Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240605

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concerns about the 81-year-old president revealing the clear signs of his cognitive decline becoming more obvious during private meetings. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. the white house quickly firing back at this report in the "wall street journal" calling the claims false and politically motivated. that long story, however, it is long, it includes interviews with dozens of high ranking officials and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who all agree behind closed doors biden shows signs of slipping. >> dana: former secretary of state mike pompeo will join us in a moment. first white house correspondent peter doocy is traveling with the president. good to have you have on from paris. >> good to be here. and despite that "wall street journal" item that they say sources information from 45 different people detailing what these folks are saying is basically questions about president biden's acuity, here in paris today president biden is not doing anything. even though we were told on the air force one trip that this trip would be action packed. >> it will be action packed extremely moving and extremely important three days in france with business, with speeches, and with an opportunity for him to say thank you directly to the veterans who saved democracy, saved the free world and set the stage for the decades of peace and prosperity that followed. >> that "wall street journal" item, the white house is taking issue with includes a story from speaker mike johnson who recalls a recent meeting with biden about canceling natural gas for europe. you are helping vladimir putin he told the president. biden said that wasn't true and the new policy was only a study according to several people familiar with johnson's version of what happened. johnson was dismayed that biden appeared to have forgotten details of his own policies they said. tomorrow and friday president biden is expected to travel from here in paris to normandy, a few hours away, for these commemoration of what is expected to be the last milestone d-day anniversary that has some of the 150 d-day veterans still alive present for the ceremonies. we do expect in normandy president biden will meet with zelenskyy and so expect to here this president talk a little bit about how he thinks things in europe right now, maybe not that different than they were 80 years ago. >> dana: important trip. glad you are there for us. thank you. for more on all this former secretary of state mike pompeo, fox news contributor. so you heard a little bit about that "wall street journal" piece. i want to read one more piece to you from that. biden deferred so frequently to other lawmakers much of the conversation didn't include him. when questions came directly to him he would turn to staffers, they said. you couldn't be there and not feel uncomfortable said one person who attended. i will just say that. you have been in a lot of meetings with presidents in your time in government. your reaction to this story that is really pretty explosive this morning. >> dana, i say this with no joy. these aren't just private conversations where we can see president biden is no longer up to the task of being the commander-in-chief and keeping america secure but we see it in the public speaking he does as well. he can't follow a teleprompter. basic skill sets that every leader of the free world needs to have. we can see it in how he interacts with people. he has these moments that just look like he is getting older and that his faculties are not all with him. i'm counting on commander-in-chief to have the skill set, mental acuity to deliver for america i think we can all see with our own eyes. we don't have to rely on anybody else to see there is a real risk. i will close with this thought. i've been traveling a bunch these last few weeks all over the world. leaders across the world see it as well. he is not able to follow the line of the conversation entirely. that's not good when you are thinking about the fact that we have two wars today, chinese communist party moving out. this is enormous risk to the united states of america. >> bill: interesting you say it that way. you have to think our european allies, if they don't already see it will see it on this trip. we were watching the president get off the plane. he looked fine. when you go down the line, you realize he is older and that's what these stories reflect. they will see that for themselves and the word spreads across the continent in a way it hasn't yet. "politico" writes this. foreign policy becomes a liability for biden's campaign as he heads to france. even democrats sounding alarms about foreign wars hurting biden in november. that's ukraine, gaza, think about the battleground states in the "new york times." donald trump clearly has a lead on joe biden in foreign policy. bremmer points out if this election is about foreign policy, biden loses. >> bill bremmer saying that present trump will win of foreign policy you know it must be true. he and i don't often agree on a heck of a lot when it comes to how to keep america secure. but bill your point is real taken. not only with our allies see with and many have seen it already but our adversaries can sense and see that he is unable to make decisions to work long hours, to do the things that you would have seen this when you were in office as well, these are tough jobs that are 24/seven activities and the requirement is not about age but the capacity, energy, mental focus, energy that's required to deliver and our adversaries are sensing this as well and i think it's why you see vladimir putin testing us, you see hamas now continuing to hold onto hostages in the face of america trying to restrain israel and you can see chinese communist party and north korea saying this may well be the moment to press our advantage against the united states of america. >> bill: let's hope not. >> dana: yesterday the house judiciary committee had the attorney general on the hot seat. one of the things they talked about is the interview transcript between biden and special counsel robert hur and a.g. garland talked about cleaning up the hur transcript. call for number five if you guys can pull it up here. basically the white house is saying they aren't going to release this and saying it through the attorney general. watch. >> it is an accurate transcript with the exceptions of uhs and repetitions of words like i &. he consulted with people who created the transcript and who agreed it was an accurate transcript. >> dana: final thoughts on that, sir. >> american people deserve to hear the president's conversation. if you released the transcript. if you can't release the audio it's odd. they are trying to protect something that is there, how it soun. maybe connected to the same issue we've been speaking to. i think the american people can sense -- the political article you referred to talked about foreign policy not being on the top of people's list. that's largely true and properly so. the mood music, the american people can sense that they and their children and grandchildren are less safe today because we have a president that hand handle the 3:00 a.m. phone call and deliver the security the american people need and has gotten us into two wars that didn't have to be. we could have deterred these bad guys and we simply failed to do it. >> bill: maybe that ad comes back. thank you for coming on today. we'll speak again. thank you very much. eight minutes past the hour. hunter biden's federal gun trial is back on today as we speak, in fact, prosecutors using the first son's own words against him. the jury has already been presented excerpts from his memoir to show the depths of his drug addiction. an f.b.i. agent is back on stand for the cross examination as it continues at this hour. andy mccarthy, good morning to you. two damning pieces of evidence. one is the laptop and the other is the memoir. hunter's voice. >> crack takes you into the darkest recesses of your soul as well as the darkest corners of every community. unlike with alcohol, you become dependent not only on a criminal sub culture to access what you need but the lowest rung of that sub culture. >> bill: what we've come to learn the defense rely on the sympathies of some of these jurors and they may get their wish with that strategy. or they may not. how do you see it right now on day two, andy? >> well, i think nullification, bill, is obviously something if you were biden on trial in wilmington, that would certainly be a hope that you would have at the front of your list. but i don't really think, you know, hope is a strategy in litigation. so there is always the chance that you could get a jury who was sympathetic to hunter to acquit but i think there is more going on here. i think he is playing a long game that is the objective of which is to get the case reversed on appeal. the evidence that he was a user and addict of cocaine is pretty overwhelming, as you point out. most of it comes from him. he is the source of it. but he has cards to play here because the supreme court changed our understanding of what the second amendment right was in a case in 2022. they are very serious about that gun regulation has to go back to the original understanding. i think what this case is going to come down to is how do you an all -- it is like habitual drunkenness. when someone is intoxicated you can take the gun away from them but you have to give it back afterwards or more like mental illness. a long history in the country of being able to remove not only firearms but other rights of people mentally incompetent. i think they are aiming -- they've already lost that in the trial court. i think they are aiming to litigate it in the court of appeals. >> dana: wasn't this something, too. president biden at the second presidential debate in october of 2020 said there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that this is a russian plan talking about the laptop. then yesterday the prosecution of hunter biden enters into evidence the laptop which was not from the russians, andy. >> dana, it is astonishing. the thing that caught my eye is that the bureau has known since early 2019 that this device and data on it were authentic and it was the f.b.i. itself that was putting pressure on the social media companies to suppress the story about hunter's laptop as if it was russian disinformation. there was no reason to believe that the data on that laptop was russian disinformation. that was always a fraud but the more we find out about it, the more we see what a willful fraud it was. >> bill: andy, thank you. we may see hunter's ex-wife on the stand today and wait for more news out of wilmington. 12 past. here we go to florida again. waiting on the star liner to get going here in 40 minutes from now, all right? are you ready for this? >> dana: ready. >> bill: we'll have two astronauts butch and sunny on board going to the international space station and come back. boeing has had a lot of sticky problems with this. they spent a lot of money and behind schedule in a significant way. see whether or not they can have luck and -- >> dana: hoping for success here. that would be good to have. >> although the temperatures could get into the 90s and hundreds. the heat index is really bad. you can get burned if it is kind of cool out. >> dana: record breaking heat wave for hundreds of millions of americans. it is only june 5th. >> they are stuck inside the store. >> they tried, these fed-up shoppers turning the tables on would be robbers. >> dana: i love it. chalk up another challenge for president biden with young voters. how the rising cost of housing is putting the american dream out of reach. veterans, need money for major home repairs? why not think outside a bank? get up to $70,000 with a newday 100 va cash out loan. disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. help heal your painful skin— disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] >> bill: welcome back. 18 minutes past the hour. if you were with us yesterday we introduced our tracker on the issues. we want to just show something in light of the "wall street journal" reporting earlier today and the executive order on the border. this is biden on the left and what voters prefer and then trump on the right. just advance it one time. what sticks out to us now especially in light of what mike pompeo was talking about earlier today, the issue of age. trump has a 21 point advantage on the issue of age. they see him as younger and more vibrant and that's pretty evident here. let me clear this off and advance it one time and look at this. with the executive order from yesterday on the border whether or not you can make this a success and turn some of these numbers around, donald trump has an 18-point lead on the border. you have two big issues there right now, right? age and the border. the other thing i would point out right here is right above it is the economy up 15 points. whether or not joe biden can get more success through the fed or some other source over the next five months remains to be seen. conversely, you have abortion, all right? here is biden on the left. up 12 points with a solid advantage over donald trump. does the border and abortion cancel each other out in november? we'll wait and see. that's why we vote. speaking of abortion here, back one time. remember this, the border 18 points. what we find. all those polls, trump up 15, up 11, up 27, up 17. conversely go to abortion. it all shifts to the other side. biden up eight, 16, 11, 12 and 15. two of the hot issues we're tracking on the issues tracker from now until election day. >> dana: i love it. you explain it well. here get this, shoppers and store employees take matters into their own hands trying to stop burglars in their tracks in nashville. a group of people in masks and hood east went into the store and workers locked the front and back doors and shoppers helped block the entrance. the suspects had broken through the back of the building and escaped before police arrived. no arrests so far. i remember lawrence jones saying that if crime like this continues throughout america, you will see americans taking it into their own hands because they are tired of it and don't want to see it. >> bill: you see crime favors trump again, too. that's out there. >> dana: there you are. >> we offered -- the first bill, a comprehensive pathway for citizenship and taking care of our dreamers, fixing the broken aspects of the system and they didn't take it up. >> dana: border czar kamala harris making time for late night with jimmie kimmel but skipping a key with white house events on the border. minutes away nasa is set to have the star liner spacecraft ready to launch. we'll bring it to you live. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? 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>> i have experienced high cost of living these past four years for absolutely everything with biden being president. i'm curious to see what they will have to say in terms of cost of living. >> you know she is not alone. a recent poll that shows us that nine out of ten young people say housing will influence how they will vote come november. >> bill: another issue they shall track. it may be years before we see 3% again. a long time. thank you for that. appreciate it. >> dana: fox news alert. questions around the president's age and acuity front and center. a new report from the "wall street journal" outlines signs of cognitive decline. charlie hurt is with us now. the "wall street journal" piece is a long one, very comprehensive and they talk to a lot of democrats who also then called back at the request of the white house to say no, he is actually sharp. here is from "time" magazine, a reporter who did the interview. him. he was on with jake tapper yesterday. >> president biden brushing off any concerns about his age, how did he seem to you? >> i mean, he appears very much as he appears on tv. he is older than when he started in office. it is visible. >> dana: i believe, charlie, you knew him when we were both in the white house. long time white house reporter and seen a lot of things. for him to say it's visible. he wasn't necessarily soft pedaling it but it made an impression. >> you mentioned what i thought was the most interesting part of that whole "wall street journal" piece. the effort the white house made to try to spin this thing as not as bad as it is by literally calling every single one of the democrat senators that "time" magazine spoke to and got them to call back the reporters and try to spin this as well, it really wasn't that bad. well, it ob vobviously is bad a american people see it with their own eyes but you get the sense what a dire situation it is when you have merrick garland yesterday going to congress and saying we aren't going to release the audio version of the interview with special counsel hur because obviously because it apparently sounds so bad it would be a political problem for the white house. i have a lot of trouble with that decision but whatever you think of that decision, it underscores just how concerned they are about it and how bad they recognize the president looks in front of -- to people who are watching. >> bill: charlie, gregory meeks was the congressman from new york, the democrat. has been in congress. they said i should give you a call back in quotes, too. attributed to him. some have run to his defense already. give this a listen right here. >> if this was basically house republicans whacking -- >> why didn't they ask marjorie taylor greene? >> you can't say it on the air what the reaction is actually. but i am sort of actually embarrassed for the "wall street journal." this piece is so tilted, so off the mark, is he 81 years old? yes. is he a bit slower in terms of his reactions to some things? probably. >> it feels like a moment with trump reeling after the verdict and we wait to see how that is going to play out. then it is republicans trying to revive what they think could be an effective story line. >> bill: the journal says they talked to 45 people. 45. and if you see the length of this piece, you know it takes a long time to put this thing together. if the white house thought about a different strategy, would it work for them if they embraced it? could they sell that, charlie? sell it better? >> i think they tried that. we had a little movement there about six months ago where joe biden was leaning into it and making jokes about it. they aren't making the jokes anymore, i think because it is so obviously a problem. and it is obviously there is wisdom, which is wonderful that comes with age, but this is kind of around the bend past wisdom. that clip with joe scarborough is hysterical and underscores how we got into the situation we're in. the fact that mead like joe scarborough will spend so much of their own capital and credibility if they have any left. the fact they're willing to spend all their credibility trying to spin for joe biden and they have been doing that from day one means that for the entire time of his presidency and his campaign before that, much of the media hasn't even been calling balls and strikes. they have been spinning the entire time. so then when it gets so bad no amount of spin can fix it, you wind up in a really bad situation. >> dana: i thought the "wall street journal" report as i read it were bending over backwards to be fair and delicate and to address the situation from a sensitive point of view but it is the news and the white house will have to deal with it and the campaign. charlie, great, thanks to have you. >> bill: alec baldwin is going from the silver screen to reality tv. hemmer celebrity news. he and his wife hilaria, they've got seven kids under the age of ten and the show is set to come out next year and you will see a lot of bedlam in the house in lower manhattan. he faces an involuntary manslaughter charge after the killing on the rust set. >> bill: back to the yoga studio we go. i think we have a preview perhaps. see where they go. >> dana: check this out. >> where are you guys from? >> egypt. >> what country are you from? >> turkey. all turkey? >> i love american. >> dana: the white house taking executive action on the border in lieu of a bipartisan bill that couldn't get passed. will it do anything to help border patrol? we'll ask. investigators looking for someone who tried to bribe is minneapolis juror with a bag of cash, $120,000 to be exact. the stunning details are next. 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>> a lot that goes into this case. allegedly one if not the largest pandemic fraud case in the nation. now the feds are looking for someone who they say dropped a bag of cash at a jurors house and as they go into deliberations two jurors have been dismissed from the case. the story is a mysterious woman dressed in black left 120,000 with a message that more money will be coming if the juror voted to acquit. that juror went right to police. a second juror was police after she heard about the jury tamperinging from a family member. it is alleging 70 people took 250 million aid money. seven defendants on trial. the first of that bunch to face the judge and all taken into custody while the jury tampering story swirls around. their alleged portion is 40 million. it flowed through true groups called feeding our future and partners in nutrition. taxpayer money was used on luxury cars, jewelry and a house. a fraction of the money went to feed kids. attorneys for six of the defendants argued the government didn't prove its case. one defendant said he prepped meals and didn't know anything about the bookkeeping. the jury is sequestered and no information that other jurors were contacted. >> bill: nothing says give me what i want with cash. crazy story. >> dana: president biden's border crackdown kicking in at midnight. will it do anything to prevent scenes like this one? joining me now is a retired border patrol agent from the san diego sector. could it help a little bit? >> thank you for having me on, dana. i really don't think so. it is kind of funny this is the man that said he couldn't do anything, now he finds that he can. this allows up to several thousand people a day, 2500 people a day before it triggers any repercussions. that's over 900,000 per year. that doesn't count the c b-one app or the program that allows people from cuba, haiti, venezuela, nicaragua to gain parole to the u.s., that's another million people. in san diego sector just the other day, the last week there were 6,777 apprehensions. 133 unaccompanied minors, 75 pounds of methamphetamine. >> dana: the weekly update. almost 7,000 apprehensions. from 67 countries. the other thing is christopher wray talked about the terror watch list suspects at the border yesterday. >> currently we have seen over the last five to six years an increase in the number of known or suspected terrorists. watch listed subjects attempting to cross the border. and that is of concern. >> dana: how much of it is a concern to you. what level of concern are you at? >> it is the most i've ever seen. i have pictures not too long ago of a group of 30 claiming asylum. it is being abused and allowed to be abused by this administration. they are gaming the system. in this group were three individuals well dressed, two females and male. the male particularly very well dressed, very buffed, crew cut. military age male. almost in a shooting war with russia. they are not called the kgb anymore people should be concerned about not just terrorists but these people from these nation states that do not like us. that want to do us harm. north korea, iran, china, russia, venezuela, cuba. we're allowing them into this country. chinese nationals and releasing them. they try to gain entry to our military bases. i've responded to calls where chinese nationals are trying to get onto naval air station coronado. it is real and happening. we don't know who these people are and it falls into the category of gotaways with the border patrol calls gotaways. people we know got away but didn't catch them. we don't know who they are. that's in the hundreds of thousands. i think people should be very, very concerned if anything happens with russia, with china, taiwan or anything, bad things will happen to this country, to our infrastructure and it's nation states. we're not talking about the terrorist organizations potentially hezbollah, hamas and others that want to do us harm. and they are coming into our country in numbers we've never, ever seen. >> dana: we appreciate your take on it and the fact that you are there and have your finger on the pulse in the beautiful city of san diego. thank you for your time. i'm sure we'll be back in touch. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me on. >> bill: 15 minutes now before the hour and well, well, well, we are getting closer by the moment, okay? >> dana: do you think it is going to happen? >> bill: i was watching on saturday with our colleagues at fox and got to the last minute and they scrapped the sucker and done it repeatedly now for a year. the brand-new star liner from boeing and nasa is ready for launch. first time with a crew on board. astronauts going into space. we keep our fingers crossed but we hit the time in six minutes. hold where you are, america and we'll show you this when we return. on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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>> well, the first of all building a new space shift is a tough thing no matter when you do it. second of all, what elon musk and spacex has done is phenomenal. they completely dominate the entire global launch market. not boeing and star liner but jeff bezos another guy with spare quarters spending a lot of money and spacex is a decade or more in front of him. spacex fails fast, it will blow up a rocket and fix it and launch a new one a few weeks later. that fail fast philosophy like you see in silicon valley has worked really well for them. >> dana: it's dana perino. since they spend days at the international space station to tell people in america, success story for all of us, taxpayers helped pay for this. what do we get out of that? what sort of things could they learn and where do we go from here and the payoff on the return on investment for american taxpayers? >> well, the first huge payoff is that it's a way to launch astronauts from florida on an american spaceship rather than paying the russians. my last flight was a russian, to the space station. we didn't have a spaceship and had to pay them to launch. the good news is we aren't paying the russian space agency that is doing plenty of evil things on earth. the second thing is building, operating a space station requires astronauts. they are doing science up there. there is a lot of return on investment just from the science and the engineering lessons that we're learning in space there. >> bill: let's go, go, go. we have a good story here and thank you for being part of it. want to go to john down there in space coast and what it looked like. what did it feel like, jonathan? >> this was a very smooth launch and i'm glad you asked that because when you see a rocket launch up close, it is not just the look but the feel. the rocket is just so loud and the rumble so deep that you can feel it in your chest. in fact, several car alarms in the press center parking lot at kennedy space center went off during the launch. a flawless, beautiful launch as we watched that rocket rise and then disappear up into the clouds. now the spacecraft, of course, is made by boeing but the rocket is made and run by ula, united launch alliance, a separate company that represents a joint venture between boeing and lockheed martin. ordinarily if this were an uncrude spacecraft that ula atlas five rocket would have taken star liner all the way up to orbit but because it is a new spacecraft with humans on board, the ula rocket is taking its sub or bital and star liner does the rest of it to go into orbit. >> bill: thank you, jonathan. nice to see you in florida. >> dana: fun to be here for these launchs. i hold my breath. thanks for being with us. harris faulkner is next. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. hunter biden back in court for day three of hised

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