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♪ ♪ >> it's a live shot of daytona beach, sister hazel for you here on this sunday morning. glad you're here. last time we were together recently in daytona beach. rachel: we were. will: daytona 500. rachel: listen pop culture roundup and i don't get feedback because we do royal stuff and guys dongt like royal stuff but a taylor swift story on whether the relationship between travis kelce and taylor swift is the real deal i think it is giving women a lot of hope. a lot of young women have given up on love i think it is real. parents will be meeting this week. you say -- pete: i think it's real. rachel: you say -- will: cynical. rachel: tell everyone what you said before. will: what did i say? rachel: fake it is not real you said the kiss was fake. will: i didn't say those things. pete: i don't know if we have the video but to me video of her running backstage -- rachel: adorable. >> you can't say they placed a camera and then they jumped into -- that seemed real to me. will: a stage for celebrities skeptical of all celebrity relationships successful ones last five minutes. pete: not talking about how long it is gepg to last she has a long track record of -- boom, boom. >> when was the last time kathleen ran to you that way? might be fleeting -- might be shallow. will: therefore, these relationships are about the narcissism of the individuals involved they're self-fulfilling prophesies rachel said to you swifties will get real mad at me because your wants and needs are combined into overwhelming passion to believe this is real and i don't get that i don't get your immediate to believe this is real but you're going to be crest fallen and i'm not there to pick you up when you fall. . there's couple of things that i love about this. i think it is real and giving hope to young women cynical about love and i also love other than weird bayta pharma he's alpha male and bringing them back and girls are seeing this. i'm loving. pete: it's something i'm just -- rachel: i appreciate that you still believe in love. pete: i don't use an ounce of my brain to think about it and quick reaction to one video maybe it is real. just saying. so there's that nonsense -- now on to real things. rachel: real and serious things straight to fox news alert hamas no longer has control of northern gaza after stepping up ground operations in the region. look. pete: idf says fighter jets have struck many hamas targets overnight as israeli government continues to reject calls for a cease-fire. will: some of the first images of the urban warfare in gaza and hostage release washington post first reporting the u.s. brokered a deal between israel and hamas to pause violence last night. but national security council says deal has not been reached yet. >> alex hogan in northern israel with the latest. hey, alex. >> hi rachel and patty sou we've heard from officials in qatar noting some included humanitarian aid going to gaza other hostages could be released but washington post is reporting that there is headway in this current option to free 50 hostages women and children and exchange for palestinians in israeli jails and a 3-5 day cease-fire and state officials as well as prime minister here in israel has said that so far, there's still no deal confirmed just yet. >> i want to bring all of the fees -- we are making the maximum effort even if it is going in stages. or hamas heads, they're all dead men walking. it was when he was making these comments last night we saw growing, growing crowds outside of the military base in tel-aviv protesters had spent last five days marching from tel-aviv to jerusalem mainly families of the hostages and supporters and loved ones calling for hostages to be released last night we heard them chanting 40 in regards to roughly 40 children who are a part of that group of hostages that has been six weeks since abducted expanding ground orpses in gaza today they say they raided homes of hamas officials and ground forces are still searching through largest hospital in gaza al-shifa and palestinian official statements coming through saying that dozens of from premature babies have been evacuated and idf says it did not force evacuation at that facility but given fighting that was taking place, how desperate of a condition and desperate of situation it was there. now as far as the civilians who have fled south we're starting to see more escalation there as idf says it could potentially shift operation there south as well. now, lack of food, fuel and clean drinking water are creating major concerns for people who are there. the biden administration weighing in on this conflict and op-ed writing, quote, a two states solution to people's living side by side with equal measures of freedom opportunity and dignity is where the road to peace must lead our goal shouldn't be simply to stop war for today and end war forever break the cycle of unseeing violence and build something stronger in gaza across middle east so that history does not keep repeating itself. now back here, in northern israel, you probably have heard sound of artillery in my report so far constant throughout the day with a lot of air raid sirens in north as well as drone alerts and we've seen mortar and just continue cross fire here on the north. will, rachel, pete. rachel: question for you regarding hostage there's protest in front of netanyahu's home and 20,000 asking for him to focus on the hostage. what exactly are they asking for? do they want a cease-fire? what is their beef with net netanyahu for hostages? >> not only improve the speed up the negotiations in terms of his hostage deal but also for the ground forces it was a couple weeks ago now we've seen release of one hostage was freed and several other hostage released that one hostage that was freed that was really a source of pride and excitement for israelis here knowing their forces on the ground were able to go in and actually save someone and this was not through negotiations. so the families are asking for both of those efforts continue negotiations to bring these hostages home specifically the children and women trying to keep those family units together. but also seeing these images that continue ground offenses that israeli families want to know for sure that the hostages who still are in gaza would not be caught and in the middle of some of that fighting. will rachel, pete. rachel: of course. >> alex hogan thank you so much. since we've been sitting on this couch during biden administration we're talking about israel right now but we were talking about ukraine before. we were talking about the debacle in afghanistan it has unleashed violence chaos and war acrossed world because of how this pentagon and white house has conducted american foreign policy. rachel: yes. >> that's why donald trump was in iowa yesterday saying much the same thing talking about the implications of biden's performance on world stage. watch. >> the next war is going to be a nuclear war and that's called obliteration and we have a man that can't put two sentences together and negotiating for us. we have a man that as i said can't find stairs off platform and he'll save us from nuclear war we've never been in such danger in my opinion as we are right now. because we're not a respected country anymore. and we have a man that doesn't have a clue. rachel: so interesting -- when donald trump came into office he said that obama said that one thing that scared him most was north korea immediately he got to work on trying to bring that threat down. a lot of people criticize him but you can see that he had contained that threat to some degree and was working on that. you're right, the world is like exploded i've never heard word nukes talked about than in last two years in my lifetime. will: bring in shannon bream she joans us now. good morning we would love to ask you about this report in "the washington post" a split between president biden department of defense over how to handle attacks on american troops throughout the middle east, syria, iraq, other areas where we've had outpost i think numbers i can't remember -- pete: 61. will: 61 attackings now a divide within dod about how we should be responded. >> it sounds like many folks willing to come forward but what to say what is our strategy and plan here. so is this military action whatever we're doing so far is not stopping this but also questions about why we aren't tougher on economic sanctions involving iran. there's a letter out there from dozens of gop senators, saying to this administration listen, you unleash this $6 billion giving the access to that. we have not cracked down on the way as we can on oil sanctions that's resulting in tens of billions of dollars flowing to iran. why are we not titlening this cruse on economic issues? we can talk about the military stuff and debate that but there are other levers this administration is not using. pete: amendment not to escalate a good thought process if you don't do enough then you get escalation because you get more attacks and livelihood of that. it's -- very true. let get to the second topic as well with you shannon which is the joe biden turning 81 tomorrow. and he ultimately so far has said he wants to run for reelection. well, the top political strategist for barack obama has other thoughts and he's coming out speaking even more publicly to "new york times" he did yesterday david axelrod said this he said i think he meaning biden has a 50/50 shot here and no better than that maybe a little worse he thinks he can cheat nature here and it is risky we have a problem and counting on truch to win it for them i remember hilary doing that too. polling we'll show this to you as well of americans at 80 years old does biden have the physical necessity health physical health to be president for a second term 60% have a major concern about that only 14% have no concerns. so is this a real pivot moment will asked the question earlier in the show. is this but is this what wanting to move joe out? >> i don't know about you guys but i have skepticism that he's the guy on the ballot that's kind of a educated hunch weird feeling that i'm not sure because there's so much growing within his party that's now gone public over the last few months says -- maybe this isn't our best effort or best idea. to more polling to ap looked at asking people is he too old for another term 69% of democrats that's his own party and 4% of independents think he is and he needs those groups to win so there's clearly the fact that axelrod is out there. listen he's from obama world which was at one point obama biden world. but the fact that he's publicly willing to raise these questions and say like hey if you're sleeping on trump that's a mistake hilary made. don't do it again raises real questions as we continue to see folks like govan newsom getting out there visiting president xi looks like something in a presidential campaign i think there's consternation in the white house. will: less than a year away so are we talking about very, very soon newsom or somebody else getting on a ballot or something unprecedented at a convention? >> what i feel like is there's a lot of this public pressure within the party and leaders growing and saying, we got to consider this really seriously will there be enough public pressure for the president to say i've thought better of this i want to be with my family, kids, grandkids, will there be an offramp i think when justice ginsburg in final years on the bench and constantly growing voices within the legal left saying it is time to go. what did she do she doubled down and stayed until the day that she passed away so -- you know, i think sometimes pushing people have the opposite affect it seems so far with the president that's how it is working but public pressure is growing. >> he worked you know -- he's been wanting to be president since 80s. he's there -- clearly his wife wants him there as well. >> you've checked the box. now you've done it. >> exactly. however you know, there's a lot there might be money to be made. >> that's a real point shannon people don't want to be told what to do and so it could have the counter effect. >> it could. by the way eve to tbhaig on other top story of the day -- [laughter] on taylor and travis because listen, i'm with you rachel and bringing back alpha male i think we're both married to alpha males and counts on them to save civilization and a lot of this is i don't know how genuine it is. >> i thought for sure i was outnumbered 3-1. i'm with you will. >> genuine but shallow. >> could be both of the things we've all had ill advised relationships that move way too fast and don't end well but who knows. like rachel like you said if there's hope for love out there i think everybody needs a bit of that in their lives too. >> 33 turned a new leaf she realizes she needs to settle down and find a good man maybe she found him. >> yeah. pete: so -- ?ril before you go what's coming up on fox news sunday? >> oh, the important stuff -- we have democratic senator chris coons with us on foreign policy committee to talk about things whether a cease-fire will work whether or not it is going to happen or not and all of the, you know, things too like as the white house is asking for more federal money. and the supplement more than 105 billion and pentagon flunked for sixth timing in a row and every time they've been audited former secretary of state mike pompeo how we're dealing with iran and when the state department who are calling out the white house they don't agree and you know we have a bunch of new polls too. >> excellent. thanks shannon -- you just proved that america needed a break -- this whole love affair is giving us all of that respite we need thanks for weighing in on that we love it. will: homeland security blasting saying coast guard interdicted 12,000 illegal immigrants in 2002 and 2002 more than double fiscal year 2021 total. monroe county sheriff rick ramsey joining us telling us it is impossible to tell who is coming into our country. >> so many coming we don't know who they are what their intentions are and even if they give a name, we have no idea to prove that is really who they are so kind of scary from a national security stand point. will: el paso officials warn shelters are overcapacity. sam alt man says he's, quote, so back after hoping a.i. board is facing backlash for ousting cofounder former ceo sources telling bloomberg microsoft is putting pressure on chatgpt, parent company to bring altman back one of the open backers and company president also left the company following announce the that atman was ousted. winning first f1 race in las vegas in more than four decades for six straight win in a come to napght season for man they call flying dutchman but bright light of sin city weren't for everyone. a group of race fans following class action lawsuit against las vegas grand prix after forced to leave practice session early after a driver drove over a water valve cover and damaged ferrari and hasn't comment on pending suit and those are your headlines. pete: that i meant to mention this when we said daytona beach but you know who won nascar series? ryan -- 12 car. i just thought you know thought of it. will: wouldn't have got it. pete: not what people thought. okay still ahead, a big week in the nfl, we've got a full slate of must see matchups here on fox. fox side lien reporter jim breaks down where your team stands as we inch clogser to the playoffs. rachel: a disturbing discovery in an illegal china linked biolab in california as pathogen marked ebola and hiv are found inside. big story congressman ashley sits on house committee investigating the potential biohazard and she joins us next. this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at back when i first became owner of mint mobile, i promised one of our first, and longest running customers, waseem iqnaibi, that i■d make it even better. you remember that, waseem? i do, ryan. so how have i done so far? well, it still works great and still $15 a month. yeah. so i■ve made no impact at all. no, i guess not. always great getting customer feedback. thanks, waseem. it■s okay, ryan. it■s okay. rachel: as president biden met with communist president xi last week we learned about pathogens labeled hiv and ebola found inside a biolab in california. this illegal chinese immigrant pleaded guilty for mislabeling medical products, after the feds raided his lab felled with deadly viruses. and now congress members including our next guest are accusing cdc and fda of not regulating private labs and ashley sits on the committee focusing on the chinese communist party and she joins us now congressman great to have you on. what a troubling story -- i mean, what do you think is whatting here? because apparently this is a chinese citizen, a piewj fugitive with links with a secret lab with deadly pathogens? >> it reads like a movie script and horror movie script when you detail things that were missed i think most troubling thing is you mention the fact that he was able to obtain these pathogens we want to know how he was able to obtain pathogens how was he able to get away with running a lab getting millions of dollars sent to him from the chinese communist party. and then, obviously, coming into our country stealing american intellectual property this is man who was truly working for party and defeating american aggressor that's what he called it so we have some real questions as a committee here and fbi and cdc really dropped the ball here in terms of investigating not only this illegal lab but now we wonder how many more labs like this exist in the country. so clearly we have some work to do to make sure we're prepared because we know china is doing everything they can to constantly undermine us and this is just one of the ways they're doing that. rachel: this is terrifying by the way we have 22,000 chinese citizens that we know of illegally come across our border. and you know, they keening just leave their country right they're clearly -- here with permission from the country are they getting -- are they creating these kinds of labs sitting here waiting to get orders from the chinese -- communist government? what is happening and why are we treating xi as a dignitary when he has citizens here putting our own citizens in lethal danger? >> right. well it is a true slap in the face to americans number one, the newsom administration and biden administration really rolled out the red carpet for president xi. a genocide dictator came town cleaned up san francisco did a parade that was fitting for hero welcome and hosted as a guest of honor as a dinner meanwhile in california busting an illegal biolab so again, our committee is going to be diving into this. we've issued a report specifically on the ridley lab about failures from the fbi and the cdc and what needs to happen going forward. but at this point we do have more questions than answers they have over a thousand mice that were designed to transmit covid. so this administration needs to hold china accountable for its role in spreading covid around the world and it is very clear of their intention here rachel which was to do more damage to our country they want to be the dominant military economic sociosuperpower by 2049. again they continue to try to undermine us not only by stealing property but trying to hurt americans. >> just thinking this was in california -- just last week, whole state was blanketed with chinese flags for xi entrance into san francisco do you feel our government as this story dime you do you feel government is getting into action? of to believe that joe biden knew about this lab when he -- you know, greeted xe last week. >> yes. well wing it is concerning clearly we have moved from strategic competition with china to diplomatic appeasement without accountability for not only a biolab but illegal maneuvers against american military, in the territory international waters. they opened a chinese police station in new york city to try to harass chinese american citizens. they flew a balloon across our country. so all of these things we need accountability for and we have to start taking china very seriously not only what they're saying but doing here. so i'm asking the biden administration to be strong because strength is what dictators and bullies respond to. rachel: would you chinese would never let this happen in their own country not showing respect for themselves i hope you stay on this story it is just so important. thank you. j thanks rachel. rachel: still ahead, thanksgiving travel warnings from record long lines to severe weather. not even tsa precheck will help you avoid the chaos so we're going tell you why but first the power of faith christian communities around the globe holding weekend of prayer for people of israel. we're going to talk to evangelical leaders calling on congregations to take a stand this sunday. that's next. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ pete: this weekend jewish and christian leaders around world are bringing their congregations together for a historic weekend of prayer for the people of israel. last week leading members of congress introduced a bipartisan resolution calling for the gesture, after hundreds of thousands gathered on the national mall in d.c. to show their support for the jewish community. our next guest is the national director of the jerusalem usa executive director of the american christian leaders for israel. doctor suzanne michael joinings us now doctor thanks for being here. explain for our audience why you believe this is so important. >> well, i was there in the rally on tuesday in washington, d.c. and it was fantastic. and it is so important that christians stand up at this time and we show up at the rallies. we speak out in support of israel, so that the jewish community knows that they are not alone. they feel very alone at this point. the world points a finger at israel for everything that they're doing and gaza, and we want them to know we're with them. we support them. and we're praying for them this weekend. pete: as basic background why christians stand so strongly with israel? >> there are many reasons to stand and support israel that actually have nothing to do with faith i think all americans should -- but it is christians we share the same bible with the jewish people most of our bible is the hebrew bible we share a common faith and common god and that god made promises to the people of israel that we believe will all be fulfilled within day. so until then, we understand the really it's a spiritual battle against them. and we want to pray for them we want to bless them. and we want to just help them and there's no greater power in the world than prayer. pete: no doubt about that but right now israel is in the middle of a battle a shooting war against hamas trying to take out that entire terror organization. when you pray this upcoming weekend what are you praying for? >> leaders of israel to have wisdom from above that they make right decisions we're praying for encouragement and support of those that are on the frontlines in this battle. we're praying for the hostages that they would be released -- it's going to take a miracle but we pray that they'll be released and unharmed. we're praying for all of the innocent civilians no matter on which side that their lives would be protected. and you know, we're even praying for our enemy that they would be given a chance to repent for their evil ways, and so we're praying for everyone, praying for blessing and that the god who can turn all things for good do that even in this horrible situation. pete: no doubt all things are possible through him things we -- mortals think are impossible not for god suzanne michael thank you so much for your message. i appreciate it. >> thank you. all right coming up twist and shout, gavin newsom just latest democrat to mischaracterize and then outrage over a republican backed bill. and this is far from the first time so coming up will and i go off the wall to break down democrat recent spinning cycle for their own political machine. ? 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[laughter] pete: that's right so the reality is the word gay is never mentioned in the bill at all. it doesn't say gay it doesn't say don't say gay. it talks about age appropriate sexual discussions on core curriculum. will: stay in the state of florida because this happens over and over again and to be honest that's reflection of ron desantis political aspirations at that time his livelihood or probability to become president of the united states. pete: also had a finger on the pulse of the base if you're getting this gender crt in schools that are using presser let's do something about it. so that kids aren't getting indoctrine and made sure it wasn't indoctrinating thought processes one thing it did not do pete is outlaw african-american history. sphwhreet not at all. it looked at crt as you said dei stuff and antiracism so proliferated but if you do the research this is lens through which history is now taught. the howard zen perspective like we're going to correct that. will: here's the spent of how it was received here's vice president kamala harris. >> they want to replace history with lies. middle school students in florida to be told that enslaved people benefited from slavery. >> so here's what they do they take one little aspect of the entire curriculum and blow it up as the definition of the curriculum and writing this and they got criticism for acknowledging inside the slave trade, obviously, things were learned but the slave trade was horrible. and overwhelmingly -- terrible for black people and for our country curriculum says that but never acknowledge that. will: one little thing and blow it up into this a major controversy it is not just state of florida, though, let's take look at also happening in other states as well. pete: a news hook to this one that just dropped as far as major league baseball. will: that's georgia's voting law -- and if you remember this was -- this was after the 2020 election. and concerns about voting integrity georgia comes in passes laws to increase the integrity -- major freak out -- to the extent that major league baseball pulled their all star game out of atlanta now why was there a freakout? pete: freakout was because they you described it. they -- put in election integrity laws -- the democrats didn't like those developments. so they made it look like jim crow 2.0 that's exactly the spin of it but you remember the outrage then will? yeah go ahead -- two insidious things voted suppression and proponent of the bill would say we want to know who you are when you vote and control mail out mail-in ballots all of the signature verification all of the things that you would want in your vote -- but the outrage would have made me think major league baseball is never coming back. >> jim eagle jim crow 2.0 many has law changed? >> it is still as you described -- increase voter integrity at the same time it increased turnout no effect on suppression -- and by the way, major league baseball is all star game is returning now -- >> it is over now. i guess it is over. jim crow 2.0 is done. so we couldn't go anywhere near it in 2021 but now we're cool. >> shows ridiculousness and throw gavin newsom tweet up there one more time saying outlawed to be gay in public in the state of tennessee. what i would like gavin newsom to answer is and on "fox & friends" are you suggesting that it is one in the same to be gay and to be indecent in public what is he saying here. pete: very interesting point. that would be implication. will: all it did was outlaw public indecency i would love the governor to come on the program and joins us for off the wall. >> what you meant -- all right rachel. somewhere you're away and i think i'm supposed to read it even hoe it has your name. [laughter] i don't know. pete: you read it i don't think she wants -- will: in the informal we have a full slate of must see matchups here on fox and jen hale breaks down where your team stands grab your chicken wing and join us when we come right back. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill. welcome back to "fox & friends" so if you get home before thanksgiving what thanksgiving day look like overall worst weather leading up to and we'll have snow across northern rockies a little bit of moisture coming off the gulf as well bringing rain showers but overall temperatures looking pretty good. and weather looking good we have to get there, however, today we've got some problems across central parts of the country. rain developing here. it is already started across areas from kansas down throughout parts of texas and then we have snow on the backside of this back across parts of the rockies tomorrow is our real active day for severe weather. and a place that really needs moisture unfortunately we're going get severe weather along with this louisiana, mississippi parts of texas watching potential for tornado threat there. tuesday, storm moves further off towards east causing travel troubles and wednesday evening for most part this is gone and things certainly improve will over to you. week 11 of the nfl we have a full slate of must see matchups here on fox including -- my cowboy so here with the prerue is fox shrine reporter jen hale. good morning to you, jen this shouldn't be much of a game cowboys pantherrings i always love watching them play. but i have a high level of expectation for a win. >> yeah you and a lot of other folks let's start right there i have to give you props your team looks legit now and defense has been a strength but that offense is clicking on all cylinders discovered that deep ball and playing dividends i don't immediate to tell you but dallas is only team in the nfl to have three 40-plus point games they lead the league in drives with at least ten plays. so hard to beat opponent who chews up that much clock so you're rightening this is going to be a long day for the home team. the carolina panthers they've actually been practicing the silent count this week because they are expecting bang of america stadium to have 60% dallas fans. i think the cowboys are going to try to get michael gallop going and city land awesome but i think they love to have two wide receiving threats down the stretch to make this post season run. will: literally nobody is playing better than dak right now. all right your late game is buccaneers and niners today. >> yep. all right i know all of the odds makers are going with the 49ers and that should be the logical choice but i worry this could be a trap game for san francisco will. that's because in four dayings on thanksgiving they play the sea hawks they're tied in nfc west that is a critical game for post season positioning so i think it is possible they could overlook bucks. matchup i have circled here christian mcavery but sixth best in the nfl, that's a strength on strength i think that's going to be a lot of fun to watch. will: bears and lions but no longer because lions are actually really good. >> yeah. their quarterback jared goff focus number one quarterback coming into today will. i know dak is yours but that's what numbers actually say. now, the one that i think you should circle justin fields he's coming back from a thumb injury he's missed last four weeks and he's admitted that thumb is not 100% he just calls it, quote, stable. so i think that lions home crowd has something extra for justin fields they cannot wait to get post season they think this is their year and try to make life miserable for justin here. >> you're talking about justin fieldings and dak it is kind of interesting how bad quarterback play is this year. with injuries and then actually guys not being as good as we thought they would be this has been a rough year for quarterbacks in the nfl. but i won't keep us from watching. >> just ask joe borough. >> jen hale thank you so much. >> thanks will. big final hour of "fox & friends" is next. if you've had enough of the uncontrolled symptoms of psoriasis that have you worrying about covering up, it's time to get real with 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