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jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. alon smith and will cain. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five ron desantis and gavin newsom throwing down in th e epic red versus blue state debate on "hannity". >> the two hige h profileh governors talking trash for months and finally getting the chanceinally to hammer each other's record face to face. >> they tx much, they regulate too much. they have a political agenda. the for aa good climat business. >> they've lost a lot of companies. california dominates sizable l 21 state populations combined,o. the fifth largest economy in the world. he had the kids locked out omy in td the the teachershers union that is having a generational impact.k the last guy you want to talk to on the immigration line, ts migrants promising them jobs and housing, sending them an island, martha's vineyard. >> well, this is an app where they plos whert the that are ff on the streets of san francisco . the two also taking some vicious personal shots at each other. >> i can handle it. i'm used to bullying. t eachyou're nothing but a bully you're understand that til tell a blizzard of lies to beou able to try to mask the failures. >> you're trolling folks and trying to find migrantg tost to play political games, try to get some news and tension so you can out trump, trump and you by the way, how's that going for you, ron? you're down 41 points in your own home state. yourhe just throwing stuff outth to see what sticks against the wall. this is a slick, slippery. politician. >> i will take >> joe biden at 100 versus ron desantis any day of week at any age. >> desantis and newsom trading jabs over their future political ambitions. out are you going to drop out l and least give nikki haley a shot to take down donald trump in this nominationnikki ? >> she laid you out.t it you just won't admit it. you will not admit it. well, i know, guys, gentlemen, that you're running. i don't know how many times i can say just making stuff up about a shadow campaign. what biden and harris and newsom wan y this, ng tt do is takee cali the california model and do that nationallndy. one thing in closing that we i have in commonn is, neitherr of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. judge jeanine pirro, you've been chomping at the bit all day wanting to this off off your chest. >> what's going on? tell you something. he is a mean spiriterest.d, pety guy. >> and i know, i know. obviously greasy gavin. okayy greasy. >> that's my new name for him. you know, the thing that the diing thg i found most offensive was one that really didn't have a lot to dd o with. it's when he interrupted ron, when he was talkinn g about joeh biden and the teachers union and kamala harrians, and he interrupted, i don't know if we have that sound, guys. wherhat sounuys,e he says, by t, it's not kamala harris. shame on youno it's kamala.t's - it's kamala. it's madam vice president to won you. >> stop insulting that woman. i mean, talk. about petty. but then the thing is that every time they brought up the bureau of labor statistics,e the census, the cdc, he madehe d sean hannity made gavin newsom the liar that he is. i mean, the taxes in california, the people leaving california and then telling people that you've createeopld jobs because you're allowing them to return to the jobs you locked them out of unconstitutionally during the lockdown is a straight out lie. >> so the bottom line is, here's a guy who destroyed the city of san francisco became the governor of the state of californisan fra and nw he's destroyed the state of california wants to be president of the unitef califotk people saw him for a petty, slimy guy. >> did newsom win on style or wn substance or neither? >> well, good to see. well, thank you.t th i'd say a couple of things. i thought both of them did well last night. i thought of the facts as it relates to mr. desantis, a state he was able to get some of those things out around covid in taxes those. i thought that governor newsom was able to get a lot of thing s out about his state. i do think some of the numbers around people that havumberse me there and jobs being created, i don't think we get the full picture. i thought bothld i thought th od their hardest to share that vision. >> we didn't get a real visiont of or should say we didn't understand how that vision would translate to them being presiden uhow itt. g sure i thought shawn did a great job of making sure this was t about these states giving giving both of these governors an opportunity whose states had beenunity wh in the spotlight, y so, during covid, after covid. but how they've respondeduringd how they what kind of resiliency their economy is showing in their people, re. howing so i thought that was thought that was positive. now, to your question about the ste, thought that governor newsom, who's a good looking guy, presents well and presented a strong way, found his probably found the better of governor desantis in some of those exchangesantist because he for whatever reason, seemed to be, i thought, a little more prepared where i thought governor desantis was more prepared. >> he countered with substance at timesgovernor desanti and ma. and i thought that in many ways allowed the counter in the balance to be struck. but i thought the two most telling and revealing and memorable lines for me, wil when we showed one of them, we said neither of us will ben 2024 the nominee in 2024. and i think sandra and i might have reacted to that a bit. tod ink thati republicans have, i think, realized on a national level this issue of women'sue o health and reproductive rights callabortionf reprodu, we uniquy and succinctly call it this issue is not going away. and you've got i think that if the national party is and republican side is unable to get a better answer than what governor desantis gave last night, i think it's going to be hard. >> least he gave an answer .. well, so the only electoral list you're right and i'm not going to quarrel with you on thaold: it, but i do know tha the only thing i can point to is what the voters are saying. and just three weeks ago in kentucky, in ohioeven, two republican states voters said that abortion was a big issue for them. so overallissuer them can both . they're both patriotic, they're both passionate, and neitheboth bplusesr will be the nominee. >> you know, jesse, i'm concerned because i think gavin newsom is a very effectiv e prolific, easy, sociopathic liar, and i thinklln he does an excellent job of lying. i think desantis won the debateh because he had reality and facts on his side. e s onbut newsom would haveu you believe last night that theb california economy is booming, that people are moving from floridoo.ina to, california, tht was the most open state during covid. , hehe would have you believe a completely false reality that i do think desantis wass ws capable of pushing back on. >> but newsom doesble of p it wn ease, and i'm not concerned with people that already like desantis. ed witi'm not concerned with trc voters. i'm not even concerned with newsom voters ooncerned wi. >> i'm concerned with casual, casual news watchers, casual voters that tune in. and all they see is that slicker authority. i don't know if it's true or not. he's diced some stat. it's impossibl ae to parse. he was full of numbers. nut judge, he was full of moralizing as well. how would you dare demea ann lgt lgbt community as you ban books? there's the li they are random o 3000 books and then moralize about demeaninokg and themigh casual viewer might just walk away from that slick presentation going, hmm, okay, sounds like he knows what he's talking about. >> yeah, that'bouts why? it's a debate, though. and desantis showed up with facts and that was pretty easywh. you can make the case that he won before he even got on the stage. when you present facts , like,n gas prices, almost five bucks. and in california,fornia, theyl over $3. in florida, you look at the economy in florida, much the situation, you've got people paying $5,400 in per capita taxes, over 10,000 in california. yeah, you've got the deficit soaring in california,cit soar 1 billion. florida is running a surplus aer of over 17 billion. you've got this population migration, which was reallthis a someone like desantis to fall back on. i think it came upck. i think we all heard it multiple times come up454,00 of 54,000 people left florida between 2021 and 2022, 700 sorry, 750,000 left california, 450,000 went to florida. perhaps the the line of the togh t was the story that hook, line and sinker. , and sip that he wasfled talking to a gentleman who fled california for florida. ita to be newsom's fathern news in law. the timing on that was pretty spectaculaom's fathee tir. rs w who won the night? the voters will certainly decide. the americany decide public will decide. i think there were some really interesting substantive moment ss and we all win for this conversation happening in the first place for this debatappeni even happening. kudos to sean hannity. great job. i thinngk there were some really substantive debates that happened up there. and i think people learn somethinsubstas ankg about each, each governor. >> yeah, kudos to sean and kudo ps to harold ford jr who said gavin newsom was handsomeharold f and.and >> i respect that. your bravery from coming out comi you veryat, thank much. >> are you trying to say something? i'm not i'm not doing. >> you said i love you. i love you. more coming up, dirt ly got busted censoring conservatives and they just admitted ready they're ready to do it again. and you see you see every part . you see and you won. >> the winter play was really coming together until disasterue struck. perf costumes were shipped with fedex, which means mr. harvey could picture the perfect night. we're delivering more happy for the holidays. i see. had ice works fast heat makes it less feel the power of contrast spirit so you can 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they're not securing their flagging in the social media companies under the only version 35% of a first amendment or share. dment -- iit's not the first am. it's the terms of service, as you said, and their flagging it for the social media companies to make their own decisions. eir own decisithat is not the ft amendment. >> that is the terms of service. . but congressman dan goldman was not done there. gohe now claims the hunter biden laptop. >> >> is it real? you have no idea. you know, hard drives can manipulate it. are you suggesting the new york post participateey ared a conspc to construct the contents of the hunter biden laptopti? is no, sir. the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by rudy giuliani for russia. what's the evidence in that? napkins? well, there is actual evidenceie of it. >> but the point is, it's there's no evidence. so you're engaging in a conspiracy oou engaged, glenn.ah >> oh, jesse, are you concerned about you just heard there. i am. big brother. used to just want to liste, bigy to us and now they want to tape our mouths shut. well, actuallyt to, 35% of our mouths. >> could you imagine? this was like a speechr mouths,h >> because that's what it feels like. you know, i get to say? 65% of what i think, but thee rest government gets to take the rest. >> no, no, no, no, no, no. govesaying the government is into tyranny ,but i think they're comfortable with it because they've already censored. they've alreadauselreadyy gaggey already arrested donald trump. they're trying to replace me a, a robot. >> they're trying to boycott and bankrupt our companies. so at a certain point, that makes me think they're into democracy, because the best part about democracy is we're givinin emocracyg theseto politicians power to represent us. >> we're not giving them power over us. >> they work for us. >> we have power over them. and the supreme court made it clear. the constitution's made it free clear. >> you can't abridge free speech yet the democrats sayiout on live televisionech, m saying, yeah, let's go. this is crazy. they're calling its . but it's actually just coconversation we're all havincg and we just have a great conversation. >> you remember in the colonial times, you used to just have thesenialmes he wos that would print the ridicule against the church or slaveryav or the kinorg, and it would have this great conversation in the country and. and the >> then we had television, and then they had these tv license, three medians, and corporations, and now we just have the interneent. >> so the government can just go through the back door of the internetternet a and hit kill s. >> no, that's whno, thy i'm goig to start street preaching. wow. okay. well, we look forward to tha th sandrlook fort. >> judge, are you sick of a leak? are you concerned that this is happening more ans isenind i? >> matt point and both sidesge that what these people are saying is that the governments th has the ability to skew americans viewe abs based upon their own politics. and what taibbi and schellenberg were talkings about is in 2019 and 2020, elring the presidentia9 and 20l election, we saw it happen. we saw the heads of the fb happ their our intelligence russunit andy, you know, that te laptop was russian disinformation. >> but what was most concerning was that they said it was not just in the united states with the fbi jus the cia homelan and homeland security, that it was with the u.k. as. >> well. and if you think back in 2016,in who did hillary go to to get russian disinformation on donald? went t >> she weno t to christopher steele, who was a spy in thewho in the u.k.. so it's not just in the united states. it's -- it's with our so-calledr partners in great britain. ners ibut this guy, dan goldmanr is dangerous because he thinks that takinoug away 35% of free o speech is okay because he isin couch. >> it adds in terms of ofe comp the company, whichan is nonsense . it's b.s. and he's saying that that laptops saying is reay you know, that hard drive may not be legitimate. ed it may have been manipulated because it might have been manipulated. beemanipulathere might be martp there watching us right now. >>righ but because it mayt is, be doesn't mean that it is. >> and unless you show actual manipulation, you cannot try to calm the american publicrd into thinking that that hard drive is not the rea thl drive,hen hunt especially when hunter biden admitted it was his and denyinadmittg laptop. harold did that.y did that surprise you byf co representative of congress? >> so it did a little bit. i love exchanges like this and with before congressional oe committees, oversight committees, because i think when you get too smartrsigcommit with fact based arguments going back and forth that theyoing they were yelling, it got a little noisy, but it was it was informative noise. it was substantive. and i think schellenberg at least what i saw the exchanget whats gotconge the better of congressman goldman in the exchange, at least on the on the substancssby the e of what they were debating. every 15, 20 years, usually every , 40 years, we'd go through these kind of episodes in our country where we would really probugh ee and want to understand, examine how government might be pressuring individuals or institutio exaow sayimentn to say certain things or not say certain things. we saw during the civil rightsto era where people were eavesdropped on because we thought they might have been threat on,cause wes to countriea fighting vigorously for people's freedoms and thatit's a that balance, that recalibration always comes evernce ofy every every ten, 15, 20 years. and this, in a sense, is we're going to get a big one. one nextwe'll get a big one next year as the court takes up the missouri v biden case, casew which will determine what are the limits the government can cahiwhate limitsn exert on compr individuals and asking them to regulate or for that matter, tame or expand their speech. >> i f allegations are right that the government and it seems that some of the m are centric, that the government was in the business of trying to tell them what to do or trying do t to tell them what information was okay, what what information is permissible ha that's wrong.i'm gl and i'm glad this hearing is taking place. and again, these are the kindhe of oversight efforts. >> and i think the american people deserve, whether you agree with whawht happened r you disagree with what happened, we all should agree with the fact that no one's right to speak, whether i agree with you or disagree with you should be infringe th youd, because i don't like what you're saying. i'm a little disappointed that i'm going dont last becaue i would have loved to hear harold's rebuttal. and i'm afraid we won't have timef la to hear your response. >> i will respond. okay, good. i appreciate how you said that. over time, the embrace of free speech might have swung ideologica l. there might have been a timee rh in this country when the right was the one, but i wasn'tse one saying it that way. i'm just saying it just swing. well, you talked about equilibrium. well, here's what i think is is undeniable right now. the regime of censorship in this countr>>isndefeatablthet modern moment of america is being driven wholeheartedlygy . the left openly. and in this hearing, democrats are now the parte noy censorshi maybe one day that will not be the case, but that is certainly the cast ie today. we also have to note the news. the biden administration bie to takeng youtub people, anyone that has any hesitancy about the vaccine when demandey aboud not meet suy to take it down, then this is in 2021. >> so in one way, the left as an ideology generallyfree spe doesn't embrace free speech samet the u.level as the right global look at the u.k., look at look at europelo canada hate speech laws generally there's this idea i'm offendedas by what you have to say. >> therefore i should be able to shut you upe to. >> the only defense for this country, which is the hallmark of free speech in this world right now, is the american right. >> i'm not here to tel ech in the worldl that i trust the american right for here to eternity. it's not that they have a sterlingm saying on this, but as a as a an absolute proponent of free speech, i do know if you have faith, if you need this part of the american experimentght tb to last, you need the american right to believe this. i will watch like a hawk. l >> but the left herald is lost. they're gone. eor >> they believe in censorship, not the first amendment. so the court endment. so said the court, and that's on its way to the supreme court. that ies, circuit court of appeals has ruled that that is the case. >> no one has a monopoly on stupidity or trying to encroach on the right. and at this moment, there's no doubt the left needs to be it the s to be calibrate. but i would remind you that just a year ago we had a speec l conversation about whether people should be able to teach certain things in class and peoplebe abl tea. heir no, i don't want that.peec people thought that where their free speech rights were being infringed upon. all i'm saying is, let's let ite all out there. let's have this debate and this thcongress to happen before congress. you're right. what the left is not or what some are doin h wrongg wrog and it should be corrected. i don't care if it's the right or the left instigating it. it shoul riderintegrood >> i d be. >> and i appreciate that. and i hope you find something else to watch. the righ t to rest. >> i mean, i believe in free speech. even the speec hath that i hate and i'm terrified for the future of the first amendment. i'm for the rangerments got to b on the bandwagon nowig that that got you got back in there, harold. all right. up next, george santos getting out of congress and it could be a bad sign for. >> other crooked politicians who never had a good when your whole world revolves 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get expelled from congress without a conviction gd fo, witt committing treason. and it's a dangerous new precedent for the futurerea >> commit the demise of this body eventually. but whatt will d about other mes of congress accused of crimes? >> senator john fettermar membny democrats will look like hypocrites if they don't put don' indicted io new jersey senator bob menendez . >> we have a colleague in the senate that actually does muchei more sinister and serious kinds of things. senator menendez, he needs to go. and if you are going to expel sn santos, how can you allotos,wz o somebody like menendez to remain in the senate? and, you know, santothe senas id of like almost, you know, funny, like, you know,w, he, you know, landed on the moon and guy kind of stuff. whereas whereas, you know,wher you know, i think, you know, menendez think is really a senator for egypt. >> you know, not new jersey. well, i mean, what is happening in the world? well, i go will: it to tell you, at least fetterman is putting some sentences together. >> that's a good thing. the whole body double thing mayy have happened. >> that was a goal here. ned, that, more to answer. >> we agree. john fetterman, a harvard senator, you guys. hey, i know it sounds like educr. ising bette >> good for him. yes. is it because we're complimenting a democrat? getting er.nine: weonce the laso you complimented a republican in the last segment. >> all right. so, you know, i'll the las i'llo you. well, so you started. all right. santos hasn't beenan convict convicted. >> a crime. right. what are we doing here? yeah. i mean, i thin l: thek there's two problems. that's one, the concept of due process. you knowat's one, and again, shockingly, fetterman is thestan one that pointed this out in his in his statement as well. he hasn't been convicted of anything. ifming has not going to take pen accusations and you've got to take out menendez because he's as well and his serious accusations are much, much more serious. >> so, you kno.saw, we're going to go down this path. >> it's kind of the same thing the nfl deals with on a, you know, basis. >> i'm serious. we talk about them. a guy's accused of doing somethina gued of dooug. you kick him out of the league or do you let due process play out? s playand they're kicking the gt of congress. and look, i don't even have cong. end santos >> and his admittedly ridiculous lies, just the concept. >> yeah. just the concept of process e that now, as he points out, he's lumped in with thue, what is it, three, as yo said, and others have been is kicked out of congress. >> i think it's symbolic. real quick. this is why it's a big deal, because you're subverting the will of the voters. yes. the voters pickea d santos. >> it was a house ethics committee. yeah, but, you know, that wasmm pretty revealing. but the truth is, i mean, there are peopleittee thatg. who have accepted money from foreign countries. you've got elizabeth warren saying she is from she is an american. an ai. why arnancy pelos >> swalwell why aren't they under the gun? fair questioenn? the the substantial evidence it was beyond botox injections and onlyl eviden the subscriptir it. it was items from french retailers to foreign. the byron donalds was one ofnt the opponents, right. he went on the recors?--hed say, we're a nation of laws, not a nation of men. and he against it. he said, this institution better remembeair that. i think that's a fair warning. could be a slippery. we'll see where it goes. i think the biggerherebigger, t, is what this means for speaker johnson already haer johnss a rr thin majority, yet he's got a seat thinner. there's major battles coming up. government shutdown battle loominng up, governmeng funding. these are things that are dividing the party right now . and this this does change things. jeah, the republicans you know ,jesse, you've got like terrorist sympathizers, like rashida ilhan omar, cori bush, congressman, expel for, you know, their belief in hamas and what they do. i'm not for expulsion. i was expelled from many, many groups throughout my career. >>amnon fo and i feel it's justy it's unbecoming. >> but this guy is a liar and a fraud and a thief. the only difference is, is he was too obvious about it. jeanine, you got to be but classy. oh, my gosh. you can't. can't stea l. r >> you have to insider trade. it's in meant. >> but why not just take kickbacks like bernie sanders wife? i mean, like you're going to lie on your resume, okay? or you cano li identify as ann indi american indian. there are ways to go about this. judge jeaninan.e. to mo for instance, if you want to really money launder. ng cominyou got to take 40 millm the chinese through 17 shell companies. through 17 ss you do it. >> and remember when the mafiaea would get big heist got to lay low. lo. e 't go buy furs that's like the number one rule he's buying. hermes is.somethin >> come on, our meds. get something off the rack. met >> all right, now, is thereaid something to be said for the factfor that republicans dt this heralded democrats don't we're more ethical like. >> yeah i mean lead the witnesls . >> s.o i think a boss of mine outside of this show share with me a while agitho that one of the things you got to understand that one of thehao reasons we have not had situations quite as egregious as thi as s, it has gotten to tt point where you want to think, should we remove the person fromk should house, is that some have decency and etiquette and some people have honesty and accountability about themselves. but and would say, you know, i'm justay going to resign. this is not good forgood the institution. it's not good for me for the i. interesting thing about mr. santos is that he's not said publiclaidy that he didn't any of this stuff when he was asking him when he was on the floor the flo. t watch a little bit of it. and he was calling on members to speak on his behalf who were speaehalf ma the point eloquent points that were made here, that you can't just kick someone out without kick sh convicting them or without having a real high crime. he didn't say i didn't do an, he y of this. right.h he just led with don't kick me ut until i'm convictedon'out uh i thought was an interesting and an odd way to do thingand oo on the flip side of this,me i hope what one of the things that comes out of this is i hope that th e pre in all of these congressional districts really pose like basic questionsda to candidates. did you go to collegtes,e? can you present to a surea de degree or proof that yougree actually these are the kinds of things that he lied about or misrepresented about? did actually work at goldman sachs? >> was division one volleyball player. he said a number of things that i thought could have been n could have been fact checked. >> so i think it boosted isot u to his democratic to do that. it's up to everybody. i think the press, his opponent, votersat and i don't know, judge, i'm not i'm not letting anybody off the hook here. but i thinanybodf thk all of whs understand is we all have to ask these not tough questioness, but just basicu questions when when you make these kind of points these, i tk it was a tough vote, but i would have voted i would have voted to expel him becausel himt he didn't say he didn't do and that that report before the ethics committee was a ver y exhausting report. and i think for democrats, what's what senator fettermanatm said on the view is something that democrats are probably going to have to grappleocably o with over the next. >> what if the voters in long island wanted a fraud, then they can reelect him. >> okay, so let's wait two years. but they removed the power fromh the people. >> so right now, he's not there. if they want to reelecat if ther the committee believes that people in that district did not know anything about him . >> you have so many people in that district want him recalled, so many people. it's my my republican party wants him because it's great. >> the list of those organizations that expelled exp you? >> yeah. you made a lotelle of that. >> all right. >> next, the hollywood star who lied j nex get her daughterr college is now throwing her own ki i nd under the bus. >> baby pygmy jack. down, down, down and steal. >> jpmorgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with jpmorgan personal advisors. hey, david. ready to get started? >> i work with advisors who create a plan with you who create a plan with you and help you finat your d the rt investments. so great getting to know you. let's takein the rig a look at e new investment plan. okay, great. this should have you moving this should have you moving in the right direction me app. >> thanks, john. get ongoing advice and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. >> mom, why? just out here, man. >> say, hey, can't stay here, okay? be crazy. >> why do you have too much body fat? >> it tends to accumulate on 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and my mount. >> the hollywood star who liedr and bribed to get her daughter into college bribed , now throwg her own kid under the bus. felicity huffmaner own k, one oo the biggest names to go to prison in the college cheating scandal that shocked the nationand . she paid $15,000 to the scheme's mastermind in order to help her daughter cheat on the satheat o. other high profile parents like full house star lori loughlin, a paid off college coaches and administrators to get their kids into the toto p. huffman is now speaking out, and the way she puts it, she had no choice but to break the law. da so it was sort of like my daughter's future, whicugh. i had to break the law. i know hindsight is 2020, but it felindsightelt liket i wd mother if i didn't do it. so i >> d so i did it i think caitlyt huffman also shockedro that she never got in trouble for this. >> i literally turne. and be one of the fbi people in a flak jacket and a gun. and i went, is this is this a joke? >> oh, so i mean, full disclosure, i had producers in my ear saying, will you got to go to the judge first? i've had the judge say, will you got to gothe ju to me,e you're teed up. >> you're ready to go. curious, go get her. ready go i mean, first of all,, is classic hollywood where they lecture to us and tel wtheb us what we should and shouldn't do. >> and they're over there breaking the law. okayre . to i had to breakgi the law to give a future to my daughter. s born you kidding me? your daughter was born in america. she wa i americs in the child of wealthy parents. she went to the best went schools. she had the best experiences, the best restaurants, the bestev . and she had the ability to get whatever she wanted, as opposed to kids in the inner city who don't have that opportunitdd ,who don't have thoses o experiences. and so she wants to break the law. brea sheshe's lying, cheating thiefw and you know what?ha i feel n i fo concereen and no sympathy for her. she is what makes hollywoo dn't ap disgusting. >> they think the laws don'tplke apply to them. erned, and as far as i'm concerned, you know, now, she say yshs, you know, i knew that i was committing a crime, but the same time i knew what was good for my daughter. >> you're full my daugh of . >> and you know what? yin don't give me this. you know you're helping women f1 have gotten out of jail. you were in jail for 11 days. that's what i call a drive a dri by sentence. she was a warrior. she was neveventencer in jail. and now she says, i'm helping women reintegrate society. how she's going on runs with them. she's goin with themg on a run . >> she is the worst of the >> se. >> harold, the judge has no wil sympathy for felicity huffman. do you have any for the daughter? because the message is basically you hav the daue. >> no future unless i cheat. well, i have a slightly this a slightly different>> har point of view. i think the judge is right in terms of of of miss huffman.s >> i'm delighted she's come out and said she what she dihed was wrong. i think a lot of parents l will be ableot to have some understanding of what she meant when she said she want to do somethin when she dg for kids. this is the wrong thing to do. i would agree with the judge, but you understand perhaps wher , but yond wheree she might be o i think everyonene deservesei second chances and third chances and fourth chances in life if they learn from thosrancesn e those other thingt that got them to where n they where they whereeded esecod they needed a third or fourth or fifth or second chance. and for her to want to be helpful to these cr he b two oto women that she served with. i know it was only 11 days, judge. you're right. and she's fortunate to have hade great representation. she's fortunate to have had lawyer g s are able negotiate, bu the kind of thing that she she did and the fact that she wants to getshe back to two communits of people that may not have those those chances, i think is a good. but i also hope she tells parents not to do this because this was the wrong thing to do and she paid a price for most parents can't afford to do what she did. >> but even if they can, they shouldn't see you for your point, right? yeah. jesse, why did the fbi raid her house? i don't know, with gun ol buts, ithy dawn well, they were democrats ? . >> can you say one thing? but why woul d the go in gunst on blazing on the college admissions scandal? >> i this is an fbi out of control story. i don't see this as like, let'lo the wheels to get your kid into a better school. and by the wayolas, she's at carnegie mellon now. that's an engineerinlon now.g. >> what kind of learning disability did she have? no that's a really great school and a great drama department. so she's staggering around dramas. >> what's the learning disability with?abilit well, i don't know what her learning disability is, but i i kn that you have a parent and his name is what is it? >> will you see? >> great. great. >> jhave he has anything you want jeanine right there int of you. >> and wha>> jest kind of careee you think she was going to have? >> does she have to get into harvare was goingoe?d does she t into princeton? >> if your father's william h. macyrinceton that is his name, i >> so what how how bad were these scores? >> and like you can go to ucla and still do fine orstill the universitydo of you'll still do fine. >> i think this like this whol ebad deal with college, you can go to a bad school and still make iscbig.t. o trin >> i went to trinity. look at meit. on >> oh, well, just let that one sitdra: there fo w r second. look, what she did was obviously awful. harold has a point. has back, and theyawfu say you do just about anything for your kid. but she admits that she sa w ouwo a turning into a criminal scheme and still went through it, that she needs to pa sch day do the time she did was 11 days enough? judge will say no, it was pay pretty bad. they're paying off s.a.t. testis to inflate the scores. i mean, this is a really, reallyto lik, really bad stuff.o i think we need to look at the , right.system because the end of that sentence was that person advising . >> her was basically saying your daughter's not going to get into the schools that you want, notat a she could have gotten into to somewhere. but guess what? the news is this news iats this week, majorcompan fortune five hundred companies are now dropping the undergradie . yeah, don't even need a diploma for really high level jobs at some of these companies jobs nowre and . why? because it's becoming more and more worthless. so let's just look more at the college system that is in this country right now and all the problems with it . >> so parents aren't feeling this level of pressure. well, you know what? ifsure you're a good parent, you teach your child to deal with disappointmen childt how my parents out there have a kid who didn't get into their first choice a lot? and you know what? and the kids learn, they g oppier to another school and they're happy as is a clam. >> go to trade school. shase have gone to trade school. she wanted a cheat to get in. she wouldn't be in s doctor needed. she'd learn critical thinking. she'd haven ng. a great job at e trade school welding. >> the fac, t that good work, good good example. >> i'm excited to announce we're having our biggest christmas sale ever. yeah. get brand new six piece my tiles for only 2998 or rejuvenate your bed with a mypillow mattress topper as low as 9999. or how about my bedsheets for as low as 2498? there's something for everyone. duvets, quilts down, comforters body pillows, bolster pillows and so much more. well, i know mypillow products make for the perfect christmas gifts, so i'm going to extend my money back guarantee until march 1st, 2024. now is the time to go to my pillow .com or call the number on your screen. use the promo code and you'll receive free shipping on your entire order. that's right. not only will you get the best offers on my 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idea.o ha sandra, you seem to have it. that's not a good idea. an >> i would not want that employee serving me food at that restaurant. is thaimt is the justice the right thing? >> you think that that was the problem from this person throwing.? >> because i don't think that that is justice now. well, is it something you do down in texas? >> i hadn't thought about the thrhind tor the next custome n line with this lady behind the counter, but i do likeheete putting someone in the position of the victim of their crime. er i like that in general and apply that to every crime across. d: >> the board primetime on. we've got the judge. give us that cleanck here. p pape >> what's your thought? i would agree with you. and mayb e the desperate housewives woman should have to oversee safet yotest taking for about six months. >> oh, my. no hav. and ti >> have to sit there and then take time. prep for six months. >> felicity. yeah, i know. yeah. proctor is the word i'm looking for. yeah. i d the i said i remembered that word, judge. >> you're the only one that has experience. and is this the right way to think about meeting of justicehink. >> i absolutely do. and i respect your opinion, sandra. i really dspect yo, sandrao. but i think one of the things that you've got to do is you've got to make the defendanto mt the case. that's not a serious case for both their ignorancese. t the fact that if they weream in the same situation as the victimn they would be suffering. >> so like if i had someone too was a creating damage to property, i would make it worse of property and repair property in that area forryone six months at 1:00 in the afternoon so everyone could see hicom. >> if someone was a drunkm driver, i'd make a dwicome ae on the back of their jacket. they'd have to wear it and prove to me they were wearing ite they w . is not a they need to feel the pain. jail isn't always the answer, soe answ whether it's graffiti s whether it's you stealing from the storu'ree. e, you work at the store with a lot of monitoring. i think it's important nitoring. >> like when you threw that shoe at me, what should have been? well old: andn you th, one more thinu it my most important kitchen tool my most important kitchen tool ,my brain. o i choose new eureka ultra. unlike some others, it supports seven brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. one serving. to help keep me sharp, try new meriva ultra think bigger on your own terms retinol overnighcrt. the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for our skin working great corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. go by champion your skin swipe right. glad to see you'm rais growing up using cowboy was one of the same. my dad is a cowboy. >> i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations, this life is in our blood we stop in no time soon give the gift. >> family heritage with ancestry. are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? 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favorite fox personalities start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year forour lowe a limited timen >> only sign up today. it's time for one more thing. tg jussie smollet.t i believe we have a fox nation special about the guy and it's kindause of relevant because he's headed back to jail. yeah's headed back t, convictiot than uk you,phel justice and i r say that tonight. >> jesse what a prime time . . why are the democrats still covering up for jeffrey epstein? don't leare the ill t on.ill >> they are still covering it up. 8:00 harold ford>> 8:00., new york city's empire state building paid tribute to of the iconic rock bands kiss. they lit up the building their final showof thethey ls as square garden this weekend. the group was invited to flip the switchuare garoup was . layh they played their 75 hitro rock and roll all nighll allt. >> they did look at that. look at them thursday. it was also proclaimed kiss day in new yor that.ursday wk in thr kiss formed new york city kiss formed firstd firs in new york's pop perform first in new york city new yor four ds ago in their career produced ago, and 100 millionalbums albums. >> there's gene simmons that stick out his tongue like crazy anymor. ons his tone. so he didn't like that. you're not? no, i love both. u not knve what congrats and b. >> congrats, judge. it's my turn . kay, che >> yep. okay, check out thiss,, dear. >> oh, my god. is in toms river. itnew jersey.y the police dubbed him rudolph. he showed up in an elementarthey looking for night classes. >> look at him. he's on the counter. thos for e are moves. >> okay.unfort unfortunately, the school doesn't offer night move school night classes. rudolph didn't take the news well and can be seen runningeriy hysterically in toms river, new jersey. all right, cutie pie, kids, as they didn't shoot it. >> sandra och, a woman who nearly lost her life at wor a wk to meet and thank the team who saved her amazing story. maria lourdes plano, texas, was working at a restaurant when she suddenly collapsed from a heart attack. a firefighter paramedics and 20d doctors and hospital staff sprung into action to perforic m cpr on her for 40 5 minutes.for >> wow. dr. peterman of texas health plano said that ifrman of therd been a five minute delay anywhere along the line, it beente delayymarie n completel fatal. marie and her daughter were finally able to meet and thank the hospitalanr daughtle to mese all should. we're grateful for all of our medical professionalwe're g. cindy, here, here will bringhe us home. go for it. well, go back to the animalsre, you've heard of a siberian husky, right? yes. you ever heard of an italian? >> oh, yeah. ohanhusky,ht?ver hear yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> this one. oh, wow. >> santagati fluid he's got. is that look like the italianlee husky? >> people are saying he' s i don't know if that's a bar code that we call that growl in an italian accent. >> i thought it was because they had a lot of cologne on. >> thanks jesse. yeah. people. >> i'm a drowning in italian. it was a drawn out izzo's. i don't y'all from up here. ♪

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Partisan Issue , Conspiracy , Movements , Suppn , Side Bs , Beetl , Ony Descd , Social Media Companies , Amendment , Iit , Terms Of Service , Version , Share , Thn , Flagging , Am , Dment , 35 , It , Hunter Biden , Terms , Congressman Goldman , Service , Decisions , Decisithat , Gohe , Idea , Problem , Drives , Participateey , Ared A Conspc , Hard Drives , Contents , Sir , Hunter Biden Laptopti , Russia , Rudy Giuliani , Point , Evidenceie , Liste , Napkins , Ah Oh , Conspiracy Oou , Glenn , Big Brother , Bigy , Mouths , Actuallyt To , Speechr , Rest , Govesaying , Tyranny , Alreadauselreadyy Gaggey , Politicians , Democracy , Robot , Theseto , Givinin Emocracyg , Free Speech , Democrats Sayiout On Live Televisionech , Constitution , Supreme Court , Clear , Saying , Ridicule , Thesenialmes , Let S Go , Havincg , Slaveryav , Church , Calling Its , Medians , Television , Interneent , Tv License , Corporations , Kinorg , Street Preaching , Leak , Tha Th , Sandrlook Fort , Isenind I , Internetternet A And Hit Kill S No , Thy , Whno , Back Door , Fans , Sidesge , Ability , Governments , Politics , Matt Point , Abs , That As Schellenberg , Americans Viewe , Disinformation , Intelligence , The Presidentia9 , Election , Heads , Talkings , Elring , Russunit Andy , 2020 , 20 , 2019 , Fbi , Hillary Go , Jus , Went T She Weno To Christopher Steele , U K , Cia Homelan , Donald , Homeland Security , 2016 , Ners Ibut This Guy , O Speech , Spy , Dan Goldmanr , Takinoug , In Thewho , Hard Drive , Company , Whichan , B S , Laptops , Nonsense , Ofe Comp , Couch , Is Reay , Doesn T , Beemanipulathere , It Mayt , Hen Hunt , Denyinadmittg , Drive , Surprise , Publicrd , Thl , Byf Co , Manipulation , Congress , Oe Committees , Oversight Committees , Exchanges , Representative , Theyoing , Arguments , Exchange , Substancssby The E , Yelling , Noise , Exchanget Whats Gotconge , 15 , Basis , Individuals , Rightsto , Episodes , Institutio , Exaow Sayimentn , Probugh Ee , 40 , Court , Sense , Missouri V Biden Case , Big One , Freedoms , Recalibration , Countriea , Threat , Fighting , Thatit , Casew Which , Ofy , Ten , Speech , Matter , Compr , Allegations , Cahiwhate Limitsn , Hearing , Information , Kindhe , Business , Oversight Efforts , Permissible Ha , M Are Centric , Becaue , Whawht , Rebuttal , Harold S , Th Youd , Response , Embrace , Ideologica L , Timee Rh , Timef La , Left , Countr , Equilibrium , Parte Noy Censorshi , Regime , Wholeheartedlygy , Ie Today , Suy , Demandey Aboud , Anyone , Vaccine , Hesitancy , Takeng Youtub , Hate Speech , Ideology Generallyfree Spe Doesn T , Look , Samet , Europelo Canada , Right , Tel Ech , Defense , Worldl , Hallmark , Eternity , Sterlingm , Know , Proponent , Hawk , Herald , Eor , Faith , The American , Experimentght Tb To Last , Ies , No One , Monopoly , Stupidity , Circuit Court Of Appeals , Court Endment , No Doubt , Their , Free Speech Rights , Class , Speec , Needs , Peoplebe Abl Tea , Peec , Kid , Riderintegrood , Care , Let Ite , Soe Answ Whether It , Thcongress , Righ T To Rest , Doin H , Let , Wrongg Wrog , George Santos , Bandwagon Nowig , Hath , Got To B , Up Next , Rangerments , Sign , Crooked , Generations , Florida Keys , Marathon , Store , Deals , Club Members , Ev Members , Shops , Holiday Season , Fast Proofbers , Supportineg During Club Member Mondays , Cabela S , Club Member , G , Join Today And Star T , Adventure , Purchases , Gear , Purchasesua , 12 , 500 , 0 , Symptom , Exercises , Ailment , Patent Pending Intercellular Hydration Protocol , 88 , Fat , Hydration , Hope , Gain , Programs , Doctor , Health , Symptoms , Causes , Chronic Dehydration , Killer , Ailments , Life , Energy , Side Effects , Reduction Prescriptions , Doctor Visits , Quality , Relationships , Joy , Sale , Low , Bed Sheets , Bed , Mypillow Mattress , Brand , Towels , 9999 , 2998 , Six , Everyone , Pillows , Products , Quilts , Body Pillows , Duvets , Down Comforters , 2498 , Order , Number , Screen , Money Back Guarantee , Promo Code , Gifts , Shipping , March 1st , Pillow O Connor , March 1st 2024 , Slippers , Quantities , Toppers , Shopping , Offers , Pillow , Business Titans , Everything , Risk Takers Entrepreneur , Odds , Anybody , Conrad Hilton , Adversity , Post , Equivalent , Step , Bezos , C W , Money , Diet , Legacy , Competitor , Building , Holiday , Season , Fortune , Fox Nation , Stake , American Dynasty , 1999 , River , History , It Cool , Santos Becomingke , Sixth Lawmakeror , Ry , Report , Laws , Quote , Botox Treatments , Campaignd Eviden , House Ethics Investigation , Websitey , 23 , Choice , Vote , Precedent , Crimes , Fraud , Count , It T , Indictment , Money Laundering , Santosraud , Mone Members Ben , Theident , Members , Member , Conviction , Treason , Turncoats , Fo , Treasonctm , Looping , Court Of L , Inem , John Fettermar Membny , Body , Senator Menendez , Futurerea , New Jersey , Don T Put , Demise , Mes , Hypocrites , Will D , Whatt , Ohio , Kinds , Senate , Colleague , Santos Hasn T Beenan Convict , He , Wz O Somebody , Wher , Santothe Senas Id , Few , Allotos , Funny , Moon , You , Sentences , Egypt , John Fetterman , Yes , Body Double , Goal , Laso , Getting Er Nine , Ising Bette Good , Harvard , Educr , Ned , Weonce , Nine , Across D , Segment , Las I Llo You , Thek , He Hasn T , Anything , Problems , Concept , Due Process , Statement , Well , Pen Accusations , Accusations , You Knowat , Ifming , Playand , I M Serious , On A , Doing , Serious , Saw , Path , League , Nfl , Somethina Gued Of Dooug , Gt Of Congress , End , Santos , Process E , Cong , Oyo , Lies , Thue , Deal , Others , Will , Truth , House Ethics Committee , Pickea D , Peopleittee Thatg , Wasmm , Elizabeth Warren , Countries , Arnancy Pelos Swalwell Why Aren T They Under The Gun , Ai , Botox Injections , Onlyl Eviden , Fair Questioenn , Subscriptir , Institution , Byron Donalds , Nation , Opponents , Retailers , Items , Men , Recors , French , One Ofnt , Biggerherebigger , Johnson , Seat Thinner , Battles , Warning , Government Shutdown Battle Loominng Up , Governmeng Funding , Haer Johnss A Rr Thin Majority , Terrorist Sympathizers , Congressman , Rashida Ilhan Omar , Cori Bush , Jeah , Career , Many , Liar , Justy , Groups , Belief , Expulsion , Amnon Fo , Hamas , Difference , Thief , Gosh , Insider Trade , Can T Stea L R , Judge , Bernie Sanders , Kickbacks , Resume , Identify , Ann Indi American Indian , Cano Li , Money Launder , Jeaninan E To Mo For Instance , T Go Buy Furs , Shell Companies , Heist , Is Somethin , Rule , Buying , Mafiaea , Chinese , Ng Cominyou , Lo , Hermes , 17 , Factfor , Meds , Come On , Heralded Democrats , Track , Witnesls , S O , Situations , Show Share , Tt Point , Agitho , Boss , Thehao , Decency , Forgood , Etiquette , Accountability , Honesty , Justay , Person Fromk , Publiclaidy , Behalf , Floor , Flo , Sh , A Little Bit , Speaehalf Ma , Odd , Led , Th E Pre , He Y , Thingand Oo , Right H , Don T Kick Me Ut , Districts , Proof , Candidates , Surea De Degree , Collegtes , Questionsda , Goldman Sachs , Volleyball Player , Press , Division One , Opponent , I Don T Know , Votersat , Democratic , He Didn T , Becausel Himt , Tough Questioness , Thk , Whs , Senator , View , Wit Th , Grappleocably O , Fettermanatm , Long Island , Ver Y Exhausting Report , District , Reelecat , Committee , The Hollywood Star , College , Organizations , List , Daughterr , Lotelle , Ki I Nd Under The Bus , J Nex , Down , Baby Pygmy Jack , Help , Advisors , Wealth Management , Investment Research , Jpmorgan , David , D , Rt Investments , Advice , Investments , Direction , Rig A Look At E New Investment Plan , Can T , Mobile App , Stay , Weight , Body Fat , Midsection , Thighs , Stomach , Hips , Obesity Research Institute , Limousine , Exercise , Body Fat Increases , Black , Solution , Ship , Light Cuisine , Weight Loss Breakthrough , Risk , Awareness , Labels , 2995 , 30 , Four , Position , Size , Metabolism , Bottle , Leap , Pound , Participants , Design , Double Blind Study , 78 , Light Design , Lives , Liposuction , Time , Quote Better , 800dyskis , 9290319 , Treatment , Mental Health Meds , Movement M Td , Tardive Dyskinesia Td , Groza , Adults , Thoughts , Health Meds , Actions , Pill Onc , Depression , Patients , Movemen , Treatment Fr , 80 , Seven , Pay , Mood , Attention , Changes , Rhythm Problems , Him , Angioedema , Behaviors , Grass , Ms , Si Thoughts Of Suicide , Feelings , Huntington S Disease , Orious , Thinking , Movement , Sleepiness , Increases , Report Fevers , N Effect , Commoask Scribed , Daughter , Felicity Huffmaner Own K , Bus , Mount , Sleep , Who Liedr , Parents , Prison , Lori Loughlin , Names , Scheme , Profile , College Cheating Scandal , Nationand , Full House , Mastermind , College Coaches , Daughter Cheat , Satheat O , 15000 , 5000 , Administrators , Toto P Huffman , Whicugh , Fda , Caitlyt Huffman , Trouble , Felindsightelt Liket I Wd , Joke , Flak Jacket , Gun , Producers , Disclosure , Ear , Classic Hollywood , Shouldn , First , Say , Gothe Ju To Me , Okayre , Curious , Schools , Child , Best , Restaurants , Experiences , She Wa , Bestev , Brea Sheshe , O Experiences , Inner City , Opportunitdd , Fo Concereen , Who Don T Have Thoses , Cheating Thiefw , Hollywoo Dn T , Sympathy , Yshs , Ap , Laws Don Tplke , Erned , Disgusting , Jail , Sentence , Yin Don T , Daugh , Warrior , Neveventencer , Women F1 , Dri , 11 , Worst , Themg , Runs , Run , Se , Felicity Huffman , Women Reintegrate Society , Wil , Point Of View , Message , Miss , She , Dihed , Daue , Oi Think Everyonene Deservesei Second Chances , Understanding , Yond Wheree , She Dg For Kids , Chances , Thingt , Cr He B Two , Chance , Women , Representation , Thosrancesn E , Whereeded Esecod , Communits , Good , Lawyer , Bu , Raid , Ithy Dawn Well , Gun Ol Buts , School , The Go , Let Lo , College Admissions Scandal , Woul D , Out Of Control , Gunst On Blazing , The Wayolas , Learning Disability , Engineerinlon Now G , Dramas , Really Great School And A Drama Department , Carnegie Mellon , Parent , Careee , Ii Kn , Jhave , Wha , William H Macyrinceton , Scores , Father , Harvare , Goingoe , Princeton , Ucla , Fine , Trinity , On Oh , Universitydo , Ebad , Meit , Iscbig T O Trin , There Fo Wr Second , Man An Well , Pa , She Sa W Ouwo , Theyawfu , Reallyto Lik , Testis , Right System , Somewhere , News Iats , Notat School Ss A , Majorcompan Fortune , Undergradie , Five Hundred , College System , Worthless , Diploma , Jobs Nowre , Ifsure , Rudolph Didn T , Clam , Cheat , Go To Trade School , Disappointmen Childt , They G Oppier , Shase , Critical Thinking , She Wouldn T , Work , Haven Ng , E Trade School Welding , Fac , Example , Tiles , Bedsheets , Mattress Topper , Mypillow , Life Insurance , Aneurism , 47 , Peace , Selectquote , Policy , Another , Coverage , Exam , Mind , A Million , 2 Million , Trump For Christmas Dot , Ornament Supplies , Love , Perfect Christmas Gift , Whatcom , Gift Bundle , Messaging , Adventures , Safe , Christian , Eric On One Nation , Play , Gamescom , Platform , Factor , Santa Clau , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 4 , 10 , Visit Us , Missile Fund Scam , T Ohio Woman , Judg , Tb , Wish , Fast Food , Stop , Chipotle Employee Cans , Empathy , Burrito Bowl , Idea O Ha Sandra , Jo Bg B , Tefast Food , 180 , Justice , Thrhind Tor The Next Custome N , Restaurant , It Something , Food , Employee , Thaimt , Person Throwing , Texas , Crime , Board Primetime On , Victim , Lady , Her , Mayb E , Ti , Desperate Housewives , Hav , Prep , Cleanck , P Pape , Safet Yotest , Word , Experience , Meeting , Opinion , Proctor , Justicehink , Sandrao , Dspect Yo , Victimn , Ignorancese , Suffering , Damage , Defendanto Mt The Case , Property , Drunkm Driver , Hicom , Dwicome Ae , Jail Isn T , Jacket , Spain , Graffiti , Monitoring , Nitoring , Storu Ree , They W , Andn You Th , Shoe , Oi , Brain Health Indicators , Serving , Kitchen Tool , Eureka Ultra , Mental Alertness , Skin , Retinol , Corrector , Benefits , Retinol Overnighcrt , Meriva Ultra , Rais , Skin Swipe , Champion , Cowboy , Same , Dad , Cowgirl , Gift , Farmers , Blood , Family Heritage , Ancestry , Waiting , 90 , Layer Design , Colors , Styles , Players , Friends , Neighbors , Relieve Stress , Feet , 60 , 40 998 , Personalities , Shows , Forour Lowe A Limited Timen , Stars , Fox Nation Today , Favorite , Kindause , Special , Tg Jussie , Ill T , Prime Time , Fir , Don T Leare , Phel , Yeah , Convictiot Than Uk , Jeffrey Epstein , Back T , Showof Thethey Ls , Group , Tribute , Iconic Rock Bands Kiss , Empire State Building , Switchuare Garoup , Layh , 8 , Kiss , Ads , Pop , Thr Kiss , Firstd , Yor That Ursday Wk , Nighll Allt , Hitro Rock And Roll , 75 , Gene Simmons , Turn , B Congrats , Albums , Tongue , Tone , Check Out Thiss , Dear , Crazy Anymor , Sons , Che Yep , Kay , Him Rudolph , Night Classes , Moves , Itnew Jersey Y The Police , Toms River , The School Doesn T Offer Night Move Classes , Thos For E , God , Elementarthey , Okay Unfort , Wor A Wk To Meet , Runningeriy , Cutie Pie , Sandra Och , Hospital Staff , Doctors , Team , Heart Attack , Firefighter Paramedics , Maria Lourdes Plano , Beente Delayymarie N Completel Fatal , Marie , Delay , Hospitalanr Daughtle , Cpr , Dr , Texas Health Plano , Ifrman , Therd , Peterman , Professionalwe , Italian , Siberian Husky , Bringhe , G Cindy , Animalsre , Ohanhusky , Ht , Santagati , Italianlee , Husky , Bar Code , Accent , Growl , Cologne , Drowning , Out Izzo S ,

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