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How a Single Supreme Court seat can change history. And this may be one of the most propitiouslytitled books to hit the book stands in a long time. [laughter] senator, its great to have you with us and also we recommend the senators book to you highly. I want to begin with the level of fraud that we see now. Many people do not realize you were also a part of the republican legal team back in gore v. Bush. Its give us your sense of what, where we are right now in terms of electoral fraud. Well, look, weve got litigation all over the country. The results of the election arent final, and theyre not final until the matters are litigated and the results have been finally tabulated. And there are recounts ongoing. You mentioned my book, one vote away, theres an entire chapter in the book on bush v. Gore. And in 2000 i was part of george w. Bushs legal team. And if you think about it that night, that night initially the news media called al gore the winner, then they switched it and called george w. Bush the winner. Al gore sent an army of lawyers into florida, and for 36 days nobody knew what the result was. They had to litigate those matters, they had to complete the recount, and then at the end of the day we learned who the winner was. During that time and in the book one vote away i take people behind the scenes and in the war room where we had a whiteboard on the wall with seven different lawsuits any one of which could have cost the presidency of the United States. During that time we conducted a full trial, we went to the florida Supreme Court twice, we went to the u. S. Supreme court twice, briefed it, argued and got opinions. That took 36 days. The court system can move and move quickly and, ultimately, george w. Bush prevailed because when the votes were counted, he had the most votes in florida, and he won. The same thing needs to happen here. The litigation needs to get resolved in each of the states where there are pending cases, and then well know whos prevailed, but thats going to take several weeks. Lou would you not agree its further evidence of just how unconstitutional the idea of early voting, mailin voting is to realize that were coming up against two important deadlines here as a result of disputes over these votes . One is december 8th, the other the 4th. And we are, we have in some instances going up to the 20th of this month, votes being tabulated. This is outrageous. And how in the world did the idea of early balloting, early voting, mailin balloting ever pass muster and get by the Supreme Court . Well, mailin is voting historically has been significantly more subject to fraud. Its more susceptible to unscrupulous operatives stealing peoples votes, engaging in vote harvesting which weve seen. Unfortunately in the era of covid, a lot of democratic states and democratic jurisdictions used it as an excuse to expand mailin voting. Now, theres a silver lewining to that which is as we have recount and contest litigation pending in the states, on election day donald trump won a significant majority of the people who cast inperson ballots on election day. Of the early vote and the mailin vote, biden won a significant majority. The Silver Lining is that historically mailin votes get excluded in a recount, get rejected in litigation much more frequently than inperson votes because theyre more often subject to fraud, theyre more often they dont meet the legal standards. What that means is if the litigation moves forward, theres some real possibility that we will see the vote totals for joe biden go down as the legal votes are excluded, and thats what the judicial process is meant to determine and what i expect it will be determining in the coming weeks. Lou isnt there a collision here between the requirement for a uniform among the states a uniform federal election day and early voting, mailin balloting, however you want to style it or term it . That just seems to fly in the face of giving the power of that electoral process over in each state to the state government. Well, what the constitution does is it gives the power of setting the time, place and manner of the president ial election to the state legislatures. And its unusual normally when the constitution speaks of the state, it addresses the entire state government. In this instance it specifies the legislature in particular. That is highly relevant especially in pennsylvania because what happened is the legislature set, passed a law and set a rule that ballots, early ballots lou a republicancontrolled legislature, we should point out. Yeah. Lou right. And the democratic governor and the democratic Supreme Court just decreed that they were changing that. Attempting to change that is contrary to the constitution, and i think if the Supreme Court considers that case on the merits, they are likely to conclude that what the pennsylvania Supreme Court did was unconstitutional. And those facts lou and those facts were in evidence going into the decision to pass on a ruling beforehand, before the Supreme Court. John roberts demuring. Did he make a mistake . You know, i think the court dud make a mistake. They should have taken the case. John roberts joined the liberals and didnt take the case before the election. It would have been much easier to resolve it then. Subsequently, Justice Sam Alito said the mores were quite likely to prevail on the merits. The constitutional question was clear, and he ordered the state of pennsylvania to segregate those latereceived votes, to keep them separate so that a court, if it concluded they were illegal are, could exclude them. And i think that really foreshadowed that if the court takes this on the merits, it will likely strike it down. Its not certain the court would agree to take the case on the merits, but if they do, i think the president s likelily to prevail on that likely to prevail on that legal question. Lou on that question and also will the court take into account that the complaints and charges here of voter, both voter fraud and electoral fraud all fall upon the democrats, not republicans . That looks very bad, i would think, for anyone using common sense. Is it relevant in the high court . Well, in terms of laying out the evidence of voter fraud, that really is a step that has to play out in the trial courts, both the state trial courts and federal trial courts. And, you know, its hard for any of us as informed citizens to really know exactly what happened. You see something on twitter, you see a story here or there, but you dont know what the facts are. And thats why we have a judicial system where in a court the Trump Campaign and the biden campaign, they will send in their lawyers, they will put on evidence, expert witnesses, they will hear testimony, and the judicial system will make determinations of facts. Thats how we find out what occurred is that we have a system to test the facts. So im hopeful and what i expect to happen in the coming days and weeks is for the Trump Campaign to put on their evidence and, hopefully, to convince a factfinder that their allegations of fraud are accurate and supported by the evidence. Lou yeah, there are two elements here. One is, of course, the appearance at least of fraud across a broad number of states and in each instance the charges are against democrats, not are republicans. The other part is we have a president who the court will also be able to judge very clearly. The democrats have been trying to both block his presidency, to overthrow his presidency through impeachment as well as absolute, in my judgment, treason on the part of a number of government officials, the deep state, if you will. Those things should be taken into account, dont you think, as well by the court . To see this as a continuation of what has been the resistance . They did not call it the healing. Isnt that interesting . Back in 2016. Now theyre calling it the healing period. Back then it was the resistance that persisted until this very moment. Your thoughts as we wrap up here. Well, i dont know that the Supreme Court necessarily will give that great weight, but i do think the American People see it. The American People see that for four years the democrats attacked President Trump, denied the legitimacy of husband election, fought him at every stage. You started with Andrew Mccabe who testified before the Judiciary Committee yesterday. Ive got to say the behavior of the doj and the fbi under barack obama, they politicized it and used it to attack their enemies, and it was disgraceful. I think the American People see that. The impeachment saga was an abuse of power as well, and i think thats one of the reasons why over 70 million americans came out to support President Trump. We need every legal vote to be counted, and im hopeful at the end of this process we will determine the winner, and i very much hope President Trump is reelected. You mentioned a week ago the Georgia Senate race, two senate seats on the ballot january 5th. Im going to be traveling to georgia. Control of the senate hinges on the state of georgia. And if you dont want to see the radical leftist agenda of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and aoc implemented, that Georgia Senate seat is to save the whole country. Lou senator ted cruz, im sure that everyone is excited to see you in georgia, and im pretty sure, too, that youll be bringing a lot of your friends to the effort. And also i want to compliment you on help helping shed light on the obamagate with Andrew Mccabe in the Senate Judiciary hearing. You were terrific, we appreciate prosecute it and appreciates what youre going to be doing in georgia. As always. Senator ted cruz, thank you. Up next, one of the republican canvass Board Members in wayne county, michigan, she was harassed, she was bullied, she was threatened and she certified Election Results. Her name is monica palmer. She is our guest here next. Stay with us, well be right back. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To syour body needs routine. 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Com, thats aerotrainer. Com. Adapting. Innovating. Lsetting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Lou our next guest has faced the harassment, the intimidation efforts of the radical left in this country. She was bullied, she was threatened by them, and she certified Election Results in wayne county, michigan. And joining us now is monica palmer. Shes one of two republican members of the wayne board of canvassers, wayne county board of canvassers, and monica has since rescinded her vote to certify those results. Monica, i can only imagine what youve gone through here in the last few days, but i applaud and appreciate you being with us tonight to tell your story and what has transpired in wayne county, one of the most controversial locations. A state a county where we saw so much happening just before our cameras; the boarding up of cardboard over windows to prevent the public from seeing whats going on. Tell us why, first of all, you did not want to certify the results in wayne county, you and one other republican member of the board of canvassers. When we were given a verbal executive summary of the precincts to find out the over under reports whether the precincts were balanced or unbalanced, there were an excessive number of precincts that were unbalanced without explanation. And it is the job of the canvass to find the explanations in the difference in the balance. Therefore, in my opinion, we did not have complete and accurate documentation for the total number of votes on the precincts that didnt have explanations, and that is why i voted no. Lou that is one of the requirements, is for the canvassers to find that balance and to have an explanation for the imbalance, correct . That is correct. Lou and so that Board Meeting in wayne county was underway, there was video streaming of it, there was some contention in the room, and it was going out to everyone. And suddenly the video streaming of a Public Meeting was interrupted. It was stopped. What happened when the cameras went off . Im not sure how the cameras stopped. I wasnt operating the laptops. But during public commentary, the vice chair pulled me aside into the back warehouse and offered a suggestion on a win win solution that would get wayne county Election Results certified and would provide a route to get explanations to the precincts that were out of balance, unexplained at that point and offered me a personal guarantee that he had Higher Authority promised him that we could get an audit done, a comprehensive, independent audit. And that comprehensive, independent audit should be able to provide the explanations that are currently missing. And its for that reason only that i voted for the certification, knowing that we would have an audit that would provide the explanation for the differences. Lou right. But, of course, thats not occurred, and you have been threatened. Youve been harassed. What are the most serious threats against you and your family . Ive received Text Messages with awful, awful photos of naked women and then a photo of my daughter that was pulled offline and a note letting me know that thats what was going to happen to my daughter. And that im viewed as a terrorist and that my husband and my daughter or and i should all fear for our lives. My employer has been harassed. A wedding, bridal shop that i shared a post from i dont know how long ago, theyve been harassed because i shared a poston post on my page on twitter. Its just where does it stop . Lou it doesnt stop, monica. It doesnt stop. Weve watched the country be harassed and intimidated from may through august with street violence across the largest democratrun cities. We have seen a Supreme Court justice intimidated, some say broken. Referring to justice kavanaugh. We have seen the ugliest side of this country and the ugliest side of the american left and the democrat party. We thank you for being with us. We hope you will rejoin us and, monica, we, you know, every american should feel terrible for you. We hope that you will stay safe, and were going to to have to get this fixed, and we need to get it fixed now. Up next, a new documentary explores how the forgotten families have gotten out of the cycle. And be sure to buy my new book, the trump century. Its hot, or its just wonderful and its available at loudobbsshop. Com. Patriots only. I stay with us, well be right children laughing music swells dog barking music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Meet omnipod it delivers insulin through a tubeless pod. Just one small pod replaces up to 14 injections and today you can get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial at omnipod. Com. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. Simplify life. Omnipod. Everybody has a story. It could be through drugs, it could be through abuse, it could be through violence, and our families are broken down, our communities are broken down, peoples lives are broken down. Theyre devastated. This is the story of three forgotten american cities. I spent five years exploring this lost american if interior. I thought id be telling an economic story, but over time i discovered theres a deeper human crisis. Lou thats a clip from the new documentary america lost, exploring the forgotten men and women of youngstown the, ohio, memphis, tennessee, and stockton, california. Our next guest is the director of the documentary, and joining us is christopher rufo, fellow at the discovery institute. Congratulations on the movie, an important subject. And at this, at this juncture your ideas changed a lot. You said it was about economics, but it turned out to be about people. People in this country right now are hurting in so many ways, but economically certainly among them as a result of the china virus. What dud you learn . What did you learn . Yes. I learned that right now about 50 million americans are going through a crisis where all of the institutions the family, the Faith Community and ore elements of social capital have collapsed. We spend so much time talking about partisan politics, but meanwhile, there are millions and millions of families that have seen the kind of social fabric just shredded beneath them. Lou the social fabric, theres also a social contract we have in this country, medicaid, we have medicare, we have all sorts of programs, food stamps, s. N. A. P. , you name it. We have an extraordinary safety net for people who are in pain. Why isnt that working in these communities that have lost so much . Yeah. The United States currently spends more than 1. 1 trillion a year on antipoverty programs, and yet the official poverty rate hasnt changed since about 1968. And its because the policies that have failed and failed year after year, they keep getting renewed. Policymakers keep doubling down, and were going to need real systemic change in how we think about poverty in order for that number to change. Lou this president applying, you know, economic enterprise zones, creating all sorts of programs that are outside the mainstream of thinking, social justice programs, for example, Prison Reform trying to do what could be done in these first years of his presidency. What do we need to do . I know you believe in conservative solutions, not programmatic solutions. What do you think or say the two or three Top Priorities we should undertake . I think the first thing is really renewing the sense of what with it means to be human, what it means to be american. We have to speak very clearly from a high moral foundation that family is important, faith is important, community is important. And its a spiritual battle that were in. Were to cast away the temptation of drugs and crime and violence and really renew the american spirit, that cando attitude and lift each other up from the bottom up because, unfortunately, the topdown approach has failed. Lou top down and so have those government programs, obviously. Christopher, its good to see you. We want to be sure that everyone gets an opportunity to look at your documentary, america lost, and so were going to urge everyone to go to americalostfilm. Com, the prewe mere. Americalostfilm. Com, the premiere, and you can watch it without cost during this premiere. We urge you to do so and, christopher, congratulations on the documentary. Few subjects rise to the importance of this one. Thanks so much for being with us and look forward to talking with you again soon. Stay with us, were coming right back. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Sometimes, you want speedy but reliable. Stateoftheart but dependable. In other words, you want a hybrid. So do telcos. Thats why theyre going hybrid with ibm. A hybrid cloud approach with watson ai helps them roll out new innovations anywhere without losing speed. From telco to transportation, businesses are going with a smarter hybrid cloud, using the tools, platform and expertise of ibm. Good work little buddy. Lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. 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It sounds to me like hes thinking of prewar germany. Well, joining us now is victor davis hanson. Hes a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and National Review contributor, best selling or author, extraordinary historian and great american. Victor, the kind of nonsense thats being spewed by the left in this country is sickening. And if there is any deprogramming to be done, it resides with the zombies who now inhabit our institutions, in my opinion, of socalled Higher Learning that are more into indoctrination than they are into education. Your thoughts. Yeah, i think so. I think everybody realizes that a majority of the population does not buy into the progressive socialist agenda, and its promulgated by big tech, academia, wall street, professional entertainment, sports, k12, etc. And they exercise enormous influence, and they get very angry when people dont listen to them, and thats where we are now. But on the election, you know, lou, just very quickly, i think everybody agrees that something went terribly wrong. Early voting, mailin voting, unproven systems didnt work. About half the country feels that something went wrong, and that something wrong went against donald trump. And so now what theyre waiting for is the affidavits, the glitches, the data, inconsistencies. Where does it go . And we have these hallmark lawyers, lynn wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani produced the laptops in burisma. So theyve come out and said, you know what . It wasnt anecdotal, it was multimillions. Thats a landslide. And everybody thinks if that were to be true the, itd be the biggest scandal since 1824 or 1876. And now were two weeks out from the election and three weeks until, a little bit more until the state electors. So what the next step is the people say, well, to get that exa that 20 , they need data and they need somebody with a rule or saying look at this transfer. They need a data expert who says i did this, and im sorry about it, or they need a for instance you can analysis that they says this is and if that comes, and its got to come, unfortunately, pretty quickly, lou, because were getting into a political rather than just an ethical or legal argument. The state legislatures are going to be predicated, you are their actions, on Public Opinion. And even, to be frank, the counts. Youve got to get from 50 of the people thinking something went wrong to 75 or 80, and you can get that if these claims that this was the crookedest election in history, the greatest scandal in the American History backed up by outside auditors, forensic analysis, etc. , etc. , and its presented on the screen to the American People. And so far we havent had that. Maybe we will. Well see. Lou yeah. And there is also the straight forward test. We have seen the down ballot election. The republicans did better than the democrats. There was no blueaway yeah blue wave. Lou all of the polling in the weeks and months ahead of that election were suppression polling. Without question. Talking about doubledigit gaps for the president of the United States. We saw none of it, none of it in the numbers that were even [laughter] even fraudulent numbers that were put together for the democrats. It didnt show up for the president. He was strong in almost every state. Yeah. Everybody knows that the pollsters were corrupt or incompetent, take your pick, and this were either trying to enhance or suppress the vote. Everybody knows that the voting processes violated the state legislatures will which is up constitutional in certain states unconstitutional. Everybody knows there were irregularities, but what they want to know is that all of these reach the historic level that are, this distinguished legal team has assured us it will, and all they have to do show them not you or me, but the average people because were interested in the news. Most people are too busy because theyre not being paid to follow the news. They have to be given the information in an accessible manner and say look at this line 17, it cant be right. Look at this person, he said he tampered with this code, this person is said that hes sorry, this forensic analysis says that this happened. And when that happens, we should be very careful because that would be the greatest scandal in the history of this country. Thats whats being alleged. And i dont know, im not qualified to add jude candidate that, but adjudicate that, but were in historic area, lou, because if this were to be true, it would require an enormous amount of evidence to convince these legislatures to do something theyve never done, and the courts as well. Lou well, i think we it could happen. Lou i think its entirely intellectually rigorous to take note of what we do know that is true. We know that its true that this president was baselessly attacked before he was elected as the democrats and the deep state tried to prevent him from being elected. We know that. Empirically, we have the evidence. Yes. Lou we know that the fbi is a politically corrupt, the justice department, as they tried a special counsel to unseat a lawful president. Its not in dispute. We know the role of his political appointment in of his opponent in 2016. We know that there was a baseless effort at impeaching this president , for crying out loud. And we know that the, what would flow from that would not necessarily be, well, a rigorouslyhonest and free and father and fair election. That much we do know, and we would be fools to ignore the predicate, if you will. We know that. Everything you said is correct. And now the missing mosaic is just to show the American People that their instincts and what they saw the last four years are substantiated by an overwhelming its going to have to be overwhelming because we dont have the media or big tech amount of data presented. And that is going to be an historic moment. Maybe thatll happen, i hope it does, but weve made historical claims now that have never been made of a fraud on a scale weve never seen before lou dont you find it interesting if it happens that way go ahead, lou, im sorry. Lou yeah, im sorry, victor. Dont you think its interesting that with all of these voting companies, the five of them that control 90 of the election market in this country, if you will, all of them are privately held, privately owned, and not one of them has stepped forward and said, well, no, no, my fellow americans, we think that we should be able to set your concerned minds at rest here. Here is the evidence of the way we proceeded. This is the methodology we followed. These are the algorithms, good fellow citizens. And, please, your hearts not be concerned. Finish not be troubled. Wouldnt you expect that to be the rational and honest response of any concerned Corporate Citizen, even a private Corporate Citizen . Yes, i would. And i would also new if people felt that there was fraud, i would expect blue state people coming forward and say, well, here in this county, look, biden was robbed a commensurate amount of votes. But so far nobodys doing that. So i agree with you, its all suspicious. But we have to get to a point where the Public Opinion is not 50 . Im not talking about a moral or ethical or legal or political, im just talking about Public Opinion, and thats going to be swayed by overwhelming evidence. And, boy, i dont think the American People, if lynn wood and Sidney Powell are correct, the public would not stand for what were going through. They would do something historical and overturn these key state elections. But they need to have something thats accessible and detailed. Lou its about time somebody started responding to what the people want. We have a populist president who has been doing precisely that, delivering his promises. And suddenly a guy who is, lets put it this way, Husband Health is in his health is in question, his performance publicly is in question, and he stayed in a basement for most of the campaign, and suddenly he is beating president Barack Obamas record turnout by 10 million votes . You know, victor, i think the American People deserve a really good explanation from the left. Victor i do too. Lou great to have you with us. Victor davis hanson. Up next, an Agency Within the d. Of Home Security department of Homeland Security says this election was the most secure in American History. Wow. Our department of Homeland Security said that. But their message may have been krafted with the help of, well crafted with the help of, well, the Voting Machine Companies themselves. Theyre at the center of the ballot for the white house, and what were about to tell you, you will find astonishing, i assure you. Purely astonishing. We take it up right after this quick break. Stay with us, we will be right back. Back. groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums with tums smoothies. May your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedesbenz winter event. Omnipod delivers insulin makethrough a discreetted. Waterproof pod. To help simplify life. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging. And the wireless controller helps deliver the right amount of insulin. Plus, take your insulin anywhere with a small tubeless pod. Get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. Simplify life. Omnipod. Adapting. Innovating. Lsetting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Lou breaking news now, the countryt voting machine groups is have close ties to a Government Agency that disputes any irregularities in this years election. On november 12th the cybersecurity and infrastructure security a agency, cypa, part of the department of Homeland Security, issued this statement. It said in part, quote the november 3rd election was the most secure in American History, end quote. Among the many things that the agency falled to dischose is that failed to disclose is that dominion voting systems and another, well, several voting companies are members of their election Infrastructure Sector coordinating council. Thats a mouthful. Its an advise true Council Advisory council to dhs. One of two entities that authored, that wrote with the november 12th statement. Also sitting on that council in addition to dominion is smartmatic, another company that we have reported on and detailed on this broadcast with documented issues with their voting machine software. Election systems and software, ess, and hart also on the council. Those companies alone make up 90 of the voting Companies Working on american elections. Extraordinary. But very helpful, apparently, to dhs. They didnt see a conflict of interest in that for some reason. But then again, why would they put out such a report when they cant support it in any way . I challenge the department of Homeland Security to produce evidence that this was the most secure, the most secure election in history when it was, in point of fact, the opposite. Big tech giants microsoft and Amazon Web Services also sit on the council. Both companies have executives and mows donating employees donating millions of or dollars to joe bidens campaign and democratic causes. Weve asked both dominion and smartmatic about their role on the november 12th statement disputing Election Fraud or intervention but foreign governments. Smartmatic said they didnt have any input. Dominion, they didnt get back to us for some reason. Dominion voting is systems did send it an email titled setting the record straight the facts and rumors. The first thing they cite is the statement published by the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency, the agency where they sit on the board as advisers. Isnt that a little circular, a little club . How nice. How comfy. How irregular. Stay with us, more china virus lockdowns placing restrictions on places of worship around the country. We take that up with pastor Robert Jeffress. Are you mad yet . Maybe a little uncomfortable. Yeah, we me too. Stay with us. I sent your new prescription to the pharmacy. Any idea how much it will cost . [doctor] i recommend goodrx. You get free coupons to save on your prescriptions. Goodrx, smart. [announcer] stop paying too much for your prescriptions. Thanks. Download the free app today. Were portuguese . I thought we were hungarian. Can you tell me that story again . Behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. This holiday, start the journey with a dna kit from ancestry. Lou well, joining us now is pastor Robert Jeffress from the First Baptist church of dallas, also a fox business contributor, great american. And, pastor, i want to get, first, your reaction to w. H. O. s regional director in europe saying, well, christians ought to follow the catches of muslims and think about dues and hundred dues and, you know, cool it with celebrations over the holidays. Your thoughts. [laughter] well, i think im going to listen to gods word rather than w. H. O. When it comes to worship. Look, one of the things going on since we last talked, lou, was Governor Cuomo actually doubled down in husband appeal to the Supreme Court on why he ought to be row allowed to place no restrictions on pet stores, Liquor Stores and Big Box Stores but put oppressive restrictions on churches. And, look, the answer is simple. I mean, the fact is what cuomo is doing is not only inequitable, its unconstitutional. There is no First Amendment right for a liquor store to be open. But the bible or the constitution gives an absolute right for churches to be open. Our forefathers thought worship was so essential that they carved out a special exception for it in the First Amendment. And my real concern is once this pandemic is over and it is going to be over, sooner rather than later because of the great leadership of President Trump and operation warp speed once it is past, we want to make sure that the constitution is a survivor and not a casualty of the china virus. Lou well, we sure, with sure do. But before we get there, i think we need to recognize thats going on because cuomo is leading a state that is, much of it, decidedly left wing. Were seeing an authoritarian streak in the left that they are no longer embarrassed to exhibit. This is really a very difficult moment, but it is also a revelatory moment. People should understand what the Democratic Party is. Its become a party of hate, it is authoritarian. The entire left is authoritarian. And they mean to control the lives of everyone in their, of their constituents. And the republicans, of course, get caught in that where they lose elections which is also a reminder to republicans that elections have consequences. You would not see a governor like cuomo in the state of texas, for example. First of all, hed be run out of the state. What do you think . Well, thats absolutely right. And the democrats are a party of restriction, theyre a party of big government. And, look, were seeing in a lot of these democrat states an attempt to even regulate how you celebrate thanksgiving. Ive got a pastor friend in another state who says that people, more people are allowed to attend a funeral than a thanksgiving gathering next week, and so hes telling his members to call their thanksgiving gathering a funeral for a turkey, and theyll be okay. [laughter] i mean, that is just absurd, whats going on under these democrat leaders. Lou its absurd but its also telling. Yes. Lou they start with telling us what we can do or cannot do to celebrate thanksgiving. They then will tell us what we can or cannot do to celebrate christmas. And the level of passivity and apathy on the part of americans right now putting up with all of this nonsense, its truly disturbing. What are you advising pastors around the country to do as they confront these orders to lock down and shut down their churches and their congregations . And also refuse to celebrate thanksgiving or christmas . Lou, we could be socially distanced, we can practice good safety matters, but we cant shut down. And as the bible says, we need to obey god rather than man. A pastor has a responsibility to keep his church safe but to keep it open. Lou pastor Robert Jeffress, always good to have you here. Thanks so much. Good to see you, pastor. A reminder to follow me on twitter loudobbs facebook and follow me on instagram and parler loudobbstonight. Thanks for being with us. We hope you have a great weekend and keep fighting. Im Maria Bartiromo from fox business and fox news channel. Tonight americas versus china a deep dive into chinas communist threat to america and our democratic nations. Coronavirus has been a wakeup call to chinas Deceptive Behavior but i have been tracking chinas rapid Economic Growth and its goals for years on my programs and the information i have obtained through exclusive conversations with top business and World Leaders will shock you. The Novel Coronavirus ripped through the world in earl 2020. First wuhan in december 2019, a city of 11 Million People, out

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