frfree palestine. free, free palestine. eric: thousands salute flooding the nation's capitol streets to voice their support for the people of gaza and the slam israel you hear them saying free palestine. but are they calling about freeing up palestine from hamas and calling on hamas to stop its attacks? this is a fighting is intensifying as gaza to israeli troops have encircled gaza city hamas leaders but israel said they continue to use civilian casualties for propaganda purposes as there are continuing calls for a cease-fire. this is "fox "fox news live" i m eric shawn. arthel: five arthel neville israel again urging civilians in gaza to fleet areas of conflict and head south. the hamas terrorist are trying to take advantage of evacuations into egypt. a senior u.s. official telling fox news the terror group is trying to sneak out injured militants among civilians. meanwhile the israeli military's is advancing the offensive on gaza amid intense pressure for humanitarian pause. trey yingst is live in jerusalem with exclusive new reporting. >> good afternoon for today we learn the israeli military is working to set up a core door from the north to the south of gaza despite the weeks of warnings to civilians trying to make sure more civilians can get to the south as they closed in on gaza city to date we were part of a small group of journalists granted access to the israeli military on and embed into the gaza strip, take a look. rain to now we are with the israeli military and armored personal carrier. the israelis have cut the gaza strip and a half and they have fought their way to the mediterranean sea and encircled gaza city. they're waiting now for the orders to go further in. seconds after arriving on the outskirts of gaza city the crack of gunfire pierces the air. >> right now we are in class and israeli troops move carefully over mounds of dirt and debris they understand hamas can target them from above and below ground. >> we find tunnel and now are going to destroy them. >> in the distance black smoke billowed from the sky line as israeli forces take positions on nearby rooftops. you can hear the gunfire in the distance the israelis are trying to engage anyone who tries to ambush their forces and the battle is street by street it is urban guerrilla warfare as hamas is popping out of tunnels and ambushing israeli troops. eight days ago israelis invaded with two missions to hunt down hamas leadership and bring hostages home. the latter is proving to be far more difficult. >> we know the hostages most of them are inside gaza city they are in side the tunnels underneath the city. we are doing everything we can in order to free them. >> lieutenant colonel is a fighting's third war. the 38-year-old is in charge of five battalions. his soldiers includes those like jeremiah who is originally from philadelphia he moved to israel and joined the army and now he points to why the war began. >> make a short happen on october 7 never happens again. we do note right now sounds are in israel 20 days into the war the islamic jihad maintain their mobility for major population centers. arthel: 29 days and idf troops are very focused they are determined what will drive them and said that horrible memories of october 7, trey? >> arthel that is exactly it. today we were in one of the kibbutz the small committees along the border where it took place. they now use that area as a staging ground as we were talking with troops before we entered the gaza strip, they were looking into this community remembered the massacre that took place nearly a month ago. that has acted as a motivation for these forces as they pushed deeper into gossip, arthel. arthel: trey yingst as always, thank you trey. eric: it leave now's the urgent message of the state department to any american still in lebanon. hezbollah it leader starting to interfere in the war between israel and hamas pre-chief international correspondent is live on the northern border of israel with the very latest. ask the u.s. embassy in beirut is warning americans once again to leave lebanon, leave as soon as possible this is at least the fourth warning they're getting more and more urgent the embassy there has been the scene of violent protests in the past the embassy gave it not safe or 80000 or so americans in country wanting them to get out will flights are still operating pre-part of the reason is because rockets are being fired from lebanon into northern israel happens pretty much on a daily basis. hezbollah fighters of fired into israel's thousands of israelis have left their home in the north one principal said many of the children he deals with who have had to flee are traumatized by the experience. >> you can see it's a by the moments they hear the alarm. they are losing its they start running all over, looking for a safe place for this is not their home. in their home there is a safe room. except for the fighting has largely been contained. hezbollah using shorter range rockets much of the killing back and forth any two-mile zone but yesterday the leader of hezbollah warned all options were on the table including major escalation. eric: eight steve thanks so much. arthel: steve and eric right now we are going to bring in rebecca grant. national security and i was independent research. dr. grant i want to start where steve left off. what is his angle the world is watching is he bluffing? what does he want? >> a great question. so lebanese hezbollah has the biggest military of any nonstate actor in the world. i think though he is keeping his options open but he is also being a little bit cautious. yesterday he said he bragged about the firing into israel and drink one third of israel's ground forces to the north and some of the israeli air force to the north. so i think he understands israel has plenty of combat capability and a lot of backing from the u.s. may not be an hezbollah's interest to expand this were too much. the fight or something else he said yesterday want to read the quote on the screen for us please the islamic republic of iran hasn't defended and supported the resistance movement in lebanon, palestine and elsewhere in the region however they have no influence whatsoever on them, their leaderships or decisions. why is he making this claim? >> such a strange speech yesterday especially since we know the top terror tactician from my ron was visiting in lebanon he has been there twice on the one hand he is saying we have all this capability but on the other hand the hezbollah being careful to say we are not connected to iran. this is hamas fights we deterred any attack from israel. all of these statements a that y to me that even lebanese hezbollah is many missiles as they have they know they may not want to get into a full out fight with israel the more israel takes and clears a territory in gaza i think the less lebanese hezbollah is going to want to get involved in direct the wrath of israel onto them. the fight he keeps talking and talking and talking so what is stopping him as he's talking? what's stopping you from telling the terrorist to put down your arms, release the hostages? release your diabolical hold on the innocent people f the innoct palestinian citizens? >> i know it is terrible and he's never going to come off this ideological viewpoint that the flood created by hamas was the right thing to do. i do think although he denies that calm he says he's not scared by the aircraft carriers and u.s. forces, i think lebanese hezbollah is feeling that pressure. now the risk remain. it is very significant the embassy is warning americans to get out because quite frankly there are too many americans in lebanon to do a military supported evacuation the risks are really there but i think right now israel is keeping options open as the more israel succeeds in their mission and that we keep our u.s. military presence and forces there i think there's a chance of containing this not seeing more than the borders skirmishing with hezbollah at least i hope the telcos. eric: ports we all hope that you are exactly right the idf is returning fire against hezbollah across the israel lebanon border. soap might this be a distraction? is hezbollah giving the terse time to regroup, reorganize and commit more barbaric atrocities? >> yes that could de definitelye the case. you know iran's leaders have visited and they are all coordinating these actions. so the threat from hezbollah is one of the biggest pieces of potential escalation's all the rhetoric is going to keep the threat there but what is going on on the ground his small attacks down into israel than of course the response by israel but right now it's really confined to that border and i am hoping israel will be able to focus on the gaza mission we will not see escalation here and we have to keep our u.s. military forces in place. our forces are watching everything that goes on across that lebanon israel border that is helping the surveillance i think is helping to keep a lid on it for the moment but it is still externally dangerous. arthel: it's dangerous, it is you are talking about hezbollah's military arsenal she can put the screen for me we got over 100,000 fighters up to one or 50000 rockets and missiles antiship antiaircraft antiarmor systems, a billion dollars in funding from my ron. 700 million from my ron so finally dr. grant what is your take on calls for humanitarian pause in this war? you have already mentioned the possibility of expanding you do not want it to happen but how high is the risk? what about humanitarian pause in the risk of expanding? >> right. everybody wants to see humanitarian relief get to the civilians in palestine who need it. israel said they're willing to do very brief pauses to allow the hostages to go out or something like that. we are not hearing about longer pauses at this point and in terms of escalation and what happens next is about combat success by israel, the presence by us to try to keep hezbollah out of this war because they really are the ones with the long-range missiles and don't forget it's iran who gave than that in china and russia who sat back and cheer them on. arthel: doctor rebecca grant, thank you very much. >> correcbefore in washington d. there is a live video of it from downtown you can see right now alive they are supporting the palestinian cause they're calling for a cease-fire in gaza and an end to u.s. funding for israel. activist as you heard were cheering and chanting free palestine. carrying signs israel is finding genocide and israel equals nazis but are they condemning horrific acts of terrorism of hamas? are they calling on hamas to stop attacking israel when they call for palestine to be freed, they mean freed from the terrace of hamas? who are exploding the civilians of gaza, who are being killed because of hamas actions? griffin jenkins live with some answers to that. >> hey eric. you are right you look here at the march this is the march of several thousand that's about to begin any moments. they gathered on 14th street you can see the signs one over there u.s. funding apart side you can see in this in the seasa free palestine the sign over here honor the martyrs of palestine. several thousand people have been gathering all day they are going to march up 14th street where we are just above freedom plaza. the going to go up 14th and make our way a little bit west towards the white house if you help blocks away. it's a mixture of coalition of groups as well as the palestinian american groups and others. they are starting to walk now but about your question specifically about whether or not they condemn hamas or not i had one gentleman who said he does not condone the killing of civilians but he would not go so far as to actually condemn hamas listen here. >> i condemn every act against civilians. i am not going to condemn hamas. it is a freedom fighter group. all freedom fighters h and then acts against civilians. >> er a terrorist organization rejects no i do not consider terrorists. i consider them a freedom fighter group. begin to march now you can see this is going to go on for the next few hours. they are going to get ultimately to the white house where they will chance these claims the u.s. is supporting genocide by the aid they are giving to israel. we will see exactly what they have to say the president is in rehoboth beach he is not here to see what is happening on his doorstep, will send it back to you for. >> quite a scene in downtown d.c. right now, griff good to see a thank you. arthel: meanwhile separatist state entity blinken is back in the mid east as the bite administration continues to push for humanitarian pause to get aid into gaza. arab leaders telling him they want an immediate cease-fire secretary blinken and israel saying it is a nonstarter. let's go to alexandria hoff she is live from rehoboth beach delaware which is where the president spend the weekend we would imagine watching the war from there. >> it's a whole lot quieter here in rehoboth beach that will essentially doorstep of the white house release group is pointing out. we do know president biden received an update abrasion from abridgingfrom national securityr jake sullivan. also from secretary blinken has right now wrapping up his day in jordan basement the day defending the american position a humanitarian pause is not the same thing as a cease-fire. >> we are still asking for an immediate cease-fire and that israel would stop hindering humanitarian aid. >> it is our view that a cease-fire now would simply leave hamas in place able to regroup and repeat but it did on october 7. and you do not have to take my word for it. just a few days ago a senior hamas official said it is their intent to do october 7 again and again and again. >> and terry blinken met once again of israeli prime minister netanyahu it yesterday and israel pushing for those humanitarian causes of the war to allow for increased aid into gaza but britt israel so far rejected the idea saying some 240 hostages must be released verse though hamas would benefit from this they would be the only ones to benefit from this. according to a report from access white and israel scribbling until his counterpart did menstruation push for humanitarian pause quote will help the u.s. fend off growing pressure it is facing over its support of israel's operation in gaza and in turn help israel by more time for its ground offensive. the pressure continues to come from progresses from the president's own part of the white house and previously called statements made by some of the squad members of the conflict repugnant and disgraceful no democratic congresswoman launched a lofty accusation against the president posting this on x. >> we will remember in 2024. >> this video continues with a message saying joe biden supported the genocide of the palestinian people, the american people won't forget we did reach out to the white house there was no comment provided at this time on this video. i should be noted president biden has increased his push for humanitarian aid to make its way into gaza. arthel: okay alexandria hoff thank you. reversing shocking demonstrations here in new york city protesters burning israeli flags, ripping down a postage of the hostages held by hamas there are reports demonstrators plan to disrupt the new york city marathon tomorrow. we will have a reaction from city councilwoman vicki on that and what we can expect on the streets of new york as "fox newi live" continues. ek. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ arthel: concern over border security spiking after a federal grand jury indicts a palestinian man court documents say he was in the united states illegally according to the indictment have been training with weapons possibly preparing an attack. christina coleman live with the latest on the growing terror threat on the border. what more can you tell us? >> the u.s. attorney's office the southern district of texas identified the 20-year-old palestinian man is an alien illegally in the u.s. and in possession of a pistol. they say he quote entered the united states only non- immigrant visa which expired in 2019 has allegedly been in direct contact with others who share a radical mindset for the chargers a further alleges been conducting physical training and has trained with weapons possibly commit an attack fbi director christopher wray has weighed in on the national security risk right now and mide israel hamas war. >> here in united states are most immediate concern is violent extremists individuals or small groups will draw inspiration from the events of the middle east to carry out attacks against americans we have already seen that with individual we arrested last week in houston who been studying how to build up bombs and posted online about his support for killing jews. >> that disturbing case out of houston comes after the recent arrest of a 29 ye 29 year old fr national and new york city. federal immigration officials that he is wanted by authorities in senegal for terroristic activities which include allegations of committing acts or acts of preparation aimed at compromising public safety. there's also mounting concern over potentially dangerous people slipping into the u.s. by illegally crossing the southern border under president joe biden's foreign policies which include surviving the catch and release system. a caravan of about 7000 migrants from various places including venezuela, central america, cuba, and haiti are heading north to the southern border right now. >> when they opened up for the border and president biden himself they allowed for the serious situation that we have and now the fbi has said, director ray said a few days ago they suspected might be terrorist cells they are setting up and planning only god knows against american citizens we are to be on alert. >> as for the foreign national arrested in new york who is wanted in the senegal for terroristic activities will remain in custody without bond pending removal proceedings. arthel: christina coleman, thank you. eric: 50000 runners are ready for the new york city marathon tomorrow and we are told it could be disrupted by pro- palestinian protesters demonstrators in the past few weeks here in y new york city of benzene and burning and trampling the flag. some approaches in recent days have turned violent. the fights breaking on the streets and tomorrow's marathon will see some runners showing their support for the palestinian cause on their teachers and so-called palestinian zone set up along the 26-mile route which would make of this newark city republican city councilwoman vickie paladino joins us now. councilwoman, good to see if you have a right in america under the first amendment of free expression but in some cases has gone over the line i have been to protest covering them i have heard some of these pro- these pro-palestinian protesterl more jews. eradicate israel, kill the jews. what is your response to that question. >> first about less on-call than protesters let's call that what they are they are small terrorist cells that are being allowed to exist under the first amendment right here in new york city and across the country we see what is going on in d.c. right now in real time. this is what is happening in our country now. this is anti- jew, kill the jews. these are terrorist cells that we are allowing to perform and do what they want under the first amendment right. in my opinion they should not have their first amendment rights. this is not us a peacefully protesting we get off on the wrong track all of the time. when we give people an inch and they take the whole hand and they take the whole arm and we turn around and say what happened? how did that happen? as far as tamara goes with our runners, with our marathon come on give me a break they're going to set up small zones palestinian zones what is this really? why are we allowing it to happen under the guise of the first amendment rights. they do not have any rights they have one issue, one thing kill the jews if you don't this is going to spiral over into other you are mistaken this is just the beginning of it we are going to start to see here in new york and we are going to start to see all over the country use of the congresswoman, what's her name you saw her threaten the presidency. did you see that one aligned question her truck she accuse the present encouraging genocide. what you think about that? >> is the same congresswoman she got elected in 2018 and started in 2019. put up the map and eliminated israel on that map. so we knew exactly where she stood. where aoc stands, where omar stands and the rest of their little squad that they call themselves but now what should scare all of us is the fact we are seeing this pro- palestinian movement take over in thousands, and thousands what has cross the border? you saw it just happened. this is what we had we had 911, we had 1993 when they bombed the world trade center. what more do the american people need to know to realize that these people should have no rights. this is a literally the holocaust happening in real time right here, right now and we are allowing it to happen. so through voyeurism the calls n this streets, sheet reference in a tweet from the river to the seat here it is from the river to the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful causation of death, destruction or hate. we center on justice and dignity for all no matter faith or ethnicity to you by that? she is they are excusing from the river to the s cedar. >> grovesevens wipe out all jew. that means take out israel. israel does not have the right to exist according to her and according to thousands of others we are finding out now right here in our own country. that was the start when these four or five women were allowed to hold a congressional seat in our body of government we started then to give over our government to hamas and hezbollah to it ter terrorist id yes to terrorism. these are not peaceful protesters because they say would say they're not terrorists. they don't support hamas. >> oh baloney, baloney. it is just a pack of lies they have proven themselves to be liars. they have proven themselves to be haters this is hate and the worst possible way. anybody could ever fathom beheading of the babies, octobes planned strategically down to the minutes of. we still have hostages that we cannot find mothers crying, fathers crying, it is unheard of. >> finally when you are the protest of free palestine or free gaza that is not been occupied by israel since 2005 d5 due to who has occupied it? hamas why doesn't hamas give up or surrendered what would you say to those protesters in your district with these chance, what would you tell them when you are the type of chance? >> first of all i would never allowed to happen in my district i am a very strong protector of my district. as soon as i would hear of one of one should ever happen i would stomp it out the way they burn their flag i would stomp it out the same way. i would make sure it doesn't happen my police force my two precincts would make sure to click to say have a first member right to do that progress i don't care mother for >> right i told you that before they are not entitled to the first amendment rights they are terrorist. c4 fiery words from councilman vickie paladino. we hope the marathon tomorrow certainly progress i have a friend only give a shout out good luck jimmy tomorrow. >> you've got it. jim is running hoping finishes. thank you. we will be right back. to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. before the war on israel sparking protests across the country's surgeon disturbing anti-semitic incidents. many in the jewish community fearing for their safety. from atlanta has much more on this. >> eric, the anxiety of the jewish community is that unprecedented level. hundreds of separate anti-semitic hate crimes are keeping them on high alert a lot of men caught on camera which i just saw the first o one to show surveillance video from miami beach this meant jumps out of his car at a stop light starts flashing assigned front of the bagel shop that probably stands with israel but it's now taped up and still hanging on another disturbing incident from the land to suburb a neo-nazi group projected a laser message onto a highway overpass drivers could clearly read this is our land while hitler. this new wave of threats against jewish communities are adding to the climate of fear october 7 in the 23rd the anti-defamation league reported total of 312 anti-semitic incidents for it 190 of those were directly linked to the war in israel and gaza jewish committee leaders anti-semitism always rises when israel has a conflict. >> what we are seeing today, especially on social media are people making comments we never expected to see. they are finding new ways and embracing the message of hate that they would never accept for their own communities. >> he has encouraged the jewish community to stay vigilant and aware but also continue to demonstrate the jewish pride. eric: thank you welcome to fox news is great to have you here regrets thank you really excited part of the team. >> good to have you thank you. >> we are not upset people don't like jews and don't like us we are concerned and probably concern for our digital safety in a physical safety people got their phone numbers stocked stor family members there addresses people have been receiving like myself death threats. the higher security will be go places this is a real threat it's not just words it's an actual threat to jewish and the broader jewish tiktok progress jewish tiktok influencer on america's newsroom earlier this week discussing the surge of anti- semitism on the social media app and its impact on content creators like him. pro- palestinian support is flooding the internet in comparison to pro-israel content with that comes a rise in threats and anti-semitic comments for joy to me now is chris ruby ceo of ruby media group and social media expert. first of all, if we could get your reaction for what we just heard? >> i agree with all that we are seeing unprecedented levels of anti-semitism on social media platforms. everywhere from tiktok to exit x formerly known as twitter. i think all of this is coming at the same time as the launch of artificial intelligence that makes us even worse. you can really unleash an entire bot army on someone. sometimes you may not be the hate you are proceeding may actually be up by army and not a person is going to become very difficult to discern between the two who are you fighting with and i think that directly intersects with what we are seeing in general on social media which is the increase of psychological domestic operations and warfare being waged to pit people against each other. arthel: did you sign the open letter to tiktok executives? >> i have not signed it but i'm familiar with it. i of course agree with what is said in it. arthel: tell us about it progress one of the recommendations the standout recommendation to me is they are saying we want a community manager that's going to specifically represent our interests as the jewish community. every other community is represented why aren't jews not represented in terms of community management on tiktok. tiktok has respondent said they take this seriously but from my own experience in reporting users are saying something very differently. tiktok is done a good job of removing anti-semitic hashtags but not the comments. arthel: not the comments will be read a part of a statement they gave to the media it says in part we have taken important steps to protect our community and prevents the spread of hate. we appreciate the ongoing honest dialogue and feedback as we continually work to strengthen those protections. does this make you feel safe? is this enough? >> is not enough. this is a war with a machine learning because users -- but there's an over reliance on machine learning to detect anti-semitism part adl is talked about that as well as terms of having volunteer with their online hate index. they actually have people who will flag tax is being anti-semitic or this is not. i ice not always going to get this right is so if you see something, say something. flag the content and participate in the process. >> you mentioned this earlier i will highlight it now. that on x there are atrocious and hashtags like hitler did nothing wrong. why do you think this vitriol and hatred is allowed on any social media platform? i get what you are telling me there can be a i bought forms tossing things into the mix. but this should not be allowed. >> unfortunately some people seem to be a little bit confused but with a difference of free speech and hate speech. so hate speech is not free speech. as we arty know there's a lawsuit against fur and tight semitic content posted on the platform of the german organization some of this by the way their specific laws in germany regarding this and regarding social beta platformsf what can be allowed what cannot be allowed as far as x is concerned in their terms of service holocaust denial is explicitly not allowed. so it is unclear to me where they are still allowing the correct type of content on the platform there is simply no excuse for. arthel: what about boycotting those platforms? it won't make it go away but could that help, just asking. >> i think there's going to be always new emerging platforms that pop up just as quickly someone could boycott it. the real underlying issues of the platform is much as it is the people in the user sentiment and where this hate is coming from and how we get to the root cause of that hate. x for example this should be a letter to x after reading this wonder tiktok maybe i will go right i was thinking that. this issue is happening across the board and everything the platform right now. arthel: what shocks me is these are young people they have really warped sense of perspective at a young age. >> yes we are also seeing people get canceled >> we need to and hates. >> we need to end a hate. you'll end this segment on that notes. thank you very much. you will be right back. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! 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(♪) (vo) in three seconds, pam will decide... (pam) i'm moving closer to the grandkids! wait. i got to sell the house! (vo) don't wait, just sell directly to opendoor. easy as pie. (pam) piece of cake. (vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at arthel: the 2024 campaign at winds to through floor to the public and press of job candidates speaking at the florida freedom summit and kissimmee. you see him there taking the stage now candidates are also signing the official paperwork to appear on the primary ballot in florida. there are 72 days until the first boating contest the iowa caucus on generate 15th. parks around the foreign minister threatened u.s. officials at the united nations this week at the same time the un comic get this, is honoring iran. turns out the united nations human rights council named iran as the chair of the human rights social form this is iran brazenly violates human rights, executes political components of earnest young women for not wearing in public and of course of funds hamas and hezbollah did not stop the human rights council from harm the islamic republic lead the two day human rights conference in geneva. the form center of the role of technology and science in furthering human rights. a research fellow at the foundation for defense of democracy was the choice to leave the conference a joke. >> it is a testament of how bad the un has become. it has become a club for many tyrants and dictators. human rights in iran is a joke. a woman cannot walk down the street with her hair showing. and yet we have this government such absurd restrictions being on the council of the un human rights it. that is totally absurd to me. >> on top ron was part of the conference but he says to run leading the event they say a mockery. >> it's pure hypocrisy to see such a time running pretending they defend and are spreading human rights at a time when they're probably at the very bottom of the human rights ranking of the world. so i think this is bad for the un. it's bad for the world and especially bad for the free world and their government progressive by administration ambassador it's an affront to the corrective consciousness of the global community or coverage of the war on israel continuesea afternr this. to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at arthel: at nasa paying tribute to a hero who helped save the lives of three astronauts. ken mattingly died on tuesday. he was a former navy pilot that orbited the mood during the apollo 16 mission he also flew two missions on the space shuttle he's best known for the flight he did not take, apollo 13 he helped save the lives of his fellow astronauts. he was supposed to fly to the moon and 1970 he was supposed to go there but was removed before launch after being exposed to measles. several listen to the flight and oxygen tank on the command module exploded setting off a frantic effort to bring the crew back to earth. nasa said it was mattingly's expertise in decision-making that help bring the astronauts back home safely print our own jon scott spoke with the mattingly in 2009 about that effort. >> people talk about being the finest hour. well, i certainly think they showed their stuff as a team that is unparalleled. actor gary who played mattingly in the film apollo 13 said this quote and a great american hero, rest in peace it. thank you for your service to our country. ken mattingly was 87 years old. eric and i we will be back tomorrow at noon eastern but we do hope you can join us then. right now keep it here on foxnews jon scott is up next with a special two hour addition of the fox report. we'll see you tomorrow at noon eastern 11 central. thancougk you. one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? 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