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ruin his father's presidency. this is as the president's son is fighting against nine new tax related charges. i'm mike emanuel and griff is on assignment. >> i'm alicia acuna, am g.o.p. hopefuls are questioning the indictment handed down by david weiss, blasting the justice department for slow walking the case. alexandria hoff is live with reaction to the indictments. >> hi, alicia. special county weiss is focusing on that hunter biden could have paid his taxes, but spent on women, cars, an extravagant life style. nine charges were filed against the president's son in los angeles, three of those felonies. the government alleges he failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes. here is his attorney. >> somebody in their family or they know it's not behavior that he's proud of, but it doesn't make him into a tax felon in a 56-page indictment. >> hunter-wide faces up to 17 years in prison, and an only probation deal fell apart after a delaware judge questioned what republicans called a sweetheart deal. there was a formal impeachment inquiry for the president. >> the president's conduct will be what judges his own cul culpability what he does, not his son. >> house oversight committee chair comer says that hunter biden's new tax charges has nothing do do with the biden family loans that he's concerned with. >> this is one of many crimes that hunter biden committed. we believe if you look at the loans that jim biden and hunter biden had, there's over $13 million in loans and no trace of principal payments much less interest payments at what point does a loan become income. >> hunter biden has agreed to testify publicly next week for the oversight committee, but republicans say he has to agree to be privately deposed first. >> thanks, alex. >> president biden is spending the weekend in southern california attending fundraiser's with hollywood's elite as he deals with his son's latest legal drama and his own sinking poll numbers. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with more. >> hunter biden speaking on a podcast saying the charges against him amounts to political assassination. >> they're trying to kill me, knowing it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle and so therefore, destroying a presidency in that way. >> and here is karl rove responding to the indictment saying that let's remember where hunter biden's money came from. >> the president said my son has done nothing wrong, didn't pay his taxes. i never discussed his business activities with him, maybe you should have, when he went on the board of burisma, a company in ukraine run by a corrupt oligarch with ties to moscow and you were in charge of the u.s. policy regarding corruption in ukraine, maybe you should have said to your son, boy, you better find another way to make a living. >> now, a new poll from our colleagues at the wall street journal shows biden losing to donald trump right now 43 to 47% with nikki haley in there, the lead is bigger, up 17 points and i did the math for you in the same wall street journal poll president biden speaking about taxes yesterday in las vegas. >> na way the poor have a shot, the middle class, do well and the wealthy still do well, and ought to be paying more taxes, that's another issue. >> president biden is in los angeles and the spirit of giving, passing the hat around hoping to raise more money for his 2024 reelection campaign. of course, his son hunter lives nearby in malibu, we're not sure if the two will be getting together this weekend. >> lucas tomlinson on the lawn. many thanks. for more on hunter biden's legal problems and what comes next, let's bring in senior legal fellow at the heritage foundation, pauley simpson. >> thanks for having. >> let's get hunter biden in his own words. we don't have it. he basically said that these charges were equivalent of political assassination. how do you respond? >> i don't buy the crocodile tears, frankly, because when you don't pay your taxes, if the defendant's name was hunter emanuel or hunter stimpson and we didn't pay our taxes no one would think weir' the victim. but this doesn't fly. this is a speaking indictment. lays out the things he didn't do in the tax years and didn't pay the taxes. old trial lawyer's, if you go in the woods and see a turtle high up on the stump. he's a tax cheat that's all. >> the failure to way in 2016, 2017, failure to file in 2017, failure to file in 2018. tax evasion, a felony 2018 filing a false return, a felony in 2018, filing a false return again, failure to pay, 2019. how serious are these latest charges in your view? >> they're serious. they're serious because they're felonies, a lot of them. some of them are misdemeanors. >> this had not happened had you not had three things, one, the irs whistleblowers at great risks to their career, testifying under oath about the slow walk into this case and secondly, the judge asking simple questions that basically unwound the sweetheart deal. and three, congressional oversight and fox and other, you know, major news networks asking tough questions that were simple questions, and because of the public pressure and congressional oversight weiss finally stepped up to the table and starting to bring a reckoning for not filing taxes. >> between 2016 and october 15 of 2020, the defendant spent on girls, exotic cars, clothing, items of a personal nature. in short, everything, but his taxes. what about that? >> well, the other thing that indictment says, he had sufficient funds in his account at each of those four years to pay his taxes. even when he spent it on these other items. and so, it's not as if he can-- what is the defense here? what can he claim as a defense, somebody didn't pay his taxes, lawyers were telling him and his ex-wife, and egregious part that it took this long to get here and weiss let the tolling lapse, no scrutiny from 2014 taxes. >> if hunter's name was anything other than biden. the charges in delaware and california would not haven about brought by attorneys. >> that's laughable, that's a good attempt, a good defense attorney and he's a fantastic defense attorney, but the fact is that if the defendant's name was emanuel or stimpson, we would have been indicted and pled guilty a long time ago and essentially it's a slow plea. the facts are irrefutable. no defense and this is going to end up in a plea period. >> do we expect more charges in another venue perhaps? >> i hope so, because the foreign agents registration act is capascious statute and that he should have registered as a foreign agent and i don't know what the doj and special council weiss is doing here unless he plans to indict him under fara under another district. thanks for your time and your analysis today. >> thanks, mike. >> ivy league presidents from harvard, mit and u-penn are scrambling to curb the growing testimony and cb cotton has the latest fallout. >> calls especially continue for the ouster of u-penn's president liz mcgill. tomorrow, the u-penn board of trustees will reportedly hold an emergency meeting. unclear whether they'll make any decisions about her leadership. the meeting comes on the heels of mcgill's congressional testimony where she was grilled whether calling for the genocide of jews violates the school's anti-harassment policies. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be harassment. >> the answer is yes. >> calls for mcgill's firing are now visible on u-penn's campus and on thursday, the board of the university's business school writing the letter calling for her resignation, the same way penn mega donor, hedge fund ceo ross stevens said he'd withdraw his $100 million donation to the university. all of this despite later clarification posted to social media. >> i want to be clear, a call for genocide of jewish people is threatening, deeply so. >> and harvard president, university president claude dean, telling the harvard crimson this week, she's sorry and words matter. and calling for the genocide of jews is harassment depending on context. and lawmakers, primarily republican, sent a letter to harvard, mit and u-penn demanding their presidents be fired. these three universities are under investigation about their handling of anti-semitism by the republican-led house committee on education and the work force. alicia. >> cb cotton in new york, thank you. college campuses across the country have seen a rise in anti-semitism and hate speech as the israel-hamas war rages on. sharing her experience today is brown university senior and the president of brown students for israel, julian letterman. jillian, thank you so much for being here, we appreciate it. we're going to put up a statistic as a backdrop to this conversation. according to the anti-defamation league in this country 62% of the rallies we're seeing in support of hamas and/or violence against jews in israel has been on college campus, 62%. jillian, i'd like you to share what your experience has been and also, how you think we got to this point. >> well, first of all, thank you so much for having me on. i really appreciate it. the past two months have been some of the most difficult and painful of my life and as many people's lives. you know, obviously we all woke up to the devastation on october 7th. on october 8th, on my own college campus, browns chapter of students for justice in palestine and minutes released from their meeting on that day characterized the october 7th attack as a victory. since then, students on my campus have not only ripped down posters of israeli civilians, and images next to them saying they're israeli propaganda. students on the campus, jewish, zionists have been called pigs, have been called genocide supporters, have been called filth. those protests chanting from the river to the sea all of palestine will be free. and i've been personally told because i've expressed support for israel, that i deserve to be harassed. it's moral rot. and unacceptable. jewish students are expressing father to outwardly wear star of david. and it's unacceptable on our x campuses and it's happening on campuses across the country. >> it is unacceptable. and congresswoman stefanik had exchanges presidents of the three universities, and the students calling for genocide of jews. >> it did not go well. >> specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying and harassment. >> so the answer is yes. >> it's a context dependent decision. >> and it's a context dependent decision? calling for the genocide-- >> there was context from all over. >> in that moment i was focused on our university's longstanding policies aligned with the u.s. constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable. >> jillian, what should happen to these presidents who could not answer a simple question and then later felt the need, or pressured to clarify? >> listen, what happened during that hearing, there are two points to make about that. first, calling for the genocide against any group anywhere is unacceptable. it should not be difficult to say that. the second point is that these universities have never held to their free speech standards. over the past decades they've purely been guided by standards of offense. when certain students say that certain speech is offensive to them, universities say it's abuse or violence and then it comes to calls for calls for violence against jewish students, and then they try out the free speech standards and now they say it's a context dependent decision whether these calls violate their codes of conduct? if universities truly cared about free speech then they would apply the standards across the board. when they selectively apply the free speech standards to calls for violence against jewish students. it sends a clear message. in the pursuit of supposed safety and well-being, of all students on their campus, this pursuit does not include jews and these university presidents need to be held accountable for those messages. it sends a very clear message to jewish students and we hear this message and we hear it loudly. it's a complete double standard enforced at the expense of jewish students. >> thank you for being here today. it's important that your message gets out there and it's heard by those in power. thank you. >> thank you. >> alicia, u.n. measure to cease-fire in gaza, we'll take you to israel next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> it's progressing according to schedule, but you have to procedure proceed cautiously. and the damage to the civilian population and our soldiers. we lost five soldiers today, a particular tragedy for the israeli people. the chief of the idf chief of staff is a well-known figure in this country. and i don't know how many people know who the head of the u.s. military is, here it's a well-known figure. he's also a member of the government. he lost his son two days ago in fighting and lost his nephew today. so this is intensely personal for us and yes, we want to release the hostages if we can. and we have to destroy hamas and we also have to keep in mind that our children are out there, literally out there fighting for us, so we have to proceed cautiously. >> prime minister netanyahu this week warned hezbollah about the all out danger of war with israel, what about the possibility of a two-front war. >> it's real, it's real. it's been real from day one. i'm not a spokesman from the government and a strong advocate focusing military might to the north as well, hezbollah. 15 times hamas. and hezbollah has about 150,000 rockets, longer range, heavier and some are quite accurate and they also have a terrorist force with about 100,000 strong, and for the last decade they've been busy massacring syrians, they participated in the massacre of half a million syrians. if you can imagine what they do that orown people. and israelis can't return to their homes the border of the south and the north. if we don't address the hezbollah eventually those people will not be able to go back to their homes in any way and now we know what the terrorists can actually do to our civilians we're going to have to address it at some point. whether we do it now or whether we do it in the future. the situation in the north is completely intolerable. you may remember in 1962, president kennedy was ready to go a nuclear war to get rid of missiles in cuba, imagine what it's like for these people facing 150,000 rockets at the hands of a terrorist organization. mike: the white house said originally it doesn't want to limit the response to the attack and more recently the concern of civilian casualties. i'm sure a lot of our audience at home is wondering, if the white house preventing israel from doing what it needs to do? >> it's not. it's not. sometimes the messages get a little mixed, good cop, bad cop, listening to john kirby, matt miller spokesman from the state department very supportive, but others in the administration come out and say too many palestinians have been killed and raises the question what is too many and too little. from our perspective even one palestinian dead is too many. but what can we do, we're fighting an enemy literal ausing these people as human shields. it's not just propaganda. underneath are miles and miles and miles of tunnel and they're booby-trapped and full of weapons and we try to move the population away from that area. it's very, very difficult. nobody wants to see palestinian civilian casualties and keep in mind for us it's not just a moral issue it's a strategic issue because the more palestinian casualties there are, the more people in the world like you heard in the security council will demand a cease-fire, a cease-fire means victory for hamas, hamas gets away with mass murder. it means those 250,000 israelis will never be able to go back to their homes. so we have ever-- not just a moral interest, but a strategic interest in holding down as much as possible those civilians casualties. mike: thank you for you time today. thank you. >> thank you. mike: alicia. alicia: mike, the migrant crisis smashed new records this week during a fresh surge at the southern border. we'll take you live to the texas border next. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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rio? they say they don't pay to across the river, but we know, in many cases, that's not the case. now, we were here yesterday when they actually in a group just like in in the same location, they handcuffed and separated one man in his 20's from venezuela. he had shown that he was wanted for arrests on sexual assault of a child. a little insight into what we're having. out in arizona, in lukeville where we've seen bill melugin doing great reporting, they're getting hammered out there. a lot of the migrants are from central america, venezuela. out there a lot from africa as they continue to follow the migrants and process them. it's so bad in arizona the chief of the tucson sector, where lukeville is, 18,900 breaking a record never had that many, last week broke the record 17,500. this surge is reaching water marks they've never seen in a year that's unprecedented so much so the democrat ic governor of arizona, katie hobbs, is sending a $512,000 reimbursement bill to the biden administration demanding they act immediately to get in under control. that is, i'll give you one last look here, we've got our drone up in the sky, too, and this is happening every day, all day and it's absolutely pushing these border patrol agents to a breaking point. this is not sustainable and yet, there's no signs of nif change in the way of policy or anything that the administration, dhs secretary mayorkas intends to do to stop this from lapping. we will bring it to you as we get it. mike: stunning visuals and numbers at the border, thank you. alicia: thanks, mike. to the pact of some of this. chicago residents are frustrated with mayor johnson's handling of the migrant crisis in the windy city. some are calling for resignation for those responsible for a failed base camp on the southwest side. one of those officials is chicago alderman raymond lopez to joins me now to discuss more. thank you for being here. alderman lopez, governor pritzker, a democrat had to step in recently to stop mayor johnson and his administration from building a tent encampment in the brighton park neighborhood. tensions in chicago appeared to have past fever pitch a long time ago. what's your biggest concern in chicago in december with an estimated 26,000 migrants who have arrived since august of last year? >> anyone, alicia, who's ever been to chicago in december for christmas know that we're an arctic city. right now, six months after the new mayor took office, 14 months after the first bus arrived, there's still not one plan to address the housing migrants in the winter. the best that the johnson could come up with, put them in a toxic dump field in brighton park five blocks from my house, and saying it was okay since he put six inches of gravel on top of the toxic dirt. i don't think any of us would want our families there, but he thought it was the perfect location and i and my colleagues asked for all of their resignation is because clearly their compassion doesn't match their competency. if they continue to create plans like this we need better solutions while we wait for the federal government to finally take action to this migrant situation. alicia: you talk about the contaminants where the government run tent area was to be built and the testing found mercury, lead, arsenic. there's a 60-day limit for migrants in shelters and the city appeared to have run out where to put them. what is your solution, if action could be taken immediately, what would it look like? what would it be? >> i'm glad that some of our fellow democratic governors and colleagues across the country are finally, finally trying to hold joe biden accountable. that's where the solution lies at the federal government for biden and congress to take action, to pressure secretary mayorkas to finally address the fact that many of these individuals who have come here who have been given temporary asylum status are manipulating that system and lying in that system, fraudulently obtaining their status so they can stay here for six, seven years on end while we wait to figure out what to do. we need to tell secretary mayorkas to set up field hearing sites in chicago, in new york, arizona, process whether there's merit for asylum case, if not, deport them immediately, there's no shame in saying we'll deport them here fraudulently, knowing that economic hardship is not. >> and you want the biden administration to hold field had a hearings? >> yes, the at the wore der border and the process. >> they're going to give them a court case in chicago or new york, six or seven years from now and then tell them that, your case is denied and we expect you to leave now. what's going to happen in six, seven years, you're going to have six or seven years, when they could have children, where they will be having american-born children, descendents of asylum seekers and we cannot separate the families anymore so we're setting up for failure in this moment by allowing them to stay longer than should be legally required. if we were to allow for a 60, 90 day hearing process to exist throughout the countries. >> and i imagine we're going to see more weeks like we did this past week, just through the ebbed of the year and respond. alderman raymond lopez, thank you for your time today. mike: alicia, coming up. florida governor ron desantis joins us live on the countdown to the iowa caucuses. there he is. he's next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? 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>> well, of course. i think that's been true in every iowa caucus in recent memory. the reason it's difficult to poll. you're talking about a two to three hour process people go in the middle of january, it's cold and snowing and these are folks that are committed, we're closing in on 40,000 caucus commitments and if you think about it the turnout will be probably about 160 and 200,000 caucus goers in total and we're adding more every day and most people still haven't made a final decision so we've got the organization, we've got the grass roots and really, our task is to bring this in for a landing over the next five weeks. i can tell you that the interest in this has definitely picked up because we've been here for many months coming. i think the last month or so, the interest is picking up and i think people are taking this process very, very seriously. they certainly don't believe a lot of what they ear in hear in some of the national media that we shouldn't have a primary. they want to have this caucus. mike: former governor and fellow candidate chris christie, i'll let you respond. i don't think that ron desantis is interviewing, i don't think he's a vice-president personality, i think he's interviewing for 2028. mike: how do you respond, sir? >> we don't have till 2028 and now is the time and that's why i ran because i see the direction the country is going. we're in this period of decline thanks to left wing policies and we need somebody capable of winning the primary, the general and also delivering on these policies and implementing good, conservative policies so we can reverse the country's decline, i'm the only one running who has a record of delivering on 100% of his promises which i did in florida and i'm also the only one running that has a record of defeating the people who has put us in the mess time and time again. we beat the teacher's union in florida doing school of choice. and soros in florida getting rid of the soros prosecutors and having low crime. we beat disney on the sexualization of minors and beat the democrats on election integrity. this is what we need and that's why i'm running, but he is right, i'm not running for cabinet or any other office. mike: i want to get your reaction to the new wall street journal polling, trailing president trump, when you mix in third party independent candidates, trump's lead expands to six points. what's your reaction to that and do you think that there's any chance president biden over christmas may have a change of heart if he thinks he's going to lose? >> well, look, we've been through the polls so many times as republicans, i remember 2022, supposed to be big red wave, all of these polls were showing how great everything was going to be. and we figured, yeah, it has to be, right? things are going bad and people don't like biden and yet, the results were different. i think polls this far out are pretty much useless. i think the democrats have a play book they've run against donald trump and against some of his candidates, that's proven to be effective, even when things aren't going good and even amongst voters who disagree with biden i do think so there are a lot of democrats that want to take biden off the ticket. i think ultimately that will be his decision, but people know that he's past his prime. people know he doesn't have what it takes to be able to serve as president going forward. and that does hurt him for sure. now, we were on your network a week and a half ago and we debated someone that i thought is waiting in the wings, gavin newsom, i think that harris is waiting in the wings. i think they have a lot of people waiting in the wings and the problem for that for us, would simply be, you know, they're even more left wing than joe biden is. so, as bad as it's gotten under biden, if you had a harris or a newsom or some of these people, it could get much, much worse and we can't let that happen. mike: i'd like to do one last policy thing with you. you've promised to impose a national school of choice plan if elected one of your first actions. why is that so important, governor? >> education is paramount. we see the problems with our universities. we see indoctrination in k through 12 schools, we see the teachers unions have had so much influence over. can through 12 education. that's caused a lot of particularly low income kids to not have good opportunities and so in florida we're school of choice state. we have universal choicen you know what's happened? it's raised the bar for everyone. our public school districts do better now, our charter schools do well and then you could do private scholarships so we're going to do something, a tax credit program with corporate income tax and over the heads of the teachers union so kids in chicago and philadelphia and across the country are going to be able to be liberated from systems that have failed them. and have failed this country. i don't think that it will ever happen locally because of how the political system has dominated with the unions. but i think if we do it nationally, i think it's going to be a breath of fresh air across this country. mike: florida governor ron desantis. appreciate you taking your time out of your campaign day. we'll see you on the trail. thank you so much. >> thank you. mike: alicia. alicia: and new allegations of assault and sex trafficking are levied against a hip-hop superstar that's next. gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. >> the number of sexual assault allegations against star rap mogul diddy continues to climb this as 50 cent pledges proceeds to a documentary to victims of sexual assault. christina coleman has the details. >> hi alicia, the pr around sean diddy combs is not looking good. four women have come forward claiming he assaulted, and in this rapper 50 cent is drawing more attention to the allegations by announcing on x that his production company is developing is documentary about diddy. 50 cent said the film and telephone proceeds from this documentary will go to victims of sexual assault and rape. now, diddy was the founder of bad boy records, one of the biggest hip-hop labels in the game back in the '90s. this week 50 cent shared to social media a clip of former bad boy records mark curry witnessing club scenes there was spiked bottles of champagne and women given drugs and diddy continued to deny the sexual assault allegations and on wednesday, he wrote on x, saying, quote, enough is enough. for the last couple of weeks i have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and legacy. sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick pay day. let me be absolutely clear, i did not do any of the awful things alleged. i'll fight for my name, for my family and the truth. diddy reached a settlement with ex-girlfriend cassie last month and she filed an explosive lawsuit against him. she claimed he raped and beat her over decade and again, diddy denies these allegations. alicia. alicia: christina coleman reporting from los angeles. thanks, christina. mike: the las vegas metropolitan police department is asking for the public's assistance with the ongoing investigation of the unlv campus shooting. this as more details of the 67-year-old gunman's past come to light. the long time business professor who had been denied several jobs at various colleges had a list of targets at the school and more than 150 rounds of ammunition on him during his rampage. he was killed in a shootout with police. fox news live continues next, stay with us. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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Cop , Listening To , Bad Cop , John Kirby , Administration , Palestinians , Others , State Department , Matt Miller Spokesman , Many , Enemy , Ausing , Underneath , Human Shields , Area , Weapons , Tunnel , Nobody , Booby Trapped , World , Security Council , Mass Murder , Interest , 250000 , Surge , Crisis , Mike , Texas Border Next , Benefits , Choices , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Burger , Fries , Soup , Salad , Voya , Female Narrator , Thousands , Bicycle , Well Invested , Heart , Hope , Story , Surgeries , Step , Hospital , Ravette , Mercy Ships , Number , Surgery , Suffering , Screen , Don T Wait , 19 , 9 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Doctor , Pill , Me Rybelsus , Weight , Isn T , Goal , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Changes , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , 2 , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , 10 , 0 , Customs And Border Protection , Trump , Housing , Ruling , Border Policy , Zero Tolerance , Eight , Zero , Governor , Security Aid , Encounters , Eagle Pass , Agents , Migrant , Majority , Texas , Del Rio Sector , Hello , 3000 , Processing , Look , Migrants , On The Buses , Men , 500 , Venezuela , Rio , Guatemala , Sexual Assault , Location , Child , , Insight , Arrests , Arizona , Doing Great Reporting , Central America , Lukeville , Bill Melugin , Africa , Tucson Sector , Lukeville Is , Record , Water , 17500 , 18900 , Democrat , Reimbursement Bill , Ic , Katie Hobbs , 12000 , 512000 , Drone Up , Sky , Border Patrol , Secretary Mayorkas , Signs , Lapping , Nif Change , Dhs , Chicago , Numbers , Residents , Visuals , Pact , Johnson , Alderman Raymond Lopez , Base Camp , Officials , Southwest Side , Tent Encampment , Brighton Park Neighborhood , Pritzker , Anyone , Fever Pitch , Tensions , 26000 , Plan , Office , Best , Mayor , Bus , Winter , Arctic City , Six , 14 , My House , Gravel , Blocks , Toxic Dump Field , Top , Toxic Dirt , Action , Doesn T Match Their Competency , Plans , Solutions , Contaminants , Mercury , Testing , City , Arsenic , Shelters , Run Tent Area , 60 , Solution , Run Out , Joe Biden , Governors , Individuals , System , Status , Pressure Secretary Mayorkas , Congress , Field Hearing Sites , Seven , Asylum Case , Shame , Merit , Yes , Hearings , Field , Hardship , Process , Court Case , Der Border , Descendents , Asylum Seekers , American Born Children , Ebbed , 90 , Ron Desantis , Florida , Countdown , Coming Up , Iowa Caucuses , Limu Emu Doug , Save , Mark Curry , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Baby Grand Piano , Doug , Bell Ringing , Center Stage , Guy , Bibu , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Puppy , Magic , Dog , Food , Kibble , Brand New , Farmer , Dog Bark , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Dogs , Packs , Dried Pellets , Vo , Ooh , Woman , Bingo , 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, Direction , Sir , 2028 , Decline , General , Good , Running , Teacher , Promises , 100 , Election Integrity , Crime , School Of Choice , Prosecutors , Sexualization , Minors , Union , Soros , Cabinet , Wall Street Journal Polling , Third Party , Polls , Biden Over Christmas , Candidates , Change Of Heart , Times , Big Red Wave , Results , 2022 , Play Book , Voters , Democrats , Prime , Ticket , Forward , Someone , Problem , Waiting In The Wings , Half , Network , Gavin Newsom , Harris , Policy Thing , Wing , Bad , Actions , Indoctrination , National School Of Choice , Schools , Teachers Unions , Kids , Influence , Opportunities , 12 , Scholarships , Charter Schools , Choicen , Public School Districts , Income Tax , Bar , Tax Credit Program , Systems , Heads , Teachers Union , Philadelphia , Campaign , Unions , Breath , Fresh Air , Allegations , Assault , Trail , Sex Trafficking , Hip Hop Superstar , Patients , Exam , Care , Insurance , Aspen , Fun , Gang , Team , Epic Anniversary Savings Event , Won T Last , Plus , Treatment Plan , Memories , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Book Today , Sholeh , 75 , Size , Golo , 6 , Documentary , Victims , 50 Cent , Pledges , Christina Coleman , Star Rap Mogul Diddy , 50 , Sean Diddy Combs , Details , Pr , Rapper , Proceeds , Attention , Production Company , Rape , Film , Telephone , Game , Founder , Clip , Bad Boy Records , Hip Hop Labels , Club , On X , Bottles , Sexual Assault Allegations , Saying , Champagne , Couple , Drugs , Pay Day , Character , Reputation , Legacy , Lawsuit , Truth , Settlement , Assistance , Public , Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department , Unlv Campus Shooting , Business Professor , Colleges , Jobs , List , Gunman , Ammunition , Rounds , Targets , 150 , 67 , Police , Shootout , Rampage , Fox News Live , Woo Hoo , Ahh , Relief , Sugar , Medicine Fast , Pain Hits , Laser , Gels , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Hearts , Exit , Precise , Card , Ekg , Credit Card , Kardiamobile , Thumbs , Causes , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation , Kardiamobile Card , Wallet , Costs , Heart Rhythm , Bradycardia , Holiday Sale , Tachycardia , 79 , 00 , Savings , Kardia Com , Amazon ,

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