Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight

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signed a $1.9 trillion bill, that bill is being called a "coronavirus relief measure." joe biden didn't take any questions after he signed it, plan on taking questions tonight. that's not surprising, joe biden has not held a press conference since taking office, the longest and least a century a president has waited. our leaders no longer believe they have to justify spending nearly $2 trillion even though it's more than the entire gross domestic product of canada. it is triple all federal spending during the entire new deal and counting for inflation. nothing like this has ever happened. you would think we'd be able to ask him questions about it. in a functioning democracy, our reporters demand that joe biden this coronavirus are relief bill includes race-based land reform that does not seem american at all. they also might ask why we are apportioning billions of dollars to pay off debt for farmers with certain skin colors. is that legal? we just did it. and asked joe biden why we did this, we can't because he's not taking questions and probably doesn't know anyway. the past year has empowered our leaders like no other crisis in american history. going to see the results of that in the same moment during that period >> president biden: good evening, my fellow americans. as we mark one year since everything stopped because of this pandemic. a year ago we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread and checked. denial for days, weeks, and months. that led to more deaths, more infections come up more stress, and more loneliness. photos and videos from 2019 feel like they were taken in another era. the last vacation. last birthday with friends. last holiday with extended family. while it was different for everyone, we all lost something. collective suffering, collective sacrifice, a year filled with the loss of life and the loss of living for all of us. in the loss we saw how much we wanted to gain an appreciation, respect and gratitude. finding light in the darkness is a very american thing to do. in fact, it may be the most american thing we do. and that's what we have done. we have seen frontline and essential workers risking their lives to save and help others. researchers and scientists racing to a vaccine and so many of you, as hemingway rode being strong at all the broken places. i know it's been hard. i truly know. i told you before. i carry a card in my pocket with the number of americans who have died from covid to date. it's on the back of my schedule. as of now, total deaths in america, 527,726, that's more deaths then in world war i, world war ii the vietnam war, and 9/11 combined. they were husbands, wives, sons and daughters, grandparents, friends, neighbors. young and old. they leave behind loved ones, unable to truly grieve and heal, even have a funeral. but i'm also thinking about everyone else we've lost this past year. to natural causes, like a cruel fate of accident and other diseases. they too died alone. they too leave behind loved ones who are hurting badly. you know, he often heard me say before i talk about the longest walk any parent can make these up a short flight of stairs to his child's bedroom to say, i'm sorry, i lost my job. i can't be here anymore. like my dad told me when he lost his job in scranton. so many of you had to make that same walk this past year. you lost your job. you close your business. facing eviction of homelessness, hunger, a loss of control. may be worse of all, a loss of hope. watching a generation of children who may be set back up to a year or more because they've not been in school because of the loss of learning. it's the details of life that matter the most. and we miss those details. the big details, the small movements, weddings birthdays, graduations. all the things that needed to happen but didn't. first date. family reunions. sunday night rituals. all as exacted, a terrible cost on the psyche of so many of us. for we are fundamentally a people who want to be with others. the talk, to laugh, to hug, to hold another. but this virus has kept us apart. grandparents who haven't seen their children or grandchildren, parents who haven't seen their kids. kids haven't seen their friends. the things we used to do, that always filled us with joy, had become things we couldn't do and broke our hearts. too often, we've turned against one another. a mask, the easiest thing to do to save lives. sometimes states pitted against one another instead of working with each other. vicious hate crimes against asian-americans who have been attacked, harassed, blamed, scapegoated. at this very moment, so many of them, our fellow americans around the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives and still, still they are forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in america. it's wrong, it's un-american, and it must stop. look. we know we need to do to beat this virus. tell the truth. follow the scientists. work together. put trust in faith in the government to protect its most important function which is protecting the american people. no function more important. we need to remember that the government is not some foreign force in a distant capitol. it's all of us. we the people. for you and i, that america thrives when we give our hearts, we turn our hands to common purpose. and right now, my friends, we are doing just that. i have to say as your president i am grateful to you. last summer, i was in philadelphia and i met a small business owner, a woman. i asked her, i said, what do you need most? i never forget what you said to me. she said, looking me in the eye, she said, i just want the truth. the truth. just tell me the truth. think of that. my fellow americans, you are owed nothing less than the truth. and for all of you asking when things will get back to normal, here is the truth. the only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track, is to beat the virus. you been hearing me say that while i was running in the last 50 days i have been president. but this is one of the most complex operations we've ever undertaken as a nation and in a long time. that's why i'm using every power i have as president of the united states to put us on a war footing to get the job done. sounds like hyperbole but i mean it, a war footing. thank god we are making some real progress now. my first full day in office, i outlined for you a conference of strategy to beat this pandemic. we spent every day since attempting to carry it out. two months ago, this country didn't have nearly enough vaccine supply to vaccinate all or nearly all of the american people and public. but soon we will. we've been working with vaccine manufacturers. pfizer, mode moderna, johnson & johnson, to get three effective vaccines. with the direction and assistance of my administration, johnson & johnson is working directly with a competitor, merck, to speed up the capacity to manufacture new johnson & johnson vaccines which is just one shot. just yesterday, i announced, and i met with the ceos of both companies, i announced our plan to buy an additional 100 million doses of johnson & johnson vaccines. these two companies, competitors, come together for good of the nation. they should be applauded for it. truly a national effort just like we saw during world war ii. because of all the work we've done, will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in america by the end of may. that's months ahead of schedule. and we are mobilizing thousands of vaccinators to put the vaccine in one's arm. call it active duty military, fema, retired doctors and nurses, administrators, those who administer the shot. we've been creating more places to get the shots. we've made it possible for you to get a vaccine in nearly any e country, just like you get your flu shot. we are also working with governors and mayors in red states and blue states to set up and support nearly 600 federally supported vaccination centers that administers hundreds and thousands of shots per day. you can drive up to a stadium or large parking lot, get your shot and never leave your car and drive home in less than an hour. we've been sending vaccines to hundreds of community health centers all across america are located underserved areas. and we've been deploying and we will deploy more mobile vehicles and public clinics to meet you where you live so that those who are least able to get the vaccine are able to get it. we continue to work on making at home testing available and focused on serving people in the hardest hit communities of this pandemic. black, latino, native american, and rural communities. what does this all add up to? when i took office 50 days ago, only 8% of americans after months, only a percent of those over the age of 65 had got there first vaccination. today, that number is 65%. just 14% of americans over the age of 75-50 days over the age of 75 50 days ago got the shot. now that number is over 70% with new numbers from the cdc that came out on monday, it means simply this: millions and millions of grandparents who went months without being able to hug their grandkids can now do so. and the more people are fully vaccinated, the cdc will continue to provide additional guidance on what you can do in the workplace, places of worship with your friends, as well as travel. when i came into office, you may recall i set a goal that many of you said was kind of way over the top. i said i intended to get 100 million shots in people's arms and my first hundred days of office. tonight, i can say that we are now going to meet that goal, going to beat that goal. actually on track to reach his goal of 100 million shots in arms my 60th days in office. no country has done that, none. talk about the next steps we are thinking about. first, tonight, i'm announcing that i will direct all states and territories to make all adults people 18 and over eligible to be vaccinated no later than may 1. let me say that again. all adult americans will be eligible to get a vaccine no later than may 1. that's much earlier than expected. let me be clear, that doesn't mean everyone is going to have that shot immediately but it means you may be able to get in line beginning may 1, you'll be able to get your shot. to do this, we are going to go from a million shots per day that i promised in december before i was sworn in to maintaining beating our current pace of 2 million shots per day. outpacing the rest of the world. secondly, at a time when every adult is eligible in may, we will launch with our partners new tools to make it easier for you to find the vaccine and where to get the shot, including a new website that'll help you first find the place to get vaccinated and the one nearest you. no more searching day and night for an appointment for you and your loved ones. thirdly, with the passage of the american rescue plan and i think again the house and senate for passing that, and my announcement last month of a plan to vaccinate teachers and school staff, including bus drivers, we can accelerate massive nationwide efforts to reopen our schools safely and meet my goal that i stated at the same time of about 100 million shots of opening a majority of k-8 schools in my first hundred days of office. this is going to be the number one priority of my new tech cherry of education, miguel cardona. in the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated. to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe, and encouraging more people to get vaccinated. and finally fifth and maybe most importantly, i promise i will do everything i can in my power, i will not relent until we beat this virus, but i need you. the american people, i need you. i need every american to do their part. that is not hyperbole. i need you. i need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and you can find an opportunity. and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well. because here's the point. if we do all of this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by july 4th there is a good chance you, your family and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate independence day. that doesn't mean large events with lots of people together but it does mean small groups will be able to get together. after this long hard year, that will make this independence day something truly special. where we not only marked our independence as a nation but we begin to mark our independence from this virus. but to get there, we can't let our guard down. this fight is far from over, as i thought a woman in pennsylvania, i will tell you the truth. on july 4th with your love ones, it's the goal. with the goal, a lot can happen. conditions can change. science can make it clear but as new variants of the virus spread, we've got work to do to ensure that everyone has confidence in the safety and it's as effective as all three vaccines. so my message to you is this. listen to dr. fauci, one of the most distinguished and trusted voices in the world. he assured us that the vaccines are safe. and we want rigorous scientific review. i know they are safe. vice president harris and i know they are safe. that's why we got the vaccine publicly in front of cameras so the world could see so you could see us do it. the first lady and the second gentleman also got vaccinated. talk to your family. your friends. your neighbors. the people who know best to have gotten the vaccine. we need everyone to get vaccinated. we need everyone to keep washing their hands, stay socially distant, and keep wearing a mask as recommended by the cdc. even if we devote every resource we have come a beating this virus in getting back to normal depends on national unity. and national unity isn't just how politics and politicians vote in washington. or what the loudest voices say in cable or online. unity is what we do together as fellow americans. if you don't stay vigilant, and the conditions change, we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track. so please come we don't want to do that again. we made so much progress. this is not the time to let up. just as we are emerging from a winter into the spring and summer is not the time to let go of the rules. we've lost so much over the last year, we've lost family, friends, we lost businesses and dreams, we've spent years building. we lost time, time with each other, and our children have lost so much time with their friends, time with their schools, no graduation ceremonies this spring. no graduations from college or high school, moving up the ceremonies. is there something else we've lost. we've lost faith in whether a government and our democracy can deliver on really hard things. for the american people. as p i stand here tonight, we ae proving once again something i've said time and time again, ayou're probably tired of hearg me say it. i say it to foreign leaders and domestic lights. alike. it's never a good bet to bet against the american people. america is coming back, the development, manufacturing, and, distribution of the vaccines in record time is a true miracle of science. it's one of the most extraordinary achievements any country has ever accomplished. we also just saw the perseverance rover land on mars. stunning images of our dreams that are now reality. another example of the extraordinary american ingenuity commitment and belief in science and one another. today, i signed a law, at the american rescue plan, a historic piece of legislation that delivers immediate relief to millions of people. it includes $1,400 in direct rescue checks, payments. that means a typical family of four earning about a hundred and $10,000 will get checks for $5,600 deposited if they have direct deposit, or in a check -- a treasury check. it extends unemployment benefits, it helps small businesses, lowers health care premiums for money. it provides food and nutrition, keeps family in their homes, and itnd will cut child poverty in this country and have come according to the experts. it funds all of the steps i just described it to beat the virus and create millions of jobs. in the coming weeks and months, i will be traveling along with the firstt lady, the vice president, the t second chd of mine, and members of my cabinet to speak directly toto you, to tell you the truth about how the american rescue plan meets the moment, and if it fails, i will acknowledge it failed, but it willl not. about how after long, dark years -- one whole year -- there is hope and light of better days ahead. we all do our part, this country will be vaccinated soon. our economy will be on the mend, our kids will be back in school, and we will have proven once again that this country can do anything from hard things, big things, important things. over a year ago, no one could've imagined what we were about to goim through. now, we are coming through it. it's a shared experience that binds us together as a nation. we are bound together by the loss and the pain of the days that have gone by. we are also bound together by the hope and the possibilities and the days in front of us. my fervent prayer for their our country is after all we've been through, we will come together as one people, one nation, one america, i believe we can, and we will. we are seizing this moment. it history, i believe, will record. we faced and overcame one of the toughest and darkest periods in the nation's history. at darkest we've ever known. i promise you, we will come out stronger. we have a renewed faith in ourselves, a renewed commitment to one another, our communities, and our country this is the united states of america. there's nothing, nothing, from the bottom of my heart i believe that there is nothing we can to do when we do it together. god bless you all, and please, god, give solace to all those people who lostol someone. may god protect her troops. thank you for taking the time with us, i look forward to seeing you. >> tucker: joe biden in his first live addressed to the country of his presidency, a very strange address, surreal at points, like the presidency itself. it felt like a dream sequence. the first part of the president's address described the sadness of the last year, people shut out from hospitals as their loved ones died alone, people losing hope and businesses, children not being able to go to school, whole generations -- stunted by school closures. there is the president showing great empathy. his plan consisting essentially of vaccines, vaccines, and more vaccines. there will be enough vaccines for every person in america. the military will give you that shot, and if you take that shot, things potentially could get back to normal. no mention of the people who might not want to take that shot. the president said, if you take that shot, and where your mask, and listen to dr. fauci, it's possible -- not assured, but possible you might be able to gather in small groups with the ones you love for the fourth of july. we might have to resend that right, but it's possible, if you are obedient, you will get it. who are you talking to? this is a free people, a free country, how dare you tell us who we can spend the fourth of july with? rta best-selling author jones is now with reactions to the president's address. i was struck by the substance of his response to covid, the administration's response to covid is really the vaccine itself. what do you make of that as a response? >> tucker, it's interesting, you said surreal. if the word that came to my mind was bizarro. it was a bizarro speech in this bizarro world where we are all so desperately afraid of the coronavirus, where cases haven't fallen 90% since january, and hospitalization since 70%. we know exactly who's at risk from this, and most of us are at very low to no risk from this. you know, the world joe biden and habits, and i guess the world a lot of his constituency and habits is not the world i inhabit where my kids have seen my mother for the last year, i get y together with friends if i like, where i went to florida -- i know many, many americans lived this way. you know, where the texas rangers are going to have a full ballpark at arlington for opening day. you know, he can wait for independence day to meet his three best friends on the white house lawn, but most of us aren't living that way. the only good thing about the speech fromm my point of view ws the word, zero covid, were not altered to. apparently, that fantasy is not won the white house is going to indulge in, which is really good. there wasn't a lot of talk about making vaccines mandatory. they're trying to convince the people that the vaccine saved us all. in reality, if you look at the trend, we ared headed in a good direction and haveec been for to months, even though most people haven't been gotten a vaccine. to speak when they're many kinds of mandatory, there is effectively mandatory, there is no government mandate. goveyou can't fight on an airpl, you can go to buildings, he can go to 12, you can't live life without a vaccine.e after watching often our document when surprise me if that was at their plane. it's because that's something we have to keep an eye on. those of us who believe in the and the rights of people to keep dominic make decisions about their health and their children's holes for themselves have to push back on very hard if it happens. he didn't mention it, or he was nonspecific about what might happen if you didn't take the vaccine that you were told to. >> tucker: it's a really good point. i hope you will come back on this topic. alex berenson, really amazing, i agree, one of the weirdest things i've ever seen. the president, saved us just talk, talked about the tragedy of restaurant owners losing their businesses, so many have beer to ray washburn owns a number of restaurants, he's the ceo of charter holdings, he joins us, as he did a year ago to assess future of small businesses and restaurants in this country. you just the president talk aboutt the sadness, and you've experienced as a small business owner, without ever suggesting he did this. it was almost as if he was not connected to it at all. >> tucker, a year ago when it came on your show, we're just going into the shutdown. since then, 110,000 restaurants are shut down. what he's talking about is a phony economy he tries to create around us. if they don't understand how difficult it is to operate a small business in the united states. the regulations the government has put onto a since this is happened is just mind-boggling, what it's ended up doing to so many of us. through things like rent abatements that we now have to pay back, to all types of regulations on sanitation and things -- it's a very, very difficult to operate in this environment. theyer claim it's going to be se kind of la-la land at the end of this, not at all. we are about to enter in the worst times we could possibly have. even with the opening up, the regulations are just astounding nationwide, what is happened. >> tucker: congress just passed, president signed, a $2 trillion spending bill, i've never seen anything like it. you just had there been over 100,000 restaurants out of business, will any of that money go to them or only democratic party interesth groups? >> what they set it up for, they are saying if you have less than 20g restaurants, there is a mechanism set up. the problem is, the past ppp programs that is administrated by the fbi, which is a great savior the trump administration last summer -- we have to get these things forgiven for small businesses. they say on people's balanceal sheets, you can't go out and raise new money from either private investors or banks, because you are stuck with this incredible amount of debt on your balance sheet. i don't seem to be taking much effort to help small businesses out. >> tucker: ray washburn, when we spoke a year ago, i never imagined will be having the same kind off conversation a year later. i bet you didn't either, i appreciate you coming back tonight. the president spoke for a long time, longer than advertised, did he leave anything out of his address tonight? alex marlow is the editor in chief ofof breitbart news he's, he's also the author of the new book "to there's an awful lot of thought, that book is out may 18th. he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming up. what do you think biden left out of tenant's speech? >> it seems like he left out virtually everything.y the guy really likes vaccines and masks. he didn't talk about personal responsibility, he didn't talk about the government's role in any of these antiscience lockdowns, he didn't talk nearly enough about the fact that weha can probably open up all of her schools today. he didn't talkal at all about te fact that this virus came from china, he didn't talk about the fact that the viruses coming over our borders. want to know how he's going to hold people accountable who are responsible for thesese policies that crammed sick patients into our nursing homes, killing wayay more people than necessary. there's no justice for this people, it doesn't seem he has any interest in l investigating. >> tucker: he suggested, probably the most divisive thing he could have said, there's an out break of anti-asian violence, the implication was that is committed by the people who tithe the virus to china, is there any evidence that that's a real that you aware of? >> i was stunned when i heard that. he is focused on this, at the same time, when he wants us to have a moment of healing and unity. he wouldn't even give donald trump credit at all for what he'sldna done with operatin work speed, we wouldn't have the situation we are and where biden cann take credit if trump hadnt bought over 100 million doses of vaccines before they were even ready to go, and he relaxed regulations and he also made the opportunities for these r&d do get done. that was all about time, biden through shade at him towards the end. >> tucker: i noticed that. congratulations on the book, which i'm going to read, i appreciate it. we'll see you. ♪ ♪ joe biden was elected as a moderate who is going to stay the course returning this country to normalcy. it turns out, biden is changing the united states faster than any president ever has in american history. our job on this show is to pay attention to exactly how he isn changing. at "the new york times" as an going to tell you, we think you have a right to know. not every change that joe biden makes will better over time. a lot of things presidents do are quickly forgotten. some of the things joe biden promises won't happen. others are just symbolic ring kissing designed to appease the interest groups that got him elected. some of biden's changes are very real, and they matter very much. nothing matters more than what joe biden does to our u.s. military. our military is the last functional institution of any size in this country, it's the last institution most people trust and respect. it is by far the most important. a weak military means no country, period. so on monday when we saw joe biden pledge to bring an intensity of purpose and mission to really change the culture and habits of the u.s. military, we paid attention to it. here's what biden said. >> president biden: some of the is relatively straightforward work. we are making good progress, designing body armor that fits women properly, tailoring combat uniforms for women, creating maternity flight suits, updating requirements for their hairstyles. >> tucker: creating maternity flight suits? maybere those suits have been around for a while, we've never heard of them. it was the president of the united states promoting them at a press conference. at that phrase stuck out. not because we have some hateful bias against pregnant women flying military jets, we are pro-pregnancy, as we often say. we are also open-minded. it may be pregnant women make the best pilot spirit of the apartment of defensive measures everything, so there's got to be extensive research on this question. if the pentagon can show that pregnant pilots are the best, we will be the first to demand an entire air force of pregnant pilots. we're pretty confident he has not asked to see those numbers. we bet money he never even thought to ask. the rest of us depend on the u.s. military to protect our families, and protect the country itself. joe biden doesn't see it that way. finding the most effective military pilots, orff infantry officers are not his priority. identity politics is joe biden's priority, and all that matters. attitude throughout the u.s. government as well in the corporate world. key positions filled on the basis of physical appearance without any reference to ability or experience. you can get by with that, if you areet citibank, which now cares more about wokeness them thinking. they can explain the results of their shareholders ten years from now.g it is not fine if your only job is to protect the united states from people who want to kill the rest of us. that is the worst kind of dereliction of duty. yet, it's happening right now on an enormous scale. in just this week the biden administration announced the pentagon will pay for gender reassignment surgery for active-duty personnel. how do changes in the military make this country safer? it's not a trick question, saw another volley in the culture world, it's the only question that matters. no one bothered to ask it, probably because no one could remember why the u.s. military exists. there's a reminder, the u.s. military exists to fight and win wars. that's its only purpose. if u.s. military is not an ngo, not a vehicle for achieving equity, not a social experiment, it's definitely not an employment agency. nobody has a god-given right to work in the military, no one does -- that includes all of us. if you ever hear this show wind that delta force is discriminating against ponte 51-year-old cable news host, yos will know we have lost the thread, it's not about us, it's about the country. aching people feel valued and included is a good thing, it is not the point of the u.s. military. it cannot be. the point of the u.s. military, or else we are done. that used to be obvious, the military was the purest meritocracy that we had. if you get a minute, go back and listen to some of the speeches that colin powell used to give about his experience in the u.s. army.n the u.s. military is willing to judge colin powell purely on his house, if you would do at the time. he was smart and capable, for that reason in the end, he became chairman of the joint chief of staff. who is justly proud of that, and so was a country he served. when colin powell's story be be possible today? no, it wouldn't. joe biden has put a man called lloyd austin in charge of the pentagon. if biden plucked austin from the cynical world of private equity, you're not supposed to notice that. we're supposed to notice only that lloyd austin is black. if the realau headline is that lloyd austin is the second defense i could tarry in a row to be on the payroll of raytheo, massive defense contractor. if you saw something like that happen in a central american country, you would call it corruption, and you would be right. for centuries, our military has been consciously nonpartisan. it has to be that way. at the military has to be nonpartisan. no country can survive if its armed forces become a tool for specific political party. we know that, because it happens all the time all over the world, and the consequences are always horrifying. it has never happened here. lloyd austin is openly political. in his first days on the job, austin made the entire armed services submit to m a kind of political purity test. anyone who had views that lloyd austin found extreme had to leave. the rest of us watched as this happens, we sawpp it. an , no one said anything. the left approved, the right felt hamstrung, because they troops.the of course, if you support the troops, you probably should speak up when they are being abused, as they were. then, lloyd also been said accelerating poisonous trends -- versus the relevant criteria in hiring and promotion. in order to meet the demands of various democratic interest groups, the pentagon has dramatically lowered standards and services. a spokesman denied this, but it's true. ask anyone who works there. if you press the spokesman, they will tell you it's not a big deal because traditional standards don't really measure anything. why have them in the first place? why i have standards at all? it doesn't make sense. they are lying, and they're lying because they have to lie. politicians have demanded it. now, if you dare to point any of thiss out, they become hysterical, and they become hysterical because they can't defend their own policies. people can't defend what they've done, they yell. they can't even explain what those policies are, at least in public. so, they attacked. you hear politicians like tammy duckworth say it's unpatriotic to question the pentagon unless you have served in the military yourself. you haven't earnedav that right. really question mike could only cops talk about police brutality? if you haven't been elected to office, are you allowed to criticize congress? they a are not making a real argument, they are trying to silence dissent. not playing along, sorry. every american citizen has a right, may be an obligation, to know what the military they paid for is doing, because our lives may depend on it. today, the department of defense launched a large and coordinated public relations offensive against the show. they issued hostile statements, people in uniform sent out videos on social media. the dod even issued a news releasea. attacking us. a press secretary smites fox news host. smites! like we are a hostile foreignta power. we suspect this is one where they might actually win. they've got a manpower advantage. we can play you a lot of tape from this today, it took up most of their day. we could marvel about, since when does the pentagon declare war on a domestic news operation? i can't remember that ever we're notop going to do that, we're going to pass because this is bigger than a feud with some flack at the pentagon. this is genuinely worrisome. if the department of defense has never been more aggressively or openly political. tonight, their 2500 troops stationed 2 at afghanistan, they remain there to prevent couple of extremists. their 5,000 troops in her own capital tonight, also as protection against extremist, meaning, people put voting for the losing candidate in the last election. judging by those numbers, the pentagon is more than twice then focused on its own citizens then controlling the taliban. meanwhile, as lloyd austin hyperventilates about white supremacy, there are real threats out there. the biggest ones continue to be ignored. of those threats are not syria, not suburban virginia, not domestic extremism, at least not right now. the main threat we face, and everyone who is honest gnosis, is the government of china. china is a sentence. their economy will outpace ours, china now has the largest navy on the planet. why do they have that? why did they feel the need to build it? does that have potential consequences for us? yes. if china moved against taiwan, how would we respond? more likely, if the chinese decide to close international shipping lanes, it would cripple our economy. if they decide to shut down our internet, it would bring her life to an halt. if they decided to occupy malaysia but that would be a grave concern to the world. ifif any of these things happen, or 100 other things that might happen to -- what exactly what our pentagon do about it? and the u.s. military still win a real war? those are the questions that matter. of those are the only questions that matter.r. which is maybe why joe biden wants to talkk about maternity flight suits. joining us now, someone who has spent a lot of his life in or around the u.s. military. a retired lieutenant oliver north, author of "veterans lament." he joins us tonight. thanks so much for joint, coming on. you've got to wonder, i thought of you this morning and of people like you, some of them relatives of mine. what you think of watching the civilian leadership and uniform leadership. at the pentagon, turn so starkly political? what effect is that going to have? because they are trying to send you a message, it's time you woke up. in full meaning of that in our modern jargon. at the reality of that is they are outraged at you for playing the president's comments at the pentagon. that statement about flight suits and hairdos, and things like that -- i'm not trying to denigrate them, i'm just saying that statement wasgr made aftere had made his first visit to the pentagon talking about the most important thing our military does. you summed it up a i moment to . our military has two missions, no more not. number one, detour war. number two, if you have to fight a war, win it did. okay question mike they are outraged. you basically allowed the president to step on it. you replayed what other people had totally ignored. look at, it's even worse if you summed it up, secretary of defense alston, congressional hearings has said one of his primary missions, and i'm quoting now, stamp out sexual assaults, rid the ranks of racists andan extremists. what does that mean? that means that someone is going to have to find out who they are. he also said, you cannot defend america -- keep america safe is the way i think he put it, from sour enemies if we have enemies lying within our own ranks. i served overall 25 years, 22 as a u.s. marine officer. i was wearing a uniform for ani quarter of a century. i never saw -- when i came in the marine corps, i believe the actual expression was in those days, you had to sign a document under pain of perjury. one of the questions on it was, are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party? then they added on, party, then they added on a whole bunch of others -- its standard form 86 for security clearance. it is now volumes, what used to be four total pages. i interviewed for that book you just put up -- i interviewed my colleague and i -- dave catch and i interviewed 500 veterans. it is one of the most important things about our military. i military has and it tens of thousands of what we call, legacy volunteers. it's an all volunteer force, we don't draft anybody. i will give you an example -- my dad was a world war ii hero. the first hero i ever knew. i kept company with euros most of my life. my brothers and i all served in uniform, why? because dad said we had to, dada said, you want to. that is why we all served in combat, my brother's son died. i look at those kinds of things, and i say to myself -- we've gone back and asked this question now -- the expression, i've got your back, is when you see played out in the movie. i've got your back are four very important words. they are not a sentiment, but a pledge. at that pledge goes up and it goes down. a ghost to the guy standing behind you carrying a real ar weapon, not the ones they voted in the house of representatives today about. the bottom line of it is, it goes all the way to the top. it does this president has the backs of those guys who volunteered to come in the service? i don't think so. if this witch hunt that is now underway -- 1.5 million man days lost from readiness and preparing to deal with the number d one adversary we have n planet earth, the communist chinese. >> tucker: it is all -- you it so clearly, and i think it's clear to everyone who is paying attention, except to the people in charge, which is terrifying. i appreciate you coming on tonight, it's great to see you,i thank you. >> semper fi, buddy. >> tucker: some high schools are forcing students to admit they are guilty of something calledom the, white dominance. one student refused, and had a really good reason for refusing. what happened next is hard to believe, even in 2021. that is straight ahead. ♪ ♪ - hi, friends, michael youssef here. have you ever been rejected by someone you love? a parent, a child or loved one? it hurts doesn't it? but to all who become god's sons and daughters, he has promised i will never leave you, nor forsake you. will you come to jesus today and surrender your life to him? - [announcer] come find one who will never leave you feeling rejected or alone. visit to find out more. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: you may have noticed the people forcing equity on your children are the most morally distorted people in the country, people who claim they are against racism are the most flagrant to flagrant renewal racist. according to a new lawsuit, high school in the state of nevada called democracy prep try to force a student to confess his "white dominance." that student was raised by his thafrican-american mother who thought that was a little much, so he refused. but the school decided the student looked too white to evade responsibility for white dominance so they punished him. that's not an exaggeration, that was their actual reason. then they failed him. now he might not be able to graduate because of it. is this real? it is real. that student's mother joins us with her attorney jonathan o'brien. gabrielle and johnson --th jonathan, thanks so much for coming on. this is one of the stories, someone sent it and i thought this cannot be true. i'm very sorry for what you've gone through. how did you respond when you found of the school was demanding your son apologize for his white dominance? >> well, first, thank you so much for having us, tucker. we would not have found each other without your show, so i really appreciate that, but the way that i responded was to confront the school and explain themselves. >> tucker: what did they say? i'm sorry to laugh, it's just so crazy. >> it's crazy. they basically told me that they weren't going to change anything and that he was required to complete or he was going to fail. >> tucker: had he expressed, as far as you know, any so-called white dominance, and also do you know what white dominance is? because i don't. >> i have no idea what white dominance is but the only kind ofso dominance he has committed was ice cream in the freezer. >> tucker: ice cream dominance! >> iceuc cream dominance, that's it. he's a good, quiet boy. there's nothing -- there's nothing oppressive about my son. >> tucker: the poor kid, so i'm wondering to your attorney, is there legal recourse against this? it is so obviously abusive and bigoted, but do you have a case and what is it? >> we have a first amendment case, aat strong one. schools cannot require students to publicly profess their identities for a grade. that serves no apparent pedagogical person know my purpose. it's compelled speech and it's a violation of the first amendment. we filed in december and we recently received a favorable finding from the court that indeed were likely to succeed on the merits. this is federal court. and this class and curriculum is not atypical. this is happening around the country and it's probably more parents than gabrielle clark, who have claims like this on behalf of their children. >> tucker: i hope you crush everyone of them. let me just apologize, by the rway, for laughing. the absurdity of it made me laugh but i feel for your son. i mean, he's a kid. how is he doing after all this? >> well, he has got a level head and he knows that his rights are his rights, so he's standing his ground and i really respect thah and that has made me become very, veryry aggressive in my defense of my child, as should every other parent who has any kind of issues like this going on. stick up for your children and do not let them tremble all over your rights. reach out just like i did to anybody who will listen and i reached out and she hooked me and john o'brien up and ever since, we have been powering through to fight for my son's rights. >> tucker: it's just amazing. it makes my heart beat faster hearing you say that. stand up for your child and bless you for doing that. so many are not doing that. gabrielle johnson -- >> they need to. >> tucker: that's exactly >>right! i hope you will come back, both of you. thank you, godspeed. well, that's it. before we go we did want to pay brief homage to our reaction at the top of the hour. with no clue whether jeff zucker's dominion over it cnn was painless as we watch -- as he watched but we are glad he was watching us with or without trousers. we are getting to the point where we expect him to be in his skivvies. on that repetitive though happy note, we are going to introduce to to our friend sean hannity taking over for the 9:00 p.m. hour from new york wearing trousers. >> sean: really? your torturing me. you're doing it just to torture me.. >> tucker: i am. >> sean: i need to prepare myself and be mentally strong. is this going to be every night? i just need to know ahead of time. a >> tucker: there is an undertone of cruelty to it, i'll admit that but i just can't help it. sean hannity and pants. >> sean: i am wearing my signature jeans, as i always do, and sneakers. all right, thank you. welcome to "hannity." tonight joe biden needs to pick up the phone and i suggest calll mar-a-lago and, yeah, bring unity to the country as he says he so desperately wants and thank president donald trump because a few moments ago he tried to take credit for everything that donald trump did on covid-19. three vaccines thanks to

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Hannity , Note , New York , 9 , 00 , Undertone , Cruelty , Pants , Jeans , Hannity , Mar A Lago , Sneakers , Phone , Calll , 19 ,

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