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Steve sounds like ground war is imminent. At the same time im sure, chad, you have seen the images of people americans queuing up trying to get out of high of if a, out at the airport trying to leave. And does it seem to you like the United States government has this coordinated to the point where americans who want to get the hell out can . Yeah. There is Secretary Blinkens Department Of State and President Bidens Department Of State sending two charter aircrafts. There is 178,000 americans there. Even if loading up 500 per flight two flights a day per aircraft that takes 80 days. The real people that are moving that are moving people, americans out at more rapid rate or nonngos continued to step up all the ngo stepping up from afghanistan. I was part of the evacuation in Airport American civilians step up our our governments sphals. Steve flight with 270 americans stranded in israel landed in tampa last night. It was organized apparently Project Dynamo worked with Governor Ron Desantis who was there on the tarmac and greeted everybody. And they were 91 kids as well. You know, we give the numbers. But sometimes we forget theyre children. They just flew 91 kids out. Yeah. And Project Dynamo save our allies in afghanistan. And again its the same people stepping up doing the same thing. Steve all right. Lets see what happened. Chad, thank you very much for joining us live today. Good luck to you. You bet. Byebye. Steve 7 01 in New York City. Second hour of fox friends starts right now. Ainsley this is a Fox News Alert. Explosions rocking gaza this morning. Just before Secretary Of State Antony Blinken returned to israel on the ninth day of war. Brian all right. Here we go. Right now blinken is meeting with the Prime Minister of israel, Benjamin Netanyahu oneonone before later meeting with the full war cabinet. Lawrence we go now to our own trey yingst is in southern israel where he learned this morning that hamas has 199 hostages. Trey, what are you learning about potential negotiations and how those hostages are being treated . Yeah, hey, guys, good morning. There is a lot going on behind the scenes with this story ahead of an expected Israeli Ground operation in to gaza. While the fighting continued overnight with rockets early this morning into southern and Central Israel and airstrikes against hamas positions inside gaza, there is some diplomacy taking place here. Part of the reason you see Secretary Of State Antony Blinken on the Ground Meeting with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top officials in israel and also part of the reason you have heard some reports this morning about the potential of foreigners who are currently inside gaza possibly getting out in exchange for aid entering the strip. All of this is taking place and moving very quickly. And we have the images there of americans headed to that southern crossing, the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt. This is the only place can you exit the gaza strip right now and will be used by any sort of aid workers or foreigners who are there who are trying to get out if, indeed, some sort of deal is struck to allow this to take place. Inside gaza, were getting some images also of four u. N. Oil tankers that appear to be headed toward the border with egypt. Yet another indication that these conversations are ongoing. In terms of a temporary ceasefire, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had his Office Release a one sentence statement this morning simply saying there is no ceasefire. So, despite those reports, it appears the presentations continue for a Ground Operation in to gaza. And we do know the rocket fire continues as well. The city of enter chevy have a here in the south sirens sounding just a few moments there. No science of a direct impact. Brian we heard about the delay weather indicated. Urging at the u. S. They delayed the invasion to give people a chance to go south. Now whats the delay. Politically working against the israelis the longer they wait. There is a cup they will thing in play one has to do with the hostages. Any way to get them out before the Ground Operation takes place that is certainly ideal for both The Americans and the Israelis Second has to do with israel really bracing for this possibly turning into multi front conflict. Just yesterday 12 rockets were fired from Southern Lebanon into Northern Israel. Five of them landed. Others were intercepted. Antitank guided missiles into israeli territory. One northern border with lebanon. Gives you a sense hezbollah is testing the water. So how much get involved massive israeli response. Mixed reporting about the Israeli Cabinet saying the Defense Minister says he is open to having that second front with Southern Lebanon in the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah but the Prime Minister himself is trying to say look, lets wait and see what happens. We do know the israelis are taking precautions. Already this morning 28 communities told they have to evacuate along the border with lebanon because if that war does erupt and today the Israeli Military says iran is starting to direct hezbollah, it will be a massive amount of fire coming from the north and they are going to want to get the civilians out of the way. Ainsley are they doing anything with that . How are they allowing lebanon to fire into israel and not responding . So they are resp respond arty and airstrikes. Into lebanon. In Southern Lebanon. Steve trey, the Times Of Israel put up a story says Irans Foreign Ministry says that hamas potentially was ready to release all 200 hostages, it is holding if israel stops its campaign of airstrikes on the gaza strip. The terror group has not yet acknowledged making such an offer. But for the Iranian Foreign minister to say yeah, if they stop the airstrikes, they will let them go. Is that a possibility . Trey i think its propaganda from the iranians and a lot of spin and its not surprising based on what we have heard from the iranians over the past week. Remember, the Foreign Minister that, very man also met with the leader of hamas, and they were shaking hands. They were very cordial. After that meeting the Iranian Foreign minister released a statement saying if israel goes into gaza on the ground that iran will be forced to get involved. They will not sit idly on the sidelines. These are serious threats really against exisis tense of the jewish state. When we talk about hezbollah, we are not talking about a small number of rockets and missiles. What we are seeing from Islamic Jihad and iraq in gaza is nothing compared to what hezbollah has. Hezbollah spent the last decade Smuggling Bree Sessions Guided Missiles into Southern Lebanon from iran. Taking convoys. [broken audio] going from iraq syria into lebanon. Flying into aleppo and damascus, getting as many weapons as we can we have seen the classified maps all pointed at israel, no other direction. When you look at the chess board here and you see the movements, not only from the israelis but also from The Americans, we are not talking about war with gaza there is no reason that the israelis need an american Aircraft Carrier to fight a war against hamas. Talking about hezbollah and the potential of this erupting into multi front conflict. Im curious because you spent a lot of time with the soldiers each before this moment right now but right now you got a lot of reservists that are coming in. What is the mood like of the Israeli Soldiers right now are they ready to go right now . Do they feel restricted right now . What is their heart . I mean, they just finished clearing the whole scene of casualties as well. How are they holding up . This has been incredibly difficult for the Israeli Soldiers. Remember, 360,000 reservists were drafted into this. And i try to spend as much time as possible getting a feel and a sense on the ground of what the soldiers believe and how they are feeling. And really in between live shots we are chatting and talking off camera just to get a real sense of their thoughts on all of this. I spoke with one guy his name was ron. A young guy. He had a young baby about a year and a half old. Just gotten married a few years ago. And i asked him how do you feel about all of this . He said look, i was at home. I had no idea this was going to erupt. Im in reserves. He said a week ago, a week and a half ago i was sitting on my couch with my newborn and now im going to war. And he told me he was scared. He said im scared but im motivated. Im motivated by what happened. He saw the images of his community. Almost every single soldier i talked to knows someone or knows of someone from a friend group from reserve duty from university that was massacred here in southern israel. We are talking about more than 1300 people in a country of just 9 million. Everyone knows someone. They have seen the funerals. They have seen what was done to the bodies of these people and starting to get a sense of the weapons used against them. Throwing homemade bombs into living rooms, slaughtering women and children. Motivates the soldiers beyond belief to bring the battle against hamas. Brian thanks. Check in with you again as he goes on the road for us. Other thing to keep in mind, too David Petraeus has a book out and gave an interview. He said this is worse than 9 11 for israel. Its akin to us losing 40,000 people on 9 11 if you do the math. Ainsley comparatively speaking. Lets bring in the Idf Spokesperson Peter learner been on our show before. Good morning to you. Thank you for coming on with us. You are live in israel. I know we are being told this morning that more were discovering more people are being held hostage. The idf had to notify families that their loved ones were being held hostage. 199 this morning. Can you tell us more about that . Yeah. We have been able to identify and notify the families of 199 people that have been abducted by hamas at that on that terrible, devastating attack on the 7th of october. Indeed, you know, there is an Ongoing Investigation and inquiry. And also our raids on the ground adjacent to the border as you can see there are many people that were rushing they were rushing the terrorists were rushing people across the border and we are identifying more casualties, more fatalities, and more abductees as this is developing. Still now, this is day 10 of the operations since that attack. Since that brutal attack and, indeed, it is still a developing story and, you know, just yesterday we still have terrorists in the vicinity of the Southern Community that were engaging. Ongoing war. Hamas decided to go to war with israel and we will win. You know what is interesting and i think is more daunting is that there are reports that the hostages have been fanned out to other groups, this they might not be in control of like Islamic Jihad. Have you heard about that . I want to be very, very cautious in anything that i say about the situation and condition of the hostages, the abductees. I want to be respectful to their families and i want to be very cautious in case of and i dont want to impede on any negotiations or actions or military actions, so, lets be very responsible to that. We have the means. We have the acts. We are obviously the top of our priority but we need to be cautious in what we say. You know, 99 people. 199 families that have been taunted to pieces the last 10 days. What is going to happen to them this is a top priority of the idf. Lawrence colonel, what do you make of iran saying that the hostages would be released if the idf would stop shelling them. Do you believe that to be propaganda or do you trust them at all . I chuckle under my nose to truths them at all. I dont trust iran or the puppet masters behind this brutal attack without their support, without their training, without their financing, without their supplying weapons. Hamas would not have been successful as it was in their view without doing the same equipping hezbollah as the same. I dont trust anything that they say. We know that everything is Propaganda Effort in order to exasperate the situation and i would also play on the sensitivities of israeli society. But theyre mistaken because the resolve that trey was just reporting about. I myself am a reservist. I retired from the military five years ago. And i never thought i would have to speak on behalf of the idf again. You know what . I came, i reported for duty. Im a proud patriot of israel. I care for my and everybody is coming together like that. Steve sure. Concerning, we have been talking on the side of the atlantic about when the Ground Invasion is going to happen and i know you are not going to give us any information about the timing, but i read in some of the Israeli Press this morning that apparently the idf has been taking top ground commanders via Helicopter Flying over portions of gaza for birds eye view of what they can expect when they have got to maneuver the territory over there. Because many of your top commanders have never actually been in gaza, so theyre taking a chopper and looking at what comes next. So we have had several Ground Operations over the last 20 years, i guess, also in gaza. From 2008 on. So, of course there is challenges and but its, you know, this is what we have been planning for. We plan how to maneuver and operate in urban areas. We have our Training Facilities and have high rises and we train we drill the soldiers running up and down the stairs all day with all of their kit on top of them. , we are making the preparations. We are distributing the different tasks for the different forces if that eventuality comes but we need to mobilize and instruct us to money bliz into gaza. We need to keep our eye on the ball here. Israel is determined to destroy hamas and make sure this Terrorist Organization that has made the gaza city, bastion of butchering and blood shed will never be able to launch an attack against the people of israel ever again. This terrorist Organization Must be banished from the realm of existence. Brian The Americans have to do the best, again, to give you room to do just that i hope you are not the Secretary Of State is not pressuring netanyahu already. Lets hope that doesnt happen. Colonel, thanks so much. Peter learner, appreciate it. Good day. Join the Fox Corporation in joining the israel fund in association with the united jewish appeal. Scan the qr code on your screen or donate at uja fed ny. Org. Steve all right it is 7 16 in New York City and carley joins us with some more news. Carley i certainly do, guys. We are going to return to our Breaking News of the war in israel. Headlines to get to. Illinois man being charged with a hate crime after stabbing this 6yearold boy 26 times killing him. His mother was also stabbed multiple times but is expected to survive. The suspect joseph zuba was the familys landlord. He now faces a first degree murder charge and two hate crime counts. He targeted them because they were muslim. New overnight, a suspect was shot after allegedly attempt ago Home Invasion in the hollywood hills. The lapd says a woman who was inside the home at the time of the invasion pulled the trigger. The wounded suspect was hospitalized but is expected to survive. Also happening today, President Biden is cutting to boshts district to tout clean energy policies. Comes on the heels of the president calling out bosht two months ago that the plant would be constructed in her district. Biden is expected to visit cs wind the largest Wind Power Manufacturer in the world delivering remarks on both the economic plan and the inflation reduction act. Those are the headlines, guys overs to you. Steve more bidenomics. Thank you. Brian all right, carley, thank you so much. Back to the war. Idf forces rush to evacuate 28 communities in Northern Israel amid strikes along the lebanese border. Hence, hezbollah. Lawrence our Military Panel Reaction on the logistics of fighting a two front war. Thats next. Somedays, i cover up because of nothing is everything im celebrating my clearer skin. My way. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. In another study, most people had 90 clearer skin, even at 5 years. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi this is my moment. Theres nothing on my skin and that means everything nothing is everything nows the time. Ask your doctor about skyrizi, the 1 dermatologistprescribed biologic in psoriasis. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Brian Israeli Forces russian to evacuate the northern border this after hezbollah rockets fired from lebanon as idf forces near gaza prep for a massive Ground Invasion we have been expecting maybe five days ago. Now take a look at recent attacks that are challenging the israelis. First off, as you know israel has hit back right up here where the Aleppo Airport is right up in syria because there is some Terror Activity there. They have been doing that now israel is dealing with this. Some rockets right here going from all the way from tel aviv from hezbollah over in lebanon at the same time there are some rockets coming out here hitting various targets from gaza, from hamas. Now, here is what israel is doing. They are hitting up there. They are also refortifying their border. They are pulling their people out. And they are welling up all their troops to go right in and possibly surround gaza city. Here to break it down for us are two people who do this for a living. Our panel of Military Leaders, retired u. S. Air force Brigadier General Robert Spalding is back with us along with retired Navy Commander kirk lippold. Start with you if this is a two front war how dangerous is this for israel . Have they game planned this out . Brian, good morning. Thank you for having me on. Having a two front war for israel presents some very unique circumstances that will challenge them. Even if it doesnt turn into the full fighting that you expect to sees a the idf tends to go south. What you are going to see is it pins down Israeli Forces up north. They may evacuate civilians but keeping those forces pinned down and israel having to fortify the northern Border Region in fact jeopardizing the ability of idf forces to go in and take on hamas with everything that they have. Brian hey, general, its a big risk for hezbollah. They have 100,000 rockets. They know right now the gloves are off for israel in a way they havent been in the past because the World Community would have given them too hard a time. Now they have been attacked at such a level, this could be the moment where hezbollah pays the price and feels israels full wrath. Well, dont forget that the United States is still supporting the russian invasion of ukraine. So, we are depleted on their munitions. Israel cant do this alone. They are depending on the u. S. For support. We are tied down in other places this is part of a broader strategy by china, iran and russia to really overwhelm the ability of the u. S. To respond. Brian so you really think that china and russia and iran have communicated on some level and said pull the trigger . Absolutely. Brian why . Because they basically want to take down the west. The best way to take down the west is to take down the ability for the United States to defend our allies and partners. I think when you overwhelm our ability to respond with munitions, logistically you are really taking us to the limit there are going to be other shoes to drop. Brian lavrov did meet with hamas leaders over in russia. Russia did lose 16 people we understand in the october 7th attacks. So, commander, we have our Aircraft Carriers. We have a naval presence right here. If hers starts coming in, and starts bombing, do we send some tomahawks into lebanon . Brian, i think the tackle situation is going to drive it if we feel that the actual existence of israel is going to be threatened because hezbollah is opening up a Northern Front war you would see deep discussions by the Biden Administration with netanyahu as to whether or not they actually need the u. S. To go in. Lets not forget that while we are going after Terrorist Organizations and hezbollah is far more sophisticated and more wellarmed than hamas, at the end of the day, what were really missing is the true target. And that is were going to have to at some Point Address what iran is doing it doesnt need to be kinetic. Sanctions back in place to snap back and the jcpoa should be considered gone and at this point hold the ultimate cause of all of this iran accountable. Brian what is good, general, heartening, blurring the lines of politics. Senator schumer leading a bipartisan delegation to israel say the 6 billion is dead. They will never touch a penny of it. Thats very similar to a republican saying should have never happened. So this administration is finding itself really isolated in this whole reapproachment with iran over the last two and a half years. Well, dont forget that schumer was just in china shaking xis hand. Xi is and if you look at the propaganda coming out of russia they are in support of iran. Iran is not alone in this issue. So, you know, when you think of hamas, go iran. If you think of iran go, to china and then russia. You have a big problem thats bigger than just the middle east. Brian just real quick. You have said something early on. There is another wricialg to this. What would be next in your mind . I think its either going to be korea or taiwan. Brian they would make a move now. Are you worried that we left ourself two vulnerable by moving a third Aircraft Carrier to the gulf. Its not just that, brian all the munitions we spent in ukraine. Its going to take us years possibly decades to rebuild. Now we have another war to support . Just think of what happens if we have a third one. Brian general, great point, something to think about. I hope someone in the pentagon is thinking as forward as you are. Thank you, guys, appreciate it . Thank you, brian. Brian meanwhile new pictures of the idf with a post reading this quote this was familys home, full of life, love, and. Laughter. This all is happening because of october 7th and the carnage of innocent civilians. That happened. Meanwhile, Fox News Alert now. The fbi director warns the Copycat Terror Attacks here in america could happen as migrants from across the globe pour in through our southern border, including iran. We are going to talk to a former fbi agent coming up. Plus bee loved actress Suzanne Somers has passed away at the age of 76. We pay tribute to her life and legacy of the sitcom actor straight ahead. As someone living with Type 2 Diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. With Type 2 Diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. Even at your a1c goal, youre still at risk. Which if ignored could bring you here. May put you in one of those. Or even worse. Too much . Thats the point. 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Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Steve welcome back to fox friends. Today we mourn the Loss Of Iconic American Actress Suzanne Somers who passed away peacefully this weekend in her home in california. Ainsley todd piro is here with the life and legacy of this entertainment icon. Todd . Todd quite a life, quite a legacy. Good morning to you. Actress and author Suzanne Somers dying one day before what would have been her 77th birthday. Iconic actress best known for playing the part of chrissy snow on Threes Company. Then turned toward entrepreneurship and became New York Times bestselling author. She was a frequent guest on fox friends making for memorable moments. Watch. I thought im 73 now. Steve no way. I thought when i was 73 i would be old and im chronologically old and im not old. What i have been doing is coming on your show for how many years with all my books. Steve how many books do you have. 27. Im irish. We write or drink. I do both. Brian everyone right now sitting home with number two pencil with a yellow bad what is the secret marriage about to learn why two is company. Matthew and i are still in love with each other but in love. She wont leave me alone. Never apart. We are never apart. Ainsley never spent a night apart, never . No. Todd suzannes husband gave her a letter one day before passing there are no words. No actions, no promises, no declarations. Even the green shaded scholars of the Oxford University press have spent 150 years and still have failed to come up with that one word. So i will call it us, uniquely magically, inscribably wonderful us. Somers battled Breast Cancer for over two decades. She passed away Sunday Morning surrounded by her family and her friends. Over to you. Steve thank you very much, todd. She also had that remember very popular tv talk show for a while. While she started in the 1960s, she had a number of unscripted, uncredited film rolls. Chris chulo, you can play trivia here. Uhoh. Steve what was her first on screen roll where she got a credit . I have no idea. Steve you know what . She played the blonde in a t bird at the end of american graffiti, remember that . Thats right. Steve first time she was ever given on screen title. Ainsley i just remember her from Threes Company gross up. It was a show i was a little bit too young to watch it but i remember it being on and thinking she was so beautiful with her blonde, blonde hair. Brian right. Also an entrepreneur. You saw that she always took action. I mean, she wanted to get in better shape. She wanted to dominate the fitness industry. She wanted control of her own career because she felt like she was on that show and a lot of people thought she was indispensable and i did, too. She went on and took control of everything else. When she had cancer she said let me dominate. This find out the best answers and find out what is being done wrong. Cutting edge therapies. When i learn things i the write about it and share with others. Lawrence not just control of her career but her health. Even medical professionals say this is not going to help. She survived 20 years which is unheard of with cancer. Ainsley eating raw foods very healthy. Writing books about it. The the thigh master. Steve how many had that in their closet. Sold a million of them. Lawrence i think my grandmother had one. Ainsley Lie On The Floor while you were watching tv and exercise. Steve on our show probably 25 times over the years. Ainsley she was so nice. Can you believe they never spent a night alone. In a relationship even if you are the most in love committed relationship, that seems almost impossible if you are both working. Steve right up to the very end. Suzanne somers dead at the age of 76. Ainsley she does have a son. Steve god rest her soul. Lawrence we are learning that hamas has taken 199 hostages. More than we previously thought. Trey yingst is on the ground with the latest. Brian at least 14 thought to be americans. The threat of iran looming over the escalating conflict. Ben hall has that side of the story as our coverage of the war in israel continues. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. 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And just this morning, the idf releasing new heart breaking images, look of this, of destroyed houses in israel following the deadly hamas attack. We have Team Coverage on the war starting with Benjamin Hall who is in london on the latest threat from iran. Benjamin . Ben ainsley, good morning, yes. At the moment we are watching the ground. The big player on the hamas side is of course iran. What has been interesting is over the last few days while we have seen Secretary Blinken moving around the region, we have also seen the Iranian Foreign minister as well moving around the region and we saw him in the last couple of days inside qatar meeting the leader of hamas kissing him, welcoming him and of course that raises questions about whether the qatarys should be allowing hamas leaders to stay in their five star hotels. The Iranian Foreign minister saying also, strong message that if the Gaza Offensive continues, he made it clear that iran will get involved. And he said that iranian hands are already on the trigger. He then went on and he warned america, too. Saying that if this all expands significant damages would occur on the u. S. Now on the ground we are seeing them escalate as well. Iranian backed hezbollah are already firing some rockets from Inside Lebanon and israel have said that if more iranian weapons are heading that way, they said they have seen iranian weapons heading through syria and seven trucks worth were hit in the last few days as well as strikes on the Aleppo Airport believed to be by israel. We also know in the last day that iranianbacked Military Leaders from Iraqi Militias have also moved to the Israeli Border along with their fighters. Its clear right now that iran have been and constantly are actively moving their people, moving fighters and weapons that direction. Now, the administration has been trying to warn iran off. They have sent the two Aircraft Carrier groups to the region. And Jake Sullivan the National Security adviser has said they have reached out directly to iran. They have warned iran to stand down. You have Lindsey Graham on the republican side being far firmer, he has said to iran if you escalate, we are coming for you. But its not just iran, however. Remember, this is on a global level. We got a glimpse of that from the cachet of hamas weapons that were found yesterday, the ones that were used in the attack, iranian weapons, yes. But also chinese weapons. North korean weapons. Russian weapons. And it is reminder all these countries they are working together. All would like to degrade the u. S. As well. And perhaps they think that this right now is a great way of doing so. Now, dont forget iran in the last year has done deals with china with russia, with venezuela, with saudi arabia. And there will be some questions about whether or not enough has been done to keep them down. The 6 billion has been given. Some people say sanctions havent been enforced enough. Jake sullivan said a few weeks ago that the middle east was in the most peaceful time in 20 years. Yes, questions about whether iran is being held whether its being held down enough. But right now a question whether they will actively get involved in the upcoming offensive. Ainsley benjamin, thank you so much. Lets continue our Team Coverage with trey yingst in southern israel. What are you seeing on the ground there . Yeah, hey, guys, good morning. Right now we are at israeli Artillery Position in southern israel. Israelis are hitting gaza from both the air and the ground as we are getting new numbers today indicating at least 199 people were taken hostage by hamas when they entered southern israel last weekend and conducted that massacre. I do want to bring in major der reason spielman from the Israeli Military to talk about the situation on the ground. Derron, thank you for speaking with us today we heard some reports about a ceasefire. The Prime Minister office clamped down on that saying there is no such thing. What is the situation in southern israel . What can you see behind us is artillery. We are fully mobilized on the southern border. Last night there were three Terror Attacks that were thwarted in israel. We know our troops and our ammunition and all our artillery are moving forward with hitting those targets of hamas in the gaza strip. We eliminated two of their top commanders. One of their internal security commanders and their Southern Commander that was responsible for the attack on nros slaughtered and left in isis like attack countless israelis killed. We know there is a humanitarian. We know there are civilians in gaza but we are still managing to strike and there is no seas fire that is looking for us. We are operational in moving forward. Trey i want to ask you about iran. We have seen a lot of activity on the northern border. Reports indicating iran ordered hezbollah to fire yesterday with antitank guided missiles and also rockets from Southern Lebanon. What do we know about the connection lehr . Can you confirm those reports . What is the iranian influence as it relates to the northern border . So, first of all, yesterday hezbollah, there were six antitank missiles that were fired. We lost a soldier yesterday. We lost a civilian, they barraged our northern communities. We know that hezbollah is an arm of the iranian terror axis. They are funded by iran, they are trained by iran. Any attack on the northern border we know can be sourced back to iran. We have said and the u. S. Has said we do not want hezbollah to enter. This iran needs to stay where they are and, in fact, we have major u. S. Navy carriers moving in here, which is a sign throughout the whole middle east, leave israel alone. Let us take care of our mission which is completely annihilating hamas capabilities in gaza. Trey major, thank you very much. You heard it from major Deron Spielman there directly. There is no ceasefire. The israelis continue to target gaza and there is this iranian connection to that activity on the northern border and we are learning just now six antitank guided missiles fired into no, your honor israel yesterday and at least one u. S. Israeli soldier was killed. Ainsley trey, thank you so much. The number of americans killed in the hamas attack rises to 30 and more are still missing. And as the war escalates, the fbi here in america warning of increased domestic threats. Were going to talk to a former fbi agent coming up. Plus, another big story today, the g. O. P. Conference is expected to meet Behind Closed Doors to try and finalize a speaker. Could jim jordan take the gavel . Former House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy tells us what he thinks in the next hour. 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Here at home in the United States fbi director Christopher Wray yesterday warned the bureau is seeing a spike in domestic threats. We have got to be on the lookout. Especially for lone actors who may take inspiration from steve Thanks For Joining today from miami. Thank you. Steve Christopher Wray is talking about look out for lone actors, it just takes one person who thinks they have been activated and next thing you know it is trouble. It is a huge concern right now and all Hands On Deck across the fbi and Law Enforcement and intelligence agencies. It is the fbis top priority to protect from a terrorist attack. I was there the morning of 9 11 and it hits home for me. Weve heard a lot about domestic terrorism and right now the fbi is focusing on shifting resources to international terrorism. The lone actor, we cannot underestimate that. They may not be linked to a large org and these lone offenders are inspired by this. They want to gain attention. It is dangerous and important for all americans to be on swivel and be aware. It is different than it was around september 11 of 2001, we have social media, Online Presence is overwhelming now. They will use different means to recruit individuals to participate in terrorist acts temperature is a risk for our country right now. Steve director wray put out an official statement and said the fbi does not have specific credible information about an attack stemming from the attack in israel. To his point and your point about the lone actor, the story this morning, a sixyearold boy murdered in illinois in an attack with his mother because they were both muslim. The man itself been arrested and charged and he targeted them because he was muslim. If you see something that concerns you, let us know, we want to protect you. That is right. If you see something, say something, for those watching call 800callfbi. Be your head on swivel, be careful what you put on social media, dont overshare information. It could be cyber attack, kinetic. Be careful with your emails, do not open attachments from people you do not know. If you are traveling internationally, be aware of your surroundings. This is a team effort. There are means to monitor online chatter. There are resources they have and power of confi dential human sources. Steve there are so many images out there right now. I know it is not real, whether propaganda or misinformation, im sure the fbi and social Media Companies are trying to figure out how to handle this again to make sure were not putting our hand on the scale, but people need to know that is not real. It is a complicated and complex situation. I think hamas is using psychological operations to scare individuals. You cannot believe everything you see, The Key For Americans is to be aware. Vigilant and dont live in fear. Report anything you see to local Law Enforcement or fbi. Steve indeed, what was the number . 800callfbi. Steve easy enough. Thank you for joining us today temperature is 3 00 in the afternoon in israel and thir

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