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>> how about going to. hannity and tonight, wes than are less than 24 hours away from our exclusive town hall with former president donald j. trump in davenport, iowa. by the way, if you'dall with like to join us or attend, you can sign up on "hannity" .com. it is for free.. tickets are free. anyway, in poll after polltick, as of now, president trump is now beating joe biden in a hypothetical rematch by a pretty significant margint. at this point. many polls showing it. one key reason for the numbers ,while trump's actually willing and able to participate in a real rea town hall and passionately and answer important questions of our time, biden, meanwhile, he cananwhile barely answer twr three pre-selected questions without imploding. y, the sadly, the president's mental condition is likely goinsident . get worse, not better. as it stands now, joe is not. doing well over the weekend. he looked really, really bad yet again. despite a very light workload, ork loadl managedl to struggle mightily. >> take a look. lethe brothers bound made it all seem effortless and almost magical. they described it as, quote, we'll be walking down wn the sgetherthe street togeth. >> we'll simultaneously begin to sing the same song in the begi. ey >> god love you.. i tell you, that's incredible. beforeat's inc i travel from thg to change the culture forever beforee they did.. >> and by the way, with other movies and movie thes she's eard a golden globe and a primetime emmy. emy. >> anime. that's me. primetime emmy. >> and after us, marks joe had trouble yet again attempting to steble agaip away from a pod. he looked dazed and confused, shuffled his feet untilo coax his wife was able to coax him in the right direction. righn, somebody needs to help him, just like at the bide of the unknown soldier. here we go again. o biden's only going to get worse from here. unfortunaty gee, leigh yeah, it tends to get worse and worse when you have cognitive declinee . it is degenerative. now, his reelection bid defies all logineve efies alc. i cannot think of a public appearance that your president haance thas made now in months where he's not mumbling, stumblin hg, bumbling in his speech and or dazed and confused where to go n and what to do next. and tonight, whether biden realizes it or not, he has a huge problem on the horizon as a mattermany of fact, many problems. fox news has confirmed house republican leaders,likely they will most likely push forward with a vote to initiaten impeachment inquiry next week. now, this aftet r biden ha s once again been caught in a lie, l you might recall. take a looiek. mr. vice president, how manyr. v times have you eveice r spokenus to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i've neve r spoken my son. about it overseas. i have never discussed with myid son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period. and what i will do is the same thing we did in our t administration will be anetween absolute wall between personal and private and the government. >> deo you stand by youro yo statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business? >> i stand that statement. >> now, according to newly unearthed bank records subpoenaed by the house oversight committee chairman james colmer, not only did joe biden discuss his son's business ventures, but he also received direcs sot payments from one of hunter's corporations. now, hunter biden' one ofs attorneys claim while their client was merely paying hiwhils back for a truck that hunter financed. that these mind 2018 payments were not made from hunter's personalpaymen ac. instead, one of hunter's many else's deposit hun add the money into joe's account, an account used to conduct businessccount u in china. so why did hunter pay his whs father a business account? and why did joe lie about?e ever discuss big business? foreign business deals with his son, his brother, or anybody for that matter? now, last month, cuomo revealed two very unusual checks to joenm biden from his brother, also purporting to be loan repayments. now, we've also long reported texts and emails repor from hunr complaining about having to fork over half his income o forkr halfto pops. ro another email from hunter's business partner discussing setting asidm hunte 10% for theg guy. while tony bobulinski told us who the big tony guy was. another document revealing that joe biden used his sons wells fargo account to pay bills. and of course, there fargo ac are photographs and text messages and emails and eyewitness accountotographs detailing when vice president biden had ts detai his meetings, his phone calls, his letters and even dinners. caffé milano with hunter'sreig foreign partners. now, these are not businesn pare wall street executives. instead, hunter and othecuves.r biden family members, they were raking in massive amounts , tens of millionsom of dollars from sketchy oligarchs, well-connected foreign nationals, and some of our biggest geopolitical foes like russia or china,a, ukraine, romania, kazakhstan. otheaiyou name it, and other countries. hunter biden, who admittedly hu the time was strugglingr cour with addiction, had no relevant experience at all with financehr or in the gas, coal and energy c industry getting paid millions for what? no w, that's the 20 plus million dollar question, isn't it? as hunter's former businessrmerb partner devon archer stated, they were buying access to the bideusner devon archn and pe influence over us policyn. that could well, could some maybe think about calling that potentiald some. maybe needs to be investigatednd as bribery. ok a let's look at article two, section four of our constitution. e two,the president, the vice president, and all civil officers of the united statesal shall be removed from office on impeachment forl be and conviction of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. now, here's just one example of what we're talking about. according to a u.s. senate committee on homeland security and governmental affairs report in 2014, when joe biden was vice president, hunter biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a woman, lady former first lady of moscow, alena potter rina.n oligar she's also a russian oligarch. our husband, yeah, was the mayor of moscow, but torino was known as, you know, the first lady of moscow. by the way, she wasn't sanctionedsn't with many otherih russian oligarchs after the invasion of ukraine. i'm sure just a coincidence and was one of the wealthiest people in russia. s deep ties to vladimir putin himself. and yet following russia'stin hs of ukraine, the first lady of moscow was one of the few oligarchs not targeted by jof te biden. sanctions. this reeks of corruption. remember remembeden's sar, congs a sworn duty to uphold the u.s. constitution and checkexecut the executive branch. and now there is more thaniv evidence for a trial. for once in his life, joe biden has got to be held accountable. if democrats truly believeence that foreign interference is a serious threat like they've been lecturing us over and over again, that russia collusion th danger,they present then they will join with republicans. they will hold biden's w feet to the fire. otherwise, all their righteous indignatio n has been nothingion has but frankly show. here now with more, house oversight committee chairman james comer himself. witall right, let's explain thi >> i notice the media is going after you hard, saying that waad that. >> that doesn't prove anything. that's only a loan repayment fromoe prove onl joe. it's an awful lot of loan repayments they talk about. e ti imagine, though, congressm correct me if i'm wrong, it's wa repayment when we have a record of the loan being madehave. n ab have you ever been able to getle that information? absolutely not. and of course, if you mademeon a loan to someone, you would have a check going out to that person in addition to the check coming in for the so-called lon repayment. that's what that email was. weat's wha talked about on yourk last week, sean, whe, n the bann question hunter biden aboutwhat what was the reason for the $5ln million wire from china. he apparently told the loan loa. officer it was a it was a loanth to the loan officer said, well, we're going to neee loand documentation to prove to the bank examiners it was a loan. the you have loan documentatio? he said, no. so we're supposed to believeocuo that china gave hunter biden a loan for $5 million.r $5 if you look at the m lastyments four payments that we found with passed directly to jo wey biden, they amount to a half a million dollars. and in every instance they said this was a loan repayment. and that's just hard to believeve ,sean, unless you've got documentation to prove it was wi a loan, which obviously, according to the emails from the bankais, they do not. but whether it was a loan or not, it's not important. johnn or n, what matters is the the money was paid to joe biden was directlywa through influence peddling. and now this is the second payment oris i series of paymens to joe biden that came directly from china. th disputing that even the white house isn't disputing the money to repay the whi joe , if in fact it was a loan camet a from china. okay. you say you and your committee andd all of these shell corporations, now a corporation, an llc. mately if they are legitimately doing business, you would see business activit dessy of some , would you not? have you found associated you nd with any of these shell corporations that you are describing them as? have you seen any real business have yactive, any legitimate bus activity? no. legitimategitimate activity.moso most of the shell companies don't have a single asset. agai n, was mentioned in theou bank email that we talked about on your show last week. the bank examiners said he'sid supposedly running in this shell compan he isy, an investmt firm, but they have no investments in the other shell companies. ththey don't have any assets. has.e we see lots of wires from bad people in bad countries, the world. and one reason we want to depose under biden, we want supposer bidto say what, did yoe to receive this income if it was in fact lobbying income?, iy a lobbyist for china, then that's that's called a foreignis he is agent and he's an unregistered foreign agent. and that's that's a penaltan uny of up to five years imprisonment and $250,000 fine.d and joe biden then was receiving direct benefit0 fromng an his son being an unregistered foreign agent. so you could make a strong that joe biden violated the foreign laws as well. let me ask you about this subpoena, because obviously eour friends in the media mobdo don't quite understand what a qusubpoena means. but certainly, i would argue steve bannon understands it. and petenly r understands it. >> a subpoena compels somebodybe to come into congress to be deposed. that usually takes place behind closed doors. that is the normal procedure, correced doorsthat'st? 100% that's correct. 100%. okay. and they were sayingof theme thu don't want to do that. pub the were willing to do it i blicly, but not behind closeld doors. i would assume there probably are questions you could aswosume in private in a deposition that you would not be able to ask publicly. is tha is that true, sir? that's true. >> true.yity and quantit questions in a public hearing where you have 25 members, they each, have 5 minutes each. that includes the time to ask the question. s the tii mean, you might get 3e 40 questions in if everything works out perfectly in arfec depositiontly., we can ask six, seven, 800 questions to hunter biden. and look, we have over 20 shell companies. wee over 20 shell have 20 pluss of bank documents. we expect to get 82,000 emails in pseudonyms. we have lots of specific we need questions that we need to ask the president son and the president's brother. and you just don't have enough e entime in a public hearing. pb we will have a public hearing and these depositions hearingwill essentially be puble because there will be transcripts and we will vote. en >> so you will need to train to be clear, you're willing to have both . now, let me go to the issue of energy and oil, because they seem to come into play big time in terms of this business enterpris come. jo we know joe bragged that he spitraged the billion dollars and despite of what obama administration policy was e obamaicand in october of 20155 that joe talked to burisma executives with his son while they were in dubaia five days l before he leveraged $1,000,000,000 to get evonrsthe prosecutor. we know the process. we know burisma executives needed washington, d.c. help or the biden brand, as devin archer referren brand d it.thatj and we know that joe gotoe guy the guy fired in 6 hours meant and that man is son continue to get paid. he had no experience and apparently was addicted, a admittedly addicted to drugs at the time. and thendd a in the case of cfc, the oil and gas giant outnd of china right directly related to the chinese, the communist chinese. ese, t that's the whatsapp message. that said, i'm sittingha here h with my father. why have you not fulfilled what we've asked you to do t fulfil and a threat is made and we. expect a call. wh happened five days later, but $5 million was sent to one of those accounts, correcwhen $t? >> that's one. so so what? so if you don't have any experience in that field of endeavor, why would you make millions of dollars? can someone explaie of dn that to me? no, that's what we want to heara t from biden. what exactly did you do? what services did you provid di not just with burisma, but also with the chinese? weno know, according to tonynow bobulinski, who was also supposed to be in onacco t that, they wanted to come in and t, n amuying interes american companies, energy companies in particular. but therer. e are laws that prevent that. so they hired the bidens to help them navigatthat. eigate the bureaucracy, to help them open doors that were shuthd opet to anyone related to china. so the bidens were essentially to work for china. that's what the company was. all right. that joethe comp was going to g% up. and we proven that joe biden, $40,000 check came through that entity wher 000 chece biden was supposed to be 10% owner, just like tony bobulinski said. >> all right. chairman corman, thank you. we appreciate ite to. now to breaking news out of the weaponized and politicized fbiff of joe biden. a brand new report from revealing that the bureau's targeting of catholics was far worse thanng the fbiaveo director wray would have you believe as a part of its u federal fishing expedition ino so-called traditional catholics. the fb expei apparently, in turn, interrogated at least one priest and a choir director. the latest on this is the chairman of the very important house judiciary committee. jim jordan is with us. chois r director really? so how bad did this get?et well, first they told us it wast just one field office, the richmond field offic oe. then we learned that, oh, no, no, it was bigger than that. it was multipl e field offices involved in this attack on pro-life catholiclveds. yo and now we learn, as you pointed out, sean, that the fbi was talkinoug to a priest and a choir director. now, again, remember the larger contexector.t. t sp this is the same fbi that spied on president trump's campaign. one same fbi that censored americans. this is the same fbi on this particular issue that went to marc houck's home, a pro-lifepartic catholic, arred him in his home in front of his wife and seven children. when that case goes to court. marc houck winen thas, whichs ho is that's how ridiculous this all is. solous t that's what our report spells out. >> congressman, let me ask. i wasn't being squarthey were w. so you subpoenaed documents you subpoenaedth show there was no legitimate basieys for the memorandumum t to insert federal law enforcement into catholic houses of worship. >> then why did they do that? >> there's this whole mine never when joe biden stood in front of independence hall, talked about how one half of the country is fascist. so it's this wholeth mindset. if you're if you're pro-life, if you're a traditional catholicre, somehow you're radical, somehow you're an extremist. remember, this is partyoe radic the justice department that said, if you're a mom and dad going to a school board dag tomeetin g, you're an extremist as well. so this is the mindset. this is what's so scar iy and this is why we don't want to give him more money for a new headquarters and why m more mwe've formed this commie to look at all the things they have done in this area and of course, in the censorship area. >> can i ask you, in light of what happened in the summer of 20 2574 riots, dozens of dead americans, thousands of injured cops, it was bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails, billions in property damage. there was no committee set up for those riote was, congressma. >> and yet we're using limitedue resource was of of the fbi for this. that's that's that's the what they're investigating. why didn't they use the videotape? all those people in the riotss f in the summer of 2020 and have a committee, the januaryuary six committee? right. because we've been consistent. been consistent. we have condemned violence. every time it's happened, we said it wa.olences wrong in the0 of 2020. and those who committed violence on january six, w20t e said that was wrong. but here's this fbi. i use the example again, a marc houck praying in front of an abortion cliniprc. his >> they decide to go into his home arrest. he was willing hhe was wil to t. in. >> his counsel said so. and they go into his home they go arrarrest him in fronte and children. that is not how you're supposed to operate in this great country. again, it's why we're doing the work we're doing and making we get the facts out theret th and begin to change its behavior. >> can wtoe can you tell me whyw invohow this is happening? when you think of the fbi's involvement and, you know, in terms of in the lead upf to the election in 2020 and the fbi was meeting months beforeigc with all of the big tech corporations warning them they may be victimhs of a disinformation campaign about joe hunter biden. and lo and behold, they by the way, they knew rudy giuliani had a copy,y of hunters laptop. they knew that story was going to break. thennew that when facebook and r ask for confirmation, is this real or not, they would notey answer when in fact, they knew it was absolutely real. why do you think they did that? and why is not anybody being held accountable? why is the fbi h in now for two presidential cycles in a row in the case of james comey com protecting hillary in emails, etc.? why? wh protng hillay is the fbi gettind in our elections? i think the reason they diions?d that particular case is because it involved involved joe biden's son. it's thes becaus same.e we have a five year investigation into hunter biden and they had to go to a specia a fl after five years of investigate. i actually think that whole, i think that have gt away with it. i think it all been cleared through. but two brave whistleblowers who, by the way, are going to get more information to the ways and means committee tomorrow. but for shapley and ziegler, means comm i think they get away. and for that judge in delaware, i think the reason they did it all wa wass because it wasidens. about the bidens. that's the whole point here. that that that that is why i think they did it. and it was worse yet, sean,o wa the u.s. attorney in pittsburgh, who was supposed who was supposed to be the clearingsuosed house for all information in 2020 relative to hunter biden and ukraine. when we depose mr. brady. i askedus that when him, i said, when did you find out about the laptop? and you think that's pretty important informatiothat in. they told the u.s. attorney, who was supposed to be the guy in our government who filters that information, clears it. i asked him, what did you learn about the laptopkeid you he sain the story went public. >> did the fbi in in 2016 protect hillary clinton? ste they applying a different standard in terms of classified information? now to donalanterms ofd trump, r one. and in 2020, when they were were talking to big techcompan companies, did they censor informatioie tn, they knew was true? did they actively work to do that? we have 20 they kept it fromthih scott brady. >> so i sure think they did. and of course, in 2020 it wasn h worse than what you describe because they spied on presidente trump's campaign, for goodness sake. >> unbelievablnte. i >> i just this has to be fixed if we're going to ever have justice under the law. jim jordan, thank you, sir. well, coming um p, more disturbing examples of anti-semitism. coall across the country, including from members of congress. first, a quick programming notge to don't forget, tomorrow night, davenport, iowa. sign up. iowa town hallmo. trump. >> hannity .com tickets are free . >> shfor unded the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment. >>moderateo-severe she's been l. so, too, is the first of its li kind once dailthy for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear almost clear skin. it's like the feeling it's like the feeling of finding your back is back. >> we're finding psoriasisto get can't deny the splendo mr these thighs once daily so tick to incl clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take it. yoserious inincludin to.s in cer >> serious reactions can occur so you can lower your ability so you can lower your ability to fight infection tb, serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems kidriglycer and changet labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an tell your doctor if you have an infection, liveru is ar. problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. or had a vaccine or plan to. so taks. two inhibitor. tick two is part of the jak family. it's not known u for cl as a . two has the same risks as jac inhibitors. fine, but plaque psoriasis clean hiding? 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there's no moral claritye terro don't know. anyway, take a look at this exchange between radical squad t knowmember jayapal and cnn's l bash. take a look at thi s. i was >> okay. with respect, i was just asking aboun. l. the womeas you turned it back to israel. i am in fact.>> iout i already answered your question, dana. i said it's horrific. rific. and i think that is horrific. sexual assault is horrific. i think that it happens in war situations. terrorists. organizations like hamas obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. 15,000 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes. three quarters of whom and it's our women and men. >> it's horrible. anbut you don't see israeli soldiers. well, danai so, i think we're ni we're not i don't want this to be the hierarch dony of oppression. >> john paul's comments sparked oppr backlash even from fellow democrats. and as more and more evidence of allegations and frankly, all evidence coming ougations ts assault by hamas terrorists come to light,ists com israeli s gal gadot literally is takin g stand, saying the world has failed women. meanwhile, disgustin world hasgt of anti-semitism there are soaring across this country itism and across world, this tie in a disturbing story out of pennsylvania, disturb a telld a jewish owned restaurant, quote, you canaurant, hide, wee you with. just hours after a u. penn student call for intifada. here with reactioned all project ceo brooke goldstein and former senior adviserdstein a to presit trump, stephen miller. brooke, let me start with you. o we now have forensic teams that have been examining tthe bodieseams of israeli womn killed by hamas. what they have found is widespreas. d rape and torture r and mutilation. itape an is even worse than weeg thought in the beginning. but to try and create a moralat equivalency between innocent women, innocent kidski being killed and at a concert even babies beheaded at with the terrorist organization. how do you how do you even attempt have moral equivalency here? there is none. and from an international laww perspective, the rome statute theis very clear. sexual violence used as a war tactic is a crime against humanity, for which there is no. justification. and yet this is being used g usedthroughout islamist world. bashar al assad, for example, is using it in syria. we saw isi s use it in iraq against yazidi women and we see hamas use it not just against agt their ownr owins people there. >> hamas has gone around a and the systemic of palestinian women so that they are shamed and then they recruit them for suicidee a attacks. w and what we saw with the congresswoman really was display a stunning display inseof insensitivity and really showed the true colors of the progressive of thedemocr democratic party. they don't care about women. arty carthey don't care about my rights. she can't even bring herself e can't to unequivocally condem of women in a war context. d and that is because of the politicization of the humanpolii rights movement and human rights organizatio of the n such as u.n. women, which it took eight weeks for them to condemn this. >> they have become the mouth pieces of radicalization because their hatred of the jewish people and the jewish state is so great that they anve lost all context and all credibility. >> what are you? how do you explain to stephen miller, you even can, why this should be an issue of clear moral clarity here? israel didn't start this war. israel didn't want thi dids war is where israel will win this war. in my viewl win this war i, onle they have to. they have gone to extraordinary lengths. lea dropping leaflets, hitting cell phones, doing everything possible telling the innocent people in gaza where they can go to specifically where they will be safwhe, in other w words, that they will not attack those areas. atwhat do we expect israel to dn especially when their very morvival is at stake? because most people don't seem to know that in hamas's own charter it calls for the destruction of israel. >> hamas is committed to the extermination of jews in the jewish state. h >> no nation in history has done more to try to minimize rise civilian casualties in prosecuting and war that israel and fewf organizations in all of history have done more treo terrorize, target and mutilate innocent civilians than hamas. that piece of tape you played from congresswoman jayapal could be one of the most heinous tapes, clips ever hearde from a member of congress. she even lightly chuckler consw in her answer, talking about how we have to be balanced her we. y of >> we don't have a hierarchy of oppression. right. oppression.we hav have to put ts kind of context. >> these are things that happen e arings thain war. sh the fact that she cannot state clearly, plainly, y, unequivocally, with outrage that hamas is , brutalization, attacks, predation of jewish woman is a monstrous and an evil. the fact that she can't saythe facannotthat makes unfit not onm be a member of congress, but to have any role in public life in this country whatsoever. the democrat party , sean, hasanti-s an antisemitism problem. it has an anti problem. emand has an anti-americanism problem. and that piece of tapeand anti-s it. >> last word, brooke. t word, >> well, i think he's absolutely right. and it's time for a reckoning. the american people must stand up. this is not just a jewisthh issr . this is an issue for all americans. and we faclle a national securiy threat when our leaders are radicalized. teache and now the teachers are radicalized on our college campusesed. >> we all must be concerned about this. all right, brook thise, thank you. stephen, thank you. all right. now, also tonight, crime continues to soar in america'ssi liberal cities. and as usual, the whitle i house seems to have no solutions. here's what white house press secretary cornyn's jean-pierreya said earlier today. >> look at this. in the meantimre e, president biden and this administration will continue to use every tooden and l at,ato our disposal, disposal, to keep communities safe. okay. only words are tone deaf. only.comments came after two security guards. afte one fatallyd, ,during an attempted shoplifting in philadelphid,a. macy's in philadelphia. and new data showing there havpe been over 900 carjackings in our nation's capital so far this year. here with reaction is the host of tomi lahrenyear. is fearlessn on outkick tomi lahren, former f white house chief of staffea. reince priebus. you know, you look at this,to you look at the tommy, you look at the smashmi, yo grab robberi. you look at crime soaring. you know, we compared this during our. a blue state red state debate. and the reality is, in statesn t like new york, californiesa, illinois and new jersey, these in the case of california versus florida, you knowrnia ve, homicide, murder. ho at the you look three of those, it's twice it 400,000er capita, in a liberal state. why is tha0 int phenomenon happening? use of well, it's happening because of poor leadership. and i got to say, sean, i'y th a fantastic debate. of hve the graphics because governor couldn't get out of his own lies when you showed the graphics right in fronou t of his face, the statistics that don't lie. >> but i'll tell you this, we'v don'te this since 2020, the whole framing of lawlessness as justice. we've tried the buckwildce approach and it has not woed. so it's time to institute ite. tough lov >> a lot of these carjackings are being perpetrated by young people, by teenagers who don't have a lot of guidance in their life. and unfortunately, these teenagere in thes, to get a dose of tough love. they need to be locked up because if they are no need totd up now and they don't face real consequences now, the rest of their livesand don'ces now ge a life of crime and a life of felonies, and it's going to b felony.e far worse. >> so it's not rocket science. r it's not science at all. if you wanocket to fix lawlessns in these blue cities, you start locking people up and you keepae them there until the jobepl th is done e. >> that sends a powerful message and it needs to begin there. let me ask you, reince priebus,e talk about defund, dismantle the policein like in california. they talk about reimagining policing more will send in psychiatrists. if somebody is paranoid orranois a paranoid schizophrenic. i'm not sure that person's not izophrencapable of being violen. i think they would be. i think that's dangerous. but more.k importantly, when you look at the the numbers, the statistics, they don't lieat . numbers don't lie. add to that, foradd exampleto f you if you institutionalize lawbreaking. y citi sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, those that not contributeesrystates, to the ia that laws don't seem to matter or you don't punish people or. u >> nnio bail laws. >> you're 100% right. i mean, safety and security is a public investment. when leaders fail in the area of safety and security, people will lose trust in you and time you are usingword the right word, which is lawlessness. and the left has perpetrated wh lawlessness throughout this country. and it's not jusess throt just the lawlessness that, you know, is indicated in this crime, you know, violent crime, theft, but it's the lawlessness at th e a l border. it's lawlessness when it comes to fentanyl. it's lawlessnesslessness when is to blm and actually condoning and actuwhat blm. it's lawlessness when it when it comes to attacking speakers on campus and allowing it to happen. it's lawlessness. when you say that men can s lawlesaycompete against women in sports, it's saying there are no rules. it's all lawlessnesss re. and as bill parcells says, you are what your record says you ar par aree. and the democrats on this. and it's the big picturedemocrae of lawlessness that that is become acceptablere to the ih democrats and the liberals in this country. >> well, it should be isasue. big issue. but, you know, every time i read something, i hear that abortion is going to be d someth the defining issue in 2024. >> you agree with that, tommy? well, it's going to be a big issue, that's for sure. and we need to pay attention to that. but i think we failed as a republican party in 2022 in the midterms by not highlightingy lawlessness, as ryan said everywhere, lawlessness at the border, lawlessnesshestr in our streets, lawlessness at stores where you have to lock up toothpaste. we didn't highlightewhered enouc but average americans see it every single day, whether they vote democratan orican republican. so it's up to republicans to provide a solution. we can't just say everything'sio horrible. we have to outline a planut of how we're going to support law enforcement, how we're goinline ag to get rid of active days. there's a couple of candidates that have done it and many that havs have done not. >> it's time to highlight that because we can't affordusee to lose in 2024. >> last word, reince priebus . >> well, 60 1% of voters put cri crime at the top two of their issues. 75% of oldert americans, 81% of black americans have had enough. there are plentyamericanhave hay on television showing black activists acrosshey have america saying that they've had enough. and so i do think it's a major issue, and i think it's going to play a big role in 2020 for law and order safety and security. it's simple. it's a prerequisite if you want to pursue happiness. sue happy that simple. all right. thank you both, ryan. thank you, tommy. thank you. up nexu bothup next, nomics has to catch on, and it sounds like it neveround will.e no why democrats, they are now running as fast as possibl e away from it, even joe himself. we'll check in with brian greenberg straight aheadww . >> find me a pot of gold streaming exclusively on fox nation show. me, the green. the robertsons are back with all new episodes in half moon full of new adventures. >> did you come from new finds, wooly mammoth and new legacies? 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premiers january 2nd on fox 11 gershkovich as parents speak out on fox and friends. >> now call 1-800- 8279797. that's 1-800- 8279797. >> all right. it's very clear democrats are now trying to ru n far away from the term biden-nomics. joe has not used the word biden-nomics in any speeches for over a month . e wa he used it a whopping 101 times. now, his staff still uses it occasionally. but other democrats like the triple c, they have allegedlother dey now sworn off a completely. even biden's best buddy, while a congressman jim clyburn said he's not a fan and makes e by talking about biden nomics all the time. all joe is doingt is admitting he is responsible for the current economic mes s. 18 we are in 18% inflation sincein he took office. interestflatio rates sky high, a frozen housing market that nobody caa frozn afford tgt into homes. new home construction has come to a halt and sale of preexisting homes at the lowest levels in decades homes,a according to axios. things are so bad that many americans now in up giving up the idea of ever even realizing american dream in the country. and they are moving to other cos instead placing, you know, obviously their dollars places wherelars the dollars they believe will go further. go fn is the reactioill co-host of the big money show on the fox business network. brian greenberg.n br all right. he uses it. obviously, this was the phrase probably.viousl poll tested focs group phrase that that they thought would get him elected since june. he uses it 101 times.ants now nobody wants them to use him it. the triple not using it. joe hasn't used it in over't a month. so used it why obviously it's nt working. yeah, well , they're thinking maybe if we don't say the word, people won't notice anymory e how tough things are. i mean, if you want to knowif how little the bidenw thinksadi of the average voter, look of tg. they're doinst this changing the word doesn't change anything because the policy is still the same. the policy is still spend your way into inflation. interest rates through the roof, can't get a home, terestcan't ge rhrough tt a carn i mean, john kerry was out o there once again showingutt us exactly what biden nomics is when he says, heys., i wanti' to ban coal? >> i don't want you to be able to use coal anymor you te. hat e i don't know what he thinks is going to power she electrical plant that power those evs. maybe he's got something else in mind, but the fact is reality has snuck up on biden nomics. t at it cut it out at the knees. and now americans are saying, i don't carew what you call it, i don't like what you're doing. would you please stop? you're doing, sir. chan, the problem is, how do they change course and is there any desire to change course? i'll get to the climate issueim and kerry in the next segment. hobut honestly, i don't see how they change course. they'vnee adopted this, you kno, radicalized new greethn deal, radical socialism. it gave us 2 trillion in new debt last year. our only hop lase the republicans in the house can finally, maybe possibly actually unitite behind maybe two big issues. one would be spending and a ending deficit spendingback and getting back to eventually u at least a plan to a balanced budget. dg and the second one would have to be borders. but again, they have such a thin have su majority, they ct seem to get enough people to agree on anyenough of these big topics, which should be republican on topics. need yeah, they're going to need a republican president if they want to get any of that stufa t if the to tf biden has no intention of changing course. that's why he's changingbide nae if he wanted to changeif the policy, he'd change hthe policy. he's changing the name because he doesn't want to change the policy o ther more accurate his handlers don't want to change that policy. that'spolicy os the green stuft slowing down. the mandates aren't slowing down. the aren't slowing down. sean, this is the point you have an administration that thinks economics is pr and pr is, and that's whys the united states has the economy. economics.. . you need a presidentd who understands how an economy works, how wealtwhh is created, how prosperity is created, how opportunity is created. iso and it's not created with a slogan and a bad slogan. at that. when you name things people don't like after whple, it's generally a bad idea. that's what this president has done. but it is so that's deeper than the terrible name of biden comicsn th and you know what? look at this. look at the stats. you know them better than i do. m betti dolook at the average aa look at how they're living paycheckre lg to paycheck. over 60% of americans, they can't make ends meet. and americans even now for bare necessities, they're putting things on theiamr barer credit h cashing in their retirement accounts early with a big penaltiny. that's getting to be a big issue for people. how do you recover fro peoplem that? >> you can't unless you get y. ple's wages reall again, america is in debt. the government's in debt, and peoplethe go are in debt and people know they're in debt and they're borrowing to get by. you got to grow their incomes. i remember us growing incomes a few years agot tgrow theo, ses wasn't under biden-nomics. >> that's trueyears socialism,y form, any name, anysocial ismanifestation always ends the the same way. broken promises, more poverty and a loss of freedom every time. all right. thank you,a er brian premo. appreciate it. all right. straight ahead tonight, liberal ighthypocrisy on full display at the un's climate change conference in dubaimatei. yeah, and john kerry just declared coal plants shouldn'tye be permitted anywhere in the world. i'm sure china i i'm suree they're going to be willing participants in his lunacy. >> straight ahead, we'll check in with mike huckabee. >> a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on. zach cam is the number one shortening brand. highly recommended people love scams. you need to think formula. it shortens colds zach can shorten that cold do you have too much body fat? 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the engine of business around the world, the lifeline of the world's economy? why would we be so stupid? and that guy seems to get it.tht the head of th ge conference. >> i don't know if you knowheado this, sean, but johnf kerry is actually the chairman of the college bowl playoffhe, and hete was the reason that made the dumb decision to takear florida state out. >> that's just how smart this by the way, they went undefeated to.derdef yeah, totally undefeated. i mean, they got robbed and thea ee u.s. u.s. is getting robbed if john kerry gets his way becausee we get 20% of our electricity from coal. by the waycoal, that gets almost 38%. so you take coalalmost completet of it just abruptly because john kerry wants us toy beca, and suddenly you're not going to have enough electricity to power those goingve enoug els that joe biden wants us to go out and buy. jo out and buy. at least john kerry, windsurf over to dubai. i'm sure he didn't take a jet because that would have up a lot of fossil fuelthat wou. but my question for all these guys, why not? they just have a zoo tm meetingh like the rest of us end up having to do. i mean, it would be sous much would more efficient and they wouldn't be blowing gas all over the earthn' l over. >> you know, it's funny you say that because all the private t that are flying in there and i don't know, i don't care. thanknow, thk god.n go f >> jet engines. we can go from herroe to thereht to everywhere and all thesen thi people flying in on their private jets and yettire the head of this entire conference says there's no e saysscience, the demand to phe out fossil fuel. and johnasou, the one saying, wn i'm the militant on the issue. well, he's more the militantsay >> but i mean, it's just stupid. well, a gas is basically defined is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. and i think that's what happened. this guy tolthat's what d the th and then everybody got mad at him because he said, don't you know, we're not supposed u kned to to do that? we're supposed to lie. we're supposed to tell everybodosed ty that they have to quit using fossil fuels. >> but let's not tell china, india, our firm, let's don't tell iran that. >> yeah. as if they'd listen to johnes i kerry, the militant. that's not happening. he's been flying in private jets his entire adult lifey mil. governor huckabee, good to see you, sir. thank you. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. don't forget, tomorrow night. davenport, iowa, exclusive town hall, former president donald j. trump justort, go to hannity .cf you want to join us. tickets are free and live audience showsfree in new york d wednesday and thursday. again, tickets are freaye. s hannity .com. we'd love to see you there. hope you catch a footbalpe youlo in the meantime, set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troublr my >> greg gutfeld is nexout to put a smil

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