enough. clinton world joining forces with obama world and taking over the reins of the biden campaign. hostile takeover. obama sees the race for what it is, a nailbiter, but biden does not always listen to obama's advice, he questions his judgement so obama is going around joe and is personally calling biden's campaign chair and close advisers asking about strategy and how biden was taking their advice. he has the biden campaign wired. obama's people have ordered the biden campaign to "make sure obama is in the loop on campaign updates." obama is even making staffing decisions at biden's headquarters in wilmington. obama's lieutenants warning they will be watching thursday night. no pressure. >> this is the most important 90 minutes in joe biden's political career, it's one of the most important 90 minutes and recent political history because if joe biden does not do what he needs to do thursday, and i think he can, he's a solid debater, i'm not sure trouble even debate september 10th. >> jesse: we agree, it's a most important presidential debate since kennedy nixon, only to see if biden can hack it. if he can't they will swap them out, if he can the progressive takeover of america is imminent because a second biden term would bring this country to it's knees. obama's team not stopping, inundating biden with last-minute advice. >> tell me what's the one thing david axelrod wants to see thursday night? >> well look, i think from biden i would like to see him make this a very comparative exercise, don't get caught up in the presidential trap of touting your own record and defending your own record endlessly. >> jesse: that should be easy because biden does not have a record. it's all hands on deck for the democrats so they are bringing in an expert, the only person who has debated trump and biden. she's back. hillary is nagging biden with debate tips now since joe won't take her calls. hillary is giving him advice in the new york times. hillary says the key to winning the debate, go hard on abortion, democracy, january 6th, column a convicted felon out for revenge and joe should mention something about how he will lower costs. hillary is giving biden the answers and cnn is probably giving part in the questions. remember it's the same network that leaked her questions the last time. how do you trust a network that has been calling from hitler to play fare? you can't. if there's any time to play dirty, it's now, because biden is losing to trump in every swing state, everyone. the media, like with all things, can't understand what's happening. >> the debate is going to make it clear the contrast between our president, the current president who works on behalf of the american people, fights for the american people, and the former president who pretty much spends full-time fighting for himself. >> if the contrast is so obvious, what's going on? why does it pull so closely, why is the race so close? >> these races are always close. >> jesse: if biden can't deliver his lines, the democrats will play ring around the rosie with harris, newsome and crooked in chicago, watch. >> if he flops so hard that even the media can't deny it, should they pull him? >> i would say yes. the reason i would say yes is because you know the base is going to show up but it's about those independents and those hypothetical swing voters, the people who may be undecided. it's about them. >> jesse: as we speak it's day five of biden at camp david was 16 councilors binding -- backing binders full of zingers into his brain. aids whizzing in and out of the room on golf carts and carbo loading joe with lasagna while he practices standing for 90 minutes. only problem is, biden's debate prep is too white. >> there's a profile in the new york times today of the three closest advisors, longest serving advisors, formal advisors to the president, president. and they're all whit ande men i. their sixties or higher. you know, former senator ted kaufman, 85 years old. so is that too insular kaufman?h the media wants to do debate prep, even though barack's t calling the shots. i guess he's not black enough. what do they need to bring corn pop to camip david? >> think about it. joe biden needs to take a weeked off of his job to prepare to do his job. s th >> this is the first time in presidential history where the president has taken a full week off to prepare for a debate. >> maybe he doesn't remember the last ae he four years. p i'm sure trump will jog his memory. biden' his memors incapacitatedo they're making him memorized thousands of sentences ys for seven days. but on the debate stage, biden's his own worsbuhet enemy. he torpedoed his own campaignn p during a debate in 87 whend a bt he plagiarized a brit. >> why is it the joe biden is t the first in his family ever to go to a university? tsitywhy is it that my wifeg on is sitting out there in the audience is the first in herer family to ever go to college? t is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? r father is it because i'm the firstt biden in a thousand generationse to get a college and a graduate degree that i was smarter than the rest? those same people who read poetry and wrotethose sa poetryo and taught me how to sing verse as soon as biden climbed down from the stage, anxiety filled m the faces of his closest aide. and they knew at that moment it was overest aidew on thursday . if biden can't regurgitate all the talking points pumped into his head, he'll revert back to biden ismsl revert, halh of which are plagiarized or completely made up like cannibals. snacking on uncle buzzy. if biden steals or forgets his lines, the party elders will send out a bad signal for an understudy at the convention. these 16 camp counselors, many loyal to obama, are putting biden through a stress test like a patient under constant observation. like a patientthe whole time, oe with the head physician, barack obam phya, who has power ready of attorney and is ready to pull the plugo pull. >> former presidential candidate whatk ramaswamy joins us now live. >> what's going to happen thursday i ? >> well, the reality is the democrats have set the expected nation's rock bottom low. obep in mindloep i, back in 201, when obama showed up in that first debate versus romney, it waowed u firsts the other way a. expectations were high and obama bombed. oundso they've tried to set upns biden as well as they possibly can. wells tha three on one debate vs trump. that includes the two cnninclud moderators with expectations set rock bottom and no liv cnne audience. if biden still fails in that circumstance.ails, i think he iy done as the candidate. >> but they've tried their best to set themselve s up for a win win. >> yet my best advice to president trump is just be yourselmy bes tf. sick the american people are sick of being fooled by the media. they're going to see throughing. the media's tricks. just tell the people what your record was. compartell te that to biden's. b and i think that president trump nonetheless, despite sti the way they've set this up, is still going to be able to succeed in a big way. >> sg to to o you think the demo are winning the expectations game in collusion with the medicratg thpectatioa? d they they are winning the expectations game rit to win. rigged it to win they've rigged in everyd. single sense of the word. cnn moderated the debate in their home turf. itnitoring debat with no live ai this would be likeli the equivalent of hosting the debateke equiv in mississipi with donald trump hosted by fox newssipp with the 3000 personpen audience. >> and i respect donald trump for agreeing audienc to te terms anyway, because the fact of the matter is thipects is ama debate that the american people deserve to see unfair terms. >> doepeopleo ses that mean it'o to be fair? of course it's not. but i think president trump is readyt bui thinis rea to shoe who he really is. >> and one thing i think i'd like to see come acrosd likes ai think will come across, jesse, is that donald trump can actually be the presiden that who unites this country. >> joe biden ran on a messagcoe. of nationan onl unity. he has failed miserably. trump's approach to unity is different. >> success is unifying. excellence is unifyingccess isld excellence of that record of a growing economy. a seal to southernf a border, global stability. >> that is excellence. and that's how he' d s going to unite the country, not just through rhetoric but through action. and st through rhei think that wills across in a way that americans you know what? you've got to give the voters more credit than sometimes the pundits give them. they're going to be able to see through the shenanigan sometim senanig that cnn, their moderators put up. and that's why i'm optimistic that despiteanators t the trapse laid, trump can still come out stronger for it. >> what about hillary'ut sges a? i mean, if hillary's advice is true and these are going to bde the game plans, he's jusl going to talk about january six for 90 minutes. >> he's going to call him a convicted felon, a bankrup goa bozo that's going to bringci more chaos and racism to the country. and trump's not going to betalk able to talk. he's going to have to holdmposei his breath, compose himself, because his mike's going to be muted and then he's goin l g to have to fire back if he's firing back at all these hoaxes and smears the whole time. >> is he not getting his unifying message across on policgettpolicyy? >> of course, that's going to they are going to try to stop him from doing jesse.en >> and i think president trump is experienced at this point. he's led to this countryeachment against the backdrop of an trumachment hoax, a trump russia collusion hoax. so i think he's set up to do well here. lusion hthink but if i was givie to joe biden, here's what it would be is don't take hillary clinton's advice flicte because she is conflicted as an adviser. >> remember, in advisor.f biden there's a lot of people waiting in line salivating for that. dn peoplc nomination. mination no doubt hillary clinton's one of them. so when you have a adviser who ha hry s a bit of a personal conflict of interest, you might want to think twice before you follow their obama have a conflict because he's now firing and hiring their g people wilmington. >> did you have any idea how deeply wired?ng he is into e biden campaign? i don't even think biden knowssn who's in charge. the r yeah, well, the reality is biden's cognitive deficits, tosse, they are nocognitt a bug to the people who control them. >> they're a feature because it allows hime wh to serve as a pua for the managerial class. so that's one of the things that's made him sufficiently appealing to that managerial clas and s as it was enough to barely get the job done while still advancing their actual b done deep state and managerial class interests. now that that puppet has completely inter lost the battery,s almo the battery is completely almost brain dead. nostbrain-w, there may be prepad to move him to one side, but this debate's the final hoop deb the that they're makino jump through. so regardless of the matter, i think president trumerp succe is going to succeed by focusing less on that managerial machine, less on the democratsed d more ,less on biden, and more on his vision for this country, which i think will reunite thisa nation at a time when we need it. and that's why i'm rooting for hi need itsm. g >> all right. well, if steven spielberg can't get him through one last viop, i don't knowt get who ca. >> vivek, we'll see you in i the spin room seeing it. >> atlanta. mos trump's the most politically dangerous when he's calm, cool, collectepolitid. but democrats have been painting him as a genocidal dictator who put secret servicie agents in headlocks. >> my concern as a democrantt is that a lot of people are going to expect the unhinged donald trump. >> there'se wixpec a lot of indt that that it might not be th te donald trump who shows up thiscl election cycle. he has a much more professionaed ,disciplined team than he's had in the past. and we sawin the that when he'sd big moments before, like the night he won the iowa caucuses, a very restraineda vey and dare i say, boring. donald trump showed up and joepn biden and democrats need to be prepared for that and be prepared for someone who's not going to show up and be a raving lunatic. >> tranquil trump major probleam for democrats. it makes it harder to calm the rage a holic. >> so they're gaming out ways s to trigger them. ey arethe number of bankruptcies talking about you know, donald's core business acumen. you talknald's about, of coursem being a stable genius. the delivery by joe biden hasn to be a legitimate, almost like a complete it type of delivery, one that pokes fun at donald. >> it's not just necessarily the topics, you know, but you said what? >> tel i'll tell me what it sounds like. my opponent says, you knowl , k many things that make no sense at all. i mean, you know, just because the stable genius saysg2 he could do something in 24 hours, it's almost it' like it's almost as ridiculous as when he decideds almost thats going to be able to move a jetst stream for aream category five hurricane using a sharpie. no one's ever wanted to gett in in the mud with trump except in thi wits debate. t >> biden does because ofbiden the mute buttodon. it defanged trump's quick lip and makes him steam in silence p while he's being ridiculed. so why did trump agree to these conditionsng ridicwhy di? ory. here's the back story. trump says they approached me with a debat y approae that i couldn't. take. dana bash, jake tapper, no audience sitting dow n. ally s originally sitting down. a dead debate. turn off the mikes wheit a dn you're not speaking, so i can't interrupt them. they knew i wouldn't accep spegt that because it was cnn. dana bash shaped tapper and id u likedience an and probably he doesn't. who knows? so they thoughhet they wouldd s present it. i would say no. and then they would say, we can't debateen because trump said no. so i said yes before they evenso gave me the terms. >> so he got roped into it. >> dana loesch is a nationallya syndicated radio hosnationt. so that's an interesting backstory. i think trump just said.then sure. and the biden team was like, oh, so we're doing this in june, . >> yeah, i think you made a really important point, jesse. you madand by the way, the peoe who say that trump is like over the top or he's a maniacp , i'va known trump for years. he's come on my radio show many times. he's nevero show been nuts. he's all he's just funny. he's the and he's just veryvery casual and he's a very casual manner of speaking. so il f they think that they're not going to rile him up like that, that's just not going to happen. but what you sai but whd, i think, think is actually the most important point. trump's biggest weakness on debate night isn't joe biden, and it's not bidesing that the democrat are going to throw at him. it's not even jake tapper or dana bash. trump's biggest disadvantage is is a lack of an audiencewhen t because there are speakers that when they take to the stage, they feed offkeo of that audience's energy. and in fact, many performers are this way, many politicians are this way. this isn't unusual. is way.s noand trump is one of e individuals that that's why he connects with people, because he readsduals, the room, he reads the energy, and he feeds off of it. now, i don't know how that's goinyd feedt g to work in the d, but if democrats can find out some way, which i'm sure they're just, you know, reading everything that they can to figure out any ar r advantag, for joe biden, they're going to try to figure out how to work that to biden'stry to adval so it'll be interesting to see how he navigates that. but honestlyo se, jesse, that is the only downside of this and that's the only way if,rump you know, if trump maybe isn't as casual orn' if he feels likea he's got to read off of jake or dana bash, that might be, you know, the only thing that i can see. but honestly, the old joe bideno and you remember the olde joe biden, jesse, he was a jack wagon. he washe w a .a nice g >> he was not a nice guy. this is pre stroke.e bide joe biden, he couldn't evenn. go into a debate room because joe biden is easy to emotionally manipulate. everybode joy has a currency. we know joe biden's currency. it's easy to push his buttons sl and it's still easy to push his buttons. that's all trump's got to doto so get under joe's skin. so the game plan for joe is get skinr trump' trump should get under joe's. so this is just going to b willx a an insult fest is what we should expect. >> nothing, nothing, nothingpets substantial. just them getting under each other's skin. how'e going don'tc to feel about it? >> i don't know. i mean k, i, i don't think going i don't think that trump is going to let it get that far. let it getk biden people will really either. but if biden, as you said, of biden, thinks he's going to be funniet ifs he'sr than tr, that's going to be so cringe and that's just going to do it all. do iwe wil die from cringe.d >> okay. i did not want to go outt wanto with that way, but if it's cringe, it's got to be cringe. sorry, did i might not you ong o friday. >> it was really nice having you on primetime over >> g. >> good to see you, my friend. should joe biden take drug test ? >> everybody wants super straight super white teeth. they want that hollywood white they want that hollywood white smil (birds chirping) and 24/7e well this isn't gonna work. try this. 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[♪] >> jesse: if you are expecting biden to fall over enteral on the podium thursday i have bad news. joe biden will show up rested and propped and trump will have a fight on his hands. but he wants a clean fight and demands biden get drug tested. biden's friend al sharpton a happy dei thursday. in case we forget he says there's no way joe is on drugs. >> the last thing someone needs in a debate is a drug because you may get hyped up, you may forget something, somebody could easily provoke you. >> jesse: forgetting things, easily provoked? that sounds exactly like biden. and how would you know, al? >> i have friends in the entertainment world, managers used to worry if they took okay and they will forget the lines, if they really wanted to defeat biden, they would want him on drugs because he would forget what he's done for unemployment numbers and what he's done around the economic stability because he's pumped up. >> reporter: al sharpton says trump should want biden coked up thursday. does hunter still have mookie's number? no matter what happens the press will hand joe a gold medal and inflate what trump said into a scandal. in 2016 trump dominated hillary but for the next 24 hours the medium cult -- media called him sexist because he happened to be taller than she was. they booked a chimp expert to analyse trump's movements. in many ways, the performances of donald trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals in order to impress rivals, males sinking to rise and the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays, stamping, slapping the ground, tracking branches, throwing rocks. in 2020, every headline after that debate was about the proud boys. >> what you want to call them? >> white supremacists, proud brothers. >> proud boys. stand back and stand by. >> jesse: trump said stand back and stand by because he was paraphrasing wallace's question earlier, will you ask them to stand down? but since -- since moscone's twitter, the social media spin room will be hotly contested. clips and memes explode seconds the clock strikes nine and videos will be careening across american iphones for weeks, even months. and there's not much of the media can do about it. that does not mean they won't try. the biden campaign already launching a cheap fake task force and colluding with the media to flag videos that make biden looked dazed and confused, because he is. now the campaign is hiring an army of social media stars to hijack the algorithms, highlighting biden's good moments and hiding his groups. they are standing back and standing by ready to give berth to the next hoax, and this is not organic. biden is paying them. >> most people will not be watching the debate in full, they will see the eclipse on local media,'s eclipse on tiktok , clips of their are sharing on social media. it will be getting donald trump, trapping him int into saying some of the worst stuff you said about abortion rights, trappingom him into saying some of the worst things he said about the electionsomee wors and january t getting him to admit to the factct that was the reason why republicans tanked our best chance at bipartisan decades immigration reform in decades. >> but trump isn't just upst against biden in the media. he's up against the fbi. up andthe and corporate americao all have skin in the game depor with trump's deportation mandate and tarifftas and the ao is going to be taken to deny and the electric mandate and the peace plans for europe and the mideast. there's a lot of moneynd t movin in the wrong direction for these guys. for guys forces.rump they're not just going to let trump win the debate and walk right into the white house. there's a war here. e takeover imminen of america is imminent. >> if they can drag joe across the finish line and install kamala, the first female, president a full eight years with this wide eyed marxist agenda, this country could be crippled beyond repair. >> biden just has to survive for 90 minutes, and they're that much closer to a radical remaking of every institutio tcn in america. and they'll try anything to get it done. >> glenn greenwald is a pulitzer prize winning credstigative journalist, much more credentialed than i am. glenn, you've seen how theseoest debates go. it doesn't really matter mucealh what happens. the spin afterwards is so key, and they have a lot of muscle on the left. >> how do you see it workingcle >> i know on the one hand,n then they have a lot of muscle.e bu but if you look at, plr example, these corporate outlets that have spent all week plotting about how biden can win the debate, i'm still laughing at michael cohen, who said, oh, you shouldw come up with humorous mockery. and when he was asked to give humo, he proceeded to babble. that was none of it was funny. none of it was clever.n th they're trapped in this sort of bubble, but none of theis ople wat people watch these media outlets like cnn, msnb mc, heiro and people have their own impression of biden. people have their own impression of trumwnn ofy willp and the media, of course, is going to spend all the time aftel thr the debate, fact checg only donald trump, fact checking, meaning that they're going to claim that he lied about everything and biden liedi about nothing. but, jesse, they've been doingnh thisen for eight years when it comes to trump, and trump is still the. and i thin tk that a lot of this is just going to be frustration very jus futile. i think americans know these two candidates very well and have their mindsamerican ma. about each of them. >> it is futile and they can se e their power slipping awayippig and they're getting a little bit more desperate day in and a theg day out. the idea that if biden doesn't do well and that they might move him around or swap him outr or do something like that, do you think that there is a feelinng likdog there's a lotn h of powerful people on the left. do you think there's a feeling that they would just say, oh think, you know what, we're just going to lose this election? joe's shot. we're justo thi going to lose.g it will try again with newsom in 2028. do they thinaiomk that way orthw is this war? >> naro, democrats do not think, oh, it'd be fine if we're just i out of power for four years. i don't trump mar at the white house. h right they're completely despe the problem was a lot of them theyed to get rid of biden that he basically promised wheni 20 gotse the nomination in 2020 that he would be a one term president. and of course, onct he we he goh the taste of that power he's been pursuing his whole life. he cling he's to it and has no c chance of giving it up. they know they're in a lot of problemha g us because they't connected to this candidate who can barely functioon. s lo and i think what the mediang is going to do is that as long as he doesn't drool on himself e or fall down on the ground, they're going to say, oh, look , joe biden really is mentally capable. they did the same thing with the state of the union address. but again, people have their own personal perception of biden'spersonal cognitive dee and nothing the media can do or say or these paid influencer sencers will change that perception because it is vali w d. >> glenn, glenn, this guy c clings so hard to power, even if he does droolar. do you think they're going to he's going to let them shove them out of the wa himy. t jo >> if we're talking about joe biden here, yeah, they would just try and justify y would she and saying it show how passionate he is about the american people. it's passionatt e drool. that's right. glenn greenwald, thank you so much, as always. than glenn k desi. >> an exclusive look inside trump's debate strategny. a roll that's straigh lt ahead. rippy >> bounty mega rolled lastfi >> bounty mega rolled lastfi longer something. >> avocado, berries, butter, >> avocado, berries, butter, coffee, cream, dripp lemonade ♪ deviled eggs and empanadas, red and green fettuccine grits 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benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. he did, in fact, sir. >> so let me let me call it an act. can you say that obama cannot word it? >> he did call it an act of terror. >> no, he didn't. that was romney's hardest punch of the night and she blocked it for the messiah. so what's going to happen on thursday? >> are the moderators going to candy crowley? trump? they're fair and balanced, right? for tens of millions of our fellow americans, their long national nightmare is over. >> the president of the united states and the fact that he went to that rally and called for and incited violence. >> you're being obsequious for being a fact about him in order, please him. okay. and i've got wasted enough of my viewers who you care about as republicans makers go. >> jeff sessions to resign, insults, invective, and outright lies. that's what we heard from donald trump in iowa this weekend. donald trump is charged with a series of federal felonies for mishandling the most sensitive government documents that we have. the folks in the control room who i don't need to see any more of that. this he's trying to turn this in. he's trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. >> that's enough of that. but you're not allowed to mention the moderators on cnn. they'll drop you faster than a live trump presser. it takes someone 5 minutes to google jake tapper, donald trump to see that jake tapper has consistent offers interview that they're going to call adolf hilter. ma'am, i'm going to tell you, if you continue to attack my colleagues, i would like to talk about it. >> and donald trump, who you work for. >> yes. if you are here to speak on his behalf and i'm willing to have this conversation. i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> now, i'm sorry, guys. we're going to come back to the panel. caroline, very much for your time. you are welcome to come back at any point. >> trump campaign press secretary karoline leavitt joins us now. caroline, does jake tapper get a mute button? well, he should. he should have a mute button after the last eight years of spewing anti-trump lies on cnn. and that's exactly what i tried to say on the network just yesterday. but apparently they don't like to hear the truth about what jake tapper feels about president trump. he is clearly an anti-trump leftist, an activist, not a veteran journalist. like cnn is doubling down and saying now and that's why president trump knows this is going to be a three on one fight on thursday. i mean, he signed up for the deal. >> they threw it out and he said, yes, and it is what it is. so the drug test is this like an official thing where trump sends a letter to the biden campaign in wilmington requesting they both in cups, or is he just throwing this out there? well, president trump has repeatedly challenged joe biden to a drug test. our campaign has reiterated that challenge to the biden campaign. i'll do it on your show right now here tonight if they want to prove that joe biden is not going to be doped up like many rightfully questioned, he was at the state of the union address, then why wouldn't they commit to a drug test? and they're getting very upset that we are even suggesting that joe biden will be artificially stimulated. if they want to prove us wrong, they should accept president trump's challenge. >> i'm going to get drug tested thursday night just so everybody can see that i'm clean. all right. maybe everybody on the five will take a drug test and then we'll reveal the results at 6:00. the inside strategy of trump prep. >> we know joe's in a cabin in the woods doing god knows what with 16 advisers and barack obama breathing down his neck. what is trump doing to prepare president trump is continuing with his very busy schedule over the past week, he has given hours long speeches to crowds of thousands in three different cities. he's met with policy advisers to talk about the issues that matter to americans. he's taken questions directly from americans at a cheesesteak shop in philly on saturday afternoon. so he's continuing to engage in hostile media interviews with the press over the next couple of days, like he always does, hosting private meetings, raising money, is continuing with the campaign because he's well prepared. >> so he doesn't need advisers to bring the talking points into his brain. so so he's not he build like an airport hangar in a movie theater with steven spielberg and he's not practicing standing. i get that he's but he's not he's not like doing any sort of mock debate at all. >> like like a little bit. >> no. he is continuing with his regular daily life because he's prepared. and jesse, i want to say one of the most underreported stories this week is the fact that the leader of the free world, joe biden, has to prep for a debate for a whole week. he can't govern and do both, not one public schedule. it really is quite concerning that that's the leader of our country. it's never happened in the history of american politics that the president's a week off to prepare to do his job. never happened. we'll see how well prepared he is. caroline, thank you so much. and we did not cut your mic. >> you're welcome. i appreciate it. thanks, jesse. chris hansen takes on smash and grab straight ahead into don't man, what's wrong between? get killed first. got to consume both our families. i will not give you one more drive. these families were killing us not to try to kill you. this is about stealing and murder. and tonight we were desperate. it's the body shop. the road. hatfields and mccoys streaming hatfields and mccoys streaming now on fox natio >> sign up at fox nation so what arbae you thinkinglloo? i'm thinking about our honeymoon road to africa. so far, hot air balloon rides, swim with elephants. wait. three, four, two, safari. >> great question. like everything takes ...wg for what?ools, the money's worth. the money's worth. a down payment on a ranch in 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anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. fox news alert. i'ming in camp ashley strohmier, live in new york. the trial against u.s. journalist evan gershkovich is now underway behind closed doors in russia. russian prosecutors accused the wall street journal reporter of collecting secret evidence about a russian tank manufacturer on the orders of the cia. gershkovich, his newspaper and the u.s. government reject the charges. u.s. president joe biden calls his detention, quote, totally illegal. no reporters, friends, family members or u.s. embassy staff will be allowed to the courtroom where gershkovich, 32, faces up to 20 years in prison if he's convicted. but gershkovich was shown briefly to journalists before the trial began a short while ago. the ceo of dow jones and publisher of the wall street journal says the trial, whether open or closed, should not be taken at face value. many western news organizations pulled staff out of russia after it launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. at the time, moscow imposed long prison sentences for discrediting the armed forces or spreading false information about them. gershkovich was among those who stayed. he was arrested by the fsb security service on march 29th of last year while eating in a steakhouse. stay with fox news channel for more on this developing storyory. for now, i'm ashley strohmier. >> we're going to send you back to regular programming already in progress. >> this is the first real good that the dea says that in this part of the day, thugs are breaking into businesses theick mone for quick money so they canr fund their careers as fentanyl dealers as fens. whatever money you can make to organized retail theft, you can turn that into fentanyl pretty quickly. >> is thisl a situation where situati fentanyl users are stealing to support their habit , or through are people earning money re theft to getinto into the federal business, which is even more profitable than this? profitams more more to me fro what i've seen as individuals making money from organized retail theft and then making more money by selling fentanyl fromy sell that. >> kris hanson's the host of takedown with chris hanson on truee blue, and he's here. >> bear spray. bear spray. i'ved he's never seen anything e it. i've seen a lot of smash and grabs, but if you go in with bear spray and it turns out these thieves had case, th t these te out like a day or two before they show up in a car. they had i masks, surgical masks over the license plate. a good samaritan got a picture of the license plate so they were able to track the thieves down. weree trackone has been prosec and sent to prison. the other three or three ofthre the other thieves are currently crimg throug othh the criminal justice system. >> they're ambitious. i mean, this is not justustice s feeding your habit on the street. they want to get into the game at a higher leve street,l. >> exactly. you've got two things going on. you've got the users who need money to get, you'vewho need fea >> if they steal $950 or less of merchandise, they get a ticket and there's no penalty for a cumulative thief that youh can't because it doesn't add up. they don't they don't have that. then you've go add t the first time every time they get arrested, nobody tracks it. >> stime tarrestedo you got then who are doing this on a big level to get money to getme in the fentanyl gang and, you know, get in the businessh and be able to really cash in and ship the money overseas like we sa moneyw some of these honduran illegals. >> yeah, we saw some very nice mansions down there in central:. america. if you have an open air, if ype, what you'd call it just a ring where they sell stolen goods. the police don't busted up. >> well, they do. but remember the precinct in the tenderloin district where a lot of this happens, has a lot of responsibilities. i so basically what they'll do is they'll roll by, make , scareresence known them off one corner, and then 2 hours later, they've got ho other cornere and scare them back. >> it's like the guys that sell the fake handbagse: it'se s here in manhattan. exactly. scram them off. and they're just around the bloc jusoundk. speed. >> yeah, that's what emma's getting for christmas, by the way. >> ick-a-mol. >> jesle >> it is like whac-a-mole. and women can't tell the difference. it's like, oh, yesn't tell, the. even try that while these jesse the detectiv: e who i work witho brad elmore, he came across balenciaga shoes being sold. so they're getting everything. these are knockoffs. these are coming from majottingr thefts. >> i think gutfeld has balenciaga, and it's causing. know it's caused at least two dozen major retail outletsls to shut the doors. >> outlets like nordstrom get nordstrom's, go here, red lobster,. >> it's not the countrrdstrom,ya up in. >> this is a sad state of affairs. all right. affairsit's true. >> that's where we catch you. excellent. watch. >> true blue icon. all right. thank you so much for breaking news . 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taco bell's expensive now. have you seen it? thanks. biden-nomics. mike from long beach. >> as a comedy writer extraordinaire, i must. ny your lines are funny. watters do you write them all yourself do yo ? hat do what do i look like? gutfeld come on. >> claude from stuarts draft, virginia debate advice fromm hillary is like taking financial adviceary clin from my madoff. >> both of them should be ine in jail jai. >> andy inland from space. cnn's presidential debate is anj exam for a job. >> if you know your job, why do you need to study exactly. >> steve from massachusettss. how bored must barack be if he's just calling biden's staff >>l day? i mean, michelle, isn't there something you coul d do? karl from texas, how much is biden's debate prep costing us? a whole week of feeding 16 people lasagna? >> every day is a whole lot of money. they should just orderfeeding ak >> mark from garden grove, california biden's not answering hillary's calls because every timehears he hears the phone rang. ni he answers the front doorran nick from land o'lakes, florida like the butteh r. ot is that where they got >> hbutter thing from hillary's actually kind of smart. she's giving biden bad advice, hoping he loses e gives, and the can sweep in at the dnc. >> hmm. >> she's going to have to fight camilla first. that would be a fun cage match t . >> kamala or hillary. who do you think would win? her or dhillary has killed peopa in the ring froms what i hear. >> peter from desta island, soutfrh trump will finally knowh what a biden rally is like on thursda y with no audience. >> he should use that line. >>t line. >> joe from west newton, pennsylvania. can we a thursday on debate night? or is that postponed? stponed asking for a friend. i thought you might have to to thursday to friday. i think you know, it is the biggest of the year, maybe t of the century. that's all for us tonight. dvr usr the show shows up next.e >> always remember i'm waters ti and. >> this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". we beginh

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,Doctor ,60 ,Fight ,Hands ,Bad News ,Enteral ,Podium ,Drug ,Drugs ,Case ,Al Sharpton ,Friends ,Somebody ,Managers ,Unemployment Numbers ,Entertainment World ,Stability ,Press ,Reporter ,Number ,Biden Coked Up Thursday ,Will Hand Joe A ,Medal ,Hunter ,Mookie ,Chimp Expert ,Scandal ,Cult ,Movements ,2016 ,Chimpanzees ,Dominance ,Performances ,Displays ,Rivals ,Males ,Dominance Hierarchy ,Rituals ,Ground ,Boys ,Headline ,Tracking Branches ,Stamping ,Throwing Rocks ,White Supremacists ,2020 ,Brothers ,Paraphrasing Wallace S Question ,Stand By ,Moscone ,Videos ,Iphones ,Memes ,Clock ,Clips ,Twitter ,Nine ,Task Force ,Dazed And Confused ,Berth ,Hoax ,Groups ,Algorithms ,Army ,Some ,Eclipse ,Him ,Tiktok ,Factct ,Stuff ,Chance ,Abortion Rights ,Republicans ,Trappingom ,Electionsomee Wors ,Americao ,Ao ,Deportation Mandate ,Immigration Reform ,Trump Isn T Just Upst ,Fbi ,Up Andthe ,Peace Plans ,White House ,Guys ,Mandate ,Direction ,Moneynd T Movin ,Guys Forces Rump ,Europe ,Mideast ,Kamala ,War ,Agenda ,Finish Line ,E Takeover Imminen Of America ,Eight ,Anything ,Glenn Greenwald ,Closer ,Repair ,Remaking ,Institutio Tcn ,Journalist ,Spin ,It Doesn T ,Mucealh ,Winning Credstigative ,Pulitzer Prize ,Theseoest Debates Go ,Outlets ,Left ,Example ,Hand ,Muscle ,Muscle E Bu ,Plr ,None ,Sort ,Michael Cohen ,Theis ,Bubble ,Clever N Th ,Humo ,Humorous Mockery ,Babble ,Impression ,Media Outlets ,Fact Checking ,Thr ,Trumwnn Ofy Willp ,Aftel ,Fact Checg ,Heiro ,Msnb Mc ,Everything ,Doingnh Thisen ,Biden Liedi ,Biden Doesn T ,Candidates ,Theg ,Mindsamerican Ma ,Election ,Feeling ,Newsom ,Shot ,Feelinng Likdog There ,Justo Thi ,Lose G ,Lotn H ,Them ,Naro ,Way Orthw ,2028 ,C Chance ,Nomination ,Taste ,Wheni ,Gotse ,Onct He We Goh ,20 ,Mediang ,Flo ,Look , Drool ,Functioon ,Perception ,Vali W D Glenn ,State Of The Union Address ,Influencer Sencers ,Biden Spersonal Cognitive Dee ,Guy C Clings ,Y ,Droolar ,Wa Himy ,Roll ,Exclusive Look Inside Trump ,Debate Strategny ,Passionatt E Drool 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,Retail Theft ,Thugs ,Businesses ,Careers ,Theick Mone ,Fentanyl Dealers ,Fens ,Users ,Situation ,Habit ,Theft ,Thisl A ,Situati Fentanyl ,Fentanyl ,Kris Hanson ,Takedown ,Profitams ,Truee Blue ,Chris Hanson ,Fentanyl Fromy Sell ,Bear Spray ,Thieves ,Th T ,Grabs ,Smash ,Masks ,License Plate ,Picture ,Weree Trackone ,Crimg Throug Othh The Criminal Justice System ,Ofthre ,Prosec ,Merchandise ,The Street ,Higher Leve Street ,Need Fea ,L Exactly ,You Vewho ,950 ,Go Add T ,Ticket ,Thief ,Penalty ,Stime Tarrestedo You ,Doesn T Add Up ,Nobody ,We Sa Moneyw ,Central ,Fentanyl Gang ,Businessh ,Illegals ,Mansions ,Honduran ,Tenderloin District ,Hair ,Ring ,Goods ,Responsibilities ,Precinct ,Ype ,Make ,Handbagse ,Corner ,Speed ,Ho Other ,Scram Them Off ,Scareresence ,Bloc Jusoundk ,Cornere ,2 ,Brad Elmore ,Detectiv ,Difference ,Whac A Mole ,Jesle ,Yesn T Tell ,Balenciaga ,Majottingr Thefts ,Retail Outletsls ,Gutfeld ,Balenciaga Shoes Being ,Knockoffs ,State Of Affairs ,Doors ,Watch ,Countrrdstrom 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