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Problem. They went on tv for weeks about how they had established bribery, extortion, Campaign Finance violations, but now none of these claims are anywhere to be found in the democrats articles of impeachment. We have a new poll from quinnipiac expected to unnerve democrat moderates. It shows for the first time the majority of voters now oppose impeachment even after the hearing. Now, if nancy pelosi loses 18 of the 31 vulnerable moderate democrats, if they vote against impeachment, impeachment is over. This as reports are coming in, yet another ukraine official now undercuts the democrats key impeachment finding. To labor unions, protesting Bernie Sanders, disrupting his speech on his government takeover plans of healthcare yesterday. Tonight why labor unions are really angry at Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Plus a bombshell new report revealing just how bad bernie and Elizabeth Warrens government takeover of healthcare really is. We already have government run healthcare. It is the va. A new scandal, hundreds of thousands of improper cancellations and delays in medical exams for soldiers, for things like heart disease, cancer, problems with brain disease. Its jeopardizing our military veterans. That story tonight. Plus pushback on the Trump Administration deploying u. S. Troops at the southern border to stop the border crisis. The pentagon acting watchdog now reviewing that deployment, after dozens of democrats complained. This as mexico about to close out a historic year. 2019 now mexicos most violent year ever. Im elizabeth macdonald. Thank you for joining us. The evening edit starts right now. Liz thanks for joinings. You are watching the fox business network. Fireworks today at the Senate Hearing featuring the Justice Department watchdog on his findings of fbi abuses using uncorroborated false democrat funded opposition research. The steele dossier. Also an unnamed Foreign Intelligence Agency, the fbi did use it to do surveillance. Watch this. Is it worse to have a Foreign Government trying to meddle in our elections . Or is it worse to have our own government meddling in the election . Because thats i think exactly what this report shows. It shows that our government, the most powerful Law Enforcement agency in the nation, the fbi, effectively meddled in an angoing president ial campaign. Ongoing president ial campaign. Massive conspiracy over time, to defraud the fisa court, to illegally surveil an american citizen and keep an operation open against a sitting president of the United States, violating every norm known to the rule of law. I think the activities we found here dont indicate anybody who touched this. This wasnt jason bourne. Liz james comey is still taking a victory lap. Lets get to fox news Jillian Turner with more. The Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrapped up a very long day on capitol hill today rehashing the findings he presented in his 434 page report thats been tearing up washington and the Intelligence Community since the report released two days ago. Take a listen. We found and as we outline here are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate hand picked investigative teams on one of the most sensitive fbi investigations after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the fbi. Multiple republican senators including ted cruz tore into one findings in particular, 17 major errors and omissions the report says relating to the fisa warrant application for carter page. The senate judiciarys top democrat, though, spent a lot of time down playing those 17 errors. Take a listen. We found and as we outline here are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate handpicked investigative teams on one of the most sensitive fbi investigations after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the fbi. Multiple Senate Republicans tell us theyre turning their attention now to the future. They say their main concern is preventing what happened to the Trump Campaign back in 2016 from ever happening again. Liz . Liz Jillian Turner, thank you for your reporting. Great to see you. Lets bring in former fbi special agent. Great to see you. Your thoughts on todays hearing . Im glad to hear the ig come out and explain some of what happened. I think it is important to remember there were just a few people at the fbi. We know who they are, and theyre no longer with the agency, that were involved this investigation. It goes against everything the men and women of the fbi stand for, and thats why there were so many problems. Liz ag barr says when the fbi did not have probable cause to do surveillance, that james comey and Andrew Mccabe turned instead to the fake steele dossier to do the government surveillance of the Trump Campaign. You know, those powers have grown exponentially since the 70s, meant for Foreign Terrorists and Foreign Governments. A law School Points out that fisa judges approve nearly 100 of fisa warrants and they are majorly intrusive warrants to spy. Your take on that . The reason they approve so many warrants is because no one would bring a warrant to the fisa court unless you had enough evidence to get it approved. The problem they have is the judges in the fisa court rely on the honesty, integrity of the investigators, presenting the information. There is traditionally never been issues until now when you had a couple of rogue people do the wrong thing. I think theres no question of that at all. And maybe we need to look at some checks and balances to make sure it doesnt happen again. Liz well, you know, the fbi director saying 40 corrective actions right now. The fbi also asked an unnamed Foreign Intelligence Agency to help with surveillance on the Trump Campaign according to the ig report. Do you know who that Government Agency is . I dont know who the Government Agency is. But it also brings into question, we are asking a Foreign Government to look at a u. S. Citizen. Id be very concerned of those steps and i think thats unprecedented. Liz heres the other thing, remember james comey briefed the president in january of 2017 about this steele dossier, knowing the steele dossier was unverified. The cia called it by that time, he knew the cia called it an internet rumor. It was politically motivated. It was paid for by democrats. Then comey arranged a leak of that information out of the briefing of the president to get special counsel mueller appointed and a public narrative that trump was an agent of a foreign power, russia, this roiled the country for two years and more comey has done more damage to the fbi and its reputation than anyone could imagine. Why he did the things that he did, i can only imagine, it makes no sense whatsoever. At the very least, it shows a lack of integrity. Liz lets get to this, okay, by the way, most of the targets of these fisa warrants never learn that their privacy has been invaded. Some are sent to prison. Defendants are not permitted to see what was told to the court, letting the court basically get the fbi and the intelligence eavesdrop on their calls and their devices. This is important. Attorney general barr calls the fbi trump probe a travesty. Sir, what is your reaction to this . He says the u. S. Prosecutor john durham, hes already disagreed with the horowitz findings. He says durham, ag barr says durham is looking into whether the fbi started spying much earlier than realized on the Trump Campaign. Watch this. Ing he is look at the issue of how it got started. Hes looking at whether or not the narrative of trump being involved in the russian interference actually preceded the lie and was in fact precipitating trigger for the investigation. Hes also looking at the conduct of the investigation. There are some things that were done in investigation that are not included in horowitzs report. Liz were talking prior to july 2016, you know, we dont know when i mean George Papadopoulos rumor i think came about that he heard that, you know, that there were wikileaks had basically you know the Hilary Clinton emails in may of 2016. How deep and how far back do you think this goes . You know, i dont think we know yet. But i think its important and fortunately mr. Durham is taking the right action. We need to uncover everything. Again, we have a couple of people that acted inappropriately, but lets go back and make sure we know exactly what happened and when so that way connect ensure it never happens again. God forbid a u. S. President should ever have to deal with such issues. Liz you know, former fbi lawyer, also inserted the words carter page not a source when he was working with the cia, the fbi, was effectively fined, carter page already working with the cia. I want to get to this, your reaction to the media saying, you know, criticizing william barr saying they were spying on the Trump Campaign. William barr is now saying weve got an irresponsible press, hyping a bogus steele file. By the way, no whistleblowers about what was going on at the fbi when we had whistleblowers of course on other issues. William barr says the media is wrong. The Trump Campaign was spied upon. He says wiring up people to make recordings without those people knowing is spying. Watch this. Clearly spied upon. I mean, thats what electronic surveillance is. I think wiring people up to go in and talk to people and make recordings of their conversations is spying. Liz reaction to the Media Coverage of this saying wasnt spying . You can spin it any way you want, but spying is spying. Liz john, come back soon. We love your comments. Good to see you. Thanks. Liz great analysis there, john, youre terrific. Come back soon. Update on your money, stocks snap a twoday losing streak after the Federal Reserve says it will hold Interest Rates steady. Gerri willis joins us from the big board with more. Markets closing higher across the board eking out small gains after the Federal Reserve said it will keep rates unchanged for the balance of the year and 2020. The major averages snapping a twoday losing streak. Dow up 29. The s p up 9. The nasdaq up 37. Interesting gold closing higher while the dollar and the tenyear treasury yields were down on fed chair j powells dovish comments on inflation. Meanwhile, we saw home depot continue to weigh on the dow after the company says it sees 2020 samestore sales growth falling short of wall street estimates. Shares of home depot closing down around 2 . Back to you, liz. Liz great to see you. Thanks for the update. Next up, impeachment getting weaker. House democrats went on television for weeks saying they had established crimes, like bribery, extortion, Campaign Finance violations, but now none of those claims are anywhere to be found in the democrats articles of impeachment. The credibility of the democrats getting weaker by the day. Doctor bob, what should i take for back pain . Before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. Salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, nonaddictive relief. Salonpas lidocaine. Patch, rollon or cream. Hisamitsu. Problems. Nobody likes problems. But why is that . At ibm, problems actually inspire us, to fix things, to change things, to push the world forward. 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We have the update. We had the big fisa ig hearing this morning and now it is on to what we call an impeachment mark up tonight before the house Judiciary Committee, a mark up thats kind of a fancy term for where they actually go through and hone and narrow down those actual articles of impeachment and thats what they are going to do tonight. Most of the heavy lifting will probably take place tomorrow. We will mostly get Opening Statements tonight, chewing up 3 1 2, four hours, that will be a late one, vote on the articles of impeachment tomorrow afternoon and put them on the house floor next week. President trump is saying the idea the impeachment is coming to the house floor, coming to a head at the same time they got a deal on the usmca, he says those two things are connected. Listen. They announced impeachment and then an hour later, she announced that shes going to do usmca. You know why . It is a huge deal and it plays down the impeachment because theyre embarrassed by the impeachment, and our poll numbers have gone through the roof because of her stupid impeachment. So it will go on the house floor next week and then inevitably we would have a senate trial. Lindsey graham, republican of south carolina, one of many republicans who are leery of a senate trial becoming a spectacle. President trump wants a full trial. Graham says [inaudible]. Listen. Everyone is dying to hear from joe biden, hunter biden, if there was corruption on their part and get schiff, shifty schiff and all that good stuff, im really worried about what this could do to the country. The Senate Majority leader mcconnell indicated yesterday he would not start debate on the usmca until they conclude a senate trial. Senator mcconnell is kind of playing 3d chess right now, kind of sending one message to president trump. He doesnt want a long trial, senator mcconnell doesnt, saying okay if you want this big legislative achievement, lets have a short trial and get through usmca first. The other 3d chess senator mcconnell is playing also sending a message to House Democrats and also the nation saying wait a minute, we cant get to the usmca because the floor is tied up with a senate trial for weeks and weeks because House Democrats, liberals in the house of representatives sent us these articles of impeachment. Back to you. Liz great to see you, chad. Thank you. House democrats went on tv for weeks about how they had established high crimes and misdemeanors. They talked yes we have evidence of bribery, extortion, Campaign Finance violation, emolument clause violations. Now none of these claims are anywhere to be found in the articles of impeachment. Heres president trump. Watch. This is the lightest, weakest impeachment. You know, our country has had actually many impeachments, judges, and lots of many impeachments, but it was on today, everybody said this is impeachment light. This is the lightest impeachment in the history of our country by far. Liz critics say the fastest. Okay, we have reports coming in, vulnerable moderate democrats in the house, districts that the president won, many of these are still pushing for censure. Now if pelosi loses 18 of these 31 democrats, impeachment will fail. Lets talk about it all with congressman ben klein of virginia, a member of house judiciary. Great to see you, sir. Your take on the democrats rapidly shrinking articles . Liz, thanks for having me. It is true, i was just on the house floor, and they are as nervous as cats on a hot tin roof. The Judiciary Committee tonight is full of partisans. It is stacked. They put it on primetime so they can play to their base and try and drum up support for these weak articles of impeachment that they are trying to push through tomorrow. Liz heres the impeachment case. According to testimony, the president abused his office and caused ukraines president to announce and launch investigations of ukraine meddling in 2016, the bidens conflict of interest, put a hold on nearly 400 Million Dollars of military aid to ukraine, trump willfully obstructed congressional investigation preventing the testimony of officials. Lets look at this new information coming out of a top aide to the ukraine leader confirming ukraine never felt the u. S. Military aid was tied to any investigations. Lets show the viewer that information from Time Magazine as we ask the congressman for his reaction. Your reaction on this . Well, i rarely read Time Magazine, but that article caught my eye. If you have sources directly refuting the testimony of individuals who testified before the intelligence committee, thats a real problem for their case. The 17 officials you mentioned are all testifying to hearsay and to opinions. Not to any actual first witness facts. So this case is very weak and thats why there are no crimes alleged in this whole impeachment process. Liz pelosi admitted an impeachment did start with the russia probe. No mention in the articles of allegations of trump obstruction in the mueller report. Word is democrats felt too much of a reach, didnt really excite public opinion. I want to move on to this. Pelosi said shes not whipping the votes, not counting the votes. We have got another top democrat calling the articles, quote, nebulous. Watch this. Its my hope that every member would, you know, consider the evidence and vote for the articles, anderson, but it is really truly a personal decision, and there will be no lobbying by anyone in the leadership on this. This is a matter of conscience, of your constituents and a constitution. I do think you need to be very specific about what you are charging the president with, and think that abuse of power is, you know, its a little bit fuzzier. Its sort of nebulous. Liz we also have this from the house judiciary report. They are saying basically you can impeach a president on [inaudible]. Heres the quote the question is whether the president s real reasons the ones in his mind at the time were legitimate. Your reaction to all of what you just heard . Thats what weve been reduced to, what the president was thinking at the time when they have no facts, when they have no evidence, over the course of the last three years, they have been trying to find a reason to impeach this president , and the best they can come up with, well, were guessing what he was thinking at the time was something nefarious. This is a really, really sad day for the house of representatives. Its the first time weve ever impeached a president for noncriminal offenses, and i would urge my colleagues to step back and look at what they want history to say about tomorrow. Liz polls show voters feel like he ran through the red light but does it rise to the level of impeachment . We have quinnipiac saying for the first time, majority of voters 51 oppose impeachment even after the hearings. Final word, sir . Well, the people know that this president has done nothing wrong, criminally, that he is pushing the envelope to drain the swamp. The swamp is trying to fight back against him. And they are not going to succeed because ultimately the people know that hes on their side. Liz great to see you congressman. Come back soon. Thanks, liz. Liz later in the show, pushback on the Trump Administration deploying troops to the southern border to stop the border crisis. The pentagons acting watchdog now reviewing that, after dozens of democrats complained. This as mexico about to close out an historic year, 2019 now mexicos most violent year ever. The story coming up. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. 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This as the secretary of state pompeo says the economic measures against iran may only get worse from here. As long as its malign behavior continues so will our campaign of maximum pressure. Today should put the world on notice. Those who have illicit transactions with these companies will risk exposures to sanctions on themselves. The sanctions on two shipping company wills begin in about six months. The sanctions against the airline begin immediately. This less a week after the u. S. And iran finalized a prison swap that freed an american student for more than three years in an iranian prison. Secretary pompeo suggested that could begin a broader dialogue with iran to secure the release of other american hostages there. He says hes had some indication thats the case, though he says he wants to be cautious about overstating the chances and provide false optimism. The Trump Administration says it is willing to negotiate with iran without any preconditions. The iranian government says it wants relief on sanctions before it does. The u. S. Government has refused. This is also by the way the year after the United States withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Agreement and restored sanctions against irans top exports. Liz . Liz rich edson at the state department, thank you very much. Lets bring in my next guest, retired army general. General, great to se you, sir. Great to see you, sir. Hi liz. Liz will these sanctions stop iran from producing weapons of mass destruction and stop them from spreading terrorism within the region . Yes, and so far the results are encouraging. You know, this administration is the first in living memory thats really been able to use the e, the economic part of military power effectively. The disadvantage, as you know, liz, is economic sanctions take time. Whats interesting is whats happening now is how quickly the economic hammer is beginning to take a toll on the iranians. The israelis tell us that the activities of hezbollah in syria are way down. The revolutionary guards influence along the border areas nowhere near as strong as it used to be. The rebels in yemen have sort of dialled back their insurgency over recent months. So the pressure of sanctions is beginning to grip the iranian population, because the mullahs are afraid of civil unrest brought about by economic hardships. And the United States is the power that holds the hammer over the iranians to a degree thats never been seen in this conflict for decades. Liz whats really interesting there was no military reaction or response to the attack on the saudi oil fields. Your take on that versus whats happening now. Well, i mean, there really i dont want to go into details, liz, but there has been military activity over the saudi airfield over the oil fields recently, but its been in a clandestine fashion, particularly the special forces, the revolutionary guard, the iranians are trying to work their way back into saudi arabia and cause more damage. The problem is they havent been successful because the means that they have at their disposal and the alliances that they have used particularly with the rebels in the past are beginning to dry up. Why are they drying up . Because the iranians dont come to the table with much money anymore, liz. Liz interesting. Forgive me i meant u. S. Military response. Instead, you know, the president is offering to continue to say lets talk tehran, but is this the plan with iran, continue to violate the nuclear deal, to pressure europe, to weaken the effect of the sanctions, to get europe to step up against the sanctions. Is that irans strategy right now . And also the other fear is that iran could launch missile attacks on oil tankers in the strait of hormuz. Your reaction to all of that . I will start with the oil tankers. Not likely. They dont have the technological means to hit them with ballistic missiles, and it is unlikely that they will use their coastal surfacetosurface missiles against tankers. No, they have different means for doing that. And it is not based around missiles. As far as the incentive or disincentives to cause mischief in the area, i think the results have come in, and its all driven by fear of what the common man in the streets of tehran are going to do. The mullahs believe that they have to put their economy back in shape, and the only way they can do that in the shortterm is to dial back the violence, talk to the United States. Liz general, great to see you. Thank you for your insights. Come back soon. Thank you. Liz just ahead, labor unions protested and disrupted Bernie Sanders speech on governmentrun healthcare yesterday. Weve got the details in a bombshell new report. A new scandal breaking out at the veterans affairs, affecting our military veterans. Remember, critics say the va is government run, single payer healthcare. We already have it. It is in action. It is bad. Thats coming up. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. 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And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Liz trouble for Bernie Sanders campaign, Labor Union Workers are a big democrat base, they protested and disrupted bernies speech on his governmentrun healthcare plan. It was at a union event in las vegas. About a dozen Union Members started heckling Bernie Sanders. Watch. For all people will be able to go to any doctors they want and any hospitals they want. Liz okay. Did you hear that . They are saying union healthcare, protect union healthcare. How do you pay for it . Heritage foundations Joel Griffith is here. Great to see you. Thank you. Liz did you expect to see labor, Union Workers disrupting Bernie Sanders speeches . It was a bit of a surprise, but i thought eventually it would happen because as people catch on to this plan, people are rightfully concerned. It is not just about the cost. Make no mistake, the cost would be a big additional tax on regular workers, but it is really the lack of control, the fact that people are going to give up control over their own healthcare decisions and put that into the hands of the federal government. That is really starting to trouble people as it should. Liz so its were in a brandnew world. Bernie sanders campaign, Elizabeth Warren campaign, now marching right into the buzz saw of negative reaction from the labor unions. Heres why they are angry. Tell me if im wrong, that if sanders and warren do a government takeover of healthcare, it would wipe out the unions own Health Coverage. The unions use their Health Coverage as a big bargaining chip with their bosses. They give up a lot in the way of wages in order to get better healthcare. They know that if they get stuck in the same government dmv line as everybody else, bosses may stick them at lower wages. Your reaction to that . Are we off base here . No, they will be stuck with lower wages because as of now, the Healthcare Benefits are tax deductible, to the employer. I should say to the employee. If you receive 500 a month of Health Benefits from your employer, you dont pay tax on that. You will lose that tax advantage. Youre talking not just Union Members that are going to lose this. Were talking 164 million americans that are covered by Employer Health plans, the vast majority of which are people like myself, that are actually quite happy with the healthcare that we have, were all going to be forced on to a government system, the same government that mismanages the benefits to veterans. If you talk to a veteran, ask them, how do you like your va . A lot of them that are actually in need of care, they are suffering right now. Further more, look at whats going on in europe. Look at the wait times in canada, the u. K. , and then look at the tax burden the middle class is saddled with across europe. We want a european style welfare state . You will have to pay european stale taxes. European style taxes. Were talking 50 taxes like you have in france and whopping sales tax. Liz exactly value added taxes. Warren announced what he call her rubrics cube plan to pay for government takeover. International association of firefighters, they dont like what bernie and elizabeth are talking about. Theyve endorsed joe biden. Look at what Goldman Sachs is now finding in terms of the rapid increase in bluecollar wages, up 4. 3 . The fastest pace since the financial crisis, under trump. This is near the peaks of the 1990s expansions when we had a dot com internet boom. It outpaces the 3. 3 average for all other workers, bluecollar wages accelerating. Joel . These are big data points here. We see wages accelerating across the board at all income levels but those at the bottom tier are seeing their wages increase at a faster pace than anybody else, at a rate of nearly twice the rate of inflation. I think it is important to point out, this isnt just over the last month or last quarter even though those numbers have been good. This has been going on for several years. We are at an alltime high in household income, and you go back 40 years now, if you look at the percentage of people that are in the upper class and the upper middle class, that has grown dramatically over the past 40 years. Were seeing a continuation of that. Liz great to see you, joel. Come back soon. Coming up, we are going to stay on this subject, a bombshell new report, we already have sanders and warren governmentrun healthcare, its the va. Now this, a new scandal, the va watchdog says va officials improperly cancelled and delayed hundreds of thousands of medical tests for things like heart disease, problems with their brain, cancer, jeopardizing our military veterans. Kristen tate joins me next. The epson ecotank. No more buying cartridges. Look at all this ink it comes with. Big ink tanks. Lots of ink. No more cartridges. Incredible amount of ink. The epson ecotank. Just fill and chill. vo thewith every attempt, strto free itself,piders web. It only becomes more entangled. Unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. Defy the laws of human nature. At the season of audi sales event. Quitting smoking is freaking hard. St, like quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So, try making it smaller. And youll be surprised at how easily starting small. Can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette this is the epson no more buying cartridges. Big ink tanks. Lots of ink. Print about. 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Our guest tonight special advisor to the president , House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy is joining us as well. Wall street Journal Editorial Board member kim strassel on the hearings today with the Inspector General. Congressman Anthony Gonzales and china analyst gordon chang, all of that coming up at the top of the hour, liz. Liz lou, you know, the media keeps saying there was no spying on the Trump Campaign. Attorney general barr is saying listen, you wear a wire, and you record somebody, and you dont tell them, isnt that spying . I mean what is it if its not, you know . Lou its amazing to me the attorney general has had to give instruction to the entire country on the fact that surveillance is spying. And to hear Michael Horowitz today, liz, arguing with senator cronin over the idea that surveillance is the word only word he could use is stunning. The fact is, they were spying on the president of the United States. And by the way, how he could decide that there was no political bias in that . When point of fact, there was foreign interference, and if you look at the relationship among papadopoulos, the campaign, and intelligence, you see what was completely a ruse and likely set by our intelligence agencies. Liz its a great point. The ig found Foreign Intelligence Agency was used to spy on help spy on the Trump Campaign. Lou dobbs, we will be watching. It is going to be a great show. Good to see you. Lou good to see you. Liz coming up, we have a bombshell new report, a new scandal, the va watchdog now says va officials improperly cancelled and delayed hundreds of thousands of medical tests for things like heart disease, cancer, jeopardizing our military veterans. Look who is here. Conservative commentator, shes a great book writer and author and columnist kristen tate. Kristen, lets go quickly through the numbers. Improperly cancelled an estimated 106,000 requests for radiology and medical tests . Also delayed 115,000 kristen, the thing here is this is only from between september of 2017 to december of 2017, this is a three month time they picked up at the va facilities. Go ahead. The incompetence is absurd. This is so sad because the victims here are our nations bravest and most heroic people, our veterans. Have you ever heard of a private Insurance Company not dealing with backlogs like this with thousands of patients. Have you ever heard of them delaying cat scans after brain lesions are found . This stuff would never fly in the private sector. If a private company tried to to any of this, they would be closed down and out of business within 30 days as they should be, but not in the government, because the government only grows. We ought to let the va Healthcare System just burn to the ground and be destroyed, because our veterans, our nations heroes deserve the best. They deserve to pick their own kind of healthcare. You know what, liz . I say lets put all members of congress on the va Healthcare System themselves and see how they like it because something tells me, their opinion of governmentrun healthcare would change pretty quickly. Liz yeah, we have been saying that too. Put politicians like sanders and warren on the va and see how they like it. Exactly. Liz it was a wideranging audit of nine va facilities. To your point, they found things like an ultrasound exam of a veterans liver. He wanted it. It was dating back to 2016. He was still waiting for the results. We also found things like tests delayed for cancer. One veteran had a brain lesion. Hes still waiting for the results, more than a month and a half later. Heres the stat, one in six routine urgent tests takes an average of a month and a half to complete. And i think one of it is one in four took an average of 34 days. Thats more than twice as long as these military veterans should be waiting. Thats the point. This double wait time that they should be waiting. Go ahead, kristen. Its infuriating. The va Healthcare System is the perfect example of how governmentrun healthcare is subject to endless bureaucracy, fraud, and overspending. My own grand father died in the care of a va hospital. Ive seen firsthand how terrible these places can be. And if we get a democrat in office, if one is elected next year, and they try to implement a single payer system, our entire system could basically become a gigantic version of the va Healthcare System. These are problems that have been in place for a long time, and theyre very hard to fix because there is zero accountability within the va itself as is true with many government programs. Liz kristen tate, great to see you. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. Liz pushback on the Trump Administration deploying u. S. Troops to the southern border to stop the border crisis. The pentagon acting watchdog now reviewing that after dozens of democrats complained. This as mexico about to close out an historic year, 2019 now mexicos most violent year ever. The story next. I try to find companies that turn these challenges into opportunities. Its these unique companies with Creative Business models that will generate value for our investors. Thats why i go beyond the numbers. A more secure diaper closure. There were babies involved. And they werent saying much. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. We are people helping people. [ ] liz the pentagon acting Inspector General examining the legality of u. S. Troop deployment to the bordered after 30 members of congress sent a letter questioning possible constitutional violations. The deployments have been going on for more than a year. Your reaction to this story . Thank you for having me on tonight. Its very important for people to remember that Border Security is national security. What happens on the border affects every small town across the United States. U. S. Military has been helping my entire career on the u. S. Bored. I think it oig investigation will find that we do everything consistent with federal law, we are using the troops appropriately. Liz what was your reaction to a federal judge saying the administration cannot use 3. 6 billion of redirected money for the border wall . Thrpts and i unnorth thats an unfortunate decision. Thru but there are other sources of funding. I believe Border Security is national security. I personally believe its a legitimate use. But well have to play that out in court. Liz all this is going on as mexico is closing out a record year for homicidal violence in mexico. 261,000 people homicide killed in mexico since 2009. It has a per capita homicide violence rate larger and bigger than the middle east. A lot of it has to do with the drug cartels. Can you talk to us about seizures of drugs at the border . I appreciate you talking about the violence in the middle east. South of our border we have he seen a massive amount of violence and the cartels use human shields. Fentanyl alone is up 33 . Again, a left people talk about the bordered like its some nebulous thing off in the distance. But this affects every Community Across the United States. We either have secure borders or we dont. Border security again national security, narcotics, people, commodities. We dont have the luxury of picking and choosing which one we deal with. We have to deal with them all. Liz explain to the viewer how dangerous fentanyl is. In the rio grande valley, 11 pounds was seized that will kill over 2 million people. Its a narcotic that just touching it, it can be absorbed through your skin and kill you. Its the most dangerous drug we dealt with pretty much ever. Liz do you think mexican drug cartels should be subject to tear you rift sanctions . Thats something that will have to be dealt with politically. I would have said no historically. But when you start using civilians as cover that changes the dynamic. Liz lou docks is next. [ ] lou good evening, everybody, Inspector General Michael Horowitz today waxed poetic on the origins of the radical dimms and deep state efforts to bring down president trump. Horowitz told the senate Judiciary Committee that the obamaera fbi opened the investigation on the Trump Campaign in the summer of 2016. And Alexander Downer suggested a suggestion that involved former Campaign Advisor George Papadopoulos. Was insinuated to the fbi, then may

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