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>> our dad is finally going to -- [inaudible] way! ♪ ♪ ainsley: that's the movie, that's the music from the movie trolls. brian: is it really? >> that's the only reason i know it. ainsley: me too. that's a beautiful shot. sixth avenue. it's dark outside, sun's going to come up. brian: yeah, you know, i think it's going to happen. i think around september we're actually going to have people in manhattan. ainsley: will we have our tourists back? brian: i don't know. first we're going to get people punching the clock. ainsley: some people are saying they might not do it. saving money keeping their employees on home -- brian: i guess sandal sales will go through the roof. >> a lot of open-toed shoes. pete: you're right here, but i have to look at the camera. brian: we are together. pete, according to reports, you're filling in for steve. pete: yes, today. ainsley: another 10-dayer? pete: just today and i think friday. brian: you have your kids on spring break. ainsley: thank you so much for joining us on this monday. griff jenkins is live along the border in el paso, texas, ahead of the major visit from a republican delegation. good morning, griff. >> reporter: good morning, ainsley, brian and pete. i'm here in el paso, and we're on the border is si dad juarez. they are up 144%, unaccompanied miners, and when it comes to single adults, up 231%. and that visit you mentioned is a big one. we can show you the entire group is being led by house minority leader kevin mccarthy and a dozen other gop house members who include the ranking member on the house homeland committee, john katko. it's going to come after over the weekend the governor here in texas, greg abbott, sounding off with maria about how bad this crisis is. listen. >> the border patrol officers told me9 that the biden administration policies, they are enriching, they are empowering the drug cartels and mexico who make money over the people that they assist in smuggling them into the state of texas. >> reporter: speaking of making money, the cartels, that is, when i was over in mcalp eleven and talking to that -- mcallen and talking to that bar owner, lupe cabrera, he said he was in contact with a family who was extorted not once, but twice. listen. >> i had a family that i knew that was crossed over, and then the same guy that crossed them over charged them money, and a month later went back and told her i can send the border patrol to you. >> reporter: looked at these numbers. they will shock you. the unaccompanied minor crisis for which secretary mayorkas had to call in fema, up 61% from january, 9,457. yet democrats in washington, house speaker nancy pelosi still not calling it a crisis. listen. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that. isisso this, again, is a transin from what was wrong before to what's right. >> reporter: we'll be here when leader mccarthy comes, and he's going to try to find out what officials and residents here, they want politicians to come together to find some solution to stop both the flow of people and drugs from coming across that board. pete, brian, ainsley? ainsley: thank you so much, griff. greg abbott goes on to say of the 110,000 people, the illegal aliens, 800 of them were criminal, previously arrested and deported from the united states. 78 of them sex offenders, 62 of them gang members including america s-3 members. -- ms-13 members. pete: nancy pelosi shays now it's -- says now it's a humanitarian problem -- a. ainsley: and blames president trump. pete: to say inherited a broken system is the most diabolical spin i've heard out of her, and she's had a lot of them. it was a coherent system that enforced the rule of law. now, guess what? if you're a coyote, you know your golden ticket is an unaccompanied or a minor, so you've created a humanitarian crisis with minors who are the golden ticket here. there's no remain in mexico, this was all predictable. and right there, the hole in the wall? what does that say? come on in. brian: yeah. of and is mexico is strug thing with the wave of migrants we try to send back. the word went out if you get there, you're going to be stopped at the border so people stopped coming. when they all of a sudden realized biden said we're going to have a more humanitarian approach, that is come now. someone's handing out t-shirts that say biden, let me in, which is unbelievable considering these people are coming from very meager backgrounds. why are they campaigning to come in? every democrat's talking points say it started under trump, it's just continuing now. not true. senator bill cat city knows -- cat city knows it. listen. >> you can't help but notice that the administration changes and there's a surge. i saw one of the advisers said in spanish -- [speaking spanish] which means the border is not closed. and then in english she said, oh, she misspoke, it is. the fact they're sending fema tells us that the 170% they anticipate growing to 350% or even a higher number. what is clear, there can be know give case when sending a message to people who are thinking of joining a caravan. it has to be our border is closed. you can't say in spanish one beginning and in english another, one for the consumption of those in central america and the other for domestic consumption. they're not doing that. brian: why are they not flowing down to ecuador, honduras, el salvador and meeting with those officials and saying what are you saying on the ground? this is the incentive. you lose your aid unless you stop your people. we could work on a situation where we get more work visas to you, work on a situation where we have more, maybe expand legal immigration from those country but not like this. it's worked in the past. joe biden did it himself with barack obama. ainsley: it's not a coincidence that we're seeing record numbers coming over right now. joe biden is in office. look at this video. hundreds of them are just lined up waiting to take the rafts over, the boats over. they knew when president trump was in office they weren't going to come over. president trump last week blasted biden for the way he's handling this. he said we shut down asylum fraud, our country's being destroyed at the southern border, it's a terrible thing to see. pete: brian, you talked about making agreements with the triangle countries -- ainsley: we give them money, don't we? pete: we have. and the trump administration did that. therefore, you can't do that under the biden administration. you will not do anything that he did because even if it worked, it is to be written off completely, and people suffer -- ainsley: how do they get away with blaming him now? brian: they did on every sunday show. and on top of that, didn't joe biden say if i make a mistake, i'll admit it? here's your opportunity. meanwhile, talk about a guy in trouble? governor cuomo. pete: that's right. we covered it over the weekend, it continues today. ultimately, between the number of accusations as well as the nursing home scandallal, this is a -- ainsley: seven accusers now. pete: absolutely. 161 between state and federal lawmakers that have the either called on cuomo to resign, step aside or be impeached. that's the new york senate delegation, the congressional delegation, that's republicans and democrats in the state senate and assembliment the chorus call is universal. they want him to step down, they want him to move aside. but if you ask joe biden who was finally asked about this or nancy pelosi, top democrat at the national level, what they think about their model covid governor today? here's their answer. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway, and we should see what it brings us. >> i think there's zero tolerance for sexual harassment -- >> but not calling on him to resign right now in. >> i think we should see the results -- because he may decide. hopefully, this result will be soon, and what i'm saying is the governor should look inside his heart, he loves new york, to see if he can govern effectively. and that could be one of the considerations that he has. brian: people have stopped showing up for work around the governor. they've stopped listening to the bully because the bully got beat up, is getting beat up, and they realize they don't have to take it from him anymore. and then over the weekend one of his henchman, larry schwartz, a vaccine czar? he's making calls testing people's loyalty -- ainsley: he said no one had a problem with these call, but they did. a few of them stepped forward and said we didn't feel comfortable. he was calling to find out what they thought about cuomo. pete: yeah. if you're -- ainsley: if you're a county executive. pete: exactly, the leadership principle is machiavellian, better to be feared and loved, and if that goes away, you are toast. he tried to end list his vaccine czar to strong the arm county commissioners. ainsley: yes. and some of them were worried, what do we say to him? because we don't want people in our counties to not get vaccines. brian: exactly. tammy bruce weighed in. she has a theory. >> his comment, that template response, steve, i'm sure he was told if you hear the word cuomo, just say this. because it could apply to any question. it's, like, what do you think of cuomo's new job. well, i think the investigation, we've got to wait for the investigation. what do you think of, you know, his new plan for covid? well, we've got to wait for the investigation. no matter what the question, that would be the framework. and that's what is just so infuriating. pete: i think that's right. i'm sympathetic to the fact we shouldn't have trial by media. ainsley: of course. there's due process. pete: but that's never the process they'll afford conservatives -- ainsley: kavanaugh. brian: and just real quick, before we move on, you mentioned machiavellian, rather be fear than loved? who are you describing? that is totally ainsley. [laughter] ainsley: you should have a lot of fear. [laughter] very fearful when i enter the room. brian: absolutely, i am. ainsley: brian, tell us us what's happening in california. brian: nothing good. [laughter] they're looking to reopen their schools in words but not in deeds because, as the governor said time to reopen, the union says not really. even though a new study shows instead of being 6 feet apart, it's 3 feet apart that would allow school classrooms to go back to normal size, we're in no rush. and then the it turns out, and i thought this was actually false, they were on facebook talking about taking some of the stimulus money and giving the teachers bonuses for not teaching in the classroom. pete: and if you read the explanation for the bonus, it's because they've worked so hard in this extraordinary year over zoom that they want to take the, some of the -- 2 trillion that was just passed, and this is what some of these school districts want to do. there's a group called reopen california schools. they're saying, wow, clovis school district is proposing a $6,000 bonus per employee with state and federal aid money because of the influx of one-time dollars from the state and federal government. we were asked to work on a one-time possible, one-time off-schedule payment for employees. another tweet, they called out another school district, dublin is paying its teachers $2,500 with state and federal aid money, even suggesting staff could use the money for a trip to hawaii. [laughter] this comes despite the sad hybrid plan approved before any aid bills were passed. ainsley, we were told the covid relief money had to happen so schools would open and, of course concern. ainsley: that's your money, pete. federal dollars. pete: unreal. you guys both pay more of it than i do though. ainsley: i'm not sure. i don't know. [laughter] this is a statement from one of the school districts. they said we have a committee of people who are meeting to brainstorm lots of needs and priorities for use of newly-approved federal and state funds but no decisions have been made, especially not one to give employees $6,000 each. so they're saying these are just proposals, we haven't come up with a plan. brian: by the way, did you see how california's lifting restrictions? they're opening gyms 10%. are you kidding? why even open up 10%? are you nuts? theaters, 25 percent. if anyone can socially distance, it's a theater. 25%. restaurants, 25%. and this is just part of what they plan on doing. it is a nonrescue rescue. it is incredible. and yet they are working on a surplus. they have a $9 billion surplus in the state. ainsley: i know, i know. that's good news though. at least they're opening up a little bit. have y'all seen a movie yet? [laughter] we went to see a movie. we went to see tom and jerry. pete: we did too. a. ainsley: you did? we were basically the only ones in the movie. a little bit after the movie started, three people sat in the back. hayden took advantage of it. it was so nice to be back in the theater. pete: the movie was -- ainsley: i didn't care. i was, like, i just glad to be in here. brian has a great story coming up because he goes into one of the catholic schools here in with cardinal dolan. he's just wonderful. brian: he is. ainsley: let's go to jillian headlines. jillian: brian, i know you're passionate about gyms. we have a story about that tomorrow. brian: i feel bad for them. jl=a sergeant police sergeant is shot in the face, later released from the hospital. no arrests have been made. detectives are looking into whether the sergeant was targeted. he is the 14th officer to be shot at or shot this year. dozens of protesters returned for demonstrations outside the i.c.e. building in portland overnight. the city has set up nonscalable fencing outside the federal courthouse after protesters recently set fires and broke windows. former president donald trump stumping for his former press secretary in her bid to become the next governor of arkansas. sarah sanders tweeting out this picture overnight revealing the former commander in chief made an appearance at a campaign event over the weekend. sanders is hoping in her father, mike huckabee's, footsteps. and how about this? nfl quarterback drew brees makes a very important announcement with the help of his kids. watch. >> after 15 years -- >> our is finally -- our dad is finally going to retire. >> so he can spend more time with us. jillian: okay, how cute are they? the news coming 15 years to the day he signed with the new orleans saints. i mean, what a retirement announcement, right? brian: so hard to do that. jillian: i know. brian: this is not a surprise. remember when he was playing against the bucs, he came out -- gotta make it official. pete: he did. what a career. ainsley: four kids, jillian, wouldn't that be so fun? oh, my gosh, they're adorable. brian: pete and i would rather be an nfl quarterback. [laughter] sharon osbourne on the outs with her cohosts on "the talk" after defending her buddy, pierce morgan. -- piers morgan. now her show is on high hiatus. an update on the rift, next. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! 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no. because it's his opinion. it's not my opinion. >> what would you say to people who may feel that while you're standing by your friend, it appears that you give validation or safe haven to something that he has uttered that is racist? even if you don't -- am i saying it right? okay -- >> i don't know what is racist. i feel even like i'm about to be put in the electric chair because i have a friend who many people think is a racist, so that makes me a racist. >> what's it got to do with me? ainsley: she said maybe he just doesn't like meghan markle, he doesn't like what she's doing to the monarchy? charlie hurt weighed in on it. listen to this. >> it is such an attack on free speech. but it's also more than just that, it's also a terrible way to address problems. and, you know, the worst way to address a race problem is to use it as a weapon against people that you disagree with ask that, you know, it's a good thing that being called a racist in this country is a bad thing. people don't like that. they don't like racists. they don't want to be racists. to use that as a weapon in order to shut people up is, it's an attack on them, but then it's also just a terrible way to address, you know, to have a conversation that, you know, makes everybody, hopefully, better on the back end of it. brian: so if you go back, and watched the whole thing with piers morgan that led up to walking out. he asked the african-american cohost, i forgot his name, but in britain. he's very well known. he asked him to come on the show. and one of the things he says is, piers, i know you, you're not racist. i'm justing going to tell you my point of view. piers morgan's point is when he says that question, harry says that question came out, we want to know how dark the baby's going to be, you have now labeled the entire royal family racist, and he does not believe, which he said, is true. and that harry related to her because they won't give out names or details. that's his opinion, that is his cohost's opinion, and sharon osbourne agrees with piers morgan's cohost that he's not racist. so they put the whole show on hiatus. pete: it's not happening today or tomorrow. airports ames sharon osbourne's show. pete: to figure out how to sort this out. brian: isn't that what weekends are for? pete: apparently not. makes you feel like maybe it's a little bit more than that. you asked the right question, ainsley, can you just not like someone? piers morgan feels meghan markle is a cut and runner, legitimate to hold about anyone, he's made that comment. i think we should apologize to the u.k. we've exported our wokeness completely, and now we've lost our minds. otherwise we're just labeling someone as racist because they have an opinion about someone, and that's a convenient argument to make. that's the argument charlie hurt just made. brian: evidently, piers morgan has multiple offers to join other shows. ainsley: well, there's also the issue she said she was suicidal, of course, our heart goes out to anyone experiencing that, and if there is a racist thing going on in the royal family, that needs to be addressed. all right, it's 6:27 here on the east coast. while republicans demand answers on the border crisis, democrats are arguing former president trump was the one that a caused all this chaos. brian: yeah. ainsley: tom homan on the blame game next. brian breep he's in florida. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. advanced non-small cell lung cancer can change everything. but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur at the same time and some more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance for more horizons. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. ♪♪ pete: the biden administration losing complete control of the surge of migrants rushing our southern border, but who do they blame? >> what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border. >> the 11-year high for crossings without documentation at the border was in the middle of trump's presidency. this idea that it's joe biden's election that has prompted more people to show up belied by a actual facts. >> joe biden inherited a huge mess on immigration. >> what we are seeing today is the consequence of four years of dismantling every system in place to address this with humanity and compassion. pete: as we saw yesterday, the talking points went out, and they were clear. let's bring in retired about acting i.c.e. director tom homan. tom, good morning. you heard it, they say they inherited a mess at the border, and that's what we're seeing. >> look, the facts are they inherited the most secure border i've seen in my career, pete, which has spanned over three decades. that is a fact. in 2020 the alien children, the numbers are now 70% from year prior. illegal immigration's now 50-80% depending what month you look at. and last month biden's policies have created a 300% increase. what's really kiss turning is you have -- disturbing is you have chris murphy who is the chair of the homeland security committee, and he doesn't know what's going on at the border? either he doesn't know or he's lying about it which neither one is a good look whose jobs job is to secure the homeland. the homeland is not secure. the border's not secure because the biden administration has undone the success of trump administration. educate yourself. give me a call. i'll tell you thousand fix it. you can't go on national tv and say this is president trump's fault. pete: do you think they know and they don't care? are they willfully blind to it? what is the reason why they would look at something like this and not rationalize that it's a crisis and then blame trump? >> because they can't admit to the american people that they planned this crisis. when joe biden made promises during the campaign of ending i.c.e. can detention, ending remain in mexico program, give amnesty and daca and health care, when you make those types of promises, you know they're going to come. you can't go on national tv and say we sold out america to win an election. joe biden can't say i folded to the left to get votes and gave up the security of the border. again, the most secure border we've ever seen under president trump. pete: tom, the dhs ordered fema, which usually deals with, as you know, floods, storms and other that'ses, is that an admission when you call in fema? >> absolutely. actions speak louder than words, and their mission statement, helping people before, during and after a catastrophic disaster or crisis. so sending fema to the southern border, guess what? all the cards are on the table now. it is a disaster, and it is a crisis and, look, under biden -- not just on chris murphy, i've never seen anyone wearing a trump shirt coming across that border. this is because joe biden and his policies, period. pete: catastrophic disaster in the mission statement the, you called them in and then you won't even call it a crisis. says everything you need to know. tom homan, thank you so much, appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. pete: still to come, while public schools across new york stay shuttered, the city's catholic schools welcome their students back with open arms. >> we listened to the people, we listened to the health care experts who said we could do this. pete: brian's one on one interview with cardinal timothy dolan as they celebrate the success of in-person learning. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ in this family, everyone does their own laundry, we're made for. but they all do it a little different. honestly, i add a couple of tide pods and just stuff everything in. it works. and of course, everyone thinks their way is right. i stood in line for hours to get this. it has to be washed on delicate. it has to be cold water, it's better for the planet. the secret is, with tide pods it all works. of course it does. told ya! they're going to do it their way, and i get a break from the laundry. no matter how you wash, it's got to be tide. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. this is where i want to be. talk to your doctor and ask if latuda could make the difference you've been looking for in your bipolar depression symptoms. ♪♪ pete: welcome back. well, catholic schools serve more than 181,000 students in new york city. ainsley: and as of september, every single one of them has had the option to return to in-person learning. brian: right. they're finding a way. they're calling audibles, and they're going back to school. i saw firsthand just how successful one of those schools has been opening up since september and asked the archbishop of new york if he would meet me there to talk about the recipe that maybe ohs can take advantage of -- others can take advantage of. watch. school of the good shepherd, founded in 1925. think about everything this school has withstood, the depression, world war ii, all the challenges of new york and this country. it should be no surprise that this school was one of the 172 that opened up in the fall after shutting down. it had to open for the students. and the specialness of this school and cardinal timothy dolan here to see the success story up close. >> peace be with you. brian: cardinal, another mask, but this time a little bit different. >> two-thirds of the seventh graders were there, and they were properly distanced, and all the school kids were watching on live stream. brian: 488 new york city schools are finally going to open at the end of march. you opened in september. >> we listened to people. we listened to the health care experts who said you could do this. our teachers say we want to teach, we want to be back, we want to be in person, and our parents said, please, let the kids come back. and do you know what? did you ever think we'd hear the students say we want to get back to school? so we listened. brian: there's just under 6,000 parochial schools. >> the pandemic began a year ago, and our schools took a hit because parents were unable to reenroll about 6%. now the good news is our enrollment is up, and next year looks each better. brian: how many people would rather be at home? how many people would rather be in class? every hand. >> my day is better here than this remote. i get to hang out with my friendses, i get to talk to them, i get to play with them. >> i wanted to go back to school, and i just wanted to focus again like i used to. >> rather come here because in person it's much easier. brian: kids at home watching this around the country, they're gel office these kids -- jealous of these kids. >> the whole nation wants to get back to school. they're seeing what the catholic schools are doing, and they're doing it safely, and their teachers want to be there. we have always said that our teachers are front-line workers, that our teachers are real heroes. >> are you glad you're back? >> i'm so happy to be back. >> we're glad you're back too. brian: no doubt about it, there's a risk, and that's why the department of commerce looked at the closure of 130,000 schools. you know what their conclusion was? the more the kids stayed out of school, the more they would suffers which is why so many parents were happy that catholic schools across most of the country went back to in-class learning. >> my child is in the best hands. >> good shepherd's doing an amazing job. so grateful that they're here, they're safe, they're learning, they're happy. brian: now that you come to school -- >> she's happier. >> a lot of parents feel like they've lost their education for an entire year. >> when we came back in september, i think it became real how detrimental it was for our students to be at home learning remotely. children need to be in school. >> children come together. they're not only learning to read and write, they're learning to get along, they're learning to be attentive. you don't learn that staying home looking at a computer. you heard the kids yourself, they're happy to come back. they want to be back. >> we followed the science, and we listened to the government officials who told us if you follow these very specific steps, the children would be safe, and the teachers would be safe. >> we know what's going on, and we know what to do in order to stay safe. >> it hasn't been that hard. we always social distance, we always keep our masks on, and we always clean our hands. >> there is a way to do it. it is possible. here we are in march a year later after a pandemic, and we're good. i say come back to school. it's time. ainsley: so cute, brian. brian: yeah. here's an example, that third grade teacher came out to speak to me, in goes the principal. they switch nonstop. the parent, when the class room needs to be painted, the parents show up, and they paint the classroom. when things are happening with one student, they all get together and help out that student. and they say not one student whose parents lost their job or for some reason couldn't do the tuition, they found the way through the catholic resources to pay their tuition until things go back to normal or they're able to get a job. one of the women owns a restaurant. she's saying i didn't know what to do because my daughter had to go to school, she's in first grade. i couldn't leave her at home, at the same time, i couldn't leave my restaurant. and that's why she needed to go back. and we also talked about the curriculum. that's ab an attraction, too, to the catholic schools because they don't run away from american history x. when i said, well, what do you do when people say what about slavery? he said, this is what cardinal dolan said. peter denied jesus three times, he ended up a saint. nobody thinks we're on this planet to be perfect, and i think it's a hard bar to judge -- pete: great point. and the faith component, talk about god and the bible is there, it creates a sense of purpose -- brian: and, by the way, they're not all catholic. i think maybe 50-70% are minority from the area. italian, irish, and now it's this. it reflects the neighborhoods. ainsley: there are a lot of protestants because they want that godly tradition, they want chapel. pete: and because they're just protesting catholics. brian brian we heard that. pete: it's true. we're going to toss it out to janice dean. janice: i'm a catholic school mom too. [laughter] a. ainsley: good job. janice: you know what? we had an epic weekend in colorado where they were dealing with historic snow. fourth largest snowstorm in history this weekend with 27 inches. so that is incredible. the snowstorm is winding down a little bit. however, we are going to see wintrywet across portions of the midwest and the northern plains and also the potential for some severe storms. we're getting into that severe weather season where we've got these cold fronts that interact with the warm, moist, unstable air and the potential for tornadoes. we're going to watch for that later this week. we did have reports of tornadoes from this last storm system in texas, and then we're also going the deal with the potential for more heavy snow for the colorado rockies, kind of a repeat storm system on wednesday. march tornado probability, again, we're getting into the months where we typically see the hail, the damaging winds and the tornadoes, and we're going to see the potential later on this week, wednesday into thursday. heavy rainfall, there's a stripe of snow across portions of the midwest, and our next storm system moving across the rockies on wednesday. there's your forecast today, warm over the south, cooler temperatures for the northern plains, and then we'll see that storm system move over the mississippi, tennessee, ohio river valley, next storm system moves into the west on tuesday and wednesday. that could bring more snow to the colorado rockies and then maybe a severe weather outbreak, which is something we'll have to watch midweek, thursday into friday. all right, and brian and ainsley -- pete, brian and ainsley, back to you. aition iowans thank you so much, janice. happy monday. someone said to me in the hallway, happy monday. let's make it a great week, everyone. with each disturbing revelation in the scandal surrounding ann crew cuomo, more lawmakers, including democrats, are asking him to step down. but the ap is saying it is just a republican ploy to distract from joe biden's success. we're going to discuss it. when you buy this plant at walmart, they can buy more plants from metrolina greenhouses so abe and art can grow more plants. so they can hire vilma... and wendy... and me. so, more people can go to work. so, more days can start with kisses. when you buy this plant at walmart. ♪♪ how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance when you buy this plant at walmart. so you only pay for what you need? 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are they referring to the energy jobs? if -- are they referring to the coronavirus relief bill that was ran through congress without any gop support? of course, we don't know exactly what republicans were distracting away from. i would argue that it's actually democrats who are using the allegations of sexual assault and harassment against new york governor andrew cuomo to distract away from the real scandal that both democrats and the media should be covering more, and that is the nursing home scandal. there's a reason they don't want to be covering the nursing home scandal. it wasn't just a governor cuomo scandal. this is a policy that blue states across the country including pennsylvania and michigan also employed. and so why don't democrats and the media want to talk about that scandal? i think it's easier for them to discuss the sexual assault and allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. ainsley: are you surprised by the way they're handling it? joe biden just broke his silence. i know he's an ally of andrew cuomo and his father, also governor of new yorkment of listen to what joe biden said. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation that's underway, we should see what it brings us. ainsley: you know, when kavanaugh -- kamala harris hasn't said a word, nancy pelosi wants to see how the investigation plays out, but we remember how the democrats treated the kavanaugh case. there was one accuser in that, this time there's seven against governor cuomo. how does this all may out? >> and these are credible accusers. i don't want to downplay the seriousness of the sexual assault and harassment allegations new york governor andrew cuomo faces. there's a huge double standard that we're seeing from figures on the left. where is our first female vice president on this? why isn't she a leader in calling for his resignation? according to the standards that vice president kamala harris and others set during the kavanaugh confirmation process, governor cuomo should absolutely resign. now personally, i am in favor of due process, investigations, but that is not the standard that the left set during that confirmation process. and so by those standards, he should resign. and we're seeing a lot of hypocrisy in the fact that these major figureheads, including kamala harris, are being silent. ainsley: which is why in the kavanaugh process, there was three accusers, there has to be due process, an investigation, because we don't know -- he's innocent until proven guilty, and hopefully this, we'll all get some answers soon. thank you so much, kelly, for being on with us. >> thank you. indiana i'm sorry the biden administration calling in fema to help at the border, and who are democrats blaming? former president trump. tom cotton's going to sound off, top of the hour. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. what is humana doing sending me a diy test kit? old health insurance reminds you to schedule a screening, say, for colon cancer. humana does you one better and sends you an at-home test kit, when it's overdue. huh! one of those tests could save your life, or at least a little hassle. or both. yeah! you get it, you do it, you send it back. i get it, i do it, i send it back. you get it, you do it, you send it back. yeah, i got it. you got it! ♪ ♪ humana. a more human way to healthcare. you're strong. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection ...causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions... ...neck and injection site pain... ...fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions... ...and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95% of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. so, text to see how you can save. botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. so, ask your doctor about botox® today. my psoriatic arthritis pain? 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>> i think the investigation is underway, and we should see what it brings us. >> we see a pattern of behavior banal that makes him unfit for office. >> u.s. secretary of state and the defense secretary arrived in asia. the new administration if has reportedly tried to make contact with -- >> breaking the all-time record for most grammy wins ever, the grammy goes to beyonce! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ brian: grammyss came off, a lot of history was made. i didn't have a chance to watch as much as i normally do. i have a jukebox at home, i'm able to -- ainsley: like beyonce? brian: what'd you say? very similar. a lot of similarities between our styles. pete: i've interpreted it -- ainsley: you dance for pete? brian: a little bit. [laughter] pete: privacy only. brian: i would like to bring up something to do with the show. looks like joe biden will be sitting down on wednesday with abc, with george stephanopoulos. so he will be giving some unscripted moments, because we're not going to get a press conference anytime. pete: still no press conference. brian: i thought you were going to use that a opportunity to say hello -- ainsley: good morning to everyone. we've been here for a few hours. many of you are just waking up, and we appreciate it. brian: right. hope you set your clocks back. forward, id say. griff jenkins is live in el paso ahead of a major visit from kevin mccarthy and company. griff. >> reporter: that's right. brian, pete, ainsley, good morning to you. we are in el paso where the unaccompanied children crossing that border in this sector up 144%, single adults up 231%. i am in el paso. let me show oweover here, that bridge you see in the distance into ciudad juarez x this is almost exactly where house minority leader kevin mccarthy and a dozen gop house members are going to take a tour and get a briefing from the border patrol officials. among that list is the chairman -- or the ranking member of the house homeland committee, john katko, among others. and one person who already got a look at the border over in laredo was senator john cornyn of texas, and he is sounding off over the weekend on the situation. listen. >> basically, they're ignoring all that and, i think, sending the signal that the border is open, and anybody who wants to come to texas or the united states is free to do so. >> reporter: now, look at these numbers. the unaccompanied child crisis on the southwest border up 61% from january. the number for february, you're seeing 9,457. now, remember, i was just over in mcallen, and near me is that donna facility set up for minors. that we learned over the weekend up 729% in terms of capacity. and so that is part of the equation here when mccarthy and others come here. they're going to talk to officials because the officials are pretty much all along the border asking the lawmakers in washington to get politics out of it and get some solutions. we saw over the weekend, of course, the news dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas ordering fema to assist hhs in receiving and caring for these children. but at the end of the day, more is going to have to be done if they're going to get this under control. pete, brian, ainsley? pete: griff jenkins, great reporting. you're right, it is absolutely not under control. the more we learn about what's happening on the ground, the more dangerous it really is. griff, thank you so much. brian: the best line was with tom homan with you, they weren't coming across with trump t-shirts. ainsley: then he said if you want me to tell them how to do it -- brian: he would. pete: the playbook is right there if they would be willing to read it. senator tom cotton reacts this morning. senator, you heard griff's report, and i pupil you may have also heard -- presume you may have also heard nancy pelosi yesterday on abc. here's the talking point of the left about the border right now, senator. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border, and they are working to correct that in the children's interest. i'm so pleased that the president, as a temporary measure, has sent fema to the border in order to help facilitate the children going from one -- to our issue into where they are carried for as they are transferred into family homes, homes that are safe for them to be. so this, again, is a transition from what was wrong before to what is right. there are many reasons that go into this, but the fact is we have to deal with it at the border. pete: senator, she was not the only one sunging this same tune yesterday -- singing this same tune, inheriting a broken system, is what they say. >> yeah. pete, at no point in that rambling, incoherent answer did nancys moses -- nancy pelosi even come close to expressioning a -- expressing a ration aal thought. we were building a wall and turning away all migrants who had no right to cross into our country. the biden border crisis, though, was created by joe bodien's promises of amnesty and open borders, free health care for illegals during the campaign. that's why border crossings have increased every month since the election. and now the biden administration is sending fema to the border. they are by their own declaration admitting it's a disaster. that's what it is when you deploy fema, a disaster. but remember, they're not deploying fema to try to finish t best, illegal at worst. every american citizen should be concerned that an unelected cabinet secretary can move forces into the city. the national guard specifically is the last line of defense for direct policing action only when it is life, limb, protection of property. what's your reaction to that? how long will they be there? some of these states have actually pulled their guys -- women too -- florida, texas are two examples. they said we're not keeping our people there anymore. they're coming home. >> ainsley, the contrast is remarkable. the biden administration stopped building a wall on our southern border, and they put up fences around our our capitol. so i guess walls don't work if it's defending american sovereignty, but they work just find protecting democratic politicians. the contrast couldn't be stark ther. there is no demonstrate thed need for those troops to remain at the capitol. i've repeatedly asked the capitol hill security leaders what is the specific and credible threat to the capitol complex that requires this extraordinary step. they say there is no specific, credible threat. they cite general or vague concerns, and now they continue to cite the prospect that joe biden will be addressing a joint session of congress. look, if we keep thousands of national guard troops in a sense around the capitol until joe biden is finally ready to speak in public, they may be there for a very long time. brian: yeah, it's unbelievable. they are cutting some of the fencing and troops, but not enough. so difficult to see general austin go along with this and along with saying that on top of that, admiral kirby has to spout this, the state department, and he absolutely knows better, it would seem. let's talk about another nominee. you've grill bo knee that imiewp that on her past comments -- which, by the way, they should probably tweet with a little bit of control. here's some of the give and take. >> you said we all have implicit biases and racial biases. that's all. every single american you accused of implicit and racial bias. i'm asking you again, do you harbor racial bias? >> i am quite aware that i know that i hold stereotypes that i have to manage. i'm a product of my culture. i believe that all of us are able to manage the bias but only if we can acknowledge our own. and i am not above anyone else in that matter. i think implicit bias is something that is part of the shared human condition. brian: what'd you learn from that, senator? [laughter] >> i learned that the emperor has no clothes, and all these claims that america is a terrible, horrible, racist nation. all of you and all of your viewers know this whether your kids hear it in school or you hear it from an h.r. manager at your corporate employer or anything else, all these vague and casually tossed around claims of racism, but when i asked her very simply against which races do you hold racial bias, obviously, she got tongue-tied, couldn't answer the question. it just goes to expose what a foolish claim it is to slander our entire nation, to say that every single person has racial biases. as opposed to saying america is a great a nation and americans are a good people. this is a radical, trust fund liberal nominee who will use the laws of the united states to advance her far-left agenda. that's why she faces such opposition on our committee and in the senate as a whole. this is not the kind of person that americans expect to be enforcing our laws. brian: it's unbelievable. just got to ask you about china. you were the first one to only out and talk about the wuhan virus, that it might have come from that lab, and it was said how dare you said that. it could have been on purpose, it could have been a mistake, and it turns out the w.h.o. never got to the bottom of it, but more and more people are pointing in that direction. the biden administration's going to have meetings with officials in alaska, now they're going to go with the is secretary of defense and secretary of state together. do you think on some level the biden administration understands the china threat, and you unwind their approach to this? >> brian, it hasn't been clearly demonstrated yet though in those meetings that the american delegation raises the very critical issues of taiwan's autonomy and peaceful relations across the taiwanese straits and about their brutal oppression of ethnic minorities as well as crack down on hong kong's autonomy. remember, china had promised that hong kong would be an independent, autonomous land for 50 years and barely half the way into that 50-year period, they violated those commitments. it's just another example of how you cannot trust the chinese communest party to uphold its -- brian: why are they not writing the world a check? they've gotten rid of all their stimulus, and we're the ones paying the price. ainsley: and how do we make sure this doesn't happen again? brian: yeah? >> yeah. and it's not just the united states. look at europe, still suffering from elevated cases of the virus. the world should be holding china accountable for its malevolence and negligence as well since, as you say, all the evidence still points towards an accidental breach of this lab in wuhan. brian: and the w.h.o. who's totally in the pocket. pete: senator tom cotton, and a hat tip to your happy gilmore reference, i award you no points -- [laughter] >> may god have mercy on all your souls. [laughter] brian: all right. thank you very much. ainsley: thank you of. hand it over to jillian. jillian: good morning. president joe biden finally speaking out on new york governor andrew cuomo's sexual halter allegations. -- harassment allegations. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway, and we should see what it brings us. jillian: "the washington post" reports cuomo's vaccine czar, larry schwartz, reached out to county executives to gauge whether they would join calls for the governor's resignation. schwartz has denied wrongdoing. facebook announced new measures to promote covid vaccines. the social media giant added labels to posts about safety and launched a tool telling you where you can get a shot. it also plans to roll out a covid page on the program, and the company has removed 2 million pieces of virus and vaccine misinformation in just the last few weeks. to extreme weather, a record-shattering storm yippings the western -- cripples the western plains. the denver airport remains closed as more than 2,000 the flights were canceled. in cheyenne, wyoming, the national weather service showing these before and after photos. some areas could report up to 50 inches. and the grammys kick off by knocking the royals. >> right now there's more tension in that tent than a family reunion at buckingham palace. jillian: dua lipa wowing the crowd with her medley performance. ♪ ♪ jillian: beyonce making history as the most deck crates woman in grammys' history with a total of 28 wins. of. >> this is so overwhelming. i've been working my whole life, since 9 years old, and i'm -- i can't believe this. it's such a magical night. jillian: miranda lambert bringing home the trophy for best country album and billie eilish wins record of the year for the second year in a'. back to you guys. i called that. ainsley: billie eilish is so popular right now. brian: did you win the super 6 -- jillian: did not win $10,000. ainsley: did you? did you play? brian: no, i didn't want play. i did download the app. pete: you're not allowed to collect. no chance. ainsley: oh, really? pete: you're an employee, brian. you would have inside information potentially. jillian: that's a good idea, i like it. ainsley: if he shared it, would it be okay then? pete: with me? ainsley: yeah. pete: of course. [laughter] pete: jillian, thank you very much. l.a. county's progressive k.a. blaming -- d.a. blaming conservative media and tough on crime types for the widespread outrage over his let everyone out of jail. but our next guest's son was killed in the county, and those very policies threaten the punishment on his killers. she join us next. out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 14 day system. with a painless, onesecond scan i can check my glucose without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. you can do it without fingersticks, too. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. and visit freestyle to try it for free. cell phone repair. for the freestyle libre 14 day system. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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>> so four of the five individuals are facing special circumstance charges which were, they were facing life without the possibility of parole. since gascon took office, that has been taken off. they are no longer facing that life sentence, and now they are looking at 25 years and only having to do 80% of that time which is only 20 years. and they would, could possibly be out free which is asinine to me. you're -- i'm dealing with the life of my son that will never, ever be back, and they will one day be free and be able toly their life? that's what i'm fighting for right now. ainsley: right. and how someone could actually do that to another human being is just beyond. what do you say when you hear gascon is just blaming the media? >> honestly, you know, who is he going to blame? at this point i think he's just trying to reach anywhere he can. it's not the media, it really is not. he cannot put any blame on the media. i'm going to speak for myself here. i myself am fighting for justice. it's not in any way being encouraged by the media, encouraged by law enforcement like he said or tough on crime groups. seriously are, you know, this is a mother speaking here. i am a victim's mother, and i am fighting for my son. i am fighting for what's right is. so he cannot put any blame on anyone. it's sickening to hear what he has to say. ainsley: how do you get through life knowing that your son is never going to be in your house again or at christmas time with your family? how do you i do it? >> you know, it's a daily fight. every day i wake up one child less. and it's a hard reality. i wake up every morning thinking of my son. my son and i were the closest that anybody can be. he called me every single day. at least 2-3 times a day to tell me he loved me. i mean, this kid was my everything, my only son. how do i get through things? you know, at the end of the day it's my faith, and i know that i will one day get justice and that this fight is going to be, it's going to be reality for me. ainsley: yeah. what do you miss the most about him? [laughter] >> his hugs. his hugs. he had the best hugs, you know? miss his smile, his laugh, you know? he was just a beautiful person all the way around. ainsley: if you could go face to face with mr. gascon this morning, what would you say to him? >> i would say to really think about what he's doing, you know, damaging these lives. i am -- listen to me, listen to these mothers, those families out there that we're all suffering through what he's doing to us right now. but honestly, he needs to hook at this as a case by case, not a blanket policy. not everything is the same. you know, murder is murder, and he needs to take that into consideration. so i would just tell him, you know what? listen to us. give us a voice. because he hasn't reached out to at least me at all, and i find that being a coward. ainsley: how does he justify it? what's his reasoning for protecting the criminals and not the victims? >> i honestly don't know. i think he's in the wrong office. he should be a public defender. he'd be a great public defender, you know? the district attorney's office is about protecting is and serving us victims. i feel that we have no back, nobody has our back, and it's sad. it is very sad. where, you know, you have criminals over victims. i don't understand the world we're live anything right now. up a iowans yeah. we aired that video of the criminals in the prisons, and they were toasting, they even had alcohol. there's the video right there, excited because he was the attorney general. what was your reaction to that? >> i cried. ainsley: really? >> i cried. ainsley: why did you cry? >> i mean, i -- i feel for that family that saw that, you know? i would hate to see my son's killers toasting to an evil man knowing that they will be out free and laughing the way they were? like, that's their homey? please. it broke my heart, it really did. scary times. ainsley: desiree, you have a beautiful heart. you are just gorgeous inside and out, and i am so sorry that you've gone through all of this. my heart breaks for you. i don't know how you do it. god bless you. >> thank you so much. same to you. ainsley: julian andrade was 20 years old when he died, when he was brutally killed. we'll be right back. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪♪ ♪♪ pete: well, for the first time in over a year, oklahoma, the state is free of covid restrictions citing falling cases and rising vaccinations. the governor issued an executive order on friday giving freedoms back to the people. governor stitt joins me now. thank you so much for being on "fox & friends," we appreciate it. let me list a couple of the restrictions that have been completely if you look at our data, we have a very similar curve. our hospitalizations are down 85%. we have the lowest cases since last july, and i'll put our state data up against any other states that have much more draconian measures, and they're still locking down their businesses, and their kids are still not in school. it's unbelievable, the difference between the our state and some of these blue states. pete: certainly the contrast in leadership, no doubt about that, and the belief we made usaa insurance for busy veterans like kate. so when her car got hit, she didn't waste any time. she filed a claim on her usaa app and said, “that was easy.” usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it's the first and only fda approved usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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not even after all of this grab bag gets passed? if those schools stay closed, you paid the ransom. you know, we should be able to get our kids back in school. [laughter] you know? but this is a situation where i think they might just ask for more money, and that's certainly something we've seen from teachers unions, and it may happen again. pete: i've got to ask you, ben, they may be selling it across the country, and selling it is bipartisan even though they got no votes in the house or senate from it, but joe biden's not selling it from the podium. not a form alibieden press conference yet. here are the most recent excuses for the fact the prime minister has not been taking -- the president has not been taking any questions. >> we look forward to holding a full press conference in the coming weeks before the end of the month. this president came in during a historic crisis, two historic crises, a pandemic like the country had not seen in decades and decades and an economic downturn that left 10 million people out of work. so i think the american people would certainly understand if his focus and his energy and his attention has been on insuring we secure enough vaccines to vaccinate all americans which we will do by the end of may and then pushing for a rescue plan that provide direct checks to almost 160 million americans. that's where his time, energy and focus has been. pete: so just too busy to make it to the briefing room. >> this is absurd. no one believes this. i mean, not even jen psaki. this is a situation where we deserve to hear from the president, we deserve to have him answer some questions, and really the fact that they're disrespecting the press corps this way shows that they understand that the press corps is just going to treat this as the continued opportunity to promote this administration in all these different ways as we saw around all of the propaganda around that speech the other night which they branded as being a unity, hopeful, uplifting speech when in reality it was dark and downward and foreboding and warning and lecturing the american people. and from my perspective, we deserve at this point to hear answers about a host of different things, particularly the border crisis. the president needs to address that himself. brian: right. as soon as he could name a secretary of defense. we're seeing live shots of the secretary of state landing in japan looking to meet with the quad countries, and these are the countries that are going to be used hopefully with us in a friendly way to counter china's influence in the region. and he's traveling, i believe, with the secretary of defense. they're both traveling together first up there, south korea, then to going over to taiwan. ainsley: all right. we'll be watching that and telling you what's happening there. it's a four-day trip. it's india, austria -- brian: no, australia. >> ainsley: the united states and china, right? brian: absolutely. ainsley: ben, do you want to weigh in on that? brian: can we swipe him back in? >> i was just doing to to say china's influence is going to be one of the biggest questions facing this new administration. and i think when they saw that speech the other night, they had to be pretty happy in beijing from what -- brian: pete, are you bad we brought ben back? pete: briefly. you can pop in, pop out anytime you want. [laughter] >> great to be with you. ainsley: thanks, ben. janice has our forecast for this beautiful week. hey, janice. janice: good morning. yes, we are starting off a little bit cold especially for the northern tier of the country, the northeast back through the midwest where we're going to see some snow today but not the snow that they saw in denver, colorado, this weekend. fourth biggest snowfall of all time, 27.1 inches. is so there's the storm system, we've got that area of low pressure across the midwest, that cold front associated with it that could bring showers, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, even some severe weather. this system will continue to move eastward, and we actually could see some weather for the interior northeast, across the great lakes and parts of the mid atlantic. and then our next storm system, the chance for severe weather tuesday, wednesday and thursday with our next system coming out of the rockies moving across the mississippi tennessee river valley, and we're getting into that severe weather season where we see the worst of the severe weather including tornadoes. we have a secondary season in the fall, but certainly especially as we go through this week and as the weeks progress, we see these cold fronts moving through, unstable air masses like what's going to happen this week, that's when we typically see the severe storms. heavy rain afall as well. behind that, more snow for the colorado rockies. they are not done with winter just yet. pete, ainsley, brian, back to you. brian: all right, janice, thank you so much. appreciate it. all right, still ahead, an exclusive interview that we did with cardinal timothy dolan about opening up schools. also in san diego residents demand the city fully reopen, but no one seems to be listening. one parent is even suing the state to get his son back in the classroom. he joins us next. at every visit, and flexible payment options for every budget. now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation. no insurance? no worries, it's free. plus, now all patients can get 20% off their treatment plan. find every reason to smile. every day at aspen dental. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. ♪ brian: all right. in some san diego schools they're getting ready to reopen on a hybrid schedule. parents are rallying for a full return to class. >> when we get back to school one day a week, we need to keep pushing for two and then four and then five. [cheers and applause] back in school! brian: they should all be in school every day. scott davidson knows that, he's the father of an eighth grader and is part of a group suing to reopen schools. scott, i can't believe how patient you are to get to this point. they should have been back in school, you could argue, in may, let alone september. still nothing yet. >> yeah. yeah, that's when we started this effort, is back in september really, just trying to -- hoping, thinking that this would only take a month that, you know, once everybody understood the science, understood everybody else was going back, that we'd be back in school in october, and here we are in march. we just marked the one-year date. i hate to call it an anniversary. it's more like a grim milestone of our schools being closed for over a year. brian: tell me about how your eighth grader's responding to that. >> frustration and just kind of a little sadness, you know, a little let down, constantly let down with the promise of a new date to reopen and having that yanked out from under them. we've had probably five or six reopening dates, and for one reason or another, it just didn't happen. so the light is kind of starting to dim that the school year's almost over, and they don't see any hope of going back. so we do have a little bit of hope, you know, we had this rally on saturday, we had community leaders, doctors, teachers, students and parents all out there supporting that we need to get back in school. i don't think anybody thought we would get to a year. hopefully, we're going to start going back one day a week, two days a week for some of these districts here in sand san dieg. but the problem is that's not enough. brian: of course not. >> twelve school days for the rest of the year. that's like telling your kid you're going to go to disneyland for a year, letting them go on one ride and saying it's time to go home. brian: when you see other states doing it successfully, florida, most of new york outside the city doing it, you know it can be done. places that look exactly like san diego. probably not as nice, to be honest. [laughter] so you are suing now. so where is this lawsuit at? >> yeah. so we actually have a hearing this morning, just in a few hours in front of the judge. we're asking for an injunction against the state to prevent them from enforcing some of these arbitrary rules that are keeping our kids from going back to school. you just mentioned all the west coast states, washington, oregon, nevada, arizona, all of their governors have issued orders ordering the schools to open. and giving waivers if they need to open. and in california, you know, our school districts asked for a waiver a month ago. it took them a month to get back to us and say no. so out here they're getting more restrictive, putting more arbitrary rules in place, and they're preventing our schools from reopening while at the same time they're claiming they're allowing them to open. brian: real quick. you said the teachers were at the rally. are the teachers wanting to go back and the union's stopping them? >> yes. our teachers actually approved our return back in january, and we hear privately and publicly from teachers all the time 100% of going back. our elementary teachers have actually been back in school sins september in a high -- since september in a hybrid model, elementary teachers have been back full time since january, so they clearly have no issues going back. it's been completely safe. we haven't had any incidents with outbreaks at our schools. they all know it's safe. the union is not really representing who the teachers are and what the teachers really want. brian: unbelievable. there's a new study out, 3 feet apart works. and guess what? everyone's signing on to that which means you don't have to spread out the desks, the kids get to stay in the classroom. that's one obstacle that's cleared, but no one wants to acknowledge it. scott, so glad you're taking action. i hope everything goes your way legally. we'll have you back. >> thanks, brian. brian: best of luck today. mean while, coming up, my exclusive interview with cardinal dolan since catholic schools have been open since september. how do they do it? we'll find out and you'll find point. brian: later we'll put sound in. while public schools stay closed. ♪ ♪, ... i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. ♪♪ ♪♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. ( ♪♪ ) ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvéderm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body's immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. ( ♪♪ ) juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. ainsley: the biden administration calling in fema to help now with the surge of migrants at the border and who are the democrats blaming? former president trump. >> i never seen anybody want a trump shirt coming across that border but we've sign a lot wearing a biden t-shirt. pete: 161 state and federal lawmakers called on cuomo to resign or be impeached. >> do you think governor cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway and we should see what happens. brian: oklahoma governor eliminating all remaining covid-19 restrictions entirely. >> we believe in freedoms in oklahoma, and it's not government's job to pick winners and losers. >> catholic schools stayed open do you know why? because what we're doing is extraordinarily valuable and number two, we listened to the healthcare experts. >> martin truex jr. cruising to his 28th career win in the nascar cup series truex wins phoenix. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: well the teleprompter says pete, start hello. brian: yes, and notice the music. pete: that's my kind of tune. ainsley: hello. pete: welcome to fox & friends it is monday, march 15 year of our lord 2021 i'm in for steve doocy today with ainsley and brian. ainsley: march 15 this year is flying by already. brian: maybe we should see if the anchors can pick in the bump -in music on the hours in which they say hello. do you think that'll go anywhere oh, that happened during my radio show. ainsley: we do have meetings, brian, you just don't show up. brian: i would but i have a radio show. pete: i'll make a suggestion on your behalf. brian: if you don't mind. ainsley: what song would you pick? brian: i'd pick a different one everyday. ainsley: but what would you pick today? brian: anything from reo speed wagon. ainsley: is there a song about being tired because we lost an hour of sleep? brian: it's okay we didn't lose it we got an hour of daylight, so when you come home there's a lot more to do you can play in the street longer. pete: that's true isn't there an old fox & friends theme song? brian: i'd love to hear that again. pete: i don't think we can afford the rights. ainsley: let's talk about immigration here. pete: griff jenkins live along the border in el paso, texas, griff, good morning. griff: that's right, pete, brian , ainsley, good morning to you we're in el paso, and you see the paissano bridge behind me on the other side of the border, and this sector, peter, pete, it's particularly 231% in terms of the single adults coming over that's just part of the equation that you're going to hear when the house minority leader kevin mccarthy comes down here with 12 other gop house members among them, the ranking member on the house homeland committee, john cadko, and now over the weekend texas governor greg abbott talking about the situation and it's not a pretty picture. listen. >> the border patrol officers told me that the biden administration policies, they are enriching and they are empowering the drug cartels and mexico who make money off the people that they assist in smuggling them into the state of texas. griff: speaking of making money, wait until you hear what a bar owner, lupe cabrera told me yesterday. listen to this. >> i had a family that i knew, that was crossed over and then the same guy that crossed them over charged them money and a month later, went back there and charged them more money, because he told her i know where you live and i could send the border patrol to you. griff: and look at these jaw- dropping numbers for the number of unaccompanied children coming across our border. 61% from january, the number from february, 9,457, and as we saw over the weekend, that donna , texas facility up 729% in terms of capacity. we understand that there's some 4,000 or more children in custody right now, they are trying to figure out what to do about it dhs secretary tapping fema to assist hhs in receiving them but it's all part of what mccarthy and those republican congressmen are going to find out when they get down here, they will be touring near here where i am and getting a briefing from the border patrol. pete, ainsley, brian? brian: thank, griff it's pretty amazing when you think about where this was, there was a problem with the border with the trump adminitration and he rotated people and rotated policies, moved people in, moved them out went down there himself ainsley: built a wall. brian: started building the wall, took money from the defense department to do it, created great controversy and guess what worked? the remain in mexico policy worked and also this title 42 that said unaccompanied minors have to go back. it sends a message that if you come here, you're going to be sent back. that was important, but it didn't stop democrats from pointing the fingers back at him pete: somehow, the new talking point amongst democrats is that donald trump is to blame for this entirely-predictable surge at the border. somehow, inherited for the biden administration. here is chris murphy and chuck schumer and nancy pelosi from yesterday, from sunday. they all got the memo this is what we're saying about the crisis at the border under biden's watch, listen. >> what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border. >> the 11-year high for crossings without documentation of the border was in the middle of trump's presidency. this idea that it's joe biden's election, that has prompted more people to show up is belied by the actual facts. >> joe biden in indiana inherited a huge mess on immigration. >> what we are seeing today is the consequence of four years of dismantling every system in place to address this with humanity and compassion. ainsley: a mess, a mess? there were if you look at the numbers, there's clearly a crisis down there right now. there were 110,000 that came over in the month of february alone. that is more than tried to come over last year altogether, and of those , according to greg abbott, the governor of texas, 800 were criminals previously- arrested and deported from the u.s. , 78 of them sex offenders, 62 of them gang members including ms-13 members, when you see the images of hundreds of people waiting to get on the raft for the boats to come over to our country, once they step on our soil, they get to say asylum and they get to stay. when you look at all these images of the bus loads of people and look at the numbers it's obvious it's a mess now. pete: i don't like playing this game but to your point can you imagine if that image was under the trump adminitration? under an overpass in temporary fencing? it be , you know, call the committee, call an investigation, impeachment 3.0 they would and that image though that's the image of humanitarianism under nancy pelosi and joe biden. we care so much that we want to give a golden ticket to anyone to come in because they brought a kid, which only means more un accompanied minors to the border which is the least humanitarian thing. brian: those are the huddled masses so here is tom homan, who wanted to put reality into the accusation. >> they can't admit to the american people that they planned this crisis. when joe biden made his promises during the campaign of ending i.c.e. detention, ending remain in mexico program, give amnesty and daca, healthcare, when you make those types of promises you know they are going to come so they can't go on national tv and say we sold out america to win an election. joe biden can't say i folded to the left to get votes, and gave up the security of the border. i never seen anybody wearing a trump shirt coming across the border but a lot wearing a biden t-shirt, let me in. this is because of joe biden and his policies, period. brian: it's a guy that worked for democrats as well as republicans, and he said no one has been better at the border than president trump. you've got things you could take shots at. i don't think the border is one of them. ainsley: what did he say about the t-shirts? brian: he goes nobody is coming across with a trump t-shirt that says let me in. ainsley: then he said i'd love to step in and ask my opinion, i can fix this problem, pull me in let me in, coach. pete: maybe they don't want it fixed, that's the problem. brian: i think it's overwhelming and they think the rescue package is a big victory and this is beginning to overwhelm him and when the democrat goes down with the republican senator kornan, and they speak for themselves this is a crisis and the numbers are staggering and no one even asked quuar the democrat whose district is the border, no one even asked him for his opinion on it. they went and visited and didn't even ask him to meet them there which is beyond -- pete: you go to the border but don't talk to the people actually doing the work, you don't want the answers. ainsley: you all, at the end of last week 90% of new york's congressional delegation was calling for the resignation or the improvement of governor cuomo. this is getting so big, 161 state and federal lawmakers are calling on him to resign, step aside, or get impeached and that includes also two more people are our senators two new york senators are asking for him to step down and that's chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand. pete: increasingly questions are being asked of more senior democrats as that picture came out over the weekend of the governor walking, wandering around his mansion, with a blanket on? holding the neck of a bottle talking on a cell phone. this is a man under siege and rightfully so. well joe biden, the president was asked about cuomo as was nancy pelosi over the weekend. here is their answer. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings. >> i said there's zero tolerance for sexual harassment. >> but you're not calling on him to resign right now? >> i think we should see the results but he may decide and hopefully this result will be soon and what i'm saying is the governor should look inside his heart. he loves new york to see if he can govern effectively. and that be one of the considers that he has. brian: only one guy can get him to go and that be president biden. he's got to go, but the problem is, i think that he's got his own tara read issue and if he tells tara reed had accused him, i think that comes up again, if he tells governor cuomo to go, meanwhile the reason why he should go is what happened with the nursing homes and hiding the numbers which the democratic mayor of the city says no doubt about it, he did it on purpose, but one of the things that governor cuomo did do is blame it on the cancel culture that he's not a politician. he's not with the political elites he's not in the political club so here is what chuck todd of meet the press said about that. >> well i'd also wondered when andrew cuomo used the phrase " cancel culture" i thought oh, really now you're going to use a fox talking point to defend yourself? and you think democrats are going to stick by you? seemed like to be a really poor choice of words. brian: i think it's pretty amazing too evidently his staff isn't coming to work, no one is answering his calls when he tries to bully people and think about this , new york state in the middle of trying to reopen again, or where we're at with this virus now has no leader, and now, they're saying anytime he gets in trouble he loosens up restrictions which just goes to show you he's making it up as he goes along so he stopped now the quarantine when you fly in, starting in about a week, he's going to start lifting the capacity into restaurants, bars and gyms, that's going to be different which is driving the mayor nuts whose clueless anyway, but he's doing this to try to win people over which shows there's no science behind how he's been torturing us to this point. ainsley: and also some news if you're just waking up there's a seventh female that's come forward against him. it was six at the end of last week now it's seven, and she has two different instances she's talking about and also, his vaccine czar, this individual, larry schwartz, he's being accused of calling executives, county executives and trying to get their read on if they're going to support cuomo or not and some of the executives have spoken out and said look, we need him for the vaccines but we don't really want, we don't feel comfortable taking these calls when he's trying to get our pulse of how we feel about -- pete: fear and intimidation is how cuomo has stayed in power, it's how he's trying to continue to, apparently, he thinks that cancel culture, chuck todd think s cancel culture is only a fox thing and what's crazy about the situation, cuomo is in of course during kavanaugh he said well why don't you take a lie detector test, i believe these accusations. you can't say that in one instance and demand an investigation in another as much as i can't stand trial- by-media. everyone is innocent until proven guilty that's a stand after. they never give conservatives what their opponents. brian: someone should tell piers morgan it's a fox thing. ainsley: so george gascone he's the d. a. out in la, and we've talked about this story a lot because he is, it seems like he's on the side of these criminals. he's letting them out, doesn't believe in the death penalty and some of these families that have lost loved ones to violent crimes are so upset and blasting him saying he's soft on crime. he tweeted here in la we are sem fueled by conservative media, law enforcement unions, other tough on crime types from fear mongering to scare tactics we are watching history repeat itself but this time, reform will prevail. we interviewed desiree andrate, she is a mother on our show earlier, and she has one less child in her house because he was brutally murdered by five individuals and she said this d. a.hads is so soft on crime that even if these guys get convicted there's a chance they could be let out of prison because of his policies listen to her. >> this is a mother speaking here. i am a vick time's mother, and i am fighting for my son, i am fighting for what's right, so he cannot put any blame on anyone, and this is it's sickening to hear what he has to say. the district attorney' office is about protecting and serving us victims. i feel that we have no back. nobody has our back, and it's sad. it is very sad, where you know, you have criminals over victims. i don't understand the world we're living in right now. i'm dealing with the life of my son that will never ever be back and they will one day be free and be able to live their life, that is what i'm fighting for right now. brian: powerful voice. pete: gascone claims conservative voices and tough on crime types characterizing who he is. how the a the other side of the coin and convicted killers in prison toasting to gascone and the likelihood they'll be let out. remember this? >> monday night right here with my family and white lightning and boom. celebrating us going home. ainsley: so-pete: that's a prison cell not a form room. ainsley: and they're drinking alcohol and do they have a cell phone? pete: a cell phone, computer and got that and toasting to gascone because they believe soon, they will be freed despite murder charges because of the way he's dropping sentencing. ainsley: we asked the mom, we asked her when she saw that video what went through her mind , how she felt. listen to this. >> i feel for that family that saw that. you know, i would hate to see my son's killers toasting to an evil man knowing that they'll be out free, and laughing the way they were? like that's their homie? please, it just broke my heart, it really did. it's scary times. brian: unbelievable and part of his reforms is not letting victim's families come up for parole hearings or give their side of the story or go to any of the sentencing which is unbelievable to me why would you do that because they don't want the victim's families voice being heard which crosses the line between democrat and republican and might i add, we had his predecessor on whose a democrat being condemning him about these policies, alarmed about what's happening to california, because in an effort to have criminal justice reform, this guys gone way over-the-top. pete: they are also not sending prosecutors to parole hearings meaning they aren't even attempting present evidence against people that have been put in jail. brian: it just goes to show you he's mischaracterizing through his remarks nothing to do with conservative media. it's fact and fiction. ainsley: i just feel so sorry for those parents, can you imagine? you raise your child, you birth your child, raise them, play by the rules, pray for them every day, and one instance someone takes their life away, and then the d. a. favors the people who did this to your child. pete: for reforms. ainsley: can't make sense of it. brian: jillian mele you have the other news and hopefully it makes some sense. jillian: good morning, extreme weather and winter storm cripples the western plains with up to four feet of snow in colorado good samaritans helped stranded drivers and the denver airport remains closed as more than 2,000 flights were canceled and in cheyenne, wyoming the national weather service showing these before and after photos some areas could see records up to 50 inches. wow. >> tampa firefighters are honoring a fallen officer by wrapping a thin blue line around several fire engines officer jes se madsen intentional ly drove into the path of a wrong way drunk driver last week and his funeral is tomorrow. the marine veterans served on the force for 16 years and he leaves behind a wife and three children. >> overnight drugmaker astrazeneca doubles down on its safety of its covid-19 vaccine. ireland and the netherlands are the latest countries to suspend the use of the vaccine over blood clot concerns. the company revealing it has no evidence to support those claims after vaccinating 17 million people. there have been at least 37 cases reported. that's a look at your headlines i'll send it back to you. brian: it's the only vaccine they have and they are having problems with blood clots unbelievable. meanwhile 19 minutes after the hour. coming up straight ahead house speaker nancy pelosi leaving the door open to overturning the results of an extremely tight race in iowa, really? but republican congressman miller meekss had says she's not going to stop fighting to keep her seat. she'll join us, after this. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 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i'm a former director of public health in addition to being a doctor and we know that they stopped the paws act where individuals were being tested and then being quarantined, and so there's a lot of concerns here both for the health and safety and, you know, meeting with the unaccompanied minors, i think, be beneficial because we need to know are they being trafficked, are they being abused are they being sexually abused, i mean think of the horrific journey that these individuals are going under trying to come into this country , granted illegally, but trying to company here for a better life and then there's drug trafficking and are we empowering the cartels in order to bring more people across, so there's a lot of questions that we have a lot of concern we have for those people making this journey, and you to are we giving the cartels a welcome sign. brian: of course you are. let's talk about you, for a second. they are contesting your race in iowa. they seem to have found some ballots, you had a six-vote win. six votes but they seem to have found some ballots and it now looks like speaker pelosi believes she might take your seat away even though you've been sworn in and seated. listen to what she said yesterday. >> could you see a scenario depending on what they find in their probe of unseating the current member? >> there's always the hypothetical. could you see a scenario? >> that be a pretty bold move. but there could be a a a scenario to that extent: brian: what was your reaction when you heard that? >> well it's disappointing and honestly people should be outraged not because of me personally but think about it this way. we one on election night, there was a 24 county official candidate the week after the election at that time i was still ahead when they recounted the ballots and all that came in postmarked the day before the election and then there was a recount and through that recount process which is a three -member bipartisan board i was still ahead at the end of the recount and then i was certified by my secretary of state and certified by a bipartisan five-member executive counsel and then sworn in and people will remember back to january 3 on swearing in, all of the democrats voted that every member, every representative elected on november 3 was legitimate and should be sworn in that day. there was no contest, there was no one speaking on the house floor that i should not be seated and i was sworn in and i've been serving my district. brian: congresswoman, where did they find these ballots? >> these were ballots that were brought up during the recount process and declared to be illegitimate and let me just say that rita hart in a media interview she said skipped over the iowa courts rather than having the iowa courts address these ballots she skipped over the iowa courts to go go to congress because they went to congress to get the results that they need, not what the voters wanted but the votes that they need and also, this is there are six democrat members of the house committee on administration and three members and if six votes aren't enough to win this election then why are six votes of democrat members of congress enough to overturn an election, people should be outraged at what's happening. brian: it be amazing if she tries to take that seat back. congresswoman, that'll be speaker pelosi's call, congresswoman marianette miller meeks, good luck today, look forward to seeing what you see down at the border, thank you. >> thank you, brian. brian: meanwhile still ahead on our show a massive search and rescue operation for former flight attendant who vanished after sailing in the virgin islands. nancy grace sounds off as officials say there's no sign of the missing woman in their coastal search, next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ bike shop please hold. bike sales are booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your $75 credit when you post your first job at this isn't just freight. when you post your first job these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? 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brian: pivot to asia, thanks so much appreciate it benjamin. ainsley? ainsley: thanks, brian a massive sergio marccione p and rescue operation is underway for a british former flight attendant who vanished down in the virgin islands, and she was sailing with her american boyfriend when she disappeared from his yacht leaving behind all of her belongings. the boyfriend telling authorities that she might have fallen overboard, but law enforcement volunteers have found no trace of the missing woman in their search of those waters in the coastline. here with more is fox nation host nancy grace. what do we know? >> good morning. i have oversaw several water searches and this is no different. as a matter of fact i dived in that exact location. it's very placid, clear, almost crystal clearwater, and i'm questioning the timing here, because according to the boyfriend, 4-year-old ryan banno n, an american, he and his girlfriend, go on the island the night before, they have dinner, but due to covid rules, they leave at 10:00, they are back on their catamaran, it's a very expensive ship about a 700,000 dollars vessel and she takes the ship around with tourists at about $5,000 a week, so they've got that going on. back to that night. they have dinner at 10 p.m. they go back to the vessel. he says that they watch a movie and fall asleep but around 2:00 a.m., he says he hears an alarm the anchor alarm alerting him the ship is getting away from its mooring. he wakes up and she's gone. it took until almost noon for him to contact the u.s. coast guard there in san juan. i'm curious why it took 10 hours to alert anyone. back to the search. they are using drivers, volunteers, helicopters, you know, in a lot of water it's very difficult to do an under water search. you can't see that far in front of your hand but in those waters you can see very clearly for many feet away cross-sectional i'm very curious why nothing is showing up. ten hour delay, interesting. ainsley: yeah that is very suspicious. all right, so nancy what's coming up on america's most wanted, excuse me. >> well thank you for asking the big premier, have some tea, got some right here for you, the big premier is tonight, and we take a very very close deep dive look at what our friend elizabeth vargas is doing on america's most wanted tonight, it's tonight at 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central, to catch the fugitives that have eluded justice bringing heartbreak to so many families who have waited so long, seemingly, with no end in sight. well one tip is all it take, ainsley, one tip. ainsley: that's right, thank you , nancy, great job. thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. well many children suffer learning remotely, new york city 's catholic schools safely welcome their students back with open arms and brian goes one on one with timothy cardinal dolan, as they celebrate the success of in-person learning. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? 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everything today the students would say we get back-to-school so we listened to all of them and we stayed open. brian: in 1970 there were 11,000 catholic schools and now there's just under 6,000. >> the pandemic began a year ago and our schools took a hit because parents were unable to reenroll, about 6%. now the good news is that since we reopened in september, our enrollment is up and next year looks even better. brian: how many people would at home? how many people would rather be in class? >> my day is better here than in remote. i get to hang out with my friends. i get to talk to them. i get to play with them. >> i wanted to go back-to-school and i wanted to just focus again like i used to. >> rather come here, because in -person, it's much easier. brian: kids at home are watching this around the country and they're jealous of these kids. >> is that a good thing, the whole nation wants to get back-to-school. they are saying look at what the catholic schools are doing and they are doing it safely and their teachers want to be there. we have always said that our teachers are frontline workers that our teachers are real heros brian: are you glad you're back >> i'm so happy to be back. >> we're glad you're back too, thank you. brian: no doubt about it in a pandemic climate there's a risk to going back-to-school and that's why the department of commerce did a study and they looked at the closure of 130,000 schools and you know their conclusion was? that the more these kids stayed out of school, the more they would suffer, which is why so many parents were happy. the catholic schools are cross most of the country went back to in-class learning. >> they make me feel secure and safe. my child is in the best hands. >> good shepherd is doing an amazing job, so grateful they are here, they are safe, they're learning, they're lap happy. >> a lot of my friend's children that go to public school, they feel that they've lost their education for the entire year. >> when we came back in september, i think that it became real for the teachers and for myself, how detrimental it was for our students to be at home and learning remotely. children need to be in school. >> the wisdom of our schools is that children come together. they aren't only learning reading, writing, arithmetic, they are learning to get along and learning to be attentive. you don't learn that staying at home looking at a computer. you heard the kids yourself they're happy to come back. they want to be back. >> we followed the science and we listened to the government officials who told us if you follow these very specific steps , your children be safe and the teachers be safe. brian: are you scared to go to school? >> no. >> we know what's going on and we know that we have to fool these rules in order to stay safe. >> it hasn't been that hard. we always social distance and always keep our mask on and we always clean our hands. >> there is a way to do it. it's possible, i've seen it. here we are in march a year later after the pandemic and we're good. >> i say come back-to-school. it's time. brian: yeah, and a lot of those parents that we're speaking to some had to quit their jobs or put their jobs on hold in or order to watch their kids watch a laptop to do the hybrid learning or remote learning. one of them owned a restaurant around the block and she had to quit her job for a while and keep everything closed and now she's able to open up and know that her daughter is right there add this. 2 million moms have quit their jobs because of remote learning. they had to stay-at-home. 2 million across the country. ainsley: how cute were those kids that one little girl is talking with her hands like the first little girl you interviewed she's like the teacher. pete: i could see a fox nation show, brian kilmeade interviews kids. ainsley: like bill cosby used to do, remember? brian: we have some bloopers. ainsley: do you really? brian: kids just said your questions make no sense. ainsley: [laughter] brian: i said okay i'll try to to rephrase it again. pete: when you, one thing you see inside those close classrooms is faith, bible and a prayer and a shared mission that infuses a lot of the willingness brian: and they also aren't afraid of teaching american history. ainsley: no cancel culture and you get to go to church sometimes everyday, sometimes once a week. pete: well done, brian. brian: real quick special thanks to samantha hoenig for putting that together. brian: you wouldn't tell us who the producer was. one man's mission to give blood helps save more than 3,000 lives , the story behind his generous donation, next, but first, let's check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up. >> bill: ainsley, you're like between two thorns there look at the rose there on a monday. ainsley: did you hear that guys you're very lucky. very lucky. brian: we are. >> bill: republicans head to the borders as democrats blame president trump. here comes the cash, the mind- blowing numbers how much money your town will receive and they still want to raise taxes after that, has china already eaten our lunch we'll have a look at that on a monday come join us in minutes see you then at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome. pete: a texas native paying it forward marcos perez donated his 120th gallon of blood. his 962nd donation in the last 37 years, inspired by the transfusion that saved his life as an infant. he's now being honored by his local blood bank, who says his generosity has helped save, get this , over 3,000 souls, 3,000 people, marcos joins us now, with more on his incredible story thank you so much for being here and for everything you do and for your service by the way in the air force as well, we appreciate that. share with our viewers your own personal story that motivated you tok give so much. >> my motivation is when i was born i needed a blood transfusion because i was a prem ie, so, that's all i knew, so when i got honored for my 80th gallon, i came out in the media and thanked him for it and he was listening to the news and he was able to call the blood bank and i was able to meet the man that donated blood for me 53 years ago, i was able to meet him face to face. that was awesome. pete: that's amazing because you oftentimes i'll admit you don't put a face to that. you're giving blood you don't know where it's going, you don't have a connection to it and in your case, personally you do, to know that 3,000 people have benefited from the effort you've made and improved their lives how does that make you feel? >> makes me feel great because you know, i'm living proof that blood basically does save lives if it wasn't for that one donation i wouldn't be here celebrating 960 donations so that one donation has multiplied to 960 and to save all these lives. 3,000 lives. pete: and you donate plasma and platelets instead of whole blood so you can give more. can you explain what that means? >> plasma and platelets, okay i donate platelets because i can donate every eight days. i can donate 24 times a year, so what i do, i come to the blood bank every two weeks. i have an appointment this thursday, is going to be my sixth donation for the year, so i spread it out within 12 months and an average of two donations a month. pete: wow, you make it a priority, you put it on the calendar and you do it. >> yes, sir. pete: i'm told there's a dire need for blood. we think about it in moments of crisis or if there's a natural disaster, and people are in need of it, but there's dire need ongoing, correct? >> yes, sir, there's always a dire need. there's always accidents, there's children with cancer, leukemia, adults, you know, there's a need for blood but we don't hear about it until it hits close to home. like last year, on 9/11, for the blood bank there was people lined up ready to give blood because of a big tragedy we had back then. pete: it's a way people can give but you're saying you can do it all the time. you get some motivation from the bible as well. would you explain that? >> well the bible says that we're supposed to love each other and what better way to show love for a total stranger than rolling up your sleeve and giving the gift of life? that's what the blood is is the gift of life the platelets. platelets can only come from a human being, it can be made by man. god, you know, as soon as those platelets come out of me the body is already rebuilding to make platelets for my next donation and that's not me. that's god. god created the human body. pete: no better motivation, what a testament, markos perez 120- gallons and going we salute you, sir. >> thank you. you're welcome. pete: amazing more "fox & friends" moments away. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $429 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. out here, you're a landowner, and we'll make you're first month's payment. a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. >> thank you for joining us today. make sure to download the fox news app. open up your camera and scan the qr code underneath brian. >> bill: good morning, everybody. don't call it a crisis. the biden administration mobilizing as if it is a disaster of human proportions. migrant children at the border as the president faces backlash over the rising numbers. new week. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to you, gillian, good morning. >> good morning, great to be with you. great to be with everybody at home. i'll gillian turner in for dana perino. >> bill: situation has not abated in the least. the numbers are staggering. fema workers now said to head to the border to help care for the record number of unaccompanied children overwhelming the system there. officials say they're running out of beds in facilities that hous

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Tuesday ,March 9th ,9 ,Tuesday March 9th ,Opinion ,Friends ,Truth ,Cbs ,Everything ,Right ,Freedom Of Speech ,Safe Haven ,Validation ,Racist ,Electric Chair ,He Doesn T ,Monarchy ,Charlie Hurt ,Problems ,Attack ,Weapon ,Race Problem ,Free Speech ,Order ,Racists ,Mask ,Back End ,Address ,Conversation ,Things ,Name ,African American Cohost ,Britain ,Piers ,Piers Morgan S Point ,Baby ,Justing ,Point Of View ,Harry ,Royal Family ,Details ,Names ,Cohost ,Isn T ,Airports Ames ,Runner ,Argument ,Minds ,Wokeness ,Issue ,Shows ,Offers ,Evidently ,Crisis ,Chaos ,East Coast ,27 ,Tom Homan ,Blame Game ,He S ,Goodyear Duratrac Tires ,Chevy Silverado Trail Boss ,Road ,Rancho ,Exhaust ,Chance ,Treatment ,Cell Lung Cancer ,Combination ,Factory ,Off Road ,Immunotherapies ,Opdivo Plus Yervoy ,Gene ,Egfr ,Positive ,Fda ,Pd L1 ,Treasures ,Family Dinners ,Notes ,Desserts ,Yervoy Equals ,Death ,Parts ,Body ,Immune System ,Breath ,Chest Pain ,Opdivo ,Irregular Heartbeat ,Lead ,Diarrhea ,Constipation ,Yervoy 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,Education ,Computer ,Write ,Safe ,Government Officials ,Steps ,Science ,It Hasn T ,Masks ,Example ,It S Time ,Third Grade Teacher ,Principal ,Parent ,Student ,Class Room ,Restaurant ,Women ,Tuition ,Daughter ,Resources ,Grade ,Curriculum ,American History X , Ab An Attraction ,Peter ,Nobody ,Times ,Saint ,Slavery ,Jesus ,Faith Component ,Bible ,God ,Bar ,Catholic ,Great Point ,Judge ,Perfect ,Sense Of Purpose ,Irish ,Protestants ,Area ,Minority ,Neighborhoods ,Tradition ,Italian ,Chapel ,Catholics ,Janice ,Epic Weekend ,Catholic School Mom ,Janice Dean ,Snow ,Snowstorm ,Colorado ,Weather ,Potential ,Tornadoes ,Portions ,Season ,Cold Fronts ,Hair ,Wintrywet ,Warm ,Moist ,Northern Plains ,Storm System ,Kind ,Repeat Storm System ,Reports ,Deal ,March Tornado Probability ,Colorado Rockies ,Midwest ,Rainfall ,Hail ,Winds ,Stripe ,Into The West On Tuesday ,Forecast ,Storm System Move ,Rockies ,South ,Temperatures ,Mississippi ,Ohio River Valley ,Tennessee ,Back To You ,Brian ,Aition Iowans 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,Former ,Kelly ,Tom Cotton ,Foggy ,Sharper ,Clearer ,Game ,Diy Test Kit ,Try ,Healthier Brain ,Prevagen ,Limb ,Test Kit ,Health Insurance ,Colon Cancer ,Both ,Tests ,Hassle ,Huh ,Screening ,Human Way ,Healthcare ,Humana ,Headaches ,Botox ,Migraine ,You Haven T ,Samples ,4 ,Injection ,Speaking ,Effects ,Signs ,Condition ,Muscle Weakness ,Difficulty Swallowing ,May ,Neck ,History ,Injection Site Pain ,Medications ,Skin Infection ,Patients ,Side ,Nerve ,Botulinum Toxins ,95 ,Zero Dollars ,Psoriatic Arthritis Pain ,Migraines ,Text ,Cosentyx ,Counting ,Psoriasis ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Joint Pain ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms ,Stop ,Tuberculosis ,Ability ,Vaccine ,Relief ,Feel ,Rheumatologist ,Border Crisis ,Criticism ,Blue State Bailout ,Covid Package ,Pattern ,Communities ,Behavior ,Secretary Of State ,Grammy ,Defense Secretary ,Asia ,Applause ,Cheers ,Grammyss ,Beyonce ,Similarities ,Jukebox ,It ,A Little Bit ,Styles ,Privacy ,Looks ,Press Conference ,George Stephanopoulos ,Abc ,Id Say ,Many ,Clocks ,Company ,Sector ,Bridge ,Ciudad Juarez ,Tour ,Briefing ,Chairman ,House Of Representatives ,John Cornyn ,Laredo ,Anybody ,Signal ,Donna Facility Set ,Part ,Capacity ,Terms ,Equation ,729 ,Alejandro Mayorkas ,Politics ,Ordering ,Solutions ,Hhs ,Great Reporting ,They Weren T ,Report ,Playbook ,Pupil ,Talking Point ,Interest ,Measure ,Homes ,Family Homes ,Transition ,Tune ,Reasons ,Sunging ,Point ,Nancys ,Ration ,Rambling ,Expressioning ,Borders ,Illegals ,Joe Bodien ,Declaration ,Border Crossings ,Defense ,Action ,Policing ,Cabinet Secretary ,Guard ,Forces ,Protection ,American Citizen ,Guys ,Property ,Coming Home ,Examples ,Contrast ,Capitol ,Walls ,Fences ,Sovereignty ,Troops ,Security Leaders ,Couldn T Be Stark Ther ,Capitol Hill ,Threat ,Complex ,Concerns ,Specific ,Prospect ,Step ,Sense ,Public ,Thousands ,National Guard ,Joint Session Of Congress ,Nominee ,General Austin Go ,State Department ,Admiral Kirby ,Grill Bo Knee ,Which ,Comments ,Give ,Bias ,Biases ,Stereotypes ,Single ,Product ,My Culture ,Human Condition ,Clothes ,Emperor ,Horrible ,Manager ,Racism ,Employer ,Viewers ,H R ,Races ,Couldn T Answer ,Tongue Tied ,Laws ,Radical ,Opposition ,Agenda ,Trust Fund ,Virus ,Lab ,China S ,Purpose ,Whole ,Wuhan ,Secretary ,Meetings ,Pointing ,Who ,Direction ,Bottom ,Alaska ,Autonomy ,Issues ,Straits ,Relations ,Oppression ,Taiwan ,Commitments ,Minorities ,Land ,Independent ,Crack ,Hong Kong ,World ,Doesn T ,Check ,Stimulus ,Price ,Communest Party ,Cases ,Negligence ,Malevolence ,Europe ,Breach ,Hat Tip ,Points ,Souls ,Mercy ,Harassment Allegations ,Sexual Halter ,Measures ,Executives ,Wrongdoing ,Schwartz ,Reports Cuomo S Vaccine Czar ,The Washington Post ,Tool ,Safety ,Pieces ,Social Media Giant ,Posts ,Labels ,Covid Page ,2 Million ,Extreme Weather ,Misinformation ,Denver Airport ,Western ,Western Plains ,Storm Yippings ,2000 ,Grammys ,Weather Service ,Areas ,Cheyenne ,Wyoming ,Flights ,Photos ,Tent ,Family Reunion ,Tension ,Royals ,Buckingham Palace ,Lipa Wowing ,Dua ,Total ,Deck ,Medley Performance ,28 ,Wins ,Trophy ,Miranda Lambert ,Record Of The Year ,Country Album ,Billie Eilish ,Didn T Want Play ,Super 6 ,0000 ,10000 ,Information ,Crime ,Outrage ,L A County ,Blaming ,D A ,Progressive K A ,Son ,Guest ,Killers ,County ,Jail ,Punishment ,Landowner ,Next ,Same ,Equipment ,Landscaper ,Gardener ,Hunter ,Powerful ,Versatile ,Kubota ,Diabetes ,Musician ,Fingersticks ,My Name ,Austin James ,A1c ,Scan ,Glucose ,Onesecond ,Painless ,8 2 ,Prescription ,Cell Phone Repair ,6 7 ,Quote At Libertymutual Com ,Oh Yeah ,Aah ,4 Million ,Homework ,Wifi ,Community Centers ,Laptops ,Spaces ,Lift Zones ,1000 ,George Gascon ,Effort ,Recall ,2018 ,Desiree Andrade ,Murder ,Suspects ,Circumstances ,Iowans ,My Son ,Canyon ,Saw Canyons ,Birth ,Individuals ,Every Mother S Nightmare ,Charges ,Life Sentence ,Life Without The Possibility Of Parole ,Circumstance ,20 ,Human Being ,Toly ,Blame ,Anywhere ,Justice ,Crime Groups ,Law Enforcement ,Victim ,House ,Fight ,Reality ,2 ,Most ,Kid ,Faith ,Thugs ,Laugh ,Smile ,Mr ,Families ,Mothers ,Lives ,Suffering ,Blanket Policy ,Consideration ,He Hasn T ,Voice ,Victims ,Criminals ,Defender ,Reasoning ,Don T Know ,Coward ,Public Defender ,Protecting ,Sad ,Toasting ,Prisons ,Attorney General ,Alcohol ,Iowans Yeah ,Saw ,Homey ,Oman ,Heart Breaks ,Scary Times ,God Bless You ,Julian Andrade ,Apr Financing ,0 ,Don T Take Ozempic ,Zone ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Dealer ,Rx 350 ,Oh ,7 ,Share ,Needles ,Medullary Thyroid Cancer ,Type 1 Diabetes ,Reuse ,Pens ,Diabetic Ketoacidosis ,1 ,12 ,Vision Problems ,Lump ,Stop Ozempic ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome ,Pancreatitis ,Provider ,Kidney Problems ,Insulin ,Blood Sugar Risk ,Type 2 Diabetes Zone ,Health Care Provider ,Sulfonylurea ,Dehydration ,5 ,Time ,Restrictions ,Vaccinations ,Oklahoma ,Executive Order ,Freedoms ,Fox Friends ,Data ,State Data ,Hospitalizations ,Curve ,85 ,Businesses ,Blue States ,Leadership ,Car ,Veterans ,Belief ,Kate ,Spain ,Advil ,Ways ,First ,Advil Plus ,Acetaminophen ,Fast Pain Relief ,Advil Dual Action ,Crohn S ,Flare Up ,Moderate ,8 ,Medication ,Intestine ,Inflammation ,Flight ,Uc ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Surface ,Stelara ,Cancer ,Pres ,Serious ,Brain Condition ,Lung Inflammation ,Skin Growths ,Sores ,Tb ,Remission ,Janssen ,19 ,Podcast ,Foxnewspodcast Com ,Operative ,Losses ,Midterm ,Midterms ,2022 ,Majority ,Ben ,Rescue Package ,90 ,1400 ,400 ,Questions ,Sugar High ,Ramifications ,Package ,Stimulus Check ,Packages ,Lie ,Don T Open ,Grab Bag ,Ransom ,Unions ,Prime Minister ,Podium ,Form Alibieden Press Conference ,Excuses ,Crises ,Downturn ,10 Million ,Focus ,Rescue Plan ,Energy ,Attention ,Insuring ,Briefing Room ,No One ,Checks ,Jen Psaki ,160 Million ,Press Corps ,Speech ,Night ,Propaganda ,Unity ,Hopeful ,Perspective ,Host ,Warning ,Secretary Of Defense ,Influence ,Secretary Of State Landing ,Shots ,Region ,Quad ,Japan ,Traveling ,South Korea ,India ,Australia ,Austria ,What ,Beijing ,To Be With You ,Pop Out ,Snowfall ,Cold ,Northern Tier ,Cold Front ,Pressure ,Showers ,Thunderstorms ,27 1 ,Wednesday ,Northeast ,Mid Atlantic ,Great Lakes ,Seventy Five Dollar ,99 9 ,Six ,Twelve ,100 , ,March 15 ,Monday March 15 ,4000 ,42 ,3 0 ,16 ,37 ,17 Million ,February Of 2020 ,174 ,100000 ,2019 ,June Of 2019 ,24 ,November 3 ,January 3 ,75 ,700000 Dollars ,700000 ,00 ,5000 ,Ten ,1970 ,11000 ,3000 ,120 ,962 ,53 ,960 ,Eight ,9 11 ,429 ,29 ,

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