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Happy thursday, everybody. Yous him just settle down,av you savages. Kamala harris made a Campaign Stop at an Abortionfo Clinic Today where the staff told her it wa is too late. Thank you. On tuesday, special prosecutor Robert Hunter defended his decision not to charge joe bidens ghostwriter for deleting Interview Recordings with the president , since its the pre fi time a ghostwriter had worked with an actual ghostteh. Americans are being warned about a second wave of venezuelan gangs coming over the border as Anothe Abowaver 100 inmates have been released from prison. In response, the u. Sn reed. Wile sending some of our worst vene. Ezuela back in your face, researchers have come up with a list lis the 100 most obese cities in the country. Topping the list were mcallen, texas. Jackson, mississippi. And stelter ville, new jersey. Never, Never Shoehorn Him in anywhere. The white house claims their plan to borrow 16 trillion over the next ten years is fiscally responsewi able. Whats also fiscally responsible . Switching Fromso Resp Coke to crack. All right. Royal caribbean has suspended all trips to haiti followingl ck Gang Violence in the country. In a related story, Neighborneib Steve The Cannibal has just canceled his cruise to haitious that is the strangest picture. Thats a cannibal thats got a knife and fork. Oh, i cant see that far. A new Bookins Forkg tool allows travelers to avoid flying on boeingto s 737 max planes. It just links you to greyhound. According to the latest census ,new york citys population shrank by 78,000 and last year. K in a coincidence, new york cemeterie bs a jump78,0 of 78,000 customers. Its funny because its true the Philadelphia Phillies Have Scrappe Thed their popular1 Hotdog Nights for the 2024 season. This despite Thousandss Fr of complaints from enraged fans. North korea has outlawed keeping dogs as pets unless theyre used for their meat. Oh, im glad somebody was man listening, said one man eats dogs. Right. He did it once, one time. Ill never forget it. Today is march 14th, also knowny as pi day, or as its known liz at lizzos house thursday. Former treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin saysorme hes puta together an Investor Group to buy tech talk. Up hes also putting togetheroup to a group to explain how he got such a hot wifowe seriously. Its an urgent, pressing question and. Janet yellen admitted she regrets saying inflation was transmitted. Ansito no word yet iryf she regrets cutting her own hair. Error ball. Hi. Lets do a monologue. Delicious. So according the latest data, democrats are losing their once customary advantage Lateste Blae Latino and Asian American voters. A lomary advge at americans arem they disagree with the dems and theyre undeer obligation to vote democrat just because of the color of their skinst. Just like im under nor no obligation to like pickleball obe. Se im whit good for you. Great. Yes. Democrats keep insisting certa that if you look a certain way, you have to vote a certain hav . But its like i always say, character is what matters mostse y and looks are only important when hiring assistantsring ass. But are the dems losing the black and hispanic vote or are they losing black and hispanic men . What if this isnt about raceal at all and more about the sexes . And why arent the dems talkin e about that . Because it tells you who is pushing men away from i. The dems armfuls of fluent white female, the kinds who embrace any current cause but silent. If something happens to women who dont agree with their viewt if s, they have lousy lifelife skills to test their dads Foodtake Picturetheys of, their food to fill the emptiness of their lonely, miserable lives until they die alon thef the and are eaten by a cats. Y work they work in academia, government, journalism. N they love talking about males peers as they traffic in chronic victimhood. E wome theyre the women driving men out of the party. Met ofand believe me, its scarg enough that theyre driving sexism and same as would say all that. The dems kno aw that women, t specifically single women, are how they win elections. Just look at 2020. 20 53 of married women backed trump. 46 of married women backed biden. Of uof unmarried women backed trump, while 64 of unmarriedd women backed biden. Like the crowd outsidee my dressing room. Thats a lot of unmarriedd women. So when we see voting blocs start to shift republican, its not because of race. Its not that men hate people who are different. Sp its thatwe love equal right. We just hate special rights. The dems got so obsessed with race they forgot about people. And inemocrats s The Process Als Men In Favor of activists. But how are they doing it exactly . Well, when you deny mens to society or claim incessantlyo and incorrectly, wererly for being rewarded unfairly for it. The real wage gap is in the facts about the wage gap. Also, when you petraeus is potentially bad instead of potentially good in the world of identity, men are the first to go well unlesy ars theyre who like to dress up as women. These are these days hes not counting. I know the girls are about. No. Its nice that dylan finally came out of as a parod nice y. Women, too. Mulvaney chicks just take pills and bubble bath and donn cht kw sports. Its a cute schtick this woman face. But a decade or so and likee bl blackface, itll be seen as Gross Excepac T On Late Nightk talk show hosts. But mulvaney symbolizes the dems problem. Bolizes but tanked their stock by indulging an activist splashing around in a bathtukinn while pretending to drink their beer. This bud was no longer fork you. N are and so is this party where the women are women and the men can be, too. But its not just about men. The dems have embraced the misogyny that, like mulvaney, pretends to be pro women. Can the dems cannot say what a woman is. They see activistsy what a as hg a priority over parents when it comes to gender. They see sports as the next frontier for mediocre dudes, and they look down at women who make different choices than they do. So maybe the dems have to become a woman party, but its a type of woman its one that says shes prochoice. If only theyre her choices, too. So lets say a young woman told a republican that she wantset to get a job at a bank and become vp by the tim jobe shes 35. Her republican friend will say, fine, whatever. Good for rfriend. You. To a but if a woman went to a liberal friend and said, hey, i want to get marrie ld an id, e a family by the time im 28, she will be laughed at. Shell probably be called a stepford wife, because thats what the stepforcalled ad woke will say. So maybe im wrong about this being a womans party when they abandon women who choose different paths, when they laudd men and female sports, when they support the destruction of kids bodies, when they said nothing about an unarmed female murdered on jan six. When they focus on language about an illegal instead of theh woman being murdered. So i get why men are leavine the they want to treat women differently than the party doecd. And by differently we need better. Letrentlys welcome nice guys. Hes My Favorite Lee after bruce and sarah. Former congressman lee zeldin. Hes got better impressionst than whoopi goldberg. Seat cushions factor in Stand Up Comedian tyler. Irit she cant even lift other peoples spirits. S neget her times bestselling author, fox news contributor, catch hianm and win his back. Wt his kids think its a slip ns slide. New york times best selling author, comedian and catch. You are the only women on this panel tonigh t, so i thought i would go to you first. You are neither the democrat ooe Republican Party would you be able to be in the it Democratic Party the way it is and would have anything to do with gender . And woule an t no, i cant ber party because theyre both too statist for mearty. That has nothing to dodo with gender, anything they say about it. But ash the only woman here, i get to get serious for a second. Somethint serioug think you misa because youre not a woman. Oh, im sorry. Alreadn y knows is well,te you pointed out that a lott of of times a woman would say she s wants to just be a mom and have kids that liberals would shamete for that. Thats absolutely true. When you also said if a woman saysich i, oh, i want to be a o of a bank at 35, republican would say, good for t you. I think a lot would, but not all. Theres the rewould bunod pill, andrew tate following types that would say 35. Woyou. Yeah, youre probably right. They would say 35. Thats just your ram through5. N you hit the wall at 30. Nobody wants to be with you once you sleep too many men,y youre worthless and no one wants you any more anyway. You shouldyouress n have had ks ten years ago. And im not saying that by agt saans represents all because i know enough republican men to know that thats not the case. But those voices eh very, very loud. And basically what imed saying is that you can get shamed from any side, no matter what you do. Said mr what at this point, i jy how i feel and i care less and less the older get aboutw how im going to get shamed for it. Its freeing in a way that is Verygoing To B for goodt i dont care what anybody says. Like the Scientific Termep ] is zero. Yes, i give zero. Yes. Literally and metaphorically. G i was trying to be a ladya la about it. Weredy i . O th lee, welcome to the show. Toe always good to be here. Its great to see you. Matt wasnt speaking about this. Republicans, you all the other republicans. But, you know, theres couple te of good they know who they are and theyre proud of it. You knoware, i have to credit Ce Michael Malice for coming up with the term applesl. Is am i being am i am m i painting too broad a brush . No. Theres been a gender gap for a time. Democrats have performed better with democratse demo, with the s and republicans have performed better with the men. I thinorming b ik the entire pon is shifting to the right right now. I think that the gender gap is still there. But republicans are making progress with the women, too. There are these long time democratic voters harmed by democratic Policies Disenfranchized by the Democratic Party. They are concerned about crime and public safety, illegal immigration, the economy, n and more. And they are looking for w Conservative Solutions. We need to show up and be present inside of the bluest areas and bring our ideas and dont pander. You knot panderw, dont showp and say i love black people. Vote for me. All of hispanic people vote for me. Hispann people vote foicr me p. E its pandering. It doesnt work and it shouldnt work. But ifri iesnt wo we show up ar hard, taking nothing for granted. I have found that there are a lodng fort of americans, n and men who are waiting for us to show up with our Conservative Solutions because they are sowo turned off by this party that they have voted blindly for fos par so long. And there are these issues that transcend blind partisan, l loyalty. They are ready. And i think were starting to see ioyalty the i thint in the polling in 24. Yeah. You know, nobody panders to short people. And o on surlei think, what are you talking about . Have you been in an airplane whl the entire world is built for you guys. No, it is. There is an Opportunity Cost tyler to the kind of the race, identity obsessed thing into lees point is that they forgete crime, immigration and inflation. Feel free to Answeation Inflatir that observation with some sort of impression. Sure. Wellepressio first of all, i jut to say thats note the only woman on the panel today. Thion womans is day six of gd for me. Okay. I have a flow, by the way, and i still came in nice and so, you know. Yeah. Well, any impression . Lets see whats been the we. Oh they all say donald trump. You know, i think trump would say, you know, were sick. F the democrats who are race obsessed, frankly. Thats whys were rac i voted foi vanilli. Right. Levi i call them levi. Y ca but the democrats do. We say, oh, oh, caun you believe it . We have a decline. This is breaking news. Thisng n blind,ne in the decli ambidextrous, ridden, gassy, nonbinary, midget venezuelan grandma vote. Could you believe that . Could, yeah. Yeah. Theyre so obsessed. It boils down to these categories. Yeahey. Os no, its crazy. I just close my eyes when you talk and its like. Yeah, like i cant. Friends is the same. Its its like the two together trying to get the security guy through the windowg to the. Got that was in the car that night . Yes, i was. Sean p all right, iris, pick apart whatever you want out of that monologue. K upwhat would you. Thanks. Found insulting the minority. On last the question last about where minorities were actually, theres less of us. Re yeah, theres two of you together. Youre playing small of us in tw right now. Coalition. Yeah, but if you get together, you can pick a share a coach seat on the plane, which you could we could we could sneak into rrated movie is if im on your shoulderea you know put the hat on i could joke you both with my hand for interrupting terrupti. You started it. That way,h it my child. No one has suffered more than te the black vote. I hate it. I hate being grouped. And it wasn] t a race thing that changed me. It was a paycheck. En when i saw how many taxes were asming out of my paycheck that i was working as i wasg up rising up in the world, i was like, you know, i need to pay i wan to this taxation thing. And i am i slowly, as i grew i became more conservative because i was concerned with myo money. So its not a its in fors black men in particular. I cat anythin only from my expe, nothing kept families apart, young families apartfamili more than democratic policies. And what im Sayinesrt Morg by okay, in college, one of my guys i played bal ml with, hes 19 years old. Hes got two kids with his girlfriend. They in from alabama. Et they had to get on services. He couldnt live with themices. V so they had to we had to live separate from his family because ifmily bec man moves iny you dont get any aid, get any support. So its already you telling young people trying to come up and you have to be black. But this is a white. Anyoneveo be whos broken poor famil and has young family. Unless theyre short, youre outre shor. But the system is designed to split. Can so then he cant. Now hes got to pay rent where hes staying and hes go he c to contribute, which he cant. So then theres the break financiao therl problems, family breaks up. He doesnt see his kids. That ilpsnts the Programs Thatu grew up with that excluded black men. And again, im speaking from the area that i grew up, im sure if i went to differenpt areas around the country with different colored people, its thecounoure same for men dt matter, period. And so the more we come u ane thats the so i never was down with the Democratic Party because i wa ds like, this thinf for us, they dont care about us because if they dids , theyd be working hard to keep Families Together and watch them grow. And thats not what theyreps th about republicans are, at least honest like you want it. You got to get it. I dont want to helpon you e to. O he yeah, i have more respect because im the same way. Have, i got mine. Get your insurance. Okay. Hi. Youre a block off. Next. Why . Life in the land of the woke kanaks. Oh. Tell me what . Cause it stinks. 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Imr please leave your carison keys within reach. A proposed canadian law would allow judges to imprison , but not over something you did. Its what you say. You like if you were to saye wh you were for. So what does that even meaats nm will they arrest hamas supporters or arrest israel supporter s because hamas supporters see them as the. Now, unlike merkel, i can say i can say is bad, but really life imprisonment for hateprisoe speech in america. You dont even get that for am. Would the law would also empower judges to put you under house arrest iempoweo puf they m you will commit a crime, that that gets rid of those pesky things like evidenceomet and actually doing something illegal. Of coursehingillega, ministee supports the measure. Understandable. As an Oppresse Minisd person of color. But theres more. A justice on candidate Canadas Supreme Court says Calling A Victi Om in a prior case a woman was unfortunate. Priand here i thoughtportant the unfortunate thing was the e and she should have been called, quote, a person with a. And im sure thats comforting to the victim. The reason thi thas considered a mistake, it may have, quote, engendered confusion and Gender Confusion. Sounds like a perfume youd splash on your cleavage or your. Sorry, the only Gender Confusion from the court. Le not normal people. But i dont need to know if that judge hasi o know a but tol her an. I hope she doesnt arrest me. Finally, Toronto Police are telling people to let thesle steal their cars. Said one cop, quote, to prevent coe possibility of being attacked in your home. Leave your fobs at the front door because theyre breakine ga your home to steal your car. Come on, canada. Politeness its limits. So now you can be arrested for speech. Well, its Mad 9e Easier Forer actual criminals to evade arrest over real crime. Sonals t in some in canada, youo leave your keys available to the thieves. And when call the cops and they arrive and you speak ill of the thieves, you could be arrested. And if youre in court for the arrest and you refer to the female lawyer as a woman, youll get even more time. Basically, they want you to keep your mouth shut. Car car open. And the more said about everyones, the betterd t meanwhile, that thief is driving your car due south to a country with free speech. Usa, usa, usa. There you go. I never did that before. Uh, lee, what is going on in canada . I thought they were, like, our next door. Cool, dorky neighbors. But im not so sure. Tdoor i mean, how hopeless itt i must feel. Helpless if you are a toronto nesident and the government is telling you that you need to be helping the thieves steaed car. And theres no fight, no rule of law, no las now. And order. Essentially, theyve. S. R ow given up themselve and i mean, we have our ownms h problems right here in new york where Prosecutorere Yors Refusm to prosecute and criminal law is getting passed. And you think that, you knows b new york and california, are in some type of race to the bottom . And, you know, torontondom is ln you know, hold my molsonto. W this is a new low and its getting worse. Molson tyler why limit it to cars. I mean the thieves will be yos wiy th that when i leave your wallet so they could get gas or maybe a little milk and cookies likecan geor may tha or something . Sure. And our closets are stuffed with milk and cookies. Greg, this came from your house, which i went. Im dressed as a trucker. Im still representing the Trucker Convoy in canada. Yeah. M stl re i have a Little Toyuck truck, though, but, yeah, no, it might. Yeathe housh, maybe their ho you know, uses robbery like the keys, actually, under the rock. You Knoisthe Rockw . Well, you know, ill go live in your ten day, you know, i just came from toronto. I did a show, and you got to appreciato e the free speeche we have here. You dont have free speech. And i had a protesyou do freets that because canadians are so pleasant, they did it silentlyey and got up and walked out. You know, and so i dont know. We need Jordan Peterson to getli your life in order, you know . Trudeau lif get your outa of your. Take the black face off, gr blackor room job, d with your life. You know, its like, well, cleveland ever, you know, maybee thats a problem there. All the roomthats ts, all dirtl exactly. It all goes back to thosel go sheets. Tyrus it is a mess. Ree thin theres, like, three things in here that are just gross. Its canad thae a. Listen, i was with south park when they said blame canada. Wait , theyre weird. Anyways, theyre top of their heads. Dont even connectth top to the bottom of their mouth. I was in canada as much as possible. Ay canada asits just. Its a message is as clear dayea is. Were going to allowas whatever we wantwill a to shut p about it. Like if you talk about it, if you complain about ioutyou be will punish you because we cant fix the problem and we dont want to ficaant tx the pw so if we break a few eggs,a fe its like the lottery. Fully hopefully youre not one of the eggs. Yeah, because if it happens, cooperate. Becausyo of because ie we dono the paperwork. We dont have the. If someone breaks intok if your house, if someone breaks in your house to steal a car and theres a woman in therend, theyre going to stay for a little more like, like the idea that your home is not evene i safe and that your bese defense is not fight to the endt. Scream, help the neighbors come. Its give them the keys. Becaus e what if i went intos hous somebodys house and they gave me whatever i wanted . Theres a good chanc e im goingk an to come back. Yeah. And im going to keep coming back. Okay. Oh, you got a new car. All right, boss, but ill sin tt on the porch way for you to get home. Hey, gutfeld, would you get barbecue. All hes going to have to give me some sour creamt ho. Oh, no, ill get it myself,t you know, but thats what its turnedth into. But we canada is their problem but were seeing it here. Yeah, were see now you want canada, you want to do. Thats i dont, dontna i dont like canada in any circumstances but inic america were seeing it i with words mean more. Perfect example he had to correct kissed my , mr. President. Like, how dare you that. Come on. I. Min i wouldnt mind that little example of you being in exam b. And me coming id have a little friend there when i got home. Not going to bbe as friende. Especially when im justhe leaning on you on the couche you like. Hey, i have to go the bathroom. You didnt ask. And then th youre remote. Im still waiting fore the bad part. Ohbart, cat forgot who i was dealing with. Yeah, i can imagine if, like, this, like from now on, you have to say person with and, like, spread to companies. The h. R. Department. Like, whats up, girl . You like the subwhats . Yeah, well, in h. R. , we nowon have to condemn you for woman, you must say. It totally reverses resources. Yeah, i mean, its a lot of things interesting in canada ,for sure. I the car thing is absurd. Mean, like, why dont you just, like, leave the keys in the ignition . Yeah, we are running out for. Tij and what if, like all the Auto G Manufacturing detroit think maybe theyre not going be able to sell as many cars . Are they going to sell more cars . People to give up on cars . Its crazy. But the craziest thingocell mo the lifetime imprisonment for speech. Yeah, because as you pointed out. Right. I mean, what does and does not constitute speech that calls for and the eye of theo th beholder, like speech. Eye ofright. That is. So i really never thought someone named justin could be this dangeroueech i ss. Yeah, its true. Its true. Its i dont trust anybody names. Rust anyd justin now. Ther well, except for my massage therapist. How weird is iapt with their words . Person with . Yeah, like its portable. Yeah. You dont say it is portable. We all have one. Yeah. Yeah. Im saying, like, ive got to dog. Im not coming out for a week. Well, you just. Its not, its not a personal. Also, cant the thief just identify as an Auto Mechanic . My identity. Im just taking it down to the shop. Yeah. The best person for my person with. That would. T it sounds like a guy you want to know. Yeah, exactltoy. Up next, how will don lemon cope afterp told him new were talking about cash back inca no talking. About cash. No talking. About cash. W back in june i aboutwe i know we talk about cash back. Hnot ta back talking about cash back. Now, again, weve been talking about practice for too cashba. Word practice. Were talking about cash back. Were talking about cash back. You talking about cash i mean, were not talking about a get cash back like a pro well, chase freedom unlimited. How do you cash back . Chase, make of whats yours . Is you this shes a hero moment and she was interested r in working with students who were easily excluded. Part of my journeto take hery responding to looks. We have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other. Dance was my safe space. I am autistic and and we gi amu a performer and im really good at it. Once were in our owhan space, e get to create that space. Its really fun. Its really fun. I am here because i have seend women do it. If you can see her, you canoo be her. Sve to geo congrats, carol. Your youngest finally popped your youngest finally popped the question but now youre really going to have to get those new dentures. New dentures. Afte looking in no time. That matches the moment. So this might be a good time to mentionates with that. 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New genx total d is powered by test effect, a patented g ingredient clinically validated to boost free and total Testosterone Levels to help you get a leaner, stronger, but more energy and drive more to new. Gen x is the number one selling brand at gnc walmart. But you can only get your complimentary sample by texting live to 3213216 now and well include a bottle nugenix thermo x our most powerful fat incinerator ever absolutely free. Thats l ibd the 321321. Get the help you need. Today a story in five words. Wow, don, that was fast. Mus tyler elon musk canceledn don lemons new Showle Show Hous after they taped an interview for the debu t episode. My sense is because it was justu like cnn on socialsk media, because all he did was try to go for clicks by bringing up replacemenwas t. What are your thoughts . I think he probably tried to put a chip in hisy tr. For i think thats required now for a show on x. On x, right. Rt and then all the hosts start to sound like him. You know, youve got don lemon n. You know, white people. Know, but. But space x has come aroundt to to prove that we want to kill all the white people. G yeah. All right, so im working on the impression ill bring you back tomorrow. Yeg it backs, its hard to do. Oo elon musk, hes doing don lemon. Were going with don as. E yeah, its very obscure. Cs. He said don lemon, you see medo at a live show. Ill do better. I succumb. Lee, isnt it funny that lemon was asked what asked elon about the Replacement Theory . And its lemon who keepsmite replaced. I mean, when is enough enough . Like, who should hire him at . Itr this point is doing it for a attention. He is somebody like you cant make lemonade out of a don lemon. And the Juic Lemonade E isnt wt the squeeze. The guys are pots and i think he thinelon said it best that he wasnt he thought that he was oh getting this other version of don lemon who is going to be like o new and reformed after rr reflecting on why he got fired from cnn and it turns ourt old its just the same old don lemon. Yeah, a guy who got kicked off e of cnn. And i think that no matter how many lives you give this guthink y, every time he comes back,is hes going to be just as bad as the last time. Yea h, i was so disappointed, kat. I was just thinking about how much i was s Don Comic Content wed wou get for this show. Yeaeth, i feel cheated. D. You got to wonder, what doeso he do now . Yeah, thats. He cant do nothing. He clearly nothinge cant just g out. How long if he hasnt already before he goes reaches out to chris cuomo again and its like, hey, sorry, can i bee on your show . Doe yes. And then what does he does he tell him no or does he tell him yes he is because he got fid and then then he got fired. And now . Now, i love the two fired guys. I i guess chris cuomo is technically on top at this point. Exactlsc ty. I think, you know, part of the thing that i think probably ar about is he gave thiss gu guy another chance and gave him another opportunither chany andd it for clicks and giggles. Its just not its not weird. Don belongs. Bes. Thatbelongs here with uou i would ask you that. Well, drop a pin. Thatsro right. Ets lets try something different. Lets open our doors and bring itething t. Sid lets bring in one from the other side. Well give him a little chai himr. Why not see . Seriously, whats wrong . Whats wrong with it . Im willing to give him a chance. Worst case scenario, he sits in that chair, tries to greg. E i emberson you laugh and wesm all go. L go lets go get him. Lets see, because he knows it. I will say this and like it or not, i dont care. Vote for trump derangemeni t. I would call don lemon a newn left leaning newsman who i agr could sit through. I dont agree with that. I dont agree with that. I dont agree with thaith that t. Ha okay. I dont agree with that. And thats fine. We dont have to agreed. S to we dont need to there needs to be different venues, diff differe. For everybody so i say, don, the fine, he will not bite. Come on, you ask one on one. Don lemon, greg gutfeld, lets fix this with tyrus watching closely. And trump is in the back din with the thing. So were good to go. All right. That lets not be there must be different like, man, come on. Our Psychediffero S Our water i. Yeah, i keep it warm. I need to learn eight years. I would here, ma n, to stop you ything i would like to think so. Anything. All right. I like the fact that use likthfe verb. I do things. All right, coming up, should wet be concernedhing about tiny ract . What do you do when your tire black and theres no air anywhere to fix that . You reach for bulls eyebrow. 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Youll notice less urges to and you wont be getting up at night for so many bathroom trips. Super. Find it at walmart once again. Greg is right. How does he do it . I dont know. Maybe hes not only gorgeous, but dare i say a jean youth two with great amazing. What is he come out a new tradition to prove to you how right i all the time. D last night we aired a clip from earlier the week about a young boy was Smearefrom En Thd With N blackface accusations by deadspin rolling what. Were people offering to write that . They were saying, you knowe se what . No. So i think that as bad as we see it is, its way worse than we evee is tn know. G to im trying to think, like, could you see, like, is yourt racist how much you want to bet if you if youre at home right now and you googled it, is your Infant Racist . That will probably would tell you. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I bet theres an article thes an aand sure enough. There were several articlesrtic on the subject of racist babies provinle sg again how right i a. We do care. We dedicated a whole segmenti to it, in fact. But then i doubled down and proposed this. Now lets try this again. Lets google. So we said it was. We said babies, google. Is it possible that your unborn child could be racist and then google can be racist . F we and we go, well, wethat have articles for that doing this again tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is tonight. No, you dont have to plotr our loyal gutfeld fans. Google that and sure enough, racist spulr article after article. The Nobel Prize Sperm Bank was racist. Research highlights raciale nobe in us sperm donor banks and the New York Times the georgeorge floyd summer of love. How should i think about race when Considefloyd Hr a donor . Ask the author if i choose a donor of color, amse a d i condemning my child to be born in a system designed not to serve o him . D if i choose a white donor, amon i to come into racist ideas abot of traits are desirable. And there you have it, folks. , greg, its notno just virile and beautiful. Hes right. Tires. It seems like the further im going to stop right here. Okay . Yeah, just im going to take that is going to take the car. Okay . Yeah. T pres no such thing as racis. Living proof of that. I literally have one from every corner of the earth. Yell ones. F th we men dont care that there was e. Racism gen its in the egg. Its not us. Its not us. You can. Doesn you cant. We . There is. It doesnt matter. It doesnt mattet r. E but if the questions youre asking when you have a child, ihen you havef youre d with that, you shouldnt be having a child like i you should you want to raise it . Love doesnt matter if they come out purple, it doesnt matter. You know, im saying that the fact that thats the the idea that if i do this, that youre a Virtuet Mattery Out Pure Th C really want a child, right. Because you wouldnt care if you really wanted a babyar. You wouldnt give. If the babys a couple of baboons, id be your baby because youd want a baby so bad. So again, this is all stupid. Men dont have racists wan d agai ment. Ul if we did that, we none of the were going to be no different races. Youvee yo had a guy in a momeny of is like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Th i sense a little irish her. What are we doing . Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No ar no, no, no, wait. What . Yall dont move like that. Sorry, cat. Weve. Weve gone from racist kidsies o to racist babies to racist. Do you think s . Le there might be racist molecules. Youre not really right aboutse this one, because they saider that there was accusations that a sperm bank was racist, not the. Acrmand also, yes, the lettero h to the New York Times, where the woman waw yorks looking for donor and wanted to know how she could should consider race her decision. Now, im not looking for a f donor. Not to brag,or but but i almost kind of wish i weredo i because i would love to do this. And but i wouldnt write to the s buwouldntNew York Times tha i would do it at the clinic. I would love that. You but like, do you have any more questions . Id be like, yes, actually, que race of the man the and just watch them, watch them squirm and yell li . I mean, i mean, when you look at mean theyre white and theyr are shaped like hoods, i dont think i want to just walk right now. You know, dr. Hobbs did this this woman that carrie hobbs just did a study of whats going right now in these Study O Sperm Banks across the country. And shes findin goig that the s actually proportional for the white population. The issue is amongst the different minority groups, amont minori. Off and but what was also interesting that they said that demand right now for black k is higher. So i think that maybe after all these years of Reverse Racism at, sperm banks, its not racism is Reverse Racism that has led to this point. Spere actually its the black that is the most popular and in demand. So people should be celebrating this. And maybe im taking a contrarian view from my friends here. Maybe sperm banks are racist, but its servee d the common good. No. Interesting. By the way, i dont believe anything jus int i t said, welcome to the club. I believe that i believe that last word, tyler. Its. What do you mean . Someone who gives away their just as a hobby . Because i cant. Youre writers. Im very angry with the writer r. Well, how did you miss this . You is five footts ho eight to give away. I didnt know that. Yes and. And the average is 510, so we cant we cant even do agree that is no way to get into a thriller. That is amazing. I think you would have to be jealous of michelle. We just, you know. How about how you do mm banks . That is incredible. I mean, there are millions of women out there. They bet, you know, but the same thing with military. So they have height minimums. Yeah, sure. At can we do . Cheers. Yes. Who wants it wants i . Who . Im getting ready. You have to get in front. Yeah. Up next for a natural, well share our news from now. Here. Were really beautiful, healthy, looking, nice. It shouldnt be a compromise. You must i elimination three nonirritating products developed by the experts at bausch lomb exclude simply for the sensitive eye area to Cleanse Nourish and brighten clinically proven and formulated with clean and are unique eye bright botanical complex third eye illumination discover the science of eye beauty only in the eye care eye of do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need. Now you can sell your policy even of term policy for an Immediatefully Fe cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. 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When you pay for padding and installation, empire makes flooring easy. See samples in your home, get a free estimate during your appointment and your floors will be professionally installed. Dont miss empires by one. Get two free sale scheduled now and by day 300 and five today. Want to see gutfeld live in new york come be a part of our studio audience. De from to end. Shop now at show allegiance. Com coast to coast with stories that matter most. Youre watching local news with emmy winning anchor kelly Crystal Kelly replacing chet van who died and now heres kelly. Kelly this is local news where every gathering from the story from whereveuestr theyre from o want you to offer us a tenyearold boy from shorehamun on long island, tookts his parents suv and took it on a 30 minute joyride. A Flat Tire Endeflat td this rie on the way in floyd parkway. Fortunately, the kid hurt when cops arrived, though, thats when the drama really started unfolding. They found empty juice boxesal all throughout the car as Stron The Carg Scent of a frt punch coming off of his breathsd ,still under investigation. So stay tuned for furthervest updateher updas. Hi, greg why dont you go . Next is about how youre too short to be a sperm donor. Oh be , im not going to say anything. Oh, toiletdonor . Paper clogs trc on the five freeway in santa clarita. You know, this is right up my alleyway in or lane. Hundreds of rolls of toilet fell from a vehicle in the southbound lanes. It happened at 12 20 p. M. Thboun on the southbound lane. Think about that. Th, aper youre in a stallne you cant find any toilet paper. Its probably all thereobabld fell from a ford f350. The sky was overhead and they attempted to clean the mess, tossing the rolls over a cement. The majority of toilet paper was removed and thatse majoried of my story because im wiped. I bet. I bet it made like some homeless person happy. Okay. All right. Go ahead. Oh, yes. So im from new haven, connecticut, with the best pizza in the world is madenectit and we dont have time. Paul giamatti. Ul giamatti just got his very own pizz pa, the clam and bacon, jimmy kimmel actually got his own as well. Each of the pepperoni is paintedy got hin as w blackf. And so head down to new haven, connecticutn , for a slice. New haven. New haven, all meats. Oh, since this is a show for you, youll love this. Oh, and its ironic and i hate it. Soils, Saint Tammany parish, whe i live, theres a little map. Can we just throw it up there . We saw a little map. Apparently. I live in the city the most. And mosquitoes growing up in the world over the become radioactive and they can make you sick. So, greg, youre looking for a place to vacation, say, tammany parish, mandeville,we louisiana, because we are polish. Youll fit in just fine full back to you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. All righg t well be right back got to get rid of this. Tell me why. Because it stinks. 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