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i'm laura ingraham. this is the angry mango. well, well, well. trump'll, wells gag is off. well, in one case, and at least temporarily. t co this was after a federalin appellate court stepped in. plain i'm going to explain this later. >> but first, hateful piec pe. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. ght? >> the rule is that you don't t negotiate with terrorists. ile. you don't give them an inch because they'll take a milofe in the case of hamas. >> we know they'll use a lull. , the fighting to burrow in, resupply and stoke more anti-israel sentiment worldwide. to survive, hamas needs a break in the actio n. ve >> they know it and hezbollah knows it. the first we have to work on 24 seven is an end to aggression against gaza and of war against gaza. the second objective is a victory for gaza. victory for the palestinian resistancere in gaza and for hamas in particular to be victorious in gaza. riod. now, remember, their goal is to destroy israel, periodaganda and they'll use endless pro-palestinian propaganda to keep hamas alive, which keeps their dream of destroying jewish people alive. >> and despite claiming to be staunch supportersh suf isra of, the white house is playing cleat into their handstate. >> secretary of state tony blinken flew to israel e again with a clear messageop to netanyahu stop. supposedly they just want more time to get more hostages released. >> so of course, we all want the hostages released. but as the angle predicted preis hamas is using its hostages as bargaining chips. releasing a few yesterday,ts which the administration cited, was proo weref that their effors were paying off in then anonymous. th administration officials told cnn that in conversationsel wil with netanyahu, biden has warned that israel will be judgedl harshly by the international community if it doesn't take steps, palestin significantly ease humanitarian suffering and minimizet yo palestinian civilian deaths. now, this is what you haveu taie to biden's team is leaking these details because they know that they're losing political support at home from his pro-palestinian voters, who, as we've seen, have taken to the streets because they're trying. the biden people are to sen to send signals of we hear you to the pro hamasr wing of their own party. >> what are biden's calls for this temporary pause actually workingwell, mo? rej >> well, more from cnn. netanyahu explicitlythos rejectd some of those calls on friday as blinken visitedwith t israeli with the israeli war cabinet. the prime minister specificallfi yar said that his government opposed any temporary fire in gaza unless hamas freed all hostages it holds. well, of courswell, ofe netanyau is making the right call for his people and the survival of his nation. the ideaca that you can trust hamas to have any humanitarian f instincts is absurd. they're still firingg >> hamas has been using mortars. to hit this area and also small rockets just a lot of shrapnel marks on this wall. could see all of these holes here . ly i all of this on the side of a kindergarten. it's painted these colors becausore hamae normally in tims of war, before hamas committed the massacre against were , soun israel kids were going to school here. this was a kindergarten. it was usee d by the southernaca community. most have evacuated sinctee thei but you can see there are still soldiers and police officers. >> this area, because it sits just over the border from the gaza strip. ocrats but don't expect far left democrats on capitol hill to care about what's happening and still happening to israel. >> 17 of them signed on to a resolution by cori bush that reads like it could have been written by that hezbollah leaderg himself calling for an immediate de-escalation and a ceasele fire in israel and occupied palestine. >> and four otherceas house democrats are calling for a straight ceasee-over i fire. >> and over in the senate, what's happening? well, when pressed on his view of what israel should do, tricky, dick durbin used his typical weasel words. >> is a cease fire needed now?s i think it is, at least under in the context of both sides. >> agree. all this is riddick's ridiculous. he knows that israel is not durbeing and can to a cease fire. >> but durbin also knowsin alsis that political price his party could pay in next year's election is significant. t. so he's kind of trying to have it both ways there. well thi, when i was thinking about this today, i thought, isn't it a good time to ask thiswhy have question?erent ap in why have democrats taken such a different with the war in ukraine? >> it is impossible to.t of explain to my constituency why when the ukrainians are in the midsfightingt fighting and every single day for their nation at this congress, somehorged to pw or another man. to pass a spending bill and not include more funding for the ukrainian cause. >> now, where is the peacemaker . thousands of lives have been lost, at least 9000 civilians,d but probably more in ukraine. >>ds of mi and of billions of ds in damage that, you know, we're going to be called on to fix. and yesterday, its own defense chief in ukraine said thea st situation is at a stalematale. >> so why didn't biden call for a humanitarian pause there at any point in the last, what,f 21 months or so? well, there's plenty an. ufferinger >> and more u.s. funding is only going to ensure that the suffering continues. >> if there were ever a caseed r whertie, interested parties u should call for a pause to conduct a negotiated settlement. ukrain it.e is it? in fact, last year, when progressives on the hill did urge biden negotiate qui with russia? boy, they were told quickck tff to back and they've been quiet ever since. >> on ukraine. but with israel, it's different. the truth is this types don't believe israel should be allowed to defend itself, even though a month has now passed since hamas carried out that slaughtering 1400 innocent civilians. >>. we should offer militarythis advice there if asked. but otherwis e, stay out of thisot counter offensive in the advice that we do give should notprospe be based on what democrats elections prospectct s are next year. >> but when it comes dowitn to t ,biden doesn't really have a foreign policy. they have a plan. k is biden's reelection and they do just whatever they thinky is going to help with that. >> the white house knows the hard left hatee s israel and they're afraid that the war is going to hurt them politically. but the hard.t th left, like zelenskyy, so that war can just go on forever, as longemocrats c democrats are concerned, on wldon't care what a reaus president would focus on what is best for the united states. states.e don't now, of course, t a real president. su have a figurehead president surrounded by folks who want him reelected. somake dow they can make down td a lot of money as lobbyists. std that's the angle. >> joining me now is stephen miller, former senior adviserca to president trump, founder of america first legal, and jason rantz, radio hostllin in seattle, author of what's killing america. stephen, let's start witamh youu the difference here is that the left thinks ukraine helps, but they think that they cantr tie trump to putin and all and all that. and they think israel's attack s gaza hurts biden because it splits the democrat parte ity. the irony here is sad, but somehow deliciouy s. >> yes. i mean, your point about the facto your the that despite thel human toll and the threat of nuclear war, the democratsuge refuse to call have refusestd t to even suggest the idea of a peaceful negotiation in.ey are w ukraine proves your point. they are wedded to a 2024 just like a 2022 narrative that are allied with evil putin in a great war against democracy and the fate of all freedomy o in the hinges upon this mightygr struggle in ukraine against noe matter how many people die, how many young lives are sacrificedhow many, it's itr but in israel, the democratty party has a shifting, n especially with mass migration, bringing in a lot of peopl peope who themselves hate israel that argesty much anti-israel has large strain of antisemitism and that believes the fight againsraelt. israel is resisting colonialism, resistingg the opac the oppressive settler class, the same kind of rhetoric theoa in criticalit's race theory. so this is the unifying point here a whateve. it's about whatever is convenient for democrats politicallpolitiy and nothing to with saving lives, let alonell,h america's national security interests. is a proxy fk is a proxy for the u.s., and they pretty much m hateuch ha tradition in the us. and israel is our traditionalal allyne of th. so they kind of it's one of the same for the hard left. now, jason, ther, ineattlee wers i know, in seattle today and one protester climbed the ladderaccess to access an ar of a building to hang a banner callin murrayg on senator pattyn to demand a cease fire. now, jason, i'm glad they havep. the skill to climb up to a banner up, but they're being bullied, are they not, by their base support terror, the democrats? >> yeah i mean, first of all,t that's the only thing that they can dovignal the is just virtueo their positions and scream and yell and do what can to bully folks into a position. fr learnedhink they've from the past that they can t be successful taking on thatact. particular tactic. look what happened during the black lives matter movemenea where there were riots, there o was antifa thugs outn ths on the streetsand th and they hd very specific policy goals in mind. gand all they had to do was get violent and shout people down. so i thinkt le they're hopingthy that that same tactic will happen here, that they will be able areg to get folkse senator patty murray and others who maybe are a little bitmaybei more vulnerable to start to side againsnsel.t israel. i think you're already starting to see some of the coverage, frany becoming anti-semitic, leaning into some hamasto propagandake, which is going to make the job of these a whole lot easier. when you have the media on your side, when you're able to really threaten the power structure for these democrats and the base doe andths do that, they're going to start to see some successes. i'm justhat i'm hoping that isa is not going to reallybo give a damutn about howd protesters on the ground in seattle or portland yor or new york care about what it is they're doing, which is simply tryingcaying t to exi >> yeah, i think the vennhe ven diagram of antifa and the pro-palestinian protesters kind of one over right at the same it's the same group. stephen tlaib congresswoman a tlaib posted a video today accusing biden of as she was basically advocating forherself. herself. >> watch. >> we will remember in 2024. >> now, stephen, biden might hope that that makes him appear moderate if he's being attacker d by. but michigan from the river to the sea, i'm going to say, is that the state'i would s toum slogan? well, michigan, sadly, has a massive community of american haters, israel, israel haters and haters of jews in general. and obviousliny what we see with congresswoman tlaib, this blood libel against saying they're guilty of , that is a ten intended to be the pretext for justifyingetexta the behavior, the murderous, barbarous conduct of hamas. because whenvi you say israel's guilty of , then that would then justify t the minds of thee monsters. >> the savagery, the brute blood lusting savagery of hamas . that's what we are up against in this country. we have members of congress, we le political leaders who truly support thesephiing jihadist aims. and it is horrifying. and as you said,.ou said, laura, blm, the israel haters, america haters, this radical left state, which all the same group, anti-west,nti- anti-israel, anti-america, anti-christianamer, anti-jewisha anti everything that makes america great maket. >> that's really what's on the ballot in 2024. k live >> jason, do you agree the antifa, black lives matterpa pro pal crowd is all the same? >> it's not completely the same, but there's definitely overlap. i meanovered aa fo i've coveredl a very long time and i recognize the faces in these groups some people have asked how is it that they were so mad theyy to march? how did they get everything organized so quickly? it's not becausegnded b they'reg funded by shadowy folks, it's because these people have beenfo organizing for various sv causes over the course of the last severaleral years.y >> and so they already have t their network of radicals that they call upon to go aheadd and show up in the middle of aay morninlege camg or in the middlt day at a college campus or in front of a federaheusl build. >> s o they're really just taking advantage. their profession we're seeing hererofessio p now, they're these are professional they're professional protestersm . their goal is cultural marxism. and they'r e at it. this is what they do. this is what they do it. perpetual agitation. dee stephen, jason, thank you. all right. coming up, deepfakmadee made with stolen images of your kidsd and postedia. social media. does it sound like a nightmare? well, it is. and it just happened to dozenss me of girls at a new jersey high school. .one of them joins me tonight. but first, a major win for trump in the courts. >> jonathan turley, saul eisenberg join me next to explain i. t. >> i actually had ice works first. it makes it less feel the power of contrast there. so you can rise from pain. isaiah, did you know nearly 34,000 of our nation's veterans are living on the streets? we fought bravely to protect. i probably served my country, but struggle civilian life. uc davis helped me when i needed the most. >> i am now an artist with a place to call home. join us vets on their mission to end major homelessness. make them your cause to honor us vets. this veterans day shop camel work camel circa you prepare for the unexpected. >> so do we. our workwear built with 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claims. oral arguments before the appeals court s will happens than three weeks on november 20th in washington, dc. but in trump's new york civilexd fraud case, a gag order was just expande.d. ud judge arthur barron ordered that it now include three of trump's attorneys, citing inappropriatents aboe commentsou about his law clerk. he warns of serious ifs sanctioo if they fail to honor it. >> joining me now,r a jonathan turley of law at gw university, and sol eisenberg, former deputy independent counsel. both are fox news contributors. jonathan. let's start with the d.c. circui th the.t now. tempo does this temporary freeze tha signal that there is likelihoode of success on the meritsrits with the trump legal team's first amendment claims for lifting gag order? w >> well, laura, it's hard to say. acts we have to wait to see how the panel reacts in its f review, particularly the oral argument. they're essentially freezing ane left action here. they could have left it continue to continue while they reviewed it, but theyabunda decided perhaps an abundancence of caution to order this.orde the stoppage until they canasoni give it a full review. the reason i think this could be significant is that i think the order is unconstitutiona l. i said that when it was first issued. it's a very odd concept of anbes order because the the e court here insisted on having this trial before the electiosort one of shoehorned it in before super tuesday. in isand everyone in this elece is going to be talking about these casee persons except one person under this gag order, and that is donald trump. he can't criticize the prosecutors. he can't criticize witnessesspea and special counsel objects. expah just asked for this order to be expanded in an equally the unconstitutional way, and that has draw cn the criticism evenic of the aclu, which is a staunchs critic of donald trump. but the aclu has said, look, this is flagrant, unconstitutional. it means all substantial likelihood of success on the meritmeris and irreparaba harm potentially forrmas president trump. i mean, having been a lawyer for as long as you guys, but it seems like it's a decent signal that this is not going to goe wa the way judge chutkan would probably want it to go. well, they didn't say he had a substantial likelihood of success on the merits. in fact, they went out of their way in two page order to say that we shouldn't construe this as a ruling on the merits. but as jonathan says. >> but it's a temporary restraining. it's a hold on saudidn't he gra. didn't he grant a temporary freeze of the ordef the orr. >> right. they granted an administrator to stay. we're talking about the d.c. circuit court of appeals. inistratthey that administrativ, so. that's right. her gag orde.r is not in effect and that's very important. i just you know, i wouldn't take anyright now.o, from it ri. and they also basically briefsam are due the team's brief is due november 8th. and as you said, oral argument is theent is. ly quick so they're going to decide on this really quickly. that'sst fast. >> jonathan msnbc's really worried because there are 17 days of unfettered free speech . >> trump watch this. the testimonestimonyy is is that actualized threats, threats up against their livesen of violence and harassment ensue? do you have any concernsy conce? about what happens in the 17 days between today and the hearing? i absolutely do. a jonathan, is that a legitimate concern? >> well, you know, that's part of the disconnect here about this gag order is that t this much this election is going to turn on these prosecutions. >> millionllionss of people bels that the criminal justice system has been weaponizeden wet >> now, whether that's true or e not, when you hold these trials before election, everyone is going to be talking about it and there's going to be sharp crit youm. usually when you have these gago orders, it's to protect a jury poolol s not so that they're not influenced by all of the publicity that mightyou ju be generated. >> well, you know, that ship has sailed. i meanajor, you ordered a majorr trial before an election. realso the questiot appn the ct of appeals is, what is the real thrpose of this if you're silencing not only one of the leading candidates fore the in the election where this is being debated, but he can't even criticizeicize hi hir opponent, michael pence, or the witnessetnesses being burie, bringing evidence against him that i think is prettytime, problematic. and she's going to have a hard timee couris. the court that is just sustain this, if not from the d.c. circuit, the supreme court, and if it goes to the supreme court, that could d very well cause issues with her scheduling. cas >> mm-hmm. saul, what about the new york case? expanding the order, a different set of facts, but now expandin der tog the order to the lawyers. >> he's very very sensitive about his clerk. he's made that clear. and nonow he ihew he's covering the lawyers. and there's so much wrong with the new york civi case,l c. i don't know where to begin.but but he hashe a very, what i woud call visceral reaction. great >> jonathan saul, great to see you. have a great weekend yo. ally pul >> all right. we've long wondered who's really pulling the strings str behind the scenes for joe biden. well, tonight, we have new evidence of why it mightwe'x be someone you remember in the white house, just a few yearsisi back. we'll explain it. plus, parents, listen up. is beingng use used to create c. >> so could your daughter be next? >> we talk to a brave 14-year-old who was targeted. coming u p up, pilots are a breed all around. they're laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. this is their gun school. those who rise to the occasion prove they are hands down the top combat pilots anywhere he. these guys are hard hitting dudes. we're more lethal than we've ever been. not everyone makes it through here. this is his reputation of not an easy place to go through. one 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holding zoom meetings with top west wing wat presi aides at presides request. well, that begs the question what exactly is in it for obama? >> remember, his dream has always been to transform america and artificial intelligence may just be the best way to do it. >> if a.i. end ends eliminating entire categories of jobs, if it means that as much stuff orit as many services cano be produced with fewer workers, we may need to consideconsiderrs and we should start talking about that now. >> things likea shor a shorter g workweek or a universal basic incomeme or guaranteed incomet e access. that's all we need, a shorter workweek. now, it sounds a lot like has this dream grab bag of policies ? hello, guaranteed universal basic incomeal. elligenc >> all right. while we're on the subject of artificial intelligence, parentbeware.becauss beware, beu know, i can create imagends, whs sound video that's so realistic, it's hard to tell what's real from what's fakee pt a.i. generated photos were circulated around a new jersey high school using faces of young female students. now you ca onln imagine how emotionally shattering this would be tgirlo. we're girls who were victimized by these sorts of deep fakesto g we're told that this happened to dozens of girls, includinga n my next guest, 14-year-old francesca maniy,. e nu >> she alerted the principal after she found oudewas ust thae of the was using her face. >> she's also with mom, dorota, mani. >> francesca, first of all, than k so much for telling your story. >> how did you find out >>. t this >> so basically, the principalin informed me that i was one of many i victims. ke and after that, i just felt, like betrayed because i never thought i'd be my classmate. and when i came home, i told my mom and i said, we need to do something about this becausg is e it's okay. and people are making it seem it is. >> well, how did it makeim you feel? i mean, did you actuallyages o e the images or you just heard about them? >> no, to i didn't get to seea them. it made me feel very betrayed. and i just felt very uncomfortable knowing that she was walking likeg like the hall. of my school. and i just don't think it's okay. dorota, do you know if any of these images stayed local of your tr daughter, so to spe, or did you ask the school principal if the images made it anywhere else online? to the exten that t that could . them? >> right. well, very good question. emailas per the email that the principal sent out, the images ne.are gone as per the conversation that i had over the phone with the vicese principal. the images are gone and i should not worriedit was becausd was just a snapchat. it was distributed through. i kw snapchat. so, you know, i know, there is such a thing as a digital footprint that lasts forever. hp and even though there have been distributed through snapchat, they somewhere out there. so we are fighting right now wholigure it out where and how to retrieve them. and througess weh whole process, we've been so disappointed in way that westfield high school has been handling thigs>u situation for all the girls. >> well,ra, a so we haven't confirmed how many people this actually happened to or how many people we don't know how many people saw these images. i pri presume you don't either, but it sounds like you're thinking of filing a lawsuit. if, you know, as a former lawyer, it's kind of sounds like that's where thisike thatr. how can the schoollled the actually control or why would you say it controlled the snapchat accounts of students? >> right. the school does not t. >> correct. that's their approach. they believe that, you know, i didn't was no it. it was not on my device. -- it was not on my but -- but as per day, cyber harassment policies, thise should have not happened and there should have been consequences. nc it's mo than justso it's a ln just, you know, kids sending pictures of us on the snapchat right. there's a bigger issue here. there's the bullying. there'iss cyber harassment, pren and there's the administration who is pretendindithat ng that g has happened. there's administrations ration a liste to theg girls that have been victimized and other girls who feelot oka e th not okay and who feel they uncomfortable, they feel traumatized, they feel hurt, they feel betrayed, and nobody listens to theo thm. >> yesterday, actually, let me add one thing, francesca. have you talked to the other? er i'm sorry, my daughter, if you don't mind. francesca, i f you talk to a lot of the other girls or dotalked t you know their names are your fellow students to whom this also there again, their faces were put on that were then circulated according to these. reports on snapchat. >> have you spoken to them? the. i hav they feel extremely uncomfortable knowing that he's in our school. anythi they're also really mad that the school's not really doing anythingngt trying about and nog >> help the situation and they're just mad that they d lo know who did it.a, are >> francesca, are you aware of who did it or d y o you a good idea of who did it? yeah, i say the name. i don't want to hear the name,ae but you have a good idea of who did it. >> yes, i dodo. . we oh, you do? okay. well, it seems like that's kind of where the where the liability lies. francesca and dorota, any type ,cyberbullying, cyber, any of this involving students. ng these deep fakes, it's horrific. thank you very much for speaking out. weout. >> you appreciate it. a wor >> thank you.ld all right. and up next, our world ridicules joe biden to his face and a white house officialond ao strains to make it up with casual fridays. es. >> raymond arroyo has it all. details next. friday follows whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation, you sit in actively way too many a day. we all do that. sedentary inactivity is, terrible for your health and standing for hours is just as bad. it's time to add some extra steps to your day. introducing ellipse by legs 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time to be on the beach. thank you very much. laura, it's funny, but it's noti funny. it's a glaring sign at a momenns global crisis that the us ispe d nor.ent 40ecte and this is a man, joe he spent 40% of his presidency on vacation and world knows it. >> raymond at least, at least in cana, they have all those all inclusive resorts. so, you know, joe, can clusiv you know, have they have his food and, you know, all of that. was this all in one price? so. well, you know, there is a kick in many more money after spending the day in maine with the with the middle east ae on the brink of war and a border crisis joe. otheiand biden are now on theis to rehoboth beach for the weekend. >> that was just announced. >> so true to form, true to form. >> well, these people, i mean, they are pretty, but they're kind of predictable at the same time, raymond, becaus, rai >> well, i think i havemond: to grantoh you three wishes. wee >> oh, three wishes. thank you. okay. laura? yeahe e sent? this week, the white house sent their omb director shalanda young out to pitch their bloated supplemental budget. my first wish is that the white house would add a fe a w to that budget for laundry services. hey, shalanda. hi. diell usd you us about the dome supplemental funding that the white house has sentth house hh to congress? >> absolutely. now, laura, the white house posted this video of theirpo ts director. why is she wearing a t-shirt b. with a big stain you see thi the stain there and sweatpants? i mean, is this to add an emotional layer of pity to their supplemental pitc h. i don't know quite what's happening here, but now the big stain at least where clothing that's decentht in, the whitee s house. >> i'm a throwback. you knowe., i was and i'm really dating myself. but i was in the reagan white ouse yhouse and he only wore it only where, you know, dresses, skirts or, you know, a coat and tie. it wasn't it wasn't casual fridays ever. at's y in the reagan white house. i forget, you know, forget the budget, thoughou, raymond. what's your second wish? oh, my second wish. i wishstop people would stop putting halloween candy out in bowls., man, your doorh and hand it out. i also wish people would stop impersonating bears to steal all the halloween candy. this n the poor kids in south carolina, south florida. look at thisei . this neighborhood. they didn't have any candy left because smokey showed up first. >> raymond that's a real bear.:s apparently a bear. well, that's what everybody said abouteverybodha that is a l that zoo in china. >> remember him? everybodary said that was a real bear, too. no, it was a guy in a bear suit. so i'm not bear. buying it.ndy. >> now, maybe this is a realthe bear, but whether it's real or not, it shouldn't be stealinr sg the candy. and the homeowner should answer their own doorthings t and hando to the trick or treaters. do they leave thanksgiving dinner out on the stepn for relatives? >> no. you invite them in, you serve it that way. that's how halloweenow sho shouk roll. puttkt in some cases, i thin putting the food at the door for certain in-laws for different families across the country, they don't all get along. >> so maybe that's a maybe th a wayt my to give, but not be present. well, not a. h okay, time for your third.s >> third. we the third and final. i wishof joe biden would learn the names of foreign dignitaries and whether they are present prime of present president anyway. th >> canada is joining the united states with funding to launch accelerator. i think prime minister joe and president and i think prime minister trudeau and president alassane lay are also. and i also think h president chavez, for i want to thank him. g a su he doesn't know the name of anyone at the table. he's hostingmm summit of peoplee he knows nothing of and cannoty even pronounce their names. >> i mean, this is it'it'ss fun, but it's tragic. it's tragic. and the world understandunderss >> what's happening? hmm? president jo o e. e. okay. president joe. i don't know what he's talking about there. upall right, raymond. thank you.u ha up next, the most important elections you haven't hear d about the details on what lies ahead next tuesday. ahead next tuesday. >> in moment. >> salon pose makers activ of powerfue l pain relief patchs for 89 years believes in continuous improvement like corners that resist peeling with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. >> so long pass. it's good medicine for me too. >> i was a teacher for 30 years and today i'm a grandmother of nine. >> technology is essential to our everyday lives and that's why i'm concerned about our foreign adversaries influence over the internet. our adversaries believe in censorship control. that's not the future i want for my grandchildren or yours. congress needs to protect i jus our democratic values and strengthen, not weakent fr american technology. >> hey, i got a text from my sister. my sister. you remember rick, her 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you know, the angle always says no state left behindind. and every election matters. even off year elections. in sometimes they get lost in the shuffle. the joe bide distraction, they want to label parents as threats, we went through that whole routine. he we know the truth that parents are fighting for. what'sparents ar for their fami, and we've highlighted on the angle many times whetherg you're trying to stop from being taught in schools or making sure your daughter isn'ti sharing a bathroom with a biological male, you're not the problem here. in fact, we need more parents like you to get involvedke you s the folks in local school board races, many of which have elections this tuesday. >> joining me now, take us all through it is ryan berdowski, who is the founder of the 1776 project pack, a group that works to elect nonwhite wih woke school board members. also with me to unpack all this ,chris bedford, executive editor of the common sense society. s bedf ryan, what's the top raceou you're focused on and why? >>focuse okay. the number one of some of the number one races, blue valley, kansa you knoe valn johnson county, very wealthy county, but blueohnson c countyn in a big red state like kansas. >> this is a school district where liberal school board banned to kill a mockingbird possed to kill a mockingbird offensive. huck finn is banned because it's too offensiveibly twoleber liberals are the book banners in this district. ther e are four conservative candidates. michael harper. rachel four for good, two tricia hamilton and christine vasquez. it is so essential becauseth voting is so small in these ofef year elections that everyone votes for them. then there's your countyn . biggest red county, pennsylvania is unique becausee it's of the very few states where it's partisan school board elections where people will knowe depart who the republican is, who the democrat is. the pennsylvania department of education is pushing cultural learning with teacher. ta curriculum sorriculumeacher. teachers have to do cultural assessments on howssessmen they. it's hard. it's crt by another name. pittsburgh today announceda they're doing a $50,000 deal to sit there in on racist the maths and to make math less racist in the city of pittsburgh. and i'll bringt two of one. loudoun county is ground zero for all this nonsense. it is so so important and virginia and early is down 33%. the same voters who voted for youngkin need show up big time. we can do this. we can flip loudoun county. then last one is strongsville abor last one is strongsville there is abortion and potball on the ballot in ohio. te are spending so much money for a local blue wave brney for a local blue wave red districts into blue districts and bring critical racale theory into thee districts. vote. just. all right, we got to get chris into this. people think. oh, it's an off year election, chris. the big one is next year., but the nuts and bolts of campaigning democratsn the of are really good at even and really good at even and republicans tend to kind of like the big events. that's a mistakeke the. that's a mistake. and it's a difference. philosophically, the twophilos parties always. oftentimes, republicans will go back to their baselly alwaublic, if you want to change things in america, just come back inust two years or give us a donation. democrats never sa y to the nexte chan election to their base. they say, go out, be the changeo be that activist, take over school boards, be this person who shows upn these city counc meetings. and that's where a lot of these petty tyrannies come from. of these come fra of these diffs where people are taking control. and when i went out to loudon county, talk to parents during that big old school fight, i was amazed about section of society that was out there that had become politically active. we asked a group of peopler bark who here voted for barack obama in the last election, and i would say about halfhalf of thm raised their hands. people had never been politically active before in their lives. maticallgrandparents as teacher. concerned. parents. aunts and uncles. dparentspeople were suddenly a t of this. and that's the kind of thing that can actually change us. oi to go back to loudoun count, virginia, i don't want to just focus on that county because sous on that county because many other things going on. but this is important because one of the candidates running for that opeunning fn seat on the school board is actually an employee at department of justice working under merrick garland. is th shocker. running as a democrat. now, that's the same departmeney of justice. that, of course, basically targeted parents who, you know, who were involved in their kids and worried about their kids education as potential domestic terrorists. and now they want to be on the school board. i got to say, they have a they have, you know what? >> to actually do that, ryan. that's big race.>> the and then yesterday, the students led a protest, loudoun county saying no to policy 8040, which allows biological men and female students and female spaces. even the students were saying, you cannot do this in our schools. yeah, they they want girls to be secure in their own places. if the studentand if the stus t shouldn't be up to woke people. a lot of times you don'tof children sit there and say, no, i think we should experiment on these children. it is wront we sdg and you have to vote. >> it's time to fight back. nois time w i to play this my so this north royalton, ohirto. bc this is a school board race. a candidate is basically disguisingal herself as a sensible moderate. this is what the gama sensibe ty all the time and they get it. >> and they're complete radicals. and is what she said. we condemn any legislative efforts that do support d and care for lgbtq, a plus youth or silence is important. >> conversations about orientation, gender identity, systemic racism, anti-racism, dna and inclusion. so this is this is the moderate? this is a moderate in ohio. >> what's happened, chris,e of in reading some of the national public radio stories on that race is just awful. the way they portray it is that there' storiess a group of pares who are against diversity, that they're against, y that they're against taking care of kids. say nothing coulnothing be furte from the truth when you actually drill down. >> and we've had this argument over the pas hadt couple of yeau the policies that they're teaching are racial preferences . the policies they're teaching are producing children who are not good at. they're not skilled. >> and they and what they're supposed to be taught. when we took our out of ricci's public school, which was a top one. exactl y when we took our son out of a top d.c. public school and moved him to a catholic school in virginia. teachers at first were worried because of how far behind he was in readinry, theyg. they thought there might be a learning disability there. we got on the phone and told them no he just got outd they of public school. they were shocked and said he's fine. it turns out he just wasn't gettin sd he cg and he caught up quickly in a good school. >> ryan and chris, thank you bothy and he. : th that's it for us tonight. have a great weekend. don' us, me ont to follow me onl media x, instagram, of course, and facebook. te remember, it is america now and forever. brian kilmeade in for jesse and he takes it from here. hello, everyone. i'm dana

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Texas ,Three ,699 ,99 ,189 ,1490 ,Israel Hamas War ,Exchange ,Markets Critical Insight ,Business Mobile ,Business ,Providers ,Comcast ,75 ,Interest ,Term ,Device ,A Month ,Lines ,Bill ,Contracts ,Carriers ,Line Activation Fees ,Big Three ,0 ,30 ,Com ,5g Mobile Network ,Beginning ,Show Allegiance ,P ,5 ,Gag Order Issuedy Ju ,Tanya Chutkan ,Relief ,Election Interference Case ,Federal Appeals Court ,Judges ,Judgedg ,Appellate Paneppl ,Appi Two ,2020 ,Court ,Obama Appointeents ,Decision ,Motion ,Ape Merits ,Biden Appointee ,Arguments ,Appeals Court S ,Civilexd Fraud Case ,Amendment Claims ,November 20th In Washington Dc ,Expande D Ud ,20 ,November 20th ,Arthur Barron ,Nra ,Law Clerk ,Law ,Attorneys ,Sanctioo ,Inappropriatents Aboe Commentsou ,Gw University ,Signal ,Success ,D C ,Deputy Independent Counsel ,Contributors ,Meritsrits ,Fox News ,Both ,Tempo ,Circui Th The T ,Likelihoode ,Tha ,Sol Eisenberg ,Oral Argument ,Panel ,Amendment ,F Review ,Facts ,W Well ,Theyabunda ,Action ,Stoppage ,This Orde ,Abundancence ,Caution ,Order ,Concept ,Reason ,Review ,Unconstitutiona L ,Anbes ,Elece ,Electiosort One ,Trial ,Persons ,Casee ,Super Tuesday ,Isand ,Person ,Counsel ,Donald Trump ,Prosecutors ,Objects ,Witnessesspea ,Expah ,Way ,Criticism Evenic ,Critic ,Draw ,Cn ,Has ,Aclu ,Staunchs ,Guys ,Lawyer ,Likelihood ,Irreparaba ,Forrmas ,Meritmeris ,Goe Wa ,Merits ,Page ,The Way ,We Shouldn T Construe ,Administrator ,Ordef ,Freeze ,Didn T ,Ruling ,Restraining ,Orr ,Hold On Saudidn T He Gra ,Wouldn T ,Brief ,Circuit Court Of Appeals ,Gag Orde ,Effect ,Administrativ ,Anyright Now O ,Inistratthey ,Free Speech ,Theent ,November 8th ,That Sst Fast ,Jonathan Msnbc ,8 ,Threats ,Harassment ,Concernsy ,Livesen ,Testimonestimonyy ,Violence ,Part ,Jonathan ,Concern ,Disconnect ,Hearing ,Trials ,Criminal Justice ,Prosecutions ,System ,Millionllionss ,Bels ,Weaponizeden Wet ,Borders ,Ship ,Publicity ,Majorr Trial ,Jury Poolol ,Mightyou Ju ,Crit Youm ,Candidates ,The Ct Of Appeals ,Thrpose 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On Fox ,Hulu ,Gains ,Mondays At Nine On Fox ,Dallas ,Showdown ,Rivals ,Cowboys ,Touchdown Philadelphia ,Dak ,Eagles ,Hurts ,Shower ,Bath ,Offer ,Eastern On Fox ,America S Game Of The Week ,Installation Costs ,Payments ,Bath Remodel ,Jacuzzi ,Stress ,65 ,Tab ,Safer ,Waiting ,Direction ,Governor ,Degree ,800 3482867 ,3482867 ,180 ,Budget ,Economy ,Tax Cut ,Cutting Spending ,Security ,Energy ,State History ,Burgum ,North Dakota ,Red Tape ,Onlig ,Content ,Leader ,Deal Dashcam ,Changinorg ,Conservative Doug Burgum ,Dealro Sol ,America Pac ,Auctiond Ss Thans ,Dollar Camera ,Five ,41 ,1 ,Ipad Pro ,Switch ,Barbecue Smoker ,Nintendo ,Kitchenaid ,Stand Mixer Foways Frer ,56 , 50 ,0 50 ,4 ,34 ,News Headlines ,News Business ,Audio ,Dealdash Com ,Sirius Xm ,Bucks ,26 ,26 Bucks ,Issue ,Letters ,Artificial Intelligenceicial ,Eyes ,America Is Listening ,Parar ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Charge ,Heckf Isn T ,Woman ,Artificial Intelligence Intelli ,Ins ,Lovers ,Whit Pullg ,Executive Ore Order ,Aie ,Strategy 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School ,Out ,Theyg ,Ricci ,Readinry ,Learning Disability ,Fine ,Outd ,Wasn T Gettin Sd ,Me Ont ,Onl Media X ,He Cg ,America Now And Forever ,Facebook ,Brian Kilmeade ,Instagram ,Jesse ,

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