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judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ wait a second. joe biden now has the power to fix the border? less than five months ago, the big guy was crying to the hold world how he had done all he can on the crisis, and that republicans were to blame for allowing millions of illegals to waltz into our country and cause all sorts of chaos. biden sat on his hands as migrants took advantage, beating up cops in times square and flipping the bird to americans when caught. just last night, migrants were taking selfies at a border wall in california. but with an election five months away, joe had a sudden change of heart. >> today, i'm using executive authority as available to me as president to do what i can on my own to address the border appear i'm announcing actions to bar migrants who across our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. the simple truth is there is a worldwide migrant crisis. and if the united states doesn't secure our border, there is no limit to the number of people who may try to come here because there is no better place on the planet than the united states of america. >> jesse: as of midnight, the border will be shut down for the first time since a man named donald trump was in the oval office. that's because the move effectively blocks asylum request once the average number of daily encounters hits 2500. but that is peanuts to what we are seeing right now. but don't be fooled, the so-called crackdown that will still permit a minimum of 1.8 million new arrivals into america every year, even if enforced properly. so why is it joe acting now? cnn's data guru has some clues. >> immigration is the nation's top problem. back in may of 2020, it was just 1% of voters who said look at where we are today, may of 2024, the last poll conducted by gallup, it is up to 18%, back in june of 2020, biden was trusted more on border security and immigration by a single point. look at where we are in may of 2024. my goodness gracious. look at this huge jump that donald trump has gotten. he is now ahead on this issue by 27 percentage points. >> jesse: all right, judge jeanine pirro a lot of holes, a lot of loopholes in this so-called executive order. are you happy took action or is it too little, too late? >> judge jeanine: oh, i'm going to be one of the positive people and say i am so glad he decided that he had the power that he didn't think he had, that took him five months to figure it out. but i have a feeling that joe biden really knew he had the power because he issued an executive order getting rid of donald trump's orders that kept the border more secure, and obviously, what you've got is, you know, repeatedly needed congress, and now that immigration has been the number one issue four i guess it was three months in a row which is the longest any one issue has been number one in i think his 24-27 years. he knows that he's got five months to make this right, but between us chickens here, and i mean that in a very positive sense. >> harold: give me the benefit of the doubt. >> judge jeanine: okay, your benefit of the doubt. 2500 a day means the border is not closed. it means that what joe biden is doing, he is standing up and saying, i've got a secure border now, americans, you should be happy. but we all know -- or maybe you don't -- that biden and mayorkas enacted 64 executive orders to keep the border open, so i guess they kind of had that order in their back pocket. but, you know, it's sad because it's purely political. when the truth is that the cartels are still going to be in charge of what's going on at the border. and, you know, they are still going to be throwing babies over fences, and i really think, you know, because i try to understand why this was done in the first instance. this horrible white guilt and white supremacy, and now it is virtue signaling, you know, we are over that. we're going to let everybody come in. we are going to make sure everybody has a place in the united states, and we are going to absolve ourselves of our guilt and let the ball come in. but i think what has happened in america since the pandemic, covid and the 8-10 million new illegals, it's just terrible because american citizens are paying a price that they shouldn't have to pay. minority communities are being subjugated to the needs of the migrant community. and just, was it yesterday, to cops were shot by a guy from venezuela who crossed illegallye shot, one in the chest, one of the leg, crossed illegally, but apparently joe biden gave 350,000 illegals amnesty by saying, you know, they don't have criminal records and they are not a national security threat, or there is no real closing, there is no real finality, it is just like, let them all in. >> jesse: we talked for many months, harold ford jr., and i was sitting next to you what i told you how many times that he had the power, we pointed to the statute, congress who had given him the power and you said no, jesse watters, doesn't have the power, needs congress. who was right? >> harold: i think, first, it's good to be back. we were both partially right. here is where i give him credit today. he has done all he can possibly do with an executive order. and president trump, in fairness to him, did a lot with executive orders. president trump promised this in the campaign in 2016 that he would build a wall. he felt about 40 miles. he promised that mexico would pay for it. mexico did not pay for it be if i'm not faulting him but what i'm saying is in order for all of the things we want to have happen on the border it takes congressional approval, takes perfect congressional buy-in and partnership to do it. i will give president biden the benefit of the doubt. where i don't give him the benefit of the doubt -- i give him the benefit of the doubt he is doing all they can and he needs congress to do more. he believed there was a comprehensive solution worked out, james lankford and republicans and others worked with his administration, it was rejected. but i don't give the president of the benefit of the doubt is we should have done this earlier. dana knows as well as any having worked in the white house, only one of us have worked in the white house, policy formation is fluid. and probably the most powerful factor that contributes to policy formation is politics. and the most powerful element of politics is an election year. and there is no doubt being a few months out from an election, to the judges pointed everyone's point around the table about this issue, the fact that we are coming up on an election is certainly influencing this but i don't fault people for being moved by the voters. even if i think they have waited too long, except it. i except with the judge is accepting. could we have more? yes, but the only way we get more is if congress helps, as well, because this is by no means a comprehensive solution. is going to take congressional buy-in for the fentanyl to go down, human trafficking to go down, for the terrace coming across our border for that to go down. we were both right. >> jesse: okay, i'll take it. dana, the politics of this, dana, there were some no-shows today, some democrats didn't want to really be involved in this. >> dana: four senate democrats in vulnerable positions, slightly ahead of their republican challengers in each but they do not want to be near biden because they know that their constituents are looking at those numbers that cnn was showing, oh, my goodness, look at this. that is how those people in those states feel, including arizona, georgia, and pennsylvania and wisconsin. where the four. montana, sorry. when harold said that policies are fluid. let's look at a couple of things. it was 2017 when all of this anger at president trump's policies came to bear, right? so in 2016, the democrats didn't have anything about asylum in their dnc convention, they didn't talk about it at all, hillary clinton didn't talk about it. trump gets into office and makes decisions and then oh, my gosh, now the democrats, they have to attack all the people of the world. they promised in their 2020 platform that they will protect people and reverse trump's policies. and what did biden do in his first two weeks? that's what he did. so he owns all of it. the other thing i was thinking about today is he is so protected from ever having anything -- are you making fun of me? >> harold: no, greg is making faces. >> judge jeanine: making faces, harold. >> dana: i could feel something was happening. biden is so protected. he invites these blue city mayors. we has never worked in local politics, he went straight to the senate, and in the senate you basically passed bills worth billions of dollars and you never have to worry about actually writing a check for $750 to go for this playground in this constituency, and local government is the hardest. i imagine that a lot of them worth sitting there thinking, okay, i'm here because you are kind of forcing me to be here, but they know that the problems in their communities are caused by a decision in 2022 reverse trump's policies and now they are trying to blame the republicans. it's really quite something to see and i don't think it will work politically, especially with those numbers. >> jesse: grade, give us the global view here. big picture. >> greg: i'm a big picture guy. you know this remind me of? how they frame inflation. when the rate drops, the prices still go up but only slower. we have to remind ourselves, it is still going up. we should be calling this illegal inflation. but this proves the law that we already knew -- you like that? >> dana: i did. >> greg: okay, that's good. elections have consequences, but for democrats, the consequences of their policies jeopardize elections, so that's when they suddenly care about you. and pretend to abandon all of their luxury beliefs for now, so whether it is their social justice agenda, dei, climate change of session, their embrace of sanctuary cities at of course supporting joe biden, all of that you could probably do in better times, when things weren't already in ruins due to four years of luxury beliefs, and that's the paradox. you know, in good times, dems make it bad because it is less noticeable during good times. biden -- biden himself is a luxury hobby, just like defunding the police, denying inflation, and supporting ukraine. but when you can't support your own family, you can't support illegal families, and you can't support wars across the globe so don't ask any more. we are all done. trump, however, is not a luxury belief. it actually cost you to support him. you know? it's like when you come out for trump, you endure the acrimony of people that you work with, people who think they are smarter than you. but it's like the short term -- it is the short-term response to a long-term problem. you go to the gym and it hurts in the beginning but it pays off later. that's how you look at trump. you look at trump as a tough decision that helps you in the long term, and when you do it, it's brave because you are enduring the emotional wrecks who will mock you but when you support trump you realize you are not in luxury times. and that luxury beliefs caused these bad times and the dems, they won't help you because in their luxury beliefs, they don't care about the border, right? they don't care about crime, they don't care about you, and this is just -- my point being, this was just an action based on caring about an election. the election looms. they are doing it. so it's not about you. >> judge jeanine: can i add one stat in there? >> jesse: sure. >> judge jeanine: apparently there is a poll that showed 56% of americans think that the illegals should be rounded up and deported. that's a huge number. >> jesse: wow, harold. >> harold: all i know is this. we have an opportunity to embrace this. if republicans feel so strongly, pass the bipartisan bill. >> jesse: how do you even show your -- >> harold: democrats have won more races in 2020 then republicans republicans. >> jesse: ahead, hunter speaks at his gun trial. find out what happened next. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ ♪ >> greg: opening arguments and hunters gun trial kicking off with a bang. as the doj introduced the infamous laptop from hell into hello evidence. said was phony russian disinfo, a tangible piece of evidence today, literally wrapped in plastic. and brought to the prosecution's first witness, and fbi special agent who authenticated it to the jury. and explosive moment, hunter forced to sit and listen to the sound of his own voice as they played exerts from his audiobook where he posted about his crackhead wisdom. >> the darkest recesses of your soul, as well as the darkest corners of every community. i had done it everywhere i had been in the last few months. i could get off a plane in timbuktu and score a bag of crack. >> greg: stop bragging. the same media who salivated every todd lee tawdry detail of trump hush money trial now feeld dealing with such embarrassing details periods interesting comparison, dana, because -- no? sound bite never mind. we didn't need it, anyway. you want to hear my voice instead. you have this natural comparison where you have people who can't even explain what trump was found guilty of but here, he's actually explaining it. there is no way he is not guilty and yet somehow the sympathy is outpouring to him because he has not trump. >> dana: even after the verdict a week later, everyone is like actually, no, that still doesn't make sense, and i think one thing i've noticed in this trial is the prosecutors came to play. they are really going hard at this. they are saying -- they are going to make sure these charges stick. i was talking to the judge this morning on "newsroom" about if only they hadn't tried to overreach in his plea deal two years ago, this wouldn't even be happening to them. so, oh, well. >> greg: hey, jesse. >> jesse: hey. >> greg: what do you think of the argument you're seeing in social media, where the young people are? you are probably not familiar with it. the argument that hunters trial shows you that trump's trial was legit because the scales are balanced, they are going after him, too, what do you say to the difficult question? >> jesse: he wasn't getting home cooking. he is in deep blue manhattan and they had to invent the charge. and this is a case that is a slam-dunk. you have everything lined up perfectly. this should be a slam-dunk. but have you seen these jurors, greg? >> greg: i have heard about them. >> jesse: one juror, but childhood best friend died from a heroin overdose, another juror has an alcoholic brother in law, another pled guilty to a dui, other has a brother addicted to pcp/heroin, one said you should be able to buy a gun if you're smoking weed. another juror worked for the secret service and her husband is currently a secret service member. at that point, ashley biden smiled. and then the alternate and obama donor. >> dana: so a jury of his peers. >> greg: nicely done. >> jesse: a good point because when he says "crack takes you to the darkest place in your soul," >> greg: oh, don't do >> jesse: i'm not going to do it. your point is right about the prosecution. they were humiliated when the plea deal blew up. going to go on and get a conviction but they can still get the conviction and ask for no prison sentence. and still walk away from this balanced. i just hate how the media talks about the biden family the way they talk about the trump family. they keep talking about the way that the father has love for hunter and has this beautiful, special relationship. he's a crack head he pays for prostitutes, squirrels out of alimony and child support, a wretched human being in the trunk kids do not do drugs, they did smoke cigarettes, they are y company, they have beautiful families, and they talk about eric and don like they are scoundrels, like trump doesn't even like his own sons. it's ridiculous. when you raise a son, you are responsible for that son. it is not like raising a daughter, it's different. >> greg: [laughs] >> judge jeanine: oh, come on, jesse. >> jesse: every father of a son knows what you are talking about it. you have to mold the child into a man. that comes with their spots ability, discipline, morality, and you have the responsibility to send this sons a responsible civilian. joe biden didn't do that. >> judge jeanine: how about the girls? how do you raise your daughter? >> jesse: i give them everything you want to. >> greg: there you go. >> dana: you >> greg: it soundedbad when you. let's go to harold. jesse makes a good point. it seems like the bidens are getting just a plethora of sympathy. they are playing the loving father, suffering son, when really, the story is, you know, hunter is the rainmaker for a greedy dad, at least that is how you described it earlier. in the green room. >> harold: prosecutors bring cases where the crime -- when the crime was allegedly committed. the crime was committed in delaware, so that makes sense why they brought it in delaware, why they would have to bring it there. number two, the defense didn't bring the case against themselves. the prosecution and the defense had to agree on the jurors -- >> jesse: i think they did bring the case against himself when they put his laptop out to the whole world. >> harold: but he didn't bring the case himself. i'm not quarreling with you. the only point i make is the prosecutors brought this case. number two, juries, i imagine if you asked the jurors, imagine if you ask the jury pool here in new york the kinds of questions they were asking this jury because it is relevant to this case come about drug use, about alcohol abuse, have you had this in your family, i would imagine a number of the jurors would have people and their families who have experienced unfortunate, i have in my family, like i'm sure others have. number three, one of the things i find refreshing about this, this is not to be totally critical of president trump, but we don't hear anybody attacking the judicial system of the court, the judge, or any of that. >> greg: that's so nice. >> harold: you don't hear hunter biden come his letting his lawyers do the job. what i heard today, the words of hunter biden, i think we replayed what was in the courtroom because we don't have any cameras or audio in the courtroom and you can't have people texting out of the courtroom like we were able to in the trump trial. those are damaging words. and that seems to me to be prima fascia that the crime was committed. again, i've said it from the very beginning, he is innocent until proven guilty and if he is proven guilty he has to accept the consequences and i think he and his father and his stepmother, he calls his mom, will have to accept that. we will have to wait and see. mr. trump was convicted for falsifying business records. >> jesse: the reason trump was saying that as he was running for president, had to make his case. >> greg: also, i want you to respond to this, biden doesn't have to talk about it. he is the president. and he visited one of the chief witnesses, and then he goes bike riding with hunter, knowing that is basically telling everybody in delaware, you know, i'm here. >> judge jeanine: we are all one big family. but it is wonderful that we can actually watch the trial ended with the charges are right from the get-go. i think dana is right, the prosecutors have come to play here. they are going to make a full court press. they wanted to find out whether or not they could cross-examine hunter on the being thrown out of the military for the use of his cocaine. they wanted to cross-examine him on the lack of child support for lunden roberts. and so, it's curious now that we are hearing that james biden is coming in. i don't know why the president's brother would be coming in, somebody mentioned maybe as a character witness bids be to hunter biden's attorneys are calling him. >> judge jeanine: would come as a character witness for the defendant. if he does come as a character witness, all bets are off, everything hunter ever did is coming in and i would be a very interesting take. it is kathleen buhl who said she would have to go to the car and make sure there are no drugs in it because her daughter was driving, she went in and found drugs or a crack pipe, and it was 12 time pits be dude that was his ex-wife, just so people -- go >> judge jeanine: thank you, harold, i appreciate it. thank you. so kathleen buhl, who was his wife at the time, that she found drugs and that crack pipe in the car. and his brother, beau's wife, apparently, that the president visited, is someone who can incriminate him, as well. she is the person who took the gun and threw it in the garbage across from a high school. of course, lunden roberts is coming in, as well, the mother of the child that the family didn't want to recognize. this is a relatively simple case, whether or not hunter is an addict and whether or not he knew what he was doing, and the defense is, denial of addiction, i was in rehab, when his own book, he said all of my energy in delaware on october 2018 of this indictment alleges he made the application was around smoking drugs, making arrangements to buy drugs, and feeding the beast. that's right out of hunter's mouth. so the circumstantial evidence of the laptop is going to be damaging, and i can't imagine that the defense is going to win in this case. >> greg: all righty then. coming up, one of the biggest liberal commentators on the planet makes a shocking prediction about joe biden. ♪ ♪ and i am barely hanging on... ha ha ha. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. 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the democrats convicted him. democrat jerry, democrat judge, democrat prosecutor, it is all k at the money, judge, have you ever seen fundraising like this? $200 million. >> dana: may be more. >> jesse: and he has had to shell out money for lawyers for the last half, and money to beat desantis and haley and basically caught up to the biden war chest which is astounding. that was biden's one big advantage, cash, and that's gone. now they're going to be equal going into the summer where they have a debate coming up and awful, embarrassing, and ridiculous trial. the sun is just a scoundrel. how are they saying this laptop is fake when they are now using it in court for a crime? this whole thing is coming undone and this stupid executive order is not going to save it. their bullet hole through the whole thing. you can still get let in, judge. you would still say you didn't come in legally but we can't repel you to mexico. venezuela will not have flights. this is all going downhill for biden. >> judge jeanine: harold, i think democrats are holding out hope, won't vote for trump but apparently 25% of the republicans said they are even more likely to vote for donald trump now that he has been convicted. plus, with the independents now, a little worried about donald trump catching up? >> harold: i'm always concerned about these things. i have great respect for bill maher but i'm not going to take his word that he knows what's going to happen in an election. i think there are six states that will decide: arizona, georgia, nevada, was dancing, michigan, pennsylvania. the polling data the next several days and weeks about house haley supporters in those states and independent voters in those states, women in the suburbs and keep parts of where you are from, jesse, pennsylvania, for me will be more dispositive and determinative. i think as this race gets going, one of the things that has been set around the table a lot about president trump and the great things in his presidency, no doubt we had record highs in the dowel. we have had record highs under president biden. he is right when he says inflation has risen more under president biden, but under president trump, i remind america, we lost 3 million jobs. we have gained 15 million under president biden. three millions american lost their health insurance. this race is going to get joined. it will be interesting as it goes along, but i don't deny the fact that inflation, the cost of living, are factors on every day voters' minds but i can't take a prediction in june about what's going to happen in november. by the time the election happens, may have won back the world series. >> dana: their election is five months from tomorrow so it is getting late. yogi berra, maybe. one thing about saying this about donald trump now, it belies the whole thing he said all along, i'm above this. i'm not going to get involved. i'm not going to pay attention to it. well, actually, in your private fundraisers when you are playing to the msnbc crowd, you are. because they think this is going to work for them. again, president biden at this point, five months from tomorrow, he is still trying to solidify his base, while i mentioned yesterday donald trump is chipping away bit by bit at the low propensity voters, swing voters. the other thing is you know how biden always says don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative? i think president trump should open the debate that way. take his line and just say, don't compare me to the almighty, this is your alternative, america. and let people make a decision based on what they want the next four years to look like. >> judge jeanine: greg, wouldn't you agree that because the left has been calling donald trump everything from hitler to a russian asset, that they overplayed their hand so early? you know, he is being a convicted felon, everybody is nonplussed about it. >> greg: what i said before, this is a convicted felon, you go, so? i would rather have a president who can serve a sentence than one who can't complete one. >> judge jeanine: that was good. >> greg: we are a nation started by outlaws, adventurers, and outsiders. there is nothing more american than a lone man battling a corrupt system, a powermad system, run by some arrogant, elitists, after all trump got convicted and biden isn't and that is because one is a dangerous rebel, the other is the hood ornament of this corrupt system. that convicted trump. so the reversal is complete. the left is now the man. remember we grew up who is the man? always some conservative. the left is the man in the right is the freedom fighter. that's why it's so easy to embrace trump. and by the way, i want to ask harold this, have you ever met alex soros? >> harold: i haven't. >> greg: why is it when his fingerprints are everywhere? he has pushed the phrase convicted felon, convicted felon. how mentally embarrassing is he that you've never seen him on tv come he is behind everything awful. is there something cool grew wrong with him? >> harold: not that i'm aware of. >> judge jeanine: did you have a conversation with him? >> greg: what's going on, harold, what are you hiding? >> judge jeanine: is he capable? >> greg: he is the one that has been pushing the convicted felon thing. >> greg: if it were reversed and joe biden had been convicted of 34 counts, what donald trump not be saying -- >> jesse: he's not smart enough to be convicted. his own justice department said that. >> judge jeanine: we can prosecute. >> harold: off about it, that's fine. but if it were reversed do you think donald trump would be calling joe biden -- let me answer for you, yes, he would. >> dana: he wouldn't have pretended he wasn't going to. that's my point. biden all along, i will have no fingerprints on this, but then he goes behind the scenes and calls him what we said. >> judge jeanine: and we know that when donald trump's president, he didn't use the use the department of justice to go after his political enemies. not a once. >> harold: like they say in ""goodfellas"," what's done is done. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: all right, head, reporting crime is now racist. democrats have found another way to destroy their cities. ♪ ♪ i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to ♪ ♪ >> harold: reporting crime is now, guess what, racist. despite violence running rampant in her area, progressive chicago democrat announced an init initiative. she claims the notifications lead to an inaccurate public perception, quote, unquote, and added this in her blog. research also shows us that over reporting a crime negatively our most marginalized and underserved neighbors. i think that would be victims, if we don't give them real-time information. i think we should provide this all the time, real-time, two cops and communities. greg, how do you feel about t this? >> greg: if only you could opt out of crime. the logic here is it's more harmful than the crime itself, or you would not be preventing the information from future potential victims. let's apply this to other areas, get rid of food labeling, get rid of cigarettes or household cleaners because that might frighten the children. let them drink the drano, instead. they are basically saying that citizens can't handle the truth, and yet the politicians will obviously have this information, they know what neighborhoods not to walk in and what streets not to walk in. behind this is cowardice. i don't want to see -- that assumption is actually racist because you assume black victims care more about black criminals in their own personal safety. >> harold: also assume all of the crime is being committed by blacks, which it is not. dana, what are your thoughts about this? >> dana: i'm okay if people want to opt in. i actually don't. i don't want alerts on my phone. either friend, you know, she had one of those apps on her phone that would tell you every time anything is happening on her phone was going crazy. she lives in new york city so there was a robbery, there was this, there was that. it was too much. like, if you watch local news in most big major cities, it's the first 20 minutes is all about the crime. and sometimes you might see a little piece of it. so i'm okay with the opting in. what i also think is interesting, though, is many of these cities are refusing to turn over their crime stats to the fbi, and that's why things are all screwed up, and the white house is like, actually, crime is down, actually it's not, actually it is, and then we have this debate. but people can see with their own eyes, they know their cities are in bad shape. >> harold: you were a judge and prosecutor, we didn't have all the technology that we even have these options. does that help, not having this information bombarding -- in all fairness, i think what she is talking about, the race stuff is silly -- but does this help or harm to not have communities no -- >> judge jeanine: i understand what dana is saying. if you have a phone and you are being bombarded all day long, you are at work and the house next door burnt 't have time for that. but the thing that we have now that is so helpful is this thing in chicago called a sharpshooter, is that what it is? if there is a gunshot, it sends an alert, and brandon johnson wants to get rid of it in chicago. he says it is scaring people. i think if there is -- >> harold: shot spotter. >> judge jeanine: it sends an alert and it seems to me it sends an alert in the police show up and someone has been injured, they have a chance of surviving and if someone else knows the police are coming, they have a chance of not being a victim. but to show how politics play into it, he is keeping this shotspotter, whatever it is, up until after the dnc. because he knows it works, but he doesn't want the people in chicago to be aware of how much crime there is. it's always like ignorance is bliss, and the less you know about it, the better off you will be, but the more cops know about it, the safer we will all be. >> harold: i sometimes feel like i need one of those on this show. jesse come over your thoughts on the shotspotter and everything? >> jesse: harold, the crime in the south side of chicago is predominantly african american, a predominantly african american part of chicago. as someone who is .1% african american, it is racist to say this community cannot "get it together," is one said, where books are sold. >> harold: any thoughts? [laughter] getting a little silly, and it is not the lawmakers for a change. ♪ ♪ emember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) primal origins at walmart today. ♪ ♪ >> dana: people who say congress acts like a day care, they might have a point. the six year old son of tennessee representative making goofy faces as his father delivered remarks on the house floor. >> we would be well served to remember the long and cherished tradition we have in this country of settling our political differences at the ballot box. >> dana: can't wait until jesse jr. is just right here behind you making some faces. >> jesse: that is cute, i didn't know he could move his tongue like that. it makes me like congress. i don't like congress but when i see a little kid like that it makes me think they should have bring your kid to school, congress day all day long. >> dana: maybe they would behave better, harold. >> harold: given the level over the last several years, this is may be the finest moment we have seen in a while. i grew up like that kid did. my dad got elected to congress when i was four years old. there were no tvs but i did my dad's first commercial and he ran for congress, radio commercial, you want better houses, go vote for my dad. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: i think he is adorable. he was doing his biden impression. >> dana: he was the real ham, greg, they call that ham. >> greg: apparently you never heard of sfd. silly face syndrome. it affects young boys ages 4-12. parents often worry if they keep doing it it will stick that way. these kids say their faces don't feel right in their head. it's kind of a facial dysmorphia disorder. he might need surgery. so you guys have a great time -- >> jesse: i apologize, greg. >> greg: i think you should apologize. >> dana: we apologize, kid. and "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same #1 selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are at today. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. that's why we do what we do. we can't help it. the glass blowing - that's a part of our dna. it's in my blood, it's in my history. it's my job to make sure that this shop makes it to the next generation. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: okay. it's time for -- >> dana: i love this. >> judge jeanine: don't you just love it when clueless criminals think they know the law? >> so, this says you have a warrant. >> you know. >> i am because you match the description of a wanted fugitive. >> well, i'm not wanted. >> don't you drive off. don't do it. >> judge jeanine: oh, boy. as you can see her escape did not go as planned and she could cavalier use a lesson in criminal law. >> jesse: not good, babe. not good. greg? >> greg: tonight, what a show. mike baker, emily compagno, kat timpf, tyrus. that's a classic lineup for a classic show 10:00 p.m. let's do this. greg's absolutely disgusting news. now with letson. do you want see something disgusting? take a look at this disgusting newborn poodoo fawn. it's a type of deer sleeping under a tree stump. >> like a fox deer. >> greg: native to south american rain forest. >> dana: i need to correct you. you are the sweetest small deer. [sighs] >> greg: stop fawning over me. oh, buck off. >> dana: mastiff needs help getting out of small spaces. quite large. tends to overestimate. he can't figure out a way to get out of the bathroom when he goes. in they have to gout and back him up with little beep beep beep noise to get him out of there. good luck to you, bowser. if you haven't listened already the latest dana perino on politics. update. >> jesse: want to see a $4 million cow? 19 brazilian beef sold for $4.3 million. the secretary rat of cows. rolls royce of livestock. weighs 2800 pounds watches over security camera, veterinarian and armed guard at all times. how to escape a sex cult on "jesse watters primetime" get it together series continues. sex cults are no laughing matter. harold? >> harold: michael jordan trading calder sold for $2.9 million saturday. only one first one with him wearing the chicago bulls jersey. all-time ca card mickey mantel. >> jesse: have a great night, everybody. ♪ ♪ >> gillian: good evening from washington i'm g

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