Former Jacksonville sheriff, EWC president to receive OneJax lifetime achievement honor
Glover was sheriff from 1993 to 2003 — the first African American elected in Florida since the Reconstruction era .
Author: Florida Times-Union, Beth Reese Cravey
Published: 8:50 AM EST February 16, 2021
Updated: 8:56 AM EST February 16, 2021
JACKSONVILLE, Fla — Nathaniel "Nat" Glover, former Jacksonville sheriff and president of Edward Waters College, will receive the top honor at the 2021 OneJax Humanitarian Awards.
At an April 15 virtual ceremony, Glover will receive the Gold Medallion for Lifetime Achievement from OneJax, a nonprofit interfaith organization that promotes racial, religious and cultural tolerance in Northeast Florida.
Glover was sheriff from 1993 to 2003 — the first African American elected in Florida since the Reconstruction era — and president of historically black EWC from 2010 to 2018. In addition to his professional career, he continues to be involved in community service activities.