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yeah. all right. you can stay. >> happy thursday, everyone. record heat in the northeast continues. it's so hot in washington, d.c. president biden is puttingen extra ice in his embalming flui d. rachel levine is freezing his pants in the hhs break room. all right i'll wait for that. jerry nadler is stuck stuck to someone else's legs. i had three for the price so president biden headed to camp david today to begin preparing for his debate with donald trump. >> here is his car pulling into the camp, a luxury high rise that will serve as a homeless shelter where units cost taxpayers an estimated 6000 grand. each has opened in downtown l.a. and the homeless are complaining about having to live around the homeless. but i got to say, it's got great perks. it has a rooftop garden, a gym, plus hot and cold running. there's no better word thanditae it's my mantra when i meditate and the reason to interview dr. anthony fauci fears that someone could kill him. >> here's some advice. fauci just stay home. ohi an ohio criminal defense attorney has been reinstated, nl and after being penalized for for pringles can and then leaving it in a parking lot, i they tasted off, said one man ,don't eat pringles in a parking lot. >> stelter you freak out. during a recent game rookie, caitlin clark, was hit hard by another wnba back.alitio that collision was so intense, the fans went ballistinsc. >> take a look. a long time sea world mime claims he was fired after he got into a disagreement with security guard. >> the man was unavailable for comment because he's a mime . >> someone to check to see if he's still trapped in that box . empln shopt a michiga will be vote will vote on joininwill votg the united food and commercial workers union. ee workers at the shop were unsure if they should join the teamsters or the double teamsters. >> tha that's yeah, that's just. yeaht'. archeologists found a marge simpson lookalike drawing on a 3000 year old egyptian coffin. even more surprising was the terrifying mummy they found inside. found all right, do the monologue. tonight, i want to talk about mongering. it's my third favorite kind of mongering's after fish and . >> but seen the horrifying story. >> an illegal alien was busted in new yor seek a 13 year old girl at knifepoint. first, let's give a shout outrk to the new yorkers who caught scd in theag and helwh cops. so they shoved his face into the pavement. but still, i atot their restraint, not murdering them on the spotm at all. >> but if this crime makescrim you angry enough, speak out. well, the media says you're just fear. >> here's the three cable netwo networks reporting and this was our banner said sooning thistioo biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. cnn' nted spos banner said bidenprotc announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. hereti was fox's banner migrant h arrested for 13-year-old new york city. yefox's thins and so i think tht of the problem, is that you have a lot of the fear mongering. >> exactly. ing axle >> exactly. you larping. so, joy in pramila, how would l you have liked this to report this heinousik crime that anewcm newcomer had a bad first date? i kid you prefer as not to report at all. but if you can't longer fear moe about and murder, what can you mongerut rap about?olen there's one thing violent criminals do. it's put me in the mood to mongedor with joy, rather fer monger over a carbon footprintps ,cow or misgendering mis wiotesters. why talk about knife wielding when you can be afraid of gassy livestock? >> idiots who don't understand true threats, can't be trusted to tell us what we should be fearful of their so called fears are like maxine t hair or joy reid smile fake. we mad about murder and they contain our anger, not the murder. >> all to paint people who disagree with them as fearful bigots. so they can dismiss rational w arguments. we get called transphobic. we want to protect women's sports. never mind the dude sprayingnt t to enact in on his nuts in the girls locker room. sprayingn hithat we get called c if we worry about murderous radicals. i guess when the guy with the machete screams allah akbar, it's just arabic for coexist.icr how the left should be called c truth phobic. the next time they freak out about facts. somebody's watching out there right now. should put that on a t-shirtsli with a picture of any democrat. you'd makey democr $1,000,000 ad i'd do it, but it would be a pay cut now. oh, stop it. sto it'ssh. i wish. it's funny how they say we lacka empathy when we express it for the victimks. e we can't take lessons on empathy from people who faiot at. it's not empathy if you let people run wild. real empathy i has structureed s and people need structure or there's chaos. thertrucschaos.e. >> empathy causes the real problems that our empaththey'ryt is meant to stop. >> let's listen to dhs secretary baucus when asked about the murder of rachel moran, the maryland mom killed ,by an illegal. >> what do you say to critics who blame the administrationr as for allowing something like this to happen? it as likey this is something that you hear in right wing media all the time all, jim. first and foremost, of course, our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friendamils of the individual who was murdered, the the the woman, the mother, jim, a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. yeah. that woman, he couldn't evenn say her nametheir na. or worse, he didn't even know it. so you see how many orcastheir and the rest are divorced from the results of their incentive o ? in his tiny little mind, he believes there's no connection between on personbe i who shouldn't be in this country killing an american citizen c . and that person not being here and not killing them. herethe incentivize the open bon and we deal with the consequences, but disagree e with them and your phobic have your own opinions phoburr. e spreading fea but all of this is to shift the emphasis away from the problems tt th they if only the right had figured this trick out soonefigurer than you blow the whistle on awful stuff the leftist media portrays o whistle blower tha as worse than the actual evil thing. they'le actual evil l complain e fire alarm and not the house burning downno. well, unless you're jamaal bowman. oh, trump pulled the fire alarmt in 2015 concerning an open. i you know, is it me or is trump like your dad who seemed to getr smarter the older you got? yeah, but the news focusedes on his words not those words were about. and so people silenced themselves, fearful their opinions would be deemed worse than the crime itself. e deemedit's the same trick demd against the cops about homelessness the, drugs, trans surgeries. for kids. the list is as endless as they are and remember demanding justic justicee over october 7te you pro the intended to stopop l people from talking about october 7th. tal aboutit's the same thing lf with migrant crime. the left thinks if they call you xenophobict, you'll clam upe but it's not working. even among hispanics in 2016, hispanic support for trump's mass deportation policy was17 17%. now it's up to 53%. guess th i guess they're xenophobic to thee xena left seems stunned on the hispanic numbers. 5317. that's remarkable. ing si it's you see something similar that's happened with the whole conversation arounmithd and chi, things that donald trump talked about in 2016. we're out of the bounds even within the republican party. and nothw they've entered in th mainstream. well, you know what else is entered into the mainstreamha fella? >> just what lying sacks you, mainstream media really are. >> your ignorance ignorance, your ignoranceas out and deceitfulness are as out in the open now as jeffreye op toobin's during a zoom call. >> s o cnn, msnbc, abc, nbc, dos, you keep doing what you're doing and we'll keep doing what we're doing and we'll chat again on novembere are si. and when i hear you say we're fearmongering, it will only mean whatever mongering is thetruth. truth. >> let's welcome jeff. she's talks so fast, she leavesr skid marks on your eardrums. co-host of outnumbered e, emily campagna, he's the best thing behind an apron since french made and restaurateur s andrew greinw. she always wanted to be a model prisoner. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributoar . and he's only weak at playing hide and go seekf on. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former heavyweight champion tyrus emily. >> look delightful, as always. why is it that the democratsalws always accused republicans of lacking empathy? but then when it comes to something, they have no justi empathy, they just pivot, right? this is a party that according to them, words are violence. and yet the rampant violence taking over our country is somehow fearmonger to them. a rachel maureen, which is her name because we know i t and saye wa it. she was the second person in her county killeds second tht year by an illegal immigrant, a county 2000 miles from the southern border. and i interviewed sheriff this week, and he rightly so, because he's the one bootsg on ground solving the crime. crimhe's the one that that gotmc procured the dna match between the monster killed her from a hm the same one that broke into a home. a little nine year old girl's home in los angeles assaulted in her bed, made the match and saw the crime. he says yes it's becaused poli of biden's failed policies. the bootcis ground see it? we see it. even the american immigration douncil this wee thek said this executive action will do nothing to restore order at allo to the border. and my question for the libs on the left, that call thir ths fear mongering, these facts, fear mongering is, well, then when is it enough? o we cshould we cite then the hs in history now occurringin all along the southern border be the mexican side by thee mexa women that the cartels are trafficking across our border, or the 85,000 t missing unaccompanied minor noildren in our country? like, would they care, i guess if it's not americans? because the difference is to vom us it's not volume. those statistics are staggering. but foatistics are star us, oney say their name making. reilly rachel moore those one was too many. so. andrew. andrew. andrew do you ever sometimeswhar check what you're about to say because you are afraid that your own anger or outrage will be looked upon as, like, somehow phobic? yeah, i got to dial itespeci back sometimes, especially when i'm on tv because i've been canceledi' so many times. >> i don't know what's going to happen next. but here's the thing. i'm going to serve up a chicke n fussy. ge i can't even say it. chicken fried fear monger. okay, let lest we forget that this is the same cadre of goobers that locked healthy people in their homes for three years for a virus that had a 99% success rate effectively. and then they told us that we couldn't go to school, kids 1 lidn't go to school. >> we were going to die.ow if it just saves one life, if it saves just one life. and now here we have a wide open border with people coming across the border. we've got video of people murdering and beating people. >> and these same, you know, we sctively are telling us that we've got to watch what we say. the only thing i'm afraid of igs joy bejar in front of an oldt country buffet. >> that's something we should be talking about. that's how you get on. . yeah. you don't want to be behind >> s to or>> or ev in front of it or in frontt of it. there's a lot of there's a lotes of possibilities. kat it's interesting to me onat in the rules of empathy, you can only show it to certain people and not to othersin. >> i've never understood this, you know, first of all, what a hilarious topic, this comedye di show. where are they going? what's going to be in the audience? joy reid yead nkbe ih, yeah. look, i mean, i really likebackt what andrew said because going back to joy reid, fearmonger being overall is a thing, notmp simply reportingly rep on migrat a 13 year old girl. that in itself is not fear mongering, right? like i have to say's i c that. but overall, fear mongering is absolutely a thing. politicianl fear mongeris, bothi i don't know if i can say this,a but the media obviousln say doet too. >> especially i might even say. >> joy reid yes, i hadea a little fun going on her twitter today and just searching it for the word dangerous. sethere's a lot of stuff shee thinks is dangerous. >> like republican s, i mean,f th demonizing half the country as being dangerous. beingi say that's fear mongerig there's people who are republicans for all kinds of reasons that doesn'theit thet dangerous. and then my favorite, going e saying,hat you werhem dang andrew, was a video of an outdoor game, a high schoola hi football game, 2020, sayings so this is so dangerous because of covid. so it's horrific. you >> it's like, dude, like q you are the queen of fear so that she can kind of save it. as far as concerned. >> i commend you on your research. thank you. going through troy reid's feed,m it could be very harmful to your health. all right, tyrusfur health out. >> what i think again, kat amazing points, except for the queen part, because she i don't know if you're aware of thisow >> she identifies as a mom, so i think the term fear mongering is wrong in this one, greg, because usually fear mongeringon is based off an exaggeration. hmm. okay. what what the republicanse are doing are taking factual things that happeneddoing and sg this is wrong. so and the why joy and the others don't give a because they their racism and hatred towards white america could notb be any more profound when someone is killed that they assume is on the other side. d right. ca. ay don't care at least the had the decencyan to wear a hood. >> the the they're so outraged ously bold with their ugly racism. lewim.s had a line. hmm. when loss of life, real loss of life happened, it was about this i never happen. the problem is, is that we're dealing with facts. s ar all of their dramas are made up . fake beatings at the border. jews, these small a. how many people? they make fake accounts to attack. that's what their world is like in their little bubble. whene in lit we see real things because here's the thing. it shouldn't be a republican or a democrat thing. a mother was murdered. our women are being targeted. >> a little girl was. who givewas s a who you vote fom >> come together as a communitye like the people on the street did. nobody stopped. so. >> so joy, just come out and just own it. yeah you're the new and you y hate white america, but your cash is checks. yeah, certainly cashier's checks. but have theshing thei say we f if you're women get killed. and here's the deal. if they're a minorit they that s taken down, but it's not in their purview. we're not black anywayyou're no yeah. so they have an answer for everything because they're answe they're fictitious narcissistic sense of value value for their for their victims is all about them. so just comer out and say it.on't they hate white people and don't care what happens to you . >> and that's the truth. there you go. i write. h up next our observations about jo's preparations. >> if you'll be in the new york area, like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using flight, telling people i haven't done it already, my man. >> let's start it off as a ship and grew into a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? 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e an well, any amount of prep time help him. what should he do? yeah, this is the culinary equivalent of microwaving all the steaks beforeg stak the wedding or banquet. >> right. but thisesanque. s me this reminds me of rocky ford. you remember you had drago, and then ad drago you, rocky and drago t was in this lab, and he was using all this moderhe ln technology. and then rocky was out there punching dead rotten trees w. >> right? so right now you've got, like, biting in a lab, getting a modern versiont bideab of, a lobotomy, and they're figuring out the perfect combination of amphetaminesampht and botox and trying to determine how hotoxe makes io that that hour. and then you got trump sitting in a mcdonald's eatingon big 25 supervalu big meals talking to the community, you know, are goin he commug a diner and sippingi on coffee. i don't even know if he drinks coffee. probably doesn't. yeah drink. ut >> and right. and then he's going to come out and he's going to rock drago's. but i, i maybe except makesd a good point often on thisshow show which surprises i say that, that you that biden will work on the on the mercy and sympathy factor. and number two, if you underestimate him so much, it doesn't takf yoe much for him to succeed. >> absolutely. i think that i'm not alone alone in being shocked that this is actuall y yeah, i think a lot of us thought this wouldn't actually happen, u that somethim would come up or he would make an excuse like, i'm noakt going to normalize trump by beating him, which is something think they were kind of throwing around some democratic talking heads for a while that he shouldn't do. and yeah, the expectations are so low to see him in thiss kind of format where people are if it's if he flubs a fews things that'll be okay if he gets through it. i think people will be shocked and i've said this a million times i'll say it again his strength is his weaknessth p >> and one of the things that people like about trump is he is, you know, he really i' can get some zingers on people. it's really hardally har to be perceived as getting zingers on a guy that looks like he belongs in hospital. a >> yes. yeah. you can't make fun of a guy youm in icuak. it's -- it's it's harder to do it for sure. i know. they keep i know you're i go to the hospital even if you write material on the guys in care. the nobody likes it. tears of advice for trump. oh, you know what advice i would i would probably treatil this cnn intervention. it's not a debate. when you control the mics, that means make it to whereg anything trump says directly to biden will be turned ofp say biden does have to go off script, so we alreadf y know that they have the ability to leak the questions because got them. so you sure best believe he's going over the question ye that's a good point. so all he has to dfocuo is focus on tapper i'm sure tapper sur will have some sick days in the next ten days for whomever fro m the show will be off and they will go down there and they will just practice focusinging h on them and answering their questions. so he'll do that pareit, the pas where americans we have to come in, because if i was president trump and i sause ifwo if once they cut the mic off, then i'd look at this as like animal house.y thin i just say my thing and go, yeah, you know, and as you walk out and tapper says, you never u work in this town again, you're in double for both. i mean, you're finishe epd. they just keep walking out and then, you know, because they've said this is not a debatot debate no crow. why? because somebody might have a shiny watccause h a ring and the president will be. >> yeawillh, i know.e so it's not a debate. there is never never to be a de. trume's going to be a q&a with cnn. >> and every time trump jumps in, i'm sure anybody that'sme a lie, sir?d th your time, sir. and they'll hit the mic. so i think it's set upai for trump to fail. but really, america, we're failinl butfailing because we ne shouldn't lower the bar for anyonecause we. >> there should to be president. you have to be here, perio isd. e here pemily, what's your advice to and keep in mind how the mainstream media is already shaping this. they're putting out about hock w preparing so according to them, they say biden is, you knoo the hunkering down at a mountainside retreat, poring over policy with a tight circle of advisers, honing his policy lines. h be no, he's not. he's in a death, becomes her factory, getting juiced up and eating p jello.ent tr >>um and then they say that president trump, they're like, you know, meanwhile he's his his barbsth and like hanging out with vice presidential hopefulesidentis. no, he's listening to americans. and you know what? he's also doing that biden neve r did, calling angel families. the families like rachel, mother, he's listening to the rank and file. he's meeting with lawmakers. tetrump is doing what we wishief the commander in chief would do, which is just listenuld do . yes. so no one watch is lowers lowes. a few notche >> this is an election unlike any other. that's why you need america's number one most watched news source. stay with us all the way to election night. the candidates are ready. americans across the country are ready, and so are we. >> democracy 24, your freedom,tn your vote. >> fox news america is watching. >> it's and as i was saying >> it's and as i was saying in the navy that the toughes bet in the navy is a navy wife.yoki and if you madng ae the deploymo and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home, the spouse at home, you understand the ne what talg about. >> your spouse has earned >> your spouse has earned the right to apply for a v to 10 alp >> your spouse has earned the right to apply for a v to 10 home loan.ll the new day one loan allows you to borrow upy, giv to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation so if you're in a situation where you need financially, give us a call. >> no one takes carere of veterans like day usa, the cockroach resilient creatures. true miracles of evolutions horr where there is one, others aren't far behinifd, always scavenging for food. >> the cockroach. well, that's horrifying. >> near its favorite ortho homea >> near its favorite ortho homea defense, maxys. barrier one application kills and prevents for 365 days. not in my house, down. nature's wild. your home doesn't have to be four years i've been sharing how creeper races help my skin look smoother, firmer and younger. >> and now the system i've loved for almost a decade is even better now. >> you can transform your skin from this tip. this with new creeper rays. creeper rays really works. that's why real women have given it thousands of rave reviews. it's the celebrity secret to younger and looking skin creeper is ultra has taken years off my skin. the results have been magnificent and now new and improved. crave trace ultra is our best system ever. it's clinically shown to instantly improve the look of dry creepy skin creepy grace ultra is something i recommend to my patients because it works . and now there's more big news from creator rates introducing ultra smoothing neck repair, an all new breakthrough solution for the to treat skin on your neck with age defying results, you have to see to believe and you can get it today as a free gift with your order i mean this might literally be the fountain of youth for the neck. the results are incredible. >> today you can get the new creperie sultry for only 4995 and we'll give you the ultra smoothing neck repair for free. and we'll also give you this customer favorite, the luxurious four in one line smoothing capsules for your face. three. that little capsule is a power pack. and to make this our best offer ever when you ordered today, we're going double your free gift. a $76 value. there's never a better time to try crepe erase. >> get all this a $143 value for only 4995 plus free shipping and a 60 day money back guarantee. >> if you're seeing the signs of skin, don't wait. now you can do something about and your results are guaranteed all your money back. >> this is a limited time offer that will not last. call one 809 158121 or go to gray berets. order right now. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. >> oh, that's great. what position did you play first base? 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between you and i? >> and don't label it an affair. why single? >> d.a. willis is a respectable mother, a brilliant legal mind guy. we spent countless hours preparing this case investigation. >> i see. i happened countless hours, and i need a foot rub. if you know me, it's your word. i like telling you, you massaging one syllable. but we upon this desk made ite o so during the course of the investigation we would meet early mornings, weekends, spend days. how can you not? so. >> so we spending that much time together. we doing everything we might as well. we did not have that typwellesha of relationship but at the at the outset and we were interviewing other people for the position. >> well, position was there was only a few. the deposition looked like or the deposition looked like this . that might be that might be the funniest thing that the daily thr done. ve >> but they needed a witness, brother, to do it. exactl.y neededne'sy. but that marlin is phenomenal. he did great. and it was hilarious and . at yeah, i should appreciate that. but what you should be looking at is all the cutss al. a yeah. every time he said something, they panned away, and all you saw was a blac alk hand. that' i need to check the shading home. he didn't leave. see if that was anotheotherin tr brother near. so i know this is funny and. and trying to humanize . it is is great, but the dude can't even relax because he's too busy trying to worry about what lies telling. yeah. you know, on the onset on the on you're here on the onset and when i was so when a man's coming, that's trying to buys time. good question. buy having said that, there, umy um, and on the inside he's like, think, get a lie quick. um, you got. >> do you think it was a goodto idea for him to do this? >> they said no, it was a good idea for him to do this, but i think it's sexist, really, that she did what she was invited to do it. >> how come. >> he's getting to be humanized from the affair. that to my understanding, together. >> that is true. okay. and he got to be on the dail hey show. >> the only tv time she got was a trial. that that's a goods a tria poin. but you know what?e that i'm sorry. she's got better charisma thanse he. okay, eat. even if you're not clapping because you're scared. because you agree with me. do we not? becae of we not remember this? do we not remember her up thereg talking about, like, hiding all thisidin cash around? >> yes. and i advise all women to get sounds like she's cuckoo. t so, like that would have made for way better tv. i invite her on that. >> we should invite her on thish show. yes. yeahow. >> yeah. it's a great point. should fani willis s come on ths show? we got yet to extend the invitation, see if she accepts. ll her >> i'm really lazy, though. and you call her. what you make of this in general? >> i don't. you're a lawyer. he's a lawyer. >> well, i don't go out with him. why? but i like because he's black. you are so racist. >> and i'm trigger greg t. i'm tiger. >> i should probably leave the show now. i don't think i can get it back. >> really triggered. i don't understand the comedy tour thing right now for all of like for him. >> you know, what is his endatti to your point? is it getting his his reality show? who isity show he his image fori why? >> and eveng hisn kamala and joe biden, like, all of a sudden, you know, stern's okay, but not a normal town hall, like i personally just don't get it because there's clearly an endis . >> he clearly is seeking to get paid somehowng i know why how i can answer that. >> what woody andrew is way, is career cooks. yeah, it's overcooked. this whole entirdeookede is make disgusted. i can't believe actually, i found my own tolerance tol for content. and this is way beyond it, because, number one, i'm incredibly nauseouce fe s that whole entire time. all the images that i had when they were doing all the jokes was thisy guy riding her likey oprah on a big tan. >> all rightding her. but i don't know. l i can't believe that he's even an attorney to begineevian with. >> yeah, because he has absolutely no ability to communicate clearly in ane h >> yeah, but , that was funny, though. but was probably funny for theg wrong reasons. but who cares, right? yeahs . i mean, i laugh, man, and itcanc was brilliant, man. yeahel, it's. >> they cancel him all the time, but he is. he's brilliant. yeah. all right. wire lib. no longer groans about student loans. ut som well done, on your you got the presents,lec the balloons and the raptor cake. >> noware, how about something to put a smile on your face has to put a smile on your face has been denta plus fl provides coe affordable care with dentists and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new it and 20% off treatment plans's o for everyonen your c. quality care at a price. we're celebrating. >> it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. >> this is keratin, debris, nail fungus grows, ex nail gel cleans out, fungus by removing keratin debris using neonics, 90% of nails improve, get clinically proven results. neonics is made in the usa and so effective it's money back guaranteed. lift out the fungus with neonics for clear healthy looking nails. but by neonics at walmart, rite aid, cvs and walgreens.our e love being outside but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy now. thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under $1, the sun setter and we000, get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glarerea for pricintg starting at lessuso than $1,000. transform your outdoor livinuspg into a shaded retreat your family will love when you call will rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit. awning idea kit. you'll get your sun setterica! for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. for over 20 years, the sun center has been the best selling retractablreat awne in . >> call now for this free >> call now for this free awning idea ki with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio your s much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificat a limie that will brl you your sunset or for as littleim as $799.milies but this is a limited time offer. . >> some theaters are backedtt with up to a ten year limited warranty. nsetter...” in america own and love their sun center. their sun center. no is better under a sun setter. it's like putting an extension on your home and talk for about options. choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. enjoyment. >> there are so many incredible to choose from in our free awning idea kit, get a custom built awningawning i the customt price. call now to get the whole call now to get the whole sunset or stor you'll get this free awning you'll get this free awning idea kit pluti certificate. and there's no obligation and there's no obligation with sun you'll create the ultimate outdoor living space. outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining discou. friends. et call now for your free awning idea kit with locater!"l dealero and $200 discount certificate. life is better under a sun setter. act now and save. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it. relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium work from the very first night i took, i had more focus mental clarity than i've had in years. i wake up feeling alert and like i've had the best night's sleep. stop being and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium your body and your mind will thank you. take relaxium sleep. it'll work. from shoe, it'll work. >> mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit try relaxium dot com. >> call 808 01173 seven five. >> more words words democrat stafford celebrates loan theft cat oh, you'll have to go toherf someone else. >> no, you got. you got to me. that's what i'm here for. all right. glad you could be here. or demo stademocratic stafford nam? ben caymans tweeteotd his photos of his student loans being totally wiped out, which for with the caption.t me k just gotno a call to let me know what my student loan debt haslld been canceled. this is why election matters. and then he. thanks, joe. that's only countingn do joe. ben, thank me. yeah, i think they all of us alg who are for it. yeah, right. >> first of all, isn't all. it is so gross. i g rossand cringe empathetic to twt like thanking big daddy, as arnment for giving you stuff. yeah. let alone as a man. he's a success. could it be if they kill, like,. costing. >>d. hould be embarrasse >> he should be ever. and yourself with a woman agaivn . you should be a ashamed or a man or an animal. >> you werein what talking about in the monologue about empathy in this, i do not know t how you are seen as aas compassionate people. >> if joe biden himsel thef paid off that ban student loans, then i get it. i reassignmente of payments is not generosity. no, it's that. >> yeah. if no one no one got forgiven. we pay no god. andrew, here's the deal.>> >> h okaere'y, so this was a ten year loan or whatever it was that comes to like 80, 60, 80 bucks a month, if that he wasn't paying it because he knew it was going to be forgiven. >> i mean, any that's like probably half of his phone bill. >> well, he so he posted the loan paperwork, including his address, by the way. >> so brilliant guy that i. that's so true. and then and when you look at the numbers was it was like5e $8,000, right. ten or 15 year loan. and this guy had a $300,000 college degree and he can't figure out a way to pay off $8,000. off s. maybe we should be questioning that. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. what. his problem and it's like, but again, month by month, it's like 50. i mean, it's 50 bucks or 60 bucks. it's like any. he sy ity ll wouldn't pa because he knew we were going to pay emily. >> yes. and why would you pay it. why would you reduce the billw if you know it's going to take the whole bill, right? which ife th it's going to be paid up, don't pay it. >> right. and because because he works for them anyway, it's staffers. >> they get a whole like forgivenesa r they gs thing any. so he was already writing on this bloated progra alreadymi to begin with. >> what i hate about this soe au fich to that, first of all, he's never had sex with anyone. >> let's get tharsllt. >> but secondly, the fact that when he says elections matter, it's that totally elitist. like where did that smugness come in? that's what, 21-year-old baked huge body. >> yet where did that from?s mat elections matter. let's again refeerr back to a blog. let's put rachel moore in space that they're in lake and riley space up there and everyone else's face up there. that's why elections matter you. it's not joe biden used my money to pay your stupid tuition. that's not m why he bought your vote. no. yeah, my vote will not in your >>ngress. is there any way you could t defend him? >> we're all in.y to yeah, absolutely. yeah, i would likee to be friends with him. i would like any stock tipm ans might have because it's like a regular lottery. he for the democratic and he thd got his loanem forgiven like thought it was random he just just stars he was six his loanf was paid off. so that seems to betheems a little corruptiblerrupt right? that just so happens. i thought it was random. wow. what do you think? i workt yothini for you and i l loan paid off. >> wown paid. th but i will defend him in this aspect. i think it was grosslynegligen negligent of of emily and yourself besmirch sayingg that he hadn't had sex with anyone whe hn he when he is clearly all of us now we're tak nailed. so i'll take a break on that one. one. up next, you can refuse our local news, everybody. and you know, siri, a citymovin, client, uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keeght whenp supply n moving so more pet parents can get everything need right when they need it. >> keeping more pets and, families happy. >> for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress. >> alina springsteen on fox and watch her moving performance friday to let lover in ruin your name baby. we can make mess. the all-american summer concert series is presented by lowe's, lowe's gnomes home improvement have ever thought of getting a walk in tub for you or is a greatn enjo time to take a look at. get in a safe step, walk in tuyb with safe steps, standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet and thntrol . you can enjoy a nice warm bathos upta to 20% faster and the convenient touch pad control is right your fingertips each tub come standard with a dualer hydrotherapygy, . py sys the ten water jets can heltep increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy and improve sleep while the micro soothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens safe step. walk in tubs are built to maximizso ce so you can stayu in your home and enjoylt the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation call now. one 808 29981. there's never a better time. that's 1-800- 8829981. >> hi, i'm donna and i love. taking balance of nature. it makes me feel sparkly every single day. >> it's just an amazing product . the free fiber and spice offer is extended use discount code news, the headlines, the events, the story. >> martha maccallum breaks down ever - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. it's on us to stand up to cancer once and for all. >> coast to coast with stories matter most. >> you're watching local news with emmy winning anchor kelly crystal kelly. replacing van jansen, who died. and now here's kelly. >> hello, i'm kelly. crystal. kelly and this is local news where each guest is to share i a story from wherever they're from. >> ah, andrew, you're up first. yeah. so this is more of, like, are elm andrew good story, right? oh, nice. nice. yeah. we hear about all these businesses that are leaving californiahear abo these busines mark wahlberg is actually opening a business in california that's in my industrycalifo res. k th it's in the restaurant industry. but i think the feel good piece of this is that he's opening feel-git and restaurant in huntington beach, california. now, why that's important, isn' b t because i live there, but huntington beach is actually the tip of the spear when it comes to fightinei figh the crazy liberal administration in sacramento l.g and he's opening his restaurant, not in hollywood, not in l.a., not in beverlyt notla hills, not ine posh areas, but in the conservative hotbed of souther ien california. >> so some some underlying story there. or >> see if i can make your feel good story. i feel bad stories. oh, please do it. are you worried it's going to compete with your restaurant? >> no, because the space he picked is horrible. it's a restaurant graveyard, guys. >> okay, i like that. okay. i believe you're going to be okay. great. e >> greg, you're going to love this story. so do you guys remember in 1982 when duran duran came out with the rio album? ye durs you have up there? beautiful cover. totally. for years, not the band knew who she was. and guess what? we not a w only know who she is, but she lives now in napa valley. she owns a vineyard with her totally awesome husband. her name is marcy hunte al, the cover cover was based on a a photograph of her and then the photographer, like, whole you know, whatever made the painting la la la. so the whole point is, the band neve ie r knew. but she came out. she was like, yeah, it's totally me. so for 42 years, she's been sh, had ake an anonymity successful modeling career, whatever. but little does everybody know. number one, your wine comeomess from and number two, that's the star. it's her. and then duran duran was so totally awesome aftend dream wa they were like, oh, my god, yes. like, we love that beautiful smile. we would know it anywhere. like it anyw it'awesome so it's. >> so real girl found local from where we're from. >> nice. yes, yes. oh, yeah. . i just love the rangee rang of emotions that i. lo if you didn't love it, you love it now? yeah, absolutely. greg, why don't you go next? we're doing great. so it was somebody else like patty hearst. all right, so of san mateo county, where i'm from, is hosting a fireworks buyback event ahead of july 4th. talk about just on parade so you can get a cash reward, not returning in regular fireworkslo ,but for illegal fireworks. and there's nothing better. illegal fireworks. as a child, i love this smelworl of the fire of the firecrackers you would buy in the cherryd bombs and keep them in like an old cigar box. >> he'd open uopeninthem up ando like he would like open the wicks and get the gunpowded oper around so you could make themmae a little longer. wait. imagine going the process of obtaining a legal explosive. >> yes. t then it's like, yeah, now i'm going to go make a trip to give these back. yeah, there's no way. and they're probably going to arrest you whenk.>> no you t there. i predict. >>predict no one will do this. >> no, r zero. what's the exchange rate? atbecause they say that you can get up to 200 bucks. yon they that it was a resoundir success before they had £400 of illegal fireworks. those are probably parents now . >> yeah, well, i'm going to end this in a niceh th little ribbo. oh, nice. so my daughter, georgie rose, had her first equestrian competition two months early.abu she's only been doing it about a month, but her trainerde wanted her just to experience it, to see how it is, and she won it. >> so. and i have to.ur i have to.rime and her copilot in crime. i can really write i could write a children's book on this. his name is roosevel his namet his nickname is teddy. he's 25 years old. he hadn't competed any more. he was getting ready for retirement. and the only reason why my daughter was training with him was because he knows the route he's been doing for ag long time. well, he i guess she inspired him and he was firedtime i inspp and he's won. he won this war. now he's got all these ribbons and he's he's back in game he' right? all right, everybody. yeah. so callaway will be right back at you. >> this is an election year unlike any other. that's why you need america's number one most watched news source. stay with us. all the way to election night. the candidates are ready. americans across the country are. and so are we. >> democracy 24. your freedom your vote. >> fox news. america watching. >> oh, what a good time. from you can make it happen. get try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. >> anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so. your home, your equity and your peace of mind all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that? believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes. transfer proof of ownership out of your name. bottom line is yes, it happens. and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to sting you. >> and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. >> it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. >> home title lock will monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. this person from somewhere in new york stole our property, so i was surprised. i talked to my father about. he advised me that he had taken out home title lock about eight months earlier. we logged in into home title lock. had five alerts. immediately we contacted them and within about two weeks the deed was put back in my parent's name. you can get a warning. notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest. meet terry. he signed up for home title lock and was alerted to suspicious activity. on the day i signed on to home title lock, i received the report saw. hey, i have a lane against my property that i didn't know about. we got it fixed right away. if you give us a call right now and mentioned promotional code lock, it will give you your first 30 days of protection. absolutely free. what would it do to your life if you lost your property? 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