welcome to one nation, thanks for tuning in early. tonight is my guess, tomi laren, how media goes bad. she's been watching. what's going on in sports with brady? takes a half and opens up to us but first, i want to start with this. anti-semitism is an all time high. he is spreading faster than wildfires on college campuses and beyond nationwide. [cheering] >> without would calm down when they went on summer vacation. not by a long shot. unbelievable images, vandals targeting jewish director and jewish board members in brooklyn writing blood on your hands across her homes. moms with hidden faces, cowards across city after city taking over subway in new york demanding zionist raised their hands with this morning. watch. [chanting] >> in california anti- protesters take over, cal state los angeles. they say okay, put up your enchantments and be quiet, we will support you and they decide to take over the building. several faculty members inside keeping them hostage for eight hours while they trash the building on the heels of israel's possible daring rescue two separate locations. unbelievable the story. the rescue of four hostages cost a life of special forces commander in the lead. normally this would be a lot of for instead, you have critics now because hostages were saved but they were and how they did it. >> the operation we know more than 200 civilians so while we are no begin of virtue and participated in this monstrosity, who's not operated this way and citizens have not accepted reason war crimes. >> we have profoundly shocked impact on civilians israeli forces operation to secure the release of four hostages. >> far fewer civilian casu casualties. >> one of the most difficult operations you can imagine and these critics the an air-conditioned control room and judge them focusing on palestinians killed. why were they there? relay fighting back, shooting, casualties? absolutely. would anyone be upset if they were killed en route to eliminate bin laden? don't think so. rescuing hostages in 1979 jimmy carter pulled off. we be upset? of course not. by the new rules? since the attack, anti-semitism skyrocketed 360% in the united states alone and it's everywhere, by the way. it doesn't stop there. not only are protesters forgetting about october 7, they are going as far as harassing people at an exhibit in new york city who lost their lives that horrific day yes, watch. >> anti-semitism transferring into anti- americanism and inside, we often see bernie american flags as well. >> is hitting the united states and our democracy and western values. >> it's getting worse and terrorist activities right here at home. thousands of protesters calling for a revolution. a national revolution to overthrow our government. one is that okay? watch our own facts. hollywood stars using their platforms to fight back to just that. >> sometimes it is on top of things and successful for the most part but somewhat true but the struggle of being jewish is ancient, thousands of years of struggle. >> liberal to support israel, liberal to have more freedom of choice and the parties seem to have switched patricia. she's not jewish, speaks out constantly. the support from her and people who aren't jewish is great. he mentioned patricia and she does that. in fact, she is our next guest. the emmy award winner reposting this tweaked labeling anyone who supports jewish people, the enemy, her response -- classic. i guess i'm company number one. anyone care to join me? founders of the october 7 coalition, network of christian standing up and against anti-semitism and now she joins us in joining forces with that group founder of juvenile to launch a billboard campaign to stop the heat. his guess right now, thank you for joining us and thank you for taking action. i hope you don't mind, what is this strike home for you? >> first of all, john is one of my favorite comedians so i felt very appreciated of his shadow. october 7, you could see the body cam footage from hamas where they were murdering people and i was astonished and horrified and i looked around assuming the churches would be horrified and outraged and i wasn't hearing anything. it was like critics so i posted on my instagram if use been germany during world war ii, don't you hope you would have been german who stood by their jewish neighbors and it's worth jewish neighbors let's today is your opportunity. i still believe that, i believe we have an opportunity because now we know maybe back in 1939 people didn't know what was going on. we know what's going on and it's up to us as christians to do something about it. if the jewish people are feeling very alone and need to know will stand by them. >> you are not alone, a former marketing executive founder of to belong. why are you making for 15? for you doing enough to get word out that was happening is not okay? >> the jews are not all speaking out but those of us who are have been feeling very alone. even if all of them spoke out, it's not enough we need allies. jews are often good allies with other organizations when patricia said what she was doing, we are so excited to work together. october 7 coalition because that's all we need because the world -- america is too silent. >> we are seeing those, very creative. we see in the billboards now, some you put together, don't be naïve. colossal talk your head off, too. seventy-eight years since the gas chambers so no, a billboard calling out jews, not overreaction so i love the car sarcasm or you surprised more people in hollywood with these big platforms are not using this time to speak out? >> i understand if you have a project coming out someone spent $100 million on the you want to focus on that in your platforms but otherwise i'm not sure people are afraid because normally hollywood stands up for every single cause that comes along federal why this is different. everyone has to answer to their own conscience but as peter says, silence in the face of people is evil itself. >> was sends me, we watched the rescue of those four hostages living life and health and talking about the operation itself. are you shocked more people are celebrating? and opportunities to condemn x. >> i am shocked until i started to fight anti-semitism and then i realized a nominee of hate. the thing is, most people in america don't hate jewish people but they are silent. some people look at these and say those are the words. they are not, this is a mov movement. this is a movement between october 7 coalition and this is giving the people have been silencing don't hate jews but there's a small minority in the more nordic that doesn't this is giving them the chance to speak out, to go to our website and sign up help us get more billboards across the country it looks like a billboard but it's a movement. >> what about christians, should they get involved? >> just like archie said, the opposition is well-funded, very organized. they popped up october 8, fully formed. we were all taken by surprise. now is the time to stand up and physically and vocally support the jewish people. more bold in the opposition and you can go to october, the number seven for there are ways you can come on board especially pastors very large churches. we have programs to bring to your church to talk about anti-semitism what to do in your own community to partner with your jewish communities. >> they are coming after americans, this is shocking american values. don't mistake it. i know you don't. thanks for what you're doing, sorry you have to go through it but appreciate you taking action. have a great weekend. >> thank you for having us. >> as white house on job numbers? seems like jerome powell may think so. >> you got strong job creation and jobs coming in strong even though the document they may be overstated but still strong so that's what we see. >> of the overstated? what is the story with the economy? tickets time to get a democrat or republican to talk this out because the numbers look strong but they been colored at all? joining us right now to help us out you might recognize these guys, u.s. army intelligence officer jeremy is here press secretary first lady jill biden. democratic said. for you shocked by this to find out the fed chair doesn't trust the numbers? >> i think it is an embarrassment for joe biden. if you look at, a man who lectures us all the time about the importance of decency to the white house white house protect democracy and all of this but he's the one misleading the american people. by the way -- >> the job numbers are good but how could? >> exactly. a lot of witnesses just off the reports coming out just think that these were accurate reports. no it's not true, jerome powell coming out and saying i think this might be overstated. >> does it matter how many jobs during that? >> i read the transcript of what the question was what he said so every month bureau of labor statistics numbers and readjust them over the month when new data comes in all he was saying, i don't know if they are as long as they are now but we will adjust them, sometimes the numbers get better and sometimes they get worse that is monthly and routinely. bureau of labor statistics, it is not the white house that was the numbers out, it's the bureau and 3000 employees that are not political, there's only one so they can be. >> cooks to a degree but why do you think the economy feels numbers than the numbers say? >> i think voters see the economy as their economy. they see the economy as the cash in the wall where they are sitting kitchen table saying how my going to pay for vacation for send their kids to summer camp? they are not sitting around talking about democracy because if you are, you probably can afford to so that is the pro problem. >> one of the things is people don't sit around talking about democracy they are worried about inflation. let's change gears and talk about other big news, condition of hunter biden. i was surprised at the way this is impaired to the president, former president, it seems like people are talking with sympathy over addiction, talking about supporting him and you see his grandchild help him out in his driveway. of course it's personal addiction is relatable but you think it's a tv moment? >> i do and think what we see at the white house is trying to play on the motion americans who have relatives and friends who dealt with addiction issues and americans get that, that's not what this is about the. a lot of americans are upset because we've been lied to. we were lied to about the laptop and we can even bring that up, no legitimacy and we were told we have not gone to the bottom of these shady business dealings between the biden family and what hunter was doing there. america is not sitting there saying it's about addiction issues, who want the truth with been hearing we want accountability. >> does it change how president biden will attack trump? convicted felon knowing he is talking about his son? >> there's only one running for president, only one is accountable to voters and one felony is accountable to taxpayers and that happens to be one of the candidates. >> are they nervous these -- >> go back to joe biden playing a role in the business dealings. >> no and i think the sympathy and compassion people feel in public and blood focus groups, i think that is because there's nothing that's connected the president to any of hunter's business dealings yet. if that changes, voters feel different, at least undecided voters. it's bad timing, another trial in september and another sentencing in october but i do have to say this is nothing compared to the billing dollars the son of the current president bush in 1990, his son cost the american people hunter's issue -- yes, neil bush. >> an interesting five months, the rnc and dnc besides that, not much going on. [laughter] >> next, tomi laren is here with this week's worst moments in media, she's been watching and still to come, where is aaron rodgers? craig cardin for example of one of the most famous men in football is blown off mandatory kat. take one nation on vacation with you. send us your photo or video of you with our fox nation one nation swag, one and send it in. a good looking model. ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ listen. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! 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(fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. not just everyday californians who want to leave the state, even celebrities actors like holding on speaking out about the rise of crime. on this test, to terrifying home break-ins. listen. >> l.a. is terrible. corrupt when i went to dinner they had broken from the balcony our bedroom, our closets and they completely knocked down my door which is a safe door so they are very sophisticated. four months now. i'm in the house for myself and i hear this stuff upstairs in the next day we discovered they were trying to get in my bedroom while i was in the house what is happening? >> when rich people and famous people have their lives disrupted, things change. needs new mayor and governor. the superstar who can't. unsafe. now we were just a few months away from the election and it seems like dark money all across this great country. misleading voters with headlines like this in their are more dark money websites and local newspapers. new sites and channels misleading the public, no wonder you're confused along with me so one nation calling out media bias and keep the facts straight. streaming out to answer that and so much more is tomi laren she's been working all week on a segment talking about different things in media that drive you nuts that are in accurate and was portraying the facts. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. it's not hard to sniff out bs from the mainstream media. probably the easiest job i have. >> here's an example, 78-year-old's birthday is this week : donald trump and 81-year-old. that doesn't matter. it's how you act. comparing speaking styles and quality to each other. listen to this. >> for all his calls for president biden to undergo cognitive test, mr. trump's remarks are not coherent in these rallies. >> mr. trump's remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there and will always be that, they are different people. >> pbs says they can see a difference between the two. one guy speaks for 90 minutes without a script and rallies in the other one is 14 minutes and you can only understand three minutes of it. your thoughts? >> i wish they would say the split screen so the american people can compare side-by-side. joe biden incoherent babbling speeches we need to close caption and they need to adjust the transcript on and listen to donald trump talking to allison press and the media and jake and logan paul. not only on media tour, he's stuck in the courthouse doing rallies in front of tens of thousands of people. his got in this energy but you know what i think it is? i think media hacks, they don't understand donald trump's number. maybe they purposely want to misunderstand donald trump's number because they know he's funny and you and i think is funny, the american people think is funny so people don't want you to think is funny and they want you to think he's cognitively living. you need close captioning to understand what joe biden is saying and that's when he's without his no cars and when he does, he's not much better. when you see him over there embarrassing the united states in front of world leaders and then actually stepping up and corralling him so he doesn't wander off into the woods somewhere. i love the split screen and i hope they keep thing the split screens. >> the average person can see the difference. he mentioned the president showing his sense of humor, we have that clip now. >> the united states has become a dumping ground of the world inmates are being emptied out of the prisons, insane asylums and mental institutions and pouring into the united states. think of it, empty insane asylums. my people said please don't use those words, sir. why? so nasty. it's true. insane asylum is silence of the lambs. anybody here of hannibal lector? a nice fellow but that's coming into our country right now. >> apparently the former president made reference and said nice guy, he even had a friend over for dinner so seeing on the campaign trail and apparently did it again this morning. not sure we fully understand the context. >> can you help out jim acosta? >> i don't think he has a funny bone in his body and anybody who plays the clip, they know the context of what donald trump is talking about but what is interesting is joe biden brought up his uncle being eaten by cannibals so maybe that's what donald trump was referring to, may be referring to uncle bossi getting eaten by cannibals, that's a story joe biden has told. >> this next clip is very sensitive, so out-of-control politically correct trying to use the right words, it almost feels like it should be from the onion but it's a real story. a cancer charity, apologizing for using the word cervix. is this network, a great job trying to address the problem between cervix and travel. >> calling women people with cervix isn't transplanting enough. >> i would just say a strap in for this one. strap on. [laughter] apologize for using the word cervix instead of trans friendly front whole. the method come on. at least say traditional entrance or something. >> the cervix isn't a whole. [laughter] >> we know that's not the big issue. >> has the world gone crazy? >> the world has gone crazy but at least there are some people, maybe even across the pond willing to laugh at this because top cancer charity trying to make of words to erase women in women's body parts. if it triggers you, if you are man becoming a man and a man becoming a woman and you have to make of the words for it, i'm sorry, we can help you but the media would be right to left this because we need to end the insanity. it's not a front whole and never will be a rathole. i know how we got here but i hope we can get out. >> we said that close to maybe nine times but this is why is political? leaders are. thanks so much for making our weekend better. take care. >> thanks so much. >> president biden's major cause for concern after his speech. we will tell you why. keep it right here on one nation. ♪ will look who will will will is when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. on fox news alert, right now police in michigan are in a standoff with a man who allegedly opened fire a splash pad waterpark in detroit suburb work. investigators say it nine people including a child start hurts. this happened just after 5:00 p.m. local time at rochester hills area, we are told the shooting appears to be random. officers believe the suspect got out of his car and simply began firing. the man is barricaded inside a nearby home. contest making her first appearances revealing her cancer diagnosis in march. she's joined the royals this morning at the annual trooping the color parade to honor king charles is perfect. he is also battling cancer. princess says she's making good progress but not out of the woods yet. she expects treatment to continue into the summer. now back to one nation. ♪ ♪ >> denied. >> not at the moment those weren't even the most egregious embarrassing for odd moments from monday's celebration of the white house. listen to what president biden said about republicans later in the speech. >> they are all ghosts trying to take us back. [cheering] taking away freedom making it harder for black people to vote. closing doors of opportunity and talking about diversity, equity and inclusion and banning books trying to rewrite history. >> he's really bringing it together, isn't he? here to debunk and address the speech, the myth of oral liberal lies kentucky state university, cohost of the podcast and check out this book, the brand-new book he has out rise by liberal teacher told me a little break that down. is that the message you think president biden needs to get the black vote back? >> i think the democrats pitch hard for the lifeboat because they usually received 80% of the in a huge reason is they present the republicans as the party of historical racism if you look at it as historian or political scientist, that's ironic. more republicans and democrats voted for the civil rights act, ku klux klan was the fighting arm of the democratic party down the line and take on the idea that the parties rapidly switched in the 1960s and that didn't happen either. mr. biden to self he has a perfect record from the schools in the last but the idea that the other guys will racial bigots will put you back in chains, that's one thing you do get the black vote in place so we are seeing that again. >> i think somebody put should be president first and be responsible and bring the country together rather than harken back to the days when the democratic party was jim crow. the next is education and i think rapper jay-z is doing a great thing, he's launched school choice and initiative, it's in philadelphia and a lot of progressives are losing their minds because he's trying to get school choice and offer scholarships so kids can get vouchers to pick the school best for them and their family will normally they be forced into the public school. the teachers unions are going nuts. who is right? >> i think we should applaud people when they do good in general. we seen a bunch of these guys from the 1990s and it's good to see dr. dre entities that, some of these people who have made billions around on capitol hill and wish they would promote a liquor brand but promoting diverse investment in urban business down the line. african-american parents for a long time have been the group most interested in and invested in school choice. my one hope would be there's not a lot of what i might describe as will nonsense and the new schools for any group of kids if you focus on the old three ours reading, writing and arithmetic as it might seem, you will see better results if you do a lot of things now, jay-z was to take that $3 billion and open up the school good for him, don't blame someone else, get it done yourself. >> put up full-screen, this is what the teachers union says, a photo of jay-z jeff, he loves tik tok saying this is not it. if you give people a chance to prove themselves and pick their schools and maybe more demanding with better teachers, at least i think people should have the opportunity. always great to see you, appreciate it. >> straight ahead, mayhem in new york all program quarterback is mia. olympic sub, wayne on the leader women's sports, one nation. ♪ will will ♪ will will citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? 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the cohost on fox francis now. unwind this. >> it's at its worst in the franchise the media my love objects and have never seen a super bowl because this is throughout career with the end of the day 20 year veteran quarterback super bowl title missus a couple of practices, nobody wears pads and no defense playing against offense, who cares? this is a deal for everybody inside the organization from the owner down to the intern repeatedly said this is a nonstory for us. the guy has been here every single practice for the last three months, he's not missing anything. why are we making a big deal? i'll tell you why, everyone makes a big deal because they don't like him and his politics and realize is ends in the fact that he does drugs and vomit on people. they like the fact that they want to be a vice presidential candidate. >> it does have a problem to see a couple of practices and to say it's negative about him as a quarterback sometimes complete things and compare a person off the field with what he does on the field it's a prime example of that. shakespeare once said big should do about nothing. >> can i move on? >> the new york jets are going to the super bowl champions. >> that's next in sports. [laughter] we will check in again. let's talk about women's hoops. ever seen anything like this in my life. i'm all for women's sports, not even a little bit against it. it and not on the olympic team, a big story on the enemies list of the opponent. the result is huge tv ratings skyrocketing attendance, is there a downside to this? >> one of the dumbest decisions in our country's history. not one of the 12 female pla planets. he was on the dream team, isaiah thomas is oneness. a rare moment in time when people suddenly care about the wba. the reason they cares because of kayla clark. [of twisted, it's very important when she's on tv and they are triple. not an exaggeration. on the road, home attendance is double friday team she's playing against on the road so they got this like a strike of lightning, an opportunity for growth this for an eyeballs on it and whether it is racial or pettiness, they decided to hurt themselves. caitlin clark is the goose right now. they are saying no and it's no sense they are not embracing the reality for female basketball players and with her, she has changed the dynamic of the conversation and silly not to embrace it. >> this is more than i ever thought i would get and not even your work number one show. how about the number one quarterback? tom brady going for the whole thing, a great message. let's listen to a little of it. >> i urge everyone to play football for the simple reason that it is hard. it is hard when you're young to wake up off-season stadium to train and work out knowing your friends are sleeping in getting pancakes it is hard to throw, catch, block and tackle and hit kids when they are way bigger and more developed than you. only to go home that night bruised and battered and strained but no you have to show up again the next day for just a chance to try again. life is hard. >> to like that message? i love it. >> i love it i am a jets fan so i hated tom brady is a patriot. school ricky limbs, the speech should be written on the walls of every school from kindergarten to 12th grade because that is real and we coddle our kids and it's okay to quit too much and one sport to another sport and one thing to another thing that was one of the great distinctions i've ever heard. i thought was interesting they schedule the ceremony the same day of the nba's finals and had to make a choice where to go to my. messaging, that's on. >> as overheard. my kids have all played sports, my daughter and three boys. the coddle the and they grow up differently than we did in the 70s and 80s. the very gymnasium and america because he's not on free. >> happy father's day, i know you are a great dad. appreciate it. >> the legendary baseball player once said this and i'll leave you that with this, it's father's day today so happy birthday. >> great job, appreciate it. send us in your video and we will feature you on the show. one nation, connie crisis, now that you are giving away dice sending in videos, i was hoping to be grandfathered in telling the truth and this is a puddle always great to see you. we will send you e-mail us back with your address. i will i will ;-) you will probably get will all will not talk this year trial in (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. 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,Their ,Exhibit ,It Doesn T Stop There ,Day Yes ,October 7 ,7 ,Anti Semitism Transferring ,Anti Americanism ,Bernie American Flags ,Democracy ,Revolution ,Home ,Thousands ,Values ,Activities ,Government ,Platforms ,Facts ,Hollywood ,Okay ,Things ,Part ,Struggle ,Struggle Of Being Jewish ,Liberal ,Patricia ,Parties ,Support ,Aren T Jewish ,Freedom Of Choice ,Anyone ,Fact ,Guest ,Winner ,Labeling ,Emmy Award ,Coalition ,Christian ,Anyone Care ,Founders ,Number One ,Enemy ,Company ,Response ,Classic ,Billboard ,Action ,Campaign ,Group Founder ,Heat ,Juvenile ,Wall ,Strike ,John ,Body Cam Footage ,Shadow ,Comedians ,Don T Mind ,Hamas ,Churches ,Instagram ,Wasn T Hearing Anything ,German ,Neighbors ,Worth Jewish ,Neighbors Let ,Germany ,World War Ii ,Something ,Christians ,1939 ,Word ,Marketing Executive Founder ,15 ,Doing ,Allies ,Organizations ,World ,Billboards ,Head Off ,Gas Chambers ,Overreaction ,Car Sarcasm ,Seventy Eight ,Someone ,Cause ,Single ,Project ,00 Million ,100 Million 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,Hunter ,Hearing ,Accountability ,Neil Bush ,Felon ,Taxpayers ,Felony ,Running ,Candidates ,Compassion ,Role ,Nothing ,Changes ,Focus Groups ,Trial ,Billing ,President Bush ,Timing ,Sentencing ,Issue ,Son Cost ,Dnc ,The American People Hunter ,Rnc ,1990 ,Five ,Laughter ,Aaron Rodgers ,Example ,Craig Cardin ,Photo ,Video ,Football ,One Nation Fox Com ,Fox Nation One ,Kat ,Men ,Swag ,Model ,Team ,Card ,Kevin ,Chase Freedom Unlimited ,Gonna ,Sound System ,Cashback Like A Pro With Chase Freedom Unlimited ,Caaaaaaaaash ,Torque ,Inner Child ,Sup ,Freakin ,Engine Revving ,Car Puns ,Horsepower ,Torquin ,Pppp Powershot ,Presents ,Crossover ,Balloons ,Raptor Cake ,Dodge Hornet R ,Viv ,Care ,Patients ,Exams ,Dentists ,Treatment Plans ,Aspen Dental ,Smile ,Labs ,Insurance ,X Rays ,20 ,Corner ,Price Worth ,Money Manager ,Money Managers ,Fisher Investments ,Fiduciary ,Money ,Clients ,Client ,Interest ,Products ,Management Fee ,Priority ,Huh ,More ,Lifestyle ,Finances ,Estate ,Californians ,Rise ,Test ,Celebrities ,Crime ,Actors ,Home Break Ins ,Dinner ,Door ,Closets ,Bedroom ,Balcony ,L A ,I M In The House ,House ,Stuff Upstairs ,Superstar ,Can T ,Governor ,Mayor ,Unsafe ,Headlines ,Newspapers ,Election ,Websites ,Channels ,Public ,Sites ,Media Bias ,Segment ,Tomi Laren She ,Birthday ,Donald Trump ,Mother ,Quality ,Speaking Styles ,Calls ,Doesn T Matter ,78 ,81 ,Mr ,Rallies ,Split Screen ,Remarks ,Guy ,Difference ,Pbs ,Script ,90 ,Three ,14 ,Speeches ,Thoughts ,Side By ,Talking To Allison Press ,Caption ,Jake ,Energy ,Front ,Tens Of Thousands ,Courthouse ,Media Tour ,Media Hacks ,Logan ,Paul ,Number ,No Cars ,Captioning ,Cognitively Living ,Somewhere ,World Leaders ,Split Screens ,Corralling ,Into The Woods ,Person ,Sense ,Dumping Ground ,Institutions ,Humor ,Inmates ,Prisons ,Insane Asylums ,Asylum ,Sir ,Anybody ,Lambs ,Reference ,Hannibal Lector ,Context ,Friend ,Campaign Trail ,Jim Acosta ,Clip ,Cannibals ,Body ,Uncle ,Bone ,To ,Uncle Bossi ,Cervix ,Cancer Charity ,Onion ,Apologizing ,Network ,Isn T Transplanting Enough ,Friendly ,Strap ,Strap On ,Method ,Entrance ,Least ,Cervix Isn T A Whole ,Women ,Cancer ,Body Parts ,Charity ,Pond ,Woman ,Insanity ,Times ,Leaders ,Whole ,Rathole ,Nine ,Speech ,Concern ,Take Care ,Donors ,Don T Know If St ,Magnitude ,Research ,Cures ,Treatments ,Donations ,Lives ,All Around The World ,On Fox News Alert ,Splash Pad Waterpark ,Standoff ,Suburb Work ,Child ,Fire A ,Investigators ,Detroit ,Michigan ,00 ,5 ,Suspect ,Car ,Area ,Firing ,Officers ,Rochester Hills ,King Charles ,Princess ,Appearances ,Royals ,Cancer Diagnosis ,Trooping The Color Parade To Honor ,Progress ,Treatment ,Summer ,Not Out Of The Woods ,Moments ,Weren T ,Celebration ,Embarrassing ,Republicans ,Freedom ,Ghosts ,History ,Doors ,Books ,Inclusion ,Equity ,Diversity ,Cohost ,Myth ,Podcast ,Kentucky State University ,Isn T He ,Message ,Vote ,Book ,Teacher ,Break ,Lifeboat ,80 ,Racism ,80 ,Scientist ,Fighting Arm ,Civil Rights Act ,Ku Klux Klan ,Record ,Schools ,Idea ,Didn T ,Line ,Last ,Either ,1960 ,Somebody Put ,Bigots ,Chains ,Jay Z ,School Choice ,Education ,Initiative ,Jim Crow ,Public School ,Progressives ,Scholarships ,Vouchers ,Minds ,Philadelphia ,Teachers Unions ,Nuts ,General ,Bunch ,Billions ,Some ,Liquor Brand ,Dr ,Entities ,Capitol Hill ,Dre ,Group ,Down The Line ,Investment ,Hope ,Parents ,African American ,Results ,Will Nonsense ,Tours ,Arithmetic ,Reading ,Teachers Union ,Jeff ,Blame ,Someone Else ,Him ,3 Billion ,6 Billion ,Tik Tok ,Teachers ,Program Quarterback ,Leader ,Mayhem ,Olympic Sub ,Wayne ,Women S Sports ,Will Citi S Industry ,Solutions ,Countries ,Food ,Need ,Payments ,World Food Programme ,180 ,Families ,Globe ,Citi ,Look ,Walk In Tub ,Touch Pad Control ,Warm Bath ,Fast Fill Faucet ,Seat ,Fingertips ,Safe Step Walk In Tub ,Safe Step ,Water Jets ,Tub ,Hydrotherapy System ,Sleep ,Increase Mobility ,Relieve Pain ,Skin ,Microsoothe Advanced Air Therapy System Oxygenates ,Ten ,Safety ,Consultation ,Bathing ,Tubs ,Information ,Obligation ,Comforts ,Will Ters For Goo ,Willd We ,Guaranteed ,Quarterback ,Owner ,Where In The World ,San Diego ,Gm ,Press Corps ,Coach ,Excuse ,Jets ,Practice ,Quarterbacks ,Reasons ,Tone ,Backers ,Start ,Minicamp ,Coast ,Cbs ,Hair ,Miss ,Daily News ,Travis ,Learning The Hard Way ,New York Post ,Aaron Will Dodgers ,On Fox Francis ,Super Bowl ,Franchise ,Objects ,Worst ,My Love ,Career ,Title ,Quarterback Super Bowl ,A Couple Of Practices ,The End ,Deal ,Pads ,Who Cares ,Everybody ,Defense Playing ,Organization ,Offense ,Nobody ,Anything ,Nonstory ,Intern ,Politics ,Vomit ,Drugs ,Candidate ,Field ,Practices ,Couple ,Negative ,New York Jets ,Big ,Shakespeare ,In My Life ,Champions ,Let S Talk About Women Hoops ,Attendance ,Opponent ,Result ,List ,Enemies ,Tv Ratings ,Downside ,Planets ,Decisions ,Pla ,12 ,Isaiah Thomas ,Oneness ,Dream Team ,Exaggeration ,Kayla Clark ,Wba ,Twisted ,On The Road ,Growth ,Eyeballs ,Lightning ,Home Attendance ,Goose ,Pettiness ,Caitlin Clark ,Players ,Basketball ,Dynamic ,Reality ,Show ,Work ,Tom Brady ,Conversation ,Little ,Stadium ,Throw ,Pancakes ,Hit ,Catch ,Sleeping ,Block And Tackle ,Patriot ,Walls ,Kindergarten ,School Ricky Limbs ,12th Grade ,Sport ,Distinctions ,Ceremony ,Messaging ,Choice ,Finals ,Nba ,Boys ,Gymnasium ,Daughter ,Coddle ,The 70s And 80s ,70 ,Baseball Player ,Dad ,Father S Day ,Videos ,Dice ,Connie Crisis ,Puddle ,Address ,Investing ,Estate Planning ,Specialists ,Soil ,Garden ,Broccoli ,Six ,Sports Video ,Baseball ,Best Selling ,Pete Hegseth ,10 ,Councilman ,Weekdays ,Fox News ,Saturday Night ,Levelheaded Guy ,Robert Holden ,Harris Faulkner ,Jimmy Kayla ,Studio ,

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