Big guy long suspected to have been v. P. Joe biden was selling the biden brand. Archer told members of the House Oversight committee yesterday that the then Vice President biden was on the speakerphone during more than 20 business calls. And he attended business dinners. He says if not for the biden brand, it would have been the end of burisma. Archer also told lawmakers when the Ukrainian Energy Company Burisma got into trouble, hunter or burisma executives just called d. C. To get the prosecutor looking into the firm fired. Republicans are saying the proof is right in front of you. The brand was totally joe biden. The guy with the power and connections in d. C. We saw joe biden has lied to the American People. He knew exactly who his son was getting those millions of dollars from. The more stones we overturn the more scandals we uncover. Do you think the president of the United States is compromised . Based on archers testimony . I think so. Harris one democrat brushed it all off. There were niceties and hello and talked about the weather or whatever it was. Never any business. Harris in focus pat fall on. Republican of texas. Chad pergram for the latest on capitol hill. Chad, we should be just a couple of days away from the transcript so everybody can see what happened in that interview. Thats right, harris. And who do you believe after yesterdays multihour transcribed interview . Democrats and republicans are polar opposites on this. Republicans suspect the worst. That plea deal was designed to cover up the web of corruption surrounding joe biden and his family. This is the Biden Administration and his hit man Merrick Garland and jack smith going after their political rival and they dont like it because it stinks of twotier justice. This is unamerican. We dont do this in our country. It happens in third world country and it is wrong for our country. Bill they believe the archer interview draws a Straight Line from hunter biden to Business Dealings and directly to the president. Republicans accuse the d. O. J. Of trying to keep archer from appearing. On saturday the prosecutor responsible for archers criminal case wrote a letter asking a judge to set a date for him to report to jail. Archer was convicted of defrauding native american tribes. So look, President Biden is engulfed in a lot of smoke, right . Where there is smoke there is fire. It appears that he has lit himself ablaze in an inferno of lies and testimony that points to corruption at the very highest level. Some gop members are am plea filing their calls for impeachment. Andy biggs of arizona was in the room. Biggs believe the president is compromised. Democrats say no way. I think that is completely absurd and i have no idea where he finds any facts or evidence to support that. So i have a lot of respect for Congressman Biggs but thats just a flat out lie. The white house says republicans keep promising to deliver Bombshell Evidence but continue to come up short. The next thing to look for is the transcript of archers interview. Harris. Harris chad, thank you for getting us started. So many Opinion Pieces on this. Many of them raising troubling questions particularly about influence peddling. A couple of examples. Devon archer revealed exactly what hunter was selling, joe biden. And the biden brand. In focus now republican congressman of texas member of the House Oversight committee. Great to see you. Im wondering if anybody asked the followup about those phone calls. How is it even possible that the president would not have been told either before or after who was on that line . National security rests on his shoulders as a former Vice President to protect the rest of us from who might be on there and he had to have known his name was in play. Hunter told us that in the 2019 interview with abc news. You know what, harris, it is obvious that joe biden knew exactly what his son was doing. He lied to you and me and 300 million other people by saying he had no idea what his son was doing. We know for sure thats false now. He hosted hunter evas Business Associates and gave them tours and played golf and ate dinner with them and on 20 different Conference Calls and wrote a letter of recommendation for one of their children. Why did he lie . The troubling aspect of archers testimony. Archer and hunter were on the board of burisma. It was being investigated for corruption. In december of 2015, obamas appointed ukrainian ambassador, said the head of burisma was a poster child for corruption. Why in the world would then hunter is on a Conference Call with him during his Board Meeting saying dad, they need our support. He flew to ukraine three dates later and got the prosecutor fired. Tell me what it looks like. Harris it happened on national television. Everybody got to see it at the time but he was going to hold up aid money until they fired that prosecutor. Also, critics are not buying democrats nice defense. Goldman as comments were ridiculous. What do you think hunter wanted him on the phone for . Remember, my dad is the Vice President of the United States. Im a big dog, he is a big dog, do business with us. Thats what it was all about. Amazing to look at the extent that goldman will refuse to recognize any of this. You could have a picture of President Biden actually burying mountains of gold and they would say he was simply doing guardening. Harris no, joe biden was not discussing the weather. The idea that v. P. Biden helped his son play big shot and did nothing more than chitchat is absurd. Congressman, your reaction. It is absolutely absurd. Shokin was the Prosecutor General in ukraine who joe biden got fired withholding A Billion Dollars of aid. He was going after shokin. That billion dollars was released. It is a smoking gun. So many folks can read the 1023 f. B. I. Form where the ukrainian gave hunter 5 million and joe 5 million. Phone calls with joe biden. He would get the prosecutor after their back. He did. Harris, to this day burisma was never investigated again. The bidens delivered. Harris thats shady in itself. Ive often wondered how it works command and control in the nation of ukraine. At least back then, maybe today. How cozy would a company like burisma have been with the government . The reason i ask that is, of course, were back stopping them in a war against russia right now. And ill just say the quiet part joust loud. Nobody wants to ask the questions. Is that part of why they couldnt get into nato eight tore ten years ago . Thats a great question. Is joe biden supporting ukraine because of the United States best interest or supporting them because he is compromised . Thats a very important question. This is surreal like a bad novel quite frankly, harris. We dont know. Ukraine has a problem with corruption. The russian influence. Oligarchy, etc. To have his son be on the board and then to get the prosecutor fired because he is investigating basically his sons company in and of itself has a perception and sometimes thats reality. He should have been nowhere near that. Instead he was right in the thick of it. Harris look, i have had a lot of generals tell me had we gotten into that war early on it would never have gone all the hundreds of days into this. So there are a lot of questions about the strategy that joe biden used and what im asking about is the impetus for that strategy. Where was it . Are we first . Is americas Security First . Shock waves rumbling after Hunter Bidens Sweetheart Plea Deal blew up in a Delaware Courtroom last week. We have learned much more about the bidens foreign ties since that original deal was inked. Three Top Republicans are asking attorney general Merrick Garland for details on how exactly the atypical plea deal happened in the first place. One of them is House Judiciary chairman jim jordan. God bless this judge last week who asked the right questions. She said has this kind of agreement is this unprecedented . The answer was yes, it is. Yes, its never happened before. That demonstrates how the Justice Department has been frankly turned against the American People and not applying the law in an equal manner like they are supposed to in our great country. Harris the daily mail is reporting on hunters laundry list of foreign include violations that span china, russia, ukraine, and other latin american countries. The law he may have violated is fara to limit foreign influence on u. S. Officials. Of course, as you said, it makes them, well, maybe capitulate to what could go on. Is it bribery . We dont know. You know what . He never registered and he was trying to get a person a visa. He moved Heaven And Earth to try to do that. He was again never registered. Also about the Sweetheart Plea Deal. When we have i. R. S. Whistleblowers come in it was unprecedented. They could park outside his house but not initiate contact and couldnt interview them. Zieglers red line was he wanted to get a search unit for Hunter Bidens storage and leslie wolf tipped off Hunter Bidens lawyers. What is going on here . In the 27 years those gentlemen served as agents of the i. R. S. They had never seen anything like that before. Harris Sweetheart Plea Deal and sweetheart life. Congressman, thank you very much. Great to have you in focus. Thanks. Harris President Biden with quite a few new claiming when it comes to his global leadership. Queue the nato summit gaffe reel. More new polling what a trumpBiden Rematch would look like now if we choose trump as the nominee democrats will have an opportunity to not have a trumpbiden but someone else versus trump. This is not just delivery. This is knowing even superheroes. Can use a sidekick. Walgreens. This is not just a pharmacy. This is living the care in healthcare. Walgreens. Are you a veteran, own a home and need money for your family . Newday usa can help. Veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the Va Home Loan Benefit is a big one. By using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100 of your homes value and take out an average of 70,000. Use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. Harris a brand new New York Times poll of the 2024 Election Cycle shows biden and trump in a dead heat if the election were held today. President biden, former President Trump each have 43 . The remaining 14 , some are saying they could vote for a third party, maybe theyll just sit home and not vote at all. Despite the headtohead tie, there are still warning signs for President Biden. The poll finds his Approval Rating at just 39 . Look at that. Look how many people disapprove of him and his job performance. Trumps republican rivals with warnings of their own. Here is Florida Governor ron desantis. To clarify you dont believe that former President Trump could win a General Election against joe biden. I dont think so. I think there are too many voters who just arent going to vote for him going forward. The polls that come out that put i beat biden in georgia, trump doesnt. I beat Biden Soundly in arizona. Trump doesnt. Those are just the realities. Harris morgan has a new piece titled wake up, america. A trump Biden Rematch in 2024 will be criminal. Our power panel is here. Good to see you both. David, i will start with you. First of all your quick thoughts on what piers morgan just said and overall the statistical tie. We have known since last year this would be a close race between these two nominees. Ultimately i would say, harris, any republican nominee is going to make this a very close race because you just showed the stat. The president s disApproval Rating is so high. But break that down by state. In 40 of the 50 states, joe biden has more people disliking his policies than liking his policies. Thats not just republican states. Biden has work to do in democratic states right now and it gives republicans a great opportunity as we present how we would make healthcare better, how we would give parents more choices in education, what we would do to bring down the cost of everyday goods. We have a great opportunity here with a very weakened president elect. Harris this is the second look at the polls. What is your take where biden sits at 43 against trump . People had said no, no, one would be so much better than the other and thats why they put biden in. What happened . You know, im with david on this. It will always be a close election. You look at 2016, 2020. A Couple Tens Of Thousands of votes in a few states and the other party was going to win the electoral college. Were a very divided countries. We retreat to our camps closer to the election. A few Key Takeaways in the New York Times poll. The president leads with independents, seniors and young people. Key constituents he won by large margins in 2020 helping him beat the incumbent president. The other key indicator is right track, wrong track. Were still underwater as a country but a double digit increase in a same poll a year ago. As people feel better about the economy, you see Consumer Confidence up and inflation down, i think the numbers will improve for President Biden. Harris i want to press in on that. You still have more than half the country who thinks were going in the wrong direction. It ticked back from 80 . Were still underwater but moving in the right direction. Harris it is a hard number to move now that you are deeper into primary season. As we look at this, david, i wonder what are people really going to vote about besides the economy this time . Your quick take on voters you talked with. Who will make their life easier, safer, better . Who has the ideas to help their economic and personal security which is what every election is about, harris. Harris all right. The New York Times poll shows half of registered democrat voters would like to see a nominee other than biden. Anybody but biden. Thats down from 64 in the same poll over last summer. So what do you think is going on there among democrats . Once again you have a Kennedy Running to take on an incumbent president. Whether it be Teddy Kennedy who ran against jimmy carter and now you have his son going after President Biden. You have this displeasure in the democratic field with the president. Unfortunately fortunately for biden there isnt a more credible democrat running against him given his weak numbers and it also goes to why this president is in such trouble. You have a Cornel West Push from the left. No labels looking to put someone in and why you now have active democratic groups doing what they can to keep no labels off the ballot to keep votes going away from biden. Harris dont take away from marian williamson. You are doing some damage on the left. Such a fascinating comparison. Teddy kennedy versus carter, we havent seen the lowest numbers weve seen since carter. Joe biden has those now and now rfk junior against biden. Kevin, history and the present. Your take . It may repeat itself. The president has a strong Approval Rating with democrats. High 70s. We have a lot of work to do. We have 14 months before this election. In that New York Times poll the president is leading with independents. A key constituents. Young people and africanamerican. Core democratic group. The Vice President is speaking to these groups every day or every other day. The president will do the same thing. We have a lot of field left to contend this election certainly. Harris you sneaked in africanamerican votes. I want to point out they have slid mightily for support for President Biden this time around. Were working on that, too. Harris good to see you both. Thank you. Tomorrow 2024 president ial candidate and Florida Governor ron desantis will join me in focus. You dont want to miss that. I have some questions lined up. It is going to be good. Bidens Climate Envoy known for flying private is hearing it from critics once again. Oh, john kerry, what he said about farming in america that is stirring outrage. He got off the plane and stepped in it. And archer who . Some media out lets playing defense or biden at worst, Operation Ignore at best. Jason chaffetz next. He has to take steps to protect himself, to protect the presidency and protect the office. He is the one who should be holding his feet to the fire and we havent seen the Mainstream Media do that. Just the three of us girls. I never thought twice about feeding her kibble. But about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. She was always out of breath. Thats when i decided to introduce the farmers dog to her diet. Its just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. Now shes a lot more active, shes able to join us on our adventures. And were all able to do things as a family. Get started at betterforthem. Com vo Verizon Small Business days are coming. From august 7th to the 13th. Now is the time to partner with our experts. Get started today with verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. Veteran homeowners to combat todays rising prices. 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If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga harris oh, its an echo chamber. Lib liberal media and white house down playing devon archers claims as well as the other scandals. This is all about whether or not republicans can find any evidence, which they have yet to put forward, of their repeated accusation that the president , joe biden, had knowledge of or a connection to Hunter Bidens Business Dealings in ukraine and china. The allegation is has any of them once provided evidence of what they are claiming . Well not anything other than circumstantial evidence. The question is will that could ob rate the claims and the credibility of this witness . They will make the accusation. They will accuse him of all sorts of stuff. They may have an information eco system. Harris i almost thought they were talking about what they did to donald trump. Doesnt it sound like that . Analysis by the conservative Media Research center shows when devon archer was meeting with lawmakers yesterday, cnn and msnbc instead flooded the airwaves the donald trump news. Of course, they are so focused on him. Between 6 00 and 4 00 p. M. Eastern they made 759 mentions of trump. Mentions of devon archer in all of his words against the bidens during that same time period, the mentions were 48. Jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, former utah congressman. What do you make of it . The contortions the liberal left goes through there is no evidence. There is voice mails, eyewitness accounts, there are emails. Audio recordings. There is a flowing of millions of dollars and we havent even talked about some of the other things recently like jeff cooper, Hunter Bidens business partner, hunter and jeff cooper Go On Air Force two with joe biden to mexico to close a deal. Talk about a lack no evidence, are you kidding me . Why was he on Air Force Two . How about louie free putting 1 Hundred Thousand into joe bidens grandkids bank account for the reference they got at the Department Of Justice to influence things in romania . Those people are not journalists. They arent being honest. They arent laying it out there and it is so fundamentally wrong. Boy, will they be shocked it is so frustrating why america is so mad at the traditional media. Harris im waiting for all of them in concert to not just mention there actually was a hunter biden laptop with a trove of information on it, but actually apologize for misleading and lying to the public. Because they were complicit in that and they knew it. All right. Lets move. Farmers are quite angry today and really hurting over a clip circulating online of climate czar john kerry laying out how he wants to achieve net 0 emissions. Agriculture contributes 33 of all the emissions of the world depending on how you count it. Anywhere from 26 to 33 and we cant get to net 0. We dont get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. You just cant continue to both warm the planet while also expecting to feed it. It doesnt work. We have to reduce emissions from the food system. Harris wow. Senator ted cruz fired back just hypocritical dems wanting to bankrupt every farmer in america. Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey saying i will not stand idly by while the Biden Administration vows to destroy american agriculture. Podcast host. These psychos are willing to starve millions of people to get to net 0. And now banning the sail of all new incandescent bulbs in favor of energyfriendly alternatives. They are pushing us and not talking about what it takes to take many of these going. More electric vehicles on the grid, it will pump up the usage and our needs on the grid up to 50 . By the way, those incadsents that people arent going to buy will cost them more to destroy them and take them out of circulation. That gets passed on to us, the consumer. They never explain the economics of it. What it will truly do to the climate. They started with global warming. Then they are trying to say its climate change. Remember, this is the same john kerry who told us there would be no ice in the arctic and there really is ice in the arctic. You look at the Wall Street Journal editorial that just came out talking about how forest fires are down. But the big question there for joe biden is why does he want to kill all these cows . If you go after agriculture, really what he is saying he doesnt want the from the cows used in the ag industry for Dairy Farmers and meat producers. You will kill those cows, is that how to prevent them from putting out methane . We cant believe a single thing you say, joe. You are empowered by joe biden and Kamala Harris and john kerry i should have said. I just he makes no sense. Yet he is empowered by Kamala Harris and joe biden and nobody gets it. Harris he married the Heinz Ketchup heir. A lot of people use ketchup on their red meat. President biden making bold claims talking about his World Leadership. President biden i get credit for these days for sort of holding the International Community together. I try to understand what the circumstance the other world leader is facing. I will say to a leader sometimes, why dont you let me criticize you for this or thank you for that . Theyll go okay. Or why dont you criticize me, ill respond and say okay, then you can do what you want to do. It is basic human nature. Harris hum. A couple of weeks ago the New York Post Editorial Board with this. Joe Bidens National lampoon summit adventure and thats just the tip of gasburg. Here is more. President biden brought israelis and palestinians together at a political level. I applaud china for i applaud canada you can tell what im thinking about china. Wont get into that yet. One of these guys right here was the hell of a rugby player and beat the hell out of the black and tans. Harris jason. He has been so weak, so feeble and embarrassing. When the leaders were together there was supposed to be a dinner. He couldnt attend the dinner. Didnt have the energy to do it. Im glad he thinks that he is holding the world together. We are the world super power. The way he handled it is embarrassing. Whats happening he is handing out by the tens of billions of dollars to ukraine and people all over the world. Of course people will pat him on the back and say that a boy, joe, we love you because he hands out so much money to these foreign leaders. They bail him out. He is bailing out all these other countries. I dont think our enemies fear us and i dont believe that our allies respect us at this point. Harris quickly because i want to try to understand what was going on with the podcast. Was the president saying he rehearses with other World Leaders . Ive never read that before. Maybe it happens. What was that . Its the first time i had seen that clip. I think you are right. He is telling us behind the scenes it is all choreographed. You criticize me and ill respond. Thats kind of bizarre. I would love to learn more about that. Joe has a tendency to say some of the quiet parts out loud but if thats the way he is doing diplomacy, how is that in our best interest . Harris great question. Jason chaffetz, thank you very much. The Suspected Gilgo Beach Serial Killer is due back in court today and his wife has broken her silence on what this case has done to their family. Plus oklahomas governor signing a womens bill of rights into law today with former ncaa swimmer riley gaines. Yes for the women and yes for the girls. Next theyre both in focus. Why didnt we do this last year . Before you were preventing migraine with qulipta® . Remember the pain . Cancelled plans . The worry . That was then. And look at me now. 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Before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. I would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. Now my stomach is flat. Im happy with how golo has made me look, but whats more important is how i feel. I feel like i can walk the runway. I justi want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. Harris the Suspected Gilgo Beach Serial Killer back in court just hours from now and it has been more than two weeks since rex heuermanns pleaded not guilty to the murders of three women and during that time investigators turned his long island home upside down searching for evidence. New photographs from inside heuermanns home. His wife who recently filed for divorce says it is a wreck. She doesnt even have a bed to sleep in. She also described the terrible toll it is taking on her family. Quote, i woke up in the middle of the night shivering, anxiety, my children cry themselves to sleep. Bryan llenas is live on long island in riverhead, new york. Bryan. Good afternoon. While rex heuermanns family says that they are distraught and in complete shock over his arrest heuermann himself has been sitting in a jail for over the last two weeks where according to the sheriff he seems very comfortable but is on suicide watch. Today heuermann will be walked through a secure area from this jail directly to the courthouse for a preliminary hearing at 2 00 p. M. Today and appear before the judge presiding over his trial for the first time. The Suffolk County District Attorney says the appearance wont take long and ordinarily defendants dont speak. He pleaded not guilty for the murders of three women. His wife, who has filed for divorce, reportedly says she has anxiety and the ordeal is especially hard on their special needs adult son. The wifes Attorney Says investigators tore through the family home. It was traumatic. To leave a house in one state and return to have everything from couches cut open to bathtubs sliced apart to walls broken into. New photos obtained by the New York Post show the inside of the heuermann family home after police searched the property for 12 days. Boxes and personal belongings thrown all over the place. A source tells fox news officials believe at least one of the victims was killed inside the home. Investigators dug up the backyard and didnt find human remains but took out many boxes of evidence. The lawyer says she hasnt been asked to testify against her husband. Prosecutors say she was not in town during the disappearance of at least three of the women that her husband is accused of killing. Harris. Harris bryan, thank you. The State Department has issued a level four travel advisory for haiti after a nurse from New Hampshire and her young daughter were kidnapped near the capital city on thursday. Molly line with the story. Its been five days since she mentioned, originally from New Hampshire, and her young daughter were kidnapped from the campus of the nonprofit where she worked as a nurse. Elroy haiti is the name of the organization working with authorities in the u. S. And haitian authorities as well to secure the release of this mother and child. She joined the staff in 2020 and married the organizations Ministry Director in 2021. She first traveled to the country in the wake of the devastating earthquake making repeated selffunded trips in the years that followed. Elroy writes she lived in haiti for multiple years showing love and care before coming on staff for us. Halls had a heart for the hurting since she was a child. She seeks people out to show them love and compassion and no one is excluded from receiving her kindness. A man runs a nonprofit in the country whose daughter was killed in the earths quake. To get from point a to b you are risking your lives. It is a living hell on earth. The state Department Warns kidnapping is widespread and victims regularly include u. S. Citizens. One of the state Department Spokesperson yesterday. American citizens overseas is our highest priority. We are in regular contact with the haitian authorities and continue to work with them. The work to secure her release is ongoing. Not a lot of details that have been released thus far as to where she is or as to whether or not a Ransom Demand has been made. Harris. Harris molly line, thank you. They dont want to recognize the important distinction of biological womanhood. Today were taking a stand against this Out Of Control gender ideology that is eroding the very foundation of our society. Harris they will not give up on this fight for women. The governor of oklahoma just a few minutes ago signed the States Womens bill of rights into law. It uses biology as the only basis to define gender. It makes all references to women and laws refer only to those female at birth and also protects single sex spaces important for safety and privacy including rape crisis and Domestic Violence shelters, locker rooms and sororities. Some democrats fought to block this law. One says it divides and excludes already marginalized individuals. What were fighting against is home grown bigotry in the place of policies. The governor was joined today by riley gaines, advisor to independent womens voice. Big smiles i see particularly on your face, riley. I want to ask you, what does this mean today . This is so exciting. This is a day i have anticipated for months now. Working alongside them to get this through. It is huge. This sends a message. This is protecting women and girls in oklahoma but sends a message to governors across the country to follow suit and take action to protect women and girls. Im certain that more will follow the leadership of the governor here in doing so. Harris tell me about the road to get to where you are. What is at stake right now that you felt like you had to do this today . Here is the deal. By defining what a woman is, its weird to say we have to do this in todays age. When i saw what was happening in other states, biological males being put into womens prisons, womens shelters, womens locker rooms, thats nonsense. I have so many girls calling me and thanking me for taking a stand. I signed the save women in sports bill. Im such a fan of riley and all she is doing. But to us its common sense that we have to do this to define what a woman is, to protect women. 50 years ago title ix was signed. Now it feels like the left is trying to erode that. Harris it is like they are trying to edit it and not getting our permission as women to be at the table to have that discussion. Last week, riley, i know you know her, we heard emotional congressional testimony from former u penn swimmer Paula Scanlon being forced to share the locker room with lia thomas. My teammates and i were forced to undress in the presence of Lia Fully Enact Of Male Genitalia 18 Times a week. We were expected to move over and shut up. I know women with sexual trauma adversely impacted by having biological males in the locker room without their consent. I know this because i am one of these women. Harris governor, this is something your law would prevent, right . Thats exactly right. Our heart breaks for that. I have three daughters, my wife and i have been married for 25 years. I did this for them and i did it for riley gaines, i did it for all the young girls in the state of oklahoma that its just absolutely wrong for them to be forced to change and undress in what should be a safe locker room as they are competing. Forget the fact they are having to compete against a biological male but to change the locker room . Its craziness. It wont happen in oklahoma. Harris riley, we know from Paula Scanlon and we know from you and others that the answer back from the adults at these universities which you guys go get some counseling if you cant handle standing next to the guy and his junk in the locker room. The amount of Emotional Blackmail that our universities this is bigger than universities that we see in academia and Corporate America and media. The amount of Emotional Blackmail they put us through to keep us silent. It was effective. They told us we would be murderser because we would be complicit in potential death. It feels as if and seems as if ive been one of the few voices fighting for this. Let me tell you, what happened to us, paula and myself and females from ncaa championships is not unique. The conversations that i had with those girls on that pool deck with girls, parents, coaches, medical professionals across the country, they feel the exact same way i do. It is not because they are a republican. It is because they have common sense. Harris they dangled in front of you that your future would be determined by the decisions that you were necessarily making to protect yourself. Thats Emotional Blackmail. Governor, quickly ten seconds here. What happens if institutions break the law . Well, my Executive Order is for allstate agencies. I thought it was important to define that. They will be removed immediately and well go through the consequences of that. They wont work in my administration. There are 30,000 State Employees if they arent following this law. Harris good to see you both. God bless you, thank you. Outnumbered after the break. Hello everyone, this is outnumbered, im Emily Compagno here with my cohost Kayleigh Mcenany and. Harris and joining us today Fox Business Anchor and host of American Dream home on fox business cheryl and richard fowler. Now we begin with new revelations in the biden familys Business Dealings after one of hunters former

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