Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240702

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watters prime time. tonight. >> donald trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and destroy the world. >> reporter: closing arguments in the trial of the century. >> why these young people aren't coming home to a democrat because democrat messaging is full of belief and talk about cost-of-living. >> the biting campaign is blowing it. >> effects of climate change are upon us on terms of our transportation and indication turbulences up by 15 percent. >> jesse: they are blaming turbulence on global warming. >> jesse: plus. >> who did america fight in the war? >> africa. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news alert. closing arguments just wrapping up and president trumps trial and if we comes out to talk to the cameras, will bring those comments to you. an old cliché incremental technology that the criminal always returned to the scene of the tracked -- scene of the crime and after telling us repeatedly they had nothing to do with prosecuting arrival, biting campaign return to an active crime seen the subzero manhattan courthouse where democrats have been pinning trump down with a political ankle monitor. criminal brought with him his co-conspirators, old men in black punching bobby de niro wearing a mask still trying to slow the spread of populism and the two cooperative police officers who played the starring rolls in january 6 hearings with book deals and even ran for congress. usually when criminals return to a crime scene, they do it for the six thrill but the biden campaign came to confess. >> we're not here today on what's going on but we are here because you are all here buy merely the threat donald trump poses to the united states of america and our democracy. contrast here right itself as we speak donald trump a summer fighting for himself maybe taking a power nap. >> jesse: biting campaign spokesperson saying the trial is about democrats stopping trump after a year of insisting biden had nothing to do with prosecuting trump, they hold a press conference at the courthouse we're trumps being prosecuted. why it? they say they had to go where the press was to get the word out. what are they talking about? stands outside the oval office every day and follow biden on air force one wherever he goes. he had to go looking for them in lower manhattan? you can't campaign outside of a courthouse your parties prosecuting your opponent in. the most powerful man in the world sent an actor who plays a mob boss to intimidate the jury before deliberations. watch. >> 20 hours fell just over here this part of the city was like a ghost town but we vowed we would not allow terrorists to change our ways of life. donald trump destroy not only bleeped the country but the world. under trump, this kind of government will perish from the earth. don't mean to scare you but maybe i do i can tell you right now he will never leave. >> jesse: biden made an actor read a script in lower manhattan seeing his opponent is worse than 911 and then the actor slipped and went off script and admitted he's trying to scare you. with politics, you can admit you're trying to scare voters. it's not the movies but watch a when there is no script. >> reporter: what your response to republicans running on january 6 because you care about biden's record? >> i would say that's oppositely absurd. >> reporter: is this a weapon isn't -- weaponization of the justice? >> jesse: that's what happens when team biden can't preselect questions. got even more embarrassing when carjacker set off an alarm the kind of crime brought does not prosecute and drowned out de niro. >> the true heroes they stood and put their lives on the line for these lowlifes. for trump. >> they lied under oath. >> they lied under oath. who? excuse me? they lied under oath? what are you saying? they are traders? i don't even know how to deal with you. >> jesse: de niro thought it would be like one of those movie red carpet premieres were everyone kisses up but at the slightest challenge, the man could not keep his emotions in check. >> bleeped. >> you are gangsters. >> bleeped bleeped. >> you are done after this. >> jesse: new yorkers see it for what it is a political prosecution. what the trump team has been saying all along. >> the fact that they are holding a rally across the sea from this very witchhunt right across the street tells us exactly what we all knew all along that it is a political persecution. >> biden folks have finally done it after months of seeing the politics had nothing to do with this trial. they showed up and made a campaign event out of lower manhattan trial date for president trump and the best the biden can do is roll out a washed up actor. >> jesse: the rock. cardi b. lots of celebrities who endorse biden this time refuse to run a back so political reports abide and hope to seize on the verdict to make an address to the nation from the white house and on the campaign trail began calling trump a convicted felon. almost like they know the outcome. biden's political strategy is identical at the legal strategy as both men campaigned on stopping trump both are not doing it in court inside and outside both using the same actors, porn stars and despicable lawyers. fox news legal editor was there you were in the courthouse outside where the action was and as a witness to the, do you think they pulled it off? >> we were sitting there the energy was higher than it normally is looking across the street at all these trump supporters and there in a good mood blasting music and police tell them to stop and generally happy and upbeat in the second we get a notification in our e-mail biden campaign will have a press conference with the special guest so i thought maybe eugene carroll or michael cohen as a convention of characters down there. and then robert de niro walked onto the sidewalk and i'll tell you what, he started off a pretty frustrating note to the trump supporters across the street because he immediately turned to all the people supporting trump happily going along and sync they are crazy and the support is crazy and trump should stop people from supporting him. they all flock to the podium and everything you saw after that is what happened. >> jesse: you had let's go brandon chance in there and a car alarm and questions which i don't think the biden spokesperson was ready for. doesn't look like they plan this very well to send robert de niro i don't know how old he is but he's a hot mess trumped arrangement syndrome into the belly of the beast. why do you think the biting campaign thought that was a good idea after spending the whole year distancing themselves politically from the trial? >> because they were desperate bad headline from politico saying democrats in full freak out mode so i'm thinking if i'm a comms person, you want to figure out the shining object you can dangle the everyone will go running towards we were talking about that you dangle de niro so i ended i think it ended up backfiring because he's calm people crazy as he's coming off as unhinged and they all flock to the back of his press conference another very angry they called him -- he called them crazy and screaming the whole time and defeated the purpose. >> jesse: a big day tomorrow we believe we'll get jury destruction -- jury instructions. >> jury settle take an hour and depends on how the jury plants are deliberate and if i'm the jury i want to be done with this after the prosecution drag this out and they have to be thinking get me out of here. >> jesse: they've had six days plus memorial day so they are a little woozy like some of us. >> is hanging over their head and want to get back to their normal lives instead of listening for the hundredth time what michael cohen lied about three years ago. >> jesse: you are predicting we could get a verdict tomorrow? >> i would like to thank we are but i don't know if that's going to happen. >> jesse: thursday? we will see. thank you so much. closing arguments are done and we still don't know what the trial crime of the century is and cnn says bragg fell short. >> you think they fell short? >> they fell way short start with reasonable doubt all over this case where is keith schiller? where is him and how did michael cohen get away with stealing $30,000 hold a pity party for him and made $40 million and thought it would be chief of staff and he's a fixer let's hold a pity party for stormy daniels. >> jesse: trump legal spokesperson joins me now. you were there closing arguments trumps defense council went first and then against the prosecution did five hours? >> that's we have to do when you have not proven your case and trial and you plan you have this great break and say guess what, i get to go into an argument and they don't get to rebut anything they say. they took four hours to tell their story and i had to leave and it was insane. >> jesse: a bathroom break. what was the point? did they have a crime at the end of this? no? >> they could not give us any evidence and that's a lot of noise and not one bit of evidence showing donald trump -- a donald trump had intent and as i'm sitting as an attorney try to understand how they could've possibly brought this and wasted this much taxpayer dollars and have the audacity to make a jury sit there until 8:00 with a bunch of nonsense and shiny balls they have no facts. >> jesse: hearing from inside the court every time defenses raise an objection, judge overrules every one and sustains every objection from the prosecution. >> i can't relate to that adult. it's unbelievable and the way the visceral reaction this judge had when we had our one witness come up and told the press that kind of anger and we saw with de niro today but that is what work dealing with people will either believe a story like sitting in make-believe land or you will listen to the facts and they took us an hour and a half to break down and you have a person a complete lawyer pretty simple for us and it took us a long time to bob and weave and make up stories. >> jesse: you are there in the courtroom for almost every single day and laid your eyes on the jury and will start deliberating tomorrow i know we don't want to make predictions about this and you saw them absorb the closer this evening and get it result wednesday, thursday? >> i don't feel like we can call it a closer five hours but more like a long movie. honestly do the right thing and consider in new york we should get a hunger jury but like anyone, give an allen charge tell you to restudy everything so maybe three days max in it to me should be an acquittal but i'm not a new york liberal. >> jesse: thank god you are not. maybe by the end of the week we could get some sort of verdict. thank you so much. >> jesse: brak trial not the only one biden is tampering with. after shopping for shirts at joseph a bank and for reasons we can't figure out since the president has a personal shopper and taylor, he ditched the traveling press pool and paid the surprise visit to the star witness of his sons gun trial. biden disappeared without warning and left the media in the dark in a parking garage what he paid biden house call, his son's widow had a drug fueled affair with his other son hunter and haley tossed hunter's illegal gun in the trash by the school the hunter blamed on mexicans and she will be the star witness in trumps felony -- felony drug trial were prosecution will ask to corroborate drug use while purchasing a pistol and prosecution plans to enter evidence videos of hunter doing drugs and incriminating an embarrassing tech messages between hunter and haley. joe biden should not be anywhere near haley biden on the eve of the sons trial just the appearance of being alone in the room with the prosecution star witness a week before jury selection could be seen as witness tampering. what you think joe biden was telling the witness and why didn't haley who is technically still his daughter-in-law not visit him at his house? reaching the press and sneaking into our house after dark one on one the most powerful men in the world is a problem but the white house havoc -- has a cover story. >> why did he have a private meeting with the witness who plans to testify in court against his son? president biden was at our house this week. >> the american people should be told the full breadth of this and he visitor days before the anniversary of the passing of his son and she is family married obviously to his late son and i think that is something to mention as you're asking your question. >> reporter: they did not talk about their testimony. >> this was not about that. >> we cannot find any evidence of biden visiting haley at her home and have not seen her at the white house. not at the july 4th barbecues or easter egg rolls, never and how does biden know they did not talk about her testimony? she wasn't there and that's the point. no one was like when bill clinton talked to her alone on the tarmac while she was investigating hillary's e-mails and i'm sure biden just chalked -- talked about their grandkids to. former white house press secretary joins me now so on the heels of biden sending his campaign to the steps of the courthouse where his party prosecuting his rival, he's going over and talking alone in the dark to the star witness of his sons felony gun trial. he thinks he can get away with that? >> the optics are very poor spot on to ask the question and in this case three days before the passing of his son in the ninth anniversary and i will give them the benefit of the doubt on that but you make an interesting point of really poor optics visiting the star witness and you send your campaign to your rivals trial as according to politico biden sent down an edict telling the campaign to stay away from the trial and it happens and i go back to new york times article from april of last year katie rogers really wrote in the pages of the new york times that joe biden was telling those around him according to two people familiar that he wanted to see donald trump prosecuted for january 6 and tired of his attorney general acting like a judge and wanted to take decisive actions so this notion joe biden has nothing to do with doj that he's far away prosecuting a state-level case, there's a lot more to the story and if reporters dug deep, what would we find? >> jesse: they need a dig because according to the cia, already told prosecutors to back off interviewing and said he was untouchable and wise the sugar brother untouchable? where the money come from? is that many considered a camping contribution? go back a second and if you're the president of the united states in jury selection begins next week, how about a phone call to haley to commemorate him just so you don't look like you're tampering and instead he goes to our house and ditches the press. that take some you know what. >> it's poor decision-making and very bad optics while your rival is on trial and i think the trump campaign should do the reverse and send the trump campaign to the hunter biden trial show the disparity there and you'll thank he'll be reporters? send the trump campaign and show the american people there's another person you should be looking at. >> jesse: i think jason miller just booked his flights for to delaware for next week. thank you so much and not a bad idea. >> jesse: happy memorial day. >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> might have gotten me there. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. is a mack. >> jesse: election is five months off and biden ditched the press and appear to fall asleep during an event on memorial day. resting his eyes for a prolonged period of time and i'm sure he was just meditating. today biden stormed back on the trail. kidding. he had no events and over the weekend trump is in a recent north carolina. [ chanting ] >> jesse: if you are a man of the people you can't hide from those who disagree. trunk -- trump showed up to the libertarian convention but the welcome was not as warm as the truck. >> i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians in senior posts. maybe you don't want to win. keep getting your 3 percent every four years. >> jesse: you rest disagreements when you leave your bubble but that's what campaigning for president is about as you want to be president for all americans and willing to listen to everyone and the reason why trump is beating biden here latest national poll has trump up the democrats are winning the bet. this from politico. dems and full-blown freak out over biden because the economy stupid biden's favourability has not budged since the state of the union as he can't own the pain his policies has caused and say democrats have lost the plot >> we keep wondering why these young people not coming home to the democrats. the democrat messaging is full of [bleep] and talk about cost-of-living and we will help deal with this. don't talk about [bleep] gaza and student loans. >> jesse: the wall street journal say democrats are frustrated with joe biden emphasize her in chief unable to emphasize and facing calls from anxious democrats to express more empathy and as voters continue to reject the president's positive rhetoric on the economy and biden heard from democrats member of congress urged him to express more compassion on the economy. this is how joe shows economic compassion. lying and telling you to pay up. >> no president has had the run we have in terms of creating jobs and inflation was 9 percent >> there is real pain as grocery prices are up 30 percent since the beginning of the pandemic and people having struggled to afford and that's a real day-to-day pain. >> it really is and it's real but the fact is take a look people have the money to spend. >> jesse: he was never a talented politician and he was told he has compassion but i've never seen it and i think the media manufactured it and as you know what the media giveth, the media taketh away and maybe that's why more than half of likely democratic voters say they want a presidential switcheroo at the convention. founder joins now the old switcheroo and are you feeling that theory? >> first of all, happy memorial day to all the servicemen around the country but it comes down to four things whoever out works and l strategizes and outlasts win. take a look at biden and trump is trump out works gets one day a week to campaign on wednesdays it's like a quarterback they get 70 attempts in a quarterback it's 10 attempts and he gets 10 touchdowns and the other guy cannot get a single touchdown he's outworked and if you notice 2020 president trump seemed a little bit upset. 2024 is optimism and unification and we have to make a comeback and messaging has improved and you want to be around the guy he seems optimistic even though they're doing all the stuff wrong. this guy has the audacity to goad to new york campaign and shake hands with people 25,000 people show up and you're willing to tell me you have the audacity to come to my city even though the campaign manager for biden that showed up showed up today and how to analyse this to see if he could change it up with robert de niro outlasts his biggest strength and good luck outlasting him when it comes to campaigning there's no way president biden can do that. >> jesse: out hustling him but joe has the establishment with the cia telling the prosecutors to back off his son sugar brother and alan bragg doing his dirty work and fanny and the crew in lante and he has the media the joe can't do anything wrong he can lie and they say it's fine and he can fall asleep at my memorial day event and say that's fake news and is not going to be enough to help them go across the finish line again? >> he is going to need manipulation and trying to find a different way to win because if you look at the polls right now, they are embarrassing. new york. 2020, one by 23 points. right now new york only has a nine-point lead and look at blacks voting in 2020 they won 22 percent 9 percent is what trump got with the black votes and trump has 22 percent and he's winning the business owners winning the black row and the young vote and winning the people of libertarian vote starts off and ends with cheering, of this is how you go to those types of moments the only thing i say paranoid don't want to bring anybody else but you're not gonna lose it this easily. >> jesse: only the paranoid survive all have to write that down and remember biden's only up nine in new york and jesse just qualified to get on the ballot? rfk junior in new york will play a major factor. thanks as always david for joining jesse watters prime time. more ahead imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. so, what are you thinking? 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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: memorial day was monday where we honor those who lost her life serving her country but it seems like squad members don't know what the holiday means looks like they thought it was veterans day and had to remove the tweet and embarrassment but can't delete the answers johnny got on the beach. >> why you offer work on monday? >> something about freedom. >> it's memorial day and it's a day we celebrate all of our veterans and we remember them the people we lost on memorial day. >> you tried to get me there. >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> you might have gotten me there. i am so bad a history. >> was it france? >> africa. >> who won the civil war? >> i promise i don't know any answers to them. >> the north when the civil war. >> the good people. >> tell me about the civil war. >> there was some conflict and i can't tell you what it was. >> to fight for civil rights. >> i hate you right now and not answering any more of these questions. who did america fight in world war ii? >> austria? >> finland. >> nazi germany. >> it was italy. >> i love the italians. >> china. >> russia. >> not russia. >> who won world war iii? >> i will tell you at the time and keep you in suspense. >> who bombed world harbor? >> just say she's pretty and stop the question. >> reporter: who won the cold war? >> france and england. >> i guess everyone lost. >> antarctica. >> why they call it the cold war? >> didn't they trap them? >> and not actual bombings but just the threat. >> it must have been freezing. >> what event started the war on terror? >> 911. >> you have me stumped. >> do you watch jesse watters on fox news? >> every night actually it's playing every night when we eat dinner. >> missus waters, this is my world. >> happy memorial day buddy i look stupid on national television. >> jesse: our movement got even bigger. will bring it back. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: a great weekend at the nixon library did a q&a in front of a patriotic crowd talked about the themes of the book get it together personal responsibility, family and work ethic addiction victim all edgy. thousands of books sold and really just an interesting perspective into the nixon presidency my god that is a presidency were free exploring for the entire country thanks everybody and text message time. teresa from staten island this former brooklyn gal hasn't heard of that and's practice expression in years the person to use that word is my hero. >> jesse: we are bringing that back. john from florida mask can't protect you from trumped arrangement syndrome. >> jesse: i know for robert de niro what happened to him. mike from new orleans joe and hailey just talked about the weather. a very good. >> marty from south carolina you know what he told her, don't. that would be bad news for hunter because anytime biden says don't to anybody they do. bob from georgia the empire state building was built in 410 days 8 charging stations were built into a half years how we have fallen. it's almost like it's a money scheme. stephanie from missouri glad her global warming is the turbulence for ones racism is not to blame unbelievable. has nothing happened to me that's fine. always remember him waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪

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, Four , Lot , Evidence , Noise , The End , Audacity , Dollars , Attorney , Taxpayer , Jury Sit , 8 , Court , Facts , Objection , Defenses , Hearing , Balls , Nonsense , Bunch , Way , Adult , Reaction , Danger , Land , Person , Half , Courtroom , Stories , Lawyer , Bob And Weave , Eyes , Evening , Predictions , New York , Thing , Hunger Jury , Anyone , Acquittal , God , Sort , Shopping , Reasons , Shirts , Joseph A Bank , The Star , Visit , Sons Gun Trial , Shopper , Traveling Press Pool , Taylor , Son , In The Dark , Son Hunter , Drug , Parking Garage , Widow , Affair , Warning , House Call , Haley Tossed Hunter S Illegal Gun , Hunter , Felony Drug Trial , Felony , Drug Use , School , Trash , Mexicans , Joe Biden , Haley Biden , Plans , Tech Messages , Pistol , Evidence Videos , Eve , Hunter Doing Drugs , Jury Selection , Sons , Witness Tampering , Prosecution Star Witness A Week , Appearance , Room , Didn T Haley , House , One On , Problem , Daughter In Law , Cover Story , Havoc , Meeting , Family , Passing , Anniversary , Breadth , Question , Something , Biden Visiting Haley , Testimony , Home , No One , Easter Egg Rolls , July 4th Barbecues , Bill Clinton , July 4th , 4 , White House Press Secretary , E Mails , Tarmac , Grandkids , Heels , Hillary , Rival , Alone In The Dark , Party , Sons Felony Gun Trial , Steps , Spot On , Optics , Rivals , Benefit , Edict , New York Times , Pages , Article , Katie Rogers , Attorney General Acting , Reporters , Actions , Notion , Doj , Prosecutors , Sugar Brother , Interviewing , Wise , Cia , Dig , Money , Second , Camping Contribution , Phone Call , The Press , Tampering , Trump Campaign , Decision Making , Reverse , Hunter Biden Trial , Disparity , Flights , Jason Miller , Everybody , America Fight In The Revolutionary War , Teeth , Smile , Hollywood , Product , Shades , Patients , Sensitivity Protection , 24 7 , 2 , Election , Mack , Event , Biden Stormed , Events , Chanting , Trail , North Carolina , Kidding , Trunk , Libertarian , Libertarians , Welcome , Truck , Cabinet , Libertarian Convention , Senior Posts , 3 , Campaigning , Bubble , Democrats , Reason , Poll , Bet , Economy , State Of The Union , Freak , Dems , Favourability , Spain , Policies , Plot , Bleep , Deal , Cost Of Living , Gaza , Don T Talk About , Student Loans , Wall Street Journal , Rhetoric , Member , Empathy , Calls , Compassion , Run , Inflation , Pandemic , Beginning , Jobs , Grocery Prices , 30 , 9 , Media , Politician , Media Giveth , Switcheroo , Founder , Wall , Works , Theory , Servicemen , Take A Look At Biden And Trump Is , L Strategizes , Wednesdays , Outlasts Win , Guy , Quarterback , Attempts , Touchdowns , Touchdown , 2020 , 70 , Unification , Comeback , 2024 , Stuff , Shake , Hands , Audacity To Goad , 25000 , Campaign Manager , Establishment , Strength , Son Sugar Brother , Luck , There S No Way , Dirty Work , Crew , Lante , Fanny , Fine , News , Finish Line , Manipulation , Points , Polls , 23 , Votes , Blacks , Lead , Nine , 22 , Vote , Cheering , Business , Owners , Row , Anybody , Types , Ballot , Rfk Junior , Always David For , Food , Change , Families , Products , Recycling Technologies , Makers , Safer , Planet Cleaner , America , Billions , Safari , Wait , Smarter Solutions , Honeymoon , Elephants , Swim , Hot Air Balloon , Planning , Look , Wealth Plan , Scenarios , Wealth Management , Chase Branches , Down Payment , Horses , Branch , Advisors , Tools , Track , J P Morgan , Montana , Answer , Scares , Trumbull , World War Iii , Fear , Dictator , Charging Station , Electric Car , 2021 , 7 Billion , A Million , 6 Billion , Eight , Charging Stations , Legacy Media , Beach , Scam , Federal Highway Administration , Seven , Work , Goal , Isn T , Investment Taxpayers , Utility , Ground , Device , Chargers , Investment , States , Category , 203500000 , 4 Million , 50 , Charges , Handful , Plugs , Clock , Rate , 500000 , Producer , Johnny , Welfare Check , Garage , Washer , Mayor , Wasn T Open , Car , Order , Neighborhood , Others , Parking Problems , Need , Road Trips , Somewhere , General , Cars , On The Road , Rest , Climates , List , Immigration , Fault , Form , Transit Systems , Cables , Hurricane Seasons , Heat , Pacific Northwest , Warming , Study , Revision , Media Writing Stories , Junk Science , Model , Deaths , Heart Attack , 2009 , Idea Turbulence , Mainstream Media , Human Life , Debate , Jazzed , Operation Warp Speed , Grid , Won T , Implication , A Hundred Thousand , Gas Stations , Amount , Research , Sector , Feeling Stations , Payphones , Energy Policy , Risa , Payphone , Peach , Overreach , Ev , Quarter , Building , Tread , Johnny Hits The Beach , America Fight In World War Ii , Russia , Help , Good , Prayer , Hallow , Stay , Bad , Nature , Supplement , Storage , Brand , Moves , Pharmacist , Sale , Vitamin , Pods , Save , Promo Code , Don T Wait , June 10th , 25 , 1 , 6 Million , Pods Com Today , Relief Factor , Times , Wife , 35 , Squad Members , Veterans Day , Holiday , Looks , On The Beach , Freedom , Tweet , Embarrassment , Veterans , History , The Civil War , France , Answers , North , More , Conflict , Rights , Italy , Austria , Finland , Nazi Germany , Italians , China , Who Won World War Iii , Suspense , Cold War , England , Didn T , Freezing , Bombings , Antarctica , War On Terror , Movement , Dinner , Television , Missus Waters , Weekend , Front , Crowd , Q A , Nixon Library , Themes , Book , Books , Responsibility , Thousands , Edgy , Work Ethic , Addiction Victim , Presidency , My God , Perspective , Text , Exploring , Teresa , Staten Island , Brooklyn Gal Hasn T , Expression , My Hero , John , Florida , Arrangement Syndrome , Weather , Mike , New Orleans , Hailey , Marty , South Carolina , Georgia The Empire State Building , Money Scheme , Stephanie , Missouri , 410 ,

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