joe biden's open borders are. If you look at both kamala harris and tim walz they support defining the police. We saw that when tim walz served as governor in minnesota we've seen that when kamala harris actually raise money to bail out criminals and has stood for defining the police. On top of that the inflation crisis across the country, the deciding vote in the u. S. Senate was kamala harris while she was vice president for joe biden's inflation expansion act. It's the most radical socialist democrat ticket and that is why it's so incredibly important all americans unify an elected president donald trump who will save this country. See for the radical leftists do not seem to learn a thing. Tim walz is a proud socialist the fact is so is kamala harris i do not like to use the wear but that's exactly what they are. They are not capitalist. So, her idea for fixing the economy is more spending. This cockamamie plan for $25000, won't that heat up the housing market? lymphatic rate create more inflation won't drive up the price of houses? then she's got this idea about gouging the packages are too small and so forth and so on. Let me ask you this, congressman donald trump was a president was there gouging question work with donald trump was president was a profiteering? do we have massive inflation people cannot afford gasoline? cannot afford food. Maybe the pro promise of the ine meat may be as a businessman and employees but maybe the problem is them. Are exactly right and americans have to ask themselves with that four years ago? the answer is absolutely yes if you look at the economic strength that are president trump it was the strongest economy in modern history. Use out wage and growth, is still the higher number of individuals working. It was the unemployment taking up under joe biden and kamala harris and the single biggest economic stress and challenge right now is inflation. It is a direct result of the trillions of dollars that was spent under joe biden working with nancy pelosi, chuck schumer with kamala harris passing that deciding vote for the inflation expansion act. No matter where you go in the country whether it is my district in upstate new york, wisconsin, michigan, north carolina people are concerned about inflation is struggling to buy groceries. Trends of dollars in tax increases on top of the thrones of dollars of tax increases of the inflation actually patients abandon fracking in and across this country but that would devastate hardworking families in pennsylvania and across this country. Only because a skyrocketing energy costs. He sought economic boom under president trump we have seen an economic bus under seems your point is very important she acts like she is an observer she asked that she is the outsider running. She is the problem further fingerprints or dna are all over this disastrous economy. We even have members of biden staff invited himself saying no she was my lieutenant she was my lieutenant she is my righthand gal. She worked with me on this economy that she lied about the economy do think the american people by the propaganda coming from washington d. C. ? do the bill by the propaganda by these pollsters and these operators, these grifters they hire on the campaign? inflation is behind us the economy is doing well. Is that what one trip to the grocery store going to disprove that? one trip disproves that they balance their budget on weekly monthly basis no matter what the main street media says no wonder what the propaganda from washington d. C. new york city, left a socialist is trying to convince the american people they're doing well economically people are smart voters across this country are smart and they know they have seen this inflation it is a wage cut to every worker across this country because our dollar goes less and less when you go to the grocery store i am shocked to look at the price of diapers you look at the lack of access to baby formula this is hurt working women in this country young families in this country. To say that she does not own it, she owns it lock, stock, bro as i said she's a deciding vote for the inflation expansion act which caused the highest rate of inflation in my lifetime. She was the last person and the room when joe biden made the decision for the catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan that led directly to the loss of 13 soldiers. We have 13 gold star families who have not even been mentioned by joe biden and kamala harris she is the open borders are that joe biden designated she owns us wide open for these issues are top of the mind for voters. If she tries to run away from her record it is important we hold their leaders accountable for their failure spreadsheet gets an f on all these issues that is why she is unfit to serve as an ex commanderinchief and president of the united states. Mark: what is this obsession that kamala harris has with giving hard earned taxpayers money to illegal immigrants. They step into the united states. They go on their own their pathway to legalization and citizenship. She was subject free healthcare. You combine that to her medicare for all and free healthcare and medicare according to the trustees senior citizens over the next 10 years may not have medicare. What is that all about? again this is how the socialist kamala harris is the most radical ticket as you pointed out. It's about putting americans at last. She has prioritized illegal immigrants. She has prioritized criminals and ultimately its hardworking americans that will foot the bill that will be trillions of dollars of tax increases. You pointed out an important issue that is protecting and preserving medicare for seniors. It is kamala harris and joe biden that rated medicare to pay for the green new scam deal on the inflation expansion act it is kamala harris who wants to cancel and take away your private healthcare insurance to put everyone on government insurance that will only increase healthcare costs. A vote for kamala harris is to cancel your health insurance. At the vote for trillions of dollars going to illegal immigrants and as a voters learn more about her positions, it is important that they know that is what they are voting for that is a choice this november. That's why it is so important you look at president trump he prioritizes hardworking american families advocated for tax reduction. That's his a proposal he will get done. He has a record of protecting and securing the border. He will deliver that again and he will deliver economic strenstrengths for families andr seniors. There is a difference between populism and a marxist populism. Donald trump in many respects is a populace with a conservative court. As was reagan. Serve the people not some group of people a stratum of people. For kamala harris and bernie sanders and aoc and tim walz if you read distribution of wealth most regimes who push that agenda that subsidize the rich that subsidize the bureaucracy that subsidize the politicians. While they talk about they are for the people, it's the people that they crush. Isn't that exactly was going on today. Is exactly is going on in today's democratic party. His two crush hardworking americans. If we look at inflation how that impacts the most, it impacts every american hurts though us in that low and middle income class is for those of the hardest working people in this country. They are working to make ends meet where the trip to the grocery store, when you see a significant increase in the price of a bread, price of eggs, groceries, meat, that's cutting away into their hard earned wages as they are working to achieve their american dream to give their kids a better opportunity. And yet kamala harris was to trillions of dollars of new taxes. Kamala harris think she can make better decisions how to spend money to the government. A bloated trillion dollar increase in government spending rather than allowing the american people to make those decisions for themselves and their families but look at this massive redistribution of wealth they are trying to pursue with the bail out of student loans. There is no such thing as a free tuition in this country. The people footing that built be constituents in my district who did not take out those loans, went into the workforce, are working so hard every single day in the trades often and they are footing the bill for these radicals, hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loans which is only costing the skyrocketing of tuition for families who were already working. What about those about the graduates who work hard to repay the loans at massive redistribution of wealth. It socialism. The most radical ticket ever in history. You cannot kill the golden goose and expect the golden goose to keep laying golden eggs. That is their problem they have their hands from the throat of the goose and they keep squeezing it. We know it causes inflation government. We know coat at government causes inflation. We know it causes the price of gasoline to go up, biden and harris we know who's responsible for all of these things for but these things are not happening also and businesses are gougingg this profiteering elise stefanik i want to thank you for all you do it you are a great patriot. Do it you are a great patriot. God bless you my friend. Thank you mark. When mark: we will be right back. With a replacement we could trust. Vo: schedule free mobile service at safelite. Com. Singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. i couldn't get my hair done. Then psoriatic arthritis. Cosentyx works on both for me. People with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. Serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. 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Our east coast their jets are flying near alaska but let me ask you something is this the time for a great country like this when the clouds of war are building and building a building and the enemies getting stronger and stronger and pouring numerous resources into this military. Is this the time to have kamala harris as commanderinchief with absolutely zero knowledge or experience when it comes to defense and national security and geopolitics? or is it time to have as a vice president eightman that when the time came to actually deploy, he turned and he ran is this the time for this to do low to be reading leading this nation when it comes to national security and foreign policy? absolutely not very think of or have me on today but that's a great question of course it isn't. This is a team you are seeing right now with harris and tim walz it's an unqualified team is not prepared to govern its not prepared for any type of action overseas. The way i look at it right now if looking over the last four years i think right now the world goes back to what looks like 1938. You have the conference and they came out and said peace in our time and within one year you were at world war ii. That's where we are at today. The reason we are there is the lack of leadership with joe biden and his vice president kamala harris who says every time i was the last person in the room that talked to the president. Sort of like when she said on television at rector the afghanistan debacle she was the last one in the room. You've got some went unqualified is not done it before you've got tim walz when you look at everything he's insinuating and he has implied its truly stolen valor i made comments on that several times. When you look at somebody like him it's almost disgusting. He was a senior noncommissioned officer in the night states military in the army and the national guard. I was fortunate during my military command to command the anti second airborne division i had incredibly great master sergeants, sergeants and majors, first sergeants they would have taken care of someone like him very fast because you cannot imply things like he implied he actually went to war and carried weapons of war. That is truly stolen valor my son who fought in afghanistan my daughter who fought in afghanistan, my soninlaw fought in afghanistan and iraq. They feel the same way that i do. This is money you cannot trust. You go back to harris as commanderinchief absently not. She was involved she was responsible. She's basically culpable for all the actions that have happened in the world today to include what was seen in the middle east, to what we are seeing in europe as well between russia and ukraine. And it is very, very dangerous. We had a pretty incredible deterrence. For deterrents to be credible you have to have capability a lot of ships, a lot of tanks, a lot of troops. Most importantly you have to have it will the will to commit to action when action is needed but harris has ever done that. Tim walz has never done that. This is what is fighting to me that people would want to entrust our national security to people like that. Remember it when we talk about national security when we get involved in national security is not something big out there that's in a cloud you cannot figure. Here is down basics the basics are national security involves your sons, your daughters, your aunts, your uncles put everyone in your family. Our most credible most important resource that we have our our sons and daughters you have to commit them to action. Deterrence has failed in this watch and i put it strictly on an the doorstep of harris and joe biden as well. We did not have the four years ago, we do now. Mark: eno general, the first thing kamala harris says about her responsibility as the borders are is i am not the borders are. The one responsibility she was given she failed horribly at the idea that somebody gets a promotion for such a disastrous record a promotion to commanderinchief to oversee the united states military to oversee the security of the united states to oversee lifeanddeath decisions. To confront president xi or a pollutant or whomever i guarantee you they are salivating at the opportunity to have kamala harris as a commanderinchief. If donald trump i did been commanderinchief the last three and half years there would've been no war between hamas and israel. Hezbollah would remain in a box abraham accords would have its expanded to include saudi arabia ironic may not even exist under the current leadership. He was economically destroying them. There would be obviously no iranian nukes. And ironic would not be supporting a russia and china they would not be supporting iran. In other words the key elements of the axis of evil right now would not even exist or certainly would not have the strength to exist. And now everything has been turned upside down and up it is an even worse in appeasement? we are funding the enemy we are funding iran. We are telling israel to stand down aren't we doing exactly the wrong thing? yes we are, mark. You have to go back and look at the leadership because everything about presidential leadership is very important. It's the personality of the individual involved everything you said is true in the sense that in four years of donald j trump that did not happen it was the measure of the man it. Let me do a fastforward. When he was shot and wounded when he was making his speech at a rally, when he stood up and said fight, fight, fight that shows the character if you have not been shot at you don't realize that. I have been shot at and i know what happens or to get shot at and the result of that. That showed donald j trump's true character you look at joe biden habits risk aversion uc kamala harris she does not have a record she was not elected to her primary system she was appointed by the democratic party to be the presidential nominee then she picks someone like tim walz who avoided combat and then implied he was actually in combat. I go back to donald j trump and the reason why the world was much safer under somebody like a president trump is because the world allies and adversaries respected him. But more importantly our adversaries and feared him. They knew he would take very, very hard action if something came out. Remember what he said and it is fascinating, when he was in the last state of the union and the well of the house and he said near the end of the state of the union asked speech in 2020 he said if you attack an american, your life is forfeit. Think of that. He followed through with that. He didn't if you kill him he said if you attack them. Look what happened the biden/harris administration gets a 13 great americans for the disasters from afghanistan you look at the wounded and dead we have had with attacks on our troops in the middle east right now. We've said nothing about it. Oh, by the way there are still five americans held hostage from that seven october attack in israel. Still five. There are at least nine before but for her passed away. Nothing has been said about them. That would not have happened that was 10 months. That would not have happened under donald j trump but that is the measure of the man this nation has select who do you want leading this nation? who do you want protecting this nation? who do you want to be as our commanderinchief question mike it's pretty clear i know who i want because i saw what happened in four years under a trump administration. This administration you're not taking a risk because i can understand risk. You are taking a gamble which is worse and i don't think america needs to go there. Mark: the iranian regime is planning to assassinate donald trump. Now this is amazing and horrifying on several levels. Notice he is the one they went to assassinate part he is the one they fear. He is the one they don't want in the oval office him, singularly him. That is number one. Number two, we backed china with iran but we try diplomacy with iran pair we are stocking nukes with iran. It is an active war when you're plotting to kill a former president or presidential candidate in this administration acts like it is just another day in the park. The supreme leader, he knows what he trump administration will look like. And i don't think he was to go there but he knows he's got administration is very pliable right now because we actually had him in a pretty good box up and we had them in a box because of a great mood by donald j trump when we killed sullivan si and set the stage. They have never recovered from that. I've got to do facet shift on this one. This is where i think israel has done something really smart. They have reset deterrence in the region put a lot of people don't realize that but it has been over two weeks since they attacked and killed who is the leader of hamas. And then the deputy at the number two. And iran has not responded, why? have a policy. It is disproportionate escalation when you attack us. That is exactly what israel has done for that is exactly what the united states has done. That's exactly what the united states has not done under a joe biden/kamala harris. That's a track record that got passes like prologue. What they have done the past and performance as a predictor of what they're going to do in the future pretty got two choices right now. Do you want a very strong, confident leader in donald j trump you want someone who is pliable and defeatist and eight kamala harris. Mark: general calla going to thank you for all of your service in the military, post military right now. God bless you my friend. Thanks mark, thanks for having me. Mark: we will be right back. Welcome to fox news live i'm bryan llenas in york vice president kamala harris former president donald trump are gearing up for this week's presidential debate in philadelphia. This will be their first ever face facetoface encounter as w polls show the race is a dead heat device at present has been hunkered down in pittsburgh for several days to study up while trump has remained on the campaign trail but you can catch tuesday's abc news presidential debate simulcast right here coverage starts at 9:00 p. M. Eastern. Congress bracing against the clock to avoid a government shutdown. Both sides of the isle are set to square off over several issues including voting requirements and spending lawmakers will return to washington tomorrow as they face september 30 deadline to avoid the shut down. I'm bryan llenas now back to life, liberty & levin. . Mark: welcome back america. Weprogram here was our friend steven a miller. It's a great, great organization of which my wife is involved. We are more transparent than kamala harris over here. You anyway stephen miller we have fox claims kamala harris was never boarders are contradicting their own reporting. Other news organizations said she was. Time magazine usa today the new york times, the new york daily news newsweek political, axioms, now they say she wasn't. With right scoop, they get egg on their faces tried to burn the right over calling kamala borders out new york post changes its june on calling kamala harris the bord. I think we should call her kamala harris the borders are whatever we are speaking for she was a borders are it is a disaster is and that her problem? is our harris is her title it was her sole responsibility as a vice president are the only actual public duty she was assigned as a vice president of not talking campaign work, was borders are. We all saw the press event were joe biden wearing a mask sitting around the table put her in charge of the border. We all remember they sent kamala harris abroad to meet with foreign leaders to stem the flow but now we know it was to accelerate and expand the flow of immigration. Article after article after article correctly described in real time that the most important domestic policy portfolio had been handed from joe biden to kamala harris. And now they are sanctions ointment to address the root causes the root cause is the crisis but it's not even a defense. The root cause is the magnet of catch and release that occurred when joe biden and kamala harris terminated every trump border security policy. Over time she blathered on for months and months and months the root cause the root cause the root cause of illegal immigration. That was the policy of resettlement. The repatriation and removal policies. There's no citizen there is more personal and visual for the board invasion taken place these last nearly four years then vice president harris. Mark: vice president harris likes to talk up the fact that the supporters who are the media do her race and the fact she is a woman. Okay, let's embrace that, i agree she is black and she is a woman. Tell me how many black and brown women on the border have been sold into slavery haven't sold into sex slavery have been raped and otherwise are brutalized on the border. Despite the fact she was the borders are despite the fact she was vice president of the united states and never said a thing about it. How many? do we know are they keeping numbers? this is the civil rights issue in the world today that mass trafficking of women and children from all over the globe as you point out of course it will be predominately individuals who will be black and brown who are trafficked across the southern border. This is heartbreaking. This is soul crushing. She is the individual who is responsible for this human smuggling and human trafficking catastrophe. That on the receiving end what communities are bearing the brunt of the border invasion? it is of course the whole country the whole working class, the whole middle class. But disproportionately we know from years and years of data on the impact of illegal immigration, disproportionately the burden is falling on latino communities in black communities. This is a firmly established in the data about the social, economic, public service impacts of large unskilled vast illegal migration. So in every sense she is sabotaging the interest of americans in general and a black and latino citizens in particular. Mark: she claims to be concerned about people why doesn't she talk about the united states? under her watch as borders are or at least vice president more than 85000 young people have gone missing in this country. Where are they? don't we have a right to ask kamala harris what have you done about it? where are those children? remember the precipitating event going back to your first question as borders are was the unprecedented flood of what's known is unaccompanied alien children at the southern border which basically means illegal aliens who have 17 and younger who are traveling alone when the biden administration came in and they began to immediately lift all of the trump border policies the cartels intern began pushing the most lucrative financially lucrative form of illegal immigration which is child smuggling and child trafficking. Remember those numbers exploded the shelters were overwhelmed. What did the biden administration do under borders our harris? instead of repatriating those of minorminors through a safe and orderly process back to their home countries and families they instead push them as rapidly as possible into the arms of the smuggling networks in the united states who paid to bring them here. That's how 85000 miners went 85t missing. That number by the way was only a fraction of the number that actually went missing that's the number hhs has conceded to the real number is vastly higher and again borders are harris is responsible for every one of those missing children. Mark: we will be right back. In people 60 years and older. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. 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What is up focus in on here? my personal writing progressively worse it's obvious the obvious they're already taking crazy pills ever since the debate in june the get the sequel one flew over the cuckoo's nest they are running the country the there during ine most antidemocratic manner and continue their installed candidate is a 2020 presidential candidate did not receive a one vote in 2024 now is the nominee 0. 0 votes from the public. It'sall and apparently of saving democracy watching the show right now. Mark democrats watch this network than cnn for example. I would invite all these democrats to buy my book for a history lesson on where your party it was and where it is in 2024. It's gone from party of the working class woman so they claim to the party the of the elites the party of the richest 1% a party of radical extremism if you need proof of that look at their nominee kamala harris you will see the most radical member of the senate who could be our next president. Mark: this is a very, very important book for this campaign it really is the more people who read it and pass it around or share it, the more important it is for progressively worse by today's democrats ain't your daddy's you can get on amazon. Com it comes out tuesday. Let me ask you this. You are a man of the press. You are a man who has watched the press. Have you ever seen anything like this worry you have basically a cabal and they are just alike. They cover up for biden. And they promote harris. Recovering up and threatening anyone who dares to challenge her. They'll be punished in a way with the blob this jello the recall the media today funding talk: activists from this point. The same clowns the steele dossier was real insisted donald trump was actually an agent of the kremlin. Those videos that joe biden aging like milk left in a sauna of him falling down confused, shaking hands with the air those are actually all cheap fix we were told by these people. So msn prime time still insisting donald trump was not shot. And now they're going with the whole line that kamala harris was not put in charge of the border. Shut the front door. The only difference is your genius and stupidity use the word before but it matters. The only difference is a genius has its limits for these people are stupid for they are their knowinglylying to people s that viewers at home if they have eyesight, hearing, basic sanity know it they hear and see what they see for they cannot be told otherwise. They were tight inflation is falling when it is not for there to a crime is falling when it is not her crimes are not being prosecuted. They will tell you it's a thret to democracy. Two big tech to destroy. It's to get the next contract and pet the back of their boxes that they are objective the get eviscerated by their own people. Mark: fantastic new book progressively worse you get amazon. Com and even more than any of that very important that people understand what is happened to their country. This book explains it. Joe concha a great job and god bless you my friend. Cooks great to see you, mark. Mark: we will be right back. K. That's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. Leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. They gave us a free inspection and we had the system installed that week. My only regret is not calling them sooner. Now we can focus on what we really enjoy. Join millions of satisfied homeowners. Call 833 leaffilter today or visit leaffilter. Com . Mark: save america 45books. Com or another this book justice. I want to talk about something that is not talked about much. Your beautiful wife, selfmade woman, a professional woman. The first lady with incredible class and dignity. Does not get the press that dr. Jill biden goetz or michelle obama gets or some of these other ladies get. And look at your family in this book, beautiful children, beautiful grandchildren and you have people, kids that come out of wealthy families they got all kinds of problems and so forth. Yours do not. They support their father they will do anything for their father. They love their country, right down the line every single one of them. That media focus on a cousin over here, and niece over there that's attacking you and so forth. You're a wife, your family talk about the kennedys and so forth. It's a remarkable family. Going to ask you as a father and a grandfather what did you do to raise children this way? and your wife, millennia when she sees what's happening to that her husband was almost murdered. How do you to interact when she sees something like that? what she was watching it on television. And barron was outside having a tennis lesson. He is a good tennis player. He was outside playing tennis and somebody ran up barron, barron, your father has been shot. And he loves his father. He's a good kid, good student, good athlete actually. And he ran mom, what's going on? what's going on? she could not believe that she was watching it live, can you imagine? and then i got up and i let people know i was okay, fight, fight, fight. I let people know i was okay but it was a hit. It was a big hit. And a miracle actually. You're not a shooter i don't think. Oh yes i am. You are? you would know from that distance is supposed to be like a sure thing for they select sinking a 1 foot putt don and eric are great with the guns. They know so much about it they are shooters very topoftheline. Don called me and said i can't believe it from that distance. I cannot believe it. I made the right turn. If i did not turn at that exact 100 of a second it's like a miracle. And that's okay by comparison to the alternative. And people have said, especially people that understand guidance it was almost impossible to not get hit. Had i not looked at my immigration chart my alltime favorite chart, now for two reasons, right? a show of the great numbers i had on immigration illegal immigration we stopped all the way down here and then it rose as soon as they left office. But that chart came down and i looked over. And the amazing thing about the chart, i rarely use it during a speech. I just had put out the chart and i turned around. If i turned around just a little bit less sore little bit more if i turn read more or less it was still the end. So it is god. I know people who have become believers in god because of it. But i rarely use the chart. And when i do use it as i was at the end of the speech. This is at the very beginning of the speech it's always on the left side not the right side. And the only place it could have looked to us there. It was an eighth of a second was the time period that i had. This thing went by and it lacked me. I guess if you have to be hit, even though i learned the ear is a bloodied subject. If you get hit on that year because the cartledge et cetera they said dr. Kagan why is her so much blood? is t it when you get hit in the ear that is one of the bloodiest places. C am rive with a replacement we could trust. Vo: schedule free mobile service at safelite. Com. Singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. at typical insurance, you're just another senior. That's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. Right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. That's why i chose humana. Before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. She told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental. . . All in my budget. I finally feel in control. What are you doing? taking control. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. Philip: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. Kristen: i don't think anybody ever expects to hear that their child has cancer. It's always one of those things that happens to somebody else, but it's definitely feels like your soul is sucked out of your body when they tell you that it's your baby. And you would do anything to get them to the best place that they can be for their treatment. And i knew with everything in my soul that that was saint jude and that we had to get here. Announcer: join the battle to save lives during childhood cancer awareness month by supporting saint jude children's research hospital. Please call or go online right now and become a saint jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. Hunter: my name is hunter. I'm at saint jude because i had osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is a special cancer that's in the bone. So they had to amputate my leg. [music playing] you're looking at a hero it takes a fighter philip: good catch. (singing) you're looking at a hero in the fight kristen: my hero. Philip: here at st. Jude you don't ever have to worry about how much treatment costs. You never get a bill ever for any of it. Announcer: this september when you call or go online with your credit or debit card, you will receive this saint jude tshirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. Kristen: without the donors. Saint jude wouldn't be here. Hunter: thank you so much. You have saved so many kids. Announcer: let's cure childhood cancer together. Don't mind me. I'm just the flu. I'm quite harmless, really. And when people ask, but aren't you linked to dangerous flu complications like pneumonia, heart attack, and hospitalizations? i just say, but i'm just the flu. (sniffs. ) it's him! who? i'm just the flu. Demand more from your flu shot. Sanofi higherdose flu vaccines are proven to provide better flu protection than standard dose flu shots in older adults. They've even been shown to better protect against flurelated complications. Don't get fluzone highdose if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its components, including egg products, or after previous dose of flu vaccine. Don't get flublok if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its components. Tell your health care professional if you've had severe muscle weakness after a flu shot. Fainting has occurred. People with weakened immune systems may have a lower vaccine response. All flu shots are not the same. Ask for a sanofi higherdose flu vaccine. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor about fluzone highdose or flublok. Welcome back, america. We have what's a historic presidential candidate in kamala harris and plays the role of where's waldo? that's right, where is waldo today? nobody knows. Also made sure the manicure candidate visited china more than most states in the country and a media that fancies itself a free press when in fact it's more like the qatar's. Little pick until here. Then they claim they represent democracy. We must defeat them for the sake of democracy. For the sake of the republic. For the sake of our children and grandchildren. That's what i'm committed it. I'll see you next week on life, liberty and levin.