from washington tonight. thanks for being with us. the phony democracy defenders, the focus of tonight's angle. just as they scramble to stop the rising trump campaign back in 2015, they're back in mode again making wild and scary predictions. >> trump is promising to resort to authoritarian tactic should he become president again. you don't think he is dying to silence the media, think again. >> his top priority is vengeance. >> donald trump uses nazi terminology. >> laura: headlines are so bad, they are funny. why trump's presidency may be more radical than the first. blah, blah, blah, you get it. trump turned the table on biden. over the past few years, you have watched biden's marxist try to stop free speech, destroy attorney-clients privilege. bogs charges. >> we love you! >> somehow i'm not worried. that's why we are doing. this we have to straighten out our country. >> laura: of course the "new york times" poo pooed president trump's attack. accusations against mr. biden, which he referenced repeatedly throughout his speech veered toward the twirl. he claimed american people. behavior on social media and purchases of cars and dish wash herbs i'm reading it going how is any of that untrue it's totally true. good to see that trump was pushing back on that charge that american lead so some apparently their argument goes like this. by giving the president more power over the federal bureaucracy, we would be marching toward a dictatorship. but, think about this for a minute. in the first place, it's nice to see that the media finally admits that unelected bureaucrats we would significant amount of power just as they all of a sudden claimed. let's talk about whether that's appropriate. biden supporters want to make sure that those bureaucrats are not chosen by the democrats or any elected official. they want a system whereby the bureaucracy hires its own members and promotions come from withinner with all that power held by unelected bureaucrats is wielded as the bureaucrats themselves want not as the voters want. welcome to the administrative state. now, of course, the press would tell you that bureaucrats are proud civil servants, they are trustworthy because they are chosen by a neutral process and they are supposed to act in accordance with the law but no one not a single person knows anything about how washington works believes that our bureaucracy is neutral. everyone understands that the bureaucracy is just another branch of the democratic party. now, for as long ascii remember, it's always been socially progressive like the democratic. china like the democrat party. very friendly to plutocrats who donate to the right politicians and like the democratic party it despises middle motorcycle it sees as fundamentally evil. now, ask yourself this are they going to promote people who believe in homeschooling? at the department of treasury, are they going to promote people who worry about the trade deficit? at the state depararare they going to promote people who don't trust the eu or the ccp? and at the pentagon, are they going to promote anyone who opposes having a woke military? of course not to any of those questions. we know that in every one of those agencies, you cannot reach the highest levels of the bureaucracy unless you buy into the woke establishment agenda. and what that means is obvious. if the american people vote for like the run of the mill president, the weestles burrowed into the bureaucracy won't cause him or her too much trouble. if the american people vote against the establishment candidate then the bureaucrats will fight the president every step of the way time and again the media told us how brave the soles democracy how bravely they fought president trump. remember alexander vindman. once again the allies of the permanent bureaucracy are trying to frighten you, saying if trump wins, the world as we know it will end. >> do you think this is a vote about whether or not we still have democracy in this country? >> it certainly is. you know, and donald trump has told us exactly what he will do. he will not abided by the rulings of the courts. he will certainly appoint people to office whether or not they can be confirmed by the senate. >> laura: oh really? she is worried about that? i didn't hear liz kick up any dust when the gao ruled that the biden administration had allowed five appointees to serve unlawfully, three of whom were still in their portions as of last february. by the way, the post all needed senate confirmation. and then even though trump left office per the constitution on january 20th, 2021. the trump derangement sufferers have to leapfrog to 2029. >> do you believe if donald trump were elected next year that he would try to stay in office beyond a second term he would never leave office. >> there is no question. >> do you think he would try to stay in power forever. >> absolutely. >> laura: forever and ever and ever. what a silly woman. notice how she never makes a positive case for anyone else or kes any substantive arguments against trump's economy? or his views on foreign policy or argue for spending cuts? does she ever do that or has she ever taken on the bureaucracy this is because liz and the 13 republicans are so think like her actually like the appearance of a democratic process. one where the government remains a system where the voters get to choose certain officials but where the permanent bureaucracy carries out the orders of the democratic party no matter which party has the white house. we know what their idea of a perfect representative democracy looks like. the doj works every channel to put the president's chief opponent in jail. the doj flags parents who protest at school board meetings and devout catholics as well. the dod purges staff who aren't on board with the woke agenda. and, of course, the atf, they try turn lawful gun owners into criminals. they censor people with bogus misinformation labels and so on and so on. liberals and completely deranged never trumpers love this set-up. and they don't want someone like trump to expose this scam. they are so funny. they try to scare voters by warning if trump wins, there would be mass resignation. >> a rot of people who would gum up efforts by trump and trump's people to subvert democracy will just simply quit in disgust or horror or whatever you want to call it from places like the justice department and so on. >> laura: bureaucrats would quit? that's a big loss. here's the bottom line, democracy should mean a system in which the voters have power in our system it's the government can be used against the people. president trump is right. that sysm has to be changed. the louder the press squeals about this plan to take power from the bureaucrats and give it back to the voters and the officials they choose, the more you can be confident that he is right and they are wrong. and that's the angle. joining us now delighted with us in the studio chris bedford executive editor of common sense society. byron york chief political correspondent for "the washington examiner" and fox news contributor. chris, is the left trying to scare people away from the polls because o of a vote for trump in their claimed view would be system as we know it? >> scare the people to the polls to get the democrats riled up. more importantly when you see them call trump caesar or napoleon or hitler justify whatever actions they are about to take to stop him. byron great long winded and terrible. >> laura: i did it on the angle friday night. glad you were watching. some of the things he laments there is that the democracy won't turn against him. the military won't turn against him. law fare hasn't worked on him. he thinks all of these are goodies. the left is trying to prime themselves look if frump and his supporters are hitler they can do anything they want to try remove him. >> laura: i'm concerned the more you call someone hitler, some people might believe that. >> that's why they do it. meaning a danger to trump. they are claiming inciting violence happened on january 6th. trump incited violence. could the argument be made by ramping up this rhetoric like they are ramping it up, they are setting trump up for someone to take a shot at him. that's what i'm worried about here. >> absolutely. people are worried about that. because of the intensity of this rhetoric. i think this latest spate of stories was brought about by a bunch of polls that we saw a bunch of weeks ago showing one donald trump beating joe biden in head-to-head matchups. then we saw beating joe biden in key swing states. a "new york times" poll, remember that. there was a huge freak out after that. this is what results from that because you have to try these voters have not responded to other appeals. so let's try it like this. kind of like at the end of 2015, if you think back. >> laura: you tweeted that out today. you are exactly right. the same sentiment is kind of settling in. when they are desperate. they are dangerous. >> but in 2015, a lot of them thought well, i guess trump is going to win the republican nominations. there is no way he can win the election. hillary clinton is going to beat him. now with joe biden so weak they are worried already. >> laura: it's not just about trump that they are smearing and, again, trying to frighten voters away from supporting common sense solutions. james carvel, who frankly should know better, said this about the new speaker of the house. watch. mike johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the united states. this is a fundamental threat to the united states. if is a fundamental threat. don't believe in the constitution. because there is a bigger threat than al-qaeda to this country. >> laura: that's an embarrassment. total embarrassment. james carville always gotten along with him. that's really embarrassing and weak. >> it's important to remember when you see these kind of prognostications. >> laura: hyperbolic commentary. >> joe biden went out and said mitt romney was going to put african-americans back into chains. this is something they have been doing forever. barry goldwater going back to the 19'6" 0s was going to push the elderly off of cliffs and bring the american people to nuclear war and destroy the american planet. psychiatrists coming out and signing an article that they put in "time" magazine saying he is setter finably insane without ever diagnosed him or met with him political violence. when you worry about the dictatorship is potentially coming, that is the risk. >> laura: by any means necessary keep the dictator out of power. that would be our duty as americans correct, byron? >> this is made worse by the particular weakness of joe biden. look at all of the polls. he is under water in everything. the american people disapprove of everything is he doing. the economy being the most important thing. and huge majorities believe he's too old for a second term. so if you are joe biden's campaign manager. if you are running the democratic party. what are you going to do? >> laura: you are willing to burn it all down. they are willing to burn it all down to stop him from becoming president. >> about the threat of maga. >> laura: do you think, chris, given everything we have heard and everything we have seen, that this next year could be a very dangerous year in the streets, again, if this continues the way it's continuing? yeah, i think it will be. 2016 mobs around washington, d.c. were burning automobiles and chasing people. once political violence let out and said ops by congress men and nancy pelosi at the time by governors when you make those peoplele loyal to law and order feel like law and order isn't protecting them and people on the other side saying law and order is the enemy. you end up with a toxic, dangerous, increasingly violence. >> maxine waters drives them out where they're. i go back to that kind of language. drive them out wherever they are. >> neps. no peace anywhere. >> i think the people of this country want peace and prosperity and common sense solutions. that's what i think people want. they just want to live their lives and have things go back to like sanity and common sense. i'm not sure this going to work this time. chris and byron, thank you. all right. three commercial ships were attacked by houthi rebels in the red sea over the weekend. as we learn a u.s. warship there shot down three drones. joining me live from northern israel is fox's nate foy, what can you tell us now? >> laura, good evening, iran's proxies continue causing chaos in the region. and putting u.s. forces at risk in this case with the houthi rebels attacking those three cargo ships and then later shooting drones at u.s. forces on board a navy destroyer. take a look at this video. it is considered escalation by houthi rebels who have launched a series of attacks. seizing a cargo ship three weeks ago. cargo ship hit each ship with anti-blame missiles. uss carner responded to help while doing that shot down three drones coming for it also fired by houthi rebels. the u.s. says it doesn't know the ultimate target of those drones but it does know who is really responsible. listen to this. >> we have every reason to believe that these attacks while they were launched by the houthis in yemen were fully enabled by iran. >> so rein's proxies laura. they are responsible for at least 75 attacks on u.s. forces in the region. just since october 17th. 36 in iraq. 39 in syria. just yesterday attack drone against u.s. troops. the iranian funded hezbollah terrorist group continues attacking israel from lebanon. it's the most active this conflict has been since the second lebanon war back in 2006. and the two continue exchanging heavy artillery tonight. earlier today, laura, we were with idf troops as they went through a drill preparing for a possible escalation where they prepared for the possibility of pushing into southern lebanon to push les terrorists back. we'll send it back to you. >> laura: unreal, nate, thank you so much. now, what does florida governor ron desantis think about florida state being shut out of the college football playoff. we will ask him later in the show. plus, "the washington post" finally comes clean about, whether a? well, that's next. ♪ shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free it's mine. you, ok? yeah, are you ok? we're fine. my serve. maybe we should stop. this pinewood pickleball champ stops for no one. we got our melons checked. she had a concussion. admitting i was wrong is worse than losing at pickleball. saving your brain is a definite win. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. ♪ >> beginning in the spring of 2022. the angle sounded the alarm about the u.s. waging a proxy war for ukraine against russia. now, we warned that our involvement would prolong the inevitable and lead to more destruction and really sadly blood shed. i wish we had been wrong. but the angle existential danger to the eu. the eu would have carried the economic burden. it is not. now there is a new expose in the "the washington post" paints a devastating and finger pointing the pentagon is blaming the ukrainian military saying the goal had gone strike before moscow was ready and then the u.s. military had been trying since mid april to get the ukrainians moving. we were given dates. we were given many dates, a senior u.s. government official said we had april this, may that, you know, june, it just kept getting delayed. then, the ukrainians are blaming the pentagon. ukrainian u.s., and british military officers held 8 major table top war games to build a campaign plan but washington miscalculated the extent to which ukraine forces could be transformed into a western style fighting force in short period. especially without giving kyiv air power integral to modern military. among the other key findings from this reporting, 70% of troops in one of the brigades leading the counteroffensive entered battles with zero combat experience. at one point the commander of the u.s. forces in europe couldn't get in touch with ukraine's top commander for weeks in the early part of the campaign. that's reassuring. now, final conclusion might be the most depressing. all ukraine has retaken only about 200 square miles of territory at a cost of thousands of dead and wounded and billions in western military aid in 2023. alone. now, despite all the evidence suggesting america led the way in negotiation and some piece the pentagon, it state department are still lying to us. today. implying that victory is right around the corner and they are smearing anyone who thinks it's time to demand negotiated settlement. >> i believe that any member of congress who does not support funding for ukraine is voting for an outcome that will make it easier for putin to prevail. that is a vote against supporting ukraine is a vote to improve putin's strategic position. that's just an inescapable reality. >> no, jake, the inescapable reality is that you are treating this not like a military campaign but like a political campaign to save biden from another failure in an election year joining me now florida congressman byron donalds, your response to sullivan, again, trying to imply that anyone who votes against more funding down this rat hole in ukraine is a putin sympathizer. >> jake sullivan is wrong. why would we be surprised? set adviser to joe biden who has been wrong at every single point throughout the ukrainian conflict. throughout what happened in afghanistan. and, of course, what is happening now with our greatest ally in the region and israel. he is wrong, but i have another message for jake sullivan and the white house, secure the southern border. that's it. if you do that, then there is people in congress who will be willing to listen and to talk to. before that's done, there is nothing to talk about. >> laura: the idea of tying more ukraine aid, given this -- everyone needs to read this story in the "the washington post." it is devastating from beginning to end. it's actually makes me really really sad and angry about what we have done in that region. but tying immigration, some immigration deal to ukraine, who why would he ever do that? as a republican party? two separate issues. i'm not tying anything to ukraine, if the administration wants to talk subject mental funding for anything, the southern border must be secured first. until that happens. >> laura: we don't have any money, congressman. >> the house appropriation bills for the federal agencies, no more, no less. got do their job. other operations world. if our border remains unsecured. that makes no sense. people's pocketbook of the people's nation. we are not going to do that. >> yesterday john kirby talked about i tying the ukraine funding to the border. watch this. >> in that letter request desperately need money for israel, also money for border security, day one of this administration, he put forward an immigration reform plan that has yet to be acted on. congress basically ignored it. if they are serious about immigration reform. they ought to take that proposal up by the president, they ought to also pass our supplemental request. >> take the deal. because we know that democrats can be trusted when they don't enforce the laws that are on the books. they can be trusted on it. immigration deal. >> john kirby will be sorry. that happened in the past. we're not doing that deal. you might as well get that one out of your mind. number two, border security does not require new money. it requires policy changes by this administration that broke the southern border. that's it. >> laura: congressman, switching gears. the oversight committee that you are obsess that in 2018 hunter biden sent payments to his father using a business account that received payment directly from china. according to the subpoenaed records. the payment were nearly $1,400 and happened monthly. hunter's defense is that he was paying his dad back for car payments. >> on what car? this is a joke. listen, one of the things, i'm from the banking industry. one of the things that we always knew is that if there were these loan agreements that were floating out there, with no actual loan document, that is tantamount to money laundering and tax evasion. trying to conceal the flow of money to somebody. and try to conceal it from the internal revenue service. joe biden has run the country for years saying everybody needs to pay their fair share. he doesn't want to pay his fair share and neither does his family. they have been hiding that money from the irs and from the american people. >> laura: are you upset that florida state didn't get into the college championship? >> oh, i'm very upset. let me be very clear, texas should not have gotten. in alabama beat the number one team in the country, got no issue with bama. texas beat alabama in week three when this is very different alabama team and oklahoma state was not as good as louisville. those are the facts. >> did you play football. >> i didn't play football. my son plays football. he plays at holy cross. >> laura: i have my alabama pin. they won't let me put it on because it will ruin my jacket. really small. i was at the game over the weekend. awesome, awesome game. congressman, great to see you. >> thank you. >> laura: ron desantis is here he is going to respond what we just talked about. florida state being kept out of the college football playoff. plus his reaction to the suggestion donald trump that he's to blame somehow. stay there ♪ hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? 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>> i'm the true conservative in the race. strongest record of actually delivering results. i'm somebody who would be able to get in there and serving two terms and actually deliver all the things that we wanted to see delivered at the national level just like did i in florida. i have more similarities on policy with donald trump than nikki haley. nikki haley really represents the last gasp of a failed establishment. register their identities on social media. i want their names. we should have unlimited immigration that's controlled by corporate ceos rather than we, the people. and, of course, she took the side of disney against me and the state of florida when it came to protecting kids from sexualization of elementary school curriculum. she is out of step with the vast, vast majority of republican voters. i think some of those elements are people really want to take the party back to failed establishment of yesteryear. we know that will not happen. >> laura: we were talking about this devastating "the washington post" takedown of the mismanagement of the war in ukraine it's a blockbuster piece. and the that the is now considering doubling and tripling down with the house on what has been declared by pretty much both sides a stalemate. what is your view given the problems already caused an encountered? >> well, we're functionally bankrupt as a country. we have massive problems here at home. you know, they have sent billions and billions of dollars to do things like pay salaries for ukrainian bureaucrats. pay for pensions for ukrainian bureaucrats. fund small businesses. doing things that american taxpayers should not have to do. and so i think that republicans need to tend to the issues that we're dealing with here in the united states. i do agree that there is a stalemate if you keep funding massive amounts of money, two or three years down the line i don't think there is much of a difference in terms of how this ends. so, biden should try to bring this to a conclusion as president i will definitely bring it to a conclusion. >> laura: now squad remember jayapal getting a lot of heat, governor, for what she said about rapes being committed and documented by hamas. watch. >> i already answered your question, danna. i said it's horrific. >> okay. >> and i think that rape is horrific. sexual assault is horrific. i think it happens in war situations; however, i think we have to be balanced about brings in the outrages palestinians. >> governor, your reaction? >> unbelievable. what they did, hamas did to the israelis, these are civilians, many of them women and children was barbaric, it was a new low of depravity. even isis didn't reach this low on some of the things that hamas was doing. when israel was responding to defend itself. they are conducting themselves with standards and law of war. you hear a lot of talk about civilians in gaza. just understand that is hamas' fault. all these civilians can be protected if hamas unconditionally surrenders and releases all the hostages. they refuse to do it israel cannot sit there with a terrorist group on its border that wants a second holocaust. they have every right to defend themselves and they should defend themselves. >> laura: finally, governor, i know you have some thoughts about florida state being left out of the college football playoffs. a lot of heartache in florida. you know i'm a bama fan, i was at the geoia game. so i might -- we might have a little disagreement here. but what's your reaction? trump apparently is blaming you for this situation somehow. >> well, yeah. so, they undefeated conference champion to be left out in favor of two one loss teams. those are good teams. don't get me wrong. the florida state and they are spot. people have said what's going -- is there anything can you do. they are actually looking to see if there is anything they can do. i don't know if there is any recourse. i have set aside a million dollars in case there is any litigation. i'm not saying there is going to be. they are looking at it. i don't think this has spoke well for college football and we will see. donald trump wants to blame me. he also took disney's side against us when we stood up for the kids. he also said cuomo in new york did covid better than we did and attacked me for being pro-life. maybe that's the reason we should have a debate on your show, laura. stop being a keyboard warrior and step up and debate one-on-one. he has a lot to say about me over the last year. say it to my face. i'm game. >> laura: you know, the rnc has their supposed rules they can't have debates that all has to go away. you need to go head-to-head with nikki haley it. will be totally fair. everyone will get a fair shot and a fair chance to speak and i know governor haley would, you know acquit herself well and you would acquit yourself well. i hope she takes our offer on that. it's an open invitation. governor, thank you so much. great to see you. john kerry makes a fool of himself at the u.n.'s climate conference. wait a second, how is that news? 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>> this is the same thing that's always been going on except accelerating it. john kerry was very clear. he wants to end basically he is talking about global coal production. keep in mind, china is building about one coal plant a week china is 50% or more of the world wanted coal production. and john kerry is talking about photos cussing on the united states chiefly and not only that but u.n. delegates here, laura are circulating a petition to get the united states to cut back on their natural gas, which has been the number one reason we have been booming in energy and number one reason we are -- the number one reason for natural gas is that we -- we literally led the world in reducing co-2 emissions because of that if you care about that. we were the world's biggest reducer of co-2 because of national guard. they are going after coal gas and going after it hard at this summit and china is getting a pass. greta thunberg will protest coal plants. you will never see greta thunberg in n china protesting their coal plants. >> laura: something on x earlier how many greta thunberg's family make in this whole thing. i have no idea. i want to play more from john kerry's comments. this happened yesterday. watch out for the hot air coming through the tv. >> i find myself getting more a and more militant because i do not understand how adults who are in positions of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. >> an 80-year-old with zero investment in our future who, you know, goes from private home, mansion to mansion, private jetting, you know, kite surfing all around the world. i mean, just ridiculous. >> he flew in, the latest reports are he flew in on a private jet. john kerry's office has a $17 million annual budget as a u.s. climate envoy which is not even approved by the united states senate. he shows up and issue as decree as though he is some kind of climate potent who says we are going to do this and do that he is unelected bureaucrat. and here's the thing. we are looking at now a 99% drop in deaths over the last 100 years. hillary clinton is here at the same summit claiming that climate related deaths heat waves are killing people. coal kills between 5, 10, 20% more according to all the studies. both kerry and hillary clinton have no clue what they are talking about. they arener fact checked. but the most dangerous thing here is they're increasing the u.n. climate fund which is going to be money spent to give to the poor world. the united states doubled down to make sure that their leaders keep them locked in poverty. they are going to prevent africa from getting cheap reliable energy like we h and then crush our energy here. >> this is the great reset summit. we didn't vote on shutting down coal. we didn't vote on cutting down gas like this. kerry is just decreeing it. lawyer the global dictatorship. they were complaining earlier that donald trump was going to just never leave office if he wins again and he is going to keep people in power that don't get confirmed. senate confirmation. and illegal appointments. that's what they're worried about trump. john kerry is running around the world he didn't have a senate confirmation but is he treated as cabinet official. how is that okay? >> they try call him cabinet level. >> laura: mark, great to see you. how fun out there. john kerry might know more about gas plus biden vs. teleprompter again. raymond arro we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free time for scene and unseen where we revealed the stories behind the headlines. biden had an event for the kennedy center honorees at the white house and that happened the other day. queen latifah got a little less than the royal treatment. >> the other movies and movies she's earned a golden globe and of prime time enemy. enemy. that's me. prime time emmy. >> laura, the man can't even read a simple commendation for an honoree at this point. how is he going to read complex foreign policy statements? the hallmark of the presidency is first voice of speech, being able to command an audience and move them. part of the presidency is also knowing where the exits are. ♪ music playing ♪ >> that exit music gets longer and longer. they need one of those leashes that they used to put kids in daycare, the little strings where the kids all stay together. he needs to stay on one of those for all appearances and events. >> laura, how did jill biden become the seeing eye first lady? she now has to drag him around. i've never seen anything like it. if any other president had done this or first lady, it would be front page news all day long. but the bidens get a pass for whatever reason. the underscoring gets longer and longer. >> we talk about someone who can't find the exit. there is more from the ultimate blowhard john kerry at this climate summit in dubai. it wasn't what he said, but what he is alleged to have done. what is this? >> this is a man, john kerry, who apparently has no use for fossil fuels or oil. i think natural gas emissions are something he's comfortable with, at least his own. listen to this. listen closely. we did not edit this. listen. >> you should not measure progress in the climate crisis just by the degrees averted but by the lives saved. i do not understand how adults who are in position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. and the reality is-- >> i heard it. >> hand to god we did not edit that. this is a guy who is intent on controlling everybody's methane emissions except his own apparently. did you notice the lady sitting there? she puts her hand up to her mouth trying to block the smell. >> it reminds me of my kids when they are in the car and then i didn't do it, he did it. she did it. it would have been funny if both of them just went like this, not us. that would have been classic. we spoke earlier about liz cheney, your buddy. did you hear what she said when she was asked by savannah guthrie about a presidential run? >> we have not ruled out rolling running for president. do envision rerun with the democrats and do some kind of unity ticket? >> i will decide over the next couple months. it will depend on where it looks like things are going with the nominations of both parties. people have to be willing to put partisans up beside. >> raymond? >> she will decide over the next couple of months? this woman has less a chance of being president. she has less a chance of being president than george santos at this point. she lost by 66% of the vote to harriet in wyoming. what chance does she have on the national stage? this is absurd. >> i don't know why cheney think she has to run on the never trumper ticket. i think you have other people out there representing you. look at nikki haley social media. check it out. >> hey guys, since the debate we have seen massive momentum in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. we can feel it on the ground. we are sitting at an airport diner. >> the airport diner was empty. where was everybody? >> if you're talking about the national momentum, it is best to have people behind you at the time. this is again the tone deaf storytelling of the entire gop. written in fast colors here with nikki haley. get some people in the backdrop. haley is scraping up the dollars. the koch brothers have dropped money on her and now democratic dono rs are contributing to her campaign according to the new york post. we will see where this goes. the momentum is less than convincing. >> she has an open invitation to debate. that's it for us ton >> carley: fbi director christopher wray heading to the hill to testify before

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