♪ ♪ ♪ we know it all and don't know nothing, at 20 something ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ >> nyc, how we feeling out there? ♪ ♪ we don't even know we're learning ♪ ♪ falling in and out of loving. ♪ ♪ everybody says we're legal but we know we can't be trusted ♪ ♪ know it all, don't know nothing at 20 something ♪ >> lawrence: that was alana springsteen right there performing for all american concert series. >> coming out of the gates hot >> lawrence: she's singing 20 something. don't y'all remember when you were 20 something? >> brian: yeah, last year. i mean it flew by. i remember the emotional struggles that i had and it's ironed up now ieshe grew up in virginia beach both grand fathers pastors one gave her a guitar out of his garage and she learned to play. >> steve: it is a beautiful day outside, it's going to be a hot one. right now it is almost 80 degrees and this is the first full day of summer. >> brian: i could have had a similar story because i got a guitar in ninth grade i bought it for $89 at sam goody >> lawrence: how did that go for you. >> brian: the only difference between my story and hers is i was asked to stop collectively >> lawrence: didn't you almost get electrocuted. >> brian: there was no ground on my amp. i was like why is this amp-cheap at a garage sale and there was no ground and i was like well it sounds good. and i was getting shocked. and maybe on some way -- i would get out of the pool wet and i would be like what is going on. >> steve: let me get this straight brian you got an electric guitar and every time you played it it kept shocking you. >> brian: yes. >> steve: but you kept playing it. >> brian: i thought everybody experienced that >> lawrence: it explains so much. >> ainsley: it explains so much, yeah. >> steve: did you have straight hair? >> brian: it got very wavy very soon. you can get a new amp smaller or you can get a big amp without a ground. >> steve: did it have that hum? >> brian: once in a while, yeah. once in a while if you'd get too close. >> ainsley: so every time you say something very strange on air i'm going to say you've been electrocuted. >> steve: every day >> lawrence: it all makes sense. >> ainsley: three minutes after the top of the hour we begin with an absolute tragic consequence of our broken imagreeings system. >> brian: two internationals crossed our board illegally now charged with the murder of a 12 year old girl in texas. >> steve: a brand new story and griff jenkins joins us with the latest from washington griff. >> reporter: grand new steve and as grizzly as it comes we now have a photo. take a look. this is 12 year old jocelyn, her body found in a creek in houston strangled to death. her whole life ahead of her allegedly by these two illegal immigrants from venezuela now charged by police for capital murder perfect multiple sources both he will legally passed in el paso one in march 1st in may, released one said he feared for his life if sent back to his country only to come here and take a life. investigators using surveillance video to track them. mother telling us this, hearing the gentlemen that were in these surveillance video that they've been found and caught and taken in for questioning, it was like the greatest news to hear this morning. now this on the heels of the illegal ecuadorian who allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl in new york in a park in broad day lie, christian inga crossed illegally three years according to ice, he was apprehended in 2021 near eagle pass texas after unlawfully entering without inspection admission or parole by immigration on the same day. usbp issued inga a notice to appear and released him on his own recognizance. new york post reports he was ordered removed the following year but no deportation followed. the illegal salvadorian charged with the rape and murder of rachel more than the mother of five, victor crossed illegally in 2023 after reportedly murdering a young woman in his native country where he has criminal gang ties. now, according to ice t23-year-old crossed three times into the u.s. last year in january in new mexico they began the same month in texas before trying a third time in new mexico again. well, how did he get here? well, they now believe he entered a fourth time undetected which would make him a known got away. that would make him possibly part of the nearly 200,000 known got-aways we've had this fiscal year guys >> lawrence: griff i know you have a lot of sources in border patrol. can you explain the tracking situation with this illegal in houston, that they just have a gut feeling, put a tracker on him? what happened there? >> reporter: that's a great question and actually i did try and shake some trees about that lawrence yesterday and what i've been able to learn is this was really perhaps more a case of the local houston police and authorities looking at someone, because, as we've seen, as is the case with the situation there in new york, you had these migrants that have run-ins with the law. so i'm not sure, hopefully we'll learn more from the local authorities. but there is really a tracking that's done. because as you well know having been on the border border patrol encounters when they're crossed and release it becomes an internal operation and ice comes in. >> brian: quick thing any come to the boarden and i say i'm from venezuela and they say why are you coming here and i say i fear the for my life does that get me in? no proof. i fear for my life if i go back. >> reporter: they're using specific tlooj claim asylum that is what we've seen in the last three and a half years of this low bar proclaiming asylum under the new executive order brian, a great point, this threshold was supposed to be raised and we've seen the numbers come down a little bit but yet it's a little. they're still releasing some people and we keep seeing these crimes day after day. it will be interesting to see in the wake of the debate coming up next week whether there will be more demand for action and what we're going to do about it. >> indeed. >> steve: griff thank you very much. bringing up the gps tracker, griff just detailed three different cases. we're talking now about the 13 year old girl -- >> lawrence: houston. >> steve: rather the 12 year old from houston it is alleged two migrants venezuela who wound up being roommates murdered her. one of them -- both of them had trackers for a while >> lawrence: 21 days one of them had one. >> steve: and it is unclear if the other had the tracker on. but clearly -- and i'm glad, as griff said he's going to go shake some trees about the gps tracking system because clearly that would be an easy way to triangulate where that migrant was and if he were, you know, involved in the murder of the kid. these images are from a grocery store surveillance camera and they followed jocelyn in but one was in the country less than a month. so they're directly off the border, they go into houston. next thing you know a month later kills somebody iethat's happening this morning. she's 12 and there was the 13 year old in queens this week who was raped allegedly by an illegal immigrant. when you look at the got-aways, these are just the ones that we know about, 194,000 known got-aways since october 1st, almost 200,000. the average per day last week was 500-plus. under joe biden, 1.8 million known got-aways. that is a little more than the size of phoenix. so under joe biden he's basically filled our country with the size -- the population of phoenix. >> brian: by the way, victor martinez hernandez apprehended by border patrol july 19th, july 31st and february 9th and then decided to be a got away, talking about the killer of rachel more than. so he was extradited to maryland five days after his arrest in tulsa oklahoma they found him at a bar. the sister, his aunt, rachel's aunt joined us earlier. >> ainsley: rachel's sister. >> brian: rachel's half sister joined us earlier to talk about what the circumstances were and what it was like to get a call from president trump of condolence. >> biden's first day in office was to remove every executive order that trump had put in place to support our border and he stopped the building of the wall. as far as i'm concerned, the biden administration has the blood of rachel more than on their hands. if rachel's story can help make a change, to change people's hearts to want to secure our border and keep our country safe, you know, i think she would be honored by that. she's not out there anymore we have a name there's going to be justice so that's good but it does reopen a lot of wounds. my concern is, you know, rachel's children, her five kids. so, you know, i'm trying to be strong for them and speak out for them and give them the voice and be there for them any way i can. i would have to say probably the hardest thing throughout this whole time is going with rachel's two youngest children to rachel's grave site on mother's day. that was heart breaking. >> lawrence: so no call from the current president of the united states, his dhs secretary. >> brian: he was preparing for a debate map man exactly proposing for a debate dhs secretary didn't know her name couldn't say her name during an interview but also the current president of the united states says we don't understand, the american public doesn't understand what's happening at the border and i think we clearly understand what's happening. they're now in our communities every single day. you see them outside of the hotels. and now you see them assaulting american citizens. and you've just got to ask yourself when is enough enough? when will they alter course. and if i'm donald trump, i'm saying every single victim's name during the debate next week. every single, and ask him does he even know the names, can he talk about the cases? joe, did you call the families? because i talked to the families ipresident trump called the morin family, talked to her mom, patty, and she said she's grieving. she said she was deeply touched by his honest compassion and said his words brought comfort. and when you were interviewing the sister, rachel's sister, she said that call lasted 30 minutes >> lawrence: wow. >> steve: the stories are terrible. you won't see them on a lot of the other channels but we think they're important. >> ainsley: manhattan district attorney alvin bragg is now dropping those charges for nearly all of those pro palestinian protests who stormed that building. they were arrested after taking over an academic building at columbia university back in april. >> steve: you saw hamilton hall right here live. so far at least 30 are off the hook while the others have to appear in court next month. >> lawrence: chanley painter has the story on that hey chanley. >> reporter: hey guys. at least 30 of the 46 cases against those campus protesters have been dismissed. it was on april 30th that columbia students and staff members were arrested and charged with misdemeanor trespassing charges after anti israel protesters took over the hall in columbia campus for four hours before police with riot gear cleared the building making dozens of arrests. the occupation was a significant escalation after weeks long encampment protesting the war in gaza now prosecutors say they don't have enough evidence to support charges, that any property was damaged or anyone was hurt even noting how protesters wore masks to cover their faces and covered surveillance cameras during the incident. the da's office says it is continuing to pursue cases from both campuses including all assaults against police officers. let are ongoing school disciplinary proceedings for the students who have had had their case dismissed. and columbia university declined to comment on the dropped cases, guys. >> steve: thank you very much. once again, more crime without consequence. >> brian: all caught on video. unbelievable you see the windows break you see them take over the schools you see the uber eats with the dumb waiters dropping it off so they could easily find out who it is. you get eyewitnesses coming forward saying i know exactly who it is, outsider, insider, i know who organized it, faculty who were taken hostages were detained. >> ainsley: they said they were scared for their life. >> brian: what is the lesson? do whatever you want. get ready for a crazy fall if they're allowed to get away with this >> lawrence: such a good point brian. i don't understand how alvin bragg who just spent weeks in the courtroom every single day talking about law and order for a nonviolent offense and how it was important for new york city that he from this case and then another case, a violent crime, kidnapping, destroying a building, and they do absolutely nothing about it. and it's no different than the people that are slashing people that get pushed in the sub ways that are released back on the street. >> ainsley: where's the common sense? like you can just break in a building and nothing happens. there's not enough evidence even though it's caught on camera. we saw people shattering the glass and those doors, putting big drink machines inside up against the doors so police couldn't come in. they had to go in through the window, looked like they brought in a tank. >> steve: another good reason to get rid of the mask business here in new york city let's hope they do. while the da dropped the charges what about the disciplinary action launched by the various schools. we heard they've been suspended, they're going to be -- there's going to be a mark in their permanent record. i wonder if that's going to stick man machine what a waste of police work, you had cops come in clear the building. how demoralizing to go in there risk their life. >> steve: how about all the jewish students in there >> lawrence: exactly right. >> steve: they watched all that happen. they're calling for the death of me and they didn't get in trouble iethey were too scared to go to class. they were paying so much money, this ivy league school and can't even go because they're scared for their lives. >> steve: upside down world. >> brian: 16 minutes after the hour carley another breaking story. >> carley: fox news alert $25,000 reward offered leading to the arrest and conviction in the murder of a retired chicago police officer and bond technician his name is later ne newman shot multiple times steps from his hem on the west side. one report indicates the shooting may have happened during a robbery attempt >> the faa launching an investigation after a southwest airlines commercial plain descends to less than 500 feet above the ground over an oklahoma neighborhood. the plane was still nine miles from the airport and it has set off altitude alarms, frightened residents, area traffic control heard saying southwest 4069 low altitude alert, are you okay. the southwest pilot responded, yeah, we're going around. one resident in the town saying, quote, it woke me up and i thought it was going to hit my house. the jet eventually landed safely after regaining altitude >> the mlb stages an historic tribute for willie mays and the negro league at rickwood field in birmingham alabama. the st. louis cardinals took on the san francisco giants at america's oldest ballpark. reverend bill green son tock out the first pitch. the 99-year-old was the first black pitcher from the st. louis cardinals and played with mays in 1948. the cardinals did go on to beat the giants 6-5. and those are your headlines, guys, and a game two remember. >> brian: i like when they turned it and it looked like you were watching an old film. evidently they dug up the whole field relayed the whole thing and re-did the stands and now the community has a new stadium. >> steve: about ten minutes ago we were talking about brian's episode with the guitar and the e electric trek amp. bob from phoenix just texted me. i guess brian was the original shock rocker. >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: shock rock. >> brian: shock rock >> lawrence: so often when i'm out at diners and stuff people say is brian kilmeade really like that? is he really that funny and now i can tell them because he was shocking himself. >> brian: on some level that's probably why i quit. i thought it was a very painful instrument. >> steve: that's the important lesson. how many times would you say you did get shocked. >> brian: every time i picked it up. >> steve: 50?. >> brian: i would be playing it. i mean i had a guy come over teaching me lessons. i remember nothing from it >> lawrence: ainsley just shakes her head. >> brian: yeah, i remember nothing. >> ainsley: electrocuted daily glad you survived >> lawrence: shock therapy. >> ainsley: it's not me it's you, that's what some democrats are saying to joe biden. >> steve: newt gingrich will join us next for the lack of enthusiasm for the current president. >> brian: first alana springsteen performs live for our summer concert series. let's listen together. ♪ so i'm pulling over because i need a shoulder to cry on ♪ end ♪ oh, oh, i need a shoulder to cry on ♪ ♪ ♪ i need a drink but i'm driving ♪ said i was fine but i'm lying ♪ ♪ don't have to fake a smile for at least a couple miles ♪ end turns out i'm not that strong ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thie manygss heart's about to end this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now we're introducing ultimate speed for business, our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds at no additional cost. from the company with 99.9% network reliability and advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. >> steve: let's talk politics. it's not you it's biden. politico coming out with an article headlining why democrats think biden's problem is biden. in it one strategist says quote democrats are enthusiastic about trying to win the senate and trying to win the house and they're not enthusiastic about joe biden's reelection. period. here with reaction is fox news contributor and former speaker of the house newt gingrich. newt good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: we've seen this before where the down-ballot people are actually more popular than the people at the top of the ticket because there's not a lot to be enthused about, right? >> sure. i mean, in 1948 truman actually was reelected in part because six democratic senate candidates ran about a hundred thousand votes ahead in those states and they gave him a coat tail rather than him giving them a coat tail. we've seen this before. in biden's case i think he has three very different problems. one which you were just talking about in terms of illegal immigration is that he has policies that aren't working. people don't want to have biden's illegal immigrants raping and killing americans. people don't want to go to the grocery store and not be able to afford anything. they look again and again and the biden program just doesn't work. second, he appoints people who have weird values and you get into all sorts of arguments over things like, you know, third grade kids with transgenderism or males competing in women's sports, et cetera. and then third, if you watch him over time, he clearly has huge cognitive problems. the white house can spin it any way they want to, but when you look at case after case, whether it's the italian prime minister bringing him back into the group or it is president obama helping him get off stage, or it's, you know, biden just standing at the juneteenth festival at the white house and really looking cat tonic, just frozen for about a minute. and i think particularly for younger americans, it's like they're looking not at their grandfather, they're looking at their great grandfather and they're saying, gee, can he really be president? >> steve: right. great point. let's talk a little bit about marist did some polling regarding different state races and as you look right here, screen left is the state of ohio. the current senator, a democrat, brown, is five points over his republican challenger, but trump is seven points over biden. in the middle, in pennsylvania, the current senator, bob casey is six points over his challenger, meanwhile joe is trailing trump by two and in wisconsin the current democrat senator tammy baldwin is nine points over her republican counter part. meanwhile joe biden is only two ahead of trump. as you can see right there. you know, so much is on the line regarding the debate on next thursday night. if joe biden has a bad night and he does one of the -- a freeze act like you just alluded to, is his goose cooked? >> well, you know, look, this is a debate. this is like arguing over the christmas decorations in june. i mean, this debate is so early, anybody could recover from anything. the problem for biden is that he has a huge uphill climb. the morning after this debate, americans are going to go back to the grocery store, they're going to be reminded how expensive everything is. within two or three days of the debate, some illegal migrant's going to commit a crime that makes national news. you go down the list. so biden's problem is, can he do so well in the debate that he offsets reality. trump's problem's totally different. all trump has to do is be calm. maybe ask biden some questions like, did you really know vladimir putin when he was a lieutenant colonel in the kgb in east germany which biden claimed he did or do you really believe your uncle was eaten by can balances. my advice to trump would be deal with biden with humor not with anger. because biden is pathetic. you know, he's so dishonest that you can't take him seriously and you just have to say, you know, joe, did you realize you were lying about china the last time we debated? did you realize you were lying about hunter's laptop the last time we debated. but i would use my time if i were trump asking biden questions and getting biden rolling. >> steve: given what a number of people have said over the last couple of weeks, you know, the bar is very low for joe biden. i think if he simply does not fall asleep on the stage, people are going to say, hey, that's a win. >> look, you know the new york times and washington post have already written the headline. joe biden does magnificently better than expected. that's sitting on the can, no matter how he does they're going to run with that headline. and cnn -- by the way it will be a 4-1 debate. everybody on that stage will be opposed to trump so he's not just debating biden he's debating all the people from cnn. >> steve: newt, thank you very much for your point of view. >> great to be with you. >> steve: we would like to remind viewers, make sure you tune into fox next week for fox news democracy '24 special coverage of the cnn presidential debate, a simulcast. our coverage here on fox starts thursday june 27th at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. so watch us. >> meanwhile, going out of business retail chains closing thousands much stars up 25% last year citing inflation as a major reason. plus it's a summer friday and alana springsteen is our performer today for our all american summer concert series. ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm only trying to find out who i am ♪ amen ♪ ♪ maybe i will buy my own house ♪ ♪ amen ♪ ♪ maybe i'll break hearts being selfish because i know what i know ♪ ♪ i don't need a happy ending ♪ ♪ amen. ♪ next, it's on your skin. it's painful. i couldn't move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it treats multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling, and tenderness back pain and clearer skin. and cosentyx can even help stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough, had a vaccine or plan to or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions and severe eczema-like skin reactions may occur. i feel better. check out these moves. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> good morning everyone, happy friday, it is hot outside. i know it's summertime but it's early this year for the northeast. let's take a look at it. current heat index what it feels like with the temperature and the humidity, 81 already here in new york. we've got heat alerts for millions of folks across the same areas over the last five days and excessive heat watches for the i95 corridor. taking a look at temperatures for today, 97 is what it's going to feel like here in new york, 98 in washington, dc and we've got a heat risk here, major and extreme for parts of the ohio valley, towards the northeast. we broke the heat yesterday for northern new england, which is a good part of this story. they really needed to break that. a lot of people don't have air conditioning in parts of maine. and here's dc, the last 100-plus day was june 29th, 2012, for the month of june so we'll get there today and looking at the forecast we have potential for showers and thunderstorms for the southwest, courtesy of what's left of alberta. we have across the midwest breaking the heat and also watching the tropics. foxweather.com for all of your latest details. over to you, brian. >> brian: all right. thanks so much janice. meanwhile nearly 3,200 retail stores are closing this year a 24% increase compared to last year. the iconic garvey's in hollywood closing after 55 years the owner says in part thanks to the $20 minimum wage. they couldn't get a profit. while others are citing inflation on everything. the top closure includes family dollar -- family dollar stores at over 600 of them followed by rue 21, $0.99 only stores and cvs. here to discuss bar rescue executive producer jon taffer seeing a lot in the restaurant industry too as you come up on your 250th bar rescue episode. a accomplishment. i know you're in st. louis to do another one but john we think that the people you talk to, the businesses that you try to look at their books and help them out, how much are all these things affecting the economy, the local business, the small business owner. >> massive, brian. look at california. they increased pay rate to $20 during the highist inflationary period possibly in the history of our industry. they could have plateaued it in $2 $2, $2, worked it in over a few years and had a little sensitivity to the business but they didn't. as a result, not only did that arby's close in hollywood but rubio's coastal grill is closing 48 locations because of that. every side of the business is being impacted, brian. there is a bit of a gloom in our industry right now. occupancy costs, insurance costs, food costs, labor costs, utility costs. everything is up. we're struggling to make dollars that we can. and, brian, if i can add a point cvs is closing about 320 stores, that's eight million square feet of retail space. what about the landlords? what about the bankers and the property holders? i mean, this has a consequence that goes far more than just the closing of stores, the eliminating of jobs. communities are losing their servicesment you know, drug stores are not going to be there anymore, restaurants are not going to be there anymore. so this is consequential not only financial and from a real estate standpoint but consequential of quality of life and availability of services. this is not a small matter. this is going to change communities. >> brian: 20% price have gone up across the board 20% utility costs people focus on your car but what about what it takes to cool or heat your house or your business, it really matters. you also went on to say you were telling me in the break, this is not about political personalities, it's about policy. what do you mean by that? >> if there's anything i've learned in the past few years brian politics is not about people. you can hate an individual or love their policies. you can love the individual and hate their policies. what we are living through now is a consequence of policies that has caused these inflationary impacts, these payroll impacts. when we vote we need to think about policies and how does that impact our individual communities as well as our nation. and these policies are going to devastate many, many communities. >> the other big story and the president's doubling and tripling down on this, he brought it up two weeks ago in nevada. he said i am for stopping the taxing of tips and grew to you is the across the board. i don't care if you're a driver or a waiter. what does that mean for you guys in your business especially? >> i think it's massive. i think the consumer loves it as much the employee. in the restaurant industry brian, we're struggling to find employees, to keep employees. could you imagine if you worked in a steak house that's saying you make a hundred dollars a night in tips, now you get to keep that money. at the end of the week you make $500 in cash? better for the employee, better for the industry. and you know what, brian, if i was the customer tipping and i left $10 on the table, i love the idea that that employee gets the whole $10. i think there's a consumer appreciation of this policy as well. it's terrific. the industry needs it. the employees need it. and i'm thrilled that trump has even mentioned this policy and is so committed to it. >> brian: i can't see coming out against it. i mean, there's nobody -- literally it helps people who are going to be rewarded for the service they give, and it just, it is the fundamental american policy, capitalism. if i do a good job, am i going to be rewarded? yes. how about immediately. >> yeah. i think it's a great policy shift. the industry needs it and i think the consumer's going to preesh it as well. >> brian: congratulations again. bar rescue's getting better and better, jon taffer, thanks so much. >> good to see you brian. >> brian: yep. he does 250 episodes now. amazing. meanwhile we are await can a major decision from the supreme court on presidential immunity. i thought we would get it already. standing by. but first alana springsteen rocks our all american summer concert series. bring up her mic. ♪ ♪ i'm never doing that again ♪ come on ♪ bad boys ♪ ♪ wanna win ya ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cowboys and tequila, two things i don't chase ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. >> do you ever have a run-down feeling, lack of energy or just not up to par? now this could be caused by a lack of minerals because you have probably never consumed more than 15 minerals in your life due to a lack of minerals in foods because a lack of minerals in topsoil. your body needs 60 minerals! i'm elmer heinrich, asking you topreserve your body with 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supreme court issued four opinions including upholding air attacks on foreign and ruling in favor of a texas council woman thrown in jail in an act of political retaliation. looking ahead the court still has more than a dozen cases to issue, decisions on by the end of the term with subjects including abortion, gun rights and regulatory authority. the former president has been vocal on his pro immunity stance taking to truth social this week saying, if they vote against presidential immunity, quote, presidents will always be concerned and even paralyzed by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation after they leave office. this could actually lead to extortion and black mail of a president. the court is planning to release more opinions next wednesday but there's still no word on when the court's final decision of the term will come. meantime in florida, trump's legal team is due in federal court this morning trying to get his documents case dismissed arguing that appointment of special counsel jevity smith was unlawful. >> ainsley: thanks todd >> lawrence: looks like carley has headlines. >> carley: i do. a judge will decide whether hannah gout air a reed willed testify in alec baldwin's invalue taker manslaughter trial. a prop gun baldwin was holding went off on set killing sen maing to rave helena. they both opposed the effort to take her take the stand. baldwin has pled not guilty his trial will begin on july 10th. the fbi raiding the home of oakland california mayor sthis ang tau as she faces a recall effort over the city's raging crime. agents were seen carrying boxs from her house, but the bureau has not released any details about why they were there, and it's also unclear what exactly was taken. it comes after community organizers gathered more than 40,000 signatures to recall her claiming she isn't doing enough to fight crime. >> and golf star phil mickelson is getting heat from fans over this video of him line dancing in nashville. mickelson was joined by his high flyers team as they prepare for the liv golf tournament in music city which begins today. phil responds to the haters saying quote i'm kind of digging the nashville vibe. i don't know why people don't like that. i think he's -- e for effort looking good >> lawrence: the brother's trying, give him some time. >> carley: i don't how to line dance either pan man he'll get there. >> ainsley: thanks carley. >> carley: you're welcome. >> ainsley: don't move because alana springsteen is going to perform for us live. ♪ i love this city so, so much. i cannot wait to come back and see you next time. this one's called exit. ♪ voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at shiningthroughcidp.com, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. 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(♪) (♪) you are the ghost in my guitar, tugging on the strings inside my heart. and when i try to write you out, i write you down, it's pouring out again. i hear it in my head and there you are bringing back the best and the worse parts. and when i try to let you go, you still echo, cause baby, you're the ghost in my guitar. (♪) yeah, yeah. yeah, yeah. baby, you're the ghost in my guitar! [ applause ] >> dana: all eyes on the supreme court, we are bracing for big rulings and they could come back to