>> steve: it is 6:00 here in new york city. >> ainsley: he is playing the drums on his leg. >> steve: 6:00 a.m. in new york city on this friday, june 17th -- rather, june 7th, 2024. this is "fox & friends." >> ainsley: friday, whatever. >> brian: we get the date wrong it doesn't bode well. >> steve: i can get the date right if wearing a necktie but i'm not because it's casual friday. hunter biden heads back to court day five of gun trial today as his father, the president weighs in from france. >> will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> brian: he talks loyalty. he talks loyalty as a big driver for why he and donald trump get along. >> he showed up for the first fight and stayed until the last fight. >> okay. we will have longer sound bites later. >> carley: a lot of fun for this friday. brandon lake is going to perform for the all-american summer concert series. janice is live ahead of the belmont stakes. hey, janice, you look great. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all righty. so let's kick things off on this friday. we start with the race for the white house. and a troubling sign for president biden. >> brian: yeah, brand new polls that show former president trump leading biden in several key battleground states just five months from election day. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera live with a look at the new data. hey, maddy. >> good morning. these polls were done in arizona, florida, virginia and nevada. numbers indicate erosion of support for the president key groups. take virginia not typically considered battleground state. the president and former president in dead heat with 48% each. the president is still winning black voters in virginia by 48 points in this new survey. that's nowhere where he was in 2020 when he won blacks by 81 points. in florida reports show republican voters outpaced democrats by 900,000. trump leads biden 50 to 46%. in nevada, president biden is behind former president trump 45 to 50%. notably the president is up by just 1 point among union households, traditionally a key democratic voting block. this is a group, by the way, he won by 15 points four years ago. and in arizona trump once again is ahead of the president, 51 to 46%. voters in the grand canyon state see trump as the better option on two of the biggest issues in the campaign. the border and the economy. here are the president and trump taking jabs at each other over the border. >> we're going to tell crooked joe biden you're fired. you're doing a lousy job. tworst job. >> adonald trump, he said of your executive action he is pretending to finally do something about the border. biden's executive order is weak and pathetic. >> is he describing himself? weak and pathetic? come on. ha ha ha, look, everybody knows what happened. >> trump's leads in these polls are within the margin of error regardless they president won these states by nevada by very small margins. steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: madeleine, the numbers for virginia are draw-dropping. joe biden won by 10 points in 2020 and now it's a tie. >> nobody had virginia on bingo card when you think about battle ground states 2020. 48%. troubling for the president. typically especially among black voters there. >> brian: thanks so much, madeleine. and part of the reason is glenn youngkin. i think he has been very successful for the first two years. he is also dealing with a democratic legislation. so you get to see what glenn youngkin wants to do as opposed to what the democrats want to too. second major poll in virginia that has it in a dead heat. you factor in new hampshire at the very least. even if you don't believe polls, you have to know it's tight. you got to take some of that money, some of that energy, and put it into two states you didn't plan on doing. that's a big deal. >> steve: right. >> brian: he put new york into play. if joe biden ignores new york, i think it's in play, especially when you see the dissatisfaction. upstate is so trump country. >> ainsley: so red. >> brian: long island has gone red. listen around the country, really the five boroughs. you are seeing it. if the president focuses on five boroughs going to force joe biden to campaign in new york. >> ainsley: he has been in the bronx, he has been in harlem. >> brian: is he from queens. >> ainsley: what is interesting about this you can compare the polls to four years ago. normally we don't have two presidents that are running against each other that have run before. so it gives us an advantage when we can see where they were before and where they are now. you are right, steve, virginia is just jaw-dropping. up by 10 points. >> steve: when you look at this new fox news poll and let's just talk about the commonwealth of virginia. the troubling thing for -- and it's the bottom number there the troubling thing for joe biden, you know, joe biden we hear has all the kids. there is no age gap. voters under 30, trump and biden both get 48%. now, independents joe has 45% and donald trump has 43%. so that's pretty much a split. but, when it comes to the sexes, donald trump is favored by men by 5 points. meanwhile joe biden is favored by women by 6 points. >> brian: the other thing. >> steve: this is in virginia. >> brian: i was struck in wildwood. i think the whole country was about the president getting between 80 and 100,000 people on a very cold day on the beach. the other thing. >> ainsley: the rally in new jersey. >> brian: the rally in new jersey. when he goes to a ufc event it is thunder russ when he walks in. the feeling across the country, no matter the event, is overwhelming. what is it about that sport, what is it about that age. by the way the youngest demo in all of sports that seems to really resonate with the 77-year-old president? >> ainsley: i think because he is a fighter. he likes that sport. dana white, you got this great interview dana white for your show for one nation. dana white talks about how they have been friends. that the president really loves this sport. when the president was there at the match ---you call it the match, the tournament, what do you call it a match? >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: on saturday he announced he was going on tiktok. he did this big video with dana white. he got a standing ovation. >> brian: wasn't the first time not. they were the first sport to come back during the pandemic. here is dana white talking about his friendship with the president and how he resonates with ufc. >> loyalty is really important to me. he has been a very good friend to me. and he is a massive fight fan, you know. and it's not just saying the u. if c got popular so trump -- whatever. trump was the guy who reached out to us when we couldn't get venues and had us come to the taj. we did our first two shows over there when you think about it then, trump ran here, the ufc brand here. he showed up for the first fight and stayed until the last fight for both events. he is the guy that would reach out to me my entire career when good things happened. congratulations. i always knew you were going to do it. >> steve: his relationship with donald trump goats back to the early 2000s, he was talking about how they could get together in jersey and places like that. because donald trump has always had an eye out on, you know, the next big thing. he thought that was. that's one of the reasons to this day, you know, mixed martial arts, mma is kind of maga's semi official sport. >> ainsley: why do you think it is, brian? >> brian: number one, it's toughness. i think it's the raw quality. self-made people. you can't half ass it in the ufc. much like boxing. he also loves boxing. other thing interesting dana white is loyal to him. and the fighters love the former president. you see these guys hop out of the octagon and shake his hand after they win. i will be there for you are. you see it all the time. >> steve: didn't somebody endorse him last week? >> brian: who won, after he won his match. here is the president talking about to sean, about how him and the ufc fighters get along and why. >> some of the fighters, two in particular, hated their opponent. and this went on for months. then the fight ended and they are hugging and kissing in the ring. down, sitting, hugging and kissing. it's like nothing happened. happened on two fights. there were tremendous animosity between the fighters and other two fighters. and, at the end, that's what happened. and in a certain way, after we won against hillary, people would say lock her up, lock her up. and i said wouldn't it be terrible if i locked up the wife of the president of the united states former and locked up the former secretary of state? it's a terrible thing. you are starting if you want to bring the country together. i want to bring the country together. success does bring the country together. >> steve: november. it's the ultimate cage match. >> brian: the thing is about the president, the reason why marco rubio, ted cruz, get along with the former president, j.d. vance they all had times when they had friction. you battle it out, southbound it out, talk it out and then it's done. roll in doug burgum who says i wouldn't do business with donald trump. why are you doing business with him now? i got to know him. marco rubio it's called a campaign. ted cruz, we are over it. we work well with each other now. that's the spirit you get in sports. you fight as hard as you can and hug it out at the end. that's the sign of sportsmanship. and he not only did he not get it for two years candidate who he beat. joe rogan. i wouldn't be surprised with him sitting down with joe rogan soon. you see him describe the president's introduction. he says this is unbelievable to see. he said thank you. i think a sitdown for joe rogan for three hours could really help him. >> ainsley: i just love that crowd. that's our audience. that's real america. that's how i grew up in south carolina with people just like that. that love a good fight. and i think that's why they support donald trump. because they have seen what our government has tried to do to him. trial after trial, the russia, all that russia mess. >> brian: she launched it in his first two and a half years about russia. think about this, even the laptop, ainsley. the laptop was during the president's presidency. the director of national intelligence says it's real. they ignored him. and they went with 51 intelligence people that were done with their job. >> steve: they were partisans, ultimately. >> ainsley: i think america looks at that and say trump has survived all of this. and now he is stronger than ever. >> steve: do you know what, brian? >> ainsley: they are fighting for him. >> steve: this has been a great 4-minute segment perfect segue to your show tomorrow night one nation dana white. >> brian: two parts tomorrow night. >> steve: meanwhile, moving on. >> ainsley: hunter biden's gun trial riewmsz this morning in delaware and prosecutors are expected to wrap up their case today. >> brian: the president is making it very clear on where he stands on a pardon for his son if he is convicted. >> we sit here in normandy, your son hunter is on trial, and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, but let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> brian: okay. lucas tomlinson is in wilmington. hey, lucas. >> well, good morning, guys. anxiously, if you like a good fight, you came to the right place. two more witnesses are expected to be called today, a drug expert and an fbi chemist. and then the prosecution is expected to rest its case some time early this afternoon. of course, yesterday here, the star witness was hallie biden. hunter biden's sister-in-law and some time lover as you can see here. this was her arriving in the courthouse yesterday. she spent over five hours testifying. now, this video from october 23, 2018 shows hallie biden the widow of the former attorney general. the state's top cop stash ago .38 caliber colt revolver in a trash can outside a local supermarket a few miles from here that hunter had purchased 11 days prior. she placed the weapon in a leather pouch that allegedly contained drug residue and stashed it into a trash can. here is a photo of that revolver that was shown to the jury in the courtroom here yesterday. there it is. in her testimony, hallie said she was scared when she found the weapon in hunter's car. she didn't want him to hurt herself or for her children to find it. asked by the prosecutor if it appeared that hunter was using drugs around the time he purchased the gun was, of course, at the center of this case, guys. she said he could have been. but then later, on cross-examination, hunter's attorney abbe lowell asked hallie if she actually ever saw hunter using drugs, smoking crack, during the month of october of 2018 when the gun was purchased. she said she did not. the purchase of the weapon, of course, at the center of this trial about whether or not hunter was abusing drugs at the time and he purchased the gun and as he admitted in his memoir and audio book, which has been playing in the court of course earlier this week. of course right now, another big part of this story is the first lady, jill biden is -- has returned from france. we saw her yesterday from the 80th anniversary from the d-day and the normandy landings. she is back here in wilmington today to attend -- perhaps attend court. and then expected to fly back to europe to attend a state dinner with her husband. some people say that's a lot of travel just for a one day, guys. >> steve: the message, lucas, you know, hey, the first lady is here. this is important. i'm sure you have seen, this lucas, there is some speculation that now as the prosecution has concluded their case, there is some speculation that abbe lowell could call the first lady as a character witness on behalf hunter biden. >> that's right, steve. that's something why we are here. outside the courtroom. we are watching for the first lady not just walk in here to attend court but to see is she called as a potential witness when the defense begins their. >> steve: can you imagine? holy cow. >> ainsley: then there will be cross-examination. i don't know if she wants to put herself in that position. >> brian: right. >> good point, ainsley. >> brian: by showing up she is already sending a message. i'm the first lady and i'm here every day. >> ainsley: i'm powerful. >> brian: front and center look at my daughter. >> steve: here is the hunter biden i know. he has turned his life around. whatever a stepmother would say. >> ainsley: yeah. >> steve: so stay tuned, big. >> ainsley: headlines for you, 75-year-old pro-life activist sentenced for two years in prison for protesting outside of washington, d.c. abortion clinic in 2020. paul harlow and nine others conspiracy against civil rights and violating the face act which outlaws blocking entrances to abortion clinics. she says she has extensive mental issues and worries her health will get worse in jail. sparkingfury fly the thin blue line flag for the state trooper struck and killed during a traffic stop last week. instead the town ended up flying lgbtq rainbow flag half mast after the town already agreed it would fly for pride month. meanwhile this man, police say, is responsible for killing him has pleaded not guilty. his next court date is july 2nd. a teenager working at a mixed martial arts gym uses his skills to take down a suspected car thief. gavin archer says he took action after seeing a man rummaging through his car. that man rushed the teen as you can see purging and choking him into submission. the man who worked at the muffler shop next door admitted to trying to break into the car he said that's because it fit the description of one of the cars that he was about to work on. he has been fired. no arrests have been made after 41 seasons. pat sajak's final episode of wheel of fortune will air today. sajak became the host in 1981 and now considered to be the longest running host of single game show in modern history. vanna white who joined the show in 1982 saying quote i can't believe tomorrow is our last show together. i don't know how to put it into words what these past 41 years have meant to me. those are your headlines. >> brian: they seem like legitimate friendship. they have lunch or dinner every day. >> ainsley: she was tearful. >> steve: she was indeed. >> ainsley: her tv husband. >> ainsley: i have two of them. -- three of them. >> steve: three of them. one is gone today. >> steve: pay sajak juiced to have a show right here on the weekends fox news channel. >> ainsley: did he? >> steve: he did. great guy always around. >> brian: i thought we would have a chance to hang out with him. he didn't want to hang out with me, really. >> steve: we would go to dinner every friday night. >> brian: he would always tell me is he busy. chuck woolery will be here. he was the original wheel of fortune host. see if he will hang out with me. >> steve: chuck wa woolery was e original host and he got fired. >> brian: fired or moved on. >> steve: had to do with money. pat sajak replaced him. in 1984, i was working in kansas city doing pm magazine. i was the host of pm magazine. >> ainsley: i loved that show. >> steve: they canceled it to put on wheel of fortune. >> brian: is there a bitterness? >> steve: not at all. it led me toot couch. so ultimately pat sajak replaced both of us. >> ainsley: when something happens it can toledo better things. >> brian: pat sajak is free are you worried he is going to make a move for the couch. >> steve: there is a lot of people on the couch already. if pat would like to come on and talk about what he is going to do in his retirement. right there. >> ainsley: so weird being in this position. i still feel like i'm 10 years old. i went into hair and makeup one day to get ready for the show. chuck woolery was in there i watched him for years getting hair and makeup. >> brian: he is so smooth chuck woolery. no mistake that he ended up being a fantastic host. >> steve: probably makes mistake but so smooth at it. >> brian: we wouldn't know. undebt tillable. >> steve: friday it's a concert and mclemores are smoking barbecue. what you making today. >> steve, ainsley, and brian, thank you all. we have a lot going on out here. we are super excited about brandon lake. we brought in over 3,000 doughnuts thanks to tasty cake for supplying us for all of the vips. and we have also got, coming up at 7:00. don is going to show you what we got for a smoke nacho bar from the pages of our cookbook "gather and grill" for father's day. >> smoked chicken, smoked pulled pork brisket. hot dog bites thanks to masterbuilt. great father's day gift. guys, check that out. again, all the else are pays are in gathering grill. check that out, also. we are giving everybody, all the vips of mount olive munchies and some tasty cake. >> america's favorite doughnut. >> we have brought it and excited for the music. >> brian, this is your doughnut right here. this is just for you. >> back to you guys. >> steve: you buried the day today is national doughnut day. >> 100 percent. >> steve: guys, we will see you in a little bit. >> brian: a lot of kids have the day off. >> steve: salvation army is coming in because of donut day. it's why the banks are closed. coming up as they just mentioned, brandon lake is going to perform for the all-american summer concert series. sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, folks. ♪ ♪ including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> steve: all right. welcome back. listen to this. that man right there suspected long island serial killer rex heuermann is now accused of killing two more women bringing the total murders he is charged with now at this point to six. >> ainsley: he is accused of killing jessica taylor and sandra cass tila, and investigators say they found a planning document believed to be a blueprint for his killings. >> brian: ray tierney is overseeing the case and joins us now. we knew that was more what led to you believe these go? what expanded the casualty number? number of evidence when we took down the case there was a bunch of search warrants. >> brian: you there were for a while, right? >> yes. we were there over a week, a couple of weeks. so we obtained a whole bunch of information. we looked at that information. we followed it. there was d.n.a. evidence linking him to the commission of these two crimes and then we found other, such as the planning document. ainsley: what does the planning document say? >> the planning document, you know, we allege, basically sets forth his motivations his meticulous planning and clear intent. >> ainsley: this was in his computer it? >> was in his hard laptop and it had been erased and we were able to retrieve it with forensic tools. >> steve: what is interesting is after he would murder somebody he would go in make notes about what he did and things like that. it sounds like from what we were just talking about in the break, it sounds like he was actually using an fbi profiler's information to not get caught a book called mind hunter and he has specific passages from the book that is in the planning document it. appears as though mind hunter was used not to gain insight into the serial killer's condition but rather to gain insight into law enforcement and how they investigate such cases. >> steve: so he wouldn't get caught. >> ainsley: what about his wife? did she know what was going on. >> with regard to all six murders we have been able to establish that the family was out of town if not out of the country during the commission of the crimes and as that document lays bear. there was intent to have unfettered access to the victims in a place where no one else would be. i think it was clear that the family was out of town during the commission of the crimes. >> brian: how many people do you have dedicated to this and how many more people -- how many more cases are you looking to see if it's a max with rex heuermann? >> so, the answer to that question is we have enough people -- enough people that we need so sometimes it's small sometimes like when we do searches in the woods. >> brian: you are not closing this? >> no. >> ainsley: you think there could be more. >> we are not stopping. we were talking about we are would along all the bodies on gilgo. >> brian: gilgo beach. >> all the bodies beyond. sandra was not on gilgo beach jessica was. >> brian: that area surrounded by preserve and woods. have you checked surrounding area? >> so we have done some severance, yeah. but not -- not specifically. >> brian: do you think he was doing that? he wasn't dumping the bodies. >> we have to follow the evidence. >> steve: a couple big breaks announced in the case this he can would. >> ainsley: all started by picking his pizza trust out of the trash can in times square and that was his d.n.a. >> steve: you guys are tricky. >> brian: good forensics people, obviously. >> we have fantastic investigators. >> brian: thank you for come in. appreciate it. >> ainsley: thank you, ray. got bless. >> steve: i have got to shake your hand. >> brian: meanwhile, ray, if you would sit through this tease, that would be great. pete hegseth is the author of the war on warriors and he explains. >> ainsley: our birthday boy. maybe we can celebrate today. plus it, is the final jewel of course, triple crown and janice dean is live ahead of the belmont stakes. >> steve: night hat. giddy up. ♪ every single day ♪ i'm more powerful known for getting everyone together. ♪no o ♪no o see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? 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"fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth. pete, this is what your book is about. let's break down the numbers until we get to what actually prompted you to write it. >> pete: there is a lot of things we talk about on the social justice side. are we ready to fight if we need to be. >> brian: 1.2 plus active military. >> pete: that's a big number but the lowest it's been in 15 years. part of the reason for that is not just recruiting, which we will talk about. but, also, a lot of guys getting out in the middle of their career because they don't like what some of the institutions have turned into. >> brian: for example, u.s. air force when it comes to recruiting only 89% of the number. that's the best. >> pete: that's the best. army at 77%. that means they are looking an entire division of new privates. 15,000. that's a huge short fall. >> brian: big change in tactics and formation. >> pete: they will say it's a strategic change. a lot of it is out of necessity because they don't have enough troops. the navy this year in 2024 only goods going to meet 70% is the projection. it's not even getting better. >> brian: marines are hitting their marks within the navy. >> pete: yes they are. we will talk about that in a minute. what are they focusing on instead got a lot of the troops saying i don't want to serve. the dei things is not what you heard mark milley say talk about white rage congressional testimony. being pushed down into units how they talk about promotions. >> brian: it's not a meritocracy and ultimate meritocracy? >> pete: climate change agenda pushing electric tanks and humvees where are you going to plug them in in the desert. covid mandates pushed out a lot of guys. they tried to welcome them back. >> brian: last time you saw an ad. >> rugged ad of somebody fighting in the war showing what they get out of the military. you see none of that be all how can be. >> pete: the military bud lighted itself looking for a new constituency they turned off the normal masculine men they need to join the military. it's not universally bad but it's not good, brian. the heritage foundation has an index of the u.s. military. they put out every year. two years in a row. over all, the u.s. military has been determined to be weak. now, very weak is the air force. this is talking about personnel, planes, capabilities, training. munitions, strategic posture. all of that. >> brian: you could argue they have been leaned on more 25 years than any other branch? >> pete: that's right, navy weak. you don't want a marginal army or nuclear capability. marine corps with recruiting and capability. in my research for this book, brian, time and time again the marine corps stuck out as a place where we would say we want to try to hold the line. women in combat. they put out a study that proved women should not be in combat units. navy secretary threw it out under obama. marine corps has tried to fight back on some of it, as a result has maintained a lot of the ethos you would want it to have. >> brian: compare adversaries, china and russia. >> pete: specifically china on the naval side. we know they are trying to expand their influence in the pacific. if you look where we were ship to ship. we had a flight advantage. they already surpassed it by 2025 projection they have a big time advantage. quantity does have a quality of its own. we have more capabilities in our ships than they do. that's important to remember. they are building power projection platforms that are meant to focus on us, brian. >> brian: brian here san example. we hear russia has hypersonic missiles and we heard china has hypersonic missiles. i thought we were leading with that technology but we have not executed. >> pete: we have not. if our entire premise of power projection is we want to use aircraft carriers around the world. if they have built the military capability in these hypersonic missiles that can take out our aircraft carriers in the first 20 minutes of a conflict, that's a big problem. and that's why the pentagon has a perfect record in the last over decade in their war games, brian, inside when they war gamed u.s. vs. china, we lose every time. we lose in our own pentagon projections in a battle with china. if that's not a wake-up call, i don't know what is. >> brian: back up our carriers so far almost out of the theater. >> pete: then what's the point in that aspect. >> brian: brings us to your point and premise of it that hopefully spurs some action and change. >> pete: i love this institution and that's why i wrote the book. army i know and army we need should be focused on outcome on building individuals and teams and winning missions and battles and on winning wars. on outcomes. anything that doesn't accomplish the mission is just a distraction in war. and i have seen it distractions get people killed. >> brian: senator roger wicker says i want a major move to expand the military complex it's not big enough now war footing. do you support something like that? >> pete: needs to be focused on -- you need a military industrial complex there is no doubt about it. you need it focused on the future not building the stuff of the past. so we have got to change the way it operates. >> brian: other big story is. >> pete: what's this? >> brian: we did some research and it pete hegseth's birthday. >> pete: my goodness. >> brian: look what ainsley has done to you. ages eyewitness i made this. >> pete: a book cake? >> ainsley: don't eat this. carvel did. this this is an its cream cake. cash very well ice cream cakes are the best. >> brian: who is the cake boss? thank you very much. >> ainsley: happy birthday. >> steve: do you want, do you want to be a part i know you are supposed to toss to janice. >> ainsley: i know you have to celebrate his birthday. what do we say? >> we're so glad you were born. >> pete: thank you very much. overcome with emotion. >> ainsley: his book is number one. good birthday present. >> pete: send you a check in the mail. >> brian: this is sexy. >> ainsley: look at the belt buckle. >> pete: fox nation belt buckle. >> ainsley: tattoos, the hair. >> brian: things are going well. great family, great life, i couldn't be more jealous. go over to steve to tell us what is coming up. >> steve: the book would be a great father's date gift. just saying. brewing for the belmont stakes taking place tomorrow. this year's race is going to look a little different as it moved to saratoga springs, new york. janice dean is there live. but, first, before the fun, janice, we have got some extreme weather to talk about today, right? >> janice: yeah, let's talk about it. because the west has been baking. much earlier than average, 20 to 30 degrees above what they normally are this time of year. taking a look at the meet maps across the west. >> this is a big deal. it looks like it's not going to subside as we head into the weekend. the reps of the forecast today, we do have the potential for showers, thunderstorms, maybe severe weather across the plain states. here in saratoga i have got to tell you the forecast is improving because it was going to rain and now it looks like we have a lot of sunshine. that's great news. yesterday we got here. saratoga is the place. this is the belmont, 156th running of the belmont here at saratoga. never happened here before. we got the belmont track under construction. i talked to some folks. take a look. >> janice: woohoo. [cheers] >> janice: what is it about the horse racing you love? >> we love horse racing but we love this place. we love saratoga. >> every time i come up here, it's home. >> it's a beautiful facility, the history of it. >> janice: do you like it so far? >> yes. >> we love it, we love the extra track time. >> it's a great vibe it's amazes. >> it's like home, my home away from home. >> the history is amazing. the backyard, the people, the fans, everybody lost the horses here. >> the track is great for our town, we love coming, the social life. >> so much energy out here. >> there is nothing like it. [cheers] ♪ >> janice: it's amazing that this is only about 3 hours away from new york city. if you haven't been here, you have to come. saratoga is just fantastic. steve doocy, of course, the belmont happening tomorrow, fox sports is going to be covering it. and coming up next hour dewayne lucas our hall of fame trainer seized the gray in the race tomorrow. coming to you live on "fox & friends." >> steve: fantastic. what a great friday. j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: meanwhile, skip the screen time this summer and get your kids outside. our next guest says summer camp is one of the last screen-free spaces and needs protection. stick around. ♪ ♪ when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ ♪ >> ainsley: summer is right around the corner and our next guest says phones don't belong in schools or in summer camp she writes, quote. if your kid's camp doesn't have a no phone policy they experience cyberbullying, loneliness and tech addiction t could be one of the last screen free spaces left for children in a world thoroughly saturated with electronics. here with tips summer away from screens. julie scelfo mothers against family addiction. nice see you, thanks for coming on. >> nice to see you, too. good morning. >> ainsley: this shocked me when i read this article in u.s. news kids going to some camps where they allow phones. my daughter is going to summer camp and they don't allow phones at this camp. we talked to experts say when they interview kids at the end of the summer they love going to camp and not having that addiction of the phone. what's your advice? >> the best advice for all children is delay, delay, delay. kids don't need screens to be healthy and have fun. access to social media and smart phones means they can be exposed to things like violence, unhealthy beauty standards. apps keep them awake at night and scrolling which interrupts sleep which is really important. delaying access to these device is the first thing the parents can do. the second thing is that kids should go outside and play. they really need unstructured play time in the outdoors. so pe parents need to go out of their way to make sure get these experiences and model that by putting devices away. >> ainsley: i talked to one mom who didn't allow her daughter to have social media. she said she was the last one and her daughter created an account without telling her. ainsley, when hayden gets old enough you don't want to be the first but you don't want to be the last. do you agree with that? >> our kid might pitch a fit when you make them put their phone down and certainly my children also thought they were the absolutely the last children in the entire state not to have phones. [laughter] >> of course we keep hearing this and we know it's not true. but, if you can insist that your child leaves their phone behind when they go to summer camp, they are actually going to thank you for that when they are older. >> ainsley: right. so there are statistics, the surgeon general released this teenagers ages 13 to 17, 95% of them are using social media. 33% use it almost constantly. so, if our children do have social media, any advice? >> well, the data shows that children who are on screens more than three and a half hours a day are more likely to develop serious mental health problems. and so it's critically important that parents set limits for their kids. and, also, spend time looking at what their kids are seeing. if you don't know what your children are seeing, they could be seeing any number of dangerous things. like violence, self-harm. unhealthy beauty standards. if parents want to make sure their kids are safe. they need to spend time with them. and also if they can get involved with effort to protect kids. and visit us at join >> ainsley: julie, thank you so much for coming on. have great weekend. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: have great weekend. >> you too. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley. >> the victorian home featured on the show full house is now back on the market of the tanner family home is listed for a mere $6.5 million. no big deal. the four bedroom, three path house sold in 2020 for a little over 5 million. this is a fun fact. the creator of full house was actually the previous owner. and talk about a traffic jam, check out delivery robots running into trouble on a crosswalk in new york city. this demo was no, i do not promote amazon's new party rock party rock app. happy hour locations based on their vibe. a little bit of a traffic jam there those are your headlines, brian, steve, outside to you guys. >> steve: all right. carley, thank you very much. you know the once digital only brand untuckit has been booming in success and now they have got 80 stores. 80 stores worldwide. >> brian: big supporters of untuckit. if you don't believe it and this is the ceo right here, watch. activated by the commercial. >> >> brian: will cain joins us live from iowa. is he wearing an untuckit. that's why you never see an astronaut wearing untuckit it would fly up. >> ainsley: go to the diner brian tells us what you should wear. wear untuckit shirt. >> brian: other things point out too, getting the pulse of the people. doing it in untuckit shirt. how important is that? it looks good. it's the perfect length. thanks, lawrence we will talk later is that an untuckit shirt with triangle on the bottom because it's just perfect. >> steve: that's how brian tells. it's it's the little triangle right there. this is the shirt i have worn doing pickleball. >> brian: this is chris who came up with the idea no. background in action wear or clothing but decided i'm going to do this. what a great story. thanks so much for coming down, man. >> appreciate it. >> brian: how did you come up with the idea. is the commercial real how you just thought about it? >> one of those things i needed a shirt that was shorter. they were all too long. i talked to a bunch of friends. everyone had the exact same problem. i said maybe i could 1068 it. i didn't know what i was doing early on it. took a while to learn how it make clothing and here we are 12 years later, 88 stores and growing faster than ever so it's exciting. >> steve: congratulations. here's the thing about. brian and i have struggled with this -- i'm wearing one right now, for over 20 years. we, on a casual day, we don't like to tuck in our shirts. but then the other shirts they were always too long and you looked a little messy but this is perfect. it was a scientific thing, wasn't it? you asked a bunch of people. >> it was. we did a survey what is the right length and 9 95% of men agreed. people love it, attached to the brands. come, in great store experience. >> brian: what i love too, retail matters especially with guys. most guys will not buy a shirt unless they can feel. that's why you opened up all these stores. can you tell us the different options guys have? >> this is a wrinkle free linen very rare. wrinkle resistant. pack it wear it on vacation. waterproof traveler pants. water. performance. this is what i'm wearing. this is my favorite shirt. very stretchy. >> brian: what do you mean by performance? >> it's meant to wick sweat. wear it in hot water. don't sweat. wrinkle resistant as well. wrinkle free and wrinkle free polos, steve listen, we have got a special deal, too. it's a special gift for father's day, untuckit is offering 20% off for fox viewers for the next week just use code fox at >> and you got a brand new unaannouncement. >> i also have a new brand called greatness wins, derek jeter and misty copeland high end apparel brands. >> brian: congratulations. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: untuckit, great for father's day. >> brian: take it from dads. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. is start here, at kubota orange days. is zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )

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Congressional Testimony ,Sad ,Humvees ,War Showing ,None ,Desert ,Covid ,Military Bud Lighted ,Heritage Foundation ,Constituency ,Index ,U S Military ,Capabilities ,Planes ,Air Force ,Personnel ,Row ,Training ,Capability ,That S Right ,Branch ,Munitions ,Posture ,Navy Weak ,25 ,Women In Combat ,Research ,Combat Units ,Study ,Marine Corps ,Navy Secretary ,China ,Influence ,Result ,Ethos ,Adversaries ,Obama ,Flight Advantage ,Advantage ,Big Time ,Ship ,Quantity ,Pacific ,2025 ,Missiles ,Power Projection Platforms ,Technology ,World ,Aircraft Carriers ,Premise ,Problem ,Military Capability ,Power Projection ,Conflict ,20 ,Last ,Pentagon ,Pentagon Projections ,Battle ,War Games ,Record ,War Gamed ,Wake Up Call ,Vs ,Carriers ,Institution ,Theater ,Aspect ,Mission ,It Distractions ,Distraction ,Emissions ,Battles ,Doesn T ,Outcomes ,Teams ,Individuals ,Wars ,Anything ,Roger Wicker ,War Footing ,Military Industrial Complex ,Birthday ,Stuff ,Doubt ,Big Story ,Cream Cake ,Book Cake ,Ice Cream Cakes ,Cash ,My Goodness ,Carvel ,Cake Boss ,Birthday Present ,Emotion ,Mail ,Check ,I Couldn T ,Tattoos ,Belt Buckle ,Fox Nation Belt Buckle ,Jealous ,Saratoga Springs ,Gift ,Brewing ,First ,Weather ,West ,Baking ,Janice Dean ,Showers ,Thunderstorms ,Meet Maps ,Potential ,Reps ,Belmont ,Forecast ,Sunshine ,156th Running ,156 ,Cheers ,Horse Racing ,Take A Look ,Woohoo ,Belmont Track Under Construction ,Home ,Vibe ,Facility ,Track ,Backyard ,Social Life ,Away From Home ,Horses ,Fans ,Amazes ,You Haven T ,Steve Doocy ,3 ,Trainer ,Gray ,Fox Sports ,Dewayne Lucas ,Hall Of Fame ,Summer Camp ,Spaces ,Protection ,Eczema ,Pitch ,Dupixent ,Source ,Allergists ,Inflammation ,Dermatologists ,Body ,Help ,Adults ,Vision ,Eye Problems ,Eye Pain ,Relief ,Dose ,Eczema Specialist ,Spain ,Joint Aches ,Asthma ,Hearing Aids ,Brand Leader ,Time ,Everything ,Hearing Evaluation ,1 800 234 7090 ,800 ,234 ,7090 ,Liberty Mutual ,Car Insurance ,Advantages ,Stilts ,Hundreds ,Oh Whoa ,Kiddo ,Hi Honey ,Pay 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,Doing Pickleball ,Chris ,1068 ,88 ,12 ,Shirts ,Wasn T ,Brands ,Store Experience ,Retail ,Income ,9 ,Wrinkle ,Options Guys ,Linen ,Vacation ,Wrinkle Resistant ,Performance ,Water ,Sweat ,Traveler Pants ,Very Stretchy ,Well ,Polos ,Don T Sweat ,Steve Listen ,Brand ,Fox ,Code Fox ,Viewers ,Greatness Wins ,Derek Jeter ,Unaannouncement ,Great For Father S Day ,Dads ,Misty Copeland ,Voices ,Cidp ,Cidp Disrupts ,Cidp Derails ,More ,Patient Stories ,Inspiration ,Helpful Tips ,Finding Hope ,Shiningthroughcidp Com ,Cidp Doesn T Have To ,Teeth ,Smile ,Shades ,Little ,Hollywood ,Mowers ,Patients ,Product ,Vehicles ,Utility ,Sensitivity Protection ,At Kubota ,Zero ,24 7 ,Deals ,Tractor ,Tractors ,Plus ,Orange ,Apr ,Sale ,Ending ,300 ,0 ,84 ,3300 ,Dealer ,

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