hannity is this big guy, walking this tiny guy and you are very confident in your manhood. >> sean: [indiscernible], number one. >> laura: it was a tiny little thing. >> sean: my last two dogs weighed 110 pounds each. is that big enough for you? >> laura: yeah, that is cool, i like that. i'm just teasing you, give the dogs a break. >> sean: don't kill the dash the dog is a member of their family, don't execute the dog. >> laura: if there is any buying that needs to leave the white house, it's not the dog. hannity, great show as always. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle." from washington tonight. did you realize that you are subsidizing san francisco's pathetic record of failure? well, house majority leader kevin mccarthy, he gives us the gory details of the democrats' relief bill. also tonight, our school districts -- this kills me, they are actually profiting from the pandemic while your kids are kept out of school. and ingram angle investigation ahead. plus, dr. ben carson on a shocking admission from a potential juror in the george floyd trial and what that might tell us about the combustible weeks ahead. but first, rigging the next boat. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, in the obama years, the democrats' mantra was never let a crisis go to waste. now democrats are governed by a new motto. never let it crisis end. now, over the past year of covid lockdowns and restrictions, democrats have learned that the more fearful and distracted voters are, the easier it is to ram through radical policies that can change american life in profound ways. now, they use this playbook, as we all know, to devastating effect during the 2020 election cycle under the guise of protecting public health. a liberal state officials made sweeping changes to election laws that were designed to benefit their candidates. even after both doctors burke and fauci, when they publicly declared in person voting to be safe, well, democrats instituted mail-in voting in early voting anyway. then, they simultaneously eliminated key voter integrity safeguards in state laws and constitutions. since this worked out really well for them in the end, pelosi and the gang, well, they want to make these changes permanent. >> i also want to acknowledge terry, who has an important part of this bill, the voting rights act. this reminds me of what it must have felt like at valley forge. everything is at stake. we must win this race, this fight for this bill. >> laura: okay, well, despite standing in front of a sign that said hr one, old nance still called hr 4. she has bidenesia. pelosi is more like bad king george. does nancy really think we are so naive? if this bill is such a great thing for democracy, why did the democrats pass it in the dead of night at a party line vote? remember, even squishy moderates in the house g.o.p., they voted against it. anyone with a tiny little brain sees this 800 page monstrosity, they see it has zero to do with empowering voters. its sole purpose is to ensure a permanent democrat majority, period. now, hr one takes a chainsaw to our constitutional order by ending state control over elections. unless it opens the door -- and thus it opens the door to rampant fraud and abuse. the bag of horrible's, well it mandates universal mail-in ballots, early voting, same-day voter registration, and online registration and say voter i.d. laws would be banned entirely. states would even be prohibited from checking for duplicate voter registrations with other states within six months of an election. by the way, and ballot harvesting, that would be legalized nationwide. good going. if the bill also imposes nationwide automatic voter registration. how does this work? it does so by capturing anyone enrolling in college classes, leaving prison, applying for driver's license, or filing for unemployment, medicaid, or ball care. so why is this problematic? because this is how democrats will get an untold number of illegal aliens register to vote with almost no way to stop them from casting a ballot. in fact, the democrat authors of the bill expect this to happen, which is why the bill explicitly prevents the prosecution of illegals who report that they were erroneously registered to vote. but perhaps the most insidious aspect of hr 1 is the targeting of our kids. the bill forces states to accept voter registrations from 16-year-olds even though they can't legally vote. the bill also turns colleges and universities into government-funded voter mills. hr 1 creates campus vote coordinators, and those are positions and they hand out cash to schools that register students. in other words, schools that turn out the most democrat voters. of course while democrats supercharged turnout of illegals and woke college students, they'll be cracking down at the same time on political speech. hr 1 contains a maze of reporting requirements for political groups that even the aclu is worrying about, saying it could harm political advocacy and expose nonprofit donors to harassment and threats of violence. now, if this sounds terrifying to you, then you need to contact your senator right now and tell him or her to vote against this bill and if you live in west virginia, you can play an even greater role by making sure that your senator, joe manchin, doesn't cave to schumer and pelosi. if he's truly a moderate, he will vote against it. right now the senate is the only thing standing between this bill and biden's signature. but by the way, stopping this bill isn't enough. thankfully states are now passing laws to keep the election disaster we saw in 2020 from ever happening again. yesterday in georgia the state senate passed sweeping legislation to strengthen voter i.d. laws. again, that would be eliminated in this new law but in georgia they also want to eliminate those who can receive an absentee ballot. again, these are completely reasonable. they are sensible reforms and at the same time, productively, they sent the media into a total tailspin. >> it's being called the most restrictive voter law since jim crow, which of course disproportionately affects black churches. >> what republicans seem to be doing in the states is proposing laws that will stop a changing electorate. >> this is a textbook definition of voter suppression. there is a was been a target on black voters in this. the target particularly the states like georgia. >> laura: now, there's a target on the state of georgia, all right, and it's not from republicans, but from liberal activists and democrat politicians like stacey abrams and people by the way we use covid to usher in election changes that make boats more susceptible to fraud and less verifiable. now the georgia house has passed a bill which limits we can voting hours and enforces voter i.d. in response, the left employees not facts, but as usual, fearmongering. >> this year in particular, republicans are going after black and brown voters, targeted precision, to make sure that they cannot show up in the ways that they did in november and the u.s. senate races. they want to make sure that turnout never happens again. >> laura: you know it should never happen again? allowing democrats, or frankly anyone, to use a pandemic, or any other crisis, real or imagined, to pervert our voting process. we need to restore integrity to our elections and not allow partisan outside forces to dilute or cancel our vote. and that's the angle. adjoining it was chris colbeck, former kansas secretary of state. chris, you say this whole premise behind hr 1 is based on a myth. explain that. >> yeah, it's based on the myth, laura, that photo i.d. laws and other election security measures disproportionately affect black and other minority americans and that's empirically false. if anything, the evidence shows the opposite and even more importantly, the polling data shows that minority americans are overwhelmingly in favor of photo i.d. laws. they know that a person's skin color doesn't affect his ability to bring a photo i.d. to the polls and a recent gallup poll showed that 77% of nonwhite voters favor photo i.d. laws for voting. that's an extraordinary number and they agree with the vast majority of americans of all categories who say -- about 4 out of 5, 80%, say they favor voter i.d. laws. >> laura: have to say -- i'm just going to jump in really quickly because i have to say, i find it so demeaning that democrats treat nonwhite voters in the way they're treating them. they're not capable of getting to the polls, like we've all gotten to the polls for decades and decades? it's insulting. i find it demeaning and insulting for them. >> it is. and it's a racist argument that the left is making. they're making the argument that a person's skin color affects his ability to acquire and bring a photo i.d. and they are also literally telling them you don't know what's good for you. they ignore the fact that 4 out of 5 minority voters want photo i.d. and insist on destroying it as hr 1 would do. it would obliterate photo i.d. laws. more than a dozen states that have them. i implemented our line kansas, which came in in 2011. worked very effectively and was overwhelmingly well received by the voters of kansas and the same is true and the other states. >> laura: and this is happening, everyone has to understand, as our southern border is basically open for anyone who wants to come across, going to be able to stay. we could have a million new illegal aliens in the country, some young, but not all, many of voting age, coming into the country this year alone. by the way, here's how sheila jackson lee justified this disastrous bill. >> there's a pandemic of voter suppression everywhere you look. public and legislators trying to stop, in most instances, black voters, from voting and all other voters from voting. hr 1 is imperative, a widely freedom-based voting system that gives you more days, that gives you the opportunity to be registered, and it is long overdue. >> laura: chris, why not start now voting for 2022? if you're going to have two months to vote, why not three, why not 4? why have any limit imitation on when you can vote? >> this bill is every bad idea about election law wrapped into one enormous, disastrous bill, and as you mentioned with the threat of noncitizens voting, we see it with every state, people get on the voter rolls either intentionally or unintentionally when they go to get a driver's license and they are not yet u.s. citizens. it's a huge problem. states like kansas and three other states have a proof of citizenship requirement. this hr 1 would obliterate states that one citizenship requirements when you register to vote. it just opens the door to every single form of fraud that i'm aware of. what i saw a secretary of state. >> laura: what are the chances that this would survive today 'a supreme court? obviously this is going to be challenged in court. should it be signed into law by president biden? what are the changes that will survive constitutional scrutiny? >> i hope and pray that it is struck down. as you know, a former supreme court clerk, you'll recognize these arguments. it's unconstitutional not in one way but four ways. it violates the section that makes the states in charge of who is qualified to vote in violates article 1, section 4, which makes the state in charge of the dash it violates the 14th amendment, which says the states are in charge of deciding when felons get to vote again, if they get to vote again, and it violates article once provision that the states are in charge of drawing congressional lyrics. >> laura: i feel like i just got my continuing legal education credit. that was really good. all right, chris, thank you so much. fascinating and disturbing at the same time. democrats obsession with propping up failure doesn't end with propping up election laws. their $1.9 trillion "relief bill" bails out wildly irresponsible blue states and cities, including, of course, pelosi's hometown of san francisco. the chronicle reporting the federal stimulus package will erase the majority of san francisco's projected $650 million budget deficit over the next two years. saving city hall from having to make painful service cuts and layoffs. what this really means that the old man's pals running san francisco will be spared the pain of getting booted from office for their complete incompetence. joining me now house minority leader kevin mccarthy. congressman, this is really rewarding failure across the board. it's not so much helping vulnerable people as helping vulnerable politicians. >> actually it rewards bad behavior, it's a bay area bailout. think about that, san francisco has a $650 million deficit and they're getting $600 million. what do san francisco spent part of their money on? putting homeless in hotels, paying for their alcohol, paying for their marijuana. this bill also do you know what it does? it gives federal employees up to $21,000 paid leave. they've never been laid off. state employees can get up to $25,000 bonuses. it takes care of the swap. it goes in and it adds money to pay for the health care of illegals, and remember, they try to say this happens with covid. less than 9% of this bill does anything for covid. and it rewards the states with bad behavior. it literally changes the funding mechanism for states getting money in america. it rewards states that shut down, it rewards states that have pension problems instead of a fair process throughout the nation. >> laura: i want to play something. we are going to go back to nancy pelosi her because she was asked about whether there would be more bills like this covid bill. that means more trillion dollar type -- you know, pieces of legislation, congressman, and this is how it went down. watch. >> do you think this is the last primarily covid bill that you'll have to take up? >> you're just going to have to ask the virus. if it stops mutating, as it stops spreading and therefore mutating, then just see where you are then but it's not anything anybody can predict. it's just a question of the science. >> laura: congressman, my breath is taken away. she's saying it depends on the virus' mutation. she doesn't know anything about immunology, everything. anything above the virus is clearly less lethal than it was a year ago, but she was the door open to more spending, meaning the states can stay locked down in the fall -- closed-circuit schooling. >> would you expect any answer from any other socialist? you will eventually run out of everybody else's money and that's what's happening with this 1.9 trillion. this money does nothing to put people back to work, back to school, or back to health. it uses it to reward those that they care most about. the mismanagement of states across this nation, to reward federal employees who have not been laid off. $21,000. or state employees, a $25,000 bonus. that is working taxpayers money. it is costing every family more than $5,000 and a few people will get a $1400 check. it's one of those crazy emails you get from another nation. >> laura: congressman, it seems like they think they can buy off voters in 2022. that's what it seems like. they spend enough, the print enough money, borrow enough from japan or china or wherever they are borrowing it from these days, and just printing it, they will be able to buy voters off. are you worried that people are going to get used to being, sadly, on the federal goal? >> i'm concerned about it because what we're finding today today, by continuing to pay more for people are unemployed and not eating them incentive to go back to work, you find this time and again, where's the accountability? where is the work incentive to get people working again? that's what we'd like to see going forward, but again, the democrats find no other way than to provide checks out and i'm concerned about that but i trust the american public. we would rather work than have a government just pay us. we'd rather have a better future and would rather not sacrifice our children and grandchildren's futures for our wasting of money today. >> laura: congressman, it looks like two more months of razor wire and national guard troops around the capital and i think we can do to shut that down or that's going to depend on the virus' mentation as well? >> no, it should not. there's no threat. i mean, think of the hypocrisy. that is the hypocrisy wall. they will not protect the border. they want to take a wall down around the border but they want to put a wall down around the people's house? that national guard, do you know if the national guard sitting up there see somebody climbing the wall, they can't do anything, they have to call the capitol police. that wall needs to come down, the people need to be invited back in, and we need to protect our borders and let the people get back to work and back to school. >> laura: congressman, there is your campaign ad, madam speaker, tear down this wall. great to see you tonight, thanks so much. and when it comes to deceiving the public on school reopening, the cdc and the teachers union our partners in crime. dr. scott atlas explains. plus, are some school districts actually profiting off the pandemic, keeping it going while keeping the classrooms emptied? "the ingraham angle" investigates next. out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ ♪ >> laura: there are two forces conspiring to keep kids out of the classroom. first, in a leaked memo from a group in los angeles, teachers are warned not to post on social media if they go on spring break because the optics would be bad for them while they refused to return to in person schooling. well, speaking about optics, a group of doctors published a scathing "usa today" piece today called -- called out a second culprit, the cdc, for twisting their research in order to keep schools close. but here's our question. what took them so long? joining us now is dr. scott atlas, hoover institution senior fellow. dr. atlas, this does dovetail pretty nicely into what something you recently said, that the government has essentially gotten away with making destructive and unscientific decisions and at the american people by and large just kind of rolled over and accepted. >> yeah, laura, well, thanks for having me. the first thing that strikes me about that piece is that it was about 95% exactly what i said, except i wrote it in may. we are talking about ten months ago, so talking about what took so long. this is really a sort of sad state of affairs. we knew everything about opening schools almost a full year ago. the second point i would like to make is that the cdc somehow has now become not just issuing advice or recommendations, but somehow this is taken to be almost law and so to me, this is more of an aggregation of leadership. the cdc is not in charge of the country, okay? we elect people to be in charge of the country. cdc is offering advice, whether it's accurate or not is sort of a separate topic and i think we should think about that. i mean, i saw it inside -- i have plenty to say about that. you don't have time for all that, but i would say that look at these rules and things issued by the cdc. they are so arbitrary, this kind of notion that if you're vaccinated, you can now ang out with people, but only if you're vaccinated, if you're vaccinated, you still have to wear a mask and socially distance from people. this is not only nonscientific, it's illogical, it doesn't pass the common sense test. these things are just sort of out of control. secondly, i want to say this, that the cdc is issuing advice that sounds to me like coercion, okay? we are talking about a pattern here where somehow going to lose freedom of personal movement if you're not vaccinated. that's what the extrapolation is from these recommendations, so i think we need to wake up here. somebody's got to be in charge and the person in charge is not the cdc. >> laura: well, vice president -- president biden, you know, just look at him. doesn't seem like he's in charge of much, but former bible and covert advisor michael osterholm, he is still out there, dr. atlas, fearmongering over these covid mutations. especially as they relate to schools. watch. >> this variance from the united kingdom has now really taken off in the united states and its taking off in a large way in schools. >> i think that we are trying basically to plant opportunist in a category five hurricane right now. i think the next 3-5 weeks we are going to see major outbreaks in schools throughout the united states we are going to be opening schools and i think closing schools all within a matter of weeks. >> laura: dr. atlas, he makes so many productions that turn out to be wrong about waves and so forth. he's never held accountable. and yet he pronounces on television like oh, don't send your kids to school, scaring parents once again. what are your thoughts here? >> my thoughts are it -- you're right, there's no accountability, but what's more, i mean, this is really what i would call gibberish. i mean, this is completely anti-the data. we have evidence from all over the world on schools. this is not even a topic to be talked about anymore. the point is, there is no evidence that the schools should not be open. there's enormous evidence that they are safe to open and there is harm to not open them. the other point about these variances, that's just normal biology. it sounds like even nancy pelosi knows that. and so, you know, this is -- there's no evidence that these variances, these mutated versions of the virus are more lethal. in fact, it's the exact opposite. this is what happens in normal biology. again, this is first year medical school, really, but you know, viruses mutate to survive. they don't survive if they become more lethal. this is a natural pattern of events. there's no evidence where these virus mutated variances are -- that they are not worse. that's just -- i don't want to say it's a lie but someone who was really completely clueless, frankly. >> laura: did he forget his immunology? i mean, he made big mistakes with h1n1 back in 2009, as i recall. he wasn't really held accountable for that either. but now it's just again, focusing on him, but he's one of the most egregious violators, what i would think would be some type of scientific ethnic care, but there are a lot of them that are going to be called to account as the history is read on this. dr. atlas, thank you very much. bad enough that millions of kids are not in the classroom, but what if some schools actually making money off this travesty. dominic? according to a soon to be released report obtained by "the ingraham angle," some of pennsylvania's largest school districts are on track to do just that. in fact, districts in harrisburg, philly, and pittsburgh improved their budget situations thanks to generous handouts from the feds, and that's despite tax revenues declining due to the governor's covert dictates. and they're about to get even more now from the 1.000000000000 -- $9 trillion travesty in the covid relief bill. now, the philadelphia school district alone could end up with $600 million more than they had in 2019. joining us now is jennifer stephano, the vice president of the commonwealth foundation. it jennifer, think parents watching this, steam is coming out of their ears. the school could see their funding increase despite not being open for in person learning. >> correct. across pennsylvania, schools are not opening, they are not going back full-time and as a parent of school-aged children, yeah, steam is coming out of my ears. and the teachers union bosses, along with president biden and speaker pelosi and the pennsylvania governor continue to push a narrative that they need more money to open. this is -- pushing a big lie. it is simply not true and there's two reasons for it. number one, districts across pennsylvania, 95% of them are fiscally sound. the state government never caught 1 penny, not 1 penny from education funding despite many schools not reopening. number two, when the fed stimulus package came in the first time around, school district like the city of philadelphia increased even their reserve funding. they could have an extra $600 million on hand and they haven't opened their doors. and here's the big thing though, laura. in the marketplace, in inner-city philadelphia, catholic schools are open. the catholic schools -- they are safely educating children, and they are doing so with better results and at a fraction of the cost, which they were doing before covid, and they are in neighborhoods that are -- you know, the teachers union bosses left to say private schools aren't in certain neighborhoods. false, the catholic schools in philadelphia go where no one else will. they are in the poorest congressional districts in the country, which is in philadelphia. they are there serving those communities. >> laura: this is a scam. let me just say, this is a scam for the teachers unions. they are running a scam across this country and parents -- you know, all these liberal parents out there, donald trump is the worst thing ever, i'm not going to vote against trump -- are you happy now? are you thrilled that this is what you got? because i don't think they're going to be opening in the fall in pennsylvania. when i heard nancy pelosi say that thing about the variances today, well, we got to check with with the variances to see if we are going to have another covid relief bill, why would she be talked about a covid relief bill a third time around if they were going to open the businesses in the schools? i found that very disturbing. >> you should be disturbed, we all should be disturbed and i think you cannot blame this on a past president anymore and i think parents, whether liberal, conservative, you have got to realize that the power is out of your hands. i think a lot of people think if i can just get these kids back in school, but never forget the power the teachers union bosses have exerted over you and your children 'slides, and that should be taken into account. we need to get progressive about education in america. money should follow the child. period. >> laura: we should change the way were thinking about this. private and parochial schools, especially those in at risk areas can open and kids are learning, why the hell aren't we doing that across this country? virginia, pennsylvania, where kids aren't in school five days a week. it's a complete travesty and its child abuse. jennifer, your terrific gas, you've got to come back, thank you so much. the biden administration has blamed just about everything but themselves for the crisis of the border. tonight we bring you perhaps their greatest masterpiece, courtesy of press secretary jen psaki. lara logan will circle back on that next. my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪people have ideas♪ ♪ideas are all around♪ ♪you watch them, bag them, ride them into town♪ ♪and yet for every big idea that rose to wild acclaim♪ ♪there are so many more, that never found their fame.♪ ♪and some might seem bizarre to you,♪ ♪and some are only for a few...♪ ♪but many are small businesses that simply lack the tool♪ ♪to find excited people who will stop and say 'that's cool'♪ ♪there's an idea for everyone♪ ♪and you'll love yours, she'll love hers too♪ ♪these two get served up coffee, 'cause they adore the brew♪ ♪if you're the type who needs to cruise,♪ ♪or likes your bags in vivid hues,♪ ♪behold, it's there.♪ ♪these bikers got some new headwear.♪ ♪small businesses and people - make connections so profound♪ ♪and all 'cause personalized ads help good ideas get found.♪ >> at this point it's just a crisis at the border. >> i don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging, what we have conveyed is a top priority for the president. what are policy teams are working on every single day. obviously there was a trip to the border this weekend. >> laura: oh, there was a trip? how lovely. obviously the biden administration's border cover-up is totally falling apart, but white house press secretary jen psaki, she wasn't gonna gaslighting the public just yet. listen to her excuse for why immigrants are now flocking to our southern border. >> individuals are fleeing countries where individuals and families are, you know, they are fleeing prosecution, fleeing violence, fleeing economic hardships and other things. the region has also experienced two hurricanes in the fall, putting further stress on the conditions in the country. >> laura: hurricane? did she not see them showing up at the border and t-shirts saying biden, please let us in? who made those t-shirts? but the lies didn't end there. watch how she danced around just a simple question. >> the number of unaccompanied migrants of the border has tripled in the last two weeks to 3200 plus. is that number accurate? speak of those uppers are tracked by the department of def homeland security so i'm suggesting a talk to them about it. >> they want to the numbers. >> i would encourage you to go back to them and ask again. we are not going to confirm from the white house, it's not our program. >> laura: not our program? you are the head of the federal government, okay? that -- okay, that's terrifying. the official line coming from the white house, we don't run the department of hhs? joining us now is lara logan, host of lara logan has no agenda on fox nation. lara, how long would donald trump get away with saying that's up to them? a number is a number, is that not? >> wow. yes, it actually is a number and in fact, it's published. in the name of the u.s. government on their website. so -- and these are their official figures, so this isn't something that is even in doubt. why would you even cast doubt over it? it doesn't make any sense. >> laura: it seems like they know this is a massive military and, and a security problem, and they weren't ready for it and now they are just relying on their media files to bail them out, but even the liberal media, they've -- i mean, they feel compelled to ask about it given how much they trashed the trump administration early on when we had a border issue going on in 2017, the trump administration did. >> you know, laura, when i was investigating this and we just did, you know, a whole two hours on it for a show on return to the border, i can tell you that we found a lot of indicators that showed they were expecting this. they did plan for this. they did intend for this to happen and it is at odds with the reality you see here where they are definitely on the back foot. the thing that they seem to have underestimated is that this is a bipartisan issue. this is not a partisan, strictly left, right, republican, democrat issue. if you look at those border communities that are 90% hispanic sometimes, when i go down there and speak to them, people who even -- some of them came across illegal and they are now here legally, they don't want to have no border security. they are all very much in favor of border security and you find that all over the country and this is one of those false narratives that has been created that doesn't match reality. if you have any concerns about border security or any concerns about immigration, we want to limit immigration in any way that you are, somehow, guess what, racist. that racism is at the heart of all of this. if everyone coming over the border was white, it wouldn't change 99% of the concerns that people express when you talk to this. to me, that's what they've underestimated. they were setting up these facilities, laura. they had a plan in place for what it was that they were going to do. they implemented immediately with great speed so to say that they didn't really know what they were doing, i think that's being too generous based on what i've seen they've actually put in place on the ground. >> laura: i didn't think they wanted kids to sleep on floors. i think the sheer numbers, they weren't -- i don't think they were ready for it because they had kids according to the media sleeping into what seemed like prison cells. >> this comes back to their whole thesis that you can't possibly oppose or of any kind of -- want any kind of restrictions or limit coming into the country on reasonable grounds. one of those reasonable grounds that if you don't make it illegal, if you don't have some kind of difficult process, if you don't vet people and put families in detention, then you're just opening up the whole border and anybody who wants is going to come. they said oh, no, that's not true, you're just racist, right, you're just xenophobic. you're just a bad person, you're just evil and what you're seeing is the most logical, natural thing possible, the people on the ground are reporting back that everyone they speak to says biden says come now. the border is open. >> laura: it's a magnet. thank you so much. and during today's jury selection, a potential juror made an alarming statement about why he wants no part of this trial. we are going to play it and then ben carson tells us what this may portend for the weeks ahead. stay there. want to save hundreds on your wireless bill? 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first of all, this is not an everyday occurrence. some on the left would have you believe that these cans of things occur commonly. they do not. but if you want to push the narrative that we are systemically racist country, that everything has to do with race, go back to 1619, could you imagine a more perfect scenario to do it because of the emotional content of a situation like this to and you know, cooler heads have to prevail. yes it was a terrible thing, yes it should be tried, yes appropriate measures should be taken against police, yes police should learn from this, but also the community must be encouraged to be calm, to recognize that tearing up the livelihood of people who have worked all their lives to create businesses is not doing anything to promote your cause and we need to start being sensible about this whole thing. >> laura: floyd's family attorney said yesterday in an op-ed that a guilty verdict which will progress. protesters in minneapolis and elsewhere must observe the law, of course, but they shouldn't be afraid to show up. the americans who took to the streets to raise their voices can claim significant responsibility for the progress we've made so far. your response? 20 seconds. >> there's no progress if we are resulting in violence, if we are destroying things. that's moving things in the opposite direction of progress. peaceful protests, no problem whatsoever. that's a part of what america is all about, but we cannot tolerate unwanted violence in a situation like that. makes no sense. >> laura: dr. carson, thank you so much, great to see you tonight. and could there be another pet controversy about to consume the white house? the last bite explains it. ♪ ♪ out here, you're more than just a landowner. you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ ♪ we know it's going to take many forms of energy to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share. >> laura: while the biden days, and any for a bigger scandal. catch gate looms on the horizon. the white house press score is on the case. >> we were promised a white house cats, but what happened to that question marks because i don't have any update on the cats, we know it will break the internet, but no update on that status. >> laura: i will circle back to the cat litter on that. that's all the time we have tonight, shannon bream and the fox news at night team take it from here. shannon. >> shannon: laura, i have to tell you that fox news at night investigates. we are actually looking into what happened with the pumpers and we've got an update coming up, for real, i'm not kidding. along with our serious news tonight as well. thinks laura. breaking tonight, triple threat facing president joe biden on day 48. tonight, the top american military commander's warning that china has major plans to supplant the united states as a power and try to invade in the near future. sparking an almost unimaginable crisis and threat. >> taiwan is

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