t. welcome to special edition of "hannity". i'm kellyanne conway, in for sean. and tonight, more bad news for joe biden. anand tonihis doj is lawfare at trump just suffered a serious blowhe in a 6 to 3 decision. the u.s. supreme court ruled cot former president trump does, in fact have immunity from n surrounding form official acts as president. e prthe doj's january 6 case against trump is now in limbo, and a resolution is unlikely until after election as lower courts determine whether or note the charges against trump are even still valid. th meanwhile, trump is now also moving to overturn that new yor york conviction from last month because of this ruling . today on social, celep celebrated calling this decision a, quote, big win forci our constitutionsion and. democracy. proud to be an american. joe, meanwhile, stayed up late tonight until 7:45 p.m. to lash out at the supreme court. in a rare evening speech at thei white house. watcng speech this nation was fd on the principle that there are no kings in america. each each of us is equal before the law. >> no one. no one is above the law. not even the president of united states. today's supreme court decisionnd on presidential immunity that fundamentally changedimmunr all, for all practical purposesa . today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limitpus decist the president can do. this is a fundamentallyhi new principle and it's a dangerous preceden at. >> i know i will respectd the limits of the presidential powers. i havei know for three and a haf years. but any president, including donald trump, will now be free to ignore the law. >> joining us now with reaction is the author of indispensable right free speech in the age of rage, fox news contributor and my former law school professor, jonathan turley. professor turley, thanks for joining me. congratulation pro.s on the new book. i hope everyone checks it out. appreciate it. yes, sirecks. attern there's this pattern with the democrats. with thet to use lawfare to donald trump to have a different standard for donald trump. to nald truand then when things dot go their way, they whine and they complain and theyk th attack the supreme court. sometimes supreme court justicesur have been imperiled v because of it. we have president biden todae y who also would have substantial immunity for official actsenve as president complaining about this. and i'm curious,antial immunit r your reaction to the opinion. i don't think it's much it's ver r the opiy a surprise s of us who want separation of powers. but what's your reaction tonigh for us won ot? well, the opinion was not a surprise, particularly after the oral argument. the court here adopted the middle pat ah. it did rejected the most extreme positions. patwhat the president said tonp in his address was untruresie. i mean, he was talking about how there are no limits wa on what a president can do in office. that's nota true.s no that is what the court was talking about, was it' immunityr core presidential functions. i presumption of immunity for official functions that can be rebuttead. and then there are many things i that will be personal or unofficial actions taken by a president. that's not what presidenactiont biden just told the american people. juold o esta you really wantbi to the rule of law, you mightf want to be clear on what ther law is after this decision. >> and what waons really troubling after the decision was how so mand whaty of these w democratic politicians from senator blumenthalo many to pun on msnbc and cnnpo returnedd cn to these attacks. noteou noted, kellyanne, on these justices. >> and it's really grossly unfair these. you know, i've defended both the liberal justices and the conservativede justices. i've disagreed with all of them at one time or another. all but i respect all of >> they're all trying to get things right. you ca they'n with their philosophy, but they are trying to get rightthese right and to havehee the these democratic leaders t join this type of mob action against the supreme court in this overheated rhetoric >> really disturbing. >> yes, they made it so k personal. and jonathan turley, i wanted pt to point out for everyone oun and theth bide three dissent dissenters, in their opinion, both made the statement that no one is above the law. in fact, the majoritat no ony st it says the president is not above the law. but congress may not criminalize the president's conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the executive branch. the majority opinionid that that they're all using it almost like a pundit, a talking point. s a puiti found the dissent by sotomayor, kagan and brown to be a little hysterical, if not political. they sai bd that decision makesi a mockery of the constitution. the principlsaide our system of government. it actually protects it. so what do you say i to dissents like that who just sound very politically charged? >> well, i was surprised by the tenor of the dissent by justice sotomayor. i didn't like. e i think that it had morei didn't soundbites and substanced more and exploring what the majority actually said. >> and the other problem is that the dissent doesn't explain reallyd how their ownaw approach might lead to a rather extreme result. i mean, for example, the dissen mightt doesn't have o problem with president obama apparently orderinesg the execution of an american citizen without or a hearing.out you know, if people charged obama with murder, i expectmurd there would be many of these same pundits who would be outrageerd. no they didn't object when it happened. when when you had attorney general eric holder announce that he had a happekill list policy, that anl citizen could be put on that listy th, he got applause and cheers from the audience. >> so we have to look at this the way the supreme court did t to try to find balance. and that's what the constitution is about. mecourt fit's checks and balan. it's about looking at theabout interests of the public and the constitution and coming up with workable solutions. they tried mightily today to find a workable solution, a and that is not a get out of free jail carndd. but there is no questione ja that this is a huge win for trump, practically. >> and the reason is that thesen these cases have gone too far. and jack smith is someone who has always resisted limits as a prosecutor, and that has gotten him unanimously by the supreme court previously. yet s gotts. >> so, yessu, a lot of the whats in this opinion hit below the waterline, jack smith. >> and he's going to have a struggle. and what is the practical effect? professor turley, in the minute or so we have left practica the january six case against donald trump on the convictions in new york that we all witnessed at the end of may. what is your practical effect here? because i would remindiewers the viewers they love to talk waout treason and insurrection of which donald trump has beenoi chargechd with. well, if fisher was a right hook last week, this was a haymaker today for jack smith. i mean, i think he's going to have a real difficult jack te getting that case off the ground, certainly before the electiondi. a as for manhattan, i think that braxton argue that there is a much lesser extent of reliance upon it covered areas, and he'll probably make what is often called the harmless error argument that even if you take that material oue oftet, f that testimony, we had ample evidence. merchan is likely to favorablea towards that view. but all of theseely cases havef be reviewed. but it's jack smith's case that i think just had the wings ripped off. and he's got to find a waycase to see if he can salvage that. >> amazing. jonathan turley, always breakr it down for us. thank you so much. predictably, democrats and the mainstream media were outragedte by today's supreme court ruling. coeir plot to convict donalded u trump, washington, d.c., before the election has been foiled an majority leader chuck schumer, who once violently threatened o supreme court justices on the steps of the supreme court building , called today's disgr decision disgraceful. meanwhilace, aoc is vowing to impeach the justices. and on cable news, the hysteria and fear mongering was extreme. >> take a look. the supreme court is functioning and it is basically giving a green lighk.>> supret for criminal acy in the oval office under certain circumstanceights, whic i think given the present state of our country, is verky scary. the president's interactions with the department of justice absolutely immune. terrifying decision. >> for all practical purposes, this is absolute immunity. it's dangerous this is. >> professor, it's indeed a frightening scenario that you're outlining there. >> the president becomesg. king in that in that circumstance. and it's jus presidentt incomprehensible that the supreme court could come to such judgment.court >> trump's supreme court hasco decreed him a king suc, and now it's just up to voters to say, do you want ther nowe are no guardrails now, second term for trump. >> there are no guardrails. we've been on the steady march of acceptance and normalization of political violence. >> now it's almost codified. i guess, you know, y, president biden are acting within the scope of his official duties, could dispatch the militarofy to taken out the conservative justices take immunet, and he'd think so far, joe, really bad terrible week is just getting worse. here now to respond, senior adviser to donald j. trump. alan barber and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. t welcome to both of you. greg. chuck schumeoth ofr actually sad the supreme court today in this immunity decision, quote, approved treason the sup and insurrection. they did no such thing courtr bn be donald trump's never been charged with either one. soh one how do we square a legal opinion upholding the constitution, e the hysterical punditry coming elons?ll the way up in the democratic echelons? >> well, i suspect all of those people that you just cited and played clips of haven't actually read the full opinion, alipswhich is quite lengthy.e and if they did, they couldn't comprehend i tt because the exaggerated vitriol, this apocalyptic doom from the left would be comical if it weren'tld so. you're right. schumer called it a sad day for democrac iy. a sa >> it's the opposite. democracy functions better when thery ie are guardrails whicho the high court enunciated and thenbett he amped up the delirium by claiming, as you point out, kellyanne, the justices approved insurrection and treason, which of course they didn't. and forgetting that trumpdidn is charged with neither. >> in truth, this really was'tgt a well-reasoneinarged wid, commd decision. the supreme court did exactly as they said the y. they extended civil immunity. the presidents have had d 42 years to criminal culpabilitesidentsy. here same reasoning. there's nothing shocking in this immunity for in official acts. no immunity for unofficial acts. off you know, the earth is note going to stop spinning on its axis tomorro wilw despite the liberal hysteria. they need to stop the pearl clutching, there's no >> and alina, i'm aonn: c. nyon to the extent anyone listens to her anymore, the people in the south bronx didn't listen to hesr in last week'sd o primary.ed she tried to sav te jamaal bowmt of all people. today she's talkino saveg treas, treason, bribery, other and misdemeanors. she's saying she's going to impeach the supreme court justices becauseabout trn and bt get her way on an immunity case. this seems like dangerous rhetoric not ge, but what's the practical implication of a sitting member of congress moving impeach justices? ices well, it's not surprising, honestly. kellyanne they are soer desperate. they realized after the debate, they've realized afterhe their failing days in ages that are soros backed and backed by radical left that they have no chance. owr the truth of the matte is we have to keep fighting. we can't get lackadaisical because there matt thae are peoi aoc who came from being gha bartender who is now jumping around in the bronx, screaming at the top of her lungs. raround in the let's just rememm and call donald trump what they are themselves. this is insurrection behavior. this is behaviort theythemselv r in the american people, to believe that the suprem te court, which we have always respected and i respect the dissent. i respect both the majority and the dissent as an attorney, but also as anboth american. i do i agree with it? no, i don't agree with the dissent. i of people likehe aoc is the exact behavior that they would like of peoplthe american people to k maat maga, republicans, maga americans, people that love this country, that tha at is wht we are and that is just frankly, false. they are calling us what that tha. they are because they don't want us to look at themselves. that is why they're afraid because if donald trump and when donald trump wins the election in novemberes becan we show up and speak our minds ou will inices, this s this country, we'll get t back to the america we know. >> kellyanne, i think it's particularlhe y dangerous, greg and elena, when you have members of one branch of government, the congress, highly critical of a supreme court decision that's about the executive branch, it just seemss a little it just seems extra odious when i hear them pop ofaf . while we have two great legal minds here, i really want to tap into your brains and asan about any of the legal implications and considerations teto asksurrounding joe biden and perhaps be replaced on the ticket. so what about the ballot rules in some of the states? are they still available? has it close and sd? s it what is it that either of you know about how that would work? ow greg. then you, sure. obviously, we know the dnc changed their rules a year and a half ago. there's this is a complicated situation, kellyanne. it's not hal a two minute respo, but i think we have to think ane about the implications. either he's the presumptive nominee. if hav he were to back out and t or try, let's say, for the dnc to replace him, there would be a lot of implications forld the biden campaign. they'd probably be lawsuits, as we saw when they tried e t ofionsto take trump off thet and failed. tr's not going to go down easy either way. and frankly, i think more importantly, politically and pr wise for the democratic party, it's not a good look to go over a blackk to female to ignore her position as a vp and then try and usurp it because their candidate, frankly, can't walk or speak properly. eak propi'm sure greg could spep more to it, but i think it would be incredibly damagingea. >> i think they're also, frankly, in a lose lose situation at the moment. greg, it is true that kamala job harris is job protection for joe biden in choosing. dehe chose one of three peopleas in the whole country who could not upstage him. i'm nochose t even sure the othr two were. i'll come up with it later. but how do you see all this >>ho splaying? >> you know, the wall street anl journal said today, imagine if i biden had actually picked a competennet vicely pic president instead of checking a political identitykea comp ths that would have changed the equation dramatically. to your question, there are two major problems with a replacement candidate in early voting states.otin there are early ballot deadlines that are replacement would miss. it is a huge problem. they'd to go to court to getgo that changed. but the other problem is a monetary t get. you know, joe biden is sitting on a $200 million war chest of donations, but under federal finance laws, he is not allowedn to transfer to a replacement candidate. >> so, you know, he'de star be starting from zero, whoever it is. and ti andi you if, you know, if he drops out, there is going to be chaos and mayhem on the floor of the democratic national in august in chicago. it's going to make them mayhem ou t on the streets look tames look by comparison. >> they may be stuck t with aleena and greg. excellent conversation. thanks for joining us. and coming up, top democrats are urging the party to stand t behind biden, but is it too little too late? >> we'll hear from ari fleischer, mark penn, reince priebus and mike huckabee as more of this special edition of "hannity" continues e after the break. >> get them, isaac. okay. he's been okay. >> when i saw that ethan was not breathing, i determined that i needed to use something to remove the obstruction from his airway. >> it's very important for every household to have a life. everyone should have one in their home. anything can happen at any moment. i want my friends and family and the people that i serve to know that we have this device to potentially save lives. protect your family. go to live, packnett. go to fact dot net or call eight seven, seven life that anybody who owns property should worry about home title 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on gun charges. as the biden family encourageshe joe to keep running and somesome donors are running away from him, top democrats are encouraging the part yind hi to stand behind him, despite his obvious decline mentally, physically and in the polle s. . the biden family, meanwhile, is reportedly blaming joe'famile debate disaster on his staff, hi advisers in the process, including anita dunn, her husband, lawyer bob bauer, and former white house chief of staff ron klain. over at nbc meet the press. chuck todd has some harsh words for democrats continuingr th to push biden's candidacy. watch. >> democrats want to lecture republicans for not putting forn putting party over country and how they've been enabling of donald trump. over couthe real issue is, is he telling the truth about whether he can serve i a full four year? and this. do youfull fou. there's a lot of challenges cha in the world. do we want a presidentlls in who could be incapacitated? this is this this is one w of those where you got to say to yourself, this is hard. >> there's no doubo ist there's risk no matter what you do here. but you've got to sell yourselmy what's in the best interest of the country, not the party. ou t inwhat's in the best interests of the country in the next four years? >> here with reaction, fox news contributor ari fleischer and harris poll chairman mark yu penn. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. joing us g know we haven't seen all the polls that are coming out of the post-debate performancng oute yet, but whath are the polls telling you right now in terms of hoe g yow people at joe biden's acuity, energy, aty? cosnd agilit and how much do you think that cost him after thursday tet?night? well, in fact, we came out the with a poll this afternoon done over the weekend that we had held to conducted after the debate. and hereto con trump is winning between four and seven points depending upon how you lookn at the horse race with how many candidates, which really isn't acea change from what we were showing. but biden's job approval wentob down four points and questions apprp too old went u about points into the 70s. so it's s a almost almostiversa a universal view that right now that he mal y be too old to sere another term as president. and so the horse races reallygem didn't change much, but the buternalucs certainly went against joe biden and his performance as presidentt cert we see that very clearly. and mark, you've been a staffer and you've run campaigns in the past. what do you make of blaming the stafn n caf mean if you're e candidate looks and sounds like a wax figure, it is something to deastaff anl with. i don't know that he needs all that rest and rehearsal or goosing and juicing him before the debate. but is this typical of the ypical biden family to point the fingers at longtime loyal staffers ? >> well, it's typical of a presidential campaign. i've been on both sides receiving an unbelievable praise of the opposite. so i kind of know how it goesn with the territoryth. but i would say, honestly, perhaps he was prepared more the way you would prepare president obama or bill clinton filled with facts and figures. maybe he needed to be prepared more like ronald reagas ann. maybe he needed to to be that kind of gentler, older person po with a vision instead of trying to cram in so many facts, figures that obviously got jumbled up and confused. >> and ari. u to fleischer, you two have been in the room while we're prepping candidates fo havr debi like this. i think the best preparation, frankly, is what trump does. he goethins, talks, rallies, he gives television, radio and podcast interviews and. as president, he held a tough press conferences, gave rainterviews to publications. h joe biden has done none of that. but, ari, i'm wonderinasdone no you think joe biden can do if he remains the nominee, leading up to that september 10th debate, that base where he's going to participat e? what advice would you give him ? >> well, the most important thing is to get younger. and this is the fundamental problem joe biden has. i mean problem , either he is too oldld and too frail and his memoryg to is starting to grow and his diction is dying to go or we're all wrong. and if we're all wrong, it's up to joe biden to prove it. so, for example, up to what he . he should have taken questions today in cross hall after e that tirade against the supreme court. he should have stood his grounyd ,said, i'm sure many of you have questions, fire away and showren the american people that he can speak spontaneously, extemporaneously he can hang in there at night and he can take lots and lotsspn taeand lots of questions because we expect to see that type of vigor and intellect from. eci a president fast on his feet, able to handle whatever the world throws at himthn hi. that's what he should show. but the fact that he doesn't makes me think he's not capable of it. the fact that the staff is always shieldedk he's biden m taking questions makes me think he's not capable of it. alw himi don't think there's a, kellyanne, realistically he can do between now and the september debate. he's going to get older, notrt younger, less articulate, noicut more. >> yes. and ari, this is somebody who's been shielded by the press. ielb i can't believe how many press members are now calling for him to drop out when they have puff pieces last week about staffermu in camp david huddling together, playing pickleball, eating lasagna. they do these puff piece and then they demand his head on a platter after a 90 minute debate performance. what's your message to the head omedia? medi what's their job in covering a president? because you've been there as press secretarywhat's their a is letting america down. and in this instance, they let down the left. they let down cnn viewers, msnbc viewers, people who thought joe biden was at the top top of his game because joe scarborough said it. of h fox showver see is another conservative media show. the regular stumblese and bumbles and inarticulate ness of joe biden. if you don'tegularbles and it, o who the president is. and so the media bias here the really hurt the left because then they were too shockedmedia to see that joe biden on a national debate. the media's job is to be fair, impartial, neutral and down the middle. es they haven't been that for decades. and now i have a little surprised and shocked to see the vehemence with which they're going aftee surpee the . but i think there's a sense of guilt. how could they the people whon e cover the white house have not told their viewers about it? and so now whoer they're doing s a little make up for it. but i have no doubt that worm will turn and they'll go right back after donald trump again, harder than they will ever go after out joe biden.e and mark, just quickly, what do independents and swing voters >>oe biden inout your polls? >> how do they describe hiu bim well, well, look, when you get to independents here and thosep people are making up their mind, remember, they don't like either candidate. mindthey don't want to heary about supreme court decisions, wae. ups, lawfardon' in fact, 54% of the country says democrats are executinge thwfare. they don't want to hear anything. they care about inflation, immigration crime, mortgages,t l food priceats, and the extentd to which the candidates don't talkfos an about that. don't they lose those independent voters because they're not going to like either tt that . they kind of really want to doy what's best for them for their family and their lives. and that's a very strong message for both of these stron campaigns. >> yeah, it is. and the polls are certainly g in president trump's wake at the moment. ari fleischer, mark penn , thank you so much. so while the democrats try to decide what to do with joeidn biden, the left wing media appears to have already up its h mind. they want him goneis over at the "new york times", maureen dowd absolutely eviscerated biden ina a scathing op ed, writing, quote, his hubris is infuriating writing.. umou he says he's doing this for us, but he's really doing it fors himself. the atlanta journal constitution and chicago tribune also recently joinedo the new york times in calling for biden to out on tv. the panicked chorus of media voices only grew louder. take a liste, panin. >> his performance was . i sat there and watched it and i could not believe it. i saidd it not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the democratic party, it. and you know what happened? what happened is joe biden, the person who can stop donald trump or somebody like trump who gets the republican nomination. that's what he's got. n he's got to look in the mirror, search his soul and make tha that decision. and i wanted to raise that question. i'd like himdecision i'd to thah carefully because i have my concerns. >> here now with reaction are former rnc chair reinc kelle and former arkansas governor mike huckabee. welcome, gentlemen governor huckabee, you know your way around a debate stage . this blaming of staff for joe biden presenting is too old for having the vacant look in his eyes, for allowing numberfo vacans to numb his braa i mean, he could have gottene a doctor's note there saying he hadgotten a cold. i think he was taken away to see you get more of e. answer her but how do you see this? and do you think people willeopl forget this debate performance and start focusing performon the issues or start g joe biden a little bit of grace? >>ore de i think that there's no one to blame but joe biden.o i as a person who has beenha on the debate stage, the truth is you can have all theseall th people talking to you and telling you what you ought to do or not ought to do t,t wak but the one that walks out there. and you also have tht therane ro look at every one of them. tell them to shut up. i don't want to hear any more out of yo tellinganu. and sometimes that is the best thing to do is to tell all the people who think they know what you should do to just leave you alon the whae and leto out there and do your thing. but they couldn't do that. and this nonsensyoure about he had a cold and that's whyg he was so raspy and he couldn't get his thoughts together. every one of us know that if he'd really been sick in that eight days, sequestering up at camp david, they would have talked about that every day. he's going to be there, even thoughe lked he's going to havet to push through how sick he is. look, let's just be realisti thc here. there is a run on toilet paper in d.c. because of that performance last week, because the democrat becaus well, let'ss say they're having a rough week, too, tryinhey'reg to decie how to deal with what is an absolute meltdown. >> and we're all seeing it. yes. and some of us are enjoying it. couldn't happen to a nicer crew. reinceld not, you've been the rc chair, the white house chief of staff. you have a big hand in this this month's convention can can mention out of milwaukee. you've been in the room to prep candidates for debates, f including president trump. now, he perhaps just by not incl or a lighting heat, perhaps by doing these rallies and these interviewsare ligho ts and whatnot. but i'm very curious about the blaming of staffeiews b. isn't that a risk that they're taking the? staff knows him best. the staff has been covering for him and his lack acuity for lod agility for a very long timeng. e. >> well, you're right, kellyanne. and you and i did debate prep in 2016, and it's ridiculous to blame the staffd de this kind of performance because, you know, he came out in thee first 30 seconds and everyone knew something was wrong. t he wasn't making any sense. when you do the basic debate prep, it's not complicated, number one. hey, there's a split screen. when the not on you or you're not excuse me when you're not speaking. yyou have to act like you're everyone's watching you because there's a split lit scrn . hey, you're going to get attacked on immigration, the economy and inflation. atyou get three canned answers. he couldn't deliver any of it. yoe caand it's. and it's a cover up. you're exactly right. the whole thing's a cover up. o by blaming staff, you just make it worse. and, you know, the these reporters that are talking about he needs to get out what theow t y really need to do is find out why. >> i think, bob woodward, if is f playing his interview, he said it well, which is,ar look, this was so impossibly bad that these reporters oughtgo to figure out why was it so bad? what iwhs the real answer? what really is going on with the president of the united states? >> if scottie schefflen withr we shot 120 yesterday, no one would be saying, wd and 20ed cold, you had a bad day. >> no, they would be asking b the questionadwoul. and they're not no one is asking this question. what i os on with joe biden? >> governor huckabee, we're all scratching your head. we can chuckle a little bit. but the serious poingovernorscrt world leaders are also watching this. and i like your perspectivworld yeah, i think you're right. we have to recognizerighth the serious part is that we're not the only ones watching and we're nopart t nott the onesng who have been watching president. she's been watching putin's kim jong un watches. they all look at this. i think the reason that they never went into ukraine tr with donalwentd was president. a hamas would never have attempted to overrun and murder and butcher jewish civilians like they dimampd on october 7th when donaldy trump was president. they were scared to death of idt . they just didn't know what he might do. but they feare didn't kd what he would do. it's why i think we need him isr th because the worldi do whether they respect him orey they're just afraid of him, i don't care. i just knospect hid ofw they be. and we need a world like we b had when donald trump was notth the one we have when joe biden is president. >> yes, people know what they see. governor mike huckabee and reince priebus, than>>ly-any much for joining us tonight. up next, despite widespread calls to drop out and biden's obvious cognitive struggles, one person very close to the president is reportedlypowe unwilling to relinquish power. unwilling to relinquish power. we'll explain and hear from tomi lahren and sean duffynsur after the breaancek. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen prograed budgem. >> if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's? >>price, pand pric what are the? >> the three ps of lifee you insuranccae on a fixed budget are price, price and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. >> what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. >> i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? what's 995 a month. >> i just turned 80. what's my. 995 a month for you to if 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works when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. any time. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". after biden's disastrous debate performance last week, manyormac are starting to believe his power hungry wife, dr. jill, is the one keeping him in the race. watc jilh. >> they're going to fight all the way through this. no matter what, they're not going to. she's. joe biden's going to lock the white house doorisjos, not t anybody in who wants to talk about replace joe biden. >> hey, take a look at your screene . this is jill's untimely and tasteless feature on the cover of vogue, appearing in what's reportedarin be a $7,000 dress. scranton, joe an d while promising to continue to fightth . but jill isn't the only problem. according to axios, biden'probls advisers and allies think kamala harris is the only perso an who could win the nomination if joe biden stepped aside. w tbut believe she would do evn worse than biden in the general electionul. >> all the polls show that, too. however, the speculationels shor candidates has frustrated kamala and her team, with oneine insider reportedly saying it would be offensiver to notr th consider a black woman for the job. but none of thisjo is stoppinghe kamala from making strange cameos like her cringeopping appearance at the bet awards last night. er crunchmadame v.p., i know yon traveling across the country. >> what you hearing? yeah, girl, i'm out here in the streets, and let me tell you. i', taraji. you there is so much at stake in this moment. the majoritywere rig s of us beu in freedom and equality. but these extremists, as they say, they're not likese e us. >> and they not so embarrassing . here now with a reaction, host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkickssing.. tomi lahren, along with co-host of the bottom line on fox business, sean duffy. now, tomi, you get the awardar for someone who's been saying for years now that you don't think joe biden will be the nomine you thinke, so you wy ahead of the curve on that. but did you anticipate the oneyr stumbling block to your prediction becoming true would be joe woul biden and her 30tivo c vote covers. i mean, this is a woman who ovei think isn't showing as much love of husband as lust foa wor power, lust for power. >> she loved being on that vogue cover. i talked about it earlier today with sean, actually. but i thin aboutk that joe bidet by and watched first ladyh firs michelle obama get a lot of accolades, a lot of limelightlle obam. right. a lot of covers. and i think she's always been jealoui thins of that. and now is her time.t an she's had almost four years of it. she wants four more. and i would also say thit ans f i don't think that first lady jill biden likes vice president kamala s much. i don't think she's a girl'sce girl, as they would say. i think she wants to deny kamala harris the white house and the oval office as well. i think she's a narcissist. i think joe biden is also a narcissist. i don't think he fully understands his decline and howh steep it is and how it's goingis to get mucin houh worse over tht several months, if not even sooner than that. the but jill biden is never goig to relinquish that power. i will say this, though. there are powers in the dnc, in the democrat party that i e arbelieve are far stronger thn first lady jill biden or joe biden. e and i think when they say it's time to go, it will be time to gos. and sean duffy, you've actually had your name on a ballot. : sean had youccessfully to congress in wisconsin. i'm just wondering how you feel when you see the vice president, united states alway s in these odd cameos, videos battling the teleprompter. thet the teleprompter always seems to win. you know, again, it wouleld be funny, but the whole world is watching. and i fear that some of the dictators are laughingr . i think they are laughing. and listen, i think you want to try to, you know, keep yourself from t embarrassig moments. and she keeps doing these stupid videos or the cameom bari shows and she's not taken seriously already. so don't do anythingor more that's going to embarrass you, kamala. you should try to be serious. try to be stuc shouiousk on policyic and seem smart to the american people. and that would bode well in the y polling. g bu but i won't go back to jill and joe. they have fought for a lifetimtr to get to where they're at in the white house. there is no way in i they're going to it up. and then you go, listen, the first lady, it's a great joupfirst lab. b it's a great position. but when you have a failing president like joe bidenwh hing the power that jill now has, the s the de facto president helping run the country. she doesn't want to give that udefector prelping rup. but and she doesn't do a debate. she doesn't have to do press conferences. doess to sit not behin td the curtain and make decisionsak that joe can't make. it's a great position. dee kas to stay tant in the white house. but she loved her husband and she watche housed debate. d she'd say, honey, it's time to go. let'ate shs go back to the beac. >> let's get out of here. yeah, i mean, to that point, sean and tommy say, i hope joe biden lives another 20 years. god bless him. but he should serve that time b in delaware. and it's his family beginninless with his wife, you should say, let's just go enjoy the grandkids. by the wayd s go, they have sev them, not but in our remaining moments, sh if you could just. tommy, when you think t hinkof melania trump, i think so many of us miss a classy, graceful first lady is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't herself into everyot single detail of herusband's presidency. that is not the role of the first lady. i read today ands no jill bident there. she tells vogue fighting for women's health jil out. i know she's a doctor of a different kind, but do you recallto either of you,ng se anything she's done with respect to women's health and callin'sto womeng people ins breakfast tacos doesn't count. >> yeah, and again, i'm really sick and tired of democrats telling us that they care about women. they care about abortion. and that's it. ifcrats telling us they cared at they would care about the young women that have been murdereared by the illegal immigrants they let in this country. if they cared about women, they would care e about theabout integrity of women's sports. joe biden cares about jillthy of biden and joe biden's power, and that's about it. same goes for kamala harriens and the rest of them that are beating this drum about female empowerment. hahis femae. canr >> they can't convince me otherwise. and sean, you married very well. we't othe all love your wife. >> teld vel us about jill biden in the closing moments. what does that say? strong wives are important, strong men. but again, they also have a role to tell you whea rolen youe gone too far and done too much, when it's time to step asideat and jill is not doing that. but my wife sure did. when the time was ready to go. they're going to be straight with you. and, you know, i had a wife like that, no doubani havelikett be senior intern at the assisted living facility. we used to call the whiteing fa house. sean duffy and tomi lahren, to, joining.ank yous straight ahead, biden's border policies are endangering americans all across the country, especially our youngestpolici america. ng y we'll bring you the latest and get reaction from ravi ramaswamou latesy coming up nex into don't land. what's wrong between the over is going to consume both our families. i will not give you one more drive. this family's poor. you killed my son and they trying to kill you. this is about stealing and murder. and tonight we desperately get the bodies out. the road. hatfields and mccoys streaming now on fox nation. >> sign up at fox nation .com. my name's john. i enjoy working in the shop. i like to fabricate things and plastics, 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her with a pipe. and the suspect, who is currently being held without bail, was arrested by border patrol last november, but released into our country. unfortunately, this is just the latestr in a shocking strin of crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants. meanwhile, in los angeles,s democrat mayor karenan is upset over recent supreme court ruling that allows citiesarning to ban homeless encampments. this as her city was literally on fire after a dangerous street takeover. here now with reaction, formertn presidential candidate vivek ramaswamery. thanks so much for joining us. i think these cities have two things in common, vivek. they have run amoke ci and theye run by democrats. and i've got to believe people in the suburbsppenin are watching what's happening in these cities and they're going to vote according to that. but there's one thing that gets my blood boiling. it's every single day we're hearing of a young in this country and or murdered by an u illegal immigrant. n stop that should have been stopped. that was stopped. and whatpe the solution?tion a why do we have an entirend democratic party that's lookingi the other way? well, look, their incentives point to it, kellyanne. the reality is these are long voters for the democrat party. but unfortunately, american citizen ters fs are suffering today. it is not a surprise that lawbreakers are going to break the law. and the people who enter this country illegally are by definition breaking the law. they're more likely to continue to do it while they're already h here. and now people are suffering. these are lives on the line. is not a trivial joking matter anymore. >> just do the arithmetia trivct on this. even if 20 plus million illegals are in this country and i believithmetice the actuai is actually higher than that. gheven if 1% of them come here r with bad intentions. that's hundreds of thousandse wh of illegal aliens with criminal intentions in this country. that i ens. untr and it's part of why we're seeing a breakdown in the rule of laws unacce par across this . when the government stops enforcing its own laws at our lw own border and across the board, these criminals aren't going to followin our o w either. >> and sadly, americans are suffering the consequences. and they can.equenc you imagine being the mayor of los angeles or any other big cityesnn: ca facing chronic homelessness encampments everywhereeles? ther the supreme court throws you a lifeline and telling you that lin clear, you can ban them. and she's angry about thatangry as the mayor of los angeles.s th how is this happening? mayoand, you know, can she prevl or will the city council or others step in and say, excusepn me, we need to clean upe our streets? >> i think the people of those cities are going to step up and say we need to clean the streets. there were a lot of hard cases on the supreme court's docket this and cycle. this is one of the easiest ones. the claim that it was somehow cruel and unusuaof l punishmentcruel an for cities to pass ordinances to say that homeless people could not in campshment on the sidewalks. i'm glad the supreme court decisively came downn , note on particularly partisan lines on the right answer of thisquesi question. but the reality is it's going to come up to local lawmakeronu local city councilman and mayors to step up and do what the law already empowers them to do, which is to enforce basic statutes in this country.s >> this isn't a partisan issue anymore. i think a lot of people from san francisco to chicago to philadelphia, maybe one time democrate froms are sick and tid of seeing the united states of america devolve into a third world nation. that's what it looks like if ireo toto kensington in th of the inner city of philadelphia. >> i've traveled to th kensine third world in the past. >> there's no more third world sighting than when i visited kensingtonnd i've hird wor year. that is sad right here in the united states. kellyanne and i think manynk people, regardless of partisan affiliation, are done with it. >> you're absolutely right. there'regards got to be help on the way. and i think it comes in the form of different leaders. vivek ramaswam aasy. ways always a pleasure to have you. thank you. more of this speciale to editio. >> hannity after the break. >> what makes bohlin brand sheet so soft? we start with the rarest cotton on earth and use our signature. we that's designed to get softer with every wash, even if you can't see the difference, you'll feel it. you'll feel it. sleep better with ball and branch. sadl my sister. >> you remember rick, her neighbor? sure. he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? um, 're not , not anymore.on a >> wow. soin sudden. >> wow. we're nosot about to have the we need life insurance conversation again. >> are we know we'reoff lo having though we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. worry about it. conversationng >> so you're calling about the 995 a 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is all thets time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. join me again tomorrows as inet fill in for sean greg. greg gutfeld is next. havehave a great night, everyone

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,Alipswhich ,They Couldn T ,Lengthy E ,Echelons ,Clips ,Left ,Opposite ,Vitriol ,Doom ,It Weren Tld ,Democrac Iy ,Treason ,The High Court ,Thery ,Claiming ,Delirium ,Guardrails Whicho ,Ie ,He Amped ,Thenbett ,Truth ,Presidents ,Course ,Y ,Trumpdidn ,Commd Decision ,Neither ,Was Tgt A Well Reasoneinarged Wid ,Criminal Culpabilitesidentsy ,42 ,Earth ,Facts ,Nothing ,Reasoning ,Axis Tomorro Wilw ,Anyone ,In The South Bronx Didn T ,No Doubt Ly A ,Alina ,Pearl ,Sav Te ,Last Week Sd O Primary Ed ,Hesr ,Aonn ,Jamaal Bowmt ,C Nyon ,Talkino Saveg Treas ,Immunity Case ,Misdemeanors ,Supreme Court Justices Becauseabout Trn ,Implication ,Member ,Peoi Aoc ,Radical Left ,Bartender ,Matte ,Chance ,Fighting ,Wages ,Soros ,Owr ,Gha ,There Matt Thae ,Suprem Te Court ,Behavior ,Top ,Lungs ,Behaviort Theythemselv ,The Bronx ,Raround ,Anboth American ,Attorney ,Maat Maga ,Tha ,Maga Americans ,Republicans ,Peoplthe American People To K ,Novemberes Becan ,Particularlhe Y Dangerous ,Minds Ou Will Inices ,Supreme Court Decision ,Branch ,Members ,Pop Ofaf ,Elena ,Two ,Implications ,Some ,States ,Considerations ,Minds ,Ballot Rules ,Brains ,Ticket ,Sd ,Teto Asksurrounding ,Situation ,Rules ,Respo ,Half ,Ane ,Say ,Campaign ,Nominee ,Hav ,Try ,Lawsuits ,Let ,Off Thet ,Ofionsto ,Position ,Look ,Pr Wise ,Vp ,Tr ,Blackk ,Candidate ,Can T Walk ,Usurp ,Frankly ,Eak Propi ,Kamala Harris ,Dehe ,Peopleas ,Job Protection ,Ho Splaying ,Job Harris ,Choosing ,Wall Street Anl Journal ,Othr ,Question ,Political Identitykea Comp Ths ,Problems ,Equation ,Pic ,Competennet Vicely ,Ballot ,Deadlines ,Replacement ,Getgo ,Voting ,States Otin ,Problem ,Donations ,Replacement Candidate ,Get ,Finance Laws ,War Chest ,He De Star ,200 Million ,00 Million ,National ,Mayhem ,Chaos ,Floor ,Ti Andi You ,Zero ,Mayhem Ou T On The Streets Look ,Comparison ,Conversation ,Stuck T ,Coming Up ,Chicago ,Stand T Behind Biden ,Aleena ,Ari Fleischer ,Mike Huckabee ,Isaac ,Break ,Mark Penn ,Reince Priebus ,Something ,Ethan ,Breathing ,Obstruction ,Airway ,Life ,Family ,Anything ,Lives ,Home ,Property ,Household ,Friends ,Device ,Anybody ,Go To Live ,Packnett ,Seven ,Eight ,Crime ,Mind ,Nobody ,Peace ,Home Title Theft ,Equity ,Home Title Thieves ,Matthew Cox ,Document ,House ,Process ,Page ,Name ,Proof ,Ownership ,County Clerk ,Deed ,Statute ,Barrier ,Spaces ,Bottom Line ,Happening ,Phone Call ,Recording System ,Public Records ,Home Title Lock ,Love ,Pennies ,Title ,Activity ,Rest ,Somewhere ,Person ,Warning ,Notice ,Step ,Father ,Call ,Clock ,Promotional Code Lock ,Parent ,Alerts ,Five ,Protection ,Promise ,Tide Title Lock ,30 ,1 800 6731633 ,6731633 ,800 ,1 ,Devie Duckduckgo ,Doesn T Spy ,Like Google ,Blocks Cooi ,Searchs ,Pi ,Chrome ,Ads ,Companie ,Privacy ,Catch ,Millions ,Money ,Google ,Fre ,Devices ,Duckduckgo ,Bo 82 ,82 ,215215 Welcome ,215215 ,Performance ,Interest ,Calls ,Report ,Axiosdefian Report ,Ypical Biden Family ,Race ,Huntr Biden ,New York Times ,Stay ,Voices ,Table ,Campom The David ,Part ,Donors ,Gun Charges ,Prison ,Yind Hi ,Staff ,Decline ,Hi Advisers ,Debate Disaster ,Polle ,Husband ,Chief Of Staff ,Bob Bauer ,Meet The Press ,Democrats Continuingr Th ,Words ,Chuck Todd ,Ron Klain ,Anita Dunn ,Nbc ,Candidacy ,Push Biden ,Watch ,Couthe Real Issue ,Four ,Risk ,World ,Matter ,Presidentlls ,Cha ,Challenges ,Doubo ,Youfull Fou ,Mark Yu ,Interests ,Yourselmy ,Harris Poll ,Ou T Inwhat ,Polls ,Gentlemen ,Know We Haven T ,Whath ,Terms ,Acuity ,Penn ,Cosnd Agilit ,Joing ,Performancng Oute ,Hoe G Yow ,Energy ,Aty ,Cost ,Poll ,Weekend ,Hereto Con Trump ,Tet ,Questions ,Points ,Candidates ,Horse Race ,Showing ,Isn T Acea Change ,Job Approval Wentob ,70 ,Term ,He Mal Y ,Horse Races Reallygem Didn T Change ,Buternalucs ,Mark ,Wax Figure ,Staffer ,Campaigns ,Sounds ,Presidentt Cert ,Stafn N Caf ,Staffers ,Juicing ,Rehearsal ,Goosing ,Fingers ,Sides ,Figures ,Praise ,Territoryth ,Bill Clinton ,Vision ,Kind ,U To Fleischer ,Gentler ,Ronald Reagas Ann ,Press Conferences ,Fo ,He Goethins ,Room ,Rainterviews ,Interviews ,Preparation ,Talks ,Television ,Radio ,Rallies ,Podcast ,Base ,Advice ,None ,Participat E ,10 ,September 10th ,Memoryg ,Diction ,Fire Away ,The ,Tirade ,Grounyd ,Cross Hall ,Lots ,Intellect ,Extemporaneously ,Eci A ,Vigor ,Feet ,Himthn Hi ,Taeand ,Alw Himi Don T ,A ,Debate ,Biden M ,Somebody ,Noicut ,Staffermu ,The Press ,Ari ,Press Members ,Ielb ,Notrt ,Puff Pieces ,Job ,Head ,Message ,Puff Piece ,Medi ,Platter ,Playing Pickleball ,Camp David Huddling Together ,Press Secretarywhat ,Eating Lasagna ,Omedia ,90 ,Of H Fox Showver ,Game ,Cnn ,America Down ,Instance ,Joe Scarborough ,Media ,O ,Who ,Bumbles ,Ness ,Stumblese ,Svehemence ,Middle ,Aftee Surpee ,Sense ,Cover ,Whon E ,Joe Biden E ,Worm ,Guilt ,No Doubt ,Independents ,Mindthey Don T ,Want To Heary About Supreme Court ,Bim Well ,Biden Inout ,Thosep ,Hiu ,Inflation ,Ups ,Decisions ,Immigration Crime ,54 ,Tl Food Priceats ,In Fact ,Mortgages ,Extentd ,Lawfardon ,Wae ,Executinge Thwfare ,54 ,Stron Campaigns ,Tt ,Doy ,Don T Talkfos ,Joeidn Biden ,Wing ,Wake ,Umou He ,Writing ,Hubris ,Op Ed ,Maureen Dowd ,Biden Ina ,Chorus ,Atlanta Journal Constitution ,Biden To Out On Tv ,Chicago Tribune ,Panin ,Liste ,Hydrogen Bomb ,He ,Nomination ,Concerns ,Mirror ,Soul ,Himdecision ,Governor ,Debate Stage ,Presenting ,Chair ,Reinc Kelle ,Arkansas ,Rnc ,Cold ,Doctor ,Note ,E Answer ,Braa ,Gottene ,Numberfo Vacans ,Debate Performance ,Joe Biden Oi ,Issues ,Performon ,Theseall Th ,Grace ,Ore De ,Joe Biden A Little Bit ,T Wak But The One ,Tht Therane Ro Look ,Yo Tellinganu , ,Thoughts ,Whae ,Nonsensyoure ,Whyg ,Leto ,Run ,D C ,Thc ,Toilet Paper ,Sequestering Up At Camp David ,Thoughe Lked ,Meltdown ,Tryinhey Reg To Decie ,Becaus Well ,Too ,Let Ss ,Debates ,Prep Candidates ,Convention ,Reinceld ,Rc Chair ,Crew ,Hand ,F ,Milwaukee ,Staffeiews B Isn T ,Lighting Heat ,Whatnot ,Interviewsare Ligho Ts ,Debate Prep ,Staffd De ,Lack Acuity ,Agility ,E Well ,Lod ,Timeng ,2016 ,T He Wasn ,Split Screen ,Number One ,He Couldn T ,It S ,Immigration ,Answers ,Split ,Economy ,Lit Scrn ,Yyou ,Atyou ,Yoe Caand ,Cover Up ,Reporters ,Bob Woodward ,Interview ,Is F ,Theow Ty ,Ar Look ,Questionadwoul ,Saying ,Cos ,Scottie Schefflen Withr ,Asking B ,Wd ,120 ,20 ,World Leaders ,Bit ,Serious Poingovernorscrt ,Nopart T Nott The Onesng ,Ones ,Watches ,Donalwentd ,Ukraine Tr ,Kim Jong Un ,Putin ,Hamas ,Civilians ,Feare Didn T ,Death ,Dimampd On October 7th ,Jewish ,Idt ,October 7th ,Worldi ,Ofw ,Don T Care ,Notth ,We B ,Knospect ,Much ,Struggles ,Ly ,Up Next ,Joe Bidenwh Hing ,Life Insurance ,Tomi Lahren ,Sean Duffynsur ,Breaancek ,Price ,Pand Pric ,Budget ,Prograed Budgem ,Lifee You Insuranccae ,P S ,50 ,85 ,Coverage ,Medications ,9 95 ,65 , 95 ,80 ,995 ,Plan ,Health Questions ,Pen Program ,Exam ,Lifetime Rate Luck ,Optionranteed ,Information ,Beneficiary Planner ,Calling ,1 800 700 2020 ,2020 ,700 ,Pitch ,Gift ,Don T Wait ,Scratch ,Opti Nail ,Fungus ,Appearance ,Itches ,Sanity ,Bug Bites ,Cortisone ,Cortisone Stands ,Poison Ivy ,Ten ,4 ,Results ,Hi ,Formula ,Baseball Today ,Nail ,Makeover ,Toenails ,Grandma ,Penetrates ,Phone ,Wouldn T ,Captions ,Grandpa ,Feel ,Caller ,Insurance ,Captioning ,Tv ,Medicare ,Loved Ones ,Program ,Service ,Independence Connection ,My Is Mike Cannon ,Construction ,Signal Relief ,Career ,6909813 ,1 800 6909813 ,Team ,Lifestyle ,Relief Patch ,Affect ,Horses ,Technical ,Body ,Patch ,Money Back Guarantee ,Patches ,Spain ,Back ,Game Changer ,Impact ,Wires ,Creams ,Pills ,Neck ,Hundreds Of Thousands ,Shoulder ,Relief ,Pains ,Best Friend ,Knee ,Tears ,16 ,Website ,News Headlines ,News Business ,Buying ,Sirius Xm ,Nothing To Lose ,Audio ,America Is Listening ,Manyormac ,No Doubani Havelikett Be Senior Intern ,Jill Isn T ,Keeping ,No Matter What ,Watc Jilh ,Feature ,Screene ,Vogue ,Reportedarin ,Doorisjos ,Joe An D ,Dress ,Allies ,Scranton ,Fightth ,Axios ,7000 ,000 ,Perso ,W Tbut ,Speculationels Shor Candidates ,Electionul ,Woman ,Cameos ,Stoppinghe Kamala ,Notr Th ,Offensiver ,Bet Awards Last Night ,Thisjo ,Oneine Insider ,Girl ,Streets ,Majoritywere Rig S ,Traveling ,Stake ,Taraji ,Us Beu In Freedom And Equality ,Er Crunchmadame V P ,Extremists ,Host ,On Outkickssing ,Sean Duffy ,Awardar ,You Thinke ,Co Host ,Curve ,Nomine ,Fox Business ,Oneyr ,Ovei Think Isn T Showing ,Joe Woul Biden ,Wor Power ,Prediction ,30tivo C Vote ,Lust Foa ,Joe Bidet ,Vogue Cover ,Accolades ,Ladyh ,Limelightlle Obam ,Jill Biden ,Kamala S ,Time T An She S ,Covers ,Thins ,Ans Fi Don T ,Girl Sce ,Jealoui ,Narcissist ,Thn ,Goingis ,Mucin Houh ,Ie Arbelieve ,Gos ,Wisconsin ,Teleprompter ,Videos ,Thet ,Alway ,Dictators ,Odd Cameos ,Laughingr ,Anythingor ,Cameom ,T Embarrassig ,Bari ,Lifetimtr ,Y Polling ,On Policyic ,Stuc Shouiousk ,G Bu ,Listen ,The S De Facto ,Udefector Prelping Rup ,Joupfirst Lab ,Doess ,Dee Kas ,Decisionsak ,Joe Can T ,Curtain ,Td ,Stay Tant ,It S Time ,Point ,Tb ,Tommy Say ,Let Ate Shs Go ,Honey ,Beac ,God ,Delaware ,Beginninless ,First Lady ,Wife ,Grandkids ,Melania Trump ,Them ,Sh ,Wayd S Go ,Classy ,Hinkof ,Ands No Jill Bident ,Role ,Presidency ,Vogue Fighting For Women S Health Jil Out ,Single ,Skin ,Detail ,Herusband ,Women S Health ,Breakfast Tacos Doesn T Count ,Respect ,Callin Sto Womeng ,Ng Se Anything ,Women ,Immigrants ,Theabout Integrity Of Women S Sports ,Jillthy Of Biden ,Abortion ,Murdereared ,Ifcrats ,Power ,Empowerment ,Kamala Harriens ,Hahis Femae ,We T Othe ,Drum ,Canr ,Teld Vel ,Jill ,Wives ,Rolen Youe ,Men ,Whea ,Border Policies ,Whiteing Fa House ,Assisted Living Facility ,Joining Ank Yous ,Dover ,Youngestpolici America ,Ravi Ramaswamou Latesy ,Nex ,Don T Land ,Families ,Son ,Poor ,Drive ,Bodies ,Road ,Fox Nation ,Hatfields And Mccoys ,Fox Nation Com ,My Name S John ,Nature ,Shop ,Metals ,Plastics ,Vegetables ,Fruits ,Wood ,Difference ,Product ,Family Life ,Discount Code ,Customer ,Set ,Choking ,Saving ,2 ,2000 ,Health ,Favor ,Life Fact Dot Net Or Call Eight ,Daughter ,Mission ,Sharp ,Doctors ,Nutrients ,Everything ,Sight ,Ingredients ,Studies ,Macular Health Concerns ,Iq ,Sample ,Macular ,Texting Lasch ,Vision Supplements ,215215 Most ,Products ,Bottle ,Shouldn T ,Eyesight ,Technology ,Retail Stores ,Research ,Harris Faulkner ,News In Focus ,Text ,Slash ,Science ,Vitamin D3 ,Pro ,Pain Relief ,Pain Won T ,Passions ,Anesthetics ,Absorbine Pro ,Absorbine ,Treatment ,Panic Mode ,Breakdown ,Issue ,Immigrant ,Isn T ,Law And Order ,Iew York ,Underbiten Swatch ,15 ,Suspect ,Crimes ,Latestr ,Pipe ,Bail ,Border Patrol Last November ,Shocking Strin ,Upset ,Karenan ,Citiesarning ,City ,Los Angeles ,Supreme Court Ruling ,Homeless Encampments ,Cities ,Vivek Ramaswamery ,Fire ,Formertn ,Dangerous Street Takeover ,Common ,Young ,Blood Boiling ,U ,Theye Run ,Suburbsppenin ,Amoke Ci ,Stop ,Incentives ,Whatpe ,The Solution ,Entirend ,Reality ,Lawbreakers ,Definition ,American Citizen Ters Fs ,Line ,Arithmetia Trivct On This ,Joking ,Illegals ,Suffering ,Actuai ,Gheven ,Intentions ,Laws ,Rule 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