The bill, senate has yet to vote. Delaying its deliver to the house, draft legislation showing that bill includes 130 billion for hospitals. 150 billion are in state and local governments, 350 billion for Small Businesses, 4 months of Unemployment Insurance, and many working family 1200 per adult, and 500 per child. 4 republican senators, including Lindsey Graham are threatening future of the bill, raising concerns about unemployment benefits, saying they would incentivize people not to go back to work. Senator Bernie Sanders threatening to put a hold on the bill. Saying he wants try ther redirections on money given restrictions on money given to corporations, prelimina officia potentially delaying the bill even more. Objects to the bill coming from state leaders, democrat new york Governor Cuomo says that bill does not provide his state enough known to fight the coronavirus. Instead of funneling money to those who need it most, they found ways to fund things that have nothing to do with the coronavirus. We have seen that before. Draft ledg legislation with 25 million going to the Kennedy Center in washington d. C. 75 million each for National Endowment of the arts and National Endow ams of humanitarians. Joining us now by skype, the host of this show, lou dobbs, why cant they pass the damn bill . Lou well just said some names. Right now those 4 senators are doing a great disseren disseren. Not one of them is an appropriate or, and Lindsey Graham, one never knows where he will being but the fact is whether is Governor Cuomo of new york or Bernie Sanders or any one of those, they are putting their interest, political interests ahead of the American People, Governor Cuomo is delaying aid to his state at the time he has millions of his voters presumably sitting up here in critical need of all of the hospital that federal government can provide, that money in particular. He is complaining about shortfalls his State Government will have. This is the highest tacked state in the union tax state in union with heaviest tax bur burn and his responsibility, is to meet the shortfalls, he is not supposed to be sucking constantly at the public of taxpayer money, this outrageous when he is doing. Complaining of all things, about the lack of ventilators, when the Trump Administration has urgently shipped 4,000 of them to his state. And he failed to buy them, several years ago. Otherwise they would be in supply. David, of course, almost as though he is running for president , not realizing there is a man named joe biden who is supposed to do that for his party. I wonder if that enters into his calculations. Lou well have to divine toes e minds some day. President realizing that we cant Fund Public Health unless we have an economy that is producing at least something. After all it is the economy that provides the resources for Public Health. If the economy is dead in the water, for no resources. But just suggesting that is necessary, to get the economy going. Hopefully, with the possibility of beginning that process, by easter, is getting him criticized by just about every quarter. What do you think of that . Lou he is more than used to that, he assailed no matter what he does, what this president has done is lead from day one. He has done what any leader does, he adapts, and innovates and taking seriously his responsibility for the people who put him in the office. I wish i could wow is a of so money congressmen in house of representatives, democratic congressman, governor and laij e lighlegislature of state of newk they have been outrage usually irresponsible. And by the way, a chorus of criticism, when they should be grateful to this president , the governor was just expressing his gratitude two days ago to the Trump Administration. With that, i dont think we should worry much about their cat calls from the cheap seats. In president is working for the American People. He means to get the job done, to this point he has done a splendid job. David i dont know his instincts or knowledge of how to get things moving was done before anyone warned us about it in early february. Lou in found of fact, i talked with dr. Fauci, he respect, he is one of the finest Infectious Disease experts in country. But he was in some considerable he was resisting the reality that the chinese were not providing us the information, not permitting will u. S. Team from cdc to go into china for several weeks, i said, he was looking for the best. She is a physician. He is a physician, President Trump is a leader, he understood immediately what the situation was. And when the physicians were saying we should not be closing borders, president was leading, he did so, by the way few of these critics mention the fact that following in quick succession was the rest of the world, those borders are all the difference as president put it yesterday, without borders you are not a nation, without borders right now we would not be a people, at least a healthy people. David a lot of the chris criticisms fallen on deaf ears, American Public learned to block a lot of noise that has been going on and focus on what works and what does not work, they there president stands tall. Lou yes, everyone remember fauci putting his palm ofisis ht talking about some of the problems with the bureaucracy. Calling it the deep state. Talking about the drug i cant way to try to pronounces this. Hydroxy there i go. Chloroquine. David chloroquine. He was right. And the french were right, so were chinese, a lot of other country that were working with this, shown promise, is it the answer . I dont think anything will be the answer. In the shortterm. But it seems to be one of the answers. And it time for medical people continueunderstand that trump ie leader, they are the experts. In Public Health. He has been fauci acknowledges, he has listened to them all of the way, listened to them on Public Health. He is the president of the United States and we ive have enough from whether a Public Health official, or anyone standing next to chief of staff, grimacing and making faces or clowning that is no way to act when that president is the reason were in as good a shape as we are right now. David and sneaking o speak d shape, you are in good shape. Lou were in good shape, my wife debbie and i are without symptoms and fever. Anxious to get back in that chair. David im keeping it warm. Lou i thank you. David you are welcome to it when you come back. Lou i hope you have at least a quality time in that seat, enjoying yourself, i am appreciative of you doing so. David my pleasure, lou, best you to and your wife. Coming up next, Coronavirus Task force briefing pushed back by a few minutes, to start about 20 minutes maybe a little bit less, well bring it to you as it begins. A democrat governor in the u. S. , and leader of another country restricting access to a drug that could help coronavirus patients, we take that up with congressman and private pharmacist buddy carter, after a few quick messages. Stay with us, well be right back. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner. Thats the power of sanctuary. Your cells. Trillions of them. Thats why centrum contains 14 key nutrients to help feed your cells, nourishing your body inside and out so you can focus on what matters most. Centrum. Feed your cells. Fuel your life. Thats why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. Well pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner. Thats the power of sanctuary. These expect and way more. Internthats xfinity xfi. U get powerful wifi coverage that leaves no room behind with xfi pods. 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Meanwhile nevada democrat governor steve sisseleck now banning muse of chloroquine and hydorxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients, exins following death of a phoenix man who died, while talking an additive used to clean fish tanks. Joining me now is congressman buddy carter, he is a pharmacist in georgia and a member of energy and commerce committee. You know a lot about the drug supply train but i have to ask you about stimulus bill, what is latest when you think well get if on the president s desk. There is a hold up in senate right now, some senators particularly from south carolina, Lindsey Graham, and tim scott expressing concern about Unemployment Insurance and people able to get more money than what they would earn that concern needs to be fixed. I hope my will be successful get an amendment and correct what is a technical problem. David you saw what happened in market it was up about 1200 at one point, then down, still ended day positive. But much less so, lost more than half of the gains because of their concern that there will be too much dithering in the beltway and it will not get done. Well, look. This is a big piece of legislation. David sure. It has to go through the house, we as members of house deserve to look at it weve been keeping up with it until final text is released we wont know what well be voting on, he promised to have a process that we would understand and review it before we vote on it, i think that is very important. I will point out that the senate has wasted time already, certainly the speak, her shenanigans in getting things add to this, she was trying to get passed, slow it, it down to point with it is ridiculous, that is a bi despicable action n her part. David will some democrats take an opportunity to try to load up a lot of stuff in this this does not belong in . My Highway Patrol i hope is. David you have to have a lot of hope. You are correct, i would not put it past some. But for most part, i think they all understand how urgent this situation is. We need to help families and workers, goods i goodness knowsd to help the Small Businesses, i have been through the districts, nobody deserves to go through this. Especially something that is not of their making. As a small businessman myself, you cant plan for. David all right, let me move to issue of india. Far afeel afield, manning chlor, which is showing great promise in many places, dr. Fauci and other doctors have been pregibinpreprescribing it for v, should we not be making that drug here . No question about that, were learning a very important question right now, we learned that less an in late 70s for energy needs, we learned then to have National Security we had to have energy independence, now we need to hav pharmaceutical independence. Lets get to the nuts and bolts of this. In terms of who will produce is, how soon they could tool their processing plants here in the United States to do so. Is this going to take a president ial order to get that done . Well, i hope it doesnt. President has done a an excellet job thus far working in private sector, encouraging them without having to do certain orders, he had to do some for most part, but i am proud of the president and the private sector, to get things done like this, i see companies here in First District of georgia stepping up, producing face masks that we need, everyone is willing to do their part, we see america at its best right now. David not all at its best, i want bring up nevada governor. He banning sale of chloroquine in his state because two people drank a substance that has a similar name but it is not the same drug. Doesnt he understand could maybe it would take a pharmacist like yourself to call him and explain. I think this is extreme. I dont know if state board of pharmacy of behind it, but there are people who depend particularly on hydorxychloroquine. Which is used for Rheumatoid Arthritis and lupus, those people need to be assured they can get their medication, it would be unfair to short them of their medications they need because of the hoarding of other people to use this that have not been proven to be effective yet, it does look promising. Promise. Are diplomatic avoiding criticism of this governor, what could be on his mind . Well, again. I just dont know the situation. I dont know if he went by recommendation or on his own. I am sure he had best much intentions, but have to be careful were not limit people who need the medications. David buddy carter thank you very much. Thank you. David we would like to hear your thoughts and comes follow lou on twitter a lou dobbs. And a programming note, doctor nicho nike dr. Sapphired among our guests tomorrow. Maker of the medicine remdesivir aimed at curing the coronavirus, makes an unexpected move. Dr. Mark rupp joining us next from the Quarantine Center in nebraska where they have been testing that drug. Stay with us, well be right back. Sure, principal is a financial company. But think of us as a protect your family as it grows company. A put enough away for college company. And a take care of your employees company. Were a help you ride the ups and downs of the market company. And when its time to retire, were a weve been guiding you toward this all along company. Think of us as all these companies, and more. Principal. Retirement. Investments. Insurance. aurelia i was just frustrated i almost gave up. Company. With miracleear, its all about service. Theyre personable, theyre friendly. Im very happy with them. vo we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare, meaning free checkups, cleanings and adjustments. wiley i see someone new. Someone happy. Its really made a difference. vo call 1800miracle to start your 30day riskfree trial and schedule your free hearing evaluation at your locally owned miracle ear today. David gilead sciences, maker of drug remdesivir is rescinding its special benefits from fda, they were meant to help recoop Research Cost bus they vehicle blocked other Pharmacy Companies from making generic versions for 7 years that would drive up the price, gilead is come mitte como making remdesivir affordable. Researchers in italy say that coronavirus has a stable genome, it not mutating as it spreads, finding a an, events e. E. Dr. Mark rupp is joining us, tell us how important and why so important that Vaccine Research found that virus is not mutating as quickly as feared. This is good news, it means that the targets for the vaccine are likely to be stable over time. Viewers are familiar with the influenctheinfluenza vaccine the to change every year to target that. We hope this one vaccine would be stable over a long period that would do the trick. David if we make a vaccine, it did now mutate, does the fact we made a vaccine make it easier to make another one devoted to the mutation . Pro see presumably you woulde to tweak the targets as necessary to redirect the nuveenventhe newvaccine, this dp questions of efficacy and safety, we would rather make one vaccine. David remdesivir, a drug that has a lot of hope for treating the virus. No longer called an orphan drug. Which i guess means it is going to be easier to make and cheaper for the consumer. You have done a lot of work on this drug, tell us about the promise it holds. Well were pleased this were conducting a multicenter randomize placebo control remdesivir. I think there are about 30 sites that are now enrolling into the same trial, and were hopeful to answer in a rigorous, scientifically valid way whether this drug works, that is critically important. There are so many other drugs that are thrown willynilly at this disease, we dont know if they work or if they are safe, this would be the way to prove this drug works and is safe then we need to rush it to market and use it. David does this drug kill the virus in an infected person . This is a medication that prevents the virus from replicating, it fools the genetic mechanism so it does not make the rna that the virus needs to replicate. Without replicating it will not reopro deuce an reproduce an r people. This drug was found to not work for ebola, but it was safe. It also been shown to have effect in test tube against there are coronavirus like sars and mers. Were hopeful it will be a good drug for the other new novel coronavirus, we know side effect profile fairly well. It does have some. But it appears to be tolerable atthispoint that is where were doing this trial. To rigorously compare to a control Group Getting a placebo to say Proof Positive this drug works, and safe, now time to use more widely. David all right, chloroquine, and hydorxychloroquine, very a lots of hope put on this drug, dr. Fauci saying he would have no problem under the right conditions prescribing it for a patient of his, would you feel comfortable prescribe this drug . I am somewhat september call skeptical to whether this will be a useful drug, we dont have good evidence that it helpful. It needs to be subjected to the same kind of rigorous testing that were doing with remdesivir. So, i am a little kep skepticalo whether it works again the coronavirus, it does have side effects and toxicity. I think it needs to be tested more before we jump on the bandwagon. People want to holdout hope, but, the way to go forward with this, fastest and best and most responsible way, is to do a trial, where we compare it to controls, and with other placebos then try it make sure that this works and safe. David doctor we do have a ticking time bomb, that is the economy. Is at a dead stand still, without an economy producing things you will not have any money for anything for Public Health, research and et cetera. If it is conceivable should cut some red tape with this kind of drug. Should we do it, is it time right now to cut some red tape . I dont have a problem with cutting red tape and bureaucracy, the problem i have is using a drug that is unproven, has some known toxicity and could really hurt people, we have seen it time again, wellmeaning effort sometimes harm folks, that is although it has been around for a while, i heard doctor fauci say that, been aircraft ag enough we have a pretty good idea where and for whom it is toxic it has a pretty good history there. There. It has been a round a long time, used for malaria. From types of arthritis. We do have some familiarity with the drug, we just dont know if it works very well against the coronavirus, i think we have to be really cautious, and careful, again, cutting through red tape, and bureaucracy, but speeding forward with the rigorous test to really know whether this works or not is smartest way to go forward. David dr. Rupp, we are grateful you to and your colleagues thank you so much, doctor. Thank you. David coming up next, daily Coronavirus Task force briefing is set to get underway any moment. Well bring it to you live. Secretary of state mike pompeo condemning china for their Intentional Disinformation Campaign about who started the coronavirus. We take up that and more with asia expert gordon chang after a fewrs short messages, stay ther. Theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. David breaking news, family of robert levinson, american held hostage by iran for 13 year, said in a received information that leads them to believe he has died, in a statement they write, we dont know when or how he died, but it was prior to covid19 pandemic. They say, we expect american officials and officials in the world to continue to press iran to seek bobs return and to ensure those iranian officials involved are held accountable. Secretary of state mike pompeo today condemning the communist Chinese Government for withholding Vital Information about the coronavirus. Warning chinas defiance and Disinformation Campaign could hurt relations with United States and the world. Chinese communist party poses a threat to our health. In way of life as wuhan Virus Outbreak has demonstrated. Also threatened to undermine free and open order that has underpinned our mutual safety in g7 countries. World Health Organization chief, said today that world was slow to respond to coronavirus. The time to act was more than a month ago, two months ago. That is what we have been saying. But we still believe that there is a opportunity, i think we squandered first window of opportunity. David talk about squander gd, on january 14, world Health Organization posted on twitter the coronavirus could not spread from humantohuman. That was the w. H. O. Joining us gordon chang, col columnist, author esenior fellow. Good to see you i would like to talk about world Health Organization but we will focus china for a moment. There is a lot of questions what it is up to right now. In spinnin spin tales about u. S. Responsibility for china. They are trying to justify in their own mind, david, retaliation against the United States which not to say that will use force against us. But they are laying the ground work for doing, that they are not giving up. A few hours ago, global times, controlled by communist party, demanded that United States Exchange Information about the u. S. Army personnel who went to wuhan in october. Their contention that u. S. Army spread the coronavirus to china. David they know that is not true, whole world knows that. They know they are not going to they are smart enough maybe not, but i would assume they are smart enough on realize whole world disbeliefs their claims, what is their end game . Well, i think they are trying to do find somebody to blame. This is a desperate Political Organization in china. Right now, you know it ludacris, i think most people in world know it is ludacris. To pursue the claims, which is really to hurt relations with the u. S. Is last thing that beijing should be doing, there is a real problem in political system in china right now they do something most prob abily under cuts their own interest, this is a sign of intense infighting at the top of the communist party. David i am wondering, who they, even in china, they hope to will weathebelieve their claims, i wd think Even Communist Party members would have trouble believes it. Yes, you know china is a big place. 1. 3 billion people, depending on who you talk to. I think that there is a small portion of the population, where this will resonate, a very nationalistic young population, but most people in china right now are angry at communist party because of mishandling of the coronavirus, they suffer from a downturn, a contraction of the chinese economy, with those people this will not play well, they know what the party is doing. David we know the rhetoric out of china, they have licked the virus, they are out of the rough. Buts that the economy really begun to start up again or is that a bunch of propaganda bs . I think that economy this month is better than january and february period, probably contracted 13 to 20 . But it probably still contracting, at a lower rate, thing that important is that were starting to see hints of a second wave of infection in china. The statistic that china is releasing indicated uptick in infections, they say they are imported, that is noted to the be believed, it would make sense they have prematurely gotten people back to job sites and back to theaters and the rif ref probable it shorting ton short o infection china again. David another thing that makes the propaganda attacks, more absurd they were hoping to get relief because of virus from tariffs, a temporary withholding of tariffs until virus crisis subsided a let ill, bu little, e doing nothing to help that process, navarro suggesting this would not be a temporary suss suspension partly because their behavior. China does not deserve a relief from terms of phase one deal, chinese political establishment knew about severity of the epidemic on january 15 when the phase 1 deal was signed. There was a Committee Meeting that xi jinping they discussed epidemic and outbreak, they knew what was going on, that you they sent their representatives to east room in white house to sign even though members of chinese delegation were potentially carrying that disease. David it must be a great emas am temasment embarrassment to them that taiwan has done so well in fighting the virus, they have close proximity with china. Taiwan is interesting it probably has the best reaction to the coronavirus. In the world. So, you say 110 miles acri fromm china, always been a lot of travel, but i think that too taiwan had reaction to sars epidemic, they learned how to deal with it they are doing that well with coronavirus. David god ples the bless them , gordon thank you. You. Thank you. David waffle house closed 418 locations. Restaurant chain has such a wellknown record of staying open during natural disaster, people that analyzeses chains activity to know how severe the events are, waffle index is now a index red. Coming up next, keeping an eye on White House Briefing room where President Trumps Coronavirus Task force is scheduled to provide the Daily Briefing soon. As President Trump leads the nation through the crisis, where has sleepy joe been . Washington examiners byron york is joining us with that and more after a few quick messages. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . David on wall street, stocks closed mix, dow up 496. S p up 28. Nasdaq was down about 34. Volume on the big board 8. 2 billion shares. Heavy. And reminder to listen to lous reports three times a day coasttocoast on the salem radio network. A bad day for joe biden, tuesday Washington Post fact checker gave his campaign 4 pinnochio for falsely claims that cdc was silenced by the Trump Administration. And biden had bizarre moments during recent interviews. Excuse me. You are supposed to cough into your elbow, i dont know, sir, i learned that covering your White House Briefing. Actual thats true, but im alone in my home. Why doesnt he just alike a president . That is a stupid way to say it. Sorry. Go ahead. No. No. Probably best i dont. Joining me now byron york, chief political correspondent. What did you make of that . Well, joe biden kind of trying to get back into the game. With a Huge National crisis going on. Way back in january 27, he wrote an oped about coronavirus, kind of ahead of it, then he disappeared. Until he gave a speech to march 12, and disappeared again, and e has been hunkered down in his house in delaware, conducting what he calls virtual fundraisers, this week he has been trying to get back in the game, because democrats have been giving rave reviews to new york Governor Cuomo. Who is in office, actually doing things, has authority to do things and appears be in more of a leadership role than joe biden. David he does. And until something happened last week, a fight going with i am talking about cuomo right now with the mayor of new york, de blasio over whether to really shut down the city 100 , but for essential services, he was fighting de blasio on that, finally he relented on friday. Gave in to de blasios demands, that lost him a certain credibility, now he is whining about not getting enough, staying that stimulus bill not enough, sounding like old whine ycuomo. I think in larger democratic world is may be a little bit inside baseball. Bottom line is andrew cuomo out with his jacket on, he looking official, and joe biden is nowhere to be found. Other thing you see now is biden and democrats are trying to refine their way of attacking President Trump over his response to the virus crisis. Back on january 31, actual day that President Trump restricted travel from china biden said this is no time for President Trumps his terrial ze xenophobia, he said, with a straight face, i am not criticizing President Trump, they are trying to criticize President Trump without appearing too criticize trump. David i talked to a fundraiser, a democratic fundraiser of note, asking if cuomo is stepping in now for biden, he said no biden is convinced in his mind he will win the election in november, there is no way he would step down. I say this is my own opinion from my experience. Remember back in 2016, a number of republicans who disliked donald trump so much they hoped there was some way they could get rid of him. Then there was talk about maybe white knight to come in and save the republican party. The fact is, there have been a lot of primaries, millions of democrats have voted more than 10 million voted for joe biden. The nominee of the party will be something that democrats have voted for, you cant have all of these people vote for joe biden, then party e elders say okay, wer more give me, pret trump has come out with task force. So. Nice to be with us. America continues to gain ground in the war against the virus i want to thank American People for answering the call, following our guide lines and making sacrifices required to overcome this terrible threat. More aggressively we commit to social distancing, the so important. Social distancing, such an important phrase. And we did it right now. We do it right now the more lives we can save, sooner we could get people back to work. Backtoschool. And back to normal. And there are a large second ses of country that can go back sooner than others, were looking at that people asking is that anna an alternative, i say absolutely. I approved major disaster declarations for new york, california, washington, iowa, louisiana, texas, and that has great significance, and legal significance. Were in a constant grouping, i can say this, we have a large grouping of people that does nothing but communicate with the various officials including, weve been spending a lot of time with new york officials because that really is by far the hottest spot. They have got a number of very tough weeks ahead of them. The governors doing a very good job. I spoke to the governor, Governor Cuomo last night and this morning and he mentioned that in his remarks that hes using the, that we are using and i think he feels because he understands negotiation, he thinks were using very appropriately the defense production act and we are, were using it where needed. It is a great point of leverage. It is a great negotiating tool but i really, i will tell you this, there is tremendous spirit from people and tremendous spirit with respect to these companies and, i dont have to use it very much at all. They want to do it as you know. General motors is involved. Fords involved. 3ms involved, others are involved and theyre all working very hard to produce product, all different products. We had very little product when we came. We built it up and we give it away as fast as we can to the different states. Were also as you know, building numerous hospitals and medical centers throughout certain areas in new york. It is at the convention center, the Javits Convention center. Were doing throughout the state medical centers there, somewhat different. I want you to know that im doing everything in my power to help the city pull through this challenge. Im working very hard on new york. It is by far our biggest problem. Maybe it will be, maybe it wont be but there is a lot of good, capable people working on it with us and our teams are working well with the state representatives. Were also doing some very large testings throughout the country. I told you yesterday that, and this is not a knock in any way, i just spoke with president moon. We had a very good conversation about numerous other things but but they have done a very good job on testing but we now are doing more testing than anybody by far. We do more in eight days than they do in eight weeks and we go up on a daily basis exponentially. So it is really good. By the way while im on it i also spoke with Prime Minister abe of japan last night and i congratulated him on a wise choice. I think it will be a fantastic olympics, 2021. I think it will be a fantastic olympics. It was the absolute right to delay it a fuel year, and have a full, beautiful olympics. It will be very important because probably the first time maybe ever or certainly in a long time that it was on a odd year. So always on an even year they tell me but he is going to have a fantastic success and now will have even more time. He didnt need everything more time. Everything was perfectly ready. What a job they have done. I want to congratulate japan, ioc and Prime Minister abe on a great decision. I think it will act fantastic olympics. I told him ill be there, ill be there. As we fight to protect american lives were also protecting american livelihoods. Democrats and republicans in the senate are very close to passing an emergency relief bill for american workers, families and businesses. This legislation in addition to the two bills i signed this month that includes, you know, sick leave and, we have all sorts of things in for the workers, for families but we have a tremendous paid sick leave provision for workers at no cost at all to the employers and thats a big thing, no cost to the employers. We want to get everybody back working. Together there is 2. 2 trillion legislative package is bigger than anything, i believe ever passed in congress. Perhaps relatively speaking, if you go back, look during the fdr new deal days there was something that, if you time value it, you could say it was bigger, i dont know, certainly in terms of dollars by far away biggest ever, ever done. That is a tremendous thing because a lot of this money goes to jobs, jobs, jobs, and families, families, families. The senate bill as you know includes 350 billion in Job Retention loans for Small Businesses with loan forgiveness available for businesses that continue paying their worker. They continue paying their workers. That is what we want. We want to keep their workers and continue to pay their workers that will allow our economy to quickly accelerate as

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