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harold ford junior and greg gutfeld is 5 o'clock in north america city and this is the five. one down the 2 others follow, liz miguel resigning after unable to condemn 18 semitism on campus during a congressional hearing. harvard determining if their president claudine should be the next it g. she insisted contract condition text when students daul evercall for genocide of jews. truck call for her firing he is getting support about 700 members of hear verdict faculty urging the board to pair her krer in the name of resisting political pressures saturday notice live thinks the villain is the congress woman who asked. the show going after in a sketch making light of her. >> now i will start screaming questions at the women like i'm billie ibingne reshgs antisemitism. yier neigh. what? >> yes or no is calling for the genocide of jews against the code of conduct for harvard. depends on the context. when? ken be your answer same requests, we are a serious about stopping all forms of hate, antisemitism. why the second one >> am and keep in mind if you don't say yes you will make me look good. am i wining hearing? >> imagine judge they do a dress rehearsal. and than i still went with this. we found out before the show this premesis low strong was going to be a part of the sketch and becomed out saying she was uncomfortable. she was and i think it speaks to her integrity. she had gone through the -- when they did it ahead of time of i think the identification of the phonic as the antagonist here. opposed recognizing what is going on in the universities shows how clueless saturday night live was this is in the funny they feel could in the make it funny. she is in the funny the issue is not funny. and you know what the presidents instead of cloaking themselves in the free speech. you know if the same time they are willing to shut down speech. and at harvard where claudine gay is still president there was a deanship held by a black law professor joined the legal team of harvey weinstein and through him oust university. because they did in the mroik what he did they can't say the killing yous and calling for genocide is worth threeing off campus they don't know the context is. what is it other then and there call further death of jews and the fact you got jewish studentos campus who are afraid. and cudos to people like bill and the rest of them who are not going to tolerate at this time president is not standing up for this. no one is standing up for the rights of the jewish students threatened and you know looking thejz as far as coop are union in a library. i think more than anything when they got do is get rid of all of them. miguel is the first she has her on the faculty. >> i to which ask you about that the fact this so miguel the president resigns but not like as now looking for w she resign and a professor? >> yea that is bidden saying he will not run for reelection but we are stuck with him for his term. i see this about monetch most of the places don't care how week it gets as language as you bring in the money when you crew up this bad tell affect your ability to raise monetchir would be thifrngful for hear. who cares if you are let her look good she gave you an opportunity to take this woman out and you have to take her out fast she is a joke. i was told harvard people were smart and the school was per best and brightest and aspired to sends jesse junior to harvard no longer heel go to dartmouth or princeton you expect a president of i school like this to say yes or no. killed jew system harass am she could not do it i don't think she is bright i don't think the tlars briefed her are bright. questions like that and is the border secure and what is a woman? stumps democrats they can't answer the question and i was at trinity college, where i went to school. it is a university and i got briefed on my president. online school? just let me finish. she is the president and probably the same type of person as gay at harvard i got an e mail they create aid task force on campus climb a follow up to task force of trinity action plan for racial justice the school is falling apart the dorms don't look great. have not built new. brought in the student who is hate trinity had grut are not success and will can't donate. they are running out of money and shut down two of the frats at campus and ban drinking on campus and the school is there falling apart. i'm not going to be the president there someone have to save trinity it better be someone better than mrs. gay or people attiveys normal people that can raise money and answer simple questions >> this is the new york times head line. as furry erupts over campus antisemitism conservatives seize the mobile home. >> we seize! pounce. that is interesting how they forget the context. when there is in the context when they do something really bad they use 6 decades of context. to briefly. we don't know why strong backed out could be it was not mean enough. there is comedy in that when you have a group of academics who label any speech like i have let youing prosecute noun usage as wriens had someone calls for violence, they can't. that is funny. the hypocrisy is gold. s & well can't do that they are cowards. the suppression of fro speech will i don't agree the calling for genocide is intimidation to suppress free speech. you gotta show those people the door when somebody is calling for to you die. that's to scare you in to silence that is in the free speech. they said you know what, it will -- becomes a problem when it is acted upon. you have to wait for genocide to start before you can g. excuse mow there will be consequences you got nazi germany. the interesting thing is they nevered it was not free peach with the code of conduct allow this on your university when knows better not that college presidents >> jesse bruup the law firm that i can't remember. >> so, briefed and appropriated for the testimony all theft presidents. right. what i can't imagine no lawyer at eversaid this motorbike a problem. this does in the sound good and none the presidents say i will not say they don't believe this and get through. you prepped people and hearings and for clointss and this is just astounding nobody raised their hand and said, this will be a problem. >> tell be back. the test of leadership for 99 this position institution of higher learn and jesse med a point. i think you were serious. harvard is a metaphor in most country for what higher education the best higher education should electric like and under. hopeful low they recover. spent great and harvard and hopeful low they recover i'm a graduate of pen. i don't know how if someone scud the question the congresswoman asked about genocide. jewish people killing anyone does this violate your code if you did in the know it it violates my own personal code and the code our university. >> if someone quarrels with you and says it does depends if than i act on if. i rather answer that after the hearing as opposed to being in the hearing looking i'm saying it is okay to kill any kichld third i university president make its safer for kids to complrn to be challenged and be able to accept decent and a different point of view. to greg's point you can't make a kid unsave they believe the person they are conversing with or professor believes they should not be here they are people that should be ecterminated. these are simple things. my 9 year old daughter how should would not be no person could understand. her school teaches kindness they are basic principles. will as sad as i am for this episode i signed many of the letters asking for answers from ms. myth and he will asking for her resignation it is sad day for my school hope we learn from scompl & grow from. a lot of people right writing about that this is the beginning you had a point. i wanted finish. you brought up your daughter. your daughter can define who i know. she could define a detrosity or when a woman is. you have this weird trend the most powerful adult women in the country can not define a woman or genocide. to the most easily definable things on the planet. and when you try to force them to define it they require context for chromosomes and context for sexual atrosity your daughter is in the stained by ideology idea they have gone through the brainwashing complex ideology over female victims. how does they person go from innocence on excusing rape and murder? there is a machine that they go through and spit this is out this . is the scary per. joy think the best way to destroy that machine when a lips did ask sdrekt questions to the people under oath and everybody in the country can see hay can't answer. >> the amazing thing is she asked it over and over. like a witness on the stand. if they keep asking it men i'm not getting the right answer they know what the answer is. any xouz whether hail or the constitution, has nothing to do with the moral core of calling for the death of people. >> up next biden getting walupped in the pole and panics democrats think hillary clinton could save the day. clear clearr ♪ i was looking at my ancestry traits the other day. i figured it out why i never actually made the football team. yeah, because you're 5'8”. wait robbie, go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. don't have it. yup, i knew it. what else does it tell you? no, hold on, i'm going to find some athletic gene in here. endurance, no. speed, average. i would say below average. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. 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(avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. only on verizon. ♪ ♪ >> this does not sound like a confident come: th pain. democrats asking hillary clintog to save biden's failing reelection. a now pole shoes nikki haley clobbering biden by 17 points. and former president trump defeating biden by 4 example de with number this is bad panickee democrats bring nothing clintoni to boost his cam pin and a key player in the reelection effort. last month hillaryric in the a million bucks for come pain. hillary is in the the own one on the case to save biden.lint clinton's role will grow but for now she is filling a space that at a later point in the campaign season former president bomal join. okay. so if we got the numbers where nikki hail se17 points head and trump is for you ahead. nikki numbers i guess depend on the pole what is hillary going it dg o to save the day >> knows how to lose to trump. i would in the ask her for much ad askd voice. she will liked she will take a big areae irrelevantke in the le campaign. she held a fundraiser and plays. i don't know when she adds. you are right, i think the bidet cam spain in deep trouble. not only losing by 4 to trump t and 17 to nikki? if you electric at those numbers show goes up a bit to 51. more than trump a lot of that deterioration are democrats voting for hail competence if you have the hunter situation which is percolating you dent g- know how that will shake out and omaha dumping the stocks. something could in the be good. >> okay. c yooru know -- greg. think of the fact this nikki haley may be 17 or whatever. she never out of the pack. so and with trump in with wa hen is crushing everybody in iowa. >> it is men it is vp. too soon to tell if i were biden i would be worried. hillary coming, board admit hi known for wing elections. this is like asking sammet bull it take care of your loud neighbor. if hillary shows up with a my pillow it is in the for napping. [laughter] i think -- we should be worry exclude appropriated k for when is to come even when the demes are in the painted int a corner they fight like they d and create a conflict to cause fear to keep republicans scared offeen -- voting.ed o and i think tinear a terrible spot now. hence the green light and r calling everybody hitler or trump will end g democracy, all efforts legaler otherwise to destroy the candidacy. we have been watching the av marches the prosecute testers screaming for genocide that will morph to a different protest. with the same obsegdz it will go nuclear tell be 18 everybody whi not on board. you know if -- trump is beating biden what else besides borgz does biden have going for him. >> access to save abortion citizen issue that i think is confounding.conf a lot of people to how that ot o issue alone if you look at the e data points 4-5 weeks ago the elections. and a year agodu with the mid terms. it is unclear if this will sustain itself but dem credit and thes white house believe this is. i now. i don'e t -- i'm upset i don't knowledge the campaign for biden is built out. i don't think they hired the next of people they need to hir to have a full campaign if than i have a strategy it is a secret. one thing they need to do is oft begin campaign to talk about thn things in addition to choice ans access to safe and legal borgzs the president has done and when he plans going forward. the interesting thing it appearh fromis poling that the 2 most os dominant candidate is in the the 41 runner. but most dom innocent ms. haleye he is the only one poling above 50. we know being in the campaign being in the lead but not aboves 50 is different. it is a different way to run in i campaign i thought in 16 that trump was going to win clinton she was nevee war above 50 in b ground states both of the 2 he front runners hovering high and mid 40s. and another that is ahead. i think as we get close to january 15 and 23 and february 8 and 23 the dates of the f important contests. republicans havee a choice. hav do you take a risk with the ma person the frontke run are now ahead in the poles and not at 50 and running ahead of biden. or a risk on someone else way head and dem credits if nikki conditions to pole well. she looks as if she will win thw early states democratsville a hard question. if a hard question to answer. do you stick with this president it he is clobbered by ms. haley i don't know the answer i hope they cam pinning soon. >> in wap wa trump at 50 and haley y 11. come north carolina and a few others. nevada. iowa, new hampshire and success sdpk super tuesday. so on nikki haley minot make ith out of thet primaries or get t be the will twhon is head-to-head against trump. republican voters are not per sr situated by elect abling. if you are want to beat biden en you want to go against haley. one reason the biden campaign en has long wanted run against w trumanp they know he would be pb beaten. he might be beatens. by somebod from his own camp will rf k ng junior upon 20 percent in michigan on the question of democracy, biden heads a 1 point lead over trump in the pole >> people are concerned about ou the future of democracy for different reason ands upon similar thing. the other point about hiller y l clinton the problems for boyd know is young are people are not enthusiastic and against his defense of isreali you think of bringing hillary on will help thatil situation. not it might help him keep more democrat in the camp if he goes too far on the gaza question. where hillary account be effective is on abortion. anwid this is the play that the dem credit will run in all 50 s states. and so many have ref endum. she would evercould be helpful there. question believe where they putr it and whether or not it is an issue in alegality of states. coming up democrat cities wising up? losing to the tough on crime candidate in houston . clear clear honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. ow! uh oh. you, ok? no... i mean yeah. -just hit my melon. -yikes! should we see a doctor? i can't tell a doctor i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathlete! i had a concussion. most happen doing ordinary things. sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. well that was a doozy. [laughter]. my name is john david carpten dr. kimberly stegmaier dr. edith perez i'm a medical oncologist and i focus on cancer prevention people are always asking me why why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. one is responsibility, the other is purpose. there was a child that you know i took care of and adored and she said to me dr. kim, you know, will you remember me forever? sorry, it's been a hard year. every day i think of the faces of patients when i see their smiles, when i tell them that new treatments are helping their lives. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. ♪ ♪ >> looks like tough on scene of the crime a campaign win near dem credit cities. shielda jack suffering a landslide loss to john whitmoire in the race for houston mayor. ran the campaign on makes the city safer with increased policing. >> great cities solve their problems. we will make this a safer city. we will do it by recruiting more officers. sppth the receives we have. >> what a good idea. jackson lee republican hers on scandal and incompetence remember how she treats her staff liked audio of her cursing them out. >> y'all are bleep, bleep. bleep. the worse put together. bleep, bleep. serve no bleep purpose. ain't managing nobody nobody gives a bleep about when you are doing >>iel. jackson lee was dinged for releasing an add that gave supporters the wrong date for the run off like. dan ai finds it strifrj tough on crime is a campaign plank you would assume everybody would agree with crime bad the people like lee made that a campaign plank by being procrime >> think how many people lately in the media saying, that they will say fox new system making up people are concerned about crime. shop lifting is not that bad or crime is not that bad. houston is dealing more than other cities with the 41 lines of immigration. so you know you hate to see it. you hate to see somebody like that lose you may see more types lose. i don't know whether she was supposed to decide today whether she would run for reelection. and i thank you -- this tough on crime issue we talk about mortgage and cost of car and food the border is an issue crime is is a pos if people don't feel safe they will choose different leaders. why there it is a sdprend a good trend you see with. the same type of person university president this is much like thank you very much which is like the idea of like taking down institutions without things to replace it with. right. immigration or crime or identifying genocide. >> you know the interesting thing about sheila jackson 3 it was always about her. never the people and people are suffering from crime and they continue when this guy come in and says. you know i will increase the number of police and fight crime and bring back law and order he has the dem credits the conservative and independents and won and sheila jackson lee you know her theme was? her thing was she would fight the maggot extremists the idea on versus a guy who wants to hospital individual american. upon all right and that's final low people are getting their bryning back. and you know what i love i love that sheila jack lee said, i am the queen i demand. no it is in the about you. and all of the lunacy with her staff she is worried how she looks than when she does for the people. you know who supported her boyden should listen. hillary clinton is her biggest supporters. >> harold. beaten by a white man. [laughter]. there is in question. there is no question in that i want to point that. >> this race is interesting for a reason and it it is to what said around the table. voters independent to the issue they care about the most if you categorize those or put voter in buckets buzz they are black, white or live in a neighboring or voted certain ways in the past they are things you might look at. your point being tough on crime did not hit me until you tuesday you said it before. who in the world how in the world could you be against anyone wants to tough on crime. he said i want better streets improved infrastructure and less crime. i will being judgeod public safety my first yeesh and fidon't improve it i will be judged poor low. this was obvious in politic for him it say i home dem credits are listening. if the 2 of them on the same page on choice they are both democrats once that issue was not a concern, the issue on the people's minds was public safety and he won. upon dem credits. dalgs mayor and chief. dana said this city is the city that most people look to when they talk how do you hire and recruit police officer and keep morale high they have done a better job there if i was kamala i would travel to the cities and bring them become to wish wash and saying mr. president star a crime bill with the best practice in crime fighting keeping police officer and morale high. recruiting police officer and making communities safe. every pol tigdz should be committed. used to be a political crime was apolitical issue. but it became a political issue it bipartisan that wh way when someone said defund the police going down as the dumbest message of all time i was disappointed i'm a supporter of sheila jackson. and many staffs deserves this a motevator and also switching the date of the election was crafty. i think you use everything you can and if you are an everopponents believe the date of election is the wrong date they are idiots and don't deserve a vote. that's when a sarcastic person would say. but houston is an oil and gas town and always will be than i may support a democrat but will be friends low to sxoil gas and she was not. she is a radical. and talk about law and order i was at a police event raising machine and he giving okay an award to 2 guy who is closed a 10 year old sexual assault case. they bring the guy inform polygrap them. fail its. brings him back and takes another polygraph and after 5 hours they crack him and confesses. who would not want that? if you don't have enough police on the force you will not do this basic leg work >> they said sheila lee refiled and run for congress again. >> you are in the fro of heifer yet. has no skills that are usable in the private sector gotta stay on the country's dime. all right. coming up blue calf collar work a punish am the woman who through her bowl in a employee sentenced to work fast food. se you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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fast coming out. i always have like i problem when somebody says this sends i message. the people work in i firefighter food than i don't know this story exists i love this idea i don't think it is demeaning it is she is educating a spoiled brat that work dealing with the public is hard work. we and the fact is we are not punishing people why not teach them a lesson make shop lifters reshelf stores they rob. vandz livesers clean up neighborhoods if they don't do it you look them up i'm for that. we den have to house and feed them in prison. eat the burrito and go home at night. i lost judge had a feeling the person needs to be taught a lesson about empathy shows there is dignity in w i never work in the fast food but waited tables and i'm hyper sensitive how wait staff is treated and a big tipper if you go it break firefighter double the tip breakfast is the least expensive meal they work very hard and people are most picky the break firefighter i thought it was -- judge is showing discernment what did they think is best. who are we to judge them. the people this don't brag about being big tippers this are the big tippers i'm not bragging i'm encouraging you. >> double the bill the breakfast i be the brefrns you go to 4 seasons. ritz. i'm a big fast of food guy. i'm a pop eye's guy and wendy's guy ump don't look it. thank you. why thank you. i park cars i understand the importance. you said it limp you gotta you said it left week on the show. i hope. educate spoiled brats part of punishment is to ensure the person there is a punishment for jail or whatever for person and 2 per is deterrence the judge believes the person through a burrito in i face. how do you do that to any human the judge believe third degree defendant did not respect this person that wed at your chipotle this is a brilliant way to deter this person exteriorings and make people think more high low of human when is serve us toed in restaurants who you tip. >> judge jeanine? a lot of people commit crimes for different reasons. agreed. e sxril angry. people like this are stupid. okay. she needs to be put in the shows of the person this she assaulted. that she abuse d and harassed and you know the judge gave her an option. to mow it is white noise i could care less. this woman will learn the rest of her life-it is lect to be disrespected by people who treat you like garbage and it happens all the time. whether it is education as relates to you know young kid puts a swastika on a school does not understand the history and the tremors people go through had than i see that. we need to educate a segment. this woman needs to be educated the judge did the right thing i did stuff like this all the time you want to mess themmings up you will clone up the block for two months in a time of day everybody sees you including your friends. that's all i gotta say. >> good >> clear clear is great. >> jesse: "fastest" is up next. let's get real clear. if you have psoriasis and are experiencing joint pain, it could be psoriatic arthritis. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist and ask about real clear skin, today. ♪ ♪ 00 welcome back the fastest first up we all had that one coworker. loves to temp the office bring nothing cockies. why did than i insist whentoriuring our waste line with delights the "wall street journal" heads a theatre when they realliment. and it is a bribe. using the 52ed to disarm the favor. now. in fairness someone gave us cookies the other day from i per. that she hostd that was a marshing success. dp? were you. resemble this article. >> i did i think the biggest pusher is judgey. >> right. brings us the sugar trees the ma tab people like lihe bakes i don't think they do it buzz that but they love to bake and like to make people happy wrochl machine this likes sweets do you have a theory. >> you can't find me the cookies jewelry, may be. jewelry. when you wir a sweater like this mr. gutfeld. >> this is the mevince christmas sweater. >> okay. i got point out. the "wall street journal" doing the stories about people that upset them it is about a coworker making noises or a relative there is member at the journal who is upset all the time about everything. every day they have a new store when he so-and-so does not answer your e mill. this is what you should do. there is an anxiety reperson on the flower. look this is our inhouse newspaper. a lot of people give you toeds to alleviate guilt they want to enlist you in their gluttony. i'm in great shape in the best shape of anybody on floor between than i are trying to bring mow down i try to be disciplined and w out every morning and watch when i eat and drink they want to bring mow down with cookie and snacks not going to work. look at me. does this guy like a day over 40. huh? when you think about wes and bribing people with your cooking skills is that when you think. when anybody gives me anything first thing what is their agenda. why eat it. test temperature second thing i say are than i trying to kill me i say, with do i owe them? those other self everybody things running through everyone's mind. of course this is stupid. and i know when is going on at the journal now everyone is become to the office. >> everything is, annoying them. look at all of the stories we have. they issue all the from that same person >> upon member is upset or have annoying people that work there. >> one more thing up next. clear cleary have annoying people that work for them. [laughter] >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. 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Sxril ,Noise ,Option ,She Abuse D ,Life ,Kid ,Garbage ,History ,Swastika ,Tremors ,Segment ,Stuff ,Joint Pain ,Psoriasis ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Both ,Today ,Inflammation ,Body ,Dermatologist ,Office ,Loves ,Coworker ,Nothing Cockies ,00 ,Wall Street Journal ,Waste Line ,Bribe ,Theatre ,Favor ,52ed ,Realliment ,52 ,Cookies ,Article ,Marshing Success ,She Hostd ,Gdp ,Judgey ,Pusher ,Tab ,Lihe Bakes ,Sugar Trees ,Wrochl Machine ,Sweets ,Theory ,Jewelry ,Sweater ,Mevince ,Member ,Stories ,Relative ,Coworker Making Noises ,Point Out ,Journal ,Store ,E Mill ,Flower ,Anxiety Reperson ,Anybody ,Shape ,Newspaper ,Floor ,Guilt ,Gluttony ,Mow ,Cookie ,Snacks ,Cooking Skills ,Huh ,Agenda ,Test Temperature ,Everyone ,Them ,Course ,Carolers ,Apple ,Ipad ,Iphone ,Wreck ,Dad ,Chance ,Vo ,Soloist ,Value ,1700 ,Lift ,Bed Bath And Beyond ,Five Star Bank ,House ,App ,Credit Building ,Credit Builder ,Truck ,Quick ,Go ,Business ,Credit Up ,Track ,Struggle ,Interest Rates ,Fees ,100 Million ,Credit Up Builder Economy ,Oldaker Farm ,Children ,Economy ,Michael Yusef ,Hello ,Visit ,News ,Peace ,Anxieties ,Worries ,Life Insurance ,Peace Scum ,Heart Attack ,Policy ,John A ,Insurance ,Pope ,Cocom ,21 ,500000 ,29 ,00000 ,Singer ,Season Finale ,Price ,Fox ,Selectquote We ,Snake Oil ,It Snake Oil ,Casting ,On Fox ,Shoes ,Walk A Mile In My Shoes ,Accused ,Collection ,War ,Fun ,Culture Dictionary ,Jimmy Fallon ,Book ,The Game Show Spin Off Called Wheel ,A To Z Guide ,Cancellations ,Outrage Mob ,Copy ,Fox News Bookscan ,Familye ,Stage Manager ,Levi Jackson ,Afamily New ,Great7 Pous Name ,Mothe ,Carly ,Congratulations ,Situation ,Prime Time ,Hair ,Maternity ,Jesse Watters ,Vivek Ramaswamy And Mike , ,7 ,14 ,Night ,Quickly Ig ,Ben ,Songwriting ,Country Music ,Forsong W ,Reallin Jamy Great ,Tony Aral Bob The Amazing Kyle Jennings ,N Mich Okay ,Lee Thomasrie Miller ,Song ,Podcast ,Poncho ,Matt Whitlock ,Greatkati ,Brian Kilmeade ,Weekth Mat ,Peter ,Gu Oy How Ieyv Love Kill Me Taylor University ,Costume ,Big Tradition ,Kat Timpf That ,Plaame Y ,Walter Kerr ,Basketball Gamee H ,The Kids Don T Cheer ,Ten ,Greatou Have Three T ,Prime Time Tonight ,Double Tie ,Donateameric ,Seconds Si ,Three ,

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