it is 1:00 in the afternoon in israel. and new images show the children who are part of monday's hostage release being united with their families after seven weeks of captivity we expect the release of 10 more hostages at this point on tuesday. >> 11 israelis, including nine children were freed yesterday as part of the temporary cease-fire between israel and hamas. that bricks the total to 51 over the last four days. >> lawrence: the limited truce has been extended to at least wednesday. we have been seeing large dark smoke clouds filling the gaza skyline over the last hour, brian. >> brian: what's that about. trey yingst is live in tel aviv right now. hey, trey. >> trey: hey, guys, good morning. it's day five of the cease-fire between israel and hamas. we got update from one of the top doctors here at the hospital in tel aviv discussing the conditions condition of the patients that got hear last night those children that were released from gaza as part of this larger cease-fire deal. overnight 11 israeli hostages made their way out of the strip. they were flown here to the hospital in tel aviv. nine of them are children. these israelis were taken hostage from a small community called neuro rose, close to the gaza border. israeli officials hopeful they will be the latest group among many that could be release in the coming days. they are hoping that 10 additional hostages will be released tonight alleges the cease-fire was extended for two days. it's the families reuniting though that stands out amid this past week. can you see the video here the family that was reunited over the weekend. these kids getting to meet their dog again after more than 50 days. can you see the joy on their faces. we also continue to follow developments from inside gaza. right now palestinians are using the lovely in fighting to gather supplies and clean water at this water stage. gazans fill up large jugs unsure when they will have the next opportunity to do. so at 53 days in. this is the longest war in the history of israel and gaza and it is expected to go on for many more weeks, possibly even months. guys? >> brian: trey, i'm just wondering if we're going to know if the pause is going to be extended past these two days how will we know? how do they inform each other through qatari officials? >> yeah. so, right now the qataris and the egyptians are actually trying to get next tension extended. there is 48 more hours of cease-fire underway right now. we did see live images from the gaza strip last hour of black smoke rising up from the skyline. it's unclear what that is from. it highlights how delicate this agreement is any single moment or movement could collapse this entire deal. so the israelis are focused on getting 10 additional hostages out each day. if both sides are still interested in continuing the pause in fighting. they will relay that message through qatari negotiators. it will go back and forth. the agreement could be extended. eventually hamas will run out of women and children to release. there are questions about what that renewed fighting will look like once the israelis start their campaign again against hamas inside gaza. >> steve: trey, i see that the israeli prime minister has received the list of names of the hostages hamas intends to release today. is that list released for federal governmentation purposes or is it just to give the families a heads up, hey, these people are going to be released. we want you at the hospital to greet them? >> it's a little of both. the israelis have requested that they receive the names in advance. and the major reason is, they want to confirm the identities. and even when these hostages are in the hands of the red cross and make their way to that southern rafah crossing between gaza and egypt or the karem shalom immediately checked by israeli officers. reports indicate hamas doesn't know where dozens of the hostages are they were given to smaller organizations inside gaza like islamic jihad and taken to other areas of the strip. and that's just another line item that could complicate thesing conversations as the qataris and egyptians look to extend this agreement. when we talk about the hostages held inside gaza the doctor giving update on those released last night saying some of the children were malnourished and asking for specific food when they were released. we also heard similar reports from other hostages released in recent days. it gives you a sense of the conditions that they were facing for more than 50 days inside gaza. >> ainsley: as parents, we can all relate to this. we're watching the children when they see their dog. if you have a dog, your kids react the same way. they were released and yesterday you said someone wanted chicken. some wanted pizza. we can all relate to that. these are human beings, not only human beings but some of these are so young. 10-month-old baby about to interview a family member from that family. we are told that baby was handed over to a separate palestinian terror group. do they negotiate as well? is there is a chance that baby and that baby's family could be on the list? >> that's a great question there is concern some of these symbols, the children hot israelis and the entire world were watching so closely to see if they would be freed could be used as leverage by hamas. it's joshuaing when you think about the situation here. hamas armed militants inside gaza are holding months' old babies as leverage in this conflict that they started. and so there's concern that they may not even be able to locate that 10-month-old when that baby was taken he was 9 months old and his brother is also being held inside gaza. that speaks to the fact there were so many families taken in at the same time being held hostage and we know that of the children that were released and are currently here at the hospital in tel aviv, all of them have fathers that are still being held inside gaza and at this point in the negotiations, we're only talking about women and children. >> lawrence: trey, the administration admiral kirby was on our program on "the story" with martha mccallum. he was asked about americans making contact with hamas. he was saying they are having to use channels that are outside the american government. you have been able to make connections with hamas. i know it's a little bit different because you are a journalist. how difficult is it to make that contact with with hamas. when are the americans being released? >> that's a great question. when we talk with hamas officials, they have become increasingly frustrated throughout the war as i continue to question them over the phone and over text message about what they did on october 7th. they have gone as far as to blatantly lie when presented with evidence because they simply don't want to tell the truth about what took place here. and so, we're able to make contact and get comment from them about this ongoing conflict. but, in terms of the information they are providing, we often will not actually bring to air what they are telling us because i can't confirm it and a lot of times they are lying. we do reach out and try to could our due diligence on these stories and try to get as many angles as possible. when you are dealing with a terror organization. very challenging to get them to tell the truth and provide accurate information. >> brian: we will check in with you again and try to find out what the plumes of smoke are about that you were splitting the screen for a while. it's important to point out that the president of the united states got mad at himself for not trusting hamas' figures on fatalities. he apologized to muslim groups for questioning the hamas conclusions on how many people died during the bombings? i can't get my head around why he would apologize to muslim groups because he is doubting hamas' fax and figures? >> lawrence: because his poll numbers. >> brian: yeah. but it's a terror organization. it's crazy. >> lawrence: shows the president doesn't have the spine to do the right thing without any fear or favor of the people within his party: 8 minutes after the hour. hamas refuses to release youngest hostage handing over to family another terror group in gaza 10-month-old and aerial were abducted last month with parents. you see the pictures. cherie and yarden. >> cherie's aunt joins us live from israel. good afternoon to you. thank you very much for joining us. we just heard from trey that your relative, this little 10-month-old baby essentially is being used as leverage and human shield. how does the family feel about that? >> >> it's horrible. i can't say we are surprised about the level of cruelty and unhumane behavior from hamas. in deal, in this cease-fire, they signed an agreement to release all women and children. tomorrow is the last day supposedly of this cease-fire, of this agreement as it was signed. and there is still no news about my family if they will all be returned or not. >> ainsley: go ahead, lawrence. >> lawrence: do you think that the israeli administration should do another cease-fire then? if they haven't kept their commitment and we want your loved ones home. do you think israel should continue this route of negotiations with hamas since they have already lied? >> it's a very complicated question, what you are asking. of course. in my opinion, the cease-fire should continue until -- want all hostages back. you know, all the men there. all the wounded people. are all families here are waiting. all have mothers. all have children that are waiting for them. this deal is discussing only women and children. i think t they are probably stalling every day cease-fire they receive fuel. it gives hamas opportunity rearrange. we are at war. and i don't know. i think maybe i don't know. it's crazy it's crazy just thinking about it. we are waiting hopelessly, trying to remain positive every day counts for that baby. it's been two months, almost two months. he was nine months when kidnapped. going to be 11 months. it's crazy. we are hearing all the evidence about the conditions of those kidnapped people about how they were fed -- i'm sorry. >> lawrence: that's okay. take your time. >> when we look at the pictures, i'm a mother. and i remember when my little girl was this age. and she needed me to feed milk. she couldn't go to the kitchen and get food on her own. i was thankful when i read that i believe they are still together as a family unit? is that right, so that at least she hasy. >> no. we haven't had any intelligence that point that out we do know they separated women and children. we do know they were kidnapped separately. you know, then the father was kidnapped first and then they entered the house the safe room. he went outside to protect his family and was kidnapped and then they entered inside and found my cousin and her two children and kidnapped them as well. so, we don't know if they are together. we can only assume by hearing, you know, the evidence from the freed members where they live that they say they separated men and women. >> brian: this is what i have heard. their plan on their evil -- with their evil intentions went so well from their perspective, they got more hostages than they thought. and they pulled back. and the minute they crossed the border, chaos. and groups were just grabbing them from hamas. from what you can tell. do you think hamas is even knows where they are? is there a chance they are not in control of your family? listen there are different groups inside gaza. gaza ever since 10/7 left israel. left gaza and hamas is controlling there powerfully. i think in my opinion, again, that's saying that they don't know where they are is another way of stalling and buying time. >> steve: sure, if something happens to your family, don't blame us. >> we gave them to somebody else. but, yifat, it sounds like what they have done is handed your family off to another group in southern gaza. don't do this or you might accidentally blow up this family. >> of course. and let me just say that 240 in the beginning people that were kidnapped and that were held in different places and some of them underground. some of them probably in apartments. i don't know. even in the north of the strip and it's been a concern of us, of course, for their well-being. everyone is saying that they need them alive. so, they are probably trying to protect them. i know we heard rumors that hamas promised to reward for someone who brings back someone from israel. so, there's a lot of different interest. i'm not a politician. i'm not a military general. i'm a family member. my heart is grandparents were brutally murdered. they won't be waiting for them in the hospital. they have lost their home. they have nothing to come back to. every family that you see those children receiving that dog they have no home to go back to. no nothing that they knew from their previous life exists. so, and every family lost someone. some of those children come back now they are hearing that their father died or their uncle died or their grandparents died. entire communities may i say deleted completely. >> lawrence: yifat, you tell the story so well. yet, in our country and you look on tv internationally. there are people protesting in the middle of the street saying it did not happen. there are people that are taking signs down of your loved ones in new york city and major cities. if you had the opportunity to talk to all these college students. all these people that are protesting. what would you tell them? >> [sigh] i was raised to believe in humanity, to believe in peace to know that two people tell story and it will sound completely different and you should always check and i was born and raised in israel on one side of this conflict and i always educate myself and i learn but at the end of the day, even if there were mistakes during history, i would never raise my children to say that someone is deserve to i die. someone is not deserving his rights to exist. i will never, never stand behind a group that kidnap children. and i don't know it's early morning and probably the children watching the screen so i don't want to discuss all the brutal acts that were made and done. those by hamas on october 7th, i won't change anyone's political point of view, but a child is a child. no child should suffer. if you want to raise good children, you need to make them happy and not another generation should born into this. and if you screen from the river to the sea, you basically saying that i'm -- i'm not supposed to raise my two children here. and my family who loves so much. deserves what's happened to her and to us. i'm sorry. >> brian: appreciate you so. >> appreciate you sharing your story. hopefully we will have you back on with good news shortly. >> thank you, sir. >> ainsley: thank you, yifat. pray for the 4-year-old and 10-month-old baby. >> brian: all right. 18 minutes now after the hour. still ahead, the situation at the border off the rails. i'm talking about our border. wild new video shows hundreds of migrants riding on top of a train bound for texas. >> ainsley: but, first, former president trump's legal team heading back to court this morning as trump himself prepares to once again take the stand in the coming weeks. >> lawrence: g.w. law professor jonathan turley joins us next with the legal strategy when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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stage over the top. he james wants $250 million in penalties. to bar the trumps from doing business in new york effectively ending the trump organization a business that has brought in thousand sands filed they made money you have this law that james is using that doesn't require anyone to lose money. she is asking for $250 million because she says that the properties were either overvalued or under valued. that's a long-standing practice in new york. it's not a good practice. but, you don't have people using this nuclear option. but you have to keep in mind, brian, previously attorney general james sought to disband the nra to destroy it as an organization. so, there's a certain pattern here, which is troubling why do you do that right before an election take a powerful group that traditionally supports americans that are pro-second amendment and try cut their knees out so that there seems to be a plan here. eric is going to take the stand. i think the theme for the defense if i can simplify it because that's the lane i function best in and that is they are going to say i didn't do my books. i didn't do my tax returns. i didn't do financial. i depend on my accountants for this. this is what happened. and there is no plaintiff. the plaintiff is a political attorney general. right? >> trying to have a productive conversation with a firing squad. you know. it's there for a research it's going to end the way you expect politically motivated and someone step in and show a modicum of restrand here. >> talk about your column, it's awesome. you were an op-ed and you brought up adam smith and, of course, his foundation is capitalism and whether a it does to change the world we subscribe to that here. you said the invisible of adam smith has just slapped disney. how does that relate to the movie industry? >> adam smith he has aged pretty darn well. there is this invisible hand that people make choices that can influence products, can influence policies. and disney has long taken the sort of approach of the english navy that the floggings will continue until morale improves. they kept on producing these woke movies and people weren't going. and they kept on producing them. expecting people to adjust to their values. to the company. well, that didn't happen. and so shareholders are beginning to ask why we ever really went down this road. you know, disney used to be the gold standard of stock. this was america's corporation. because they were selling something that took us out of politics that gave us, yes, fantasy. they gave us entertainment, and then when disney decided to get involved, for example, in its opposition to the florida parental rights legislation, that really crossed the rubicon. and you saw a more active disney in trying to shape public values. well, it didn't. instead, it reshaped their earnings portfolio. and you have had a series now of hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost on movies. because people are just not going. and that's the invisible hand. and it's really slapped disney. >> brian: it really has. they have put out four movies. i haven't seen any of them. they are woke movie flops, costing the company billions of dollars. they are changing movies that they have done in the past to get it up to today's standards. standards of which the consumer doesn't seem to like. 100 percent. thanks so much, jonathan, read his column in the hill today. appreciate it. meanwhile, let's go over to ainsley who is going to take it from here. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you, brian. we have a fox news alert. a look at southern gaza 10 more innocent hostages hopefully cross over today when they're freed as part of the extended cease-fire deal. not expected in that group, however, is the youngest hostage, a 10 month old can a fear beiber bus. they have handed him off to separate terrorists along with 4-year-old brother his heart broken aunt just spoke to us moments ago. >> in this deal, this cease-fire they signed an agreement to release all women and children. tomorrow is the last day, supposedly. of this cease-fire, of this agreement as it was signed. and still no news every day counts for that baby. it's been two months. he was nine months when he was kidnapped. he is going to be 11 months. it's crazy. >> so what does this mean for negotiations, former hostage negotiator and retired navy seal commander dan o'shea joins us now. dan, thanks for coming on. >> yeah. good morning. >> ainsley: heart breaking to hear her story. you have heard stories like this your whole career. in your experience is there a chance to get this 10-month-old baby back. i guess there is always a chance. will let me re-ask the question. they are dealing with hamas. this baby is with a different terror organization within gaza. how do they negotiate with those organizations? >> well, that is the challenge. and the fact that hamas, if they indeed turn this child and 4-year-old brother and parents all kidnapped on october 7th it displays the level of savagery of hamas itself. they are violating the tenet of the prisoner and hostage swap that all children going to continue probably past the cease-fire shows what we are dealing with. you have a mindset holds on for value. that family is going to be front and center in the news pressing on nej to get their family members back. evil, evil mindset that the terrorist organization also do anything to spread a message of terror which is why we call them terrorist organizations. >> dan, in all our conversations we are having outside of the network with our communities and loved ones, i'm sure you are having the same conversations, i hear the same thing, it's not fair that we give three criminals, three palestinian criminals who have been participating in crazy things like suicide bombings, and we're giving them back next changes for one innocent child can you help us wrap our heads around that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. the fact that the u.n. is not -- did not -- you see no condemnation in the u.n. israel is on the defensive now in this whole entire. clean-up shows you how upside down the world is it's troubling, especially the fact that there is so many people marching on the streets around the world more in support -- hamas, let's be honest shows you what israel is up against and that this hostage drama is going to continue for weeks and months and sadly probably longer for some of these hostages being held. >> ainsley: in your experience, what would be your advice to netanyahu, to biden, to qatar would you say let's continue this cease-fire and try to get as many hostages out as possible? >> well, the reality is, to get people home, sending a hostage rescue force is troubling on many levels because the chance of hostages being killed is high considering the situation in gaza. so, this is the sad reality, to get these hostages out, it's going to be this cat and mouse game with the idf put pressure again, bring hamas to their knees, to the bargaining table to agree to the terms. so, we will probably have more than one cease-fire in the coming weeks and months ahead. >> ainsley: thank you so much for your service and for coming on, dan. >> my pleasure. >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. a teenager is knifed to death during a brawl inside a north carolina school. what led up to that horrific situation? but, first, a leader of the black lives matter movement is backing president trump saying, quote: everyone else sucks. their word, not mine. he joins us live with his endorsement, next. >> has done more for the black community than i -- any president i can think of in my lifetime. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. please be a phone, please be a phone. is it a phone? oh, it smells like a cat nip toy from chewy. that's not a phone. get up to 50% off cyber monday deals at chewy. this is better than toilet paper get cyber monday deals that deliver excitement, at chewy. >> lawrence: fox news alert. a 14-year-old suspect is in custody after a deadly stabbing inside a high school gym in raleigh, north carolina. alexandria hoff has been tracking the story overnight and she joins us now. alex, what can you tell us? >> this is a fight that started with fists, escalated to a sharp object being drawn and now one teen dead. another injured, and third in custody. the fight took place in the southeast raleigh high school gym and spiraled. video shows that one of the students jabbed two others during altercation with something sharp. a 15-year-old died at the hospital. another was treated for non life-threatening injuries. >> working very closely wake county public school officials to identify those directly involved in this altercation. one suspect is in custody at this time and we're happy to report that there was no further threat to the school or to the community. >> now, the identity of the suspect was not released but a woman who identified herself as the suspect's mother told wral this, quote: the whole situation is terrible. i feel bad for the other family. but, in return, i feel bad for my son, because he was fighting for his life. it wasn't a fair fight. i just don't think it should have happened like that. now, here's something from the superintendent, too. >> this is a tragedy for everyone involved. in the days and weeks ahead, we will be supporting our students and staff as they process the incident and work through their grief. school should be a safe haven for our students and staff. what happened here today is unacceptable southeast raleigh high school is closed for the day, lawrence. >> lawrence: our schools are spinning out of control. alex, thanks so much for the report. >> sure. >> lawrence: now to this. the co-founder of black lives matter rhode island is endorsing former president trump and calling out the democrats for what he calls years of racist policies. watch. >> you know, we have been used and abused for so long by that party. they don't value our vote. their policies are basically racist policies and i believe it's a racist party. donald trump he's the opposite. is he going to tell you how it is. he is going to give it to you straight. trump has done more for the black community than i can -- any president i can think of in my lifetime. he is not alone in his criticism. president biden faces tis mall voter numbers in key swing states. joining us now the co-founder of black lives matter, rhode island, mark fisher. mark, thanks so much for joining the program. this is my favorite story of the day. because it identifies what i have seen in the barbershop. all the brothers, for some reason right now. are turning tides right now. i just wonder what is the big reason? >> i think personally it's the duplicity of the democrats. the hypocrisy. we are not stupid. the brothers are not stupid. we understand when someone is for us and when someone is not. it's obvious that the democratic party ♪ for us. their policies actually strike at the heart of the black family and nuclear family. >> lawrence: yeah. so, you know, you were part of black lives matter. you founded it there. and now you are saying -- you are not saying the entire republican party. you are saying donald trump. so what is it with donald trump? is it the economics? you noted the black family. what is it going to take for him to shore up this support amongst black voters? >> i just think that it's going to take information -- auto lot of people are misinformed. they don't understand because they don't educate themselves on donald trump as a person and his history. but, if they do that and it's going to take, you know, leaders, educating leaders to get the word out there. i think it will happen on its own. it will beer began nic because personally, i love the man. how could you not like a real man. how could you not relate to someone like that? >> lawrence: he watches every morning so i'm sure is he cheering as you are saying this. we looked at some of the polls for trump over biden in the battleground states. in 2020 it was 8%. now in 2023, he has 22%. that's just not black men. >> so, election -- the election variety around the corner. if you have the opportunity to talk to the former president, i'm sure he is watching right now, what would you tell him call me on my cell mann, i will stump for trump. >> lawrence: why did you end up leaving black lives matter or are you still affiliated with it. >> no, no. i'm still affiliated with it all day. the thing about it is, my message that i preach and that i tout is unity. it's a message of unity. unit eye driven. i want to gather all the marginalized groups and bring them to the center. we are stronger together as one nation under indivisible under god. >> lawrence: mark fisher, i think all americans can go with a message of unity. we thank you so much for coming on the program. i hope you will come back in and check in with us. >> i appreciate you. keep up the good work, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it. more than 3 million americans are under a lake effect snow warning as a cold front moves from canada into the u.s. upstate new york getting the first significant snow storm of the season. let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. j.d., a lot of snow. >> janice: hey, lawrence. how are you? i just got out here. they just handed me the microphone and i know you were talking about lake-effect snow. look at the beautiful christmas tree behind me. it is feeling and looking a lot like christmas for much of the country. let's take a look at it right now. temperatures below freezing for a lot of areas. 34 right now in new york. but it feels colder than that. that's the wind chill. look at duluth minus 13 there. 4 in chicago is what it feels like. 7 in columbus, 26 in. freeze alerts as far as south as florida. so there is the temperature departure in some cases 10 to 15 to 20 degrees cooler than average. we are going to start to moderate as we get into thursday but the cooler air mass will move across the west and move across the rest of the country. we are into that weather pattern. look at morning low temperatures. 50 states below freezing on wednesday morning. and frost and freeze alerts across the south. the gulf coast, and florida up towards, you know, even south carolina. coastal south carolina. feeling the freeze, low temperatures. you know, 17, 20, 26 degrees in raleigh. these are low temperatures for thursday. and then this lake-effect snow. one of the biggest stories we are following as well. over at foof snow for upstate new york with more snow to come. that's going to be a huge story. they are used to getting lake-effect snow. this certainly in the season. it just continues to pile up. we will bring you the very latest from fox square in front of the beautiful all-american christmas tree. lawrence? oh, everybody, hi. hi, everybody. >> brian: so good we got you monitor. only lawrence would have got the hello. >> steve: come on in, janice. >> janice: i'm coming. it's so cold out. bye. >> steve: go from is some place where it is currently 32 degrees to a much warmer environment and we are talking about mexico. right now there is a couple hundred miles northwest of mexico city that train. it's a bnsf train. it is heading toward piedras negative gross right across from eagle pass, texas. there are hundreds of people on top of those coal cars. and do you know whether a? they are headed here this is what happens when you get rid of this. when the word goes out to central and south america and around the world and they are just coming through mexico it. doesn't mean they're mexicans central and south america. come one, come all. you can stay here for two or three years. we will even bus you to the city of your choice. that is what happens. >> so, in response to c texas and in arizona. suspend reduce the vehicles that come across. dhiewble in the record number of migrants trying to enter the u.s. highest it's ever been in one sector in the tucson sector. they saw 15,300 illegal crossings last week. it's the highest weekly total ever. >> steve: right. the reason they are doing that, ainsley. it's all hands on deck. they need so many people to help process the people. they are pulling them off the vehicle inspection and stuff like that. they have also apparently temporarily closed their social media presence because they took a person or two. taken them from that desk and put them on the frontlines to process more people who are currently on a train. >> lawrence: can you imagine being the biden administration and testifying before congress, being in front of the podium and saying that the border is closed? that they have operational control. >> brian: it's secure. >> lawrence: also show you the people that are coming across the contempt for americans. these are not runaways. these are guys that are and gals on trains. it's very dangerous. did i inspections with texas dps before. a lot of people lose limbs on this because they jump off. >> steve: there is nothing to hang on. to say. >> lawrence: the contempt, they are open about closing our border. >> brian: doctors borders. 400 people doctors without borders after they were raped in tents. specifically for abuse migrants. notorious darien gap area. you are talking about women raped four or five times to get to the border. and this is -- people are making money being brutalized by. this all because we have a come one, come all attitude at the border. >> think of all the fentanyl this week in the tucson area, they seized 117 pounds of fentanyl. there were 78 federal criminal cases. 17 rescues. 14 human smuggling events. three narcotic events. >> steve: those people are going to texas where texas, as we know famously, has bused all sorts of -- hundreds, actually we know exactly how many. texas has bused 66,000 migrants over the last year all across the country. the state of texas alone has spent $86 million, according to axios, to send people elsewhere, which breaks down to coos of $1,650 per person, which the people of texas are paying for taxes. >> lawrence: doesn't include the $4 billion in texas has invested to secure the border. because, remember, when you go down to the border, and you see the wire and all that, that's not border patrol that is there. border patrol only comes to pick them up. texas dps is the one. >> brian: and they're building their own wall. >> ainsley: a lot of the information we give but the border we find out from cbp social media. we find out from what they are posting. bill melugin our wonderful reporter on the border. he said regardless of the reasoning behind, this meaning they are going to pause their social media. this is such a bad look. essentially the border crisis in the sector is so bad they are going to cut off all communication and transparency with the public. we routinely use the photos and data from this account. it's unacceptable. >> brian: coming up straight ahead. >> steve: coming up the u.s. education secretary taking heat for filibustering one of ronald reagan's most iconic lines. >> as, i think it was president reagan said: we're from the government. we're here to help. there's -- there are resources there. there is technical assistance there, and there display book that could support the work you are doing. count on us as a partner in this. >> brian: that's not what he meant. plus, the white house is scrapping the christmas tradition of hanging stockings for president biden's grandchildren after he recently acknowledged a seventh grandchild. jimmy failla has decided to comment on this. so we brought him in. >> jimmy: ho ho ho ♪ what they will do ♪ one of these days these boots are going to walk all over you ♪ ♪ thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? join today and start earning free gear for your next adventure. this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. 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[limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i think it was president reagan said we're from the government. we're here to help. there are resources there. there's technical assistance there, and there's a playbook that can support the work you are doing. count on us as a partner in this. >> steve: there you have got our education secretary taking heat for filibustering one of ronald reagan's iconic lines. he got it wrong. here is reagan. >> the nine most terrifying words in the english language are: i'm from the government, and i'm heap to help. >> steve: and he got a great big ovation after that. jimmy failla hosts fox across america and on fox news radio and fox nation. he gets a big ovation. jim there it is, the crowd goes wild. >> steve: cardona was suggesting reagan said once i'm going to come help you. reagan had a warning about too much government. >> cardona's attempt to quote reagan really underscores why the government can't help you. these are stupid people. they have no idea what they are doing. now, i called cardona and he asked not what your country can do for your country but fear itself. i think he was spot on when he said as abe lincoln told us at gettysburg four scones and seven beers ago. that is sad. we have education secretary that you wouldn't copy off of on a test. that's the biggest problem with identity politics putting people into positions just because and they don't necessarily have the qualifications. >> steve: think about it he is the u.s. secretary of education. is he in charge of teaching american kids history and doesn't know history. >> jimmy: yeah. he taught fourth grade but i'm not sure he graduated fourth grade. that's scary, again, to the point of identity politics when you put people in positions just because pete buttigieg as the mayor of south dakota bend indiana couldn't take care of the roads. now he is in charge of every road in the country. not good. >> steve: here we sit in "studio m." right there is our great big christmas tree. they are decorating the white house. as it turns out, remember last year joe biden had all of his grandkids had stockings? this year he actually acknowledged that child now he hassaged it but not putting up the stockings. >> jimmy: this is a weird spot. i feel bad for the staff because now that the christmas decorations is out you can't tell what is fake snow and cocaine that the family left behind. how do you navigate that type of terrain? it's a low rent look for our country that we have a president in this position that for all intents and purposes is a jerry springer episode. think of this title. hunter biden, what is his story? he had an affair with his brother's widow, he impregnated a stripper along the way. the parents won't acknowledge a baby for the while there. that's a springer episode is it not? update on the holiday decorations no in a terrorist set at the white house they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. good night, everybody. there it is. i love you, deuce. >> fox across america today jim jordan is on talking about the fourth congressional district of ohio. food fight in congress. bring your poncho it's going to be. >> talk about the stocking. >> if you want to know about the white house stocking. i have takes. i'm the christmas correspondent here at the tree lighting now. they stuck me outside. i don't know that my mic was on. i was there. it was cute. >> steve: we saw you. white house screen left as it was last year with all the names except the one and this year no stockings. >> jimmy: they are just avoiding the reality of this kid which is shameful. it's your grand kid. own it. >> steve: all right, very good. i have two grandkids i love them. >> jimmy: me too. >> steve: you don't have grandkids. >> no. but i love yours. >> steve: they're watching right now because they are almost 10 months old