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now if you're paying attention any attention to liberal you comments made post-verdict you would have noticede hear thu were hearing not so subtle warnings of maga uprising. >> trump and his maga followersi are digging in, trying to tear w down the system. he's perfectly willing to call out the mob, basically, and them attack all these people and threaten their safety. there's going to be violence, b there's going to be trouble. this is wrong. there's going to b herbee some maybe some violence. and this president, former president, should not have done what he did. >> i don't think he has a problem with the concept of violence. seems now, why would they all say this seems almost coordinated? after all, they won the battle,s at least convicting trump.e flas that was their dream. so what's their motive for, fanning the flames now? well, since they can't credibly argurediblgue thate that you'reu than you were four years ago, they need more than just lawfare to win november. and even though the january six drumbeat really hasn't moved the polls for biden,resurc they've nonetheless decided to resurrect a threat to theme they're willing to forsake and trasr wholh our whole democ our whole justice system if they can just to power or more power. and you know, ite horribly revealing, horribly revealing. >> here is howhorribly schiff ws to just cede america's judicial system oveter to biden, a man who makes america a laughing stock the world stage every time he opens his mouth. ry and of course, a man who makes a joke at the constitution and the presidency d every day.l >> can you tell us, sir? ctly. trump refers to himself as aspot political prisoner and blames you directlyo that. what's your response to that, sir? do you think that conviction will have an impact on the campaign? >> it's like jeopardy's on inden got to go. >> ah, it's important that everyone understands here what'ss comi next? >> we're going to dissect all of this tonight. the able t be able to lockbut ty you down as they did during covid, but they are setting a narrative here. now, recall that after january 6, nancy pelosi ordered the u.s. capitol surrounded by layers of security fences . now, this went on forgn six months and we warned you at the time that it was a signok lik of something else that was going to come. the place looks like a militarizee zone.d zone, but s was all theater. it was a message, the countrys f that the democrats were the true guardians of america.e >> but what a farce. i makere this pledge to you. the defense protectiond and preservation of american democracy will remais it hn, ast has been, the central cause. of my presidency. now, yesterday proved what a obvious li e was. of a there are more like jail guards of america who use fictional threats to democracy to chipf at democratic institutions and of course, to silencoue not. only trump, but all of you as well, all the critics. >> and as we saw with some of the january 6 defendants, even throw the m in solitary confinement. i mean, the liberals used to be against solitary confinementr sent and then forced them into plea deals or sentencedm to them to y lengthy jail terms when other liberal cities, truly dangerous. criminals get off with, just slap on the wrist. unlea but never forget how the bidensh game gang, the dojle. on the people these two gentlemen just showed up. i thought were the building fbi inspectors. you started asking me wher ande we're from, the fbi and we're looking for brian grady. violu like? well, here i am.e fb honestly, i've just felti. pictated by the fbi. they asked me if i was there, and we wans yot show you this picture. is this you? and i was like, no, that's not me. and hereat happened toi wasn't . >> now, what happened to trumpel is merely logical continuation of the left's vicious wa r us, the people and the belief in equal under the law without concern about politics or how you voted for. now, of course, the finger is always pointed back ack at tt the when they're engaged in this conduct as they rais the the specter of pre-election violence on the part of trump supporters, it's their supporters who have done the real damage. ed, wh >> america, we saw what they tolerated, what theyid, what why were capable of in the summer of 2020. ofy obvious to allr of us. tthdo they think we don' remember the scenes, the carnage that night mirrors property damage that was done? >> and youl know what they stilr tolerate today when it comesime? to crime i? t the fact is democrats only care about crime when they can pin something on a republican to keep him out of office. now, because of this cynicalno recent history, i would not at all be surprised if the democrats try to use this phantom threat of maga violence as a pretext to demand maybe universal mail in ballots in some jurisdictions or at expand the mail in voting and early voting in key districts s or swing states. >> but they want to provokthey t they want to provoke americans to respond with forcre violently to this verdict. then, of course, if they did that, they could really crack down, maybe even declare martial law if thingreallys reao got out of hand. but as we said, on the day of january six and after onnuary 6th, look, don'te give an excuse to come down hard on us. keep carry on. >> trump needs to be resolute. yet hopeful, defiant, but forwar, d. d >> i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing somethin g for our constitution. >> it's very important, far beyond m e. r and this can't be allowedthis to happen to other presidents. pres igger tha is than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger thanre gry. esidenc going we're going to make america great again. we're going to make it better than eve to.r. november 5th, remember, november 5th is the moste important day in the history of our country. now, remember our motto, ivated unveiled it last night. donat get mad, get motivatedjoi >> joining me now is alena harbor, legal spokesperson foryp president trump. elena, it's great to have you on. our own peter dooce den latey se with biden late today about the verdict. >> watch thi>> are yous. charge >> are you worried that this could happen to you someday? somebody comes up with somto yoe and tries to bring you into court after your ter m? and when trump says you're just trying to bruise him? polit what do you say? politically and politicall al thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes, doing all this to. >> help yourself know as ad that powerful. >> alena, you heard that your>>t reaction tonight? ice i think his grin says it all. he couldn't be happier unlesse o he an ice cream on the beach, which i hear he's doing this weekend while the countrlliny cr is apart. laura look, i think that it' s very clear what happened here. you know it. i know it. we're lawyers. and for the non-lawyer as there. this was a farce from the beginning. have the indictment itself didn't make sense. it was flawed. brd never have beend brought. there were no facts. nobody has ever been tried fortn anything i that. and then if you look at what actually happened with evidentiary issues in thisg trial, not allowing us to bring in an expert, not allowingn taoy to bring in tax documents for a crime that they say was based on money what, which was done what booked correctly by an accountant. and trumident trump while presit was at the white house at a resolute desk, it's a disgrace. and we've got a guy who literally can't walk but is smart enough to smile and snark can'make comments. i didn't realize i was that powerful. you know, he probably doesn't, is tha laura.y does he probably doesn't because it's probably not him. the arstrationdefinitely and those puppets are coming from the biden administration and probablyprobab prior can't administrations, and they are out to get trump because be ht. n't mee and that's so if you looke poll at the crowds of people, if you look at the poll s, alan,ama are you saying that you believe former obama administratiotionnb officials are also somehow involved, at leastac in the background here? goes well, i find it a little bit odd that he never left washington. and then when he did, he goebeae i findsorce beaches as well. i find it odd that him and thest clintons are flying air force one with president biden. i also find it odd that we rhave a president that can't speak or walk. but here we are. this is this america. noanother oand we cannot survivr four years of it. well, eliana, michael cohera: ad a message for trump today on msnbc. >>s you' the truth is, you're iu trouble. a home confinement scenarild bo would be just fine. the way i see it, and i believe that judgment, i find him very solemn and he's really very even keeled. >> he will make the right decision. e righ your response to that tonight, eliana? this is a man that i've beaten>l in court becauseaura thoughte cr that the judges were corrupt himself. he thought that president trump ha d unlawfully detained him and we beat him. we beat him twice and will beat n. agai he is completely a hypocrite. he has no credibility. yow that this trial is over, i can say what a joke you what a joke. you are literally making money off of president trump enough. a and frankly, if this is whata the days and ages america are ti relying on, people and individuals like this agai n, th we're in trouble. and it's pathetic. and frankly, i'll be honest with you lauthey, i don't think they could do it without the biden administration th sog toheir cases are so weak. they need that coordination. >> they need the soros backing to get it done. gewell, alan, do you thinkf ju the system no longer worksat the of these types of jury charges that the judge handed? that was quite broad, quite lengthy, took an hour and read 40 minutes to read to the jury, but they they tookto jury. enoua of what michael cohen said as gospel to infegospel cr upon your client with the novel application of a law. it's never been used in this way before in any jurisdictionjd . diction in the united states. ke yes, i do. i think we're broken right now. i think our judicialroken ri isr supposed to be intervened by political ambitionsve. i think that when that happens, when you have a a judge who's a trump hatinga tr j judge, fra. who happens to get steve bannon's case, happens to getppens to allen weisselber, my former client's case, gets it again, puts him back in jaijl and then gets donald trump's case. i think we got a problem. it's suppod to be random law. there is no way i practice law in new york for 15 years. there is absolutely no way h that happened. i have cases three years old. i've never been in front of a judge and it's supposed to bek random. but president trump, it doesn't work that wa re out ty. >> they're out to get him. and guess what? you're only making him stronger. well, alenm . a why haven't you all yet filed a motion to vacate that gag order after a verdict has come in, gag orders typically are just lifted, but they're now using what president trump, former president trump said todayr as another justification for going back to judge machan for d another penalty for violating the gag order. but why? thotioy haven't you guys filed that motion yet? they have file d motions in theand th appellate division. they were under sealed, obviously, and there are motionere arthates that we can't discuss. there are obviously still gag orders. but the reality havey is they pl have exhausted all avenues. but there are so mane, iy and te american people i just want to say, please do not think we do not hear all of the commentary, all of the cases. i get tons of emails of support telling us, lookng at, this cast look at that case. there is no stone. we will not turn. rn andand will literally go aftr every avenue to make sure beca back to thetse ho white house because that is the only place he is going. alena, thank you s: alina, o greatangero to see you tonight. >> as recklessus as it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just becauset. they don't like the verdict, w n the justice should be respected and we should neveto tear anyone to tear down. >> i did that happen afters t roe versus was overturned.n i seem to rememberighborho people taking on kavanaugh i hanging out in his neighborhood. was that a problem? well, the messags clear. ofis clear. if you question the legitimacy of trial, then you are a threat to america. wei don't think the people are buying this. we see the so-called defenders of democracy have officially dropped their shields and picked up the weaponsne o of lawfare. the conviction of president trump mighf thet one of the darh periods in american history,ngog but the fight to preserve the country we love. >> that's ongoing meg. >> joining me now, missouri senator josh hawley. josenator, your response? given what biden said, it reminds me of what they said after the election, that anyone who questioned the outcome or had even concerns about some of the irregularities orr , the way votes voting was conducted, that they were threats and that they had to be followed or surveilled. >> it seems very reminiscenteah. of that. e yeah. now, laura, we've entered the phase where joe bide saven, l demo in order to save democracy, he has to cancel democracy in orderrder to right to, presa of the people to govern. and he's got to throw his opponent in jailkee , make sure the people don't have a choice in november. i mean, this is something we'vei never seen before in american history. our election process supposed i to end with an election, not with throwing your in jail. to no american president has ever done this before. i meanir, joe biden has triede to make us a third world country. and i'll just say this, laura, thessame democe same democrats,t 24 hours ago were mountingst a fullic on assault on justice samuel alito, on the supreme court, calling for recusal,idn' calling into question the court's decisions. why? because they didn't liket li fln that justice alito flew. but now, all of a sudden, thise verdict is sacrosanct. i mean, give me a break. it's a? total rigged jobpartme and they know it. >> well, remember, again, the justice departmentnt draggin its feet when there was real intimidation a campaign that was waged against justice kavanaugh. they never got over the fact that he actually was confirmed that his life tenure never got over the fact that justice thomas got life tenure. they're stil aretill tryl to dre guys through the mud at every turn. >> and yet suddenlt suddy we're all we're the great defenders of institutions. they're the biggest normbustersr busters out there. >> and they don't give a rip. >> listen, the only institutions that the biddcrate interes are interestee the ones that they can control and get to do their bidding, which is why they're attacking the supreme court. when an assassin showed uped u at kavanaugh's house, they could hardly shrug their shoulders. when chuck schumer went to thend steps of the supreme courtu're t and named justices by name and threatened the wham, not gog to know what's hit you is what he said. and he called out. thank you. on gorsuch. avanaughbe they just shrug their shoulders. but now all this is sacrosanct y . laura, let's not let's not have any confusion here. these people le, , the people, the democrats are trying to tear down the rule of law. theythey're to bulldoze every nm in this country so they can remain in powen remainr. he that's all they care about is power. and which is why the only answe is tor to this i win in november. >> and meanwhile, senator, as everybody was focusedd on,s understandably, we learned yesterday that the had okayed us arms being used inside russia, which of course wasis stunning to all of us who are actually focusing on what's happening in this ukraine war. your thoughts on that tonight? these people seetom want war, wa with russia. >> oh, war, war,r, war. and the reason is, is that itll just is more about control or i mean, this hel president all about what will help him stay in power, what will hima wi more control. i have to think at this point, if he can provoke a wide's almoh it's almost to his political benefit. he may calculate this ab terribl tellie. and by the way, they're not telling us the truth about ukraine. they're not telling us the truts argoing.h about our weapos are going they're not telling us the truth about what or wher e our are. u.s i predict to you soon we're going to find out that us soldiers are in ukraine, u.s the u.s. soldiers are advising, quote unquote, just like vietna m. d cons ukrainian troops on the ground. it's constant escalation, yeah a constant lies. >> exactly right. all about power. distthat very disturbing news we learned yesterday. people focus on the otherh. issues as well. this is important, but they're going to try to sneak a lot else throughr, thankght,. senator, thank you. all right. the prospect of trump prisons p yeah, that has liberals 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committed his 10th violation of the gag order. on oten findings of contempt, he said, if you do it again, i'm going to have put you in t jail. alvin bragg is going to ask for a sentence of incarceratioo askl and i think judge merchan will very seriously weigh that.s >> he could show some remorse. he has shown no remorse at all. >>to do a you got to do a littln of time and then you have to say to the judge, you know,w i did this, i'm sorry, no remorse, nk hio. ever >> and i answer, yeah, to lock them up because i one of they ever been sorry for anything all the these people have toldat consistently look these wiople are sick at point some if joe biden had been charged with conspiracy like to evade taxes back in 2019 or with aistt violation of the foreign agency registrationioyou kn act and ali china stuff, i don't know, maybe in some jurisdiction in oklahomnehea, mississippi. >> imagine what the gals at the view would be saying todayection >> election interference would be. joining me now, norta h dakota governor doug burgum. >> governor, they want all the roadblocks, governor, to trump's incarceration removesome on d. hi >> some on the left are even demanding that he should lose his secret service protection. u >> your reaction tonight? well t laura, you know this better than anyone. this has been an eight-year-old progressiorogressin from the dan that donald trump beat hillary clinton. there's been an effort, one after another, escalating to try to stop him and it doesn't. the good news is it doesn't matter. i was very sad yesterday. yesterday was a sad day for america today. i'm optimistic because you look at the response from people that are outsidse from fc bubble of dc and they they canan see right through it.. they can see that president trump is out there working on the issues that matteu went . because if you went to bed last night worrying about this abd you woke up today and you still can't pay your bills for food, for grocery, if you worried about openr city, ie your city has been run amok, if you're worried about wars overseas, there' ws guy who just four years ago when his office took care of all those bid thins and now joe biden is trying that wasp the guy the person that solve your problem so americans understand what's gointhey und ig they understanda politicization. this is lawfare. they getare goin that. and that's why you're going to see i think president trump >> lge arto get a bump comin out of this. >> now, a lo ft of people and tn activist base are so fed up with the republican party that they say, look, unless filing lawsuits or unlessre try deu're tryining to bring criminl cases in in red districts, democrats, we don't want to hear from you. what about that idea of fighting fire with fire here, governor? >> welt so pl, at some point wee got to get focus back on the real issues becauss the onls this trial election interference. but think of it, laura you know this better than anyone. but, you know, outside that courthouse, was there wasbd two blocks of media that was there. and of cours southere, you knowr been down to the southern border with north dakota national guard more than, bide, more than harris. where's the media covering the mass invasion? i don'n ofurt care. they're cheering it. yeah. and where and when you think about the fact that we've had 330,000 americans have died of either overdoses or fentanyl it. onings under joe biden they don't care. right. and there's a real damage, governor. th notl damageral dama that democrats do not care that we have like 12 million. people here illegally. and if anything, they wantthingk to vote. governor, we're up against it tonight. we'll have you back next week because there' e to s a lot more tolaura. talk about. thank you. thank you. i know what many of you are thinking tonight. as long as trump's in court in new york, the empire statas how does he have a prayer of reversal? well, cnn's ali admits that then law was contorted here and an c appeal may work. he said he's certain it contest the inventive charges by the d.a.. well, he doesn't go as far a sso to say that appealurs courto hae is likely to overturn the conviction, but he's going to have a decent sho dt shott, at reversal. >> joining me now, saul eisenberg, fox news contributofr ,former deputy independent counsel, and chris landau, former supreme court lawnd clerk and former ambassador to mexico. >> chris let's start with you here. you're an appellate litigator. you've argued many cases before the supreme court. what is the appellate process? state first in a possible federal move as? >> well. sure. well, in new york, like manys l states has a three tiered justice system. the trial court, wheret coon the conviction was just or the jury very good just held. then there was intermecourt in court of appeals. you have an appeal as of right to that court, and thenk you have a state supreme court in new york. it's called the court courppeals tses on that takes cm on a discretionary basis. and then you cane go to the u.o supreme court if you have federal issues. but i thin be k right now we gos to be talking not about just the eventual appeal going now i to drag on well beyond the election. i think the question nows ho, how does trump get outth of judge merchan courtroome --a and does the how are the compelling federal interests in having a candidate for president of the united states break free of the constraints, judge merchan. i mean, there should be.e it seems to me a basis for a federal claim that a state cannot hold a candidate for president. >> united states basically hostage hostage in a new york courtroom. saul. this is a fascinating question. and i know we've all talkefascid about this. you've had so much experience e in litigatioxperiein youn in yor as well. >> the court does not like to touch political questions. >> they're very concerned about the reputation. >> the court certainly justice roberts is all of them. but in this case this is extraordinary and historic. does that give impetus to the court to step in where they might not have wanted to and in another event? >> i think it would be an incredible long shot ifcredib they did. i think it would have toleon be somethingy did. like you mentioned, where mee something in termse th of the conditions of of release ,the appeal is pendingly that significantly interferes with the election campaign. then you've got a potential onal issconstitution issue. but in addition to not liking po,itical question cases laura they do not like to comel in and interfereques in state criminal process. >> but what if this sa y, yeah, but softball is up before whatever? >> merchan is the one who's doing it. yeah. problem is, is it? and chris merchan is the the one who is interfering with the process. >> if if, let's say, june, jul y 11, july 11th. they say he can't campaignhe c outsidan'tige state of new yorkh without explicit permission from his probationobation officer working in concert with someone maybe in florida. what if he says that that's likely what he's going to say,. that would that would give them a hookould? u ar i still think it would be a long shot, but that would give them out because ren the posing a real conflict between the right of somebody to run. pr you know, a candidate to run its party effectively for president and the state judicial system. but still, it would be a long shot. >> chris, do you think it's a long shot? i think it's 5050. real quickr 50/5. >> you know, of course, it's a long shot, but this is just an extraordinary case in american history. this is not your normal criminal appeal. i mean, i understand what sol was saying is right, the run up to the mine case. but i think the supreme court, united state areits, now,h they're grappling with a presidential immunity case. they are verthese y familiar with these issues. again, they're the supreme court of the united stateseverye everything else is the courts of the state of new york, ste that states is uniquely qualified to recognize the compelling federal interest here. i'm very concerned about the idea of trump just spendin sixeg the next six weeks waiting for the sentencing. thanefore judgk heavens, twiddlr their thumbs. >> i mean, i got it sitting there in the sean's court with a kick me sign on his. back. >> i saw chris. we're going to be tracking this. thank you both verd chri y. g all right. up next, it's time that dea gog go undero the microscope and my next guest is going to do just that. an chair house judiciary jim jordan joins us. >> the west was a chaotic brew of progress and explosive violence. jesse james black, bart and butch cassidy became icons to a nation desperate for heroes. we intend to rob this bank as long as some chose to live outside the law. others would always be ready to put their lives on the line to bring them to. sure, we know we're killing humans. once this is out, laws and lawmen on fox nation. >> my husband and i own, a growing 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shrimpy guy there. okay. that's matthew colangeloe matth former top doj official. public servant. ar >> well, they're serving joe biden and his goon s, would but it's a it's a very curious thing how you would leave a top jo b, the doj or you're very senior in the federal governmentn the . way go back to new york. new york d.a.'s office usually go the other way. so what's up here? joining us now, a man who wants some answersing that, jim jorda, demanding that the pair of them brag and colangelo, testify houe before the house weaponisation committeeaponizae subcommittee p 13th. they want to give trump deadline an, you s, congressman, you're giving them one. what question do you want to ask theh.well, m? politi yeah, well, it's time to keep our foot on the gas because we know how political this wholette thing is. all these cases, how political they are. but matthew colangelw o o worker first. >> what just said he started the justice department law. hehe worke word fo in ner letitt new york. he comes to the justice department numbement numbethrerk three position in the biden justice department, then goes back to new york to worrkkf alvin bragg and was the lead prosecutor in the trump case. so we we'd i to know what kind of conversations, what kind of informationn betwee what wen on between you and the justice department and or the whit e house while you were here or when you were back in new york and then with alvin? ob never forget that alvin bragg said once he got the job, what campaigned on going after trump, but once he got the job, he realizeculousthis wd what a s case this was. and he said, quote, i can notd envisionwhere uld indi a world d indict president trump and call michaeal cohen as a prosecutionr witness. but that's exactly what alvin bug ended up doing. but he didn't do that until after president trump announced he was running for president, which i think just underscores l th p how political this thing is. so we'd like to ask alvin braggn what whage y t you to change your mind? was it simply the political pressure? and we'd like to askk mr. cola,. colangelo, about his interactions with the justice department and or the white indc house. >> well, do you have any information to indicate that? colangelo was stupid enough to be in constant contact or any intermittent it contact with his old friends at doj, as this was all going down?, we >> we don't. but look, we think in lightremeb of how bad this is in light of jack smither, remember this too. >> jack smith doesn't get appointed specia thesel in t and ral cases until three days after president trump announces he's running for office. and finalldoesn't briny doesn'te her charges until after president trump announces ssl in running for president. so we think they're all political. coordinati they're in s coordination, all run by the democrat party, all involved. d the democrat party, i shouldk. say. so we've got lots of questions we'd like to ask peopl. >> and, you know, i think the american people deserve some answers. and franklfrankly,y, our constil duty is to do oversight, and we're going to do that. coeconsistent with the constitution, but we're going to do it as aggressive as we can. s sayi earla, bob barr was sayingng earlier on the show, congressman, that she believes that ther on thee people, some f the former top people in the obama administration might have some involvement and how this lawfare has conducted. >> do you agree with her? well, i don't know. but what i da sto know is two ds ago, there was a story saying the biden justice department was in negotiate ins with peter strzok and lisa page on some settlement agreement because lisa and peter strzok were upset that their text messages got public.. so they're they're in some settle they're going to get some money and then a day lateri we get president trump convicted up and found guilty u on this ridiculous tri. up in new york. if that doesn't demonstrate the double standarstrzok ad. ey >> i mean, the member struck and page had been after president trump cleared back ih when they spied on his campaign. so i don't directly into that questio n. >> i do know is there'sanda two standards. it's all of a piece. >> lcongressman thank you.d all right. why team biden should really yey shoued about what happened . >> yeah, they should be worried how i'm going to explain it how i'm going to explain it nextfuture w imagine a future where plasticr, is not wasted, but instead am the things that keep our food fresher, our familery safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there create , america'sc makers are investing billions makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies foran happe. sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> this season, get your worn out, patch your lawn back on track with grow tracks. the patented grass growing technology. you just roll the water and watch it grow, 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like while a coyote chasing roadrunner and it just hasn't worked out at all for them. the way they thought. donald trump, i think, is inrun. the strongest position he's ever been in because people in this country aren't as stupid as the democrats g must think they are. >> matt i think people have a generaal sl sense of fairness and they want a chance to vote for the candidatchancee that thy like best. so i would agree with the governor. this was jusd agree witht realll in the end for them to do, but that's all they got. >> what should wgot. e and when should we expect the next round. of polls to come out?he >> what should we be lookingwill for? o well, they'll start coming out fairly soon. it dependsthe i how the polls conducted. you know, they they could possibly show bideaf thisn a but of this. i would say he has to get a really big bump againsainst ts this to to stay becaus ter he's going to go right back to where he was two or three weeks before. >> two or three weeks from now it's als . it's also possible that trump could get a bump. the governor is right. there's enthusiasm at well, not really enthusiasm. no on it's irritation. and they're all keeping it theyhemselves because s streetss to take to the streets because they don't want to go to jail. so where they do, they writethes a check. they say they're going to support the president. they're going to vote early. e otheg,u anone other thing, las i have talked about this overai the lasti though and i've said k thought they would convict trump. i didn't think fairlry ty and.d i also think that they'll try to put him in jail if they put him in jail. donald gbein trump is guarantee. being elected the next president, guaranteeaura: gad. game, set, match. a governor, let's say thisbsolutif doesn't show the this needle fr them. if this doesn't move the needle for biden in the polls, noe at much, at least. what do the democrats do nex'st >> what's their next move here? well, i think they take joe bideto stati whan, the trai. i think that's what they do. where elsean, this they take hi? i mean, this this is their desperate move and it ain't working. so in the pure parlance of the yellowstone, he gets a ride to ride the train of that.e i mean, this is quite somethingp right. you're willing to shred the shred. are are norm s that you don't put a former president on trial. you're willingl th to kill the reputation of a judicial system. have a constitution shredded it all just because you don't wanet have a real debate and a real campaign against trump. >> why? why are they so worried? >> matt?d. well, i mean, there's obvious reasons why they're so worried. bothhe's deteriorating both in s polls and also in his appearance. i will sayhave got this republi have got to explain why this i quote unquote, a crook at trialjue. ct-check you can't just say it because right now you have the liberal fact checkerhis, the medias be saying, oh, this has all been debunked. i've already read it today. i knowunk. all of that's beens,t debunked. so someone has to get out there and spell out these reason is. but i do think the debate coming between the two perform candidates will spell it all. if biden doesn't perform well in that debate, think they pull his ticket and take him to the train station, just like said.vernorr sa okay, everyone's going to the train station better than flying. givetter thaflyingn my experienu governor and matt, thank you so much. smuch. all right.n >> the left is in totals conv jubilation oveicr this conviction, but the president missed places. the kansass thekansas chiefs, ts be. he's with it, right? raymond tells us nex, ♪ t next. >> the west was a chaotic brew of progress and explosive. jesse james black bart and butch cassidy became icons to a nation desperate for heroes. i hope your career general up is spent as long as some chose to live outside the law. others would always be ready to put their lives on the line to bring them to justice. you know, very the hearings, 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the first criminal trial ever involving a former us president biden campaign is fundraising off the verdict. former president trump vowing to appeal this verdict only on fox news channel. it's friday and that means it's time for follies.for and for thatth, we go to fox nes contributor raymond arroyo arroy and our l.a. bureau. raymonod, i want to get your reaction to something. e bu >> the beautiful women at the view said they were losttiat. >> this kind of state of euphoria over the trump conviction. >> what was your reaction? i got so excited. i started leaking a little bit . i want the judge to give him six months. you convictent thed of felonies you got to do a little bit of time. this is whato do you would all would have to do. i spent this morning speaking m manhattangro district attorney's office. he believes that they with a one year term in prison. and that is becausm ine when you spend a year in prison in new york or under you serve in rikers island. they want a member of the ideological. yeah. this is the ideological fantasia we saw playing out in when trump was in office. remember kathy griffin with the decapitatember kat the head or the rapper shooting trump in their videos? this is more of the. but whatever it is, let me mak et me one point. i doubt the verdic mt is therean only reason joy bejar is leaking, but i'll leave it to the urologist i to figure that out. i'm more stunned that cloudy hostin didn't call forth the death penalty, but have you everath pena seen such jubi, laura? congressman bauman, he wasjubilh dancing after the verdict. look at this guy. look.e this? v >> there they have. such as? remember, they always try prete to pretend this is a somber moment fornds is america. this is a somber proceeding. and we're respecting all the normroceedinds and know i've nen this is malicious. >> this is maliciousve. exp but what deco you expect? look at martha graham. >> biden was wasn't he wasn' asked about being responsible for the prosecutiot n of trump w when he was that weird and smile was so when i saw that, laura, i thought i'vegh seen that smile but where oh but -- but then i thought itg mo reminded me of something more iconic. nou know not well, not the grinch. something else. the passion of thet the grin . before. >> that's where i've seen that smile. that weird, evil baby.very clo oh, it's a dead ringer. very close to frame it. >> only you would come upra: on with that splilyt. okay, that look. oh, that's good.bu >> biden may have been smiling, laura, but look, he managed to botch one, but both of his public events today. easte were the unseethn middle east comments. just check in this. unidfinite war in pursuit. an unidentified notion of total victory will bring israel and will not bring down baghdad. will bogged down israel in gaza. >> speaking of being bogged down-, always touches his face. do you notice that he said that? remember, he looked at his ed ahh when when the remainsghta were being broughtck, thoses shw 13 soldiers showed up. now he's always checking. but we're checking our watch, too. yeah, well, we're waitinh.g for. the speech to end, but more after smile gate. biden hostede gate, the kansas h chiefs at the white house to commemorate their super bowl wit n. and naturally, he began with a fumble. he welcomed governor laura kelly of kansas. only the are from missouri. >> oh, all the chiefs fans, they got kelly thank you for being here. >> so yeah, governor mike parson is the governor of missouri arsons i. and it's the. it's kansas city, missouri, where the team is located that's surfing right now. thert was traviss locate kelce . >> was he there?wa he was there, as was harrison.ll but kerr, he was there as well. in fact, you know. but before we get to that, laura, look, the moment didut you see the moment where they put the helmet on and were offered it to hi helt onm and tn the whole team proceeds, laugh at him as he goes to the microphone and the microphone didn't work. poor biden looked like a crash dummy with the helmet on. a it looked it wasn't a good look. you never forget. you never put hatsto m of any st when you're president. that's the role that dukakis, remember with that helmet in the tank or, you know, he has tank. a it's like when you have a brain injury and they put the protective gear tpu on, you know, that's h what it looks like there. but i noticed a kicker, harrison butler was there, as you know, he was critical of biden's abortion position during that comment on the buste that threw him into the headlines. >> and he, by the wam intoy thie weekend refused to apologize or back down for those >> this got almost no coverage.g the more i've about whatue i value most, which is my catholic faithic, the more polarizing i have become. >> it's a decision i've consciously made and one i do not regret at all. it is noall.t people. >> but , who i am tryingst who i to please. and it's pretty cool. i mean, that fact agreement today, there fac are so few people in in situations like this where there's enormouse public pressure, cultural pressure putcult on you you make a lot more money if you go the other way. >> right. he's like, you know somethin r g? mor there are things that are more important than that. and i'm going to stand for gor agreeh hie, whetheimportanan with them or not, he has guts. well, when you're under that kin got'sd of pressure from the media, when you've got a team members and leaning on you and by standing firm, he actually changede and the narrative and goodell and the nfl ended up moving behindget and backing him. this is the only way to proceed. peu can't give just because a few people on twitter are a little upset. >> get over itn twitr ar, kids.i >> eternal values last forever. good on harrison bunker. raymond, great to see you, as always. have a wonderful weekend. that is it for ra: gr us tonight. make sure you follow me twitt on twitterer and okay. x and all the social media challenge channels. remember america nowtill i and forever. it still is. don't get mas.mad get motivated. look at that fundraising haul from trump. waters is nextsee yo . hello, everybody. i'm jesse waters, along with judge j

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,Raymond ,Itn Twitr Ar ,Kids I Eternal Values ,Harrison Bunker ,Nra ,America Nowtill ,Waters ,Fundraising Haul ,Nextsee Yo ,Hello ,

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