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**>> sean: welcome to hannity and tonight joe biden trashing republicans during a press conference with ukrainian president zelensky all because they are making border security a top priority. now the president always seems to fly off the handle when talking about the gop, while giving america's geopolitical foes a free pass. even as they try to kill u.s. soldiers abroad, almost a hundred attacks in a little over a month. we have a full report straight ahead but first the president of harvard is now getting a free pass. gay just received a unanimous vote of confidence after this abhorrent testimony about genocide and virulent anti-semitism. now festering all over her campus. take a look at this. >> so, the answer is yes. that calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct. correct. >> again, it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. these are unacceptable answers across the board. >> sean: she said it would depend on whether actions were associated with it. gay knows the context. a global intifada is a command for violence against jews, elimination of israel and when protestors hold signs that read by any means necessary, they are praising what are the barbaric terrorist attacks on october 7 and calling for more of the same. the entire student body at harvard. they have been harassed by radical hamas sympathizers since october 7 in that terror attack but gay didn't seem to care. two days ago the penn's president resigned in disgrace after providing a similar response at that very sail congressional hearing but at harvard their president will skirt by with a simple apology. gay is "sorry" if she offended anyone. i don't consider that an apology. anyway, gay told the harvard crimson that she "got caught up in what had become at that point an extended combative exchange about policies and procedures." not really. according to gay harvard takes free speech and free expression very seriously, but in reality, and truth, well, she's wrong. because this year, harvard was named the worst school when it comes to freedom of speech in america by scoring a whopping 0.0 in a study by the foundation for individual rights and expression. now seven of its professors were disciplined for saying or writing something that the university deemed offensive. one feminist lecturer said harvard canceled her and her speech because she does not "believe there are male women." there are strict rules against certain types of speech that are deemed hateful, including discussions that could be labeled as transphobic or fat phobic. that's right. at harvard, apparently now obesity is off limits but when it comes to the jewish people, anything goes. so make no mistake. gay's so-called apology, it was disinfennous but it gets worse. at one point harvard's president said "i failed to convey what is my truth." my truth, the president of harvard thinks she owns a special version of truth? let me see, is it true that israel was a victim of terrorism? is it true that innocent israelis were slaughtered and murdered and raped and some beheaded and some taken prisoner and kidnapped? of course, her version of the truth is probably lacking in originality. of the few academic papers that claudine gay has actually managed to publish over the past two decades now we also know that many were allegedly plagiarized. that's right. the president of what's supposed to be america's most prestigious university is an accused -- accused of plagiarism on top of everything else. according to the harvard crimson, "the crimson independently reviewed the published allegations, though some are minor, consisting of passages that are similar or identical to gay's sources, lacking quotation marks, but including citations, others are more substantial including some paragraphs and sentences nearly identical to other work and lacking citations." according to university policy a student at harvard can actually be expelled for such an infraction but not claudine gay, the president. harvard's board is now allowing her to go back and amend her publications and here's how congresswoman alish responded earlier today. take a look. >> this is a moral failure of harvard's leadership and higher education leadership at the highest levels. and the only change they have made to their code of conduct where they failed to condemn calls for genocide of the jewish people, the only update to the code of conduct is to allow a plagiarist as the president of harvard. >> sean: by some estimates harvard has lost billions of dollars in donations because of claudine gay but the school would rather stand by its president than admit the moral and academic rot that's destroying american colleges and poisoning the minds of young students. today our very own sarah carter traveled to harvard where she caught up with a research associate who is not happy with the conduct of their president but does not want her face of any kind or any of these kids to be disciplined. take a look. >> even harvard president, i know for a fact, okay, she was overly primed by her lawyers, and, you know, she didn't say the right thing, okay. but it doesn't mean she should be punished by resignation. she's going to learn, you know. i think she was site swiped by that question. >> sean: all right. here with more from her trip to cambridge, our very own sarah carter. sarah, to me, there is no moral ambiguity here. this is moral clarity. either harvard stands against murder and rape and torture and terrorism and kidnapping, or they don't. this was not a deep question that she was being asked here, and the thing is, if you apply the standard of at least the question to any other "identity group," you tell me, would there be consequences to any student at harvard? >> absolutely, sean. she's also not a child. she knew she was testifying before congress and she had to prepare to testify better congress so this wasn't a trick question. you know, many of the students that i interviewed here in cambridge also made excuses for president gay. they said, you know, she was caught off-guard. she didn't really know what she was saying, and what i found really surprising, sean, was the fact that it was difficult for many of the students to actually answer the very similar question. are calls for genocide against the jewish people against and violating the code of conduct here at harvard university? take a listen. >> do you feel, though, that her inability to respond to whether or not the calls for genocide violated the ethical code of standard here at harvard? exposed that maybe she was wavering on a subject that should have been very simple to answer. >> i do not know enough about that to comment. to comment fully to be honest. >> personally, i think it's important for the university leader slip to be held accountable but i also think she's tried really hard to fix mistakes. i do feel like she's made mistakes as an administrator but it would be wrong to just get rid offer just because she made these mistakes and it's important for her to show that she's ready to learn and grow from the mistakes that she made. >> i'm, i feel indifferent. the corporation harvard supports genocide, so, i mean, whoever -- in the institution doesn't matter. >> so you feel like her testimony wasn't so much offensive, it's just -- >> it was bad. it was bad. the testimony was awful. >> sean, there are a number of major harvard donors who are not going to let president gay slide. in fact, one of them is billionaire bill acman who stated he'll no longer be donating to harvard as long as they keep president gay in her position of power after her anti-semitic testimony and he assessed that one billion dollars in donations have already been pulled from harvard, from alma mater and other donors, jewish as well as nonjewish that would have been donating to the campus. sean? >> sean: great report, sarah carter at harvard. thank you. here with more the author of the best seller, unkwok, how to defeat cultural marxism in america, harvard law school alumni, texas senator ted cruz. it's interesting. i had on this program two professors from harvard, one, a democrat that thinks you're one of his best students of all time that would be dershowitz, and the other, cornell west who is running for president. i said at the end of the debate, sad part is, this debate that we had on this show, we would not be able to have at harvard. we reached out to them. they never got back to us. and i think that speaks volumes. what is your reaction to your alma mater? >> look, it is disgraceful how harvard is behaving. i've got to say claudine gay's testimony was the worst testimony i have seen in the 11 years i've been in the senate. you had her testimony, the president of penn, the president of mit. the president of penn has already resigned in disgrace. all three should resign. not a one of them could give a simple clear answer, categorically deny anti-semitism, can't gorally denounce genocide against the jewish people and not one of them could figure out whether calling for mass murder of jews violates their harassment policy. it was ridiculous, and there is a reason. why did claudine -- listen to all of these people defending claudine gay, well, she was surprised. what do you mean she was surprised. the entire topic of her testimony was on this and the reason she gave that answer is that she sides with the protestors. she's a radical leftist. she's a cultural marxist. talk about my book, unwoke, how to defeat cultural marxism, this is cultural marxism. they define jews as oppressors. they define palestinians as victims, and the cultural marxist support the violent revolution of the victims against the so-called oppressors, and the result is, because the three of them are leftists, they are cheering for the hamas terrorists. it's disgraceful, and i've got to say at harvard you're seeing jewish students being harassed, threatened at mit, you're seeing jewish students afraid to go to class and these leftists are unwilling to stand up and defend their students. she should resign and i've got to tell you, there are thousands upon thousands of harvard alums who are horrified at the behavior of the institution right now. >> sean: we often talk, senator, about identity politics. what if the genocide of, and fill in the blank, had to do with the particular race, or a particular sex, or against lgbtq community or one of genocide of a person with gender identity issues, or what if it was genocide against people that believe in islam. i think there would be a very different reaction on campus. so -- >> if you call for genocide of any of those groups, whom the left defines as victims, you would be expelled immediately. but because they view jews in the context of israel as oppressors you're allowed to abuse them. look, usc banged a jewish professor from coming on campus. it was an economics professor, who anti-semitic protestors threatened and usc ordered him to teach his entire class remotely for the year. my podcast verdict, ted cruz, yesterday's podcast is entirely on this harvard. the, and just how disgraceful it is, and for the harvard corporation to say, we stand entirely with our president, you know what it's saying, it's saying, we're okay with anti-semitism. we don't want jewish students to feel safe on our campus, and, bit way, claudine gay in that same testimony, she was asked about, the percentage of jewish students that's plummeted on harvard's exist and she said, i don't know. i don't know how many jewish students are there, which is a flat out lie. these bean counters, they know every transgendered left-handed whatever. they know that. but yet they claim they don't know how many jewish people are on campus. this is an institution. and by the way, harvard, going back to the 1950s, harvard had in place what were called the jewish quotas. where they capped the number of jewish students allowed in because on merit, jews were doing really well and getting good scores and getting good grades and they said, harvard said we don't want too many jews and they put quotas in place, so for her to claim now, she doesn't know how many jews are there and she's apparently not troubled that jews feel threatened because she's willing to contribute to the rhetoric that's undermining the safety of her own students, and, by the way, to be clear, i don't mean safety from comments that are difficult to hear, i mean safety from physical threats. we've seen videos of jewish students at harvard being harassed, being threatened physically, and i've got to tell you, if any student, physically threatens another student, that student should be expelled whether they are jewish, muslim or what have you, universities should protect their students, these leftists won't do that. >> sean: on an unrelated topic you really went after senator dick durbin for protecting those people flying on jeffrey epstein's plane, the lolita express as it's called, for not wanting to subpoena the flight logs that would give everybody the names. why is he unwilling to get those flight logs? >> look, it's an awfully good question. a fox news reporter asked him in the hall of the senate why dick durbin and the senate democrats were block being flight logs of jeffrey epstein's plane and he claimed i don't know anything about it. on my podcast yesterday i played the video and said, yes, you were there. you're the one, it was my colleague, marcia blackburn, she introduced an amendment that i joined that would have subpoenaed the flight logs and said we need to see who was on that plane, if there are prominent politicians who were involved in molesting young girls, we need to know, don't protect them, and i've got to say the democrats are freaking out. he literally blocked all amendments, and, in my view, republicans on the judicial air committee, we ought to keep pushing saying we're going to vote on the record. if you're covering up for someone who is engaged in molesting children, we're going to expose it and i will say, sean, do you know what painting jeffrey epstein had hanging in his living room in manhattan? >> sean: i don't. >> it's really horrible, he had pating of bill clinton -- a painting of little clinton in a blue dress wearing pompous high heels on his wall. if you google it you'll hate the image. that's what he had on his wall. maybe that that explains why durbin don't want to subpoena those flight logs. they won't like what they find in they will. >> sean: thank you, senator, appreciate your time as always. much of the academic de bay at american universities stems from its cult like adherence to the b binary system of oppression, and it's what many kids are being brought into. join us, the author of the book we've got issues, how you can stand strong for our country. the host of the brand-new show, primetime, one and only, our good friend, dr. phil. you know what always defines, i look at you, what's always defined you to me is your willingness to just say it as it is, and not worry about consequences. here you're talking about genocide of jews. and then, of course, we want to back off, but we apply one standard to different identity groups but not to the jewish people. why? at harvard and these other schools? >> sean, it's really disgusting and it's so hypocritical to hear harvard talking about, well, it's free speech. they wouldn't know free speech if it came up and bit them in the ass, because this is something that, as you pointed out, fire puts them 248 out of 248. they had to set up an entire new category for them they were so abysmal at it. and they don't do free speech. they do their speech, and, i've had people on my show, dr. carroll hooven, who you alluded just a few minutes ago, labeled as hate speech and drummed out of the university after 20 plus years but yet you can talk about genocide of jews. genocide is an interesting term. it doesn't sound real bad if you say it real fast but the definition of it is to kill a large number of an ethnic group with the purpose of wiping them off the face of the effarth and destroying their nation. that's what we're talking about but there are even exceptions to free speech. not a lawyer, i don't mean to brag but i'm not, but there are exceptions to free speech. you can't insight people to violence, you can't target someone with specific threats which they are doing but still we're not talking about speech here. we're talking about actions. they are blocking, impeding people's path to their classes. they are going in and disrupting their classes. going into the library and intimidating these students, and they are saying, oh, well, that doesn't violate our policies. it's insane, sean. you know it. i know it, and so does anybody with common sense. this is a double standard and, you know, carolyn is -- she's a symptom of the problem, as well as the perpetrator of the problem. this cuts really deep into these ivy league universities. >> sean: there was an interesting editorial in the "new york post" yesterday, one down and hundreds to go, it's not just m.i.t. and you-penn and harvard, this is now institutionalized, but it's institutionalized in lower grades as well, dr. phil. i don't know why all of a sudden we've gotten to a point where educators for kids in grammar school, even in high school, they feel that their values are superior to parental values, and they feel at liberty to indoctrinate these children into their way of thinking, rather than sticking to the basics reading, writing, math, science, history, and computers, i don't know, call me old fashion, dr. phil, but i prefer they educate our kids, not indoctrinate them. >> sean, over 30% of our fifth graders and eighth graders cannot read at the most basic level. 19% of our high school graduates can't read. they are getting past so the schools can get paid. and yet they are wanting to talk about other things and completely absurd and what's happening here, from the primary grades up through college, is, you're right, they are writing their own woke agenda, and that's absolutely unacceptable, and these people that are counseling these students on these issues, whether they are psychologic or medical, don't have training in psychology. they don't have training in medicine. they don't have training in sociology, so they are not trained in any of the disciplines that would qualify them to counsel these students on these issues, and they are excluding the parents. they have known these kids sometimes for two or three weeks, and they exclude the parents completely. and they don't have the training to do this. they need to stick to what they are trained to do, and most of the teachers, sean, would prefer to do that. this is getting jammed down their throats just like it is everybody else. the teachers are not the problem. it's the policymakers and the teachers unions that are creating the problems. >> sean: all right. quick last question. i'm glad you're coming back on tv. where can people find your new show? >> well, it's merit streak media, and we're going to be launching at the end of february, and i'm going to be asking you to be part of this. you and i -- >> sean: me? >> we've been friends for a long time and we've got an awful lot of common thoughts. i'm sure we'll be crossing paths as we go along here, sean, and i appreciate you letting me speak on this today. >> sean: you've got to aim higher. if i'm on the list, you've got to go a little bit higher. i'm sure you can get better people but we're glad to have you back. it's been a while. >> not true. >> sean: you're a good man, sir, god bless you. all right. appreciate it. coming up, is biden turning his back on israel? you won't believe what he told prime minister netanyahu, plus the fbi warning of a heightened threat to public safety this holiday season. i wonder if joe's $8 million unvetted illegal immigrants might be part of it. straight ahead. causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> sean: so tonight as joe biden is turning his back on israel, speaking to donors earlier today he told prime minister netanyahu "indiscriminate bombing in gaza could erode international support," and the white house allegedly ignored requests from families of americans held hostage by hamas to attend a hanukkah reception. now a white house official has confirmed biden does plan to meet with family members of americans taken hostage tomorrow at the white house and meanwhile the fbi and the dhs, they are warning of threats to your public safety during this holiday season due in part to the israel-hamas war and if you go back to last week, an fbi director wray, mentioned that and also specifically mentioned open borders. here with reaction, law fair project ceo brook goldstein and former arkansas governor mike huckabee. good to see you both. brook, let's start with you. we now have a president of the united states, joe biden, warning donors that israel's war against hamas is losing support. and here's what i'm trying to understand. in the lead up to israel's response. they were dropping leaflets. they were texting people's phones. they were telling the people in gaza where they can go, where they will be safe, where the war will not be taking place. that went on for at least a month. so at this point, i would argue that any death that occurs in gaza would be the result of hamas, the terror attack, the people that started the war, and the people that brought this conflict to israel. >> thank you, sean, for having me. you're absolutely right. what we need right now is strong leadership sending the right messages. and it certainly is the wrong message to talk about indiscriminate targeting of civilians in an israeli context. the opposite is true. it is hamas that's indiscriminately targeting and -- it is hamas who controls whether or not there will be civilian casualties. what we really need is for the biden administration to articulate how it is going to support israel to free gaza of the illegal occupation of the hamas terrorist group and if they are going to do so in a way that minimizes civilian casualties the united states must support the temporary relocation of palestinian civilians across the border. just a couple of days ago kamala harris came out and said the united states does not support the removal, the temporary removal of palestinian civilians. that's the only way israel is going to get rid of hamas. the signals that the u.s. government is sending is that they will not stop hamas from using palestinian civilians as human shields, and that's very dangerous. >> sean: well, they have been doing that for years. governor huckabee the terrorists here are hamas. they are the ones who murdered, were raping, kidnapping, beheading, they are the ones who took hostages, you know, my dad fought four years in the pacific, governor. could you imagine if this is how we fought in world war ii, that we were going to be lectured after pearl harbor on what our response ought to be, or what europe's response would be against hitler in world war ii? we were supposed to protect innocent people in every city they had to go to? >> one of the tragedies of any kind of war is that innocent people get killed. >> sean: it is a tragedy. >> the reason innocent people are getting killed is because they are putting their innocent civilians if any are loweft, th put them in front of the targets and it ridiculous for joe biden and this administration to engage in diplomatic schizophrenia. on public display they will say things like we stand with israel but then privately when he goes to a fundraiser, then he trashes israel and makes it appear that israel is on the same footing with hamas and they aren't. i'm going to be in israel next week, sean, and i'm pretty sure i will not get one report of any israeli soldier raping palestinian women in gaza. it just isn't happening but we can never forget what's happened to the jewish people who were simply living their lives one shabbat morning and the next thing these barbarians come across the board and indiscriminately kill innocent people in the most savage barbaric way that we've seen almost ever in human history, and then the worst of it all, boast about it. celebrate it, as if it's something that they are proud of rather than something that they are trying to hide. at least the nazis, as horrible as they were, for the most part, tried to hide their atrocities. these vicious people celebrate them. took pictures of themselves doing these things. that's why we know it happened. >> sean: they were taking go pro videos of. this maybe when you're in israel next week we can arrange to have you on from there, governor , thank you. to formally the biden inquiry, we'll check in with ryan and jared as we continue tonight. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 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analysts. this is an investigation into joe biden the president. we've interviewed many times jason smids, house, ways-and-means and jim jordan, with the judiciary. this is about money laundering. this is about taking official acts as vice president for the financial benefit of his family. the evidence is now growing every day. it seems to me, my opinion, overwhelming and incontroversial, and they have been stonewalling. this will hopefully stop the stonewalling, correct? >> it will stop the stonewalling but one thing to keep in mind, that i think is key for everyone to understand in this story, about this next vote that the speaker is talked, it was the white house itself that sent the letter to the committee, and the letter said that they will not comply with witnesses -- witness and document requests, without the formal vote. so the white house itself is telling speaker johnson and jim jordan and everyone else, we won't comply with your request unless you take the formal vote. so they are asking for it. and they are going to get it. and to your point, i mean, there are so many twists and turns in this story, we've talked ad nauseam about these payments. if it was a loan obviously it's a problem because you're getting money that you shouldn't get. if it wasn't a loan, then you didn't pay taxes on the money you got. so it's one or the other. and they haven't answered the question. i'll leave you with one more thing before you turn it over to the real pro, greg. this is a great quote from adam schiff. he said the failure to produce this witness, the failure to produce these documents, we consider strong evidence of obstruction of the constitutional functions of congress. so they can take their words and eat their words. >> sean: they can eat their words. greg, on the legal side of this, ryan is a hundred percent right. now they will get it. if every republican shows up with the exception of maybe ken buck, i believe every republican might vote for it, what will be interesting to see is if any democrats cross over but they usually circle the wagons. however, maybe if some democrats don't want joe as a candidate in 2024, that could get interesting. but on the legal side, lay out the case. >> a house vote, sean, is vital for legal authority to compel compliance with subpoenas and without it, these witnesses will continue to dodge testimony. they will defy demands to cough up documents that they are hiding. that's what biden allies have been doing. they have been obstructing and sandbagging the investigation, to protect the bidens, and in the impeachment process, it involves some legal elements to force people to cooperate, committee needs legal standing. without it they would have to rely otherwise on joe biden's own justice department to enforce subpoenas against their own allies. they aren't going to do that but with a house vote it removes the doj as an obstacle and the committee can go directly to court for enforcement. as you pointed out, ryan has pointed out, some witnesses are saying we aren't going to consent toe appear without a vote so if approved it will push forward, to reveal evidence while, at the same time, adhering to the u.s. constitution. >> sean: tomorrow will be an interesting day. appreciate it, straight ahead tonight, biden's border crisis, it continues to spiral more out of control than ever. wait until you see the images of hundreds of people who tried to cross into the country today. we'll discuss straight ahead. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. >> sean: ukrainian president zelensky was in washington today trying to secure more funding for ukraine but house republicans are holding firm. they are now demanding that additional money for ukraine's defense be paired with significant action toward securing our own border and it's about time. biden's border crisis is only getting worse by the day. now cbp has already encountered over half a million new illegal immigrants since october 1. katy what we also know is, we necessity where these people are coming from. i imagine many want better lives for themselves and their families, but why the high number of people coming from syria and afghanistan and iran, the number one state sponsor of terror, and egypt, and china and russia. why are they showing up in massive numbers, tens of thousands at our border. any rationale, do you think? >> common sense would say they are here for reasons that are not in our favor for the country. there are millions of unvetted single adult males pouring over the border. the biden administration knows about it and their response is not to some the flow. simply manage the flow with more taxpayer dollars. these men are telling reporters like bill, who has been in arizona, with the flow there, that they are here for economic reasons, they are here to work, but they are border patrol agents that they fear that are their lives and that's why they fled their country. it's called a silent fraud and it happening by the millions. republicans are offering asylum reform to stop this from happening in the future and joe biden today, disingenuously at the white house talked about if the republicans want to push border security now while they are pushing for more ukraine funding for their sovereign borders that they are going to allow putin to win. we talked a lot about impeachment, but you could argue that this issue of the border and the president of the united states, the commander-in-chief, has completely derelicted his duty to protect the country's sovereignty, and he has no intention of fixing this. republicans are giving him a choice. look, you put your country first or you're not going to be able to fund all these other things that you want to that are unrelated to the cries that's we're seeing get worse every single day in every city across the country. >> sean: by the way we've already given stephen miller over 80 billion to ukraine. they want another $61 billion. meanwhile, joe biden has put handcuffs on president zelensky a number of times on how he can fight the war and europe is not even stepping up to protect their own continent. when you have people coming from our top geopolitical foes, i would imagine many of them probably do not have our best intentions at heart, and i would imagine terror cells have slipped in among the people that we even know about. never mind the got-aways. >> well, sean, america won't be here to protect anybody else if we don't protect ourselves. that's the core bottom line of all of this. those single adult males lining up at the board are being released into the country by joe biden. single adult men are the easiest demographic to deport. i speak from experience here, having worked on behalf of president trump to secure the border. joe biden is choosing, voluntarily, to resettle millions of single adult males from dangerous parts of the world into the united states. people are dying and people will continue to die. there will be one heartbreaking tragedy after another. republicans must stand firm in saying that they will not appropriate one more dollar for joe biden's foreign policy in ukraine unless legislation is passed to end the mass release of illegal aliens into this country. until that happens, we're not, in fact, a sovereign nation. we're a former sovereign nation whose border has been erased. >> sean: i would demand 2-1, for every dollar you give ukraine after the $80 billion you've given to ukraine i would say two dollars for border security first before you give a single dollar away, if any, but europe needs to step up first and do their job and contribute the amount of money they should be contributing. anyway, thank you both. stephen miller and katy, thank you, when we return, you won't believe what one san francisco liberal is now blaming the city's rampant home crisis on. we'll tell you about it. leo 2.0 terrell, steve moore, straight ahead. >> sean: it's no secret that homelessness in san francisco's way out of control but one of the city's supervisors now says that he knows the reasons why. capitalism. in a new documentary in the uk, dean preston is saying that his city's decline is the, quote, result of capitalism and what happens in capitalism to the people at the bottom rungs. kind of a little rich considering that preston is actually one of the wealthiest members of the board of supervisors. so why doesn't he just simply lead by example? he can donate all of his money to homelessness. here with reaction, her age foundation economist, company founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve moore, and he's back, fox news contributor, leo 2.0 ter rely. it's your state leo. now you've proven in san francisco you do know how to clean up the streets of san francisco. all you need are regular visits from the president of china. it's not that hard. >> oh, it's not that hard at all because it can be done but the democrats exploit homelessness. they exploit the individuals, the drug users out there because that's how they fund raise. this individual, sean, is the bernie sanders of the west coast. he wants to get rid of capitalism. you mentioned earlier he has stock in ibm, apple, microsoft. he's a appear capitalist. and what help also talked about was again defunding the police. tell me what city, what state does socialism work? detroit? chicago? new york? cutting of departments? it doesn't work. and the homeless problem came back immediately because it was in the democrat's best interest to keep the people on the street. but when red china came over, clean the streets up. it can be cleaned up in a capitalistic society. one last point. the this country is so bad, why are there millions and millions of people trying to enter the land of opportunity. people from the southern border all over, they want to come to america because you can start from zero and work your way up. it's the land of opportunity >> sean: you know, steve moore, if you look at where nancy pelosi's house, you go a mile in one direction, and it's a gated community of mansions. you go in one direction, there's her office, the other direction is her home. right in the middle is people in the streets defecating, shooting up, drug use, et cetera. one has to wonder, why is it that the left and liberals seem to only be generous with other people's money. couldn't the very wealthy pelosis go to their wealthy neighbors and build out a facility where they can shower, get three square meals a day, maybe a little drug and alcohol counseling? i'm sure they could pull that together, couldn't they? >> yeah, you would think so. by the way sean there's no city in america that has more income and equality and wealth and equality than san francisco. you know what's so tragic about this is, ten, 20, 30 years ago, san francisco was one of the jewel cities of the world. it was something america could be proud of. and now you just see -- you remember, you said this, you cited these statistics in the debate between gavin newsom and ron desantis where a 40% increase in the homelessness rate in california whereas florida has seen a 40% decline. by the way, florida is the capitalism state and california is the socialism state. i would say the socialism is what causes homelessness and it's a real shame what's happened to that great city >> sean: leo, what do you see as the answer? because it's so much higher in california. >> i'll tell you right now, we need a red tsunami in 2024. not just on the national level, sean. not just in congress and the white house. we need it on the local level, the school districts >> sean: leo, hell will freeze over before california goes red in our lifetime. >> we haven't hit rock bottom yet but i'm telling you we start small with cities and school districts first and we work our way up. it's going to happen. it's a matter of time >> sean: can that happen? quickly, steve moore. >> well, i can if gavin newsom would maybe take some lessons from florida about how they reduce homelessness, and they did it by creating jobs, having a pro industry kind of ethic and it doesn't exist in california any longer, it doesn't >> sean: having moderated that debate i don't think that's going to happen. i don't know. anyway. >> you did a good job on that debate sean. good job. >> thank you >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening, thank you for being with us, thank you for making this show possible, set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity, in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next, he'll put a smile on your face. have a great night. ♪

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