Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240703

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Have the very latest on what has been happening overseas as the siege in gaza and in israel continues at this hour. I want to share just a bit of the news that weve been able to get israel pounding gaza city this morning. The barrage of airstrikes coming as Hundreds Of Thousands of israeli troops amass at the border for the Israeli Military says they havent exactly decided on a Ground Incursion into gaza yet. However, they are preparing for it. Meantime the Us Government maintaining it will stand with israel as it strikes back against hamas, who infiltrated israel over the weekend. And more than 1200 israelis are confirmed dead at this hour. 22 american citizens also confirmed dead and 17 others remain missing. The us has sent munitions to israel as well as moved ships from the navys uss Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean sea. President biden and congress grappling now with how best to help israel as the conflict in the middle east grows. Meantime, a Bipartisan Group of senators is also sending a letter asking defense secretary lloyd austin to send israel to iron dome batteries. This launched the systems that is that launch interceptor rockets to try to block rockets from coming in. And theyre asking him to send those as soon as possible for his part, Secretary Austin addressed the situation briefly moments ago from the nato summit in brussels. Lets listen. I know you share our outrage at the Terrorist Attack on israel by hamas here recently and also our determination to support israels right to defend itself. Obviously we continue to monitor this situation very carefully, keeping an eye on live pictures as we get more information. Of course, we promise to share that with you. In the meantime, im kevin corke here In Washington. Nowh you. In the meantime, im kevin corke here In Washington. Now back to our regularly scheduled prograsilence icity, i refuse to be silent. I know you refuse to be silentky ,joe. If you dont want to bee complicit, i have one piece of advice. That 6 billion that you paid 6b for five americans in ransom to irailn, make sure that money is returned to that bank in south and dont give them a penny. Dont give they cam access. T any of that money, which we all know is fungible. Noney,w hes silent on whether r not he will rephrase the 6 billion that his Administration Just Preparelion Thad just trand to a bank in qatar to be transferred to the mullahserran of iran. The president of iran saying, youre not going to tell us how we cansaying it. And this, of course, that ransom for thosf the five american hostages, the very same mullahs, by the way,es who funded, organized,ed helped coordinate thisorgaterror weekends Terrorist Attacks. Biden is also silents. About his antisemitic friends in his party, the democrati c party,ssa like congresswoman talib. Joe has no problem never ending. Demonizing trump supportern tl every day. Maga republicans this maga republicans that day in and day out. God forbid it would take a minute to criticize real bigots and antisemite in his own Democratic Party. Congresswoman to leave was h in michigan. She flies a palestinian flag outside of her office after, sh this tall took place. Shfle once said that the holocaust gave her a Calming Feelolocaust in Remarkso Leave now says, oh, they werew misinterpretedsays. Me how well, can somebody explain to me, how do you possiblybly mi misinterpret, interpret those comments . She also called for a boycott of israel wants the u. S. To cut off all aid to the worldsrld only jewish state, the only democracy in the regioisn, along with other squad bigots that she frequents bigot with t. Leave frequently vilifies israel, rarely ever has anything bad to say about Terrorist Groups like s. This w this week, Fox Business Ncapitor Hillary Vaugh actually tracked Talib Down Co capitol hill to see if she would have the moral couragegrou to condemn the Terrorist Group for beheading babies. After questioning her again and again and again, no such luck. The democratic congresswoman just couldnt bring herself to say couldn a bad word about hamasally a and asked specificallybo about decapitating babies heads. Watch this. Terrorist has babies being burned alive. Do yo israels right to defend themselves against israeli. Were just kidding. You cant comment about hama sheads . Chopping up baby head. Do you come down . What hamas has done, chopping off babies heads, ng off bburning alive, women ine street. You have no comment about children being chopped off, congresswoman, why do con you have a palestinian plight y outside your office if you do not condone what hamas Terrorist Attackt they has in . Israel has been doing, threatening lives, not matters. You speaks volumes, doesnt, it . Kids beheaded, burned alive, young women abducted, grandmas ,grandpas shot in the head. And talib has no comment. Tlai in a statement, she later called her critics racist and said she doesnt com supporh the targeting and killing of civilians, whether in israee. Or palestine. Still, no condemnation of hamals this act of terror. Now what were watching is evil. In our time. Ive often found i wrote a book, deliver us from evil, that it is verom y hard for good people, people with a heart, a conscience and a soulur to understand the nature of evil. Well, our very owne of evil. Toy bill melleuish and i thought he had a really good point earlier today said, quote,he sai in 2019, representative tilly mit emotional at a hearing on Migrant Children being separated from their Parentdren Beis at the bor and called it traumatic and inhumane it trau and yet too comment, no reaction. When asked about israelii chil children being beheaded by hamas terroristdrs. But for some reason, no one in o the Democratic Party is even willinmocraticg to to leave. To i thats interesting, too. That speaks volumetis as well. Take a look. Mr. Leader. So, rosita, to leave , still have the palestinian flag. This is america. Youre not born with the flag that you prefer. I think she has every right to have a Palestinia Fla im not going to comment on what she does. Shes a great friend of mine. Sshes palestinian. You know, that doesnt mean shes a terrorist. It doesnt mean that she condones this really condon . Sl why didnt she just say the simple words . Democratic partye , they have a big problem. And its not just to leave america as far left. Have b bigots have been crawling out of the woodwork. An alarmineeg numbers after this weekends attacks in dearbornnga michigan last night. A massive rally taking place. Cepport ofwhat support of hamas . There have been other similar rallies in new york and california, d. C. In washington state. Is and heres a woman even holding up a swastika. Multiple University Campuses are also hosting prohamas rallies. This includes one college in california that featured a hamacaliforns terrorist on a the same paragliding published by the Chicago Black lives matter chapter there. And, of course, we have already reported about the numeroue s Student Groups and Student Leaders at places like a uva, a columbia, other schools, who published deeply antisemitic statements and defendin g hamas. Newer nyu Student Bar Association president just had a job offer rescinded after blamint g israel, the victim of terror, and Israel Aloneor being the victim of terror. Now for this weekends barbaric terror attacks. I but its not just students spewing this vile rhetoric. One yale professor with publications at the New York Times and the Washington Post tweeting the following Quote Settlers are not civilians. This isnt hard. She is now, you know, excusing the murder of innocent unarmed men, women, children. An kids at anching Ivy League Institution like yale the antisemitism and hatred on the left has become now so pronounced even fake. Jake tapper over fake news. Cnn even hes starting to notice. Wo is startw. Light went on there for a loo once. Take a look. These last few days have beek. Nn a real eye opening period for a lot of people, a lot of democrats, a lot of progressive lot of s in terms of antisemitism on the left, a lot of people who seem more shocked at dehumanizing language usecked d by leaders to describe hamas than what hamas actually on saturday. Now we have a debate coming up. Cornell west and alanthey w dershowitz, they will be here to debate this risl bee of Intim Academia and the Democratic Party right nowitm in our focus is on Southern Israel tonight. And as we speak, Hundreds Of Thousands of israeli soldiers. They are now preparingf th forlk what looks like an imminent Ground War Response by israean why . Because the Very Existenceth of israee veryl is in the balan. Think about it. If hamas lay dow. N their arms right now and they surrendered, there would be peace. Ave laid but if israels laid down its arms, there would be no israel. Think about that. Make no mistake, this is what this conflict is all about. Were going to have a lot more on this straigh lott ahead tonight. But joining us first from Jo O Foran Caucuthe Battle Speaker in the Republican Caucus and now The One And Only hitchhikers guide to all things dc, chad pergram with us. Ting chad, its been an interesting day today. Where do we stan day, whed as this hour . Rig well, right now, there is no speaker of the house. Ninth this is the ninth day in a row that there has not been speaker of the house. A Steve Scalise, he was able stevto win in the republican conference today, but he does not have the votes to winy on the floor. As i always say, its about the math. I just spokehe mario diazbala, a republican congressman from florida, just a couple of moments ago, and he said that there were certain forces, certain republicane wer who were trying to undercut Steve Scalise. And, you know, he said is th the general consensus was that if that you got the votes and thgot the republican confere today, that members would go ahead and Support Himuld Gou on the floor. He said they must not believe in elections. Thats the line from mariotions. Diazbalart. I also spoke to another senior republican aide this evening to who said they didnt think it would be this bad. They didnt think that Steve Scalise would have the votesulde coming out of that Conference Meeting and be ably e to godidnt to the house floor and win. But they didnt think that there would be this chasm s deficit that he would have to make up. I mean, i mean, theresy ca some here on capitol hill who dont think that they can ever make up that deficit. Dusthe deficy johnson, a republn representative from south dakota, he indicated that he though. Factt that Steve Scalisef made a little bit of Progress Today and upholdin today ig alt, a republican from florida. She indicated that she was now fo heSteve Scalise. Jon, heres the other thing, jim jordan, you after he wastode vanquished by scalise today, he met with steve and threw his support to Steve Scalise and encouraged his supporters to back Steve Scalise. There are many of them continuing to back jim jordan. Is th the key here is that they justy dont havejust votes to elect a speaker. And what that means is the house Remainwhat Tins And S In , this paralysis as the middle east this is on fire and the hv cant even pass a resolution to say it stands by israel. Steve scalise said that wouldbed be his first bit of action if b he was elected speaker. I back to you. You know, as i was a watching all this unfold today, there was an opportunity for the Republican Caucus as theytoh were meeting together. There was an opportunity for th in conference together as a unit that theyve v would not leave unless they all agreed they would have the votes to for speakerow that was voted down. That seemed like a pretty Commonsensical Type of rule. Why would they have that voted that down . That would obviously have prevented, you know, maybe Something Like what happened with Kevin Mccarthy from happening again and having mcc c 15 votes. That seemed like a common sense approach to me. Why did itseoach to why did go . Yeah, yeah. That was, you know, again, a quote, small de in democratic vote in the conference there. You know the cons. That just die the votes to to pass. It was generally thought that had they adopted that that that would help out jim jordan. Some people said were changing the rules at the last minute. You know, the republican s often talk about regular order. Thats the way they have done it traditionally that whoeveatr wins in the conference then goes to the floor. But the problem is thelem is tyh this narrow majority. They have these deep divides, these schism these s inside the republican conference, and they just cannot win on the floor. Theres a reason why Kevin Mccarthy took five days and 15 rounds to be elected speaker back in january. An echo this is an echo of that. And it may continue to echo for the next couple of days, if not longer. Ill tell you the next thing theyre looking at, the next big train coming down the tracks is trying to fund th by the middle of november. I mean, you know, in order Shutvert A Governmenbut in ot sn just a couple of days ago, they effectively shut down the congress here becausn e they dont have a speaker. The speaker pro tem is Patrick Mchenr r pro tey. This i asked him tonight, i said, you know, is this over . How bad does this look . , how his and he said, this isnt over yet. There are some who thinko tem that the speaker, pro tem Patrick Mchenry, he could be the person that they trouldy to tap if they eventually get sideways or sean, you know, if this goes on for longer,r maybe a week or two. Maybe they eventually get a coalitiooalitionn of democratsgn and republicans and elect someone that we have not eveme w thought about. That would be, you know, just an amazingouazin Seismic Changee on capitol hill. They definitely need to get their act together thed. To they need to choose a speaker. They need to unite and they need to show the countryy need they can lead. Chad, thank you for that update. We appreciate it. Inw, youre goin. E thupdateg hae report on the ground in israel in a few minutes. But first, joining us now to react to our top story tonight, former white house Chief Of Staff reince, jet ceo of the lawfare project. Brooke goldstein, is with us, former White House Press secretary ari fleischer. You know, brooke, as i as iessw laid out, Congresswomaomann Leae as i laid out our democratic colleagues unwilling to criticize, demo her, it is it is mind numbing to me that yougr have a party in america that is allowing, you know, some of the most radical extremes bigots and antisemitic voices to go unchecked. How does the Democratic Party, then what the party of political correctnessat i the party thats woke . How do they allow thislc to happeomedn . I hope you can hear me. F a i think theres a bit of a connection issue, too. But i want to emphasizes how serious this is that we have terror affiliated groups and Terror Sympathizers at the highest level of government in our schools. And in our unions. Dont forget, also maha bitar was appointed by the Biden Administration as the senior director of intelligence on National Securityence, who is a former board member of students for justice whi palestine, which is organizing these prohamas rallies as we speak and are terror affiliatedn. And they feel emboldened to do this because the u. Sed. Government has not acted to root out those connected with designated Terrorist Groups that are on our campuses or in our unions. The starbucks union, for examplthe stare, was posting su for hamas, uclsoa right now is having an event i to legitimize the terror attacks. This is a National Security issu. Securite of the highest o. Yeah, i totally agree. Well, let me if i you know, ryan, so much has been made. You go back to the the obamaBiden Administration, they they make this awful deal. President trump talked about it, campaigned on ittr h the with iran, the number one State Sponsor of terror. Sand okay, Donaldeliminat Trump eliminates all of that, isolates iran. Ld. They rightly should neutralizes them, because i think they realls them b y feared him, just like i think china feared trump. And i think that russiaas not trump and i think it was not a a bad thing that kim jongump, b un actually got along with trump. But i think there was genuine fear. I dont thinut i think thereiner of our current president. So my question is now weck to back to up to the mullahs in iran. Why is there thisratic Democratic Party compulsiopan to deal with the number one State Sponsor of terror . Ne staonsor ofi cant, for the. Figure that out. Well, sean, its a its all about appeasement its all about people wanting to believe that is good and not acceptingct the fact that there are horrible, evil people involved in these terrorist in the middle east. And if you for the people out there, just go back. Its important to remember when hamas came into powet to poin, gaza, it was iran and hezbollah that funded stunning takeover of of gaza. Then iran for years and years and years have been Funding Hamar Years S by the tune of hus of millions of dollars every single. Turkey is not innocent either, by the way. Inher bythen they came in with , obama, and they cut the iran deal. I can remember Donaldonal Trump Fighting People in his own Administrationfighting T down that iran Deal Withindenc the first few weeks of his presidency. And by the way, it in 2016n 20 during the transition. If you remember there was a u. N. Security Council Resolution Condemning Israelmeni and resettlements, we were told to back off. Youre not told to bac in powere and youre violating the law by stick by by sticking your nose into this resolution in 2016. Then i wrote a few other highlights on trump. Then in 2017, you remember recognize jerusalem as the capital. In 2018, they unveiled the capital in jerusalem. 2019hen signed a proclamation 2019, to give israel the rightss over the golan. Theres one other thing. It was donald trump, too. And that Administrationdown T that shut down the 75 million that was going to go to gaza and the west bank. And in april of 2021, joe biden1 reinstated that. The 75 million that wentat to gaza and the west bank. So loo went k, tyrants are tempted by weakness and theyre evil, evil, horrible people in the world that thinkworld th theyre doing great things by slaughtering people. And theres no academia or professor out there that can justify. Why whats been going on in israel over the past several weeks . You know, they the israelis now have over 500,000 troops at the ready. Ari fleischer r. This counteroffensive is now imminent. Ho last night, during the course of the 2 hours we were On The Air Ovewewere or, 450 air strikes in gaza preparing the way fozar this ground conflict that is very obviously happening over 100,000 troopsently currently now stationed at the border. Imeyre readw stationed at ty t i would imagine this is pretty imminent here. And what im trying and the o israelis, to their credit, theyre trying to tell the innocent people in gaza, get out, because gaz if you sta. You will die. They are sending that to every phone that they possibly can. Every form of communication e. Ilabl they are sending it to them because they have a respect for human lifee they h. There was no such warning given to the people of israel. How do of isra you see this plat and politically, can you explain why joe biden wonto talk about iran . Terrib yeah, that was a terrible mistake, not only politically but substantivellet only py and militarily by joe biden. The way you deal with iran is by drawing a bright line and making it clear to the world and demonstrating its what Ronald Reagan would have done. Its what donald trump didid, wh George W Bush would do it. And now we have the silencbush e from the Joe Biden Barack Obama wing of the Democratic Party when it come s how to handleif you iran. And if youre the iranians, you just look at tha are themin. You go, aha, you see, they dont know how to handle us. Theyre afraidyre of us. And it gives them license to be adventurous. It gives them license to push and to probe and to test and to see where were weak. We about joey fear biden. He gave a very good speech yesterday and used the right words, but well, he used the right actions and he hasnt yet when it comes to iran, that really was in well, hes really youre right on some of the substance of the words he did say a lot of the right things, but he didnt mention iran. If we want to get to the root causes, thats what i just said to joe biden. His demonstrated weakness whenid it comes to how to deal with iran because he didnt draw right the didn a line foe the iranian leadership to know draw, say, and this is the timea for drawing lines. But ill tell you something w elses freigh that needs to be. These protesters, these prohamas pro Murder Protesters in americas streets, the department of Homelandin Security Needs to figure out who they are and if any of Them Havean Overstayed a visa, if an of them are here illegally, we need to deport them and deport d them tomorrow. We have the technology. We know that it was usedeport o on guess the january 6th rioters. We need to do the sames sprayeds here to these people because its only a matter of time before were struck in this countrly a matimy. And anybody who overstayed those visas and shows up at these rallies gone out of america. Ari, by the end of this year, joe biden will have aided and abetted over 8 Million People into this country. Congressionas countrl report jue out in the last week saying that 99 of the people that crossed our border stayed. Ther now, theres been no vetting. I can tell youha, as certainly as im sitting here breathing and talking on television tonightalevisiont, i guarantee with terrorist intentions are setting up cells right here in america because of joes open border policies. Now, to me, when that daysurp comes, america should not be surprised. And ill say very i wouldroud t be proud to come on the air and say i was about thatont prediction, but i dont think im going to be proven wrongk i you were with President Bush on nine 1101. Yoi and you know what . What did we learn from the 911 Commission Report . They wer01e at war with us. Wa we were not at war with them. It seemsm. Like we have forgott in this country, because i guarantee you, cells are heret and theyre plotting and theyre scheming and theyre planningting and they will attack. Thats coming again. I pray im wrong. Ari, thank you. Ryan, thank you. Brooke goldstein. Thank you. Anyway, we have now breaking news. Joining us now with a live report breakin now wg report on the ground in israel this hour. A very own greg palkot. Greg, whats the latest . Asian. Yeah, we are wrappinp jug up day five, just hours away of day five of this incredible between israel and hamas and the horror just grows and the toll builds as well. Over 1200 dead here in israel, including 22 americans, 150 hostages helto amed somewhere Ie Gaza Strip and perhaps 17,s 17 maybe more americans among that 150. Weve been here for a couple of days,e been h sean and weven the scale of infiltration by these bloodthirsty hamasfilta militants. Incredible. Even todaytion by e , they are still in roaming around certain areas of the bordes of ther across fra in Southern Israel. The scale of the blast weve seen the Rocket Attacks coming from hamas, from the gaza stripo and also the israeli air forcerc doing some real damage to gaza, along with casualties about 1100 palestinians dead as well. And finally, the build up of tanks and armored personnel. You talked about it. Weve been seeinyou tag it linig the roads, building up on hillsr ,ready for a Ground Invasion if and when that is called for. But lets get back to the hostage story. We know theres some negotiations or reports of Negotiation S Being attemptec by certain countries, but the reality is that thosertaine thee people are still there. We talked to an Israeli American A who back yesterday to try to find his father. His father was lost as of saturday morning. Sat toldisten to whaas of us at 630 this said theres alarms and hes going into a shelter. And since thener weve lost touch, Israeli American igor about. Bell talking his father, 64yearold daniel kim, involved. He went with a friend saturdaysi to fish near his home in Southern Israel next to the gaza stripl,. Militan then hamas militants arrived in their deadly rampage. His car of bullet holes, Fishing Tackle in the trunk. His body not found. U hosto you think he is being held hostage in gaza . Thisp and, you know, at this point, i hope so. You hope soio this point . Tha i hope so. That would be the best. That would be the best best. , fk right now. Yeah. Igor flew from his new jersey home to comforty he m hi. And my mom didnt imagine life and help search for his beloved and highly regarded father. Ly regar theyve had little word the Israeli Government. Igor has several words for hamas. They should be greeted every terrorist organization should be erased from the face of the earth. Let me repeat, sean, at 530 in the morning on saturday, this guy was sur f casting with his buddy on the beach just north of gaza strip. By 6 by 630, he was in the handss in of bloodthirsty terrorists. We asked igor if he couldou possibly talk to his father right now. Ld talk ti phoned or whatever. What would he say . He tol d us. Come home, dad. Come home. Back to you. Greg, thank you for that reallys important report. And actuallyean Ally Impo Chilc thank you. I well check back in with him throughout the eveningth him te first. Leftwing bigotry, antisemitism, running rampanti on University Campuses around the worlt on d. Aus london, australia. Whats happening . Chanting in australia. You know, about gas chambers and you know for jewish people. What is happening on our College Campuses . Is happening among the Democratic Party. Some Harvard Students nowh peop are scrambling to finally rescind their support of their ca actually blaming the victim, israel, for the brutalwi, hamas terrorterror attacks. Not everyone disagrees with them. Ial 2024 president ial candidate, former harvard professor cornel west said the students were rergely right, but they lack. He joins us now with reaction, along with attorney of so harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, as Well Thh Fork You Bot being with us. I would usually you always call me Brotheways Calr sean. Ha i call your brother cornell. Im not im not that happy with you tonight. Wiand then we could talk about why, because we havevard 30 one groups from harvard. Harvard supposed to be. Thalways thoughtbe i alw the toe top to get into harvard. What a what an accomplishment. What an achievement. What academic excellence. You must show a cut above everyone else. And 31 Student Groups blamingctm israel. Blaming the victim. And answer to this is theyhey a are largely right. Hamas that murdered children of a Mosqu Childree that murderd innocent people. What i said. Okay. As to whether they are are lar, but lacking nuance. No, that i didnt say lack nuance. Thats the title of the piece. Okay. Actual words. Well, i just i got it here in front of the words. Do it. The wordof ms were that israels policies of war crimesf war and collective punishment against palestinia n and israel and the united hamas must take responsibility for killingg innocent people. Inybody who kills innocent people are engaging in barbaric act. You said they. Let me call you what nation and so forth. Israel and the United Statesd st are primarily the United States have supported supp to society. N i want you to explain how. Ee foisrael and th United States responsible for beheading 40 children . Beheadinhildren . How . Im talking about the i am ta context. 545 palestinians children died in august 2004. Not one american said a word. I believt e a palestinian baby has the same value as an israeli baby. So when you have that kind of vicious hatred and revenge you get response of hatred and revenge, they ared ande all wrong. Theyre all war crimes. They all have to be condemned. All war but you cannot simply lk at this particular moment with that the larger backdrop of an ugly occupation and the ugly attacks chronically against palestinians, not your words, largely right. Israel and the united are primarily responsible for this attack. Professor dershowitz and. Well, i complained when palestinian children wereey wer killed, but i explain why they were killed. E here is one of the leadersr of hamas. For the palestinian people, death has become an industry. The elderly excel at this and so do the children. Is why we have formed Human Shields of the women and the children. Hamas is the ones responsible for the killing of palestinian childrenfor. Also, the hamas has a term, its called the cnn strategy. And the cnn strategy is induce israel into killing palestinian children by using them as Human Shields, Then Parade The Bodiesw Out On Cnn and youll see what happens. People likile whate west will ee in crocodile tears. N is blame it on Israel Whenth the entire blame is on the palestinians, hamas for using their children, r their children as Human Shields and then usingn shield their che as ships. So donldt accuse us hamass charter. I have the same outrage when palestinian babies are killed, when the israeli people. I want you to have the same indignation when palestinianstai killed. Not when theyre not when theyre killed by palestinians, when tinians. You cant make a moral comparison when kids were killed in the bombings of dresden, i didnt have the same comparison when jewish kids were put in gas chambers in crematoriums. Youre a professor of theology. T you dont you understand the moral difference between deliberately murdering a kid and, having Collateral Damage because there are Human Shieldsa . Youre running for president of the United States. What would you do . T d all right. Hat let me just let me ask the question, okay. What would you do ift were they firing of terrorists were firing at American Children amin america and the terrorists were hiding behind palestinian children . Would you allow the killing of americans to continue or would you go and get the terrorists even if it meant possibly collaterarist l damage i wou on palestinians . What would you do . Tell you exactlyld tell what i would do first. Truth and morality tend to bali two casualties in any context of war. I would want to tell the Americanany Contt of the tru i would tell them what theth context is, how we found ourselves in this situation. And i would not jump from military, asian and a genocidali attack on on anda itl attack on gaza. Oh, no. You tell me just to go whenn 193 youre exposed to terrorists. This is like warsaw 1943. Where did they go . Where do they go . O . O the unlet me tell you wherel to. They go to the u. N. You went to gazad get the un a. They go. They go to. No, no, no. Ha the u. N. Has places n gazas in. They go to the 11. I say when people if they killed in the last fewto ey days, they go to egypt, they gpo they have had to. Her. Wait a minute. Let them go. Make another thing clear. Gaza cit a y is very dense. Gaza gaza itself, the gaza strip, theres lots of room. The israelis have said get outty of gaza city, go to rafah, go to khan yunis, go to other. And you know what . Hamas, no water, no electricity. Know what i was doing . Hamas is saying dont go. Im not going to tell you arehaa here. Im not defending. Wait a minute. Ever. Ef you ever. En im defending the sufferindingg of palestinians here. Matthew, at some point a heated war walk, i want to hear you say somebody who commits war crimeswho are, barbaric. Is im saying that explicitly. But i want you to say, if the israel Barbawant Youdefensis are killing children, are they barbaric . No. Are they . And i dont know if they target if they target childreey targen yes. Have they ever talked . No. No. Never. Never. Heyr eted childrenin this mer targeted a child . Got the part. And please. No, no, they never talk. They kill one innocenty. Purposely. Since 1948, not not. Are they pure, are they . You know, we have to be very yoh careful noavt to kill a child. Not to kill a child. Let me let me kill 500. Let me mean theyre being c usedau as shields. Let me show something that we got on this program. So im about to show this audience. These are cartoons that are air in gaza for Young Childrenaughto that are taught to hate the jewish people. You have juse t just watch this for a second and ill have you both comment. Watchtch this that. Then the adl from the moral defense that this would be a deal. Would you go more in europe . I do. Very helpful to her. Gary, how would rula, to her suburban do up to a potential source of professor west . If You Brainwash And Indoctrinate Young Childreng that youre teaching them to hate from that young age. Not good. No. E heres the problem. Any kind of image, the problem of hatred is a moralmmoral a an. Heres the problem i have with your other another. If theres any hatred of palestinians, would mattcondemn black lives matter for justifying the hamas murder by using these little airplane things and coming down on the music . But i dont want to. I woul d certainly condemn it. You condemn black lives matter, condemn anybody who matters. Im glad, mary. This is morality. And and spirituality. Ned bl so you condemn black lives matter. Part of our challenge, though, us matter . Of our c thisld is important just as as a leader. You see, he asked me what i would do. I would say, weve got to end occupation. Weve got to make sure that palestinians, the same dignity, the same rights. Is this let me ask you. Thats is at t the center. You know, i know that you know, i support thanks to you. But hamas doesnt support a state solution. Hamas opposed the west. I want to ask this question. Would gaza be facing annihilation if hamas did not and kill all these innocent israelis . Of. N facing gaza has been facing, not answering. Would they be facing imminent annihilation since 2000 . Would they be thousand and one . And what . Since 2006 and seven in gaza was taken over by hamas. Im and im pro democracy, but im concerned about the suffering of palestine. Israel didnt fire a single rockete su until hamas fired 5000 rockets controls there this is a fox news alert. Im kevin corke In Washington. Israel Defense Forces conducting large airstrikes in gaza. Massive plumes of smoke can be seen filling the skyline. The idf says its Hitting Terror Targets, belonging to hamass knockmore elite forces. Earlier they struck an operational, political and military center. Now, this all comes as Israeli Forces also amass at the border preparing for a possible Ground Invasion. The Israeli Military says they havent decided on a Ground Incursion into gaza yet, but that theyre preparing for it. On wednesday, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to, quote, crush and destroy hamas and he didnt hold back, saying every member is, quote, a dead man and leaves 1200 israelis and 1100 palestinians have died so far in the fighting. This all, of course, began back on Early Saturday Morning when hamas unleashed its terror into israel, Killing Hundreds of civilians, even young babies and toddlers. At least 22 americans at last count are confirmed dead. 17 others remain missing. Israel says hamas is currently holding about 150 people hostage, at least eight, and they are threatening to kill every hostage every time israel strikes back of course, we continue to monitor live pictures. In the meantime, im kevin corke In Washington. More as we continue. But for now, back to our regularly scheduled program already in progress. S. 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Joining us now with reaction for to the Battle For Speaker On Capitol Hill and, of course, the Terror Terroristiegel On Atk against israel and israels imminent response. Former israel of the house Newt Gingrich is with us. Rich is i assume by the end e week, maybe im wrong. Labor mobility optimistic that theg, m of speaker is going to be handled In Washington. Youre a long time veteran. Re am i . Ight t my instincts right therehe . Well, i think because of the . Israeli war, the pressurei war, on republicans to really work overtime and find a solution is much, much greater. I mean the whole world is watching and the American House has to be able to function. So i think Steve Scalise won a significant victory today. E sl im sure tonight hes trying to put togetheiswor the 217 vots because we have a couple of absences. So to 17 is a majority. Its still uphill. There are still people who are saying, oh, i really dont want to vote for him. Im really not ready. What hav hime you. But i think republicans have to come together and realize whetheo comer its scalise or es Somebody Else and steves a great guy, has been good majority leader, is a solid conservative. Somebody has to get 217 votes and the house has to get its act Togetherthey H Undertion our constitution because the worlds Dangerou Becs and people like hamas are not hanging around waitinge like fo the house republicans. So i hope in the next 24 hoursnh theyll find a way to gee ta wa to 217. D i hope that by tomorrow afternoo tn well have a speake, Steve Scalise. You want a straight up fight . It was a fair fight with a very good member, jim jordan and i think that well see what actually happens. All right. Let meac ask you, both of us hae known Prime Minister netanyahu o for decades. Both of us have known him. S dont think theres been a more consistent leader on The World Stage A with as mh moral clarity as Prime Minister netanyahu. Uch mol he has been very clear a this response will change the east forever. Hes been very clear tha that ts that their pending response, their imminent responstheiscuss will literally be discussed for generations. Edrations. I take him at his wor. I believe you probably do, toe you pro. Well, look, i think we shouldll all start with president iden bidens very strong statement yesterda vy that we are dealingi with pure evil. Now, if the presidenng wit evitn the answer is to defeat and, destroy hamas. Since gaza has 2 Millionion Pe people. In order to minimize Civilian Casualtiesopt are , there oughte some method for letting virtually all of Theshould Bm L Gaza Go into the areas that areb nearby, Create Temporaryeate housing and temporary conditions temnd , and then methodically destroy gaza untile they have eliminated every single element of hamas. Ngle no pt a singleie piece of hamas not a single soldier, not a singlele planner should be alive. And i think when you think about 40 babies in one kibbutzbs being killed, a number of them being beheaded. When you think about women being raped while their own phones are being used to send the scenes to their families, a grandmother being killed while her own phone records it so it can be put on facebook. These people are evil. And i think whenese peop youre with evil, you have to do what is necessary. Havenow, what is reasonable and what is necessary todayl is the total, complete destruction of hamas. F hama anything less than that is, in fact, a defeat. And they have been warning a. You will die. Gaz not many countries would take the time to to warn the innocent to get out of harms. Israels been doing that for days. Former speaker of Th Fore House you will be sitting in studio with us tomorrow. We look forward to having you here we. Thank you, sir, for being with us. We appreciate it. When we come back, we a the grandma swamy, he weighs in on the hamas Terrorist Attack. 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As this major foreign policyei gn polcrisis unfolds overseas, i president ial candidates are all weighing in Vivek Ramaswamy released his six point plan to tackle the situation in israel while taking shots at other candidates, specifically nikki haley. Now vivek is Calling Forigence a intelligence and weapons sharing with israel. The Immediat Weasharing E Appoin ambassador to israel to end Nuclear Proliferation in the middle east. The deportation of Illegals Legals H in the us who have wor with hamas and much more. S and muand Vivek Ramaswamy jois us now. Thisoked your list and this the only disagreement i have is i dont reall havy disagree s lot of your points, but the Intelligence Sharing Waspreced Unprecedented and a coalition was formeden when president trup was in office, where it was the u. S. Was israel, it was egypt, it was jordan, it was the saudis, was the emiratesnit all standing united against iranian hegemony in the region to prevent them from everuiring acquiring Nuclear Weapons. So we have had that before. Nuclk yeah, absolutely. Pa and sean, one of the thing ive said is that while everybody else seems to say quis is a questionis later, i think this is a question for now, we need to understand what the heck went wrong with both u. S. And israeli as we as well as israeli defense. ,think about an airplanell whene blac it crashes. The black box is not analyzed by the airlinek r. Who was responsible for the crash . We need independent answers to tha responsible fort. Endent but My Number One focus, sean, is on one hand, we hav eisrael to support israel in the decisions that israel make ms to defend itself. They have a right to National Self existence nationa and what happened there was wrong and barbaric and medieval. E only on the other hand, im the only republican saying this. This is our also moment to be cool headed, not emotional, but rational in our response oup to make sure that we dont inadvertently enter a u. S. Ke sud involved broader regional conflict in the middle east. That doe oin the ms advance d american interests, and i believe we can do both of those things welo boththings l. Spised but part of the reason i have criticized the republicans is that the emotiona ol response i think is unhelpful, saying unhe do it. , saying just we need to be very specific about exactly what were goingvy to do. Cool headedness in times of crisis is essential to play into to lead as commander in chief. If you look at this exponentiall if Yo Y And You K at the population of israel and the population of the us, it would be the moral the equivalent m of 36,000 Killed Americans killed on our soil in a single da y. What would you want americas response to be . Because i could tell ameri yout i really predict is going to happen. Gaza is going to be annihilates and theyre going to end hamass reign in gaza. That will be over. H fo and i dont think theres going to be much for people to go back to their that is going to be israels decision to makeo. And we should support whatever decision they do make. I will tell you this, thoughn t. To sean, is the moment to remember we have made some of our own most disastrous decisions in the wake of tragedies, includins g 911. Look at 3 trillion wasted in iraq and afghanistan. Thousands upon thousandssand of american lives sacrificed. To what end . The taliban icans still in charge in afghanistan. 20 years later, a hostile regime in iraq vulnerable to iranian incursion in iraqso today. So if im talking to bibi, if im thf ie president of United States, im going to offer him both compassion, sympathy, suppor him botassionto our learnings to say weve made mistakes in the United States in respons say mistae tragedy. We will share those Lessons S Bunyou as full headednes as should they offer Bunker Buster Bombs to take out nuclear site bombss. Iran, yes or no . I got to go. Ld i think the u. S. Should offer israel limited munitions to Bisrael Munitioe able to deff against hamas and the attacks. I think we should be very answer my question late into a broader regional war in the middle east. Wellreader , sean, theres a lotl ch of circumstances that are still changing. But the principle for me, weve go but the t get to know broader regional war by still supporting israels defense. Ensei will. Continuing Coverage Straighte ahead. 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Jacuzzi has been making water feel for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bathroom model at a price you can afford with no stress, no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price we could afford. Every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. I dont have those theories anymore. With jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. Your new jacuzzi bath or shower is waiting now the best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel,. Com, or call 800 348286, seven. Call now, guys, thats getting hit from the air, from the ground and the sea. Israeli troops are massing. The Defense Department has the ability to rapidly deplo nem kevin corke In Washington. Israeli Defense Forces conducting large airstrikes this morning in gaza. Massive plumes of smoke can be seen filling the skyline. The idf says its Hitting Terror Targets belonging to hamas. Nutbar elite forces. Earlier, they struck. That is an operational, political and military center. It comes as Israeli Forces also amass at the border preparing for a possible Ground Invasion. The Israeli Military says they havent decided on a Ground Incursion into gaza yet, but at theyre preparing for it. On wednesday, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to, quote, crush and destroy hamas. He didnt hold back either, saying every hamas member is, quote, a dead man. Lets get straight to our correspondent, trey yingst. He is live in israel with the very latest. Trey, how are things this morning and what are you seeing . Yeah kevin, good morning. Overnight, we saw a lull in rocket fire from the gaza strip. And this is not surprising because hamas and Islamic Jihad dont have an unlimited supply of rockets. And they understand theyre about to enter a very long conflict. So they have to basically just use a smaller amount each day against israel and their attacks. And so the Israeli Military said the number of rockets fired into israel has reduced to about 200 to 400 a day. And this is significant because it takes some pressure off israels air Defense Systems and also allows the focus to be back on the ground where we do expect troops are still staging to enter a Ground Operation at some point in the near future. Overnight, though, the rocket fire ultimately resumed after about 9 to 11 hours, targeting the west bank. A settlement there and also a couple shorter range rockets were fired as well, but nothing like weve seen in the past. Several days. All of this does come as israeli officials are reiterate , putting their siege on gaza. They are saying no humanitarian aid will go in. They dont care that the death toll is rising. There they are very much taking the gloves off in this fight. And we know that the death toll in gaza has reached more than 1200 people, according to the Palestinian Health ministry. So its a quick update on the ground here. But things are fluid and theyre changing each and every hour. Let me ask you, trey, about about where the people who are caught in the midst of all of this can go. I understand that they cant obviously head into israel. So is egypt a possible location . What happens to the people . I guess my question is on the ground, who are obviously having to deal with a conflict, perhaps theyre innocent. Those who are caught in the midst of all this and absolutely, its a great question. And the death toll in gaza includes women and children, and there is no place for them to go right now. They are sheltering in many cases, at u. N. Schools inside gaza. Were told there are a few other locations that the israelis have indicated are considered safe zones, but nothing really is that safe. If youre in gaza amid a war. And so the solution to all of this, thats being discussed by many analysts is that there could be a corridor opened for civilians to go into egypt. And thats really about the only solution that is possible. While they are two borders, two countries that border gaza and it is israel and egypt. And so theres a crossing in the south of gaza called rafah. And if that opens, its been bombarded by the israelis. But if theyre able to open it and theyre able to create that corridor, it could allow for some civilians to evacuate their an issue here is whether or not the israelis will allow that. And so far theyve indicated they will not. They plan to keep the gaza strip totally locked down and continue their siege following the massacre that took place on saturday morning. Trey yingst joining us live from israel this morning. I wanted to ask you, trey, very quickly about tunnels. I dont think the Average American whos just sort of learning about what has happening in that part of the world, i dont think the Average American probably understands the preponderance of tunnels that are pretty much everywhere. And i understand that this is part of the strategy for the Israeli Forces, is to make sure that theyre taking out these tunnels, which can be devastating in terms of their transport of materiel, armaments and other personnel from gaza into israel. Is that your understanding as well . Absolutely. Theres a Massive Network of tunnels underneath the gaza strip, and theyre used to get fighters from one place to another. Theyre able to transfer weapons. And along the egyptian border, theyre even able to smuggle weapons into gaza. Still in the past, there were tunnels that were dug into israeli territory and fighters had used them to come and kill during other conflict. All of those have been cut off. And there are sensors in the ground theyre not able to tunnel without being detected anymore. But Inside Gaza Itself , they are able to hide anything they want. And according to hamas, are keeping some of the civilians and soldiers that were taken hostage into gaza in these tunnels. And that makes it incredibly difficult because they are beneath the ground and an unfamiliar network of tunnels. And while the israelis have some intelligence on these tunnels, they certainly dont have all of the intelligence and they dont have a map of the tunnels. So even if they enter gaza and theyre able to hold territory is a huge challenge, even if you go in with Commando Units and Special Forces to actually be able to rescue. Q anyone . And i think that is part of the story that has to be discussed because its going to be incredibly challenging in the weeks and months ahead. Trey, youve been doing yeomans work. Obviously we continue to hope that you and your team are safe and we certainly appreciate you spending time with us this morning. Trey yingst, fox news correspondent, joining us live from israel this morning. Trey, thank you. Thank you, my friend. Appreciate that very much. And of course, we continue to monitor the pictures as you see them. We continue to keep an eye on them , trey and our entire team, which continues to grow by the day, continues to keep an eye on what is happening over there. I didnt get a chance to chat with trey about the incoming rocket fire. Obviously the iron dome is continuing to keep the israeli people safe and yet rockets continue to move into that direction. Again, as we take a look at these live pictures, you see smoke rising there in gaza city. Some of the video that weve been showing you is obviously showing parts of the city which have been completely devastated by israeli rocket fire and bombing, again, in retaliation for what hamas began over the weekend. And again, this is fox news continuing coverage of the war between hamas and the israeli Defense Forces. Well keep an eye on whats happening. And obviously well get to well get back to israel as soon as we can get more information, especially as things change on the ground. But for now, im kevin corke In Washington. Back to our regularly scheduled prog eight back to regularly scheduld program already in Progress Report from iran. Takt frome a look i. Russell crowe Shocker Livermore really slamming a finger on the you know pilots and i work in mobile when i call my fiance danielle ohara. Bill maher wasilla. Well, he brought for an alcoholic and now as that he should run hell fill us in in our 13 million can stuff on him. Granted im going to cscage] and talk of mccormack about an image. What talk of muhammads on board . Mccomb with a man. Wasilla. Who him before hed been cubin iran in iran. That not the so what do you what you islam you sir how much until had been kept here or didnt come here with that i can ask korea armor from australia you have a dream are alaska. Here was reaction formegood r of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is with us. Welcome back, sir. Good have you. Let me start with this. I have had multiple sources from washington, High Rankinnk G sources confirm to me that, in fact, the intelligence and the evidence is incontrovertible. Tha it is overwhelming that, evidact, The Administratiot N Hs this evidence that they know about irans involvement, yet they are lying purposely to the american peopl e. E . Why would that be . Is it to protect the 6 billion that in that ransom deal that made they dont want the American People to know the truth . Info know ththe way israel alsos information. Theyve chosen notrmation to st at this point. Maybe protecting the administration that whoses support they need at this moment, i dont know. But there is no doubt that their involvement, their plotting, their planning their approval, the Iranian Revolutionary guard were, all involved. Why wont they tell us the truth . The w whats on the white house might as well be arguing that the earth is flat. Beyoure look, the Intelligence Community produces dozens and, dozens of intelligence products every year analyzing the relationship between iran, hamas and hezbollah. Hamas,and in every one of thoseh theres an analysis of the extent to whice h iran eitherovd approved an Operation Directedao ,an operation, ordered an operation, or funded the operatioeration. And so the Biden White House would have you believe that in the largest that hamas has ever engaged in, for tookd st time, iran a pass and was not involved. But even if you set that aside, much as thos. E well, much like those clips that you were playing, sean, on sunday, both hamas and hezbollah came oute ou and said that in a meeting two weeks ago in beirut, iran greenlit this operation. Sean, what motive would hamaswh or Hezbollahat M that matter hae for falsely accusing falsely implicating iran in an atrocity thats goingiran to the Wrath Od World Powers economically and militarily, especially when iran , their primary benefactor . So the reason why, sean, whyefa. All of this think, look, joe biden could get a signed signm iranian Supreme Leader saying we did this and the white house is going to say no direct evidencedirect because to admit that iran was beca is admit that the biden policy regarding, iran is a bigger failure than their policy regarding afghanistahan the polin. They would have to admit s that they sat across the tablear with Hostage Takers and said, were going to give you 6 billion at the very same time those people were planning to take more us hostages. They would have to admitstagesff that by easing off on the maximum Pressure Campaign of the Trump Administration and by Trusting Iran and, enrichingn, iran, they, in fact, contributed to what took place e these atrocities that took place in israel on saturday. Thathey are never going to admit that iran was directly involved, even though, as you said, john, they very clearly were. And everyone in the Intelligence Community knows it. You knowd everin thee commit, t is you go from the obama Biden Administration and their obsession to give billions of dollars to iran. Getillions you go through the , of which you were part of theof administration, where, cou of course, iran is isolated and that deal was just cut off. Iran was given very firm, sternd warning that if they dare try to get weapons, america would unite with israel and other countries and they woulding prevent that from happening, meaning theyd probably take out the nuclear. And then here we are back. You know, joe biden ws president back to giving iran billions of dollars. Im having a hard time understandintoing irang why thed states of america, why we have people in this country that Thinkof Ameri a good idea to give the worlds number one State Sponsor of Terrove The Nr Billis of dollars. Well, you know why dumbgs people do dumb things . Its because theyre dumb. But but but in the of trying to understand it, everyone in the audience agrees biden is dumbun except for one guy. Yeah. But the bottom line is this started in the Obama Administration, as you pointed out, because the Obama Administration had no genuine affection for israel and they stood closer to iran than they did to israelisrael. Ac and we moved back to the traditional role that the United States had as no daylight between our most important strategidaylc military and moral ally in the middle east. And joe biden hat s course on that again, once again, courting iran, iran appeasing iran, enriching iran, while largely ignoring our most whil, israel. W and what you have seen these last few day is is a resultsiteo of that. The opposite of peace through strength is chaos, through weaknessf peacugh ngth. And we have weakness in this white house. I cant say it any better. John ratcliffe, always great to see you, sir. Thank you for being with us. Thank yor beinhe all right. O our next guest currently working on a senate bill that would immediately refreezen the 6 billion that joe biden and his administrationjo is now making available to iran as part of this Ransom Payment for five american hostages. 2024 president ial candidate, senator from the great statendii of south carolina, tim scott, us with us. Senator, great to hav e you. Thank you, john. Tha its always good to be back on your show. I do 2 hours. Love it. Oh, i do, totoo. But no, honestly, i wish it was different circumstances. I wish this could be a fun, raucous, rowdy. Wishd here tonight, but its so serious. Were talking about human lives at stake her e and its a serious of the moment, ittthatiousness of the momen brings us together, you know, and that goes to the heart of what i was just the with joh ratcliffe, and ill ask you the same question. The fact that you, blackburn and others have to have to put forward a bill, why hasnt joe biden already said youre not getting the 6 billion . Why are they so reluctan this ti and resistant to the idea that that was a ba td deal and a bad idea that giving the number one State Sponsor of terror this money . Why do we why do we have terro to forceri that upon them . We that should be, to me,it u a no brainer. Yeah. Well, sean, you know that you cannot make a good deal with a bad actor, period. One of the things ive been saying since saturday is that je joe biden is complicit with attacks. Why . Because when you are weak, you invite. When you negotiate, give 6 billion to iran, who is 90 . The funding for hamas comes from iran. That those Breadcrumbsrumbs Ar are simple. It is impossiblee simple for thn person to come to any other conclusion. On to but In Washington dc, joen and his administration, they are uncommon and not in a good way. The challenges that we see today is that when you give 6 billion to people who fund terroris m, you cannot be surprised when they go and do what always have done. But i got to say this, john, was 6 billion is paid forst hostages. You haveages actually created a High Value Market for americans to be taken as hostages and we prayshould that they come home and we should do everything in our Powe Deverytr to brir to bring. But this administration has blood on their hands because they are complicit. We need to freeze those assets and send a message to the we st world that we stand shoulderan to shoulder with israel and there is no daylight. But if you tak. E an american hostage, it should cost you your lifelife. O ge well, let me ask you this. I tried to get Vivek Ramaswamy answer this question. Should the world now factor in . We keep getting Reportmaswamy Sr report after report that iran is on the verge of acquiringafte Nuclear Weapons. We know that their Nuclear Facilities are a very large geographically speaking, its a very large country. We knowvery the location of these Nuclear Facilities, we know many of them buried deep, deep underground. And for israel, take out their nuclear capability, they would probably need o us assistance in the form of our our Bunker Buster Bombstu that would prepare the way that would ultimately create an opening for them to those facilities. Should america take on that rolethose . Does the world need to deal rea with this reality that Thalityt Radical Mullahs in iran can never have Nuclear Weapons . That because there will be and that will be the real existential that joe biden denies . He said Even Nuclear War is in as dangerous as the existential threat of climate change. I mean, probably one of the dumbest things a u. S. President ever said. And they stood by it s week. But should we at least provide the Bunker Buster to israel if they decide that this is in their their survival interest, their national interests, to protect them and people in the region, should we provide those weapons . If youre president , would you provide them protect . Sean, we should listen to Prime Minister netanyahu and the h resources and the weaponry he needs. We should provide. S back but this story goes back to the Obama Administration, the jcpoa. That nuclear deal was th there. D and what happened right after the signing of the nuclearof deal . We saw iran literally testing mid range ballistic missiles. That was in violatio missiles,ne nuclear deal. So the one thing we know is that created a pathwa thing a nuclear bomb. Number two, we know that they have continued man advanced centrifuges trying to make sure that they have more advanced centrifuges for one purpose. From my perspective, that is a nuclear weapon. Number three, they have createdo not just a disruption, but they tried to annihilate, in myinionh opinion, through Funding Terrorism of to hamas. Theyre trying to annihilatejewi not just a jewish state, but if you understand hamass and their doctrine, their doctrine is not the eny ad of just the jewish state. It is the elimination of people on earth, giving o Benjamin Netanyahu the resources, resour the weaponry and our backing to finis weah the task at hand and watch them then thereafter turn their sights to all the supporters of againstt their state is exactly where i woule is exad stand as presid United States. We should Supporas Presidet Misl its over. You know, this is these are very important times to the world. We got to get weve got to get these things the right. At the very least, the Financial Support of iran, most of their money is coming from energy oil. T fo would it be smart for people in the middle east . Thy be smart for israel to take out their refineries, at least if they dont go as far as taking out the Nuclear Pability . Well, we should certainly seeshu a High Reaction to what has just happened in the middle east and having our alliese mid frankly, the Abraham Accords that we celebrate. Watching that Coalitio We N Come Together Is One of the reasons, in my opinion, when Saudi Arabiathe starts negotiatingat with israel to have a normalization of the relationships, you see iran and hamas Go Into Action to disrupt whats happening in a positive, constructive way for israel. So making sure that we attack the Energy Sector is anec important consideration. Tor is an one of the things iv sean, back in may, before all this happened, i had a bill di make sure that the sanctions on, the Energy Sector did not end in 2026. I will reintroduce that thought that that bill next to make sure that we get what i started in may finished. Nt the we shouldnt make permanent the sanctions against iran and their Energy Sector and whatever happens afterenergs that from a kinetic perspective may actually helkinetip us achie the goal of making sure that iran is never a nuclear power. All right. We appreciate your time. Our timeiate yout, president ial. We always appreciate you being on the show, sir. Thank you for being here. When Wg On Thewhen we come back, americans are being held hostage by hamas terrorists. G held his the Biden Administran what is their plan to bring our fellow americans . Get into that next. As we continue. Do you have Trouble Conversations . Are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves . Do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends . Then you would benefit from m. D. Hearing aids. Dont waste thousands of dollars on expensive aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. Right now can get two revolutionary m. D. Neo hearing aids regularly 999 for only 299 a pair. I feel that m. D. Hearing is a super by because for the price point, anyone can much afford it. Dont be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. The is a true hearing aid, not an amplifier. It has rechargeable that many customers say is superior to more expensive models. I think that the m. D. 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Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. And consider going to life fact that man. Together we can end school choking tragedies. Right by the way, we do have a crowd here tonight obviously because of the naturofe of our discussion. Theyve been quiet. Are we all having a good time . Thank you all fo thar coming. We a thank you for being here. We appreciate it. Pp i wish i wish we had better new news that we were discussing. The for all of you at home, thank you for being with us as well. Sadly, now we do knows. That at least 22 americans were killed in thiso americ hamas tet attack and many more are being held hostageg held in gaa right now as we speak. But what does joe, plan to get them home . He wont tell us literally. Take a look. Press are going to shout to me and many of yon u are that, you know, what are you doing to bring these get thesese folks home. If i told you, i wouldnt be able to get them homeif i b. Folks, theres a lot were doing a lot. Wer de doing. Given i have not given up hopeupe of bringing these folkofs. But the idea that im going to stand Here Beforehere B you l you what im doing is bizarre. I hope you understand how bizarre i think it would be to try to answer that questioe n. We do have one liberal in the audience. Is that the same president , your president neiden, that said he would never leave an american behind in afghanistan or would not abandon our allies, that that many of which been killed becausealli he abandoned them to behind enemy linees whos. Still have americans caught behind enemy lines. Anyway, how did this happen . W had it israels world renowned intelligence agencisd y, the god standard in the world, missed this attack . Well, the whitmie house wont answer that question either. Take a look, john. This was a massive intelligence failure. Who bears responsibility forimeh that . You know something, jackie . Theres going to come a time when its Appropriatere Fore us t us O Take A Look back retrospectively and seet su what the intel picture showed us or didnt show us. Whether theres any gapso be that need to be closed. Theres gonna be a time for that. And i suspece a time for that ii counterparts will do the same thing. Nows not that time. Expect our unterparits just n. Can you speak to the reports. That israel was warned by egyptp . I can hear now with reaction, author of the book strategy of denial. Elbridge colby is with us and fox news. Joey jones is with us all. Wi let me beginth t with yohiu. , to me, this is really crucial. This is very important. That one of the things that has been reported, but confirmedr and ive talked to a number of people is they believe the technologyof was used to bring down the defenses and warning capabilities that normally were up and running and thatrmally w ant have a full picture yet of exactly what happened. Have you heard the same thinhapd g . Yes, john, ive heard a bit of that. And iveheard a of also heard aa little bit of the opposite, which is kind of going back to the stone age the wag bs that hamas may have defeated Israeli Intelligence by not using telephones, by using very simple, anonymous tronicadapti methods and adapting to maybe kind of routinized ds israeli election collection methods, so much so that there are reporto that ts that even hs surprised at how successful theyve been. Yeah, lets get your take, joey jones. You know, certainly its to throw stones. We do know the capability of israelino. Again, they are the gold standard, like american intelligencthey ae. Theyre doing the right thing. Theres theres no better intelligence in the entiret tetp world. And yet this happened on a mass scale. I mean, weve got to get to the bottom of how it happened. And one of the things i think the worlds got to pay tattention is when we depend on so Much Technology and the ability of others to knock that technology out and downt dn and put down defenses that that is a big pardefensest of everyos defense strategy, isnt it . Yes. When we talk about what happened here, i mean, the the stor happenedy is and the video show, they came in on paragliders, low altitude, slow moving, big bulky things. I dont know if the iron domeis is geared to to pick upi Something Like that. I can tell you that to make a simple comparisocao maken thay be relevant. When we moved from iraq, where w they had iedm iraqs that used sr and different methods of triggering of triggering to afghanistan. The reason why afghanistan was more successful is the ieds were rudimentaryore successf the super simple. They were a loop circuit made ount circuitt of wood and carbos and copper wire. And the factrods was the simpler the ied, the more effective it was and the harder for our countermeasure wass and tooe to pick them up. And so maybe this is that case maybe the lack of technology and how they jumped over israel with these paragliders or why the iron dome didnt pick it up, i dont knowiders, signal technology used. But theres a difference between moving likute a rocket and moving like a cloud. Well, let me ask you this, elbridge , if you dont mind. D, w we know hamas hae kns threatened to assassinate hostages live on television. Im just a Firm Believer as you dont negotiate with terrorists. It is as that is. Tha and some people might say, sean hannityt is, what if its t son, what if it is your daughter . Would you feel the same wahe wa i just dont feel it in the long run ever goinn g to be anse effective. So the answer is, unfortunately, i dont believers rroris you can negotiate with terrorists. I think once they take people hostagets. I thin, theyrg to threatening you that theyre going to assassinate them on live t tov. Thatknow, is that an effort to intimidate israel into responding with this Ground Incursion that is imminent . Ll, i think clearly and i thin ik your perspectiveve is prudent, sean, because clearly weve seen that happen in last generation or two. And, look, i think the United States does need to and avidly back israel even as its going to get politically tough. They have to restore deterrence. Look, this is righa this is a mt society with a small professional military, verar y large reliance on reservists. They face multiple potential fronts. Theyt sustain years and years of conflict like this. They really have send a message just rationally. And this is what Prime Minister netanyahu and the Israeli Government have been signaling is, you know, hamas is going to be destroyedgnalingt is going to be a very clear example that you cannot treat israel likt treat e that. I think its really important for the United States to back it, even though its going to be politically difficul t, not, of course, send like secretary blinken did. Oh, you know, immediately they need to back down or that sort of thing, because this is and its going to be really, really tough and right now, theres a lot of high emotion and sympathy for israel. High emotion sympathybut that c. So i think its important for us to sustain itk its i. By the way, let me tellou you what youre seeing on your screen. We now have reports tha and confirmation of explosions that have been seen in gaza just within the last about 90 seconds. So the ongoing air assault by israel continues, obviously in a lead up to what will be a Ground Incursion as the grr hundredove thousand israeli troops now staging and gathering for what seems to be imminent. Let me ask you this, joey jones. I always want to have hope. I believ wan he miracles. I believe in god. I believe in all of the above. Be e i just when youre dealing with the level of evil that we have been discussingwith theel again, people that are willing to decapitate and kill and murder children, i dont i of hope. My own if it was my own family member. My heart, my intellect, soul, my mind, my soul, i would not have a lot of hope knowing the evil that were dealing with here. But with that said, i do havehae a lot of faith, trust in the training a f of our special for. Israeli Special Forces. Be i and my hope would be if we can u locate whereld they are and give them a shot, they might have the ability to pull out. That would be that would be amazing if that Something Like that could happen be amaz. I w yes. And ill telill you, i kind of deter from me a little bit on your opening criticism of president from biden. I dont like the way he delivered a message. He talks about he useslike t thd bizarre, like thats some great way of communicating. But i dont expectd bi presidenr let us know if our mos mt elite teamars about to go do somethin. I think its important that we have an indication iindd us troops will be on the ground in gaza because that has larger implications. But there are really two missions going on here,d sa sean. Benjamin netanyahu didnt stand there and say, were going to get all of our hostages back. Alhe stoodback there and said, g going to destroy isis and eradicate, i believeisis and he said the nicest but hamas and eradicate, i believe he said these animals. Missi israels mission right now is to make sure this never happenon this. Hes m i dont know if hes made the calculation that he can get those hostagesad n th through diplomacy or if hes made the calculation that getting them back is almosacy ort fool errand. But our president , our president should be almost singularly focused on getting the americans that arehe heldan hostage on first and foremost, that should be his that is his responsibilityrade, shouldgn be his focus. And im going to give him the days that we need to seeg i. Poken that is true. Ill tell you, ive spoken to ao couple of men that serven thd on elite teams, Seal Team Six for one of them. And the consensu e consens, theres no good plan here. Theres no great plan. Theres there are plans that that will be very difficult. Yeah. All right. We appreciate both of you forou being with us. Thank you both. Both. All. When we come back, our very own tray yanks visit an israeli home attacked by hamas. Were going to show you the horrific scene and get reaction from israels acting general counsel as we continue. Thank you for being with us. Boy, do i get bad press. The six part story only fox nation can tell. Go into new york to expand that fathers empire. He went in to build his. 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Watch this reporarict. Hing it is the most horrific thing i have ever seen. Fo is a community where there are breakfast plates outod with food still on them, on dining room tables. There are refrigeratedroom ers e you would see anywhere in the world with pictures of little kids playing. There are bicycles and still ceiling fans going inside the house and there are beds soaked with blood. The floor of that kitchen, ere aroaked wi, there are weapov laying everywhere from those militants. You can see some oerywhefr bill their vehicles just outside. It is a house of horror behind. And the entire neighborhood looks like this. To give you a quick number e, t about how many people live here, there are a thousand residents that were living kibbutz beri before this horrific terror attack on saturday morning. More than 100 of them were killed, many children among the dead and. Their pictures are still on the refrigerator in the in then the house. Y, all right. By the way, we offer our condolences and support tonighnight int, the wake of thi horrific attacks. Joining us now in studio is the counsel general. I think thats live audio w that were hearing. That is gaza , right now under attack. Weve been seeing flashes within the last 10 minutes or so. Now you can actually hear the explosions going off. E this has been going on about this time of of morning for the last couple of nights. And inht the course of the 2 hours we did last night on this show, literall shoy hund and 50 flights with war jets went over gaza sent by israel, obviously preparing way for potential for their obvious imminent ground battle respo response, reaction to the terror. Anyway, the generans to the hl though of israel is zar is with us, sir, how are you . You can hear this i assume i can hear. And israels obviously. M ive never seen the Prime Minister this resolutein. This Prime Minister is somebody that i believe has moral clarity. Means whats what he says. Look, sean, this is our september 11th. Were fighting with an enemy that is worse than isis. Is youve all seen the pictures. V children have been kidnapped. Women have been assaulteen kidnd and taken into gaza. Elderly holocaust were again hostages. Were facingt su with a brutalln and barbaric enemy. And we must make sure that we eradicate that. We eliminate its ability to escape capabilities to ever again commit such atrocities. I want to explainto to people. Ive reporte explaind from isral a number of times, and i was there duringd one flare up and i was in the neighboring border town of gaza. So if i say it correctly. Th right, i donte have the quite accent. Little new york behind mine. But i was there and i want all of you to really understand this. And because its suc yh a shame its in such close proximity. And you can see just yoook with the naked eye, you can see gaza. Right. And ife ga they fire a rocket ts this border town, which also was attacked when these 5000 rockets were fired, that children have to play in underground bunke, thr playgrounds, because by the time the rockets fired, its onl ty 15 seconds until it lands in that town. And i went to the policee level station and you could see the level of sophisticatedd, hom and how how much more sophisticated and how so. They got over time, the rockets were bigger and bigger. The nighre biggert before we ar. One of the a kibbutz which is a neighborhood in israel, had been hit with multiple rockets. And you see the shrapnel, the glass, the nails for, human damage. Damageand i saw that we had sto at a restaurant. One day. We went back the next day. An and in that parking lod int were bombed out cars that had been there from the day before. H ev they live with that every day. And i would ask people, why doey you stay her thee . And you know what their answer was. Its my home. Its our homer is its my hoe. Were fighting for our own existence here. But we are strone g. We were united, and we will prevail. And we have to make sure that what we saw, what you saw,h what you saw, the images coming from israerol the last weekl nee that will never reoccur again. R and as you as you mentioned, e the things theyre doing, were dealing with a ruthless,nemy barbaric enemy with whatsoever, no matter this in terms of israels response, we see devastating air power and the are obviously severe and theyve been warning civilians, get out severe or you will die. Theyre telling everybody theyg, telling innocent people, get out of the e i dont thinkdont that gaza exists by the endth of this war. Esembles anything that resembles gaza prior to this existsior to , wee going to have we are having and determined response to the atrocities that weve seen. But we have to make sure to avoid collateral. You cant. We are not. Ges their animals. Theyre animals. So youre trying to avoid itt by warning innocent people. Get out now. Get out now or you wilgel die is a pretty clear message. Let me ask you this. Does the outcome pretty does tl of this military, this imminent military action, does the goal of this have to be that hamass can no longer ever operate out of gaza again . We have to make sure that not only they will losebut al their capabilities, but also their will, their motivationso to do this kind of. But it does have to end s with israe dl ensuring that ham can never act from gaza. Yes, that means gaza will be. Obliterated. Rily not necessarily. Its going to take time. And with the desired and determined response from us. And agaifromn, we are not them. We are not animals like them. Thm , we will avoid as much as possible from Collateral Damage. We dont like they are putting their wealth as Human Shields. Fire the vessels fromtheir hospitals. They fire the missiles from schools. They usehouse, hostages. Thats why this war is so complicate. D. Now, let me tell you. Make no mistake, because when toe when the we to win and then we are going to see the Public Opinion turns against israel, we are going to see some reports that are changing and then were going to need you. Were going to need you to speak up and to stand for israel when the victims become victors. I woule d give israel this bitt of advice, not that they would ofy. Y,sten to sean hannit i would say, you know, public support, world support g is behind you to get in there as quickly as you caetn, but youve got to do it on your timeline. Probably the whole place is trappe timed, are probably iedsca planted everywhere. So theyve got to be careful. No but whatever theyre going to do and whatever their ultimate military goal, is, accomplish it expeditiously, not slowly, over time, not a long, protracted conflict and public will stay with them. Thank you for being with us. Thank you very much. Appreciate tha. 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Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. All 50 states. Weve got a problem. Global Lyme Alliance has a plan. They have hope. They have help. All right. We talke d about this with cornel west and Alan Dershowitz in the last hour. Antisemitism on the rise in academia following the brutal hamas terrork of attacks. A network of antiisraeli groups called students for justic antie in palestine is nw plotting what they call a day of resistance in support of the terrorists and hamas. Hama happening on campuses across our great country. And get this one Student Group t at the university of washington reportedly honoredheiversity whe called the, quote, martyrs of palestine. Meanwhile, on sunday, prohamas protesters gathered kirkland, washington to celebrate hamass brutality in. Re wit israel. It was a reaction radio talk show host. Our friend jason rantsh on and d other friend, fox business cohost brian greenberg. Lebrian,brian, you know, i can believe we have people chanting, you know, gas the f the. And in australia, i canti can believe what we witnessed in london. I cant e whatt believe whats n happening in the streets of new york city. Well, wee street are. And how widespread thisuniver is in universities across the country. Well, thats the thing. You cant believsiy. E it on one hand. But then when you know whats been going on at colleges an, you know,l s the moral relativism, you know, the vacuum that create yousd yo you know, the extremeu e ideologies that creep into that the facultyideolo who wont stand up to their students, the administrators who wont stand updents, t to faculty. Its a series of effects that goes back decade aids. And the result is these moments where Student Groups who are pro murderous regimes runinst institution and theres no adult around to stopitere is thi thats where we are right now. And sadly, it shouldnt be agh surprise and. Decade taxpayers for decades have paying for this by subsidizing these publicly funde bd and universities. Jason, i know you do a lotiversi of wori k and youve youve bee in these environments where there really is an Academic Freedom and the Free Exchange of thoughts and differences and ideals of th. So we just had cornell west debating Alan Dershowitz in the the hour. Great debate. I argue and i have offeredlast moderate. They both agreed a debate about this verbout thiy issue ot is being said and what is tolerated d on campuses. The rant, the virulent antisemitism. And ill bet you any amount of money harvard wont let that debate takey place orudens students will stop that debate from taking place. Thoughts wt te yeah, i think youre 100 correct. And its rather ironic because these are the folks who tell us that words are violence ard yet decapitating babies and women and setting elderlye on fire is somehow justified all while at these that are not propalestinian. They are hamas rallies and they say that its justified. Well, screaming out from the rive stifier to the sea, whicht to means they want to erase israel. Now, i covered one of these rallies this week, the one you mentioned, and kirkland, washington, and theyre chanting kirkw their hatooe. And its absolutely terrifying because understand that thesng e are our neighbors. Theyre our dentists and accountants and, teachers, and they hate. And that includes american. They think that terrorists are resistance the and that maks these people a threat to folks like me, to folks like brian, to folks like so many others in this. Would what do you think they would do to me as a with pride ifme they saw me with my starecklac of david necklace on . I was absolutelye on terrified and disgusted. And yet i see these t people there with theiher green hair, these nonbinary folks who, if they went to gaza and said, please refer to me bir by they well, theyd be thrownod from the highest rooftop. Wow. Jason, thankroofto you. Appreciate it. Brian, good to see you. By the way, i hope your special went well. It did. It was awesome. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Well have more. Hannity coming up as we continue ahead right after this brea thank ywe wilnnity coming brea thank ywe wilnnity coming attention hearing sufferers. Do you struggle, hearing loved ones . Do you have trouble keeping up do you have trouble keeping up with conversatio you miss oone. Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss affect your lif ae you miss out on important moments. You feel alone. To p start hearing better today with arceus. All new advanceday hearing aids. These arent cheap amplifiers that dont really work. And youll never have to payhoi thousands again. Thousands again. The fda now allowsof, true high quality hearing aids direct to you through rc 1aecia, hearing america program. Ri ce,e of two state of the art ultra discreet hearing aids listed at 1199. 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