i am dana perino with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ."to use the season, america. in 30 minutes from now "the five" will be dashing our way to fox square for the all-american christmas tree fivwalighting. all of your favorite fox newsho hosts are going to be there. there will be plenty of fun and some surprises. before we had outside let's get to some big news of the day. it was not the kind of birthday he was hoping for. president biden turning 81 years ol d today. just cannot catch a break from the avalanche of the headlines surrounding his election campaign. just about every mainstream outlet writing articles about his advanced age. former seniorou advisor to president obama, david axelrod a calling thdve president to old saying that biden has a 50/50 shot at reelection axe.0 check out this "wall street journal" headline which says "biden keeps talkingu about the old dayst . young voters, they don't like it." "biun the president is brushing ofg f those concerns while at the thanksgiving turkey pardon. >> it's my birthday today. [applause] i just want you to know it's difficult turning 60. difficult. national turkey presentation and pardon marks the unofficial start of the holiday season.tioa we are here in washington. a time to share joy and gratitude and have a little bit of funhingshar. this is a 76th anniversary of .his event i want you to know i wasn't there. i was too young to make it up. >> dana: president biden has been trying to make some jokes about his age bu>>t it's no j laughing matter to hisok white house. accordin nog to a new report staffers have launched their own operation dubbed "the bubble wrap" strategy in regard protect the oldest ever president from dripping into public. if you remember, mike and joe on msnbc, when he tripped, they blamed the staff. how dare you not have a way for him to be protected from falls like that.amed but happy birthday to the president.ho >> greg: are you looking at me? i really wish i was at the hd children's tableay. joe's age is his biggest liability besides the open borderonom, the bad economy, th we're in ukraine, the war in israel, the botched afghanistan was straw, crime rate, payouts from wor china, the price of gam the corrupt family. really worried about his age. i think this story is a bit a scam. there's a better argument to be made than aging. it can b.ument toe bounced back. trump is a few years behind. if you focus on confidence and function, that's the real argument because biden is olif i but so ions bernie sanders and o is mick jagger. trump is doing stand up while joe can barely stand up.ick as for the bubble wrap, that was a good line, thank you. more like trouble wrap. what's the bubble wrap protecting? is it joe or who's controlling joe? i i think the greater mission hern is to protect those who are behind the scenes telling him whatotec to do and what to say.w i thinhak the feebleness argumet now, the age argument, is there to kind of keep us busy as in misdirection from the fact that ther face are whole group of peo basically directing his every movement. more worried about that than i am hist m age. >> dana: let me show dan you the nbc poll. trump leading biden with younger people ages 18 to 34. that percentage with trump at 46, biden at 44. that's the presidential preference poll. 18 to 24-year-olds, it's 46-42 so that's a key voting bloc for the president. when it comes to a close electioners , if you lose just of thosefo fighters it could be bad news for biden. >> jesse: has based its fracturing. the palestinian situation is not helping..n is neither is crime, the border high prices.g. it doesn't also help in every story he tells is about a lunch he hady with a segregationist or satchel paige. these things aren't connecting with they used to compare joe bidenn' to fdr, remember that? because of his great domestic accomplishments. i think the comparison is with fdr, but it's about how both of these presidents concealed thei health from voters. fdr was in a wheelchair and chaialways tried to cover that . joe biden, the bubble wrap campaign is the same thing. the guy has brunch lids. if it's not a 40 weekend, it's a three day weekend. he never talks to us through the american people feel deceived and want the to feel connected o the present. anwant to feel like we know the president, we understand him ank nohe's on our face. this guy doesn't ever appear in public and when he does he won't take questions fac.pu if he does, he goes, i'm going to get in trouble. won makes us feel like he's not reallyes in charge. the american people ar e realizing and especially the democrats that the only reason joe won in the first place was because of covid and the fbi.of this election, c there will note covid, and the fbi, well elon musk bought twitter scoo there's not the infrastructure there to help joe biden win. the focus is on joe biden'e ins performance and everyone is focused on his age, his gait his speech, his performance is just not inspiring confidence everybody is going to try to hide him. i see donald trump less to run against the world and he has a better shot running against the world and joe biden has running against father time because no one has ever beaten father time. >>ag dana: harold ford listened to bill maher this he had some.e tough words for te president. >> i have said it before. do i think joe biden can do the job?id absolutely. i don't think he can win the job and that's what i care about. he's going to lose because the people think he's to.o old and perception is reality. i'm sorry.on >> dana: hearing from democratic circles i.>> >> harold: good to be back d. he reflects what a lot of people in the party believe, what a lot of people in the party are starting to believe. david axelrod said it a few weekartys ago and was criticizey people are saying this. thres cre takeaways from the poi find most interesting. he's losing to trump. this was not happening three or fourg to months ago and his polg dataas. the president would say i could beat trumps .th i deserve the opportunity to go after, to have this rematch. the key issues that you mentioned.o ha i've always thought it was policy acuity more so than age acuity or mental acuity that really mattered and you touched on mic ageattek jagger and otheo of the same age but seem more youthful. these are serious things and got tomore figure out how to addres. if you take out trump and you have another republican against by them, they win. if you take on biden and go againt trump, they win. a democrat. the point that axelrod was making is one democrats willng i have to grapple with. much sooner rather than later.oo whatne president biden constantl of the last two weeks has pointed to,, the last two weeks, has been on we election day, the only datae have, polling data we have election day data and democrats did fairly well two weeks ago. they win in virginia. theytion ago. win won the abortion battln ohio and reelected the kentucky governor. the question is does it translate joe biden?he k joe biden argues it does on his team argues it does. the most recent data says the president is losing toe bi donald trump in one of the most important agents, 18 to 2034. >> dana: in the fox news poll republicans were doing better on everyone o f those important issues than democrats. al l of them by double digits. t >> judge jeanine: we are talking about joe biden.he in "the new york times" he had the poll of the battleground tastates. 71% said biden was too old. by contrast 39% said the same thing about donald. trump. the public recognizes this isg about cognition.ab it's not about age. the public has been watching this man falling down, tripping stumbling, slurring his words n wanot going to dinners and international events and they'r not going to be full by this ne bubblewrap campaign strategy. we got conned by the first one when it was a basement campaign. fool me once, shame on you. it ampafool me twice, shame oni thin.k the american people, what they believe is reflected in this "new york times" siena pollamer. in addition to the fact he's not getting any younger. we can refer to people like mea. jagger and everybody else. last week we had a 99-year-old world war ii veteran who came on stage and walked out, he didn't stumble out through we were waiting for him to trip. he gave a speech, ad-lib, have the audience standing, standing ovation. that's what america needs, not thisaudi. >> dana: andy negra. don't go anywhere. we are counting down to the christmas tree lighting. next, the border crisis hittingo cities hard. a cardi b unleashing. ♪ ♪ . ♪ ♪ sofia vergara: dwight was a 13-year-old kid with cancer, when he came to st. jude. dwight: this kid is now 73 years old. sofia vergara: that's what we do at st. jude. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: a little holiday music for you. joe biden's border crisis is bleeding liberal cities drive. new york city ready to cut billions from its budget srderoy can paney for illegal immigrants seeking santuary . it would severely reduce funding for schools and libraries and slash nypd officers on the streets to their lowest levels since the 1990s. more new yorkers will be getting slashed on the subway. cardi b is blasting president biden and nyc mayor eric adams over the cuts. >> how is it a $100 billion budget cut in new york city for [bleep] schools, libraries police safety and sanitation. joe biden is talking about yeah we can find two wars. new york is already [bleep] weper dirty. crime is going to go through the roof because there's a police safety budget cut. >> greg: judge, i love the fact that this is somebody who generally is against the police. dy wthere's a lot of people thae against the police who aree's w whining that they arpoe literaly defundinlig the police. >> judge jeanine: i was thinking the same thing. she's on top of her game. her music ison t great. look, she's right, since theislo 1980oks we haven't had the numbers of police officers this low.hi highest crime in new york city sest was in the '80s. we are teed up to have the same level of crimewa as we did in ti worst crime we can in addition to that, we are making up -- career giving up schools and giving up police budgets and giving up safety because we are a sanctuary city so that the american taxpayers are taking second seat to illegal immigrants who were not invited here. w the mayor wahos looking for volunteers to put the illegals in their homes. now we've got to give up our own safetyir h, our schools. as if we are not homeschooling them higher than we ever have to it's really a tragedy. it's got to changef >> greg: harold,ed gt tb? g i think, great to be back. a i think you have to credit hear adams for giving his allies in reality check. wouldn't you say that the progressive ideal he's showing is not sustainable because you're going to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg. teaching them there are finite ehe's resources. something that they denied for decades. what say you? gt tb. >> harold: i think you're right.i gi i give them a lot of credit, the mirror, front and center with the challenges are and how we pay for.t this is one of the reasons why biden is facing so much pressure. m i believe this will be theiruc number one issue, this and women's health, reproductive rights issues coming next november. depending on which one is more n poor into the statexe people lie it could tip the election. if you're the white house, give us a bill. make more people to qualify for asylum wait outside the u.s. t two or three times the number of dorder patrol an law enforcement at the border and use every technology to ma p how people are coming in. finally, pass a new crime bill. provide every mayor what they need in order to make their city safe. you do that we have a fighting chance to win that great >> greg: we would have a fighting chance to win i a tf you ran for mayor or president. asking mayor adams the same question tonight when it comes to the tree lighting. jesse can progressives always save got to break a few eggs to smae an omelette but those egg are everybody's. police, education, social programs. they broke these eggs because of the progressivms.e disasters. >> jesse: if you have an open border you are forced to makesa decisionsts pretty of a certain amount of money and people and we've decided that if you're a politician you care about foreign nationals instead of american people. see you have a six-pack. six of you iix-pn the house. >> greg: do you mean abs?e. >> jesse: of michelob. all of a sudden some idiot opens the door andall doesn't shut id people just keep flooding into the house. shu you're going to have some decisions about who gets beersi and people are just handinongdo beer to people who don't live ih the house. that's a shame because everybody wants to have a good time. >> greg:ave exactly. >> jesse: and we paid for the beer. g >> greg: we paid for the beer!re dana, even though this is a goo. plan, with the mayor is doing the city's b going to max out ad eet worse for us which means w are all going to be able to move.wo >> jesse: and i'm not going tors be able to go to the library! >> greg: that's where you get your best work done. >> dana: her point about police and sanitation is a huge you have a city with this much litter on the streets it degrades the quality of life. don't have enough police officersades. this happens on the same day that "the new york times" finally notices in an editorialn that covid learning loss is creating a two decade gap for people.of need to spend a bunch of money on that. he's going to cut money of schools because of this. katiehe arizona governor, hobbs has sent 26 out thousand migrants out. >> judge jeanine: what did she send them question work >> dana: i don't know. out. not here. >> greg: lambert gavin newsom sent the homeless. there's a magical place. >> dana: alcatraz. rt gse i wish.atra yeah, i set i wished it up next: smells like woke spirit. ii wi high school bans "usa day." ♪ ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. my mom's life is the most important thing to me. hi mom! i called my mom, "i have this gene and i think you need to get tested." she feels like it was truly lifesaving. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome to our brave woke world where celebrating america is somehow offensive. a high school in massachusetts is banning "usa day" permits spirit week activities because it's too political. students can enjoy mismatched monday or tropical tuesday but a day devoted to the red, white and blue, to offensive, too offensive. >> i hate to break it to this principle, but nixing usa today they had pride month and they put out statements promoting pride parades. , but not the united states of america. it was big of them to do that. >> jesse: you can wear pink but you can't wear the red white, and blue, harold. >> harold: i am patriotic and i hope they find a way to fix this. reschedule the day and that kids celebrate. >> jesse: you're going to refrain? >> harold: i hope he changes his mind. it's wellesley high school. >> dana: the student union said the administration didn't allow a discussion. if you trace it back, it is the adults making these decisions arbitrarily not giving students a chance. also have u.s.a. day. why do they care? even if is political. schedule and debate. they try to keep these kids in a cocoon and they're just going to have more rebellion. you tell kids they can't have u.s.a. day, they're going to have u.s.a. day and it's going to be big. look out for the fireworks. >> jesse: that's right. >> greg: i fired my assistant because she told me they were banning "usa today." there go my talking points. patriotism was never a political stance. it was a shared assumptions so you could have disagreements on stuff because it was part of america's greatness. the disagreements were the foundation for the patriotism but it was academia that succeeded in subverting this notion is america as a shining city on the hill i now have generations to believe that we are the problem. they live in comfort while supporting regimes that would destroy that convert. too dumb to know any better but i am optimistic like you are. the only thing we can hope for is the tendency of youth to rebel against conformity. if the conformist is a drone that hates america the anti-west perspective will become stale and i predict a trend young smart rebellious kids who will embrace america for what it is which is edgy and rebellious. that's why america is here. the new black panthers really are black conservatives like tyrus. the new radicals. joe grogan, elon musk, the gutfeld show. you're seeing this happening. "snl." finally made jokes about the trans athletes after years of m pushing that. finally. >> jesse: patriotism is the new black. >> harold: black panthers everybody! >> jesse: christmas magic is about to begin soon. heading out to fox square to light the all-american tree. ♪ ♪ ♪ (singing )i'll be home for christmas. you can plan on me. please have snow and mistletoe. and presents on the tree. right now all over the country kids at shriners hospitals for children are able to go home and be with their families for the holidays. and that's only possible because of the monthly donations from people like you. thanks to a generous donor every dollar you give can help twice as many kids like me and have double the impact. with your gift of just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. and a reminder of the care you'll be providing so kids can be with their families. (singing) christmas eve will find me. where the love light gleams. it only takes a moment to call the number on your screen. or you can visit thanks to a generous donor your gift will go twice as far and help more kids like me. because every child just wants to be home for the holidays, and your gift makes that possible. your call is the best gift of all. your gift will be my favorite christmas present this year. thank you for giving. please call the number on your screen or go to to give whatever you can. and when you do, your gift will have two times the impact. honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. ♪ from the mountains, ♪ to the fruited plains. ♪ it's the best part about this land. ♪ and to those of you who hear the call - answer. ♪ come in to bass pros shops and cabela's for great gear before your fall hunt. your adventure starts here. ♪ ♪ heaven and nature sing ♪ ♪ joy to the world ♪ ♪ the savior reigns ♪ ♪ let men their songs employ ♪ >> jesse: hello everybody from fox square, the all-american christmas tree is back and it's better than ever. boy, are we excited to officially kick off the holiday season. this time of the year it's all about faith, family, and friends. it's also about making new memories and we plan on doing that tonight. >> judge jeanine: jesse, we can't wait to press that button and see this amazing tree light up. it stands 50 feet tall and is made right here in america. it took 27 hours to put it altogether. this this symbol of christmas with 340,000 lights, 12,000 ornaments that sat on 500 branches and it is topped with a 6-foot tall star. >> it's good to have everyone back around a tree. a big show i had packed with many surprises. our favorite fox hosts and their families as well as all fox employees are here celebrity. >> dana: the holiday season always reminds us to remember what's most important. this year the fox family is thinking of israel and the jewish people. believe me we hear you and we are standing with you. it has been a heart-wrenching 44 days since hamas terrorists launched an attack on the israeli people. more than 200 are still being held hostage including babies as young as ten months old. we are all hoping and praying their families get to hug them again very soon. >> greg: this christmas fox news media is partnering with the first responders children foundation, providing supportive children. fox employees are helping out by donating 1,000 gifts and they wrapped every single one of them. i don't believe that. [laughter] >> jesse: are you guys ready? [cheering] all right. let's let the festivities begin. >> dana: i'm pretty excited. first of all, you all look great. everybody looks great, you sound great. i remember last year this really became for me the kick off to christmas season. >> judge jeanine: absolutely. now it's time to get the tree out and to make sure that you put great decorations on it but not as many as this. >> jesse: i think harold has had his tree up for about a month, right? >> harold: we go early right after halloween. we put christmas lights up and do the christmas tree probably in a few days that i've got to tell you coming up and down sixth avenue and seen that thing lit up is going to make a lot of americans happy and a lot of new yorkers happy. >> jesse: all right. >> greg: that was amazing. you like my sweater? >> harold: we love your sweater! >> dana: you can get it in the fox shop. well, lighting the all-american christmas tree would not be complete without a few blessings. chief religion correspondent lauren green is here and she has religious leaders with her to kick us off tonight. hi, lauren. >> hey, dana. this time of year we celebrate the miracle of light, light overcoming darkness. for jews, it's the festival of lights, hanukkah. the marvel of one days or the lasting eight days. for christians it is christmas. the birth of jesus who is called the light of the world. lighting the all-american christmas tree would not be complete without a few blessings. to start us off is the reverend lawrence aker from cornerstone baptist church in brooklyn. >> good evening. let us pray. god of light and love, in the darkness of winter you bring joy to our hearts with the lighting of this tree. may your light shine within our hearts throughout these days and fill us, we pray, with the hope of peace on earth and goodwill to all. jesus, the light of the world as we celebrate your birth they we begin to see the world in the light of understanding you give us. as you chose the lowly, the outcast, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world has ever known so may we worship you in the meekness of heart that you give. may we also remember our brothers and sisters less fortunate than ourselves in the season of giving. in a world where worry, not peace prevails. stir up that good news again. this christmas, make it real in our hearts. never have we needed your joy and peace more than now. thank you for the gift of jesus our emmanuel. the word made flesh, amen. >> man. thank you so much, reverend. your thoughts on what and must be a challenging holiday season for jews around the world. >> it's a great honor for me to be with reverend aker and especially with cardinal dolan whom i have respected for years and ever since he ascended to the cardinal ship. great religious leader. to be here at this moment when the tree, the christmas tree on the avenue of the americas, is dedicated. what are wonderful thing the public square to have a religious symbol. i am in favor of religion in america, america is founded on the biblical tradition, the biblical tradition of the prophet micah who stated what does god want of us but to do justice, dispense kindness, and walk humbly with god. the biblical tradition that says that when the human being was created, he was created as one. the other species were numbers but only one human being was created. the talmud says the lesson from that is twofold. number one, from one person came a whole world and therefore every human life has infinite value. and number two, nobody can say my ancestor was more important than your ancestor because we all have a common ancestor adam. and therefore i say to my christian brothers and sisters merry christmas to you and all americans i say may we be able to live together in a land and as a nation undivided indivisible under god with liberty and justice for all. amen. >> take you so much, rabbi. cardinal dolan, the archbishop of new york here to share his blessing on the all-american christmas tree. >> thank you, lauren. it rabbi, reverend. let us pray. lord our god we praise you for the light of creation, the sun the moon, the stars in the night, we praise you for the light of israel. the law of the prophets on the wisdom of the scriptures. we praise you for jesus christ your son, he is emmanuel, god with us, the prince of peace who fills us with wonder and love. lord god let your blessing come upon us as we illumine this tree this evening. may the light and cheer it gives the city be the sign of the joy that fills our hearts. may all who delight in the this tree come to the knowledge and joy of salvation through christ our lord, amen. hallelujah. thank you. >> cardinal dolan, thank you so much. to all the leaders of your thank you so much. dana, back to you. >> dana: lauren green thank you so much. we appreciate you. we are getting closer to lighting our all-american christmas tree. what do you know, jesse? >> jesse: okay, let me stand next to here. bret baier and family. amy, if i could squeeze in. [laughter] we have the boys. bret tell us with the christmas season means in your household. >> well, it means family time. this place is all about family. you look around and a lot of fox people have their families here and listening to those prayers that's really what this is all about so that's what it means. >> jesse: does bret do a lot of decorating at home? >> i would say bret is very cheerful around the holidays. decorating, maybe not. >> jesse: even more cheerful than he already is. >> very diplomatic. thank you, honey. >> jesse: merry christmas. okay, where is shannon bream? the author of one of the best-selling books of all time "women of the bible." this is a very special season for you. tell us the religious aspect in your household. >> it really is the greatest gift. wonderful to hear from our leaders of different faiths. the idea that god would become a human and walk this flawed planet with us to redeem us as a hopeful message. holidays aren't the easiest for everybody but there is hope and inspiration and i cling to that. >> jesse: it is a flawed planet but we are going to turn that around. where is rosanna? here we are. i have a reservation at your place next week. i expect to see you in a good mood. what do we cook on christmas in your household? >> of course the night of seven fishes. >> jesse: of course. >> right? judge jeanine, she knows it takes a lot of love, a lot of patience. we have a seat at the table for you, jesse. >> jesse: okay. i might have to take you up on that. where is our friend brian? here we are. there we are. a lot of shopping. in the christmas season. is this going to be a big spending time of year? >> i hope so because i think timmy might have brought his christmas list with him to give to you and you could really spend. timmy, couldn't you? >> jesse: i am mr. claus. >> giving gifts is wonderful. caring for one another celebrating the greatest gift man has ever known, god with us. awesome season to give generously and joyfully. >> jesse: update the list after the show. where is ainsley? ainsley, let me shimmy my way down there. you've a beautiful family. what does it mean for the children? >> for the children it means jesus, baby jesus, definitely who we learn about every night. also santa claus. she is clearly excited about that. we have our list. it means family, being together with loved ones and it's not always easy for many families. but we have one because of jesus christ and we all grew up in different cities and that we are working on fox news and we watched the tree lighting ceremonies and thanksgiving day parade that we are living our dream here in new york so thank you, suzanne. thank you, jay, for that. it is so surreal that i'm standing outside of fox news, my dream was to be in new york city with my daughter. so i'm so grateful. what a blessing. >> jesse: god bless you. dreams do come true. what do we have now? we have nick, i believe, the weatherman tapping me on the shoulder. is it going to be a white christmas? >> there will be some sort of weather on christmas, yes. >> jesse: good prediction. thank you. >> i love christmas. i am a lover and a giver and i believe in my heart of hearts there's no better present you can give yourself then downloading the fox weather app this year. it's free. it's always on. and we are on every connected tv smart device you have. jolly old saint nick to the rescue here, jesse. >> jesse: a christmas plug. great to have all of you here with us. couldn't be complete without our christmas correspondent, jimmy failla. >> hey, hey, hey, it's freezing out here in new york city but this crowd is fired up! listen to them come alive. listen to them come live! [cheering] it might be cold but new yorkers like it because it means we can't smell the city. the letting of the fox christmas tree means it's time for santa. everybody loves santa, am i right, new york city? what kids love santa because he brings presents. the adults love santa because he's our only friend who is not on ozempic. we are here to cheer him on with tv stars who look like tv stars on a guy like me who looks like they installed your tv. merry christmas, everybody from the christmas correspond, jimmy failla. over to you, greg gutfeld. >> greg: oh, what are you guys wearing? >> dana: i have a beautiful new scarf. it's holiday colors. you can get these in the fox shop. >> greg: are you taking that home? >> jesse: i hope so. >> greg: you know what you're going to do, you're going to regift it? >> jesse: yes. dad, i'm sorry, now you know what's under the tree. >> greg: harold, great to be back with you and a scarf. >> harold: great to be back with you outdoors. the religion, think you guys for what you said and reminding us what this holiday is about. to the cardinal and the rabbi and the pastor saying remember the least in the last of the most vulnerable as we go through this season. thank you. >> greg: she is the least vulnerable, judge. >> judge jeanine: what do you want to ask me? >> greg: when are you going to exchange that scarf? >> judge jeanine: as soon as i can off-camera i'm going to be wearing this. the good news, that sweater that you have on, it's going to fly off the shelves. open your jacket. >> dana: it's beautiful. >> greg: it is subtle. you see the fox news. >> dana: the what? >> greg: i said fox. >> dana: definitely fox news. >> judge jeanine: we are minutes away from lighting this 50-foot christmas masterpiece. we have a big surprise you won't want to miss when we come back with the all-american christmas tree lighting presented by "the five"! ♪ ♪ (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. michael strahan: support st. jude, and you're helping kids with cancer grow up and be whatever they want to be, like mary browder. man, i need lessons from her. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) ♪ ♪ ♪ silver bells. ♪ silver bells. ♪ it's christmas time in the city >> announcer: "the five" all-american christmas tree lighting is sponsored by >> judge jeanine: all-american christmas tree lighting presented by "the five." thank you to the broadway carolers for getting us in the christmas mood and the countdown is on. in just a few minutes, we are going to press that big button and light up the sky. >> dana: in the spirit of giving, fox news media partnered with first responders children's foundation. this is an important organization. they help provide financial support to children who have lost a parent in the line of duty as well as families enduring significant financial hardship due to tragic circumstances. >> judge jeanine: fox news media employees have generously donated 1,000 gifts to benefit the children in the program and we set up santa's workshop where they turned into elves to wrap the gifts. these gifts and thousands of others will join the foundation's express which handed out 100,000 gifts and 150 cities across the united states last year. >> dana: with us in the crowd are dozens of first responders and their amazing, beautiful families who have received support from the foundation. >> judge jeanine: and on stage next to us is the president and ceo of this great organization jillian crane, as well as christina moon and her two children, breanna and colin. they lost their father last year, firefighter william moon after he suffered a serious injury while preparing for a drill inside his fire house. the foundation scholarship recipients, adriana hendrickson -- excuse me, and her mother marcia's. adriana is a sophomore at new york university. her mom, marcia, was that detective with the nypd and a first responder on 9/11. she is now retired on line of duty disability after suffering injuries from ground zero. and today is actually marcia's birthday! happy birthday, marcia! >> judge jeanine: and to jillian crane, head of the first responders children foundation. we were speaking of minutes ago. you said it started 22 years ago. how is your foundation different than a lot of the other wants and what got you involved? >> well, we have been here for 22 years and we are here to help and support children of first responders nationwide. joined by the fdny. the police department, police commissioner. our mission is to support the children and we do that by our scholarship program, our line of duty bereavement program. financial help on a first responder dies in the line of duty. we have a mental health program of children of first responders. the thing we have to remember is we are with our families first responders out protecting us in every part of this country. when they make the ultimate sacrifice, it is our responsibility to be here for those children, to be here to support the families, that is with the first responders children's foundation does everything will day with help from fox at all of you and the whole country. >> dana: it's an honor to be part of it. adriana, tell us a little bit about the support the program has given to you and your opportunity to be at nyu. >> i really feel like i gained a second family. it was very hard growing up. watching my mom not to be able to do a lot of things that other moms were able to do because of her injuries. i feel like especially this past year, i got to grow and gain a second family. relate to other people. i really thank them for that. >> dana: what are you starting? >> global public health. >> dana: yeah, she is! and marcia, how about you? how are you doing today? happy birthday. >> i'm doing okay. >> dana: we are glad you're here. thank you. >> judge jeanine: i have christina moon and her children breanna, and colin. this is your first christmas without your husband. he was the man with a big personality. big smile. he mentored people. he is very much lost in the fire department by those members of the fire department. how are you coping this christmas and how will you get through it? >> i think we are just going to make sure we have as much time with family as possible. having organizations like this that step up and provide assistance, it's huge. it takes a little bit of worry off and we get to hug each other a little tighter. a lot of "remember when" and happy memories to talk about. >> judge jeanine: god bless you and god bless your family. you looking forward? >> a lot of cool stuff. >> family time. >> dana: we just have a little bit of time left. you worked with this organization. you can ensure everybody it doe all this great work. >> i am married to a first responder and it's good to know and organization like it this would be here for my family. fees are quiet heroes, they don't appreciate the spotlights they don't like to be in front of the camera or in front of a microphone, but it's important this time of year to know these are the men and women that go toward danger when the rest of us are fleeing from it. things to everyone and their families. thank you for being here today. i have never been felt so supportive and safe tonight. >> we thank you all and we hope you get a lot of cool stuff for christmas. >> if you at home want to help this incredible group, first responders children's foundation , donate by texting i hop five. >> there you go. and i hope everybody will do that. e everybody willt and well, guee >> what? it is almost a mammal. ll beeyou have been waiting for. we are just about ready to light our all-american christmaall-ams tree.t >> it's coming. our christmas correspondent, juli y fa ce bella, just can't contau his excitement. jimmy, where are you? there i am. and i am standing by with chief baluchi from the port authority police department. does departm new york love its men and women in uniform, or what' s? >> right it does.o be now, chief, i got to be upfront with you. i would have been a cop if it wered callednds thing a background check. >> but you guys, you passed it, and you represenr t our city every day. santa comes once a year. you guys show up three, six,tonh five. >> do you feel the love from this city? oh, no doubt. tonight't is ght.e that as a great night. we really appreciate that. and we wish everybody a happy and safe holiday p from the port authority police. >> but knowing santa gets fro cookies and milk for one night work, do you guys deserve cookies and milk? what shoulghtd we be doing here? >> no.>> give them to the kids. good. you say give them to the kids that the chief says. the kids can have the cookies. do you heachier mef sa ? avokies. you >> kids notice how we offered them to the kids and not me. >> he's like, look, chubs, you're on tv. i don't appreciate that, chief. all right. haro enough.ugh. >> harold, we're coming to you.i well, is it time to light the all-american christmas tree >>t? yes, it really is. the time we've all been waiting for. we're lighting lighting upand the all-american tree. our co-host and my friend jessica tell ove jr here, too, because she didn't want to miss the big moment. they got to have us around,. >> jessica? yeah. hi, jesse. hi. before we push that big bu e kids ig button, all the kids in the audience, i want you guys to come upe up o the stage. here you are, and we can get a nice viehe kw. >> hi. i said, judy, the kids, no ot you. tammy, stay over there as far away from the kids. okay? ht but the thing is, the kids. kids, get up here. okay, wait , kids, i think we are missing something. santa said. okay, santa. santa, over there. >> j s. i think we see him now. he's stuck in traffic. >> i think he's coming. hold looking on. just keep looking that way. here. yeah. here it comes. all right, good. merry cookies. >> how are you coming? so gla d to see all of you. oh, wow. this is wonderful. hi, guys, guys, . . how are you? oh, all right. se want mee let me come up there. w yes. all righ bt. >> glad to do that. welcome to kimball barn. okay. i think we're all just like their parents. >> that's right. that's right. sall, happ y to havveryboe you heredy saying. all right, is everybody ready to light al the all american tree?es >> yes. are you goinse: cog to countwitn with me? >> ten, nine, eight, seven,, six,5, five, four, three, two, one. ohho, wow. oh, this was wonderful. opening that tree. oh, wow. this is a big one. really? yeah. let's get to. oh, oh christmas tree. i mean, history. a lot of love to the. . but that's what giving is about to the giving and taking bri care of other the love that we bring. whethe r you're beautiful, santa. >> thank you. yeah. good luck in santa you. goo speciad-l. . the cutest i ever saw. jacob, what do y you thinkou? and it is that you know now that you're happy right now, it is beautifulbeauti. it's a sign.da this whole exhibit. they know whna? dana: wy. what does what button for that one? it turned out. it turned on the tree. jj oh, my. >> what do you think? well, merry christmas, everyone. come by th e fox christmas tree. it's been a treat for us to be with all of you. that is going to be in for us. have a great night a. americ >> w

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,Ai ,Tragedy ,Ed Gt Tb ,Something ,Credit ,Egg ,Goose ,Showing ,Adams ,Reality Check ,Ideal ,Wouldn T ,Allies ,Teaching ,Resources ,Finite Ehe ,Pressure ,Reasons ,Center ,Mirror ,Challenges ,Theiruc ,Right I Gi ,Mi ,Number One ,Women S Health ,Reproductive Rights ,Issue ,Bill ,Number ,Border ,Times ,Crime Bill ,Ma P ,Law Enforcement ,Asylum ,Technology ,Dorder ,Order ,Fighting Chance ,Great Greg ,Tree Lighting ,Mayor ,City Safe ,Win Ia Tf ,Eggs ,Progressives ,Social Programs ,Omelette ,Education ,Progressivms E Disasters ,Politician ,You Care ,Nationals ,Amount ,Makesa Decisionsts ,Six ,All Of You ,Decisions ,Of Michelob ,House ,Abs E Jesse ,The House ,Flooding ,Idiot ,Beersi ,Door Andall Doesn T Shut Id ,You Iix Pn ,Shu ,Beer ,Plan ,G Greg ,Goo ,Don T Live Ih ,Wave ,Work ,Problem Er ,Library ,Eet ,City S B ,Move ,City ,Don T ,Glitter ,Quality ,Editorialn ,Police Officersades ,Covid Learning Loss ,People ,Need ,Gap ,Bunch ,Katiehe Arizona ,Atra Yeah ,Homeless ,Gavin Newsom ,I Don T Know ,Out ,Lambert ,Alcatraz ,I Wish ,Rt Gse ,26 ,Ink Business ,Usa Day ,Premier ,Products ,Spirit Ii Wi High School ,Smarter ,Sam ,Cash ,Purchases ,Breakthrough Card ,Breakthroughs ,Borders ,Coffee Grinder ,Beans ,Genius ,Spending Potential ,5000 ,2 ,02 5 ,000 ,Ink Business Premier Card ,Ideas ,Chase For Business ,Mom ,Hi ,Gene ,High School ,Brave ,Massachusetts ,Students ,White ,Blue ,Red ,Offensive ,Usa Today ,Pride Month ,Statements ,Principle ,Pride Parades ,Red White ,Didn T ,Wellesley High School ,Mind ,Discussion ,Administration ,Student Union ,Adults ,Chance ,Debate ,Schedule ,Fireworks ,Rebellion ,Cocoon ,Part ,Patriotism ,Assistant ,Disagreements ,That S Right ,Stance ,Talking Points ,Stuff ,Greatness ,Assumptions ,Foundation ,Academia ,Generations ,Notion ,Comfort ,Problem ,The Hill ,Drone ,Regimes ,Conformist ,Conformity ,Tendency ,Convert ,Youth ,Perspective ,The New Black Panthers ,Happening ,Radicals ,Snl ,Conservatives ,Gutfeld Show ,Tyrus ,Joe Grogan ,All American 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,Scriptures ,God With Us ,Wonder ,Joy ,Evening ,Sign ,Delight ,Back To You ,Christ ,Knowledge ,Salvation ,Our Lord ,Amy ,Bret Baier ,Household ,Prayers ,Boys ,Listening ,Decorating ,Author ,Shannon Bream ,Books ,Women Of The Bible ,Planet ,Idea ,Faiths ,Human ,Aspect ,Message ,Holidays Aren T ,Inspiration ,Reservation ,Rosanna ,Course ,Mood ,Fishes ,Seven ,Friend ,Table ,Patience ,List ,Shopping ,Mr ,Couldn T You ,Timmy ,Claus ,Gifts ,Celebrating ,Another ,Caring ,Ainsley ,Baby Jesus ,Santa Claus ,Loved Ones ,Jay ,Dream ,Tree Lighting Ceremonies ,Thanksgiving Day Parade ,Suzanne ,God Bless You ,Dreams ,Daughter ,Yes ,Weather ,White Christmas ,Weatherman ,Shoulder ,Sort ,Prediction ,Lover ,Giver ,Tv ,Rescue ,Saint Nick ,Smart Device ,Couldn T Be Complete Without Our Christmas Correspondent ,Christmas Plug ,Crowd ,Jimmy Failla ,It ,Letting ,Tv Stars ,Ozempic ,Scarf ,Correspond ,Holiday Colors ,Dad ,Fox Shop ,Holiday ,Pastor ,Last ,Vulnerable ,Least ,Camera ,Jacket ,Shelves ,Surprise ,Masterpiece ,Operations ,Fashion ,Ella ,Jen ,Control ,Production ,5g Network ,Agility ,Efficiencies ,Enterprise Intelligence ,Vision ,Michael Strahan ,Support St ,Verizon ,Marquis ,Vo ,Mary Browder ,Lessons ,Engine ,Car Engine Revs ,Texting Clicks ,Glass ,Loose Gravel Clanking ,Tires Squeal ,Silver Bells ,Announcer ,Organization ,In The Spirit Of Giving ,Countdown ,Big Button ,First Responders Children S Foundation ,Carolers ,Sky ,Broadway ,Duty ,Support ,Hardship ,Parent ,Circumstances ,Program ,Others ,Thousands ,Elves ,Santa S Workshop ,Responders ,Foundation S Express ,Amazing ,Beautiful ,Dozens ,100000 ,150 ,Ceo ,Children Breanna ,I Have Christina Moon ,Jillian Crane ,Colin ,William Moon ,Injury ,Drill ,Foundation Scholarship Recipients ,Fire House ,Adriana Hendrickson ,Marcia ,Responder ,Sophomore ,Detective ,New York University ,9 11 ,Injuries ,Disability ,Ground Zero ,Zero ,Head ,Wants ,22 ,Police Department ,Mission ,Fdny ,Police Commissioner ,Help ,Duty Bereavement Program ,Scholarship Program ,Mental Health Program ,First Responder ,Responsibility ,Sacrifice ,Bit ,Everything ,Moms ,Public Health ,Husband ,Personality ,Members ,Fire Department ,Big Smile ,Organizations ,Assistance ,Cool Stuff ,It Doe ,Fees ,Front ,Women ,Spotlights ,Microphone ,Heroes ,Danger ,Rest ,Texting ,All American ,Mammal ,Christmaall Ams Tree T ,Everybody Willt ,Guee ,Ll Beeyou ,Correspondent ,It S Coming ,Excitement ,Departm ,Ce Bella , Contau ,Juli Y Fa ,Chief Baluchi ,Men And Women In Uniform ,What ,Background Check ,Our City ,Does O ,Cop ,Represenr T ,Wered Callednds ,Tonight T Is Ght E ,Night ,Safe ,Holiday P ,Tonh Five ,No Doubt ,Cookies ,Chief ,Shoulghtd ,Milk ,Mef Sa ,Avokies ,Chubs ,Haro Enough Ugh ,Jessica Tell Ove Jr Here ,Co Host ,Big Bu E Kids Ig Button ,The Kids ,Audience ,Viehe Kw ,Upe Up O The Stage ,Ht ,Judy ,Nice ,Tammy ,Wait ,Traffic ,Guys ,Gla D ,Righ ,Mee You Se ,Bt ,Kimball Barn ,Tree ,Right ,Parents ,Countwitn ,Happ Y ,Havveryboe ,You Heredy Saying ,Sall ,Cog ,Nine ,Ohho ,Four ,Big One ,Oh Christmas Tree ,Oh ,History ,You Re Beautiful ,Bri ,Whethe ,You Thinkou ,Luck ,Cutest ,Saw ,Do Y ,Goo Speciad ,Jacob ,Beautifulbeauti ,Jj Oh ,Sign Da This Whole Exhibit ,Wy ,Th E Fox Christmas Tree ,Treat ,Great Night A Americ W ,

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