Clapper. Former National Security advisor susan rice, former fbi officials peter strzok, lisa page, joe peenat that and priestap. We have fox business exclusive, devin nunes. Plus on the other story gripping the nation. Here is what is happening. Peaceful mem Norm Services today for george floyd as a dozen now dead including six africanamericans in the riots. 16 cops shot. More than 13,000 arrested. Weve got with us tonight, dr. Alveda king, niece of Martin Luther king, on antifa, looters and rioters, anarchists now trying to steal the message and the narrative of so many who were peacefully protesting and demanding reforms. This is the story tonight. Can they do it . Dr. Alveda king says, no theyre not going to do that. With us tonight acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli on a big push to cut budgets of Police Departments across the country. Same Police Forces politicians demanded enforce the covid19 shutdown orders for governors. Thanks for joining us. Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show. Youre watching the fox fox buss network. We begin with senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs approving broad subpoena powers to compel the testimony of 33 Obama Administration officials as well as documents in order to probe the abuses of power in the fbis trump russia investigation. The fbi probe into lieutenantgeneral Michael Flynn, also the unmasking of trump team members and dozens and dozens of leaks to the media during the early days of the Trump Administration. Those leaks were seven times the leaks under the obama and george w. Bush administration in their early days. Lets get, right to former whitewater independent counsel robert ray. Great to have you back on, robert. Your reaction when you heard this news . So its i think something that we saw coming. You and i have discussed this before, liz. Its nearly three dozen subpoenas and the purpose of which is to get to the bottom of why the unmasking was occurring in the period principally between the election and the inauguration relative to general Michael Flynn and so people are going to be called up to answer and this es is ron johnson and Homeland Security committee in the United States senate. This is not the end of the investigation. It is just the beginning and together with lindsey great many on the judiciary committee, they aim to get answers to the questions and get them out to the American People before the election because of American People deserve to know what happened. Elizabeth yeah. And senator Lindsey Graham saying 53 officials prepared subpoenas for next week. Senator ron johnson is also getting subpoena power for records related to Christopher Steele at the fbi, the state department, also the office of direct, office of National Intelligence, the information about unmasking. I want to move on to this. Again Senate Judiciary is postponing its own subpoena authorization for obama officials until next week on june 11th. Lets listen to senator Lindsey Graham today. Watch this. Now, once we find out that the Mueller Investigation was run by people who hated trumps guts, dripping with partisanship, nobody seems to care. Now i want to find out why they kept going after flynn when everybody who had looked at flynn said he shouldnt be part of crossfire hurricane . I think there are some people real good candidates for going to jail for manipulating the fisa application process and the reason im doing subpoenas because it is clear to me youre not going to help me. And it gives me the authority to do what i think i would need to do. I would be an idiot to think youre going to help me. Elizabeth so are people really going to go jail . Because time and time again on our show weve been covering this for three years. We keep hearing well get to the bottom of it, were going to get to the bottom of it, were going to get to the bottom of it. Is that really going to happen . We know republicans are assembling criminal referrals for people and do you think people will go to jail and who . I do. I trust that the attorney general who know to be a person of his word is clear about the fact that those who strayed over the line of legality will be held to account, including those at the highest level. And thats the whole purpose, liz, of john durhams investigation. So, you know, i dont, and i also believe that doing so in a timely fashion again, in other words with a prosecutions announced before the election cycle, meaning this year, it is important and in the Public Interest. So i dont know, it is hard to predict exactly who it will be or exactly when it will be but i would look for things during june, july, august of this year, after that, the election cycle takes over and i dont imagine it would be the Public Interest right on the eve of the election to be announcing prosecutions but i would look for something. I would elizabeth we went through midterms. Why. Hang on. Stay with me. We went through midterms, why would it be delayed because of an election . Heres the thing. Former deputy ag rod rosenstein, he is the section most powerful guy at the justice department. He admitted yesterday there was no there there to begin with to start the probe. He testified he may not have read the entire, he didnt read the entire fbi fisa warrant renewal. He would not have signed it given what knowed now. That the democrats funded steele dossier, opposition research, used it to basically get fisa wiretaps to spy on the trump team. Lets listen to what happened at the hearing yesterday. Watch this. Nobodys ever been prosecuted for working with the russians. The point is the whole concept that the campaign was colluding with the russians, there was no there there in august of 2017. Do you agree with that general statement or not . I agree with that general statement. You signed a warrant application in june of, i think 2017 to get the carter page warrant renewed, is that correct . Yes. Okay. Have you looked at the horowitz report . Yes, i have. I have it with me, senator. If you knew then what you know now would have signed the warrant application . No i would not. And the reason you wont have is because mr. Horowitz found exculpatory information was withheld from the court, is that correct . Among other reasons, yes. Do you think he was truth full to you . I believe, senator, mr. Mccabe was not certainly candidate with me. Certainly wasnt forthcoming. Elizabeth your reaction to that . Well that is a bombshell announcement. That means andy mccabe who at that time was the acting fbi director was not candid to the person that he reported to, the Deputy Attorney general of the United States. And it means that between andy mccabe and jim comey, they were conducting essentially a rogue investigation of a president ial candidate and then the incumbent president of the United States. So you know, again, and also combined with that and the fisa court lies it means that there are people to be held to account, and if the government through this attorney general and john durham can prove that there were those who knowingly lied in order to continue on with an investigation, that they knew should have been called to a conclusion, i do think that there are prosecutable cases out there and the question will be again over the next 90 days or so whether or not we see prosecutions. It is in the Public Interest, all im saying it is in the Public Interest those prosecutions be commenced before the election cycle begins so the electorate has the benefits of the result of that investigation. They can see for themselves what actually happened here. It was the attempted takedown of a president. Elizabeth understood. The Mueller Report found no russia conspiracy with the trump campaign. No collusion. They found, you know, that the trump team welcomed help but there was no conspiracy, no collusion. The fbi is being accused of knowing they did not have the goods in late 2016 and going into 2017 but then the fbi continued to do surveillance on the Trump Administration into 2017. The Intelligence Community was warning that Christopher Steele was being targeted as early as 2015 by russians for disinformation and russian disinformation the dojig mr. Ray ended up in the steele dossier, that fbi used for wiretaps. This sounds like major abuses of power. Using Intelligence Community to go after political opposition. We have never seen it before like this in our country . Ive never seen anything like this. The critical time to focus on is before and after the meeting in the white house with president obama on january 5th, 2017, and what happened with regard to that investigation immediately before and immediately after that. And thats why all these subpoenas are being issued to find out what those people knew and what they were up to during that time. And again, if it turns out they crossed over the line, including if it is Obama Administration officials, i hope and expect that those responsible will be brought to justice and that there will in fact be prosecutions. Elizabeth okay. Robert ray, thanks for your analysis. Come back soon, we love having you on. Thanks, liz. Take care. Be well. Elizabeth you too. Next up antifa looters and antifa rioters anarchists, assaulting cops. 16 cops shot. More than 300 injured. Weve got about a dozen people now dead including six africanamericans but dr. Alveda king, niece of Martin Luther king, says, all of this will not steal the moment of unity. They cannot blot out the message and narrative of so many peacefully protesting people trying to unify and effect change without violence. Everything anarchists are not doing. Well talk to alveda king about all this next. Stay right there. We have evidence that antifa and other similar extremist groups, as well as actors after variety of different political persuasions have been involved in instigating and participating in the violent activity. We are also seeing foreign actors playing all sides. Now is the time for a new bath from bath fitter. Every bath fitter bath is installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. Elizabeth back to the violence of the riots. A dozen now dead including six africanamericans. More than 13,000 arrests nationwide and now this, attorney general william barr now says federal authorities have arrested 51 anarchists directly linked to rioting and looting. Theyre opening up cases against leaders of antifa. Welcome the niece of Martin Luther king, jr. , dr. Alveda king joins us. Thanks for coming back, dr. King. Your reaction to antifa, looters, rioters assaulting cops, can they steal this moment of unity for people who are trying to unify and get change without violence . Can they do isnt. Liz, im following social media. Im hearing from people. Im on prayer calls. One of my colleagues, brian kemper was in ohio couple days ago. I prayed with youth in ohio. My god daughter was out in minneapolis, angela stanton, we proud with the people, peaceful people are mounting and standing. I watched the Memorial Service today and George Floyds brother continues to call for peaceful resolution. Martin luther king, jr. Says that violence is immoral, it is unreasonable. It doesnt work and certainly is disrespectful for people like antifa and others. Ive been seeing clips from people in new york, saying how can you come into my city, burn my property . The officer that was shot trying to protect someones store. It is just terrible. However, i dont want people to give up. We need to still have hope and still unify. Im sure we can do it. Elizabeth so, reports are coming in about one out of every seven people arrested in new york city came from outofstate. I mean were hearing reports that criminal anarchists are doing coordinated commandandcontrol of violent looting, setting up supply chains of rocks and bricks, of baseball bats and metal poles dropped off at specific locations where Law Enforcement is not. Theyre using things, like walkies talk kiss. In st. Petersburg, florida, members after bomb team found them in bushes in a downtown area. Were at a new moment here in america, dr. King. What is your reaction. Liz, im 70 years old, not necessarily a new moment. In the 1960s we had outside agitators with molotov cocktails throwing burning and looting. My dad stood up on the car, a. D. King, when our home was bombed in 1963. Wait a minute, you want to hit somebody, hit me. I would rather you go home and pray. Our family is okay. The people in the community began to calm down. And you could see the outside agitators as they were. They were actually run out of town. Im seeing people stand up to the agitators. It has not happened in a very long time. But it did happen in a long time. We overcame with prayer. Elizabeth i hear what youre saying. We did. Elizabeth thats the key. So its now were seeing the people who are peaceful standing up more and more. What i meant was antifa is more organized than ever before. The sheriff of Sacramento County is talking about howorg how organized they are. Lets listen to him. Okay. This is war of intelligence. Theyre trying to figure out what were doing. Were trying to figure out what theyre doing. Theyre resupplying rocks and bottles. Moving protesters from place to place. Theyre using cryptic stages. Producing them all at once going down the streets. This sort of tactics this sort of organization is really unprecedented in sacramento. Why it was very important to call in the National Guard who are assisting us here in sacramento, the city and the county. Elizabeth dr. King, you have always shown suching knit and courage and integrity. You have such a powerful message. If you had antifa sitting across from you what would you say to them . Enough is enough. Youre bullies. You must stop were going to stay in, were going to pray in. Antifa, you and your kind has to stop and leave our community. Elizabeth dr. Alveda king. Youre always great. Will you come back . We love having on the show . I love to come back, elizabeth, thank you. Elizabeth great to see you. Coming up later in the show the new push across the country to cut an defund the budgets of Police Departments led by celebrities in hollywood. Heres the thing, many politicians looked to these same Police Forces to force the covid19 shutdowns. Police officers are telling the evening edit, everybody hates us until they need us. The acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli is our special guest. He is with us next. Stay with us. Stay there. 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Elizabeth President Trump firing back after former secretary of Defense James Mattis unloaded on the president saying he is quote, appalled at the president s handling of nationwide unrest. That if the president is quote, making a mockery of our constitution and that the president is trying to divide us. Lets welcome back to the show former deputy National Security advisor to Vice President cheney, he is steven yates. Great to have you back on. Your reaction after you heard this . Im disappointed in general mattis. He is example of someone great in his lane, and terrible outside of his lane. He is outstanding marine and a pretty bad politician. That is probably way americans most prefer their marines. I think he has a bad read on constitution. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness of a lot of victims of these riots. Their rights need to be protected too. That is part of the equation he didnt want to address being part of the atlantic. Elizabeth it is issue of using military troops to put down the unrest. Weve got, you know, the former, Top Commander in afghanistan criticizing that. We have, you know, pentagon chief esper backing away from it. And we have republicans like Lisa Murkowski and susan collins, even Lindsey Graham criticizing the president. Your take on that . Very, very clear in American History there have been times when this has been necessary. When the local authorities and all the other forces that could be brought to bear are insufficiently protecting the constitution rights of their citizens. It is extreme measure. It should be absolutely a last resort. Secretary esper made reference to that under the current circumstances if you dont know the trajectory of these riots and violence you have to have all options on the table and as far as i can understand that is where the president was internally even though his public rhetoric was ready to go now. Elizabeth. Eisenhower called in the troops. So did lbj. So did jfk. So did george h. W. Bush during the 1992 l. A. Riots. I want to switch fierce. Gears. The Umbrella Group for Police Benevolent association chapters, bill johnson runs it, he says the Police Groups are breaking away from joe biden, not standing up for the police and what is going on across the country and dealing with the unrest. The issue is the American People are not informed by the media about what Police Officers face every day. Yes, it is understood about rogue cops. Yes, it is understood about police abuse. What happened to george floyd should never have happened. There is moves to stop neck restraints, use of neck restraints by Police Officers in various precincts across the country. The issue is, is this, is that now, the, that the feeling is by Police Officers, no one is supporting them. Everybody hates them, until you need them. And the move to defund Police Officers, led by hollywood is now getting a lot of Police Officers really upset. Your final word . I think it is disgraceful what theyre doing and it is actually being rejected by people of a broad spectrum. I think the real divide is urban elites versus the rest of america. I mean there is a multicultural rest of america that respects Law Enforcement, that wants equal protection under the law but they definitely dont side with this reckless abandon of attacking innocent people and property. That scares the rest of america. If joe biden wants to stand by that, my sense he is on a way to a landslide defeat. Elizabeth steven yates, thanks for coming on. Great to see you. Thank you. Elizabeth coming up later in the show well stay on this push to cut budgets of Police Departments across the country. It is led by celebrities in hollywood including jane fonda and soccer star meghan rap ino. One los angeles councilman saying quote, 10,000 officers were barely able to keep the peace during the anarchy and rioting. Imagine if we didnt have them . We have acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli on this and much more. Stay there. I like liberty mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Elizabeth welcome back. For months politicians demanded covid19 lockdowns and stay in place orders be enforced by the police. Now politicians say, defund the police as looters and anarchists ignore curfews and lockdowns to torch businesses where working families need the paychecks to survive. Lets welcome acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli. Great to have you back on, sir. Your reaction to the move to defund Police Departments . Well, of course its a siding with violent socalled protesters. Youre not protesting when youre being violent. Youre being a criminal and to see so many people side with the idea of giving the streets up to criminals is which is what that is Defunding Police is about, is incredible. This is utterly destructive that the first job of government is public safety, whether local state or federal. President trump has been very strong in declaring he is going to fulfill his first obligation. We need states and local governments to do the same. And these people calling to essentially unilaterally disarm against mobs and domestic terrorists is completely unacceptable and not something that we at the department of Homeland Security will sit back for. Elizabeth you know were hearing about this debate going on in los angeles, in nashville, american american, in new york city. Hollywood is leading the charge to defund the Police Departments. The leader of Congressional Black Caucus saying do not do that. Do not Defund Police budgets. Listen to democrat care run bass here . I will consult them, if you ask my personal opinion no, i dont believe we should defund Police Departments. Elizabeth she instead want as National Database aabusive Police Officers to be sure to not be to be hired elsewhere after losing their jobs. We have 16 cops shot. A dozen killed in the rioting. Six are black people. More than 300 Law Enforcement officials assaulted, including a cop in brooklyn stabbed to death last night in unprovoked attack. What is your take the leader of black caucus said . Department of Homeland Security, the first Law Enforcement official killed after the george floyd protest again was department of Homeland Security, out in oakland. Pso underwood was shot, was assassinated protecting a courthouse during a protest by a driveby shooter. His partner took three bullets. Fortunately is surviving. But and the secret service guarding the white house in downtown d. C. Has over 100 injuries. Were right in the thick of retaking the streets in america. Weve taken the harm as well. Anybody who thinks that defunding Police Departments is a good idea, hasnt been out on the streets, hasnt watched small businesses, frankly big businesses getting looted and trashed. These are not people with idealogical agenda. These are criminals. The people with the idealogical agenda prepositioning bricks and prepositioning water and tools and so forth to encourage violence and rioting and that kind of domestic terrorism is something we investigate, we look to head off the department of Homeland Security and work with our partners in the department of justice to actually prosecute. Elizabeth you know there has never been any evidence that defunding Police Departments is effective. It hasnt been tried yet. Los angeles plans to cut the Police Budget by up to 150 million. More than 40 City Council Candidates in new york city are calling for a billion dollar cut to the nypd budget. Were seeing a push in dallas, minneapolis, like we said again in nashville. Heres the thing. 60, about 60,000 or 63,000 prisoners have been let out of prisons across the country due to fears that they will get infected with covid19. Lets listen to former new York City Police commissioner bernie kerik talking about that and also about bail reform where prisoners are being released. You wonder if the riots are being, you know, that is adding to theageing of rioting. Absolutely. He is guy responsible for the state. He is also the guy who signed into law in new york state the bail reform. The bail reform that lets all of these criminals that are arrested for mayhem, for arson, for burglary, for looting, for assaults, theyre getting right back out on the street and Governor Cuomo did that. Elizabeth yeah. So 700 were arrested here in new york city and then released back on out on the street because of bail reform. Your final word . Thats insane. That is insane. Bernie kerik knows what he is talking about. Former commissioner. He has run rikers island. He knows what he is talking about, the bail reform movement, the idea of turning people back on the loose on the street especially in the middle of mob violence is utterly insane. Another great new york policy. They keep coming up with these. They are utterly destructive of new york. It is very unfortunate. But again you got a president in President Trump who says look, if governors and locals like mayor de blasio wont provide enough police, wont provide enough aggressive protection of americans on the street, he will do the job and this is first a local and state responsibility but we have a president who is ready to push back in there and to keep americans safe. Department of Homeland Security, the largest Law Enforcement organization in the country, weve been doing that with hundreds of officers being surged in washington. Youve seen officers go up and violence go down. There is a direct correlation. People like cuomo and de blasio who dont want to learn that lesson, their citizens paid the price, sadly. They dont pay the price. Their citizens do. That is not acceptable to President Trump, and not acceptable to us in dhs. Elizabeth come back soon, Ken Cuccinelli. Glad to do it. Thanks very much for joining us tonight. Great to see you. Nix up, house Intelligence Ranking republican devin nunes in a fox business exclusive with republicans in the senate on the move, moving to s p dozens of obama officials in probe of abusive power in the trump russia investigation and investigation into lieutenantgeneral Michael Flynn, criminal referrals are underway. Well talk about it with congressman nunes next. Stay there. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. 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This is long time combing. Im very happy senator johnson stayed with this because senator johnson has been mercilessly attacked by the media for this, but he is right over the target. As long as theyre attacking you know youre right over the target. We have the responsibility in congress to bring these people forward. To take their depositions. Only advice i would give them, make sure you release the depositions quickly. You dont want to be in stuck in a position like we were, waiting for a deep state bureaucracy somewhere to allow the American Public to see it. We need pure transparency. These officials need to be gotten on the record again, there has been a whole lot more new information, liz that has come out in the last few weeks and months. Elizabeth who, who in particular would you want to get under subpoena . We know that william priestap, kevin klein submit, joe prek a, who would you talk with under subpoena . We have a Ongoing Investigation in house intelligence committee, republicans do at least. We have 40 people that are on that list and so hopefully, if republicans are put back in charge well be able to subpoena those people but right now we cant. All were doing is continuing to get information. This is why we would like to see if the senate does do this, it could aid us in our investigation as we continue to make criminal referrals in our probe that we have ongoing and you know, of course you have the executive branch, the department of justice, that has three u. S. Attorneys that are also probing this matter. Elizabeth how many criminal referrals are you working own and what for . Well we have, weve already made eight criminal referrals and were probably going to make at least another five, possibly as many 10 additional ones. That will be coming here in the next, hopefully, you know, we keep working, we want to get it right, but if will be next week to 10 days or so. Elizabeth what do the criminal referrals cover . Well we looked at, we had the original eight look at the fisa abuse. And they look at abuse of our intelligence agencies. We have several people for lying or misleading congress. We are looking at the overall general Flynn Investigation and how that was conducted and the rest of the mueller team. Then of course as new information has come to light from the information declassified by acting director of National Intelligence ric grenell, that information is also shown that there are other people who have lied or misled congress or have, i think in some cases maybe, lied by omission, documents that were kept from congress, that sort of thing. Elizabeth you know, with he keep hearing people say well get to the bottom of this, get to the bottom of this. What does that mean . Are people going to jail . Are they going to go to prison . Are they going to be penalized, what . What while happen . There has been a long journey for those of us when the beginning of this, that recognized right away there was attempted coup going on in this country or at least at the beginning it was abuse of our intelligence capability insist this country ultimately we figured out wow, there is actually a coup going on here. So were used to this. You have to get up every day, you have to put your work boots on, you have to go out there and you have to do really tough work because you know the people that perpetuated these crimes are very good at hiding it. So we work, you know every day, very, very close. Some days we have new information comes in. Some days we get new informants. Some days were able to find something weve not seen before in the mueller probe. That is why you asked me at the very beginning, thats why it is so critical that the United States senate is finally doing something because remember, this is about, you have, there was election interference done in the 2018 election that election interference was done by, was started by the Clinton Campaign but it was done by ultimately the fbi and the department of justice with support of the house and senate democrats, you know clearly just used this for a fundraising scheme and a scheme ultimately where they were trying to impeach the president. Elizabeth 2016 election, right . No, im talking about 2018 election. The 2018 election we would have been, im not sure the republican was have lost control of the house, they, if we didnt have spend all the time we had to spend, trumps a russian agent. Republicans are controlled by, being controlled by putin. These are crazy things that happened that were done at the highest levels of the department of justice and the fbi. So look, one thing we dont im not trying to evade any of your questions about not answering people who should be subpoenaed. Elizabeth i hear you. But were running a real investigation and we want people to pay a price for these crimes that they committed against the American People. Elizabeth we hear you, congressman. Thank you so much for coming on. Will you come back soon . We love having you on. Thanks so much. Would be glad to come back. Elizabeth okay, good. Coming up now for three months politicians demanded that covid19 lockdowns be enforced by the police. Now politicians say, defund the police as looters ignore curfews and lockdowns to torch businesses where working families need paychecks to survive. Deneen borelli joins us next. Stay right there. Introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel available overthecounter. New voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. 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Plus get 200 off a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Elizabeth okay, we got some breaking news. The New York Times now putting out a statement saying, quote, a rushed editorial process led to the publication of senator tom cottons opinion piece where it was entitled, send in the troops. The nation must restore order as rioting and looting takes hold across the country. Welcome Fox News Contributor deneen borelli. Deneen your reaction. The tomes says it doesnt meet its standards after heavy criticism of senator cottons piece. He says eisenhower, lbj, jfk, george h. W. Bush had to call in the troops when there was a lot of unrest. Your reaction to the times here . Well, its the New York Times, right . What they dont want folks to know about is the truth in terms of what cotton was writing about. We need law and order in our nation. We have way too much going on with the looting and rioting. They are attacking our Police Officers. So the president has offered to provide federal assistance in terms of getting things under control in these cities, and if that is what it takes, that is the route we have to go but im not surprised that the New York Times would say, this was a mistake, we didnt mean to publish it. That is what it sounds like. Elizabeth deneen, lets switch gears. For months politicians demanded that covid19 lockdowns and stay in place orders enforced by the police. Now politicians say defund the police as looters ignore curfews and lockdowns to torch businesses where working families need paychecks to survive. Weve got cnn, basically saying, you know, attacking the covid19 protesters, saying youre a menace to public health. Media critics, we were listening to them saying that. Now theyre basically saying hey, the Police Department should be defunded now. Were hearing that push in cities across the country. Your reaction to that . Yeah its absolute outrageous, liz and what they want is chaos looks like. You think about the fact that you have the antitrump media and democrat politicians who were critical of the protesters who wanted businesses to open back up so that they could go back to work and provide for their families. Now were seeing these riots across the country, the looting and the mayhem. You dont hear peep from the antitrump media or from democrat politicians like Maxine Waters and like nancy pelosi. So i got to tell you, its outrageous how they will do, complete opposite that the president is calling for which is law and order in our streets. Elizabeth deneen you stood up as a conservative woman, an africanamerican. Tell us what your experience has been . Well, overall, years ago, attacks and criticism on a regular basis. Im still attacked and criticized but there are a lot more black conservatives out there and coming out and being vocal which is a good thing because there is a echo chamber within the black community of the same nonsense that were hearing today, systemic racism, you cant get ahead without special treatment. So there are more voices out there who are pushing back on the lies and the narratives that have been prevalent within the black community for many, many years which is a good thing because it is important to get the truth out . Elizabeth what names have you been called . Well, some names i certainly cant say on air but, token, traitor, sellout, aunt jemima. Simply because i have a difference of opinion, liz, i dont agree with the liberal narrative. Im a threat because people are hearing my voice totally. Elizabeth yeah. Well, its outrageous and disgrace you have been criticized like that, deneen. Youre a person of integrity, courage and dignity. We always love having you on. Deneen borelli. Come back soon, okay . Thanks so much, liz. Elizabeth sure. Im elizabeth macdonald. Youve been watching the evening edit on fox business. That does it for us. Thank you so much for watching. We hope you have a good evening. T now. Lou good evening, everybody. Weve been watching for days and nights the sorry, sad sight of violent protesters and vandals and arsonists torching, looting and destroying businesses, badly injuring citizens and bystanders as too often has been the case, city officials most often democratic officials told Police Departments to stand down, to stand back and to let the anarchists, thieves and looters own their streets. Weve been told for days now that these leftwingled protests and riots are righteous. Righteous and just, claim the radical dems and the

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