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Richard fowler, dana perino and greg gutfeld. 5 00 in New York City and this is the five. Cpho taking another nosedive in the polls and a lot is getting way too close for comfort with drew barrymore. Things are going off the rails at the white house again. Joe biden was riding pretty high after being the host at the white house Correspondents Dinner on saturday. With the Events Committee called him decent and joe got to give the leftwing press their marching orders. Listen. President biden im sincerely asking you not to take sides but ask you to rise of the to the seriousness of the moment. Everyone has roles to play got a serious role to play in major democracy endorsed, america survives. They woke up Sunday Morning and got smacked with a hard dose of reality from leftwing cnn of all places. Thereby new survey shows trump taking his biggest lead he had ever over joe biden. And it also says that most americans find president bidens term to be a total failure. The white house is an income allowed to do some Damage Control and by about the economy, the veep also doing another round of interviews and getting close on a couch with drew barrymore. Kamala harris suggests let people who mark the left are sexist. You were asking me earlier about what it means to be, like, the first woman market is funny because people still have to get used to this, right . My staff, for example, sometimes theyll show me Little Things that just abused me, like, apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. Oh, yes,. Okay. I love your left. Let me just tell you something, i have my mother laugh and i grew up around a bunch of woman in particular who left from the belly. Never going to be [laughter] thats just and not the person. And then things got really weird. We all need a mom. Been thinking that we really need all need a tremendous hug in the world right now but in our country that we need you to be mama of the country. [cheering] greg, marla. You think thats what [laughter] this is the new set for gutfeld. There is a creepiest thing ive ever seen and ive seen a lot of creepy things. Im sure you were going to ask you something . I dont know if that will stick. I think that sexist, right . By the way, its not about Kamala Harris lack of it when it occurs. Whenever someone last and an inappropriate moment, like, when nothing that mirrored laughter came before its a sign of a kind of unscented goofball. Its a sign that i mean if she was like lapping at an Instagram Reel of a friend she in a bikini, i get it but she laughed when people say how are you . Or goodbye. Thats not well. I have a coworker wants to give a giggled all the time, we stayed away from her. Back to the sexist claim, that in itself is sexist because we wouldnt find a man nervously chortling all the time as appealing either. Actually we will probably be harsher on him because, you know, we are allowed to be, you know, would get him away from the sharp objects. If anything is because shes a woman woman that shes allowed this lightweight status to giggle all the time that to me is sexist. Look at those polls and boastful numbers for joe other debtors and christie norms dog. [laughter] should be worried because he is looking like old dealer and that is he was basically telling the press to do his job, not to do theres. In those data points were from cnn and cbs saying that joe is getting crushed, thats okay Hostess Cupcakes telling your frosting gives you cancer. These are no longer outliers even though they maybe liars but these polls tell you everything about 2024. Jesse truck is looking like is americas choice for president which is the reason for the law fair. Do you want Election Interference . Its in your face. Biden is a dead dog and tried to look like hes going to win, the only strategy is to remove him through the courtroom are at least bring him as a felon and hope that that makes voters thank twice. They havent lied about that by the way. Theyve said it. I dont know if you and never from burqa i dont know how you can be okay with this. You can hate strength and all you want but you dont want to fight fare . I mean, youre worse. You should be auctioned ashamed of yourself. Jesse janine biden is down six and a cnn poll in his begging the press to help him out even more. What more could he possibly do . Judge jeanine they cant do anything else for him but you know what i think is so significant about that poll . In the cnn poll, trump is up one point among woman. All right . And for all the talk about him about abortion and womens rights and, you know, the lives and you just e. Jean carroll and stormy daniels, were woman wants trump in 19. To me that was the most significant part of this. And i think i will all smack only increase and, you know, and wanted our guatemala kamala in her lap because i think its just ridiculous. I think shes ridiculous. She was a diversity higher and, you know, they say its sexism if you claim, you know, that if you make fun of me because of my lack while you were a diversity higher based upon your sex and other things. So lets be straight about that. But more important than that is that the left thought that by locking down donald trump in a courtroom in Downtown Manhattan that everybody would literally forget about him. But the truth is what hes done both before and after the trial whether or its in harlem or Midtown Manhattan or just having a compressor that i think americans are seeing not so much a guy who was being, you know, targeted by the left but a man who can withstand pressure. He knows how to survive he knows how to fight for america no matter what it takes. And that woman and that old guy meaning joe biden, they just cant do anything else to him. And trump is going to win. I think its that simple. Jesse year there, richard. Listen, im not a second or terror card readers or not i do think this, if those polls that had heller clinton about six or seven points and she lost so i think its important to remember polls are snapshots in time and at this moment is probably like because if you look at our News Coverage over the in the week before that we were covering donald trump in the truck trials. No matter what channel youre watching. With that being said i think youve heard a lot of folks over the speaking of this trial is benefiting trump, i think what it is because the media consistently talks about him but where its hurting him in that hes not able to fund raise, hes unable to on the Campaign Trail is not able to lay out how he wants to fix many of the issues affecting the American People and a recent harvard ioc poll found that the top issues for young voters aged 13 housing, healthcare, gun and inflation, for coding issues that we havent heard a very clear message on what exactly trump want to do to fix it. Dont get me wrong i think weve had a shopper message from the current sitting president on what it needs to be but at least yes Policy Published 100 on gun violence. Is 101 housing. Is what im doing on healthcare to ensure that woman have access to a product of health said i was at the dinner last night and one of the jokes talk about Kamala Harris i was actually very funny or saturday at least the current president has the endorsement of his Vice President ,. Com has jesse that was one of the better lines. Dana 1 of the better liens. Dana now i think its other peoples turn go to the dinner. I heard it wasnt great great to see everybody but the comedian wasnt very funny and thats usually how it is. Its frustrating to me because its supposed to focus on these young people who are getting scholarships and nobody ever listens to that part of the program and it drives me crazy. They said we have to figure out a way to get Kamala Harris out there to help us with economic numbers jericho they came up with the Economic Opportunity tour. She is doing interviews with drew barrymore. Does that help them with the womens vote . Women are going to the Grocery Store every day, they are trying to figure out how to make ends meet. There are more women now making more than men in their households. Women are very well aware of how bad their economy is. This is what joe biden is doing during Small Business week. They are banning noncompetes, expanding Overtime Rules for the labor department, wanting to ration electricity, ending the trump tax cuts, thats what they came out with and they also want to do more on Student Loans. In that cnn the pole, he was upside down on Student Loans as well. I dont think shes going to win a lot of hearts and minds. Its fine to go on drew barrymores show, its great to do howard stern but they have to figure out a way to be a little more risktaking in order to get some gains here. All of those things i mentioned are not going to improve the economy by next november in fact they will probably make it wo worse. Jesse she should go on got failed to. Greg its married women who are going more for trump. Joe biden still gets the single women. You can read into that. Jesse up next, prohamas rats defying a deadline to decamp and demanding amnesty for setting up their terror tents. We believe that the best products are Made In America and come fresh from the family farm. And produced under the most Sustainable Farming techniques. From our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. It could be a family heirloom. Go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20 off your order with code fox 20. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. Call Coventry Direct today at the number on your screen, or visit coventrydirect. Com. All our schools are painted red. Over 30,000 dead. Your supporting jeanine americas colleges bracing for a new week of prohamas anarchy as the Terror Sympathizing students demand amnesty for their jew hating antics, columbia says they are now suspending students as the campers openly defied the deadline to clear out their tents or face suspension. Instead they circled the campus chanting their usual antisemitic slogans. Just because we are not getting the police to arrest us doesnt mean that our demands are met. Thats why we feel the need to continue to protest and this camp symbolizes the start of the Student Encampments around the United States and in the wider world. We feel the need to protect this encampment. Whats your name . Sorry, i cant say. Jeanine of course. Texas to the opposite approach, police dragging out prohamas agitators one by one and breaking up the protests at the university of texas in austin. Cops flooding the zone tearing down barriers and arresting protesters. Now the brats and their teachers are calling on their schools to grant them amnesty. Ill start with you, jessie. Its interesting, apparently Columbia University made several offers and they said they would give more scholarships to the progossett crowd and they would review the program. Whys it so difficult for them to take action in columbia when all across the Country Hundreds of kids are getting arrested. Jesse no one takes action, look at law enforcement, look at all the colleges, look at the country. Everybody sets deadlines and they say theres going to be a consequence in the no one ever enforces anything. You dont have a law because you dont enforce the law that means a lot doesnt exist. I tell jesse, jr. , paul patrol goes off at 10 00, if hes still watching pop a troll we dont negotiate, paul patrol goes off. If he says ten more minutes and all of a sudden its 11 30, hour and a half extra . He runs me. Jesse jr. Does not run me, i run jesse jr. Hunter biden was never told him no, he was never given any consequence and look at and hes like 54 and hes an absolute mess. Same thing with the students. I spoke to my parents what they did during the vietnam era, during the civil rights era, they invited guest speakers. They had candlelit marches, they had sit ins, they had vigils. Greg commie. Jesse they went to the trustees of the university and said you need to uphold their mission. They didnt have a caliphate in the quad to intimidate jewish students who are religious minority from going to class. There is no outside agitators outside the camp as creating an unsafe environment. Insanity whats going on, three hours past the deadline . In light of that, 2 00 they were supposed to disperse and tear down the tents and the president says at 6 00 im going to give a press conference, they arent doing anything. Why is the president of columbia so reluctant to . She has to invite the police on campus because i have campus police. Nypd cant go on campus without an invite. Greg they are in a way absentee parents. I watch this stuff and i wonder who is taking this seriously besides the protesters . Most people look at this and people arent even caring about this. To me it is like a Tantrum Throwing Child at a supermarket and the parent is not disciplining the brat. Meanwhile, the Supermarket Staff is encouraging and amplifying the tantrum two its almost like they are rewarding bad behavior rather than good to. Gerald pozner is a great writer. Influence of a radicalized faculty sets the framework by which students feel not only empowered but sanctioned by those in authority which is why you think we should celebrate this monster turning on its creator. Its idiot on idiot action when these kids are coming out against at the school, let everyone see this and the parents then decide to better schools, better discipline, better control because this is garbage, you are paying 90 grand for this . Youre a sucker. Jeanine you reacted with a woman in the cuff io one to give her name i wonder how many are students and if they are so prohamas and palestine they say it proudly. It dana they have been making demands for amnesty so their arrests arent put on permanent records. They are worried about their futures and their jobs and i think one of the reasons you go to college is so you can continue to mature and be prepared for those first jobs. Now they hear from so Many Employers saying i would never hire them. Even if its not on their permanent record its on your instagram. They will know. One of the things i find terrifying in a way is in the last few weeks, theres been a 10 decline in the in the number of people who believe that hamas is responsible for october 7th. Where the stuff coming its coming specifically from democrats in particular, there is that issue. Also for these students when you start defacing the founding fathers, tearing down american flags, occupying the quad, you wont move forward, it makes all of your arguments fall apart and we are in the middle of joe biden asking all of us taxpayers to pay for the Student Loans, youve got to be kidding me. I mentioned in the a block, there is no way people are going to go for that. The last thing i would say is what they say they want now is divestments from anything that supports israel. Its impossible, its not going to happen, do you really think thats where the demands stop . Have they ever demanded that hamas release the hostages . Covering their face, in one of the mask, and you should really release the hostages, they dont do that to. Jeanine they dont seem to care, the protesters are now suing Columbia University saying they dont feel safe on campus and she might call the police at any minute. Richard thats unfortunate, i do think this. Theres a bright line between protesting and demanding disinvestment whether its going to happen or not or pushing a ceasefire, thats a first amendment. Theres a bright line between that and being antisemitic in islamophobic, thats hate speech not protected by the u. S. Constitution. Jesse pointed did this, Protested Is American as american pie whether its the vietnam war on College Campuses or protesting the Apartheid Government in south africa with a called universities to divest on the government to their. The Global Movement against after the murder of george floyd, it spans party, it spans presidencies, it spends congress, you oftentimes see student protest. My problem with this particular protest is how the media is playing it out whether its at columbia or g. W. Or ut austin with about 60 students there, these campuses are huge and there are thousands of students who are taking their finals and when you zero in on just a couple of students and you dont zoom out to the rest of the campus who are doing Something Else you make it seem as though the entirety of the campus has this particular viewpoint whether they do or they dont they arent disrupting the school and the the recent jesse they are disrupting. Its a minority that is disrupting. s before they are all paying for it, if you can have graduation, they are all having to pay for it to. Richard my point is the media is focusing on the small minority they are doing at the Service Periods before the media is focusing on the administrations were totally spineless. I dont know if an academic should be a leader of the university if you cant negotiate for six days with students they cant watch paw patrol for days. Jesse it has to go off at ten. Speak of the analogy of the tantrum in the supermarket, we have to admit these kids are stupid. We talked about the history of protests and all that stuff. From far away we make them sound heroic but when you see it up front you go my god, these are. The dumbest people on the planet. You cant virtue signaled by saying you go to columbia or harvard, it just shows youre an idiot to. Jeanine the sad part about it, if the numbers are changing their having an impact two richard whats actually happening on the ground in the israelgaza conflict is theres a ceasefire on the table likely to happen a nobody in the medias covering it, instead we are covering students. s before the International Criminal court wants arrest israelis. Jeanine a new york d. A. Demanding some Vip Treatment after getting pulled over. No Application Fee if you apply by may 31st at University Of Maryland global campus, an Accredited University thats transformed adult lives for 75 years. Youre not waiting to win, youre ready to succeed again at umgc. Edu. Frustrated by skin tags . Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. Now theres an easiertouse at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. Dana instead of complying with the cop who drove to her home, the Police Officers by the camera this interaction. Come outside, you cant just go inside this is a traffic stop. Here is your phone back. I understand the law better than you. What is the reason you are so against what im doing, you say youre a d. A. . I am the d. A. Let me get you my badge. I dont understand the hostility towards me im doing my job. How might being a [bleep] . I am the d. A. I understand that that doesnt give you the right to go 55 in a 35. On the one who prosecutes it, go ahead and do it, go ahead to. I really dont care. Dana she is now apologizing. What i did was wrong, no excuses, i take full responsibility for my actions. I fell short of the values i have held for my entire 33 year career. I didnt treat this officer with the respect he deserved. I had just come from work, i was dealing with three homicides that occurred over the weekend. I watched a video where an Innocent Cabdriver was executed to. I was still reeling from a frightening medical concern that my husband received that afternoon. We all have bad days and stress and it was wrong for me to take it out on an officer simply doing his job. Shes facing the state inquiry into her behavior, new york Governor Hochul referring the d. A. To a commission that investigates prosecutors conduct, ive waited all day to find out what the judge thinks of this. The sad part about this is if she was a good d. A. , she blew it to. I understand she was the d. A. In Monroe County in new york i had a very similar job. She put herself and the whole career in the hands of a democratic governor whose political who can move her from office once Letitia James gets her hands on her you can laugh all you want but thats going to be the end results. The first thing she did what she lied she told the cops she didnt know he was pulling her over he said what do you mean i was right behind you with my lights and sirens, she said there were other cars around but later in the same interview she says he was right behind me he was trying to pull me over. She also says i am of the d. A. And she calls the chief of police, how dare you, that is the dumbest thing you can do. By calling the chief of police you probably invited a grand jury investigation into everything youve ever done and you deserve it. You berated a cop and d. A. s and cops Work Together every day to pursue the mission of law enforcement. Thats disgusting of itself. Shes so egocentric, just tell them its me, im the d. A. Nobody cares. Your apology is ridiculous, you never say i violated the law, you never say i want 20 Miles Per Hour above the speed limit and i looked at it, the cop chased her for a half mile, shes in a residential zone. He couldve arrested her and threw her on the hood of the car, put her on cuffs and taken her in but shes acting im too important for this. You know what . If the homicides bother you, get another job, be a social worker. You either can deal with it or you cant and i am disgusted with her because she ruined her career and there was no reason to do it. Dana she made a mistake in her apology come you never say i apologize but heres all the things of why should be absolved. Greg never say do you know who i am . Luckily for me i never have to say that. Usually when im pulled over they immediately recognized me and they go oh, my god, mr. Got felled, im so sorry, then i take the pictures and everything works out. This sort of thing crosses all party lines. Maybe you didnt catch her on a bad day but also probably if she knew she was being filmed, she would have acted differently, thats how she was acting when she didnt think she was being filmed to. She had those crazy eyes, im just imagining her being somebody who sits in front of me at a concert wearing a giant hat or somebody whos on the phone all the way to when the plane is taking off and wont get off the phone, just have the sense of i have different rules for myself than the rules you have. Dana i have a one strike rule for people who are rude to waiters and the police and she is out. Jesse so death penalty, i agree. I got pulled over last week and i knew immediately he got me speeding. I pull over, he comes up and the first thing i say is im so sorry officer. He goes do you know how fast you were going i go 47, he goes 50. The speed limit is 25. He goes license and registration so i go i almost did that but i reach into the glove and i get the license and registration but i havent in a while it that keeps the pba cards in there so you have to give him the pba cards in the same container as the license and registration. He goes can you take the license and registration out of there please . He looks at the pba and he says were did you get this from . It had a name on the back and i go let me see and then i was like its security for me and he goes where does he work. And i go i dont know. Do you have any points on your license . And i go i hope not. He goes to run my stuff, he comes back and goes watters jeanine that he give you the tickets . Jesse no. Dana im not sure this was the best story to tell. Richard the reason why i laugh i dont think it matters what party she belongs to. If it was a republican governor of the Republican Attorney general they shouldve also thrown the book at her at the end of the day its a lot of reasons why the people out there watching this program have a problem with the Justice System because folks like her do you know who i am . Im Above The Law and thats part of the problem when theres whole swaths of the country when they get bowled over by the police they were having a completely different experience. She drives All The Way Home and saunters into her garage and says let me call the police chief a lot of people dont have time to do all that when they get pulled over by the police. She should have gotten the whole book thrown at her and i think her apology means nothing. Greg , asked the judge a quick question . Lets say youre getting pulled over but you are close to home. How far can you drive to get home . Jeanine it was a half a mile, that was far too much. If she in any way indicated she knew he was trying to pull over, putting her blinker on, going to the right of slowing down she didnt do that. Shes like im a big shot to. You knew it was me i was in a black suv. Jesse speeding d. A. S, the worst. Jerry seinfeld glowing nuclear on the extreme left im im quoting him. And save hundreds on Car Insurance with liberty mutual. We got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. Liberty Liberty Liberty liberty in theaters now. Missing out on the things you love because of asthma . Get back to better breathing with fasenra, an addon treatment for Eosinophilic Asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. Fasenra is not for sudden Breathing Problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Dont stop your Asthma Treatments without talking with your doctor. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Step back out there with fasenra. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Dana Jerry Springer who used to be the king of Television Comedy and in my Comic Comedian believes its unlikely a series like seinfeld would emerge in todays tv landscape because of Political Correctness. Nothing really affects comedy, people always need it, they need us so badly. They dont get it, there will be some funny stuff you can watch on tv tonight well guess what . Where is at . This is the result of the extreme left and the pc and worrying so much about offending other people. Greg he is right, when you look at sitcoms today, you dont feel like you can relax and laugh, you feel like youre going to be lectured or educated to. Its like one big long the more you know commercial, everything is a special episode to. Its like they took a benetton ad and they repurposed it as a skit. He has to realize, wokeism isnt killing all comedy, its alive and well, there are plenty of comedians, tim dillon, joe rogan, shane gillis, dave chappelle. Theres like 20 of these guys and they are all excelling because they are fearless and they are free from the constraints. You look at howard stern and jimmy kimmel who have served their testicles on a platter to the woke beast. Richard how you get good comedy now isnt stand a person sitcoms . Dana i think he knows it and he cares about of the knees raising the alarm bells, last week we did a story about how he said the movie industry is diane, things arent changing and if you go back from 2015 to 2016, during a president ial election cycle, donald trump was at an event and every member watching it and he said Political Correctness is killing this country and he gets a standing ovation, this was at the beginning when he is running and i thought people are picking up on this. In the New York Times today there is an oped by a professor who says they are a liberal person but they teach literature and they are shocked at how many students are like i cant believe he wrote that, i cant believe that character was so insensitive. This shouldnt be allowed and its preposterous. This is a liberal professor saying we have a problem. Art is not supposed to make you feel comfortable, you feel uncomfortable so you can laugh and have a Human Release about something. Richard talk about Human Release, there is medical benefits to comedy. I went on webmd today, you can take this to the bank. Stimulus organs, stingleys circulation, reduces stress and anxiety. Multiple medical benefits from laughter and maybe thats why the country is in a mess. Every time you turn on network tv in prime time its not funny. Have you ever heard of any of these Networks Sitcoms . They call them comedies so help me todd . Extended family. Abbott elementary. Richard i love Abbott Elementary its one of the most popular shows in the country, have you ever watched at . Jesse no. The last good Network Comedy in prime time, modern family. Because there was gay jokes, there was an ethnic humor, there was jokes about an old rich white guy marrying a spanish immigrant, that stuff kills. Speed to stop youre ahead to. Things i agree with him on. I think comedy is supposed to be funny and its supposed to open up your line of thinking. Jeanine i want to laugh more, im tired, everybody is at each others throats, road rage, all this craziness on the campus and its not like it hasnt happened before, things like this have happened before. With the pandemic we came out of it feeling totally controlled and we find out the vaccine was a bunch of nonsense, sue me all i want to do is laugh again, im happy to laugh at myself. Make a joke about me. Saturday night live did for three years i thought it was hysterical. We need to laugh. Richard i would make a joke about a color but i happen to like it. Coming up, south dakota governor kristi noem responded to critics after she revealed she once killed her dog. Greg south dakota governor kristi noem after a feeling in her upcoming memoir that she once killed a dog. Her 14monthold pup named cricket, on trainable and less than worthless as a hunting dog after it attacked a local families chickens. Eventually taking the pooch to a gravel pit where she shot and killed it. You grew up on a farm, the defense is this happens all the time on farms, on farms do you go around killing innocent puppies . Dana no, but i do know there are some ranchers and farmers they have to make tough decisions sometimes like if a horse breaks its leg youve got to put it down. In this situation if a dog bites somebody youve got to make a tough decision. If the chickens are getting harassed on the neighbors maybe you have to make a decision. I think when you do that its often more in sadness than in anger and in the way its written in the book it doesnt sound like she basically hated the dog so it cost her more problems. Everybody gets a choice of what to putn eir booknd this was a story she put out there. Initially her team said this is proof they are out to get kristi noem and then when it evolved it was like let me further explain, this is what happens in ranch life. Just a judgment on the p. R. Side of things could make you wonder. I dont know, when you read the book through and it doesnt raise a red flag you might need a different editor. Greg i think theres a story behind the story, the story about killing the puppy was already out there, she wanted a signal ahead of time to try to control its because she knew it could ruin her chances. Whats interesting, she said she shot cricket after the book was published, she shot the puppy 20 years ago. I think the whole thing reeks of desperation i think you have a woman who desperately wants to be Vice President and ultimately president , she says i can be tough like a man. How can it be tough like a man . I can kill a puppy. Dana reference to this, she said this puppy ruined the hunt by chasing pheasants and having the time of her life. I have four rescues and i have a puppy, i got to tell you, what shes done is shes sabotaged herself, whether or not it was to buttress what was coming down the road but she also managed to unite the right and the left. America, if nothing else, we are dog lovers. Dont tell me you shot a pup because it wasnt used to hunting. May be or not a good teacher, maybe theres a problem. This whole thing with the chickens, the chickens was the dog on their property . Should she have had the dog on a leash . I could go on and on because i love dogs. Greg the only thing i could say in her defense at least she didnt eat the dog. Jesse she shot the dog, obama ate it, whats worse . Greg shooting the dog was pretty bad. Richard you know its true. Greg the dog was having the time of his life which is an actual accurate statement. It was the last time he had. [laughter] richard i have a cat and we are debating whether or not ethically unifies her, shes sick. The debate around ethical euthanasia is taking us weeks. I dont know how she didjesse hs wrong, theres a lot of cat lovers. Dana good luck with that. Greg are you going to skate out of this . I think you should. I dont think people will be fetching her book anytime soon. One more thing is up next. Et a quote at progresivecommercial. Com. Life, diabetes, theres no slowing down. Each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. Thats why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. Uniquely designed with carbsteady. Glucerna. Bring on the day. Its time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. The farmers dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. Its not dry food. Its not wet food. Its just real food. Its an idea whose time has come. Jesse its time now for one more thing. Greg . Greg Tonight A Great Monday Show for you Julie Banderas . Winston marshall kat timpf. Jesse Winston March Sal less. You spelled the name wrong. Greg its marshall. Is tyrus on tonight . He is on tonight. Judge jeanine not in the office. Whoever sent you this is fired. Dana good thing you are not cricket. [laughter] over the weekend. I ran into this kid he is 11 years old. Listen to him. Dana his name is sasha. He was in the airport after just winning first place in the Music International began prix in New York City. And he was awarded audience favorite out of 600 competitors. Give him a like. Give him a follow. You can find him there at sasha and music gentleman jake. I will tweet it so you have more. Perrine that on politics. Jesse record setting turnout Vero Beach Book signing insane. 11 hours. An 11hour book signing. Dana no way. Jesse thousands and thousands of people. Skipped lunch. Took pictures with everybody. I swear to god. I went to the bathroom twice. Was amazing. Tonight we have johnny on the beach doing a quiz in palm. Richard, judge, im very, very sorry. We do have to go. Richard its okay. Jesse have a good one. Bret good thing you are not cricket. Thanks, jesse. Good evening, welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Breaking tonight, serious story

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