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Larry hello, folks, i am larry kudlow. Day 14 of the is really war, 1400 people have died, 629 others injured, 32 americans killed and 11 unaccounted for. The president spoke to the nation last night, it appears the Israeli Ground forces are about to engage. John roberts reports live from jerusalem. Thank you, what can you tell us . There was good news for a change two american hostages were released from captivity by hamas, taken south of gaza through fog into egypt and back into israel and will be reunited with their family very soon if they havent already. They were in israel before their grandmothers 85th birthday when hamas stormed in and took them hostage. They are okay and things are looking up for them. As to what it all means i talked with an expert on hamas and hezbollah earlier today on america reports, that was probably a delaying tactic on the part of hamas, hamas senses the ground operation is coming. We thought it might have started even today and by letting hostages out in dribs and drabs they could forestall an operation, to what end i dont know because israel will eventually go in but just a delay tactic for the days ahead. We heard from the minister of defense in israel who said taking down hamas what happened in three major parts, the first, destroying hamass infrastructure and a lot of its Leadership Structure through air assault and ground assault and a second phase, a mopping up operation destroying, taking off pockets of resistance, third, establishing an entirely new, thats another alert coming through, let me make sure it is not for us. That would be to completely change the security situation in gaza in a way that israel didnt have to administer but would be guaranteed hamas and Islamic Jihad would not rise to the level of strength again, that it could attack israel. I should say it has been a busy night for us. Mike tobin and trey yingst on the west coast of israel have been under rocket attack all night long so this is an interesting tactic to release a hostage, forestall the ground operation but fire dozens and dozens of rockets indiscriminately at targets in israel. One final point to this idea in terms of taking down hamas, he said this is an operation that will not be measured in hours and days but weeks or months. Larry any feedback from President Bidens speech . Reporter that speech wasnt for the israeli people, they know that america is behind them and will provide weapons and assistance. That was selling the American People on not just israel but to a greater degree, ukraine. Linking the two things to gather has drawn a lot of criticism from republicans who believe israel is the more urgent issue to be dealt with and the president was linking israel with ukraine in order to assure that ukraine who some members of congress started to go soft about got the money the president wanted. Larry thank you so much, please be safe. Catcher john and his coanchor sandra smith on america reports, weekdays 2 59 pm on fox news. Let me continue, a speech last night, President Biden is to be commended for his strong support of israel and Israeli Defenses including the iron dome and if he had stayed on message of israeli support i think it would have been a truly powerful speech, but where the speech went wrong was his coupling of israel and ukraine. He spent as much time on ukraine and israel. I think that was a big mistake. President biden tried to create a moral, diplomatic, and military equivalence between the hamas terrorist massacre in israel on october 7th and the putin invasion of ukraine 20 months ago. I think that was a big mistake. Heres a key point from the speech, take a listen. President biden hamas and putin represent different threats. They both want to annihilate a neighboring democracy, completely annihilate it. Larry this is factually wrong. It is just wrong. The russian invasion of ukraine, brutal as it has been, as much as i completely oppose it, is fundamentally a matter of ukrainian statehood and sovereign boundary. The hamas terrorist attack on israel is fundamentally about is relapse right to exist. Hamas and iran want to drive israel off the map and into the sea. Biden gets this right when he does say, quote, hamass stated purpose for existing is the destruction of the state of israel and the murder of the jewish people. Tragically that is correct. But evil as Vladimir Putin may be, he is not attempting to annihilate ukraine all to gather and drive them into the black sea, Vladimir Putin wants to conquer ukraine, governed ukraine, but doesnt want to destroy it. Hamas wants to destroy israel and i think thats a very big difference. This is not the place to critique the 60 billion funding supplemental for ukraine as announced last night but i do think conservatives in congress should ask for an exit ramp diplomatic strategy before approving additional funding and it is odd to me at least that after returning from the israeli war zone and addressing the nation right after, President Biden is asking 60 of his funding request to go to ukraine. Another big omission in mr. Bidens speech correctly defined hamass goal of destroying israel. He neglected to endorse israels goal of destroying hamas. I think he should have, for purposes of both moral and military clarity. The weakest part of the speech, biden turns to iran for only one of the two irani and mentions in the speech, here comes. President biden iran is supporting russia in ukraine, and supporting hamas, terrorist groups in the region and will continue to hold them accountable i might add. Larry hold iran accountable . Theres no credibility here. One of the key points is the fact that in the last three years President Biden has never never held iran accountable for statesponsored terrorism or its goal of destroying israel or its goal of destroying the United States. Donald trump left iran nearly broke. President biden has left a huge oil revenues and foreignexchange reserves largely through Massive Energy sales to our enemy china. Biden has not a limited the Iranian Energy and commercial sanctions nor implement in the Ballistic Missile or nuclear sanctions. From day one biden has attempted to cut a new nuclear deal with iran that would shower them with even more money. Here is historian Walter Russell in the wall street journal, mr. Biden is yet to grapple with the painful truth that americas core problem in the middle east is the march of an and up usable iran towards Regional Power regardless of moral or human forces. President biden repeats the same mistaken last nights speech, please take a listen. President biden the United States and our partners across the region are working for a Better Future where the middle east is more stable, better connected to its neighbors and projects like the indian middle east rail corridors or announced to this year at the summit. Larry the whole point here is mr. Biden and his administration will never understand, iran doesnt want a more stable, better connected relationship with its neighbors. Whether there is a new railroad or not, iran is a rogue terrorist nation, and that of that. They have no desire to be integrated into a peaceful middle east. The other arab states do have a desire for peace and prosperity and integration in the middle east. That was the Great Success of Donald Trumps abraham accord. The world was a far safer place under donald trump. Iran doesnt want this, not now, not ever. This is the tragic failure of the biden policy. Mister bidens speech last night repeats that tragic error. Mr. Biden does not have the strength of character to acknowledge that his policy has failed and it is time to seek another policy and because of this, the world is far more dangerous place. Thats me. Joining us now, senator Marsha Blackburn from tennessee my thank you on a friday. Your reaction to mr. Bidens speech last night. Marsha it was weak, did not have a solid path forward, how to deal with hamas, hezbollah, the houthis and all of these terrorist groups that as you have said, they are funded by iran. Right now because the Biden Administration has not pushed on reemployment in the oil sanctions, iran is making one billion dollars a week, spending this on nuclear warheads, uranium enrichment and funding terrorism which they do being the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism. If you are going to address this problem and go after the terrorist organizations, you have to cut the funding. One point you mentioned that is so very important, under donald trump, when he got us out of the first Iran Nuclear Deal and toughened up on implementing the sanctions, iran was producing only a few hundred barrels of oil. They were not able to sell that. Now they are 3 Million Barrels and partners in the axis of evil, russia, china, north korea. They are the ones who are the primary purchasers of this oil. Larry how is this hundred dollar plus funding request, how is it going to fare in the senate, the bulk of it, 60 going to ukraine, it is an odd story, the president comes back from israel, a declared shooting war, hamas trying to run israel off the face of the earth, half the speech is about ukraine, 60 of the money goes to ukraine, how is this going to fair in the senate . Marsha i dont think it will fare well in the senate. I dont think they will get 60 votes to move to cloture. These are separate issues that should be considered separately. When it comes to border funding, we need that. We dont need money going to big blue cities. When we need to have a discussion about transparency and the pipeline of supplies going into ukraine, china needs to be halted in the way they are bullying and pushing at taiwan. Thats a separate issue and getting israel, what they need, in order to defend themselves is vitally important. That should be the first thing on our list and it should be handled separately from the other issues that the president is wanting to push forward. In addition to this, youve got the fact that hes trying to continue aid into gaza. Last week, hamas was caught stealing money, food, fuel, medical supplies that were supposedly going into gaza for humanitarian aid. We dont need to do this, that its not a bunch of supplies going to hamas, they are intercepting these deliveries. Larry the Israeli Defense forces are the ones that take care of that aid. I dont think my suggestion will be taken in the white house, but i like the idea, some palestinians might be helped by it. Marsha thats right, you are right. You want to make yes. Larry i didnt mean they were open. I just meant chuck is coming over from egypt. Hamas runs the border, hamas runs every thing. How could the white house not knows this. Thank you. We appreciate it. Moving right along, mike pompeo, distinguished former secretary of state, fox news contributor, author of never give an inch, fighting for the america i love. We reviewed the book. Mike pompeo, welcome. At the heart of this thing, moral equivalence between ukraine and israel, i want your take on it. I think they are two separate issues that should be treated separately. The other one, iran, they dont understand that to use Walter Russell meads phrase, iran is on a peaceable, give them all the money in the world they are still on up usable, but tell me what is cooking. How was his speech. Mike i will try to take it consecutively as you asked, no doubt what the conflict of the middle east is different from the conflict in europe. Theres a responsibility to help each of these nations defend their sovereignty and help the jewish people protect their rightful homeland that theyve been in for 3,000 years. We should consider them separately but do each of these because not for any other reason than it matters to get this right, to see that americas deterrence failed. Let them think they can take real estate by force is a dangerous thing to let loose on the world, that includes the southern border, that should be considered although separately because they require that level of detail. Your point about iran is spot on. Walter russell mead nailed it. The model for obama and biden has been how much money will it take to convince the irradiance to stop their terror, 70 billion isnt enough. Thats what President Biden has given them into and a half years. Theres not enough money in the world. For political its not about money, taking care of your own people, it is about the wanton destruction of anyone that stands in the way of your theocratic ideas of how the world ought to operate. The ayatollah, whether 100 million in gaza, they will want to move from the mediterranean to the jordan river. We cant let that happen and shouldnt provide money to them they will use from online purposes. Given concrete, they wont use it to build buildings, they will use it to build launchpad for their rocket systems. We saw this. We have a lot of history. The American People know better, world knows better, President Biden and the United Nations dont understand the nature of these theocratic regimes. Larry the world was a safer place under trump, and obrien et cetera. Look at this thing, in three years youve had blowups in ukraine, blowup in afghanistan, hasty retreat in afghanistan, massive blow up in the middle east like you havent seen in a long time, 50 years since the yom kippur war. Many blowups here and there. China taking advantage of us, buzzing taiwan. You look at the world scene, it was left as a peaceful place. What has happened, world is in flames now. Mike that is very true. You should include larry kudlow as part of the team that built that, getting american policy right at home, matters a lot, released american energy, reduced regulations. Those matter too. It was in american first policy the deliver good outcomes for the American People and friends and allies around the world too. The bad guys new we were serious. It gets 13 americans killed or a chinese spy balloon for five days stealing american secrets. The bad guys figured out and begin to run amok. I pray that in the weeks ahead this president wont constrained the israeli government. That the biggest risk to america and the jewish people. We need to get this right. Prime minister netanyahu and his team need to do the things they need to do to keep the country safe. The pressure from the whole world to stop this over the coming days and weeks will be enormous. President biden needs to make sure he gets this right for america and israel. Larry one hundred , you are exactly right. Let them do what they need to do because they do it rather well, let them do it. Thank you. Really appreciate it. Coming up on kudlow, more reaction to the address. Marjorie taylor greene, kevin kramer and National Security adviser Robert Obrien, we will talk to some special ops people on the ground and try to figure out if republicans will ever get a speaker of the house in my lifetime. Pompeo is right, please pray that israel and the idf will be allowed to do what they do best which is defend the israel he state and wipe out hamas. David. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Explore endless design possibilities. To find your personal style. Endless hardie® siding colors. Textures and styles. Its possible. With james hardie™. Is it possible to fall in love with your home. Before you even step inside . Discover the Magnolia Home james hardie collection. Available now in siding colors, styles and textures. Curated by joanna gaines. The first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. We just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. Start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. Start for free at godaddy. 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Half or more of the speech was about ukraine and 60 or more of the money is about ukraine. I thought coming back from israel i thought that is where biden was going to take us. Not surprised because we know exactly why President Biden is so obsessed with ukraine. He and his family made a lot of money on their corrupt business deals from countries like ukraine, middle east and china and we got that. Larry i heard something about our hundred dollar loan, something jim biden was doing. What is that about . Marjorie that is about this check, this is a copy of the check that President Bidens brother james biden wrote to him, this is a classic example of money laundering. Here is what happened, james biden wrote this check from his personal bank account to his brother joe biden on the same day the 200,000 which by the way is the same amount that this check was for, 200,000 went into americorps, a Failing Company that managed rural hospitals, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy, 200,000 went into that company and americorps wrote that into james bidens personal bank account. On the same day he wrote a check to his brother joe biden and do you want to know why a Failing Company was doing loan repayments with the james biden . Court documents reveal Bankruptcy Court documents reveal that james biden himself said that because of his last name it brought very Strong Political connections that can bring money in from the middle east. Larry to investigate this more and get money into israel, the iron dome and the rest of it, we have to compromise. Give me a minute on this, a difficult story, jim jordan couldnt quite make it, my pal Kevin Mccarthy couldnt quite make it. I dont know if you will throw your head in the ring but going to have to compromise someplace, arent we . Marjorie i agree, the republican conference is in big trouble. Republican voters gave us the majority and by doing so gave us the gavel and they did not want by any means for us to work with democrats to throw the gavel on the floor and make it completely useless. We have to have the speakers gavel and the only way to get there is for our conference to come together, put penny differences aside and stop letting egos and attitude get in the way of us electing speaker of the house. Larry Marjorie Taylor greene, appreciate it, thank you. We will continue the discussion. North dakota senator kevin kramer, Senate Armed Services committee, what was your reaction to bidens speech last night. I will ask the same question. Are you surprised half of it or more was on ukraine, even there, as marjorie said, no effort to hold iran accountable or solve the middle east. What was your take . Reporter everything you just said. President biden could recite lincolns second inaugural address and screw it up. With the deliverer of his messages in my view, part of the problem, he opened it up at the inflection point. Things we do today will have dramatic effects or something to that effect. The things youve done in the past are where we are today. It is why Vladimir Putin was emboldened to invade ukraine in the first place. The botched afghan deal and what is going on in israel or ukraine, the deliverer of the speech is the bigger problem than the speech itself. The point about barely mentioning iran, didnt mention iran. Without iran theres no hamas or hezbollah or houthis. Iran is the problem. Quite honestly, it was in your opening riff, you nailed it, iran looks at what was good in the middle east because of the work that you and donald trump and mike pompeo who would be a great president , just saying, the work you guys did, strengthened relationships in the middle east irritates iran. I would submit to people if you are doubtful of that, pull up irans constitution and read every word. They are not like other arab nations. They are similar but they are different and that is important to read what they are all about. Larry this whole business, we continue to hold them accountable. The nexus crux of the entire blowup and war i might add, i might scratch my head if i had any here. He coddled them from the obama administration, cobbles them now. Dont know if hes afraid of the more in love with them but it is disastrous and part of the reason you see whats happening. Larry thank you, appreciate it. Bidens policies on iran allow this crisis to happen in the first place. At least thats my view. Irans cut out in bidens defense, thats another scandal. National security adviser Robert Obrien and senator joni ernst up next on kudlow, i might add. The biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. It still does. What can you do with spy . I have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. Jardiance its a little pill with a big story to tell. I take oncedaily jardiance, at each days staaart. As time went on it was easy to seee. Im lowering my a1c. Jardiance works 24 7 in your body to flush out some sugar and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. Jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. 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Mike tobin is on the ground, thank you as always, whats the latest . Reporter the big development, judith and natalie ranand are outside of hamas custody or detain mint, being held hostage for two weeks and are now out at an israeli base in southern israel, the two from evanston, illinois put in contact with gail hirsch, retired israeli general who was brought out of retirement by Benjamin Netanyahu and given the task of two of them are now out after being held hostage for two weeks. It has been two weeks since the october 7th massacre. Now, as we see rockets fly from the gaza strip, tanks are ready to rollback into the gaza strip, the Defense Ministry says the destruction of hamas will come in three phases, the first phase we are seeing now, the military component with the Ground Invasion, it will take a long time and be very painful. The second phase, he says, will be identifying, targeting pockets of resistance. A pocket airstrike when it to the gaza strip. The third phase will ultimately involve disconnecting with the gaza strip, not being responsible for life in the gaza strip, meaning power, water and whatever goes over the crossings. Once again, watching rocket fire out of the gaza strip, airstrikes back in, waiting to see when the Ground Invasion will start. Larry please be safe. Joining us now, Robert Obrien, National Security adviser, welcome to the show. I read the speech carefully last night. President biden did mention 32 american citizens were slaughtered or part of the slaughter of the original invasion. There are i dont know how many, 10 or so and accounted for. I would have thought with so Many Americans getting killed, the president would have devoted a little time to that. My question more broadly, israel wants to wipe out hamas. I know israel is at war with hamas and iran, is the United States at war with hamas . Is the United States at war with iran . Why does the United States tolerate 30 to americans getting killed and who knows how many being held hostage . I dont get this. Robert when we had a major hostage attack on americans, one of the biggest attack we have ever seen, 30 dead, 10 to 15 held hostage, two came home today. For us not to go after the terrorists, what happened to ronald reagan, you cant run but you cant hide, if you attack americans, not just about israel and hamas, this is about hamas and the United States of america and the message out to be every american should be released, not a hair on their head should be harmed or violated and you are going to pay a significant penalty for attacking americans. That has always been our policy my whole life. We havent seen that from this administration. The question about iran, this administration has been appeasing from the start. Going back to the appeasement policies, iran had 4 billion in foreign currency reserves at the outset of the administration, they are a rich country now. We made them rich and this is how they repay us. We need to get tough on iran. Larry it is remarkable how little has been said by this president about the americans who lost their lives in this hamas slaughter. You are right to cite reagan. Trump would have said the same thing. I dont think the United States even thinks it is at war with hamas. Robert this would not have happened under donald trump. Larry the whole world was a safer place under trump. I used that in my riff. You were the National Security strategist. The whole world was safer under trump, and bidens attempts to appease iran, mike pompeo talked about this and others had, have led to this state of affairs, this blowup in the middle east and they wont change it. They wont admit they were wrong, this crowd. Robert i never thought we would be looking back at the carter years as the good old days but jimmy carter after angola and nicaragua, they went to afghanistan, that was a bridge too far and he said i was naive and wrong about the russians, the summer olympics in 1980, harold brown, started what became the Reagan Defense buildup. Carter had the integrity to say he was wrong. We need to do the same with iran. We appeased russia before ukraine and appeasement against this invasion we had with ukraine and israel. Larry appreciate it very much. Joining us now, iowa senator joni ernst. From a conversation a week ago, now more than ever, we need a bipartisan bill that would somehow force them to execute the sanctions on iran, hold them accountable, what does that mean, hold them accountable for what . Reporter for heaven sake, yes. Barely a mention of iran in the president s speech, the department of defense, the department of state, we have a president who has sanctioned iran and refuses to act on those sanctions. Weve seen the amount of oil exported by iran, its highest level in five years. This is unacceptable. Billions of dollars of gone to terrorist proxies around the globe, we have seen witness the devastation hamas has pushed upon is real. To the state department, their response back to me was iran is the most sanctioned nation in the world and that doesnt do any good without an administration that blunt force those sanctions. Larry are you cooking anything up with colleagues that might be legislation, if the bidens wont do it you may have to pass a law to make them do it. We talked a week ago, you just came back from israel. I accept the fact that Richard Blumenthal of connecticut was part of the bipartisan group. I take your word for it. I always do. The question is what can be done to fix this state of affairs. Iran got two mentions in the entire speech last night, two mentions, they are the mastermind of this whole blood he thing. Ernst Richard Blumenthal standing arm in arm with me on a bipartisan effort, pushed out the letter earlier this spring about enforcing sanctions against iran. Now we have legislation that is setting aside a certain amount of money that will go to enforcement operations. No more excuses on this. If we have a dollars to backup the department of justice and homeland security, then we can do the introductions to seize the uranian oil, and i will remind our viewers that 75 of the proceeds from the oil we would interdict with iran goes into a fund that reimburses the victims of statesponsored terrorism. Its important to replant a file with the hostages and those that lost their lives. Larry we appreciate it very much. Coming up on kudlow, is relapse Ground Invasion of gaza, what may have already started. 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People forgot what happened, a couple thousand terrorists came in flying and in gliders, killed, raped, murdered kids, now the narrative starts to change. Is real is trying to be more savvy, putting out messaging and want the world to know this is what we are going to do, we are not apologizing for it. Is real likely discussed, to the three pieces they put out, thats a multilayered approach. Every piece of that would have to fail. Its like having a camera outside, a second lock inside the screen. That multilayered approach is part of proper Security Operations when you look at the big picture. This next piece is where it gets really aggressive. It will be small arms, our airborne all these units have a lot of experience. This is going to be house to house, 90 angles, tunnels, a monster blitz under the cover of darkness. It is going to be greedy. The good news for israel is they have expense with urban warfare, a brilliant way of clearing structures. It is called limited penetration. You can clear the whole room without going to the side. These guys have a lot of training with that. Its not the first time being in their. Its going to be aggressive. There will be a lot of grenades, aggression with small arms, but it is going to be a blitz and it will be fast. Larry im listening intently. Do bunker busters work here . Does israel have them . Aaron we are not going to go that deep into the rabbit hole. We have 170, 180 palestinians being held in and around gaza city. We follow international law. We dont target them intentionally. We have highly Trained Air Force combat controllers with their f16s to put missiles into the command and control structures of hamas. Thousands of sorties a day in lebanon. It is a difficult situation with the citizens, the good news is the longer we wait, the better it is. Tired terrorists dont shoot straight. We will take our time as long as we can, get the gear to the front. Morale is high. Larry all right. You are a prince. Thank you. 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