>> todd: fox news alert, expecting to see former president trump leaving trump tower this hour, big day. >> steve: that's right, former president heading back to the courthouse in lower manhattan as the jury deliberates day two. >> ainsley: waiting to see if a verdict comes down today, possibly tomorrow. >> lawrence: eric shawn, what can we expect today? >> yesterday after hour and a half hours of deliberation, jurors had requests, asking for read-back of testimony and re-reading of judge merchan's jury instruction. they asked for testimony from david pecker on trump tower meeting and with michael cohen at that same meeting. pecker on the phone call about karen mcdougal and on paying karen mcdougal. the jury will hear discussions of the meeting where the three hashed out a plan to protect his prejudicial chances. pecker and cohen says trump was in on it and work with cohen in the catch and kill scheme. the jury may be trying to see if cohen and pecker kcorroborate each other. what cohen told has to be backed up by other evidence and the jury asked for testimony about his phone call with trump. trump asked if he should buy karen mcdougal's story, they had a nearly year-long affair, pecker told the former president yes, he should buy that. what is striking about the two requests, meeting at trump tower and the phone call seem to highlight donald trump's role in this scheme. jurors may be trying to get to the bottom of what they were told that the president did, telling david pecker and michael cohen to quash negative stories and buy the karen mcdougal story. we will know more when we get a verdict. when could that come? starting with first w-- >> steve: there are dozens of charges, so to make this a felony, there has to be three different choices of other laws broken and stuff like that. judge said, like a cafeteria, you decide this, is it this, this or that? it is possible for him to be convicted on just one and not the others, right? >> yeah, they have 34 separate counts, could convict on one of the 34, some of the 34, all of the 34 and what bumped this up were three other alleged crimes. what is strange about this, those crimes are not charged in this case, it is business records, falsifying business records. they are asking, find him guilty on this other stuff, we did not charge. that is what bragg used to bump it to felony count. >> brian: interesting you can pick a direct parallel with the dossier, $450,000 fine, paying off somebody christopher steele to trump up a russia investigation. she got $450,000 fine. that want enough, find a federal charge. he cannot pardon himself, it is a state crime and charged federally. >> lawrence: the testimony the jury is asking for, pecker, pe pecker testified this is common practice with donald trump and ot others, as well. there is record -- rob emmanual and suggested his wife helped with that. the judge said if it was another reason and with the election, as well issue it couldn't be a charge. if he did it for family and election, you can't charge him. >> ainsley: they are in disagreement with the instruction, they asked for instructions again. the judge says if you find any witness testified falsely, disregard entire testimony of michael cohen because michael cohen is a serial purger, who l lied in this courtroom several times and admitted to stealing from the trump organization. trump is in court, actual ly hasn't left trump tower. 1 once in the courthouse, he has to stay there. hoo has a room to himself. people are complaining how cold it is and they can't eat in the courtroom and there are vip line for some reporters and another line for overflow room. witness once they reach a verdict, we will let you know. >> steve: it is felony, he would not be able to pardon himself if he becomes president of the united states. that is why, if there is any conviction, they want to appeal because the verdict could be thrown out on appeal and happen before the election. will the wheels of justice move that quickly. >> lawrence: they are charging him with a felony and federal crime. that is why they would be able to appeal. >> brian: jonathan turley, i spoke to him. >> steve: we watched. >> ainsley: i took notes. i will tell you what else he said. >> steve: i recorded it for you. >> ainsley: dvr. >> steve: you want -- >> brian: no, vcr. >> steve: i have it on my roku. >> brian: mind if i play it? >> steve: and action. >> jonathan: speculating, i was surprised to hear this was good news for the prosecutor. how could you say that? most likely scenario, this is about michael cohen. it would be natural for jury to say what are we going to do about michael cohen, give his testimony any weight? he is 99% of the case. they said, let's hear it again and cut to the chase on this. i believe choice between hung jury and partial jverdict on soe counts. hung jury has to be way up there. we don't know. >> ainsley: he went on to say if there is deadlock, you have the allen charge, most don't like this, the judge says go back, try again and reach a conclusion. >> brian: bad for the defendants. >> ainsley: many of them flip to the other side. >> lawrence: you have, they are not understanding jury instruction, over 30 pages long. then we find out they don't all have to agree on every charge, it can be four, four, four, or five, four, five, four. >> steve: you pick. >> lawrence: andy mccarthy was stunned by that. watch. >> it is mind boggling to me, end of the rainbow, after they did not give trump notice of what the charges are, we were not certain what the menu of crimes turns out he was supposedly covering up, now we get here and turns out they don't have to agree on the main thing? astonishing. >> ainsley: experts say it is unconstitutional, united states supreme courts jury must be unanimous. unconstitutional and reversible error. >> brian: i was watching back, r roku, if found guilty, it is farce cal to say he has to stay on house arrest. you have secret service, leading candidate to be next president, if you do that, it is pure verge vengeance. >> lawrence: what are we comfortable with? we got former doj official that was part of biden administration goes in and takes demotion. okay. d.a. promised to target a former president. a judge that donated to the president's opponent. his daughter works doing fund fundraisering on the matter. >> lawrence: jury instruction we don't understand and new rule it doesn't have to be unanimous decision. how many things are we comfortable to get the former president -- >> brian: and robert deniro is against him, too. >> ainsley: is there not an umbrella agency that controls this? >> steve: the state. >> ainsley: they are not stepping in? it will come out during appeal. >> steve: here is what i was going to say. jury instructions were so complicated and don't give the jury a list of stuff, check these boxes. imagine you are one of the 12 sitting around that table in an hour and 15 minutes and have the future of a former president maybe future approximately hanging in the balance. generally the foreperson, who we don't know about, runs the show. you have x-factors, two lawyers. generally when a lawyer is in the jury, they have a strong voice in the jury room, they have legal background and can explain, this is what we need to do. that lawyer or lawyers team up to explain to everybody else. as eric shawn explained a little while ago, sometimes people are lay people and look to the lawyer for advice. it is interesting to see how the lawyers and foreperson push this along. >> brian: think about this, all the conflicts this exist with judge merchan, one person loves him, wants to make out with him, andrew weisman, listen to this. >> with respect to judge merchan, i feel like a man crush on him, he is such a great judge, hard to see jurors wouldn't have the same impression. if you looked for judicial temperasm, that is what you get. >> ainsley: he was lead prosecutor in the mueller case, turned out trump did not collude with russia. >> steve: for whatever reason he feels that way, must have heard everything from the judge he was hoping would happen. and judge merchan did everything he wanted and now next thing you know, he's a big fan. >> brian: another lawyer, retired wealth manager, one in commerce, one does product development and one is in -- >> lawrence: they are not sequestered, they should not have conversations or be watching tv. it could be happening. >> steve: we had a week off from the trial. >> lawrence: another one. let's have a week off after the trial. >> steve: how many of their family members know they are on the jury and -- >> lawrence: talked about it over the barbecue. >> steve: what are you going to do? i heard this, what is going on. >> ainsley: it usually comes out later. >> steve: again, on appeal. >> brian: may hurt the case, you know who never hurts the show? >> lawrence: carley shimkus. >> brian: thank you, i felt pressure. >> ainsley: grownup in the last hour. >> carley: dvr the show, so you know what we're talking about. brian's brilliant tease before. we have news to get to. a actor nick pasqual accused of stabbing his ex-girlfriend. he was arrested at a border check point while trying to flee to mexico. he broke into the victim's home last week. she is in the hospital recovering. thank god. the actor will be extradited to l.a. to face attempted murder a and -- charges. -- cries out for further investigation. judge rejected defense request for d.n.a. testing on most evidence in question, will allow testing on piece of duct tape found on lacy's body at the type. peterson is expected back in court on july 14th. out of new jersey, this woman saved her own life after being hit by a train and losing half her leg in a freak accident. lisa firzgerald used her shirt as a current tourniquet. her family threw her a g glampyoutation party at the hospital. to support a gofundme, lisa's reco recovery on and scottie scheffler's attorney getting into it with media. he is being interrogated after most stressful situation of his life and the officer is asking him leading questions and trying to get him to agree with them. that is why you don't talk to the police. they are going to try to put words in your mouth. >> carley: the officer said he wants to move on. check out of images out of iceland. volcano erupting for fifth time, lava flows protecting small coastal town and popular geo-thermal spa has been evacuated and here is look at incr incredible images that sent lava shooting 165 feet in the air, site to behold. and michigan judge stunned when a man charged with driving with suspended license joined court zoom call while behind the wheel. >> give me one second, i'm parking right now. >> maybe i donald trump understand something. driving while license suspended? he was driving and doesn't have a license. >> oh, this is the charge, yes. >> why would he do that, defendant bond revoked, turn himself into jail by 6:00 p.m. today. >> oh, my god. >> carley: yeah, that suspect will appear in court on june 5, hopefully not driving this time. judge at loss for words, i am sure you can understand that reaction. >> steve: suspended license. can we try to book that guy. >> the judge? >> steve: no, the guy driving. >> lawrence: he's in jail. >> steve: he's out. >> carley: we don't recommend you drive from michigan to the studio. >> steve: he can zoom. >> brian: i'm going to the doctor. >> lawrence: turn the camera off. why on? >> ainsley: looked like he was late. i'm just going to park my car. >> carley: look at him like are you serious? >> steve: he drove himself to the doctor's appointment and gone around and sat in the passenger's seat. >> ainsley: or follow the law. >> steve: you are so old school. >> lawrence: or do that, yeah. >> brian: good news for you, less than 24 hours, we'll have the all-american concert series week two, featuring historic band and one man sexier than me. >> lawrence: will you be there for the concert? >> ainsley: brian is feeling good vibrations. >> brian: i want orange crush. >> ainsley: and cocomo. >> steve: beach boys and john stamos. remember the show is free, we have to know how many racks of ribs to buy for barbecue. >> brian: john stamos being good friends with howard stern. >> ainsley: we were downtown going into a restaurante, i hada friend with me and he looked at her and said, mercy. >> steve: he took a picture with every person who came into the studio and probably about 200 people. >> brian: he had a book out, big biography. he had in his book talked about not having much self-esteem, i thought was amazing. how good-looking do you have to be to not have low self-esteem. >> ainsley: good question. write that down. >> brian: what else does he need? >> lawrence: tell us, let us know. give advice. >> steve: tomorrow beach boys and john stamos. >> brian: give up your swagger, stamos doesn't have it, we don't. >> ainsley: and age old question not for jill biden. >> this is not about age, it is character. americans are going to choose good over evil. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> janice: what is your name? >> scott. >> janice: say hi to somebody. >> my parents at home in pryer, oklahoma. raymon& and sandy true. >> janice: happy anniversary. oklahoma, we saw tornados this past month in dallas and st. louis, look at norman. incredible month of tornados. severe thunderstorm warnings texas and oklahoma. there is severe storm threat today and tomorrow. we'll continue to watch it. say hi to lawrence. we love you, lawrence. >> lawrence: love y'all back. thanks, jd. anti-israel protests at college cam campuses. ayatollah is writing, dear university students, you are on the right side of hifthr histor. harvard saying it will no longer comment on public matters outside of the university. >> a can't properly ortickalate how bad it has been for jewish students. we have had incidents at the business school and a staff member taunt me with a machete. harvard prohibit free speech. >> lawrence: harvard has seen doz knows ens much protests pop up. those are your headlines. >> ainsley: thank you, lawrence. president biden will spend the day at delaware beach house with no events as first lady pushes back on growing concerns about biden's age. >> this election is not about age. this election is about character. you have two choices, you have my husband, joe, who you all know, who has integrity, he's strong and steady. you will see how smart he and and the experience he has and see somebody like you are saying, using joy's words, can't put a sentence together. i believe americans will choose good over evil. >> ainsley: guy benson joins us. americans are concerned about his age, did that change your mind or america's mind? >> guy: no, because joe biden she described and she loves her husband, props to her. that is not a man most recognize. that does not apply in the mind of most voters. she is the one doing interviews and not him, if they want to convince us that 80 plus percent of us are wrong about his acuity and fit ness for the job, have him everywhere doing interviews, doing sprays with reporters, demonstrating he is all the things she says. instead he's back at the beach. >> ainsley: when you watch "the view," she is looking at the audience trying to convince him. does it appear she wants this desperately? >> i think so, one reason he's so firmly committed to ask ing the american public for four more years, he wants to stick around, he is a stubborn guy. she loves be ing first lady and wants to continue. she's all in. he's theoretically all in. are american people in for four more years of this? when i'm 81, god willing, i'm an 81-year-old man, if i'm sharp as he is and physically healthy as he is, i'm thanking heaven for that and love to spend time at the beach and i probably shouldn't be running the co country. i would love his schedule, he is demanding american people give him a half decade more. there is different standard for that and should be. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on, great to see you. fox news alert, any minute, donald trump will help toed courthouse. gregg jarrett next as the country waits for a verdict in this historic case. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call miracle-ear at 1-800-234-7090 and schedule your free hearing evaluation today. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? 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we have summation and closing statement and sequestered jury and two requests, what do you read from what they needed yesterday during the four-hours together? >> i think jurors could are forgiven if their days didn't confuse. proos pros /* prosecutor presented this case and this mysterious second crime they never specified and wrapped it up in a pretty little bow around m.v.p. of liars, michael cohen and judge merchan compounded lunacy by mangle ing the law wi 50 pages of jury instructions, no worn wonder they have questions. this is a trial in search of imaginary crime. in today's column, i call it alice in wonderland judge. peering through the looking glass, everything is backward and upside down. >> lawrence: what do you make of them not having to reach a unanimous decision on each crime alleged crime or each count? >> it is such an egregious violation of due process, lawrence. but remember, this absurd legal theory is private records were falsified to influence the election. that is factually impossible and it was done to conceal this other crime, never identified by prosecutors or charged in the indictment. >> ainsley: how can he get away with this? >> he's the judge. he knows he's going to be reversed if a conviction. he doesn't care. alvin bragg doesn't care. they want to damage or delegitimizing donald trump being able to call him a convicted felon. >> ainsley: don't the two lawyers know this is unconstitutional? >> i hope so. one of them corporate lawyer, has no litigation experience criminal or civil and the other is civil litigator. i did both, there are some similarities, perhaps defense is hoping the civil litigator will see through this charade of trial and hope the legal theory makes no sense. >> brian: we had two questions from the jury, do you expect some type of verdict today? >> i'm encouraged the jurors are taking this quite seriously and going through the evidence in chronological order beginning with david pecker comparing to testimony of michael cohen and unfo unfortunately in new york, where everything is backwards, they are not allowed to take jury instruction into the dl deliberation room. jury instructions sometimes turn on a single word. they have to be able to understand it and study it. and here these jurors were not allowed to hear from the lawyers in closing arguments how the law in interacts with law and evidence in the case, merchan wouldn't let them do it. merchan said, i apply the law. actu actually the jurors decide. merchan has rigged this case in favor of prosecution. >> steve: thank you for joining us live, we're awaiting the former president, should walk out under the 45. >> ainsley: how scary is all of this? 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>> you know, so much to take in from the jury instructions, i can't imagine what it is like to be a juror. i'm an attorney and i found the instructions to be convoluted and difficult to follow. they do not get a coppee is something. one thing that jumped out is judge merchan with respect to not being unanimous requirement. this is what he said to jurors. although you must conclude unani unanimously the defendant, donald trump, conspired to promote or prevent lack of any person to a public office by unlawful means may not be unanimous to what unlawful means were. back to you. >> brian: that is todd piro todd blanche and we'll see the president not far behind. >> steve: he is former president, he got into the car and a couple attorneys heading into this particular motorcade. >> brian: is it fdr drive? >> ainsley: that is what they normally go gun, fdr drive on east side next to the water. >> steve: that car is heading east toward the east river and take a right and head down and get on the fdr. >> ainsley: today account be the day. >> brian: lydia, for our circumstances, the president will get there, more than likely speak again, he'll have plenty of time. >> yeah, that is generally what has been happening, process of getting into the courthouse is quite involved. folks, member of the public and press lineup to secure their own spot. they are allowing members of press and public into the courthouse 20 to 30 minutes ago. when they are seated, tz president arrives and walks through and makes his address to cameras set up outside of the courtroom. keep in mind, the president has been required to be at this trial every single day and that includes deliberations, as well. he has to remain inside the courthouse during the entire process. >> steve: question for you. we've been talking about pressure on the defense and prosecution to prove their case. what about the pressure on the jurors? if you are on this jury, one of the most famous juries of all time, a lot of them don't want their name out there. that will in some part shape their agenda and verdict. are we going to find out who they are officially or somebody will blab? >> that is a great question, steve. i think it is important to underscore jurors are anonymous to us, not anonymous to each other and maybe there friends or their family or co-workers or colleagues who wonder, where has this person been for the last six weeks. they dope have to disclose to us. >> ainsley: lawyers say normally you find out and their lives will change. living in new york, if they acquit donald trump could be hard. we'll see. >> brian: go to bill hemmer. >> bill: great coverage, 30 minutes aways and we will hear from donald trump. what did the jury ask of the judge and what does it mean? legal experts, they had a decent amount of sleep. you have joe biden going after donald trump with african american voters, we'll play the comments. we're watching for what could be major ruling from the u.s. supreme court today, will that be today? dana and i will see you top of the hour. what a day this might be coming up. per straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. steve right now donald trump is heading to lower manhattan. you saw him a few moments ago where his fate rests in the hands of 12 jurors who will be given their second day of deliberations just about 32 minutes from now. >> brian: seven men, five men. video of the president leaving the tower ten minutes ago and goes to the s.u.v. going to get right to the courthouse. it is being led by cops. >> ainsley: the court day is 9:30 to 4:30 and a lunch break. jurors can extend the day to 6:00 p.m. >> lawrence: the judge will pick up on that last question about the jury instructions. the question is, is the judge going to go through all those instructions or a certain part? >> brian: we'll have a verdict the next time we're on the couch. i think it is happening today. i just think they're ready to go. i have a hunch. >> steve: go with his gut. >> brian: we'll hear about it and never forget where we were when we heard it. >> lawrence: the hope the jury follows the facts wherever it takes them. >> steve: that's what bill and dana will do for the next two hours. >> bill: good morning, america. we're on verdict watch continuing today

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,Times ,Purger ,Who L ,Court ,Actual Ly Hasn T Left Trump Tower ,Trump Organization ,1 ,People ,Reporters ,Room ,Vip Line ,Hoo ,Line ,Overflow Room ,Conviction ,President Of The United States ,Appeal ,Crime ,Wheels ,Move ,Justice ,Notes ,Jonathan Turley ,Mind ,Roku ,Vcr ,Action ,Prosecutor ,News ,Scenario ,Speculating ,Weight ,99 ,Hung Jury ,Chase ,Jverdict ,Soe Counts ,We Don T ,Go Back ,Deadlock ,Allen Charge ,Pages ,Side ,Many ,Defendants ,Conclusion ,30 ,Andy Mccarthy ,Four ,Five ,Watch ,Menu ,Rainbow ,Notice ,Thing ,Astonishing ,Experts ,United States Supreme Courts Jury ,Terror ,Dr ,Secret Service ,Farce Cal ,Candidate ,House Arrest ,Part ,Vengeance ,Demotion ,Administration ,Official ,Doj ,Daughter ,Opponent ,D A ,Doesn T ,Matter ,Fund Fundraisering ,Things ,Decision ,Umbrella Agency ,Robert Deniro ,Jury Instructions ,Estate ,Table ,Boxes ,Jury A List ,15 ,12 ,Balance ,Show ,Lawyer ,Lawyers ,Foreperson ,X Factors ,Jury Room ,Background ,Voice ,Everybody Else ,Advice ,Exist ,Person ,Respect ,Man Crush ,Andrew Weisman ,Judicial Temperasm ,Great Judge ,Impression ,Way ,Turned Out Trump ,Russia ,Everything ,Big Fan ,Commerce ,Product Development ,Trial ,Conversations ,Tv ,Barbecue ,Family Members ,Carley Shimkus ,On Appeal ,Pressure ,Tease ,Dvr The Show ,Grownup ,Nick Pasqual ,Border Check Point ,Ex Girlfriend ,Home ,Hospital ,Victim ,Thank God ,Mexico ,Defense Request ,A ,Investigation ,Murder ,L A ,Question ,Type ,Body ,Dna Testing ,Testing ,Piece ,Duct Tape ,Lacy ,Half ,Woman ,Life ,Lisa Firzgerald ,Shirt ,Hit ,Leg ,Train ,Court On July 14th ,Freak Accident ,New Jersey ,14 ,July 14th ,Tourniquet ,Her Ag Glampyoutation Party ,Reco Recovery On Gofundme Com ,Support A Gofundme ,Attorney ,Scottie Scheffler ,Media ,Officer ,Questions ,Police ,Situation ,Words ,Images ,Mouth ,Iceland ,Volcano Erupting ,Geo Thermal Spa ,Lava Shooting ,Incr Incredible Images ,Lava Flows Protecting Small Coastal Town ,Oman ,License ,Michigan ,Court Zoom Call ,Site ,Hair ,Feet ,165 ,Something ,Wheel ,Me One Second ,Defendant ,Jail ,Bond ,6 ,00 ,Loss ,Suspect ,June 5 ,5 ,Guy ,Reaction ,Guy Driving ,Doctor ,Studio ,Camera Off ,Car ,Appointment ,Law ,Seat ,Sat ,Passenger ,Old School ,24 ,Band ,All American Concert Series ,Concert ,Vibrations ,John Stamos ,Beach Boys ,Orange Crush ,Cocomo ,Friends ,Racks ,Ribs ,Howard Stern ,Friend ,Picture ,Mercy ,Restaurante ,Self Esteem ,Book ,Book Out ,Big Biography ,200 ,Us ,Give Advice ,Down ,It ,Stamos Doesn T ,Swagger ,Evil ,Jill Biden ,Character ,Americans ,Duty ,Satisfaction ,Mentality ,32 ,Team ,Handout ,Hand ,Point ,Leadership Positions ,Help ,Newday Usa ,Sleep ,Memory Foam Doesn T ,Raw Egg Test ,Mattress ,Purple ,Veteran ,Loan ,Gel Flex Grid ,Spine ,Memorial Day Sale ,Store ,Visit Purple Com ,800 ,Office ,Meg ,T Mobile ,Verizon Wireless ,Pet Shop ,Fleet ,Money ,Company ,Real Estate ,Bird Squawks ,Bill ,At T ,Equipment ,Comcast Business Mobile ,Smarter Savings ,70 ,Possibilities ,Somebody ,Name ,Janice ,Parents ,Oklahoma ,Scott ,Pryer ,Raymon ,Sandy True ,In Dallas And St ,Norman ,Louis ,Tornados ,Thunderstorm Warnings ,Storm Threat ,Texas ,Protests ,Love ,Thanks ,College Cam Campuses ,We Love You ,Jd ,Students ,University ,Writing ,Ayatollah ,Hifthr Histor ,Harvard ,Matters ,Comment ,Jewish ,Staff Member Taunt ,Machete ,Incidents ,Business School ,Free Speech ,Headlines ,Doz ,First Lady ,Age ,Concerns ,Events ,Beach House ,Joe Biden ,Integrity ,Experience ,Know ,Can T ,Sentence ,Saying ,Joy ,Guy Benson ,Interviews ,Voters ,Husband ,Doing ,Job ,Fit ,Acuity ,Ness ,80 ,Beach ,Doing Sprays ,The View ,Audience ,King ,Public ,The American ,81 ,Shouldn T ,Heaven ,Co Country ,Schedule ,Standard ,Toed Courthouse ,Gregg Jarrett ,Pharmacist ,Country ,Brand ,Supplement ,Nature ,Vitamin ,Hearing Aids ,Brand Leader ,Nobody ,75 ,Hearing ,Time ,Walk In Tub ,Evaluation ,Call ,1 800 234 7090 ,234 ,7090 ,Someone ,Look ,Fast Fill Faucet ,Safe Step Walk In Tub ,Safe Step ,Touch Pad Control ,Warm Bath ,20 ,Water Jets ,Tub ,Increase Mobility ,Relieve Pain ,Hydrotherapy System ,Fingertips ,Energy ,Microsoothe Advanced Air Therapy System Oxygenates ,Ten ,Safety ,Comforts ,Bathing ,Skin ,Tubs ,Consultation ,Information ,Obligation ,Bills ,Policy ,Term ,Goldmine ,Life Insurance Policy ,Idea ,Cash ,Call Coventry ,100000 ,00000 ,Number ,Screen ,Visit Coventrydirect Com ,Stearns Foster That ,Comfort ,Materials ,Beautiful Mattress ,Ultra Conforming Intellicoils ,Stearnsandfoster Com Lawrence ,What ,Savings ,Mattress Sets ,Defense ,Jury Deliberation ,Prosecution ,Statement ,Job Discrediting ,Closing ,Summation ,Proos Pros ,Little Bow ,Mvp ,Liars ,Lunacy ,The Law ,Mangle Ing ,Wonder ,Search ,Column ,50 ,Through The Looking Glass ,Alice In Wonderland ,Count ,Violation ,Due Process ,Theory ,Records ,Prosecutors ,Indictment ,Doesn T Care ,He Doesn T Care ,Felon ,Delegitimizing ,Mother ,Litigator ,Criminal ,Litigation Experience ,Charade ,Both ,Similarities ,Sense ,Order ,New York ,Dl Deliberation Room ,Word ,Closing Arguments ,Merchan Wouldn T ,Favor ,Actu ,Crop ,Sea ,45 ,Product ,Products ,Family Farm ,Blankets ,Farming Techniques ,Quilts ,Sheets ,Made In America ,Shingles Doesn T Care ,Family Heirloom ,Family Getaway ,Code Fox 20 ,Go To Red Land Cotton ,Dot Com ,Shingles ,Rash ,Virus ,Ahhh ,Nothing ,Nice ,Shingles Inside Them ,Shingrix ,Vaccine ,Family Outing ,90 ,Fainting ,Muscle Pain ,Everyone ,Reactions ,Headache ,Injection Site ,Ingredients ,Dose ,Risk ,Tiredness ,Redness ,Swelling ,Side Effects ,Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome ,Business ,Godaddy Airo ,Stomach ,Shivering ,Fever ,Ai ,Power ,Logo ,Website ,Domain ,Clicks ,Network ,Speed ,Comcast Business ,Plans ,Customers ,Speeds ,Speed Plans ,Cost ,Miss ,9 99 ,49 99 ,Scene ,Prepaid Card ,Deliberations ,Lydia ,Juror ,Requirement ,Coppee ,Black ,Unani ,Means ,Todd Piro ,Attorneys ,Motorcade ,Fdr Drive ,Gun ,Fdr Drive On East Side ,Water ,Fdr ,East River ,Circumstances ,Folks ,Process ,Lineup ,Member ,Happening ,The Public ,Press ,Members ,Spot ,Cameras ,Tz ,Address ,Juries ,Lot ,Agenda ,Will ,Colleagues ,Co Workers ,Lives ,Six ,Coverage ,They Acquit ,Bill Hemmer ,Mask ,Amount ,African American ,U S Supreme Court ,Ruling ,Comments ,Adana ,Teeth ,Smile ,Shades ,Sensitivity Protection ,Hollywood ,2 ,24 7 ,Patients ,Fate ,Men ,Hands ,Video ,Seven ,Suv ,Cops ,Lunch Break ,9 ,4 ,Couch ,Gut ,Hope ,Hunch ,Facts ,

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