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>> welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm judge jeanine pirro in for sean earlier, a vehicle exploded at the rainbow bridge border crossinploded ag connectg new york and canada, leaving two dead. our very and can own kevin corke has the latest. >> kevin evening, judge. that vehicle actually exploded on the rainbow bridge after hurtlingtually into america from canada this morning. if you haven't seen the pictures that are quit itit flew through the air at a high f rate of speed before bursting rg into flames right next to an immigration checkpointht nex. >> as you pointed out, judge, two people in the car died, at least one border patrol a official was injured. now, authoritiest quickly shutt down three other crossings connecting western new york and canadaot. and buffalo niagara international airport has been ffalo ni to international flights, according to the faa. t the fbi, we, we are told, is spearheading the investigatio ad, n into thise incident. and new york state and local authoritie s also on the scene. on th meanwhile, the nypd haes to send officers upstate to assist on the ground. on td yes, they willng o be beefing up security in and around new york city, pecially especially ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. meantime, over at the white ove press, secretary karine jean-pierre said this. onary kat has been briefed on the vehicle explosion at the rainbow bridge port of entry t.s he and his team are closely following the developments. and thatel the way continues tonight, according to our sources over at the white house. to oo, transportation secretary. >> but a judge says the nation's travel alerte trav system judge is operating at a heightened levelel of security. and i should also add this. we just go.t this within the last hour or so, maybe a couple of hours. the governor of the great state of new york, kathy hochul, says the incident is at this poin tved to not not believed to be a bn act of terrorism. that counters, obviously, earlier reporting throughout the day. thr, this is important. the investigation is ongoing. and untivestigatl learn the namc of the suspects, not a lot cants be known about their possibleei motivation judge. >> all right, kevin corkposs mo thanks so much. you bet. all right. politico is now reportin, g house republicans are just weeks away from deciding whethedecidingr to file formal s of impeachment against president joe. there are just a few more interviews that need to happen. efirst, including one of hunterc himself and has a lot of questions to answer, like who is buyin whog his art? what are they getting in return? why is agetting in retur time dy donor and a hollywood lawyer giving hunter biden so much money and paid off his massive tax liability? and what about that 10% for the big guy? here now with an updaty? e on the biden family investigations is house oversight committee chairman james colmer. good evening, mr. chairman. you've got one very important witness coming up. what do you expect one ver to hm him? >> well, we have a lothim? of questions. you mentioned several of them. obviously, we're very concerne d about the millions of dollars that he and his family have received from our enemies around the world. we're concerned that it appears that at least 20 of his llc, he's appeared to be nothingl cop more than shell companies that were set up to receive wireane ses, foreign nationals, and to deceive the irs in paying taxes. we're concerned about what level of involvement joe biden had in these business schemes inat the bidenmess were clearly involved in. we want to know exactl in.yw ex actually what role joe played and why joe'acs so dishonest with the american people. >> excuse me, his knowledge of them. excuse me. congressman, do you really >> e, r biden to give youn an answer regarding what his father and how his father wasve involved, given the fact that his father has told the american people, i had nothing to do with this business? yeah, i mean, look, hunter biden went along with the narrative that his lapto thep ws russia disinformation, that it wasn't his all along. and norussiation andw we know h the laptop repair guy for disclosingth laptop. so you know that the president's son has been all on ha the board, mue the president. but now he's going to have an opportunity to clearve a his gor name. and if i were hunter biden, i would want to come in front of the house oversight ine and answerswer our our questions. if he's done nothing wrong, then thes.n can go and defend hs good name and live happily ever after. >> all right. you know, congressman, it's very interesting, mr. chairman. i should you it's very interesting, though. don't we have sufficient in? ence we've got people like devon archer, we've got people like tony bobulinski, e we've got emails, we've got photographs, we've got evidence. i mean photographs., as a former proser myself, irrespective of what hunter r prosec says you've got a clearly prima facia case here. >> now, i think so. i've said that for many months. i think we've produced many pro smokinduceg. you know, there are people in the mainstream media that want to saymainst otherwis but poll after poll comes outco and shows that the american are up wi keeping up with this investigation. and they realizethinvestigationg bad is going on here and the president, united states has been dishonore d with the peo american people. he's lied at least a dozen timepl lies about who he met wit what level of involvement he had in his family's criminal activities. that's what they are. we're talking about money laundering. weng about moneyx. ta we're talking about securities fraud. and the list goe wes on and on andn. on. >> so these are very serious crimes that any othe thr america would have already gone to prison over. so so really, ther wady goneo po things that the congress is going to have to look will havat here. respect to biden corruption, first of all, is the corruption itselft of all. ? and secondly, is the government cover up? and you you know, the witness that joe joe that jim jordan subpoenaed, lesley.bpoena wolf, we have a loted of questions for her because. her name always pops up. any time there's an obstructiont time that we interview, a government employehae that was supposed to be investigating this and they say they were told to stanti d down. all roads lead to leslie wolfe. so we haveol a lotf. questions r her. and i know jim george is going to do a very good job in that deposition. l come the bidens will come in front of our committee. we expecn front them to if theyn not, congress will hold them accountable. thd oti think that the evidence is overwhelming. and e encei know there are two h three moderates that still wanrt to see what the bidens have to say in their depositions. but aty in that point, the whole conference will get together and decide how we're going to hold this family accountable for wrongdoing to. okay. okay. so when it comes to a vote onpec whether or not you're going to impeach joe biden, when do you think that's to happen? well, certainly that'll be probably in early spring. you know, the sooner the better. it just depends on when these people com it just e in for the for the depositions and transcribed interviews we havedepositi abouu people that we want to hear from. and we're expectine that weg tos from them in the next 45 days after we hear from the.m. hopefully we'll be able to wrap up our job on the oversight committee, which was to investigate criminal wrongdoing and issue a report, and then we'll hand it off to the judiciary committee. thright. but when you said you're going to hold them accountable if they make a decision to not comethey ot, will you hold themd in contempt? >> absolutely. that's somethingthem that.s some jim jordan and ith talked with speaker johnson at length about last week, and i think we're all on board. we expec t we expect people to respect our subpoenas. this has been a credible investigation. we've been very transparent. this is a legitimate committee,e unlike the january six committee. this is a committee where both partiee. is s appointed their membership. we have, you know, published four bank memorandums. we had countless press conferences. i don't know ess how manywe'v interviews we've done. you know, we've been transparent with the american people h thee. an aw you have done an awful lot.fu final question that i have. wet. about a lot of bank accounts, a lot of different banks. reve you got all the ban differk records that you would want to just about? >> i think one thing that's hard for anyoni think e to unded is how many different accounts the bidens had with each one of these shell companies. we continue to fin o d new accounts almost on a on a weekly basis. we find a new account. are sti the bidens had to they're still coming in. but we've had very good lucks he with the banks. the banks have done a pretty good job honorin done g, >> c our subpoenas. all right, chairman coleman, thank you so much. haman come thaand happy thanksg. all right. possible impeachmentg to is juss one of joe's problems as this 2024 chances deteriorate every dasy, in large part because americans are continuing to feel the pressureare contflao of inflation as they prepare for thanksgiving. and whiln thee white house wanl you to believe prices are dropping, it's biden nomicss has been a disaster and voters are realizing it. with one new poll showing donald trump continuing joe to widen his lead over joe biden. here now with reaction to all of our top stories, fox news contributor charlie hurt, formerp florida attorney generl pam bondi, and fox news legalerl analyst jarrett. you know, i'm going to i'm with going to start with yothu gregg jarrett. you know, we just heard from chairman colmehairmanr that thet got hunter biden and a lot got of questions that $6 million or so that he's been given oreople by people like kevin maurice, another democratlikevin suppor. how does that play into the impeachment? >> w >> well, it's a pictureela of corruption. pie ofand 60%, according to the latest poll of americans, believ latese that joe biden wag aiding and abetting his son's corrupt in-flo a abettinw and p. schemes. >> it's one of the reasons why it% of americans say joe biden shouldn't run again. >> they think he's ineffective, t. ompetent and corrup >> you know, but there's an old saying that when your opponentbo is destroying himself, don't interfere. >>ng so while there are amplehe grounds to bring impeachment proceedingre ares, doesn't meant it's smart or wise because it would happen durin og an electin year. >> and i guarantee you that a largarantee e number of amerin voters would perceive it as election interference and effort to deprive themm of of their right and duty to decide who should be the next president and whether joe biden should be kicked to the curb. >> all right. so, you know, i think it's smart and for the committee to continue its work, continue to uncove rred the incriminating evidence of corruption and bribery but then present that to the american voter. let them decidhat toe. >> not the house and the senate. all right, pam bondi, you weref one of the lawyers for former president donald trump, the left, didn't think it was a good idea to hold offod on the impeachment ide . >> they went for the jugular. your thoughts? r r. they did, janine. and of course, they're still going for the jugular with a thehesham trial right now of al trial in new york. any business person, american,dm sees what they're doing to donald trump versus what the biden family has done. ith ou and really with our national security, with ukraine, with china, with allr these countries. so yeah, it's so important what. sos so imp and congresss is doing, looking and exposing what joe biden diddo and thesel whistleblowers, thank goodness for all of these whistleblowers. >> janine. kgoodness forll theyeah, yeah. there's no question. it's one of the things i didn't include with all the otherth all circumstantial corroborating evidence from charlie heard you know, we definitely the polls are now that there's an even broader margin between former president trump and biden, where president trump is holding 47%. president biden has fell from 45 to 43%, which suggests that there% is a pile on and maybe impeachment is the right way to gt o. >> well, certainly the and continuing the investigation is vitally important con because who knows who else has broken the law here that probably needs to be investigated further. i dos to b think that greg raisi a very important point about whether it's politically wise or not, because honestly know, just in terms of pure politics, in an elections of pu, you know, the case against joe biden, when people look at their biden own wallets and look at the price of whether it's gas or groceries or,er it you know, whatever it is in their own personal livesistheir, matter what the administration says, joe biden talks about a disconnect jtalk that doesn't mr if you feel poorer and you are poorer than you were ago. and when you you juxtapose that against all of this juxtapo corruption in the t biden administration, it leads people to ask this important question, who's joe biden working for? he's not working for i'm poorer, but he is gettinr,ge from china and ukraine and and russia and all of these other places . rkin tho is he working for? that is a fantastic campaignat to run against the incumbent and throw him out of office. cumbent yeah, and one thing to n there is also he's threatening ukraine and saying that you'reuy not going to get our money unless you get rid of the prosecutor in my son's companyfh .. but, you know, one of the things and i'll go i'll go to you with this, pamo to. 60% of americans are responding 60 indicatedey that inflation is impacting their lives right now. n is imp and it's very kind of breaks your heart. we're on the eve of thanksgivin on thg and rightw people are traveling. people are cooking. codi weren't working, i' be home cooking. b77% of people cooking are shopping around with couponsg or. et 22% have a strict budgett that they cannot go beyond . some have a very i mean, this is you know, this biden-nomics, i still don'thist know what it means. but americans are hurting. bujanine, they are. thatnd you know that turkey that joe biden pardoned just went up 30% for the american family to purchase for thanksgiving. but it's not only thanksgiving, it's everyday breaanksgiviit's 0 >> all essential commodities for middle%. class americans,lea which are typically, biden would say, his supportersn ,not any more, are up. and remember when president trump said, you know, fuel was a dollar 65 when he was president. now said he warned everybody, look what it will be if i'm noty president because he's taken away our oil industry. now he wants to take away our coal industr oily. but it's every single day fory americans. espe you know, especiallsingley on thanksgiving, jeanine, everyone needs to reach out to a neighboanksgivir and say, f bring them some pie, bring them some turkey, because you neverne know who's suffering based on biodynamir knc right now in r country. and greg, i'll go to you with this. you know, it's ver will thiy i. . i mean, this election is going to be fascinating given the fact oing that we have a president who's been indicted four times, a former president, which is he's never happenedpene before. but what i find stunning right now is that voters are black voters. joe biden lost 15% of black voters in the last couple of months. and 13 or 11% of hispanics and latinos. ong th so joe biden is losing among the minorities. why do you think that is? >> well, it's his record. >> you know, barack obama famously confided in a frien obd never underestimate joe biden's ability to screw everything up. >> yeah, he who is absolutely right. you know absolut from the econoy to inflation to the madee amer americans lives absolutely miserable to chaos at theovernm border that the government can no longer afforden his foreign policy has been an abysmal failure since the afghanis stan debacle. and you know, voters now of have buyer's remorse. >> they regret casting their ballot in favor of kamala harrist cast and joe biden, whih is why biden is now losing in, i think, eight of the most recent polls to donald trump, notwithstandinls to dog addingil four criminal indictments, which the public correctly as election interference and politically cases against biden's opponent. so i agree. not >> you know, it is not lookingr good for joe biden. joe he is in office, as obama stated, the more he's going to scree mow stuff u. >> yeah, and i don't thinkhi he used that word. and finally, do you, charlienk i what i think is fascinating is that the white house took a victorg isy this week for purportedly lowering costso to american families, preparing to celebrate thanksgiving this year while ignoring the rising prices that have affected consumers. . >> i mean, that is stunning. your reaction? t a >> yeah, you can lie about alo lot of things, but you can't lie about math and american voters. they feel the math in their owin in their own homes. you know, democrats spend all their time trying to dividee voters by race. all they see is is race, religionl they s, gender they'rg the way they want to divide voters. and they're the most racistther there >> but most people, most americans don't race. they see green. and when they're poor, they get upset and they throw incumbents out if they're poorer than they were four years ago. and i think that that's the situation we're in now. ars ago. situatiall right, grege hurt and pam bondi, my friends, happ, chy thanksgiving to you a. thank you. and coming up, own alex hogan s ings us the latest on the ground in israethl. and aaron cohen and morgan ortega's will react to the israel hamas hostage deal next . meet gold bond daily healing, a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes heals and dry skin with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and gold bond healing sensitive, clinically shown to heal and moisturize sensitive skin. >> gold bond diamonds at historic lows half carat solitaire is to 99 one carat 599 two carat 1490. our lowest price ever. one carat studs 349. thousands of diamonds guaranteed. >> lowest price while you watch the jewelry exchange. hello. former arkansas governor mike huckabee. lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing, turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. >> i know it's scary unless you use relaxium relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try. it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed, earning your body those quality hours of sleep that it desperately needs. >> join the hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced the relief and health benefits from getting great night's sleep and get relaxium sleep. relaxium helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium has been a miracle for us since american and the rest is improved our marriage. >> i don't even know how we lived for 30 years without it, because now i know this man differently than i knew him before. >> relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. relaxium is drug free and not addictive, so you can take relaxium every night and never worry about side effects. and the best part is it can start working from the very first night when i found out about relaxium, my life changed . it really did. stop being afraid and start sleeping. your fears away with relaxium sleep your body and your mind will. thank you. i'm telling you, relax. >> he is the real deal. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. and get your risk free bottle of relaxium sleep. it's guaranteed to work or your money back. call 800 9196467. or visit. try relaxium. com. that's 800 9196467. or visit try relaxium dot com this thanksgiving. fighting for america. (car engine revs) fighting for america. we to stre (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) shop now at show allegiance .com welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". last night, israel and hamas reached an agreement in their hostage negotiations. h anbut we have new updates. our very own alex hogan is live on the ground in israel with the latest alex. >> hi, janinatest.e we're learnt more that these hostages might not be coming home as soonex as expected. israeli officials say that now this likely will notpei offici r until friday morning through this deal. thro50 hostages, women and chiln will be exchanged for about 150n palestinian, israeli and palestiniaian women and childre who are currently in israeli jails, as well as thiscuin foury pause in fighting what they are calline g this four day ceae fire. and it could be extendedcallinga extra day for every ten extra hostages who released. and prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that for those who will not be released, the red cross will be able to go in and assist and give them medical help. >> meanwhile, here in northern d israel growing tensions with the idf responding to incoming fire from hezbolla h ,sending in fighter jets to hit military sites in lebanon just several hours ago. hezbollah says that an israeli strike killed five ofight its fighters. and in the last several days, another strikeer, two journaliss in lebanon. jozbollah says that it will retaliaten. for that here janine. >> all right, alex, thank you. ?and stay safe.stay all right. hear more israeli special ops veteran who now trains law enforcement and counterterrorism hen and aaron cohen and former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. e departmorgan, i'm going to stt with you now. there are 50e are 50 coming fro, 50 israelis coming home, women and children. the exchange, wo now is not goig to take place until friday morning. ng apparently. the high level of anxiety that must have wondering if it's their children or their wife or daughter who's coming in has got to be unbelievable. and the second thing therean is guidance that was handed out to the idf on how to handle these little childre tn who've been in captivity for seven weeks without ca. . family >> i mean, how do you see that going? well, first of all, you know, my heart breaks for these children in these families. remember, judge, that most of the children that are captivity, especially, for example, the three year oldwe american girl who we believe is the younges believet americae be held, lost their parents. so their parents may have been gunned down in front of them before they weref them hostage h seven weeks ago. se i have a threeree-ye year old little girl. and every time i seear stories and think about how these you know, i don't even want to cal-il animals because animas are much more humane than this. e much mthey don't deserve to bd animals. so what we know is that these families are obviously holding on and praying that these families foron and the most pary as i said, have already been devastated by the loss of life e in their family. it's going to take clearly a lot of time and therapy, but just hope that israel is successful, that they are able to get these babies home. and ultimately, you know, you praye babies h that you coul of the hostages home. but this is this is what hamas was planning was entire time. they see these people not as hostages. they see peopl them as human sh. ynd keep in mind, for ever palestinian convicted criminal ,somebody who was, you know, doing something illegal to get arrested , for every one of those that are being released. there's no moral there's no equivalency. right. there's no comparison, because these were innocent israelis who are observing shabbat, who are observing a jewish holiday on a saturdaving ay morg when they were killed, gunned, wen. d dow and by the way, and .and. and that's one of the things that the international thy, especially the ngos in the united nations, ovdge the way they have looked over and glossed over the violence by hamas that wason the perpetrated on these women, on these teenagersteenag and gos forbid, on these girls is one of the most heinous things we he seen anywhere in the world. >> yeah. and you wonder, you know, ilee's where's the meat to group, where are all the people concerned about women? but aaron cohe n, i'm thrilled to have you on again tonight. you know, we talked about whatrt will happen during the lull of prime minister netanyahhe u. doesn't call it a cease fire, but apparently there's still fighting until the hostageage, u until there's a movement of hostages. >> what will israel see in ? >> i mean, i've heard everything from maybe a drone to if they're under ground, we won't see anything. how do we know? whw will israel know what what they're and whether or not they're reorganizing? >> well, judge, let me just reaffirm to everybod ry watching that israel's got one of the most finest intelligence capabilitieonfiness in the world. our mossad, our shin bet. bus we've been in this business a long time. as far as those tunnelin s as fart ar as blackouts and all these different reports that are coming out right now with what israel'scoming not able to do wt getting into the skinnwiy of any operational details from my 20 years in the business, i'm going to tell you that israel's going to have a lot of eyes. >> israel's goinwi a lotg to bee to see and monitor the the operational zoneational s with f high degree of clarity and that means and that means being able to listen to hard line s, thousands of cell phone calls and able to really keepth a very close eye. there's a couple of operational goalis cs. e th the first one is obviously making sure that the exchange of the hostages is done safely. exchstagesthe second piece to te operation during the cease fire and again, israel is lookination dug at this four dae as an actual opportunity operationally to make sure that they caton continue to develop actionable intelligence. that's been israel's strength, how quickly they've been ablebe to gather intelligenceen while conducting operations simultaneously. i'm telling you, teach us operr colleges in ten years from now, maybe sooner. but it is goin now arer.g to is, going to turn over every stone. they're going to be peep in every tunneeverl as as closey as they can. >> remember, we got most can tunnels mapped out, so only a c couple of brigades of those fighters left right now. so anyouple f any logistical mo, any any any retaliationoper by hamas operation. i must say in hebrew, if shellaa kunlun, i must say in arabic, none had nothing to tell us out of bid now, which means everyf one of these hamas terrorists are within our reach. and that's not just in gaza. that's includingt in g benjamino netanyahu, a prime minister who just authorized our intelligence telligenency agency, mossad, at our hq to, be able to reach out to hassan ismail haniya and the rest of those fat cats sitting in those six star hotels in qatar. so i israel's going to be watching very, very closely, contrary to what people are saying>> i've tell . >> good. i'm glad to hear that. i mean, that's very comforting. now, one more point i want to make before we go.erican the american people, some of them or some who are rootingof for hamas don't seem to understand that it's not just the jews, that these radicals want to eliminate. >> morgan tell us who else they want to eliminate. well, they when they chant death to israel, they chant deat toh to america in the next. breath. they obviously want to go after the jewish people as they have done, but they want to eliminate christian s, hindus, anybody who, by the way, they kill other muslims. us right. there was a heart breaking story that i just put out on my social media of an israeli arab. man. his wife washi killed by thishaa hamas terrorist on october 7th in their vehicler in front of him. she was a mother of nine. her baby was in th.e seat. her baby has shrapnel in their back. and she was an incredibly very devout muslim woman. so they want to go after anyoneh that, doesn't see the world in their jihadist manner. these are these are radicad l people that are beholden to the islamic republic of iran. en to thcand we must never forg. and last word, erin. i mean, the truth is that the member of any other religion, other than or any nonbeliever, is everybody but them. >> is that right? that's right. this is a we're lookinthisg at a war here. the way hamas holds, its optics, judge, is against the infidel. so this is this againss is the epicenter of extremism which comes from iran, which comes from the mullahs. they've been calling inciting the violence that we're seeing erupt now around the world, where we're essentially at thess beginning stages of of a potential. and likea potent i said to you t night, and i must say it again, law enforcement here in this country needs to start thi having a hard look at their abilities to make sure that they can respon d to multiple attackss that that could be popping up simultaneously in multiple ce to locations. >> it's -- it's time to get real serious. >> nestion. tion, erin get r aaron cohen, morgan ortega's, both excellent guests. thanks for being with us andy tn happy thanksgiving. >> coming upng, america is on high alert for terror fotacks as we enter the holiday season. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, former homeland security acting secretar advisei will join us next as a speciale edition of "hannity" continues . when two doing business becomet, more about culture wars i use more about culture wars i use and less about, well, business , some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then thpanies, rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange here. i can search more than 2000 companies to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't 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and its alliesill se will serve as an inspiration, the likes of which we haven't seenrvioe li since isis launches so-called caliphate. several ago. in just the past few weeks, multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for orgat americans andst the west. >> here in the united states, are most immediate concern is that violent extremists, individual concerns or small gra will draw inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans goin g about their daily lives. >> here with reaction, former acting dhsy live secretary chadf and former homeland security advise wolf r fran townsend. thrilled to have you both on. christopher wrayo have, very clt and i'll start with you. fran townsend. there is an increased risk. he couldn't have been incrnwhatd more straight forward. what do you think is is goingo o on and are we prepared? judge, thank you for having me.. it's great to be with you. look, i think we ought to understand when chris wray raises director wray raises this issue in the way that he does there. there's clearly underlying intelligence is that he's relying on. they're not just supposing might happen. they have real intelligence that says the threat levelnc is raised. i do think, you know, americans on the holidayt leveee and often we've been very fortunate not to have a successful attack on u.s. soil. and i think americans are distracted. so with the holiday. so it's all the more important, frankle more iy, that we take ts threat seriously and we be alert and wwee notify law enforcement, local law enforcement, when we see somethin enforweg that doesn't . right to us. you know, chad, wolf, i mean, >>you've experience at therience border. unfortunately, the borde at thro open. the southern border now, you know, buffalo, niagararn, fl that focuses our attention on the northern border terr. the number of suspected terrorists are known which w with backgrounds about which we're concerned coming through the northern border is like 85% compared to the southern likroue border. br i mean, we've got >> i trouble brewing. well, i think we do. and i think, you know, the increased terrorist threat, the director wray is talking about. i do agree with fran that there are some underlying there that when the director makes those statements, he'sakes tho g them based off of fact. but i think it not only points to what's goin poit isg along pi the southern border, but it also just points to what's going on in the world. is iand i think the lack of u.s. leadership that we see around t d is making the u.s. in in the homeland less safe. at the end of the da y. jeanne, to judge your point, though, you're exactly right. i thin pk as much attentionhernb that the southern border gets, the northern border is often overlookedor and we see illegal apprehensions and we see another a number of concerning issues occurring along that northern border that we haven't seen in previousoccurrin years or even previous decades. and so i think it's time to get serious about our border securit security. it's time to get serious soout our national sovereigntyyi and making sure that we're protecting americans here at home just as weect are,projec you know, projecting force and power and strength overseas. as well. >> you know, fran, when we talk about the, you know, the dangerouabout ths period wie which we're living right now, ar with the the hr holidays coming and people wanting to go, for examplecoming to the macy's day parade in new york city, i mean, there are so many soft targets. i mean, we live in a free society. can we really prevent things iff we don't know about chatter or we don't know about specific claimspecific? well, we ought to assume that the intelligenceto director wray was referring to has been shared with local police departments like nyp the nypd. they've been the nypd has protected.pd has pd that parade. there's never been an incident. it is a make no mistake.e no but nypd is about the beste nypi in the country. we have i will say, you know, we have terrorist leaders in places likeleaders qatar who are givig safe haven to, the palestinian leaders of hamas. ismail and khalid meshaal, for for ple. and these guys sit there and they call for a globalization of the intifadaf that really is a global callor to violence for people like minded people. h and that's been public. so we know when you seecouple that coupled with classified intelligence, that this is realldy to law enforcement. >> and chad, given that itla is so concerning to law enforcement, you know, the we've got so manncerningy d levels of expertise. fran is very correct . i mean, i think the nypd is is one of the is the great police department. i work with them when i was d.a.. but when you've got smalle .r or rural more law enforcement, police departments that may no t the ability or you know the intelligence sharing we have the joint terrorism task force. i mean, how is america prepared for any kind of a problem? >> look, i think our preparedness has obviously increased every year really since 911. the issue here, though, is whath is the terrorist threat to the united states and where is that coming from and how do we address that? ow do webefore it ever reaches the homeland and reaches our shores? i would say overall, the holiday period is certainly an increased threat period overall, regardless of what's occurring in israes ofl and elsewhere. so i think many americans, as they travel a different thanksgiving into the christmas and new year's break, they need to be vigilant. they need to be alernet and they need to understand their surroundings, because regardless which holiday period, the holidays are always a time to make sure that you are aware of what's going on. but again, i thinknk our preparedness as a countr oud and individually as americans, i think has comeuaameric a longs since 911. there's always more that we can do. but we really neede we address these threats before they ever reach the homeland. and that includes making sure that we are strong overseas and we have leadership overseas as well is important. >> well, we are strong overseas . i don't think there's any question with the with ourstreng military strength, it's so evident in the mediterraneanit. but, you know, i wonderam about the border, fran. i'm very concerned about the con people in and some of these suspected terrorists. and a million and a half got aw i mean, you know, we're really teed up for something dangerous and i don't want to scare people, but that is partg in a f of living in a free society. judge. that's right. i d i do think, look, we have to getdove to ge a handle on it. chad's right. we worry about we want to address these threats before they come into our shores. but your worryy about the bordr is also legitimate. we need to know who's here. here.are there threats, you kne internal to the united states? because we don'te we know who's here. and there's been such a flood of of illegaa l crossings.i thin and so, look, i think we have to be able to do both. i think we can do both? i agree with chad. i think we're better prepared than we ever are bet have been.. but it really requires it's not just law enforcement to do this. it really requires the american it re e, be supportiv as chad says, aware so that they can cue law enforcemensaido theyt to be effb and you know what? i believe in the american people. sensi think that common sense will give us the ability to share whatever concerns that there were visible to all ars. chad, wolf and fran townsend, thanks for joining us and happy thanksgivingthanksoining. now, joe biden's border crisisbi is having a serious effectden's on major cities across the country. sara carter and tom homan every action next business, ty and you have to be fearless risk takers, entrepreneurs driven to succeed, willing to risk everything despite all odds, parlay well and influence every step of the way. there was a fortune at stake. 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country. here now with reaction are fox news contributor sara carter and former acting ice directorgi tom hogan home. and i'm sorry, tom. now, the amazing par t of this this is that we hear about this all the time. you remember the guyalth in pennsylvania who did that crab walk up the side of the prison and got out? he was illegal. he was wanted for murder was wan in brazil, came here, killed his girlfriend, stabbed a 38 times and was in jail for that. thesthen he was on the run. so these people come here convicted in their own country. we have no information about them, which is nothing new to our viewers. but at the same time, it's not stopping tom. >> no.>> look, we got 1.7 million known got away. it's 1.7 million. a . point 7 millionay people pay more to get away? why didn't they turn themselves in the border patrol to get released, get born to the sea? their choice, their taxpayer axpayersand get work authorization? there's a reason 1.7 million paid more to get away because they don't want to be fingerprinted and already vetted. finginted anthese are criminals. these are gang members. these are people care right now and these are goin caring to ben as suspected terrorists. and i disagree. and i got to disagreterrorise. >> your prior two guests, they were better prepared. now, we happen to be in the trump administration ring therepared., maybe in the trump administration, we were because we only arrested 11 people on a terrorist watch list in four years. >> now, the borders wide ope w the n. we got 1.7 million gateways in the biden administration, arrested over 300 people on the terrorist watch list. so we might be better prepared to respond to a terrorist threat, but we're not better prepared to be to prevenst atta. >> not under this administration. well, you make a very good point. r, i'll go toe you. in fiscal year 20, 23, therether were 484 terror watch lists, atr suspects screened at ports of entry on the northern border and just 80 at the southern border. now, aside from the fact aside from theye and i heardy mayorkas say not that long ago that he doesn't know where they are, they get into the country. but 85% of the suspected t terrorists coming into this country are now, comingrough in through the northern border, which was a big concerthe northg ,given that blow up at the at the rainbow bridge near niagara falls and canada. >>idge nea yeah, >> judge jeanine, i mean, we're looking at the northern border being as vulnerable as the southern border. there were over 170,000, i believe, apprehensions at then northern border in the last fiscal year. and that's really interesting because you're seeing a significant increase in people coming from countrieno their size, either special interest aliens or people coming from countries connected to terrorism or people themselvesto actually connected to terror. and look, the american people are not stupid and theye. can handle the truth. and i agree with tom 100% that we need to start facingn it reality and facing the truth when it comes to these matters. when you talke d about the brazilian look there, we were lucky because at least there in brazil, there is a working government we can actually reach outnt. to immigration officials and find out the rest of the nationofficial.s. >> we cannot do that.. syria, afghanistan and any place else in the world without a reliable working government. and we have all of those people all across our country right now that have crossed into the natiory rig n, just likeav we've said, known getaways. and we have no idea who they ide are or where they are or what their intentions are in our nation. ions areouand that's pretty fri. >> yeah, it is frightening. and, you know, tom, we call them asylughteningm seekers. they're illegal aliens to me. but that's another issue. but what is amazing to me i is they are actually saying that they're legal here, that they're legal now because they're asylum seekers. thga, i mean, that's that's that's just amazing how evenho the definition and the wording is changed. but i want to talk about the northern border agai then now. i went to school of buffalo, so i know it very well. and i'm from upstate new york. what we've got in the northern border, especially with canada ,is there are so many waysthere to get into the united states from canada. the suspected terrorists know it. canada.specterroris85% are now the northern border. and then we have the triballice. police, a lot of them on the islands, on rivers. onthere's not one concrete barrier where you got to come through. talk to usewhere you have abouth >> you got your northern border very vulnerable. rthern b i grew up along the i'm here right now. and you get across the stiver i lawrence river and 30 seconds. you got a thousand places to hide. n gao digeo gill did a study backn 2002 and says that terrorists come across the northern bordech ten times more likely than the southern border. add to border. that that 50% ofe agents suffer very few border patrol agents, 50% of agents here have been assigned to the southern border. and the 50% agents still here are on a computer all day procese on as in immigrants virtually. but as far as the asylum seekers, you're exactly right. e asylumnine out of ten asylum s case, they'll be ordering me and i'll tell you this. i do like what i've said for the past month. i made president trumpmonth, i s . >> he comes back, i come back and i'm going to run the biggest deportk and i casen operation this country's ever seen before. those nine out of ten loser case we're going to execute will find orders from the immigration judge, because if we don't then it's just been doesn't mean anything.due due process doesn't mean anything. the judge's decision mustt. be carried out. >> and that's what we're going to do in the next trump administration. well, i totallthat'sdon they yo. i know you've got the energy and the passion to do it. and sarayoy an, i mean, the last question to me is the mostt quei important question is law and order in this country, not just in terms of the illegals, but across the board. ille seeingnothin america as nothing more than a global landing spot where you come here. you don't have to follow the law. you get everything handed to youget ever. someone and unless we get someone in who can change that and you got 30 seconds, hard work, we're going downave 30 the tube. >> well, absolutely. absolutely. we will go >> the tubes becausee we've lost our ability to remain sovereign. lity tour enemies are circling the waters. china, venezuela, iran, are using and abusing and moving their way, usin, ceny america and targeting the united states. thdinarilywe are extraordinarily vulnerable times, right? we need somebody in there. we neeerable. d strong.mebody all right. do you like president trump? more of this specialident jo edition of "hannity" after the break. >> the new york times, rolling stone and top critics everywhere are falling in love with the 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