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Rachel: it's the 8 a. M. Hour of fox & friends weekend starting with this. Donald trump rallying in pennsylvania taking on kamala harris' fracking flipflops. Would not ban fracking as vice president i did not ban fracking as president i will not ban fracking. There's no request i'm in favor of banning fracking. It is a fight for free speech. A brazilian judge bans x formally known as twitter in the country as founder of telegram is facing questions in france over alleged criminal activity on his platform. Joey: plus boeing for our veterans we're talking the charity group knocking down pens to help america's heros, the third hour of fox & friends weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning everybody. What a beautiful shot of summer still hanging on. Pete [laughter] pete: done. Pennsylvania could have been wisconsin. Late for that matter. Rachel: a beautiful shot. Pete: regardless, labor day weekend always just feels like get outside while you can. There's plenty of months and plenty of places in wisconsin it might be while you can. In other places in georgia, tennessee, florida you still got months and months of beautiful weather ahead of you. Joey: good it is hot at halloween sometimes hot at christmas. Rachel: i would never complain about that. Joey: my daughter never seen snow so i have to fix that she's five years old. Hot at the original christmas. Pete: maybe you're doing that right. Joey: we are in god's country. That's what we're doing. Pete: will is not here so there's a lot of positivity. Rachel: joey in for will this morning. Joey: thanks for having me. Pete: start of football season that's why you see the lapel in case you already know that at home. Rachel: replaced the flag with a football helmet. Joey: i got it on my tie. Yeah. If i'm on here on saturday pete: email fox & friends email. Com does somebody have a smoker going right now? games today i bet there's plenty of people waking up to that smell. Rachel: that's the best. We get it here with the macklemores. Pete: sorry so interrupt you. Joey: we'll move on with the show. Hitting the campaign trail blasting kamala harris for fracking flipflops and clarifying his stance on abortion. Pete: david spunt is here with more on the white house race, hey, david. Reporter: former president held two events yesterday, one in pennsylvania, the other here in our nation's capitol. The former president made news during a fox interview with brian yenis he said he would vote on an amend that would allow abortions to continue after six weeks in his home state of florida he said despite disagreeing with the six week timetable he'll ultimately vote against the amendment he says democrats allow too late in pregnancy when asked about a federal abortion ban and if he would sign it. Listen. I don't have to think about it because it is working out so well right now. The states are doing it. It is a states' issue and should have never been in the federal government. So i wongt have to think about that. After pennsylvania, the form former president traveled to d. C. For a moms for liberty event. I'm for parental rights all the way. I don't understand the concept of not being. When you see some of the things that that they want people to do and school boards to become dictatorships and the parents are screaming for the life of their child. They have to give the rights back to the parents. He called out kamala harris changing position on tracking that you played at the beginning of the sheen once was a former against it and here she is just a couple of days ago. Do you still want to ban fracking? no i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that i would not ban fracking as vice president i did not ban fracking and as president i will not ban fracking. We don't know who former president will do on labor day yet but on labor day vice president harris and president biden will hold their first events in heart of fracking country speaking before a union in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Back to you guys. Pete: thank you. Speaking of joe biden she claims to have clarified in 2020 so 1920 running for president she loses doesn't get 1% but kate touring her traditional base of leftist so she says say i will n fracking no matter what and vp nominee and says about fracking i support joe biden's stance on fracking. And joe biden stance had been he supports fracking. So he says so she never actually clarified it never been clarification and muddy and what she believes and now catering to most important state of pennsylvania. By saying i won't ban it when as you pointed out there's a de facto this administration trying to get rid of it if they can. Joey: a war on clean and affordable energy. I know what was kevin mccarthy energy policy advisor, and she told me years ago before really before the issue became what whe talked about before the process got where they are. That this administration was coming in strategically shutting down liquid natural gat terminals to deliver the clean liquid gas to the rest of the krnlgt and other parts of the world back then so little things like turning down permits, causing permitting process to take too long. Leaning into bureaucracy had is like the ultimate irony of this because, that's why democrats want in everything. They want the government to have its hand so far into something we can't do anything as business owners. That's one of the tools they used against oil and gas against clean energy, against cheap energy, fracking is just the part that we're talking about today. It is not just a pennsylvania issue. It is a country issue because every way we can get clean and affordable energy we should be wanting to do that. Rachel: not depend on countries that hate us or hold our energy or their oil supplies against us i think this is really important energy independence. We got it under donald trump and if you're interested in that you have to double down with trump because you can count on him to do that. One of the most interesting developments of this campaign you guys has been this idea that for the first time we kef have what i would call a coalition government. In a way coalition campaign. Unity. Rachel: people saying forever it is so divisive here goes donald trump getting endorsement of rfk jr. And tulsi gabbard on the existential issues of our time which are censorship, free speech, government surveillance. Issues of war and peace. You know, people just getting sick of our government getting involved in foreign wars. And wanting our government to care more about its own people. That it does other countries. These are massive issues, of course, the issue of chronic disease especially the rise of it in children, and sort of, you know, the way rfk blow it is open exposing the reason we're in this situation health wise as americans because there's so much corruption in the institutions and in the in the relationship between many of these corporations who produce these ultra processed foods and our government. And also, of course, big far ma that comes in at the eangd tries to give us pills and shots to make us better again. So this is a fascinating new thing that's happening donald trump was on the stage in johnstown pennsylvania again introducing rff and tulsi gabbard listen. I was honored to receive two endorsements for president tulsi gabbard and robert f. Kennedy jr. . [applause] and they're both great people. They were democrats as you probably know, and they have felt very strongly about the endorsement and i feel very happy to get it. Every day we are welcoming more republican, independents, traditional democrats and old fashioned liberals we're joining forces to defeat government corruption, restore free speech and make america healthy again. We're going make america healthy again you know. We're a nation that is not doing well in a lot of ways. And we're not doing so well with health. But we're going solve a lot of those problems i think over the next short period of time. We're going to get toxic chemicals out of our environment and we're going to get them out of our food supply. We're going get them out of our bodies we're getting them out of our body right, right? rachel: that's music to my ears you guys. Pete: i notice but a lot about what he's talking about is old school liberal values to your point free speech fighting against censorship foreign interventionism, healthy but the environment we breathe or the environment in what we eat it is an interesting nexus where populism are meeting in a belief to put our country and health of the people first hopefully that resonates. Rachel: controversially donald trump came out and said he was going to fund ivf treatments for women in america. Look there's a lot of people who don't like the idea of the government funding this. There's a lot of people who have some moral either way there's a infertility crisis in america and i do believe it has to do with our food that's a massive component i think that we can solve infertility or at least a big part of it by cleaning out the toxins and chemicals whatever is in our environment maybe it is the cell phones in men's pockets that's another topic. I think there's a lot that can be done naturally without going to big pharma who will benefit from tax dollars on this stuff. Joey: study shows when you learn how those studies come to be they're paid for. There's a study that comes out that says actually arsenic isn't that bad for you. Chances are that company that makes arsenic is one that paid for that study that's exactly how we get our medical information. Rachel: cover of time magazine said ultra processed foods aren't so bad. I guarantee if we dug into that pete: year and a half earlier ultra processed foods are really bad for you. Trump and rfk united and they have to flip their signs. When you look at tulsi gabbard and they have support and momentum and were running for the democratic nomination to be the leader of the party. And okay you think maybe they're just what do you call like a lover scorn and didn't get what they wanted and swapping signs to get what they want climate change, abortion those are issues that people wrap their entire identity into and i would say tulsi and rfk do not agree with moat trump voters on those three issues but what does that say? that says issues like border, economy, government introduce on your lives those are bigger more important. With government intrusion that's health and censorship and what it shows they're able to have this view to say you know what other issues they're more pressing we'll fight about the other ones we'll fight about those later. These are more pressing and it is absolutely detrimental to elect kamala harris they need to take that message to democrats. They need to take that message to their constituents not just trump rallies they need and i don't know if they get along i don't know about their personal relationship but if those two paired together and went out and held their own rallies in support of nonelecting kamala harris i think that would be very powerful. Rachel: i think donald trump has brought the temperature down on it by taking it to the states. And i'm glad he did not that he came out the way he did on amendment four in florida i think that was the right thing to do and make sure prolife people are still squarely behind him he did a good job with that. Pete: that's right now we move on to a sad story in world of sports. Hockey fans paying tribute to nhl star, johnny. Kills hours before their sister's wedding. Chanly joins us with more. Tragedy sending shockwaves as fans come together to mourn loss of seven time nhl allstar father of two johnny expecting first child with wife in december in ohio where johnny played a memorial outside a arena and a make shift memorial where police say brothers were cycling together thursday evening and they were struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver police say 43yearold shawn higgins was behind wheel had wh he attempted to pass two other vehicles before striking the brothers from behind. Johnny and matthew were pronounced dead at the scene and higgins sigh with exasperation a learned held in jail through next week. On thursday yes, sir. Once state follows a motion statutes and court rules require a minimum of 72 hours before your hearing. Because we have a weekend and we have a monday holiday 72 hours becomes thursday. That court appearance happening around the same time that the brothers were supposed to be grooms men at their sister's wedding now canceled in light of that tragedy former hockey coach shared how special brothers were on and off the ice. Right after the first shift of the ice everybody knew exactly what a special hockey player he was. We found out later what a special person he was. As he treated everybody so kindly and fairly, and just became a hockey player that we all envisioned. The family also released a statement of appreciation for the support asking for continued prayers and privacy as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy guys. Thanks chanly. Pete: it is really sad. All right. Joey: turn now to son headlines convicted killer who led authorities and a twoweek man hunt after pleaing from pennsylvania prison last year pleads guilty to escape and burglary charges security camera capturing danielo crab walking between two walls to make his escape from chester county prison. Where he was serving a life sentence for killing his exgirlfriend. He was called weeks later in rural pennsylvania after a massive serge he was sentenced to 15 to 30 years on top of his life sentence. One of the two doctors charged in matthew perry death pleading guilty to one count of experience to distribute ketamine and mark chavez agreed to give up his medical license after he obtained from forminger clinic by submitting a bogus prescription and helped to supply it to perry. His lawyer says that doctor is, quote, incredibly remorsable for the role in the actor's death. On tennis novak djokovic knocked out as alexi picks up first win against the tennis superstar. Winner there looks to helicopter his winning ways tomorrow in the round of 16. I don't know much about tennis but i know that's a big dealing a those were your headlines. Pete: i happened to watch some of that guy was cramping up and came back and won. Joey: tennis is like that's a rich people sport but no that's a tough sport man. Well leaned into it a little bit. Pete: it is also a retch people sport. Joey: i was trying to be nice and gracious. Pete: you play it at the country club that's where will cain is right now. Rachel: i love how will is getting it and not able to defend it. Pete: my favorite time. Check in with adam and cheerleaders live head of the penn state west virginia game on fox. Take it away. Guys i met the band now getting to meet the cheer team here they are. Jackie, she's a senior, so you've been doing this for a little while. What is it like to be in front of 60,000 screaming fans which is what's going to be happening here in just a little bit? it is an amazing feels going to be the biggest game day we've ever had. So big energy rush. Are y'all going to win? yes. Of course. You are about to show me something i want to see what you have. Let's do it. I'm going toed a in the to you guys i watch them practice this a few minutes ago and it blew my freaking mind wait until you see this. It is called a diamond ♪ ♪ can you believe this? look at this guy. This is a this is ♪ ♪ amazing. And they are look at him okay. All right. Guys i wanted to one more real quick. What's it like to be the coolest guy in west virginia? i don't know about that. But it is definitely a good time. That was amazing i love your beard i love your hair you're the man. And you guys are all great. Let's what's the cheer you do for west virginia as we toss it back? there it is. Awesome back to you guys. He looks like a mountain that was impressive. Shake a pompom we have to teach him. He needs practice with the cheerleaders. Nothing wrong with not knowing how to shake a pompom not necessarily a negative thing he's having a good time out there. Just shake it. There, we were noticing they were about as many men as female in that squad and found out why. That was pretty amazing. Rachel: make no mistake those girls are using their abs they're all strong. I feel like in rick, janice and did enough practice they could do a power triangle. Rachel: i was a center cheerleader i was up on top i could jump off. But he hurt his back. He hurt his back. Joey: that's true. I don't know why that's funny, though. Rachel: cheer leading days. Pete: trump addressing moms for liberty talking to moderator last night. Rachel: first here's brian kilmeade with a look at what's happening on one nation tonight. Excited to tell you about one nation tonight. Saturday 9:00, great roster of guests including a business panel like no other forbes break down vision of the harris economy, as opposed to trump economy. The right answer will be the next president of the united states, and fantastic interviews with dana white, tebow tyler hubby ♪ ♪ protect against rsv with arexvy. 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But the fight for kids as you know is still on. What are the issues that you are focusing on with moms for liberty right now moving forward? yeah. Having president trump on stage last night was absolutely amazing. And when he said that he was going to help us to restore our parental rights on day one whole room erupted these are moms whose kids were kicked out of school we have gone to school board meetings called domestic terrorists to have former president perhaps future president stands up for parents is awesome. To tim walz a teacher himself were they invited also at some point to moms for liberty? they absolutely were. We extended enviation to president biden and then vice president harris, once she became the candidate and we received no response. Rachel: so why and i know you're personally supporting not the organization is is a nonprofit it is nonpolitical. You personally are supporting donald trump. What is it about trump in particular that you think is going to be best for parents who care about parental rights and schools? we talked last night about president trump being a father, a grandfather, he truly understands the need to protect parental rights he said that, you know, he's a common sense type of guy. And he can't believe anyone doesn't stand for parental rights the concern right now is that a harris walz ticket is antiparent ticket that we could possibly have from the democrats my message to moms is, you need to go vote, you need to get out to teat your friends to vote and fight like a mother. Rachel: i love that. Other troubling thing that happened during bidenharris administration was the weaponization of the fbi against moms for liberty. Did donald trump speak to you did the former president speak to you about what he would made sure agencies wouldn't be weaponized against parents of all things? i think president trump himself has dealt with law fair and weaponization of the federal government. Against him and his family, and so he absolutely understands the concern that we have. These are everyday moms and dads trying to make ends meet getting harder and harder every day so just to have the president understand where we're coming from and regain, you know, trust in our government again, it is something that is just really important to moms you saw them just, you know, up on their feet. Applauding so happy to see him. Name of the summit joyful warriors what do you want to convey with that i guess it is in the name but i'm sure there's a lot more to that. There is. You know during the pandemic i think parents were very upset we were angry about the fact that we knew our kids were being harmed no one was listening to us and our kids are watching us as we were getting angry trying to advocate well we're going to fight like hell with a smile on our faces because our kids are watching us and it is a privilege to fight for this country and so the message is, smile, have fun, we love america. We love our children, we're going make america great again. Rachel: and fight like heck for our kids that's what moms do moms for liblght i think you're just amazing, and really just doing a lot for america behind the scenes, at our school board meetings, and places that a lot of people don't go but need to be at more and more these days. So tiffany thanks for joining us tiffany justice moms for liberty. Thanks for having me this morning. Bowling for our veterans we're talking to a charity group that's knocking down pins to help america's heros an they're making a big donation. That's coming up next. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. ♪ ♪ joey: bowling to veteran's link bvl a charity group knocking down pins to help america's heros. Bowling community has raised more than $56 billion to support veterans. Amazing. Pete: here to tell us more is bowling to veterans link board chair, nancy and veteran john rego a retreat team leader at patriot point. Thank you both for being here. Absolutely. Nancy tell what you say you're here today? link started in 1942. Back then the men and women were still separate and right in the middle of wartime so women raised money all across the united states to buy a transport plane to bring home because it was going to war efforts to next year they kicked in with cards, decks, care gifts since then we've been going strong. We start where the government stops so we're into recreational therapy. Anything that we can help the men and women who have served this great country give back some normalcy and continue their lives because they're just all great americans. Joey: i've been on bvl and made to local va but you're working with patriot point tell us about patriot point. It is an amazing retreat for our nation's wounded ill, injured service members ab their families and caregivers, and it's on a this piece of properties on shore of maryland where they offered a safe place for service members to just have fun, enjoy themselves, relax, and heal together. Listen, this is a fox news audience you can say it they shoot ducks and it is a whole lot of fun i've been there. It is a lot of fun. Rachel: what great history the way it started the way you guys keep this going on. Absolutely bowling they're really good people trying to make a difference, and there's not a better group of people to help. It is our oldest and our only bowling truly founded bowling charity so it is great we're into vr glasses anything you can imagine we try we're sort of a middle man we give to organizations like patriot point other groups that truly want to help our veterans. Joey: i was handed this big old check. So we're proud to give patriots point $100,000 and going to do i believe 12 service camps for them. And serve over a hundred veterans. So we're excited and great work they do we're glad to partner with them. Joey: two organizations i've had a chance to be involved with you're doing great work thank you so much for coming here today and thanks for bvl. We'll take it. That one straight to the bank and cash it. [laughter] congratulations. Thank you for everything you do. Pete: thank you. All right a brazilian judge bans x, twitter threatens fines for users that don't comply. Rachel: and founder of telegram is facing charges in france. Over criminal activity on his platform, oh this is an important topic for all of us. The threat to free speech is next. It's time. Yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. Everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. Made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. It's an idea whose time has come. ♪ while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. 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It would be like locking up mark zuckerberg for something someone posted on facebook what's this around the globe and here at home and asking cofounder what does it mean? is this a one off in places like france, in places like brazil or is this a sign of a times of what you know, rulers would like to do to control what we're able to say? pete i wish this was one off but it is not. You've seen this is a battle brewing over the last couple of years now a full scale war. And this war has been two camps on one side you have the global progressive elites led by heads of state of more progressive countries but also leaders of multinational organizations like world economic forum that are seeing more and more pressure on their globalist programs. Asking for open borders, asking to defund the police asking oil and gas companies to be put out of business and there's a battle between them and then every day individual citizens frankly that want to be trusted with the truth. And they seen with their own eyes failed policy of a lot of organizations over the last couple of years. And unfortunately they're now speaking up for speaking up on open platforms on x and telegram on others, and unfortunately now speech trying to be suppressed by a lot of enemy power that are trying to keep the keep their agenda in place. You said something there on free flat form we're talking about x bought by elon musk turned into a true free speech program and talking about telegram not just what you should say but a secure area to say it but it is not as if globalists want to ban all speech but it is just the speech they can't control and very clear right here. Exactly. I think pete it is very clear that if speech is legally able to be made, you should be able to say it on platforms and that's one of the things that elon musk a big supporter of he sayings listen, i might not look you i might not agree with you be i'm going to give you a platform to say what you have to say because at the end of the day there's wisdom of crowds and x and tell grandmother and others that is a place where citizens cool together to debate issues and should be doing it in the open and that's going got us better policies and better ideas and move the way forward not the idea sort of controlling speech controlling that arive it which we saw clearly under biden administration last week mark zuckerberg said i need to apologize for working with the government. To essentially suppress the hunter biden story suppress covid information it was great mark said that so i think that's a path forward. Hopefully it would be great if politicians listen to mark and others and say let's have a platform to talk to each other once again. You brought it home for us. Elon musk posted on x about this ban on brazil saying free speech is bed rock and a judge in brazil is destroying it for political purposes shutting down number one source of truth in brazil. How far away from are we one election away, the wrong president away the wrong supreme court away? from similar developments in our own country you mentioned what happened in the 2020 election the pressure that was put on platforms. Is america immune from this kind of stuff? no pete we're right here. Man it was just last week that tim walz said there's no right to free speech as it relates to misinformation but two months ago new york times saying anybody who questioned joe biden ability to be president that was misinformation two months ago so there's a point where the current vp is saying there's no right to free speech as it relates to misinformation. But he wants to be the one that controls what misinformation is and misinformation can be a border crisis going on, what we should be doing about gender identity politics what we should be doing with oil and gas and trying to control the narrative because they want to stay in power and unfortunately a lot of policies of, obviously, clearly failed and only way to stay in power is now trying to control the narrative that's what you're seeing right now. The words misinformation and disinformation are two of the most dangerous in our lx and wielded by wannabe autocrats. Thank you appreciate it. I'm going to toss it over to rachel who i know agreed with all of that. Rachel: do you remember alexander that guy from telegram ceo from telegram was, you know, carted off to jail on alexander went on to twitter and basically told elon musk you're next. So there's a group of people who definitely want to sensor speech they don't like and want to stop those ceos that are brave and providing platforms for us. So anyway. Bad stuff. Great story, though. Great interview. Thanks, pete. Turning now to your headlines, starting with this. Two people have died from west nile virus in new jersey marking the fifth reported death across the u. S. So far this year, the cdc says 33 states have reported on the virus with nearly 300 cases reported this year alone. And the san diego sheriff's office says the intent of migrant who is attempted to board the school buses this week does not appear to be criminal. Adding they appear to have no intent to harm anyone or take over the bus. A group of around 20 illegal migrants attempted to board a school bus picking up elementary students in southern california on wednesday. A smaller group of suspected migrants tried to get on another school bus in the same district. A community meeting planned for today to discuss the distincts and to formulate a safety plan has been canceled, by the way. Wow. That's not going to make parents happy. Oklahoma state superintendent taking action after a high school teacher prevented a senior from flying an american flag from his pickup truck last week. Ryan walters joined us last hour. We're not going to tolerate this antiamericanism pushed by the biden administration and radical left that is a flag that so many have died for. This will never happen again. Every single school in the state will protect the stiewpghts right to fly that flag. We will fly that flag and promote patriotism and oklahoma schools. Rachel: dozens of drivers serk ling school with american flags on their vehicles in support of the order that will make schools ensure that flags can be flown and that students recite pledge of allegiance at least once a week and those are your headlines. Let's turn now to our friend and chief meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast. Hi, rick. Rick: fellow arizonan i was talking to these people you live a mile and used to live in prescott, arizona. How beautiful is it? it is gorgeous out there love it. Rick: absolutely beautiful. Attack a look at the weather maps show you this is tropical trouble to peak of hurricane season, and we've not had a lot of activity and this is all about to change you see that 50% right there. That's a storm that we're going to be watching probably moving in towards the caribbean a week from now going into something we potentially have to watch. We have plenty of time watch it and helicopter to do so. Right now we have a big storm right across parts of the texas coast not tropical probably but it is going to bring a lot of rain. Over the next number days four to five days continued rain there and cause beg problems if you're headed out to any of those beaches there across parts of the gulf. All right rachel back to you inside. Rachel: thank you rick. College football season adam is in west virginia ahead of the big noon kickoff. And he's got a special guest with him who has the picks, predictions, and stay with us. Choose advil liquigels for faster, stronger and longerlasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. Because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. So for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. Why do couples choose a sleep number smart bed? i need help with her snoring. Sleep number does that. Thank you. During our biggest sale of the year, save 50% on the sleep number® limited edition smart bed and free delivery when you add any base. ♪ ♪ it is game down counting down hours to the big noon kickoff as penn state takes on west virginia. Adam klotz is out there in morgantown with fox sports wagering expert chris to preview today's game. What's beginning to go on guys? you're right i'm with chris, this is the guy, the bear the guy everybody in the country probabliments to talk to you right now. How glad are you that football is back first? it is awesome it was a great offseason, summer with soccer everything that went on. But football college, is what i love and a really good old time rivalry penn state and west virginia it is awesome to be back. The energy is so great preem so excited for football to be back. Why don't you tell qhaws you're expecting with this particular game. West virginia is surprised teams last year winning nine games winning bowl game and penn state every year under james they've been on that two type range. So penn state has a lot of expectation because here, making the call for football playoff and probably going to go as far as their quarterback takes them. Expected to have a great year whether he can new offensive coordinator came in from kansas. Got two great runningbacks and so going to be a really good testament on the road and what is a really hostile environment. Reporter: sold out 6 60,000 people will be here so a tough game i think i saw seven and a half points where do you come down on this? i laid a point with penn state i think they're better defensively in the big 12, i don't think west virginia sees the type of speed on defense that penn state brings them. Last year, on this game had the best team of the year. Against west virginia, so i just ultimately think the difference is going to be the penn state defense against west virginia offense. Might be one dimensional at times. Reporter: you're on the road next several weeks and on the road all season but we have awesome games coming up. What are you looking forward to in the next few weeking? it is a great start to the season today is great because penn state is a team to make the playoff and michigan reigning champion and texas made the playoff that is a big noon game we're going to be there. And find out a lot more about both of the teams next week and week after in madison, for alabama as well, against wisconsin and as a team that a lot is expected in week two. Next two weeks are going to be great. Reporter: football is kind of crazy look this where you think you know something and you don't know for a few weeks. Is there any big surprises you're on the lookout for this season? today there are a couple of involves like virginia tech, boise expected to be conference contenders away from home and oklahoma state is laying double digitses that south dakota and oklahoma, won, and last year virginia tech on the road with which could be an interesting game. And georgia southern with clay that will come back as well and they host boise. Running out of time i appreciate the conversation. We're going to make some money guys. Throwing back over to y'all. You guys got it. Joey: a busy travel weekend we have the delays and weather that could affect unofficial end of summer. Including takeout. Cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. Nah, i'm working on my six pack. Well, good luck with that. Earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. It's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. A healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. 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